Home Australia Why Would We Grant Immunity to Foreign Troops in Australia?

Why Would We Grant Immunity to Foreign Troops in Australia?


by Dee McLachlan

Do you remember those crazy conspiracies “Whoooaaa… foreign troops are going to be brought in to control the US patriots”?

Well, it seems Australia, Gaia-Lab Central (i.e., Australia, the beta-testing ground), is to implement the foreign troops’ scenario. Maybe my home city of Melbourne will be the testing ground.

Enter, Defence Legislation Amendment (Enhancement of Defence Force Response to Emergencies) Bill 2020 — A Bill for an Act to amend the law relating to the Australian Defence Force, and for related purposes.

Related purposes?

Let’s scan through Schedule 2—Immunity.

The Bill now wants to insert a “protected person“. Mmmm. Protected from what one might ask?

123AA  Immunity in relation to certain assistance

             (1)  A protected person… is not subject to any liability (whether civil or criminal) in respect of anything the protected person does or omits to do, in good faith, in the performance or purported performance of the protected person’s duties, if:

…the duties are… by or on behalf of the ADF or the Department, to… (ii)  members of the community; and (b) the assistance is provided to prepare for a natural disaster or other emergency that is imminent [e.g., plandemic?], or to respond to one that is occurring or recover from one that occurred recently [mandatory tracing and vaccinations?]; and

These actions can be taken as long as this is in the benefit of the nation, or is necessary for the protection of Commonwealth agencies, Commonwealth personnel, or Commonwealth property. Really?

To continue:

(3)  Each of the following is a protected person: (a)  a member of the Defence Force; (b)  an APS employee in the Department; (c)  a person authorised under subsection (4) to perform duties in respect of the provision of assistance mentioned in subsection (1).

(4)  The Chief of the Defence Force, or the Secretary, may, in writing, authorise a person…

       (b)  a member of the naval, military or air force of a foreign country, or a member of a foreign police force.

Did I read that correctly?

And what are the ramifications for:

(6)  In performing a delegated function or exercising a delegated power, the delegate must comply with any written directions of the Minister.

(7)  A direction made under subsection (2) is not a legislative instrument.

(8)  This section does not prevent assistance being provided by or on behalf of the ADF or the Department in circumstances where a direction has not been made under subsection (2).

Maybe Gumshoe lawyers could dissect this proposed bill to determine exactly what is going on here.

Question: Does this mean a foreign police force could be brought in, and if they act against citizens — causing Australians to die — would they and the ministers that approved and directed their actions be immune to any prosecution?

The immunity granted to a “protected person” is gravely concerning to the rights and freedom of all Australian Citizens. Why would we grant immunity to Foreign Troops?
Please explain. Write to your Senator.


  1. The Serco black police force, are mercenaries employed from various nations.
    UN ‘peace’ forces are all multinational. The CCP are in North Australia and so is the US military.
    Pine Gap and Port Exmouth are blatant examples of foreign occupation.
    Crown is still in control here, using the secret services of many nations unified in establishing the One World Disorder. Has been that way all through the 20th century, more so since 911.
    The question is, who are these multi national forces working for ?
    For example, when Yugoslavia fragmented back to its origins, many employed by UDBA came here. Being joined at the hip with British and Mossad secret intelligence, their experience was welcomed and rewarded in Oz. I don’t know about other cities, but Sydney airport has been run by them for fifty years at least. With Mossad they controlled Westfield security globally. Last, but not least, the CCP invasion here this century has positioned Chinese as the defacto premier secret police force. They are all in it together, crown kabal freemasonry is the ring that binds them, that is why Oz is the launching pad for technocratic dystopia. Sadly, we the citizens have absolutely no say in anything. There are no words to describe these traitors in power. Serco has built state of the art detention centres all around Oz, waiting for this moment – tha mandatory vaccination agenda, where they will confiscate all private properties and inprison the common mass that refuse to take the mark of the beast.

    • Chrissy Chat – Lets Muckety Around Serco

      This is one of the most controversial organisations today for a number of reasons. This would help to open up a whole new parameter of insight and connections most valuable to researchers of truth

        • SERCO Agents, ROTHSCHILD Banksters And Their Sabotage Schemes Against Civilian Airliners
          Dum Dum December 26, 1996 – SES associates apparently issued Taser International’s Hand-held stun gun for incapacitating a human target US6636412B2 to the Con Air SWAT team which delivered a ransom note signed S.B.T.C (Small Business Torture Club?) to John Benett Ramsey in his Boulder Colorado home on December 26, 1996 where the note asked for $118,000 (equal to his Christmas bonus from the Lockheed Martin board of directors) in return for the safe return of his already-dead and cruelly-tortured daughter, the late JonBenet Ramsey.


            Serco’s 8 Five-Eyes Visas – Trudeau’s ISIS Sleepers

            AD ASSERTS THAT JUSTIN TRUDEAU’S ‘LIBRANO’ COLLEAGUES ARE PLANNING TO CONCEAL ISIS SLEEPER CELLS AMONG UNSCREENED REFUGEES FROM SYRIA for subsequent attacks by ‘expendables’ with Serco 8(a) companies on the United States.

          • BRIEF 157
            Misprision of treason
            Field McConnell David Hawkins Abel Danger SERCO.
            ISRAEL – SERCO
            “The British are the Masters of Deception!”
            “ANGEL IS NEXT!” – 9/11
            COUP D’ÉTAT
            12-7-2017 Serco’s Israel War Games on Paddock CAI Trump

            From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
            Misprision of treason is an offence found in many common law jurisdictions around the world, having been inherited from English law. It is committed by someone who knows a treason is being or is about to be committed but does not report it to a proper authority.

          • Arlyn, great to see you posting some of Field McConnell’s output from his website Abel Danger.
            His websites have been taken down some time ago but still info there via the blogspot option.

            McConnell, a former USMC fighter pilot, having flown F4 Phantoms and F16’s, is an outspoken critic of malfeasance in the U.S government/Military/Intel agencies.

            That being so, and knowing that McConnell is an honest broker of the utmost integrity, there are countless retired and active duty personnel in these agencies that provide him with a deluge of information exposing said criminality and specifics on False Flags like the 9/11 deception.

    • “…………Serco is there to manage this Walker patent implementation all over the planet and then to be able to dial up the 5G[frequencies] and its effects, which will include killing people – and then, also deal with the aftermath…

      [They] deal with immigration, with healthcare, with prisons with pathology, FEMA Region 9…[an area] impacted by drought, where they actually predicted there was going to be a mass migration out of California. We said to ourselves, “Oh my gosh”. Serco was organized to manage not just the [population] reduction, the eugenics of various countries [but] then to [clean up] the aftermath.”


    • Eyewitness to the Agony of Julian Assange in the hands of the jewdiciary.

      …………….In the past three weeks, in the pre-dawn, he was strip-searched, shackled, and prepared for transport to the Central Criminal Court, the Old Bailey, in a truck that his partner, Stella Moris, described as an upended coffin. It had one small window; he had to stand precariously to look out. The truck and its guards were operated by ( Israeli owned ) SERCO, one of many politically connected companies that run much of Boris Johnson’s Britain.

      ………………In Australia, a National Security Information Act promises Kafkaesque trials for transgressors. The Australian Broadcasting Corporation has been raided by police and journalists’ computers taken away. The government has given unprecedented powers to intelligence officials, making journalistic whistle-blowing almost impossible. Prime Minister Scott Morrison says Assange ‘must face the music’. The perfidious cruelty of his statement is reinforced by its banality………………..


  2. VERY important video

    Nazism, COVID-19 and the destruction of modern medicine_ An interview with Vera Sharav, Part One

    Stand for Health Freedom recently had the honour of sitting down with Holocaust survivor Vera Sharav and capturing her personal story on film.
    It’s a story that every individual needs to hear. A renowned champion of human rights and expert in biomedical research ethics,
    Ms. Sharav offers rare and valuable insights into the public health arena and state of emergency affecting each and every one of our lives.
    She also draws parallels between what happened in Nazi Germany and what’s happening in our society today —
    and discusses why it’s more important than ever for us to take a stand.

  3. Supposing David McBrides whistleblowing wont be needed any more either. Not a crime if the adf have authorised it in good faith.
    Someone said five eyes was to get round the not spying on your own citizens problem, USA spies on us and shares it with gov,… same I suppose here with previously illegal actions?

    • Just more evidence of the evil agenda – coincidence that this Bill & the Aussie one are presented so close in time? I think not!
      IMO, Claire Hanna deserves an ear – Northern Ireland offers history for learning!
      Lord Ken Macdonald: the Bill “will make it easier for a policeman to commit a serious crime than to search a shed” – If that comment isn’t already a worry, what about the latitude given “other (undefined) agencies”?
      I wonder if other countries are simultaneously introducing similar ‘legislation’?

  4. #2678: Serco’s Live-Fire Scripts – Clinton Patented Wagers – Pedophile Traps In SECNAV Tor
    1. Abel Danger (AD claims that Serco shareholders are liable for any wrongful deaths or property damage which result from the switching of Serco clients from emergency-response or war-game exercises into live-fire scripts in the so-called assassination market.

    AD claims that Serco shareholders including the UK government procured patented devices for “Real-time interactive wagering on outcomes WO 2001083058 A8” for the donors to the Clinton Foundation to bet on outcomes of a Global Guardian live-fire exercise on September 10-12 2001.
    AD claims that Serco 8(a) companies equipped the Secretary of the Navy’s (SECNAV) office with the onion router (Tor) devices so that expert witnesses to a live-fire script switch on 9/11 could be trapped with downloaded child pornography and then blackmailed into silence.
    United States Marine Field McConnell invites James Comey – FBI director and former director of Serco shareholder HSBC – to investigate Serco’s apparent operation of a live-fire assassination market and pedophile-entrapment network out of the offices of the Secretary of the Navy (http://www.abeldanger.net/2010/01/field-mcconnell-bio.htm).

  5. Post COVID World: The “New Abnormal”

    Abel Danger (AD) claims that Serco is using the Offenders Tag Association to place pedophile entrapment experts in or near the UK Cabinet Office and extort or blackmail its leaders into supporting a supranational government of world bankers and feminist elites.
    AD claims that Serco has equipped the Clinton Foundation and the Marriott hotel chain with 8(a) death-bet servers so elite – frequently pedophile – guests can join snuff-film crews as crisis actors and track tagged patsies through crimes scenes to time victim deaths.
    AD claims Serco used Hotel Clinton servers and EU Situation Center networks to transmit Zulu money shots of a tagged offender cutting a priest’s throat in the Église St Étienne in the northern town of Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray on Tuesday July 26 2016.
    United States Marine Field McConnell offers to show Donald Trump how to shut down the Hotel Clinton death-betting server network and indict the pedophile-entrapment experts which Serco has so skillfully embedded in UK Cabinet Office and its White House counterpart (http://www.abeldanger.net/2010/01/field-mcconnell-bio.html).

    Serco’s stranglehold on the US military – CTM #712 – Field McConnell

    • A great video and for those not familiar with Field McConnell, this is a great way of familiarising yourself.
      I saw this Caravan To Midnight broadcast several years ago and it’s still a treat to watch today.

      Some highlights : Around 24:00, Field mentions Angus Houston and Warren Truss (then head of the ADF and Deputy P.M respectively) and their complicity in the MH370 affair.

      Field is the leading authority on the world on the MH370 incident (or at least the leading authority that’s willing to speak the truth about it) – that’s why the Malaysian government asked him to come to Malaysia soon after MH370 went missing so he could fill them in.

      Highlight # 2 (Gumshoe readers, make sure you listen to this) : From 2:00:55 – 2:08:00 you can hear the story of how Billy and Karen Vaughn (parents of Aaron Vaughn who was part of Seal Team 6 that was murdered by Obama), came to visit Field McConnell in his home in Plum City Wisconsin.

      They went to Field because they were told he was the ‘GO-TO’ man on all the big issues – and he most certainly is.

      Note: The Chinook carrying Seal Team 6 was at an altitude of 125 feet (ie: less than 40 metres above the ground).

      Gumshoe readers, this video may be the best 2hrs and 44 mins you will have invested in your entire life.

      (If it isn’t, get back to me – I’ll owe you a drink).

      For those pressed for time and wanting to know what happened to Seal Team 6, do NOT miss the 7 mins from 2:00:55 to 2:08:00.

      Enjoy your evening readers.

  6. Post COVID World: The “New Abnormal”
    #2125: Marine Links Serco Pedophile Adoptee Tag to SOS Hull House Heifers, Murder of Donald Young
    Plum City – (AbelDanger.net): United States Marine Field McConnell has linked Serco’s use of pedophile adoptee tags to monitor the movement of abusers and abused through interstate and foreign commerce, to the adoption services of SOS Children’s Village and Hull House in Chicago in which Michelle Obama and Valerie Jarrett apparently served as heifers for Barack ‘Cakeboy’ Obama and allegedly arranged the murder of his erstwhile same-sex partner, Donald Young in December 2007.

    McConnell alleges that for decades Serco – and its root companies Electric Telegraph Company, Marconi and RCA GB 1929 – have used Hull House in Chicago with its parent organization Toynbee Hall in London’s Whitechapel district, to recruit heifers and SOS children into a pedophile adoptee tagging racket which Obama’s lover Donald Young was ready to expose.

    McConnell alleges that after Young had been silenced in December 2007, Serco agents in Chicago, David Coleman Headley and Tahawwur Hussain Rana, used Boeing’s Red Switch Network to monitor hit teams equipped with pedophile adoptee tags and coordinate the twelve shooting and bombing attacks lasting four days across Mumbai in 2008, which the Heifers fraudulently attributed to the Lashkar-e-Taiba terrorist group.

    MH Flight 370 and Pine Gap

    • Seeing as you brought up the Millennium Report Arlyn, (and yes it’s off topic and I know I promised Mary that I’d go easy on mentioning Zio-this and Zio-that, but bear with me Mary for this one final comment for the immediate future), we have below something else from them giving us some idea about the stratospheric wealth of the Rothschild dynasty :


      Some interesting bits from the article :

      “Behind the scenes, the Rothschild dynasty is unquestionably the most powerful bloodline on Earth and their estimated wealth exceeds $500 trillion. They own the entire financial system.

      The Rothschilds have set up the world’s financial institutions making sure they literally receive 90% of the generated interest paid by the populace at large. These criminals are Luciferians while on the surface, for easier public consumption, they have dubbed their religion Zionism. In truth, they worship Lucifer, which includes satanic ritual abuse, including paedophilia and the sacrifice of children.

      The third echelon, directly below the BIS are the Rothschild-owned IMF – International Monetary Fund – and World Bank. The IRS and similar tax-collecting agencies in other countries, are structured as a foreign, private corporation of the IMF and forms the private “army” of the Federal Reserve – Fed – and all other Central Banks. The main objective is to make sure the people pay their taxes and always remain useful slaves. Their sole devotion is to enslave entire countries and their populaces through their criminal debt money system.

      Nathan Rothschild, during the Battle of Waterloo in 1815, manipulated the stock market to purchase and pay for England. He discovered also how profitable it is to finance both sides of a war – they’ve been doing that ever since.

      Nathan found himself with an increase in wealth of 6,500 times more than what he had previously owned after his engineered stock market crash of 1815. In essence, he robbed Britain blind, and he became, for all accounts and purposes, the owner of most of England.”

      Now, I don’t pretend to know even the approximate net worth of the Rothschilds and, in all fairness the estimated $ 500 trillion net worth attributed to them is well and truly on the high side compared to most other estimates I’ve seen.

      Similarly, the multiplication of wealth by Six Thousand Five hundred times betting on the outcome of the Battle of Waterloo is WILDLY exaggerated.

      But readers, let’s put things in perspective.

      Even we’re conservative and say that the Rothschilds have a net worth which is ONE-TENTH of that stated in this article (ie: only $ 50 trillion), that is still DOUBLE THE GDP of the United States.

      Let’s compare that to the alleged richest man in the world (Jeff Bezos of Amazon who has around $ 120 billion of net worth).

      The Rothschilds $ 50 trillion is equivalent to 416 Jeff Bezos’s !!!!!

      And, in relation to the multiplication of Nathan Mayer Rothschild’s wealth betting on the outcome of Waterloo, let’s be ULTRA-conservative and say he increased his wealth by ONE-HUNDREDTH of the stated figure in the article.

      ie: instead of a 6500 times multiplication there was ‘only’ a 65 times multiplication.

      Bear in mind that Nathan Mayer Rothschild was ALREADY one of the richest men in the richest country on Earth BEFORE the Battle of Waterloo.

      So, to increase his wealth by a factor of 65 from an already phenomenally high base would yield an end result which is no less than ‘OBSCENE WEALTH to the power of 100’.

      Do we really need to bother with wealth comparisons to the nickel and dime ‘Bush gang’ ???

      Can you see readers why I lose patience with poorly researched individuals on Gumshoe who make this comparison ?

      • The lies start right at the top !

        “(and yes it’s off topic and I know I promised Mary that I’d go easy on mentioning Zio-this and Zio-that, but bear with me Mary for this one final comment for the immediate future)”

        Followed by the usual relentless drone

  7. This draft legislation will only come as a surprise to those who cling to the delusion that Australia is a democracy. Any last vestiges of that status was buried in November 1975. It has been a US colony ever since and increasingly repressive legislation is needed to keep the locals from getting too restless with their colonial status.

  8. Dee, I am on the road in NYC and can’t look it up but now that we hear that US (in Darwin) is to be one of the foreign forces, may I point out that anywhere the US military goes, they make a contract (if you could call it that) with the host nation (if you could call it that).

    It is called SOFA Status of Forces Agreement. It demands immunity for crimes committed by You-know whom. I think the soldier’s rape of local girls in Okinawa was a famous example.

    Watch out, Aussie girls!

    By the way, not many New Yorkers wearing the mask. I spoke to a few who had already heard about the Melbourne situation.

  9. Why Would We Grant Immunity to Foreign Troops in Australia?

    Because they own the RBA!

    The Federal Reserve Cartel: The Eight Families + 7 Not-So-Secret Homes Of Super Secret Societies

    ………..J. W. McCallister, an oil industry insider with House of Saud connections, wrote in The Grim Reaper that information he acquired from Saudi bankers cited 80% ownership of the New York Federal Reserve Bank- by far the most powerful Fed branch – by just eight families, four of which reside in the US.

    They are the Goldman Sachs, Rockefellers, Lehmans and Kuhn Loebs of New York; the Rothschilds of Paris and London; the Warburgs of Hamburg; the Lazards of Paris; and the Israel Moses Seifs of Rome.

    CPA Thomas D. Schauf corroborates McCallister’s claims, adding that ten banks control all twelve Federal Reserve Bank branches.

    He names N.M. Rothschild of London, Rothschild Bank of Berlin, Warburg Bank of Hamburg, Warburg Bank of Amsterdam, Lehman Brothers of New York, Lazard Brothers of Paris, Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York, Israel Moses Seif Bank of Italy, Goldman Sachs of New York and JP Morgan Chase Bank of New York.

    Schauf lists William Rockefeller, Paul Warburg, Jacob Schiff and James Stillman as individuals who own large shares of the Fed. The Schiffs are insiders at Kuhn Loeb. The Stillmans are Citigroup insiders, who married into the Rockefeller clan at the turn of the century…………


  10. Tis simple.
    We elect ignorant idiots to control our country all controlled by the overpaid traitorous shock jokes under the NWO control freaks.
    They are in on the financial trough and could not care for their grandchildren’s futures.
    Ray, wish Ava well. You are a idiot with a pineapple for a brain.

    • Well worth a listen before it disappears, they guy talks quite quickly so maybe the algorithms struggle with it, who knows. The claim that the great reset to globalised currency happens in Jan 2021 is ambitious, looks like it might be true in the UK anyway, they way things are going there, well here’s a little glimpse of the future for UK residents

  11. Off-Topic yes, but I think it’s important seeing as it involves the coming U.S election and we’re all curious to know which Zio-puppet is likely to be installed as the leader of the most corrupt and genocidal nation in human history.

    My Jewish friend Peter Schiff and ultimate straight-shooter makes a call on who is going to win the election, and provides impeccable logic to justify his conclusion.

    For those not familiar with him, Peter Schiff is a Republican through and through (he contested a Republican nomination for the Senate in Connecticut in 2010), and he was one of the few high profile commentators to predict a Trump victory in 2016, so it’s not as though I’ve trotted out a card carrying Democrat-Marxist to smear Trump.

    Just watch the first 4 minutes of the video below and that’s all the info you’ll need to know as to why Creepy Joe will win in a canter :

    Trump was elected on the platform of making America great again but did the exact opposite.

    This one sentence below from Schiff encapsulates why Trump will be a one-term President :

    “We [America, after 4 years of Trump mismanagement] are further away from greatness than we’ve ever been”.

    Sooooo very true.

    • Aspergillus AKA Untruth Veggie alleges in line 3 that the USA is the most corrupt and genocidal nation in human history. What a ringing call to the water pistols.

      Note that even PCR does not make this allegation, https://pg1glt.wordpress.com/2016/03/09/murder-is-washingtons-foreign-policy/

      As regards genocide: as Aspergillus is a self-styled right-wing libertarian, I got a Saturday morning chuckle out of him sounding like a Church of Wokeness pseudo-socialist BLM groupie condemning White-ism, the USA having been largely white after the ethnic cleansing of the indigenous by 1880 or so.

      Then came the subsequent immigration of ca 5 million Jews, a topic dear to Aspergillus’ heart, by 1925.

      Now history ie writing goes back to about 2,500 BC in Sumer I believe, note my use of Before Christ and not BCE, Before Common Era or 4.5k years BP, Before Present, those being libtard globalist modes.

      And in that time there have been nations that have entirely destroyed other peoples physically and deliberately and not accidentally by imported disease, whereby Aspergillus can go and look at the 1949 UN definition of genocide, it being relevant to his allegation.

      And unlike the USA, they did not make reservations for the survivors and try to educate them at schools nor tolerate Christian do-gooder church ladies trying to help their brown brothers in Christ, etc.

      So as Aspergillus has never written anything at Gumshoe to indicate his encompassing command of human history, it is too much work enlightening him on the Muslim conquest of India or the actions of Chinese emperors, to name just two examples.

      And if Aspergillus repeats his allegation in Sydney meat space he is sure to find some eager Balmain or Newtown libtard, reader of the SMH and believer in the ABC, who will sneer ” what about your Aborigines?”, cue the sanctimonious virtue-signalling of Ms De Vere at Gumshoe on this topic.

      As regards corruption: what metric are we using here? Corruption is at least on the US law books, whereas entire monarchies have existed in which the ruler’s private purse is the public purse.

        • That doesn’t exactly gel with what some of the head dudes within your chosen cult are saying:

          “We have previously shown how the rest of the world is being conditioned to hate the United States of America.  Why? Because America is the Zion of Bible prophecy.  It is the great nation promised to Abraham — it is the place of regathered Israel.   And he said, “they called thee an Outcast,” and America is rapidly becoming an outcast among the nations.”

          But I guess such contradictions do tend to crop up within any movement that isn’t based on any real convictions about anything

          • This false and unbiblical man-made Dispensationalists doctrine that fundamentalists have no idea of their Bibles. This fundamnetal Christian-Zionists is a oxymoron because you absolutely cannot be both. It is a Dominion theology which is not what Christ taught and lived. It is anti-Christ.

            What are the differences between dispensationalism and covenantalism?

            Dispensationalism is a 19th century man-made invention while Christianity is well before Christ

            Dispensationalism Israel & the Church

            Dispensationalism – A Reformed Evaluation
            The dispensational system of theology, if we are honest, is actually a Nineteenth Century phenomenon. Now I don’t want to get into an argument about these things. I know many good dispensationalists like to trace elements of dispensational teaching and belief way back into the history of the church. But as a historical theologian, and that is what I am by profession, I can pretty confidentially tell you that the system of dispensational theology is a Nineteenth Century phenomenon in the history of the church. It is particularly associated with John Nelson Darby and the Plymouth Brethren movement in Britain in the Nineteenth Century, and in America, with the name C.I. Scoffield, Cyrus Ingersoll Scofield.

            The Late Great Planet Church part 1
            The Rise of Dispensationalism
            Many Christians today read their Bibles through the lens of pop-prophecy books like The Late Great Planet Earth and the Left Behind series. They naively believe the prophetic schemes and theological presuppositions expressed in these and other fictional writings represent the doctrinal positions that Christians down through the centuries have embraced. However, that is far from the truth. Volume One of The Late Great Planet Church: The Rise of Dispensationalism is the first documentary of its kind. It exposes this erroneous system of thought as breaking continuity with history — and even the very Word of God. In this first volume we will examine the beginnings, beliefs, and motivations of this innovative movement by focusing on its relatively recent development, stormy history and its most influential proponents. Hosted by Jerry Johnson, President of The Nicene Council and The Apologetics Group, this documentary features pastors, theologians, and historians, who at one time were strongly committed dispensationalists. Several of these men even trained at dispensational academic institutions before abandoning the system. They have since rejected this system as thoroughly unbiblical, viewing it as a stumbling block to the Church and a distraction from the Great Commission.

            Documentary: The Late Great Planet Church – Vol. 2

            The Late Great Planet Church Vol. 2 exposes the founders of Dispensationalism & the Pre-trib Rapture.

            Against Dispensationalism
            Exposing the Founder
            John Nelson Darby

          • Dominion theology

            Inside the Christian Right Dominionist Movement That’s Undermining Democracy

            The Woman On The Beast In End Time Prophecy Has Dominion Theology

            Dominion theology in Recent History

            Dominionism and Dominion Theology

            The Deception of Dominion Theology

          • If you’d read my comment properly you’d realise that you’re not telling me anything I don’t already know.

            I was simply noting the fact that all heresies, by their very nature, are fraught with contradictions

      • If the revisionists want to revise the old BC and AD to “Before Christian Era” and so forth, then let them defend it from death row

        • The philantrophists that did 911 are also responsible for crown virus reset.
          In New York, controlled demolitions have been standard procedure for a hundred years. ‘Pulling’ buildings is the cheapest method of demolition.
          Follow the money, every time. The vaccines are about making the biggest profits, of all times, by the select few. Murdering billions to make trillions.

    • Dung Scrotus (Re: Your comment that I have never written anything to indicate an encompassing command of human history), what can I say ?
      I’m absolutely chuffed that you have so much admiration for my output – and Merry Christmas to you too.

      As for the things Paul Craig Roberts says about the U.S empire, he actually says much, much worse. (I’ve actually toned it down and shown restraint in my comments).

      Try this from PCR (one of countless disparaging remarks he’s made about U.S conduct over the years) :


      As for me sounding like a ‘pseudo-socialist BLM groupie condemning white-ism’, you have me confused with someone else.

      My comments are directed at that small subset of miscreants in the U.S, the Usury cartel of bankers and their loyal minions in government and the bureaucracy that are responsible for the genocidal foreign policy, social unrest and impoverishment.
      The American people themselves are the victims, be they white or black or Asian or whatever. I certainly haven’t condemned white-ism in any shape or form.

  12. Serco is the Strategic Policy Institute. It is the new government for the new normal.
    All politicians are subservient to this hydra serpent that most people have never heard of.

  13. OT, maybe

    From –

    See below a response I received from Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison today, what appears to be a form letter response. Note the last two paragraphs…

    Dear Ms Hart

    Thank you for writing to me regarding a COVID-19 vaccine. COVID-19 is a threat to lives and livelihoods.

    Already the virus has claimed more than 1 million fatalities worldwide, including many hundreds in Australia. It has been estimated that the pandemic has cost 500 million jobs worldwide.

    A vaccine is vital to keeping people safe and restoring our way of life.
    To this end, we are working towards securing a COVID-19 vaccine for all Australians.

    An agreement with the UK-based drug company AstraZeneca will mean that every Australian will be able to receive the University of Oxford COVID-19 vaccine for free, should trials prove successful, safe and effective.

    The Oxford vaccine is one of the most advanced and promising in the world. If the vaccine clears the trials, it could be available next year.

    Australia is also in advanced discussions with other vaccine candidates. These include our very own CSL-University of Queensland molecular clamp vaccine, among others.

    Vaccination is strongly encouraged to prevent a range of deadly and debilitating diseases in Australia. Vaccination is not compulsory in Australia and it will not be compulsory to have a COVID 19 vaccine.

    However, a COVID-19 vaccine is the best way to protect the Australian community from this virus. As such, we want to achieve the highest rate of vaccination possible. The Government will explore all avenues to achieve this goal, guided by the advice of medical and scientific experts.

    Yours sincerely

    • What our puppet leader fails to mention is that the vaccines are manufactured in BSL4 factories. Oz has four, including the one in Queens land. Every word spoken by these traitors is vitriol.

        • “……….Prevention of infection is not a criterion for success for any of these vaccines…..Three of the vaccine protocols — Moderna, Pfizer and AstraZeneca — do not require that their vaccine prevent serious diseases, only that they prevent moderate symptoms which may be as mild as a cough or headache……..”

          • The natural vaccine is normal virus in low concentrations but having a long queue lined up to get injections at $20 a pop is obviously a much better way to make big profits, especially if they go on to get sick from something else and demand further treatments upon treatments.
            The Trump solution of taking a few pills will cost the industry “trillions” (figure reportedly supplied by Bill Gates). Immunity via low concentrations + a few pills if required is already doable right now.
            But nobody wants to do it.

          • We already know the ‘Trump Solution’. ie: it’s Operation Warp Speed and enforcement of vaccination uptake utilising the military.

            Stop trying to misrepresent it Rabbi ‘w3’.

          • w3
            All vaccines are toxic and contaminated!
            Many of these Frankin-science government agencies and scientists do not know what they are doing! Those that do know are just plain evil and wicked with their insidious eugenics or genocide agenda! The rest of them fear for the jobs so they remain mute, all the while massive amount of damage is being done to newborns and children daily world-wide! Their conscience has been seared with a hot iron! There are literally innumerable amount of problems with vaccinations and not one of them is pure as they are all contaminated. Every single one of them!

            Not one vaccine is safe as they are all contaminated with debris and injected into innocent newborn babies before the child’s ‘natural innate’ immune system is developed. that newborn has been interfered with medical intervention that weakens the natural innate immune system and create all sort of health problems and diseases which are all on public record and historical records. The robotic chant from the pro-vaxers that “vaccines is safe” is a complete lie and they don’t know nor have they even bothered to read the package inserts of vaccines by the vaccination companies given the clear warnings of the serious side effects, adverse reactions and death from vaccines.

          • w3
            Other examples of evidence of contamination and lack of safety
            44. The ‘innate natural’ immunity does not work with antibodies but works mostly with killer cells which are Vit. D dependent. Innate immunity is the first line of defence and most important.
            45. A known fact is that people with antibody/ies to disease will still succumb to those diseases.
            46. When there is a community acquired infection i.e. measles or mumps this will engage both sides of the immune system which is the Parotid gland, Sublingual gland and the Submaxillary gland which is TH2 which creates the antibody and the TH1 engages the self immunity automatically. It identifies you and it identifies the foreign antibodies.
            47. No studies to show that because you have an antibody that you are immune. No tests either. This is quackery at its worse!
            48. The injections can lead and has led to auto-immunity deficiencies.
            49. Natural immunity lasts a lifetime whereas the immune response is only temporary and with high risks.
            50. No one can claim that vaccines are safe with a combination of antigens or combination of vaccines or a combination of the adjuvants and toxic substances and no one can claim or predict what the auto-immune response is going to do with each individual baby or child or adult that has had no genetic testing or any other tests.
            51. The rational or the reasoning of how the drug companies and the FDA conclude that something is safe or not safe is not based in rational science. It is based in a pre-biased setup. A bogus study or no study which is simply a cosmetic study
            52. The human organism DNA is being manipulated and altered which is weakening the original innate immune system
            53. The vaccine adjuvants containing mercury and aluminium are far above what the EPA says is safe. A blanket cover one size fits all is not safe or scientific. There is the SS Principle to consider. Some are going to be more Susceptible to whatever substance and some are going to be more Sensitive to whatever substance. How can anyone say anything is or has a safe level for various individual with various genetic backgrounds, different cultures, different environments, different nutrition, different ages, different metabolisms, different stages of health etc., etc. They can’t! It is the same with the RDA, same principle
            54. The flu vaccine has mercury in it so every year that they continue to get the flu injection more mercury levels is going to the brain neurons shrinking them. We know have an epidemic of dementia which is neural degeneration. It is in the flu shot and the H1N1 vaccination. There are still traces of it in other vaccines liken to the homeopathic concept.
            55. The pharmaceuticals have taken most of the mercury out and say see it wasn’t the mercury. We know that it is a combination of all of the substances together and not just the mercury. It is list of 62 types of chemicals foreign to the human organism plus the various combinations of them and the number of vaccines babies and children are forced to get.
            56. Known neuro-toxins are readily used to vaccinate newborns, children and adults.
            57. Aluminium adjuvant is absorbed 100% in the body however when in-jesting aluminium it is only 25% absorption. “The elimination of half-life aluminium is 7 years, this can result in cumulative damage. Aluminium Toxicity Medscape”
            58. The mitochondria is damaged by vaccines which creates autism
            59. There is no dosage to weight in the vaccination process in which studies confirm that higher dosages in monkeys confirm severe neurological reactions
            60. Producing vaccines is manipulating nature and its highest creation of future mankind creating weakened hybrids which will end in disaster as the last 5-6 decades have clearly shown.
            61. The medium of Bovine serum cannot be tested for everything apparently. They only can test for what they know to test for….. We know there is much they do not know!

            The question of oncogenes or cancer causing agents is not clear. Remember the 7-8 alternative health practitioners who were by reports to have either been murdered close together last year or all apparently dying of mysterious circumstances. Some of them found out that there was indeed a cancer protein and they were exposing it to the public in certain vaccines and the others had cancer cure. http://www.naturalhealth365.com/GcMAF-holistic-doctors-1508.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GsiTnCLvP-Q
            There is cellular debris from in the vaccines. It is not pure if cellular debris from the dead birds and they actually admit they cannot filter it out so it is in the vaccine that is promoted to be safe in so many ways. They cannot filter out viruses and they also admit that it is only mimimally purified…The Uk representative said if the public knew about this process they would immediately stop it!
            Prions cannot be tested! It is in the medium of bovine serum or mad cow disease! They cannot guarantee they say lesser chance…. Science or Frankin-science?

            A prion is composed of abnormally folded protein that causes progressive neurodegenerative conditions, with two of the most notable being Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE or mad cow disease) seen in cattle and livestock and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) seen in humans. These mis-folded proteins do not multiply in the host organism that they infect. Instead, they affect the brain structure by acting as a template, inducing proteins with normal folding to convert to the abnormal prion form.
            These newly formed mis-folded proteins, in turn, act as further templates for the conversion of more normal proteins, leading to an exponential accumulation of prions in the tissue of the central nervous system. These abnormally folded proteins form plaques which are thought to cause “entanglement” of neurofibrils and interfere with synapse function. The nerve cells are eventually damaged and lost, which causes tiny vacuoles to form in the brain. These give the brain a sponge-like appearance under the microscope, hence the term spongiform disease arose.

            This leads to brain damage and the symptoms of prion disease, which include impaired brain function; changes in personality, memory and behavior; intellectual decline and movement abnormalities, particularly ataxia. These symptoms usually develop during adulthood and worsen over time, eventually causing death within several years or even a few months..

            The egg medium can contain campylobacter https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pathogenic_bacteria which is a pathogenic bacteria which causes Guillain–Barré syndrome or polio. It is the number one besides vaccinations that cause this disease. It can look very similar to the myelin sheath which destroys
            Manufacturers are required to screen chicken eggs for a number of contaminants in which campylobacter Jejeuni is potential contaminant in vaccines and lead to the same Guillain–Barré syndrome or polio or death. They can go into full paralysis from vaccines and be unable to breathe.
            The Polio vaccine SV40 had a cancer virus that affected 1/3 rd of the population that was inadvertently found out. It took another 30 years for the medical community to embrace this and write about it in the medical literature! It causes tumours and brain tumours. 40-60% of children had these tumours! It was believed that the virus was only in monkeys and not humans! Belief is not science! Monkeys carry lethal diseases! They used tens of thousands of monkeys!
            Dr. Maurice Hillman who worked at Merck said in taped conversation, and was asked by medical historian Dr. Edward Shorter “I brought African greens in. I didn’t know we were importing AIDS virus at the time.” “We had wild virus in those days.” “The yellow fever vaccine had leukaemia virus in it.” “This virus has cancer.” Vaccines are made on very crude material.” We have managed to keep from the public many other similar instances.”
            There guess was at least 26 different monkey viruses in those SV4 Polio vaccine.


          • Crisscross767 –
            The PM’s letter states that “COVID-19 is a threat to lives and livelihoods” – I would argue that it is the regime’s REACTION to the virus that is ‘a threat to livelihoods’ and a threat to many more ‘lives’ than the virus per se. (as Terry says below)
            The Vaccine will NEVER restore our way of life – anyone who resists will be considered a public health risk…
            Whilst his letter states “it will not be compulsory to have a COVID 19 vaccine” [in Australia], given the PM’s infamous ‘no Jab, no Pay’ policy, will they indeed coerce us with the likes of travel, employment, education restrictions etc to ‘achieve the highest rate of vaccination possible’?
            We should be reasured that the Government will be “guided by the advice of medical and scientific experts”, but will these experts be truly independent or will this advice rely on the likes of Jane Halton who, given her close ties to CEPI (https://aicd.companydirectors.com.au/membership/company-director-magazine/2020-back-editions/july/jane-halton–on-covid19-vaccine-development) (Gates funded https://www.gatesfoundation.org/How-We-Work/Quick-Links/Grants-Database/Grants/2017/11/OPP1180343 ), clearly has a conflict of interest?

          • famada
            It is a blatant lie! It is misinformation, disinformation etc. It is a bioweapon that is being used to blackmail countries and governments. The do not want us to get their so-called “herd immunity” so they want to give us the toxic and contaminated vaccines as every single one is.

            A trans-human agenda is at play as well as depopulation form their insidious Agenda 21 2030 which is in operation but not in full swing as yet.

            The PM’s infamous ‘no Jab, no Pay’ policy is yet anther blatant lie with false advertising and false claims which is a criminal offence on many charges.

            So who are these so-called “medical experts?” they have been indoctrinated to the severely flawed medical model of the liar and plagarist Pasteur instead of the real physician Bechamp

            Until people cotton on the difference they will be pulled around by the nose with fear. Just research Pasteur vs Bechamp to educate yourself and others to get out of the medical lies and deception

    • “It has been estimated that the pandemic has cost 500 million jobs worldwide.” – the virus didn’t do that, dumb-ass politicians did that!

      • dear Arlyn,
        i have done much homework, thanks to TTAC, TTAV & GMI & several others. I am not deceived but I fear the number of people who still are. I have tried for years to wake up friends & loved ones – particularly about bigPharma, bigTech (5G) and the corrupt ‘scientific evidence’. I get less than the Covid death % response! I, like you, am desperately trying to wake people up to reality.. I’m coming to the point where the ‘willful ignorant’ deserve what they get – problem is, I’m not prepared to go down with their ship!

        • Dear famanda
          Yes it is a poor response from people with their apathetic attitude or disbelief. Countries will eventually get the government they deserve for failing to respond to tyranny for not heeding to be” Eternally vigilant” and to protect their Australian Constitution. Thus far it is evident that Australians have failed to do this on so many areas and there has been sedition and treason for decades with impunity. The consequences for this generation and the following generations will be bleak for lack of action. Communism comes in many forms and this Hostile Trans-Global Corporations Technocratic Communist Surveillance Takeover has been a piece of cake for the globalists as the majority of people are Complying to the unlawful Control and Containment policies with their deranged directives that are unscientific, unsound, unreasonable, irrational, illogical and unhealthy. It has nothing to do with health but has everything to do with this medical Marshal law medical hoax.

          Australian has not grown up compared to the rest of the world and they have always relied on a ‘Protectorate’ to help them compared to other countries who have fought and died for their independence. Where is their Protectorate now?

  14. I have a simple question? Will this give foreign troops/police protections that are not enjoyed by our own troops/police? I can’t readily find an answer to this question. Prima face it looks like a legal sham (I’m not a lawyer) to permit foreign troops in to commit atrocities that would be prosecuted if carried out by Australian agencies. If we invited Indonesian military in what would they consider to be reasonable in carrying out their ‘duties’? A handful of reciprocal arrangements internationally and the powers that be can themselves impose their visions with impunity, hiding behind such arrangements.

    • Harold
      We are in a state of lawlessness for decades with sedition and treason with impunity. Just as the illegal corporate-government entity gives immunity against vaccines what do you think they are doing once again another sphere? None one wants to talk, discuss or debate the following:

      Causal Links to Treason and Misprision of Treason

      a) The Australia Act 1986 Section-6. Manner and Form “means Referendums” In this particular activity the Referendum had a statutory and mandatory Constitutional requirement that was omitted, formulating and enacting a concealed fraudulent Grant of Power upon the people of South Australia and the Commonwealth of Australia.

      b) The Australia Act 1986 Section-13. Amendment of Constitution of Queensland.
      Subsection (1) The Constitution Act 1867-1978 of the State of Queensland is in this section referred to as the Principal Act. In this particular activity the Referendum had a statutory and mandatory Constitutional requirement that was omitted, formulating and enacting a concealed fraudulent Grant of Power upon the people of South Australia and the Commonwealth of Australia.

      c) The Australia Act 1986 Section-14. Amendment of Constitution Act of Western Australia.
      Subsection (1) The Constitution Act 1889 in the State of Western Australia is in this section referred to as the Principle Act. In this particular activity the Referendum had a statutory and mandatory Constitutional requirement that was omitted, formulating and enacting a concealed fraudulent Grant of Power upon the people of South Australia and the Commonwealth of Australia.

      d) The Commonwealth Constitution Section-128. In this particular activity the Referendum had a statutory and mandatory Constitutional requirement that was omitted, formulating and enacting a concealed fraudulent Grant of Power upon the people of South Australia and the Commonwealth of Australia.

      e) The State of South Australia Constitution-Section-34. In this particular activity the Referendum had a statutory and mandatory Constitutional requirement that was omitted, formulating and enacting a concealed fraudulent Grant of Power upon the people of South Australia and the Commonwealth of Australia.

      f) The South Australia Australia Act (Request) Acts 1985 No. 95 – Section 51. In this particular activity the Referendum had a statutory and mandatory Constitutional requirement that was omitted, formulating and enacting a concealed fraudulent Grant of Power upon the people of South Australia and the Commonwealth of Australia.

      g) The 1999 6th November Referendum 63% said No. The Criminal Offence of Fraud. Working Against the instructions of the Australian people in that Referendum and the operation of your Fraudulent Grant of Power.

      h) Acts Amendment and Repeal (Courts and Legal Practice) Act 2003, Enacted 1st January 2004.

      Part 8 Amendments about the Crown. (61 Amendments)

      Crown x 42, Her Majesty x 7 Our Sovereign Lady Queen Elizabeth the Second, Her Heirs and Successors x 5, Council for the Crown x 4, Queen x 1, Subjects x 1. Royal Arms x 1 (Changing the Royal Arms is an act of war on the people of the Commonwealth of Australia)


      By deleting “Crown” and inserting instead “State or the Commonwealth” at sections 121(4), and,123(5) and (6b) and (7). In this particular activity the Referendum had a statutory and mandatory Constitutional requirement that was omitted, formulating and enacting a concealed fraudulent Grant of Power upon the people of South Australia and the Commonwealth of Australia.

      i) The Election Writs, Senate and House of representatives, spread this Criminal Activity throughout Australia. Criminal Offence of Fraud. Referendums omitted – operating your fraudulent Grant of Power.

      j) Allegedly, the Swearing of a Foreign Oath to Freemasonry. “Conceal and Never Reveal.” The Warrant for Freemasonry came out from the United Kingdom, “Sue v Hill” Illegally declared the United Kingdom a Foreign Power, but, in so doing actually declared that the Masonic Warrant to form Masonic Lodges within Australia did make this particular Warrant, the Warrant of a Foreign Power, it breaches PART IV – Both Houses of the Parliament, Section 44 Disqualification, subsection 1 of the Commonwealth Constitution in relation to Commonwealth politicians. This Offence is to be Discovered by either a Jury trial or Grand Jury trial.

      Freemasons are behind this as they have infiltrated the intelligence services, the police, the military, most if not all the evil politicians are Freemasons as well. Behind them are the Jesuits which is the Vatican/Papacy as they are also behind this evil NWO which is just chaos and disorder, death and to redistribute what is left to the poorer nations. The insidious Agenda 21/2030 is in full operation. The term RESET is code for slavery for their Technocratic Communist Surveillance Regime waiting in the wings.

      George Webb who has been investigating and researching this 4 years before any of this happened from Oct-Nov 2019 from Wuhan.

      Here is what he said in one of his Youtube presentations that have all been removed. You can find him and follow him on Twitter. They are the enemy and he has exposed many names and organisations and he is still exposing them

      NATO’s Dark Blueprint For Virus/Vaccine Warfare

      We should never forget that with all of this happening there is a Roman Catholic Inquisition going on as well. George Webb briefly mentions the RC. They have been behind every war. He mentions Templar swords given out at 2:30m He mention they have a Holy War ideology meaning “It’s ok to kill people because upline told me its ok”…He mentions the Jesuits at 5:13m so he is aware. I have studied this for decades and for sure they are definitely behind this CV19 crisis. At 5:29 he mentions a Knight of Malta passport. The spy school is in Malta and that is where hey are coming from because of their passports. Its NATO’s bioweapon as he said . At 15:40m again stanch Catholic and Knights of Malta and wen to a Jesuit school

  15. Warning: On Topic
    I had a quick look through the proposed bill and it seems to give all the discretion to the minister for deciding if something is a disaster and what the response should be, as “they” have already decided this bat-virus is a full scale disaster (especially if you have people like Cuomo and Denial A. in charge) it would be interesting to know how the proclamation of disaster is determined, especially when this one is probably better described as a monumental stuff-up or more ordinarily as a scam. Surely not by deaths of 80 year olds in nursing homes.
    Who came up with the “state of disaster”, was it none other than our world famous friend Denial A., with his world famous “Australian Solution” ?

    • “it would be interesting to know how the proclamation of disaster is determined” – I would expect that with Deagle reporting a decline in Australian population from 25 million to 17 million by 2025, that that would likely be a ‘disaster’. The world wide famine is just beginning, when people are dying and there are food riots, I expect the government will be able to justify a ‘proclamation of a disaster’.

      Latest from Ice Age Farmer –


      • This is for the pro-Trump supporters

        WikiLeaks Exposes How Council on Foreign Relations Controls Most All Mainstream Media (ABSTRACT click on link for full article)
        CFR’s headquarters office],” said McCloy.

        Until the election of Trump the past four presidents have been the director of the CFR, George HW Bush, who was replaced by a member of the CFR, Bill Clinton, who was replaced by a family member of the CFR, George W Bush, who was then replaced by CFR aspirant candidate Barack Obama—who filled his cabinet with members of the elite group.

        Although Donald Trump was never a public member of the CFR, that did not stop him from filling the White House with dozens of CFR members.

        Although Donald Trump was never a public member of the CFR, that did not stop him from filling the White House with dozens of CFR members.

        Here are just a few of the CFR members appointed by Trump:

        Elaine Chao, United States Secretary of Transportation (CFR individual member)
        Jamie Dimon, Member of Strategic and Policy Forum (CFR corporate member)
        Jim Donovan, Deputy Treasury Secretary (CFR corporate member)
        Larry Fink, Member of Strategic and Policy Forum (CFR corporate member)
        Neil M. Gorsuch, Supreme Court Justice (individual CFR member)
        Vice Admiral Robert S. Harward, National Security Advisor (declined appointment) (CFR corporate member)
        Even though Trump wasn’t a CFR member outright, his cabinet is made up almost entirely of its members. As this information illustrates—democracy is an illusion. If ever you needed another reason to tune out of mainstream media and seek out information for yourself—this is it. It also explains why information like this, which challenges this worldview is under attack.

  16. This reminds me of the US / UK and Australian troops going into Iraq, and perpetrating atrocities against the people there. What comes around goes around. We allowed that to happen and now it could turn in on us. Allow one atrocity… paves way for more atrocities

    • Yes, when we allow our leaders to do despicable acts on citizens around the world, why should we be surprised when our leaders bring home these acts to us?

      • Justin,
        Most people are watching the Block. They have no idea who Serco are and how they have prepared the camps and have total control of government.
        Crown kabala slavemasonry, a den of vipers hellbent on the murder of all good people worldwide.

  17. If the population of Australia do not yet realise how treasonous most of our politicians are, just look at this Bill. Ask yourself why would we need foreign troops on Australian soil. We supposedly have the Australian Defence (Offence) Force to protect us from foreign invasion. Surely by legislating for foreign military personnel to be active in Australia, it will be to act against the local population in a situation where the ADF refuses to attack their own people. This can be the only reason for such legislation.

    It seems that our “elected” officials realise that, eventually the public might physically take action
    against the tyrannical stance of the said officials. So instead of governing for the benefit of the public they are creating insurance cover from elsewhere.

    We MUST say NO to this horrendous legislation.

  18. Australia signed the U.N. Charter in full as a treaty in 1945. So which Constitution takes precedence?

    No one on this planet has ever been free. This planet is a Slave Colony. There has always been a One World Government. It is just that now it is much better organized and has changed its name as of 1945 to the United Nations.
    New York City is defined in the Federal Regulations as the United Nations. Rudolph Gulliani stated on C-Span that “New York City was the capital of the World” and he was correct. (20 CFR chapter 111, subpart 422.103 (b) (2) (2)

  19. Editor of Cairns News says covid-19™ is a Rockerfella-Gates-BigPharma project.
    A relentless chorus of 2 or 3 in these pages say it is a Rotschild-Trump-Banksters project.
    If I had to choose I would say the Jews are offering a better deal.
    But it isn’t clear why Trump took a couple of pills, shook off the virus and MSM is pretending it didn’t happen. It’s not clear why the chorus offers rubbish photoshopped videos suitable for kids as proof.
    It’s not clear why they dismiss the entire Bush dynasty 1985-2016 but they claim Trump is pivotal.
    The chorus works against their own claimed interest because their position is so incoherent.
    When questioned or defied, their mascot delivers a barrage of dull and low grade abuse.

    • “Their chorus works against their own claimed interest”

      Ditto the “We Are Israel” mob who’re compulsively dissing the real McCoy

      Blind, pig-headed & furiously jealous of anyone who achieves any measure of success with anythin

  20. New Zealand party accuses Facebook of election interference after being removed from platform for Covid-19 ‘misinformation’

    A New Zealand political party, Advance NZ, has cried foul after its Facebook page was removed, allegedly for containing falsehoods about the coronavirus pandemic. The ban comes just two days before a general election.

    In a statement, Facebook said that the page had been scrubbed due to “repeated violations” of its policy prohibiting misinformation about Covid-19 that could lead to physical harm.

    The move comes just two days before New Zealand holds a general election. A spokesperson for Facebook insisted that the decision was in keeping with clearly laid out guidelines and was not politically motivated.
    In a statement, Te Kahika denounced Facebook for “election interference” and argued that his party has been “bravely questioning the government’s approach to Covid-19.” ………….


    • Does This Explain Why Facebook Was So Quick To Suppress Hunter Biden Revelations?

      “In 2009, James L. Jones, the Atlantic Council’s chairman left the organization to be President Obama’s National Security Advisor. Susan Rice, Richard Holbrooke, Eric Shinseki, Anne-Marie Slaughter, Chuck Hagel, and Brent Scowcroft also were all affiliated with the Atlantic Council before they ended up in the Obama administration.

      The Atlantic Council has received massive amounts of foreign funding over the years. Here’s one that should interest everyone: Burisma Holdings donated $300,000 dollars to the Atlantic Council, over the course of three consecutive years, beginning in 2016…”

  21. To Arlyn
    The ridiculous Veggie is now trying to paint me as pro-vax because I excuse Trump’s claim there would be a vaccine for anyone who wanted it soon. Anyone who wants it !!! Trump tends to babble and talk things up and stay in sales mode and upbeat. Don’t confuse Trump political babble with Trump reality. Don’t assume I am pro-vax in any way, if you want what I think, don’t get it from the useless Veggie who doesn’t think about anything but just reacts in a way to reinforce his very limited, ill-informed, bigoted and shallow beliefs.
    In a binary choice, if you are against Trump you are for Biden (autocue / earpiece). You will be socialised and tracked, if your phone goes anywhere near an “infected person” you will have home detention or penalty $5k doubling with each offence. Your government will sign over to massive IMF debt as Kosher Friedburger has been doing, in cahoots with Diktator Dan.
    So if you listen to the Veggie, that’s where it should all go, because this is a BINARY OUTCOME.

  22. w3
    I am not for either. Biden has a massive criminal activity cabal like Pelosi

    All US Presidents are controlled and ‘advised’ mainly by the CFR Jesuits or Zionist

    There are many organisations NGO’s, Foundations and philanthropy organisation behind this evil World of Disorder that they are bringing in this World of Disorder of utter chaos and death in addition to those below:
    The Bilderbergs
    The Vatican-Papacy
    Club of Rome
    Opus Dei
    The Zionists=Communists
    Rhodes Scholars
    № 1 Bilderberg Group
    № 2 Illuminati
    № 3 Skull and Bones
    № 4 Council on Foreign Relations
    № 5 Trilateral Commission
    № 6 Priory of Sion
    № 7 Bohemian Grove
    № 8 Freemasonry
    № 9 Committee of 300
    № 10 Knights Templar

    Obama Picks Come From Same Old CFR Roster
    The council has gained a virtual lock-hold on the U.S. government, regardless of which party is in office. No other organization comes close to boasting the kind of clout that the CFR members have held: eight presidents of the U.S.; seven vice presidents; 17 secretaries of state; 20 secretaries of war/defense; 18 secretaries of the Treasury; 15 directors of the CIA. And on it has gone throughout the Cabinets, in seriatim — through Democrat and Republican administrations — with hundreds of deputy secretaries, assistant secretaries, etc.

    And Hillary’s Ghost Cabinet

    Some of Trump’s Picks Have Troubling Links to Globalism

    WikiLeaks Exposes How Council on Foreign Relations Controls Most All Mainstream Media (ABSTRACT click on link for full article)
    CFR’s headquarters office],” said McCloy.

    Until the election of Trump the past four presidents have been the director of the CFR, George HW Bush, who was replaced by a member of the CFR, Bill Clinton, who was replaced by a family member of the CFR, George W Bush, who was then replaced by CFR aspirant candidate Barack Obama—who filled his cabinet with members of the elite group.

    Although Donald Trump was never a public member of the CFR, that did not stop him from filling the White House with dozens of CFR members.

    Although Donald Trump was never a public member of the CFR, that did not stop him from filling the White House with dozens of CFR members.

    Here are just a few of the CFR members appointed by Trump:

    Elaine Chao, United States Secretary of Transportation (CFR individual member)
    Jamie Dimon, Member of Strategic and Policy Forum (CFR corporate member)
    Jim Donovan, Deputy Treasury Secretary (CFR corporate member)
    Larry Fink, Member of Strategic and Policy Forum (CFR corporate member)
    Neil M. Gorsuch, Supreme Court Justice (individual CFR member)
    Vice Admiral Robert S. Harward, National Security Advisor (declined appointment) (CFR corporate member)
    Even though Trump wasn’t a CFR member outright, his cabinet is made up almost entirely of its members. As this information illustrates—democracy is an illusion. If ever you needed another reason to tune out of mainstream media and seek out information for yourself—this is it. It also explains why information like this, which challenges this worldview is under attack.

    • They can’t just get someone from Jim’s Mowing, the show must go on.
      Trump is pretty good at sacking people, he even wants to sack people who interview him.
      If he can get enough leverage to drain the democrat swamp, then who knows, do you understand leverage and political capital, this is not some kind of emperor like Kim Jong, this is committees, a fact that is totally lost on your dim friend Veggie.

  23. Superbly put Arlyn.

    Contrary to what’s being peddled by one Gumshoe contributor – who shall go nameless, but his previous moniker was an acronym for ‘Disinformation Spread Worldwide’ (dsw), the U.S election is not a binary outcome.

    If Biden wins we end up with the War Party administration.

    Meanwhile, if Trump wins we end up with (surprise, surprise), the OTHER faction of the War Party.

    And please Trumpers, don’t come back with the B.S assertion that Trump has started no new wars.

    Let me offer this analogy : A future U.S President who’s partial to Luciferian practices, ritually sacrifices and disembowels one child per day.

    Said POTUS loses the election and is replaced by another.
    The new POTUS, when accused of depraved murder of children says:

    ‘I still only sacrifice one child per day, so it’s WRONG for anyone to claim I have upped the tempo and therefore I have a clear conscience’.

    If Trump was REALLY anti-war he would have withdrawn ALL U.S troops from ALL THEATRES OF OPERATION from Day 1.

    The ONLY reason Trump does not start a war is because the military is STRETCHED TO THE LIMIT bringing death and despair to countless countries around the world :


    Taken from the article above we have this :

    “During the fiscal year that ended on September 30, 2014, US Special Operations forces (SOF) deployed to 133 countries—roughly 70 percent of the nations on the planet—according to Lieutenant Colonel Robert Bockholt, a public affairs officer with US Special Operations Command (SOCOM). This capped a three-year span in which the country’s most elite forces were active in more than 150 different countries around the world”.

    That’s right Rabbi ‘w3’, the U.S if F_ _KING OVER 70 % of the nations of the planet as we speak.

    That article above was from 2014 and hence during the Obama administration but there has been NO TAPERING OFF under Trump – in fact he’s escalated :


    Wake up Trumpers !!!

    Trump is war-mongering compliant puppet of the cabal and whether he wins or not in November, misery and depravity will be still be the order of the day for many of the brown skinned peoples on Earth.

    Moreover, an increasingly larger proportion of white skinned folks will feel the pain as Covid lockdowns / forced vaccinations / food shortages / riots and societal unrest / power outages (in those locales that are governed by Green-centric imbeciles) become De rigueur.

  24. Further proof that Trump is itching for war with Iran (a war incidentally, which every military analyst of note says will be many factors more destructive to the U.S than all the wars the U.S has fought post WW II COMBINED), comes this video titled ‘Trump administration pushes the US war on Iran into high gear’ :

    Not content with the U.S being militarily engaged in 141 countries (has the X22 Report EVER mentioned this fact even once in all its disinformation broadcasts ?), Trump now wants to up the ante and commit to an unwinnable war with Iran.

    And this is supposed to be the ‘Peace’ president ?

    Some people need to slap themselves out of their deluded stupor.

  25. Aaron Mate from the Grayzone is a Jewish bloke who I’ve got a lot of time for – consistently providing objective real journalism.

    He doesn’t disappoint with this clip titled ‘Trump’s new Iran sanctions hurt civilians and threaten war’ :

  26. “sanctions” The ZOG of the US can impose sanctions on whoever it wants but makes it so said govt won’t do business with those who partake in BDS. Yes, the same people who wrought BDS on Germany on March 24, 1933.
    “When you squeeze the nobilty, it is the peasants who feel the pinch”

  27. Justin, funny how things come around in cycles.

    BDS imposed on Germany by world Jewry in 1933 (then later targeted them for destruction), and now they froth at the mouth when anyone suggests imposing BDS on their beloved Apartheid Israeli state.

    I like your ZOG acronym – I assume it stands for Zionist One-World Government.
    ’56’ has been using the ZWO (Zionist World Order) acronym so we’re all the same page.

  28. The long arm of the 1975 UN declaration “Zionism equals Racism”
    https://theamericancitadel.com/2020/10/16/five-facts-about-the-communist-conspiracy-you-should-know/ (Abstract click on link for full article)
    Whereas Germany allegedly killed 6 million Jews, a number which has been continually revised downward by the millions by Auschwitz historians, the Soviet Union killed between 40 and 70 million! Why is the Soviet-perpetrated holocaust not talked about? It dwarfed anything even alleged against Hitler. And what about the death toll in communist China? Through Mao’s Cultural Revolution, Great Leap Forward, and myriad persecutions that continue to this day with millions of human beings languishing in the Chinese GULAG, the Chinese Communist Party is responsible for slaughtering somewhere between 60 and 100 million people! The true number will never be known because the Chinese Communist Party stopped counting somewhere around 45 million.

    Communism is dominated, financed, and led primarily by Jews. As taboo as it is to say, the forbidden fact is that communism is a predominantly Jewish movement. I immediately caution you, however, from claiming that communism is a “Jewish conspiracy.” Rather, it is a Satanic conspiracy. It is an occult cabal created by criminals to rule the world and subjugate mankind. The chief pushers of this minacious plot, however, were and are Jews.

    In February 1920, no less a person that Sir Winston Churchill wrote in his editorial “Zionism versus Bolshevism,” the following:

    “The adherents of this sinister confederacy are mostly men reared up among the unhappy populations of countries where Jews are persecuted on account of their race. Most, if not all, of them have forsaken the faith of their forefathers, and divorced from their minds all spiritual hopes of the next world. This movement among the Jews is not new. From the days of Spartacus-Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx, and down to Trotsky (Russia), Bela Kun (Hungary), Rosa Luxembourg (Germany), and Emma Goldman (United States), this world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, and impossible equality, has been steadily growing. It played, as a modern writer, Mrs. Webster, has so ably shown, a definitely recognizable part in the tragedy of the French Revolution. It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the Nineteenth Century; and now at last this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads and have become practically the undisputed masters of that enormous empire.

    “There is no need to exaggerate the part played in the creation of Bolshevism and in the actual bringing about of the Russian Revolution, by these international and for the most part atheistical Jews, it is certainly a very great one; it probably outweighs all others. With the notable exception of Lenin, the majority of the leading figures are Jews. Moreover, the principal inspiration and driving power comes from the Jewish leaders . . . In the Soviet institutions the predominance of Jews is even more astonishing. And the prominent, if not indeed the principal, part in the system of terrorism applied by the Extraordinary Commissions for Combating Counter-Revolution has been taken by Jews, and in some notable cases by Jewesses. The same evil prominence was obtained by Jews in the brief period of terror during which Bela Kun ruled in Hungary. The same phenomenon has been presented in Germany (especially in Bavaria), so far as this madness has been allowed to prey upon the temporary prostration of the German people. Although in all these countries there are many non-Jews every whit as bad as the worst of the Jewish revolutionaries, the part played by the latter in proportion to their numbers in the population is astonishing.”

    Let me guess, you never read that in your school or university textbook!

    In every major communist uprising after 1917, Jews took the leading role. Whether it was in Germany and Hungary in 1918, Spain in the 1930s, or Mexico in the 1920s, Judeo-Marxists could be found either leading, funding, or advising the international machinations. By the 1930s, over one-third of all Jews in the Soviet borders held positions in the overly Semitic Soviet government. They particularly dominated the ruthless intelligence services and administered nearly all the GULAG camps where millions were imprisoned, tortured, used as slave labor, and murdered. These Jewish operatives devised the plan to starve Ukrainians into submission, known today as the Holodomor, which resulted in as many as 10 million senseless and agonizing deaths.

    Jews add to communism a particular hatred of Christians and Christian institutions. For instance, Soviet commissar of education, Anatoly Lunacharsky, left his first wife and daughter for a Jewish actress. Lunacharsky once spewed this Semitic vitriol:

    “We hate Christians and Christianity. Even the best of them must be considered our worst enemies. Christian love is an obstacle to the development of the revolution. Down with love of one’s neighbor! What we want is hate. . . . Only then can we conquer the universe” (W. Cleon Skousen, The Naked Communist, 308).

    Finally, Jews have added another ideological element to this massive worldwide conspiracy that is worthy of special note. Though most Jewish Marxists are atheists, some are Sabbatean Kabbalists. The Kabbalah is part and parcel of modern Judaism and is its popular branch of mysticism. The Sabbatean variety of Kabbalism is particularly venomous and helped birth the “anything-goes” nihilist attitude that grips so much of the globe and converted generations of people into de facto communists. Indeed, Sabbatean Kabbalism preaches that enmeshing one’s self in sin is not only permissible, but the only true way to salvation.

    In his book 1666: Redemption Through Sin, Robert Sepehr wrote:

    “Most people have heard of Jesus Christ, considered by Christian followers to be the Messiah who lived over 2000 years ago. But very few people have heard of Sabbatai Zevi, who declared himself to be the Messiah in 1666. He amassed a following of over one million believers, half the world’s Jewish population during the 17th century, by proclaiming that redemption was available through acts of sin.

    “. . . Sexual promiscuity, adultery, incest, and religious orgies were encouraged and practiced by Sabbateans.

    Because the Jewish people rejected their true Messiah, they also rejected goodness, decency, and the basic values that undergird civil and sane society. The counterfeit religion of communism, then, becomes their haven and promises them the paradise their spiritless religion does not. These dark-side Jews become the most zealous of all conspirators precisely because of their religious and ethnic upbringing, not in spite of it. Not all Jews are communists, but all communists have imbibed an element of Jewishness.

  29. Benjamin Fulford Full Report: Zionist Move To Start WWIII Backfires
    (Abstract click on link for full article)
    Another indication that the US corporation is desperately seeking funds is the fact that NASA (Not A Space Agency) is demanding survival money from Japan.


    The US corporation was able to deceive China and raise funds to maintain its operations after the Lehman crisis by promising Barack Obama, a black communist president, to maintain its operations after the Lehman crisis.

    This time it may be different, since so far only the Federal Reserve Board has been buying US stocks and US government bonds.


    However, no funny money will be accepted from FRB for the US corporation’s foreign payments due on 31 January.

    The fact is that US debt is rising, while population bombs and denial of reality with funny money will not solve the problem.


    What Americans need to understand is that the world is trying to free them from the Babylonian debt slavery of the US Corporation and restore the Republic of the United States of America.

    This will lead to a huge increase in the standard of living in the US, similar to the doubling of the Russian standard of living after Vladimir Putin expelled the Khazarian mafia from his country.

    Even if the US corporation is funded after January 31, the world is set for extreme turbulence and a major purge while the Zionist beast is put down, Pentagon sources say.

    Meanwhile, the massive forest fires threatening Australia have been classified by Australian police and military sources as deliberate attacks on that country.

    Meanwhile, the massive forest fires threatening Australia have been classified by Australian police and military sources as deliberate attacks on that country.

    This arson is accompanied by a major media campaign to force the Australian government to pay a CO2 tax to cabalists, according to Australian intelligence sources.

    Police say most fires were caused by arsonists and not by global warming.


    Also like in California, some of the Australian fires look unnatural.

    Why are only the vehicles burning, as shown in the picture below the link below?

    https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2020/jan/01/australia- bushfires-defence-forces-sent-to-help-battle-huge-blazeshttps://mainichi.jp/english/articles/20200101/p2a/00m/0na/006000c

    The US corporation was able to deceive China and raise funds to maintain its operations after the Lehman crisis by promising Barack Obama, a black communist president, to maintain its operations after the Lehman crisis.

    This time it may be different, since so far only the Federal Reserve Board has been buying US stocks and US government bonds.


    However, no funny money will be accepted from FRB for the US corporation’s foreign payments due on 31 January.

    The fact is that US debt is rising, while population bombs and denial of reality with funny money will not solve the problem.


  30. No such law should ever be even considered no matter who the offenders are. Perhaps we need to amend the constitution to make ministers legally and lawfully responsible for when such events occur and the sentence should be automatically 30 years hard labor. That way examples would be set for those who think they really should be above the law anyway.

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