Home News Wrap-up of Mary Maxwell’s 2022 Articles at Gumshoe

Wrap-up of Mary Maxwell’s 2022 Articles at Gumshoe


Mary MaxwellOur 2022 candidate for US House of Reps, with the distress flag

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB

This wrap-up will be similar to that of previous years, starting with the traditional list of obituaries, book reviews, satires, interviews, my travels, series, and political events. I won’t recap the comments section, but that is surely where the man action occurred this year, with Tony Ryan (“Tea Tony”) out front. At the end, if you make it that far, are my “meta essays.”

Obituaries. We mourned the loss of Swedish physician Erik Enby and justice warrior Elias Davidsson.  Or should I say, we celebrated their lives — which were very worth celebrating. Goes to show you that the greats can live into their 80s!  We also noted the death of the Queen of Australia, and the handover to which I fundamentally objected. I had done  ajune article entitled “How Does It Help Australia To Have a Monarch?”

Book Reviews. The only out-and-out book reviews were those of Joachim Hagopian’s very comprehensive Pedophile Empire. and Debi Marshall’s Banquet, about the Adelaide Family Murders.  My article on “The Biology of the Hunter” quoted at length from The Imperial Animal by Lionel Tiger and Robin Fox.  I summarized Pablo Servigne and Raphael Stevens’ 2015 book, How Everything Can Collapse. There was an article called “Fourteen Books on a Table,” which also listed 250 books that I reviewed back in 2011. A Gumshoer made his debut as “the can opener.” Mr Can-opener led me to review Resistance to Evil by Force, by Ivan Ilyin. Hot.

Satires. Only one article was admitted to as being a satire, Lawn Boy; but some others could possibly qualify. Dee McLachlan thinks my article nominating her for the Australian Human Rights award is satirical by its very nature. If you know what I mean. I wrote a song to the tune of My Bonny Lies over the Ocean, about Bill Gates which was a satire. No, never mind, it wasn’t.

Interviews. I make-believe interviewed Aldous Huxley, “in 1958,” about his book Brave New World. May I point out that you can do this with any book.  The answers you make up, to your questions, are to be taken straight from the author’s text. Right out of his mouth. I also interviewed myself by writing a Q&A on the Boston Marathon. And I wrote a Marathon song, “Jahar on the MTA” and “A Citizen’s Arrest Song for the Fourth of July.”

Travel. Your reporter roamed to Boston with Michelle Roderick to watch Dinesh D’Souza’s movie 2,000 Mules but could not go far thanks to Covid and the need to hover close to NH as a candidate for Congress. I went to a gun lesson though. And sailed on beautiful Lake Winnipesaukee.

Campaigning. The number of votes I got was miniscule (671), but I got to talk to many citizens, and write for a local republican-minded journal GraniteGrok.com. Was I ever flattered when Wikipedia air-brushed me out, historically, as 3rd place winner in NH’s 2020 Presidential primary, putting Joe Walsh’s name in instead of mine. Luckily, I had kept a screenshot of the original!

Series. This year saw two huge series: Eusociality, with 15 parts, and Eutopia with 10 parts. They were meant to reflect two major books by, respectively, EO Wilson and Philip Allott, but with events such as the Canadian convoy whirling around us, I developed some of the parts to suit.   There was also a 4-part series entitled Takeover, which purported to show you how to do a world takeover, in case you have some free time.  A 3-part series entitled “Morality Can Go Two Ways” covered the morality of doing bad as well as the morality of doing good.  Think about it.  We also had a small series on Lingo (2 parts) about the conflicting definitions of terms such as fascism and world order.

Political Events. The main 2022 events that I reported were the ongoing vaccine affair and the violence in Ukraine. Gumshoe editor Dee McLachlan covered the vax crime non-stop. I wrote articles on Erik Enby discovering Enby particles in the Pfizer vial, on Dr Balmis’ Expedition of 1804 having set the pace for vax genocide, and on punishments due for vax injuries (any day now, seriously). There were other pieces on: how to help your vaxxed friends, what to do if your vax batch was bad, and how the “fact checkers” deal with vaccine truth. I suggested a charge of manslaughter for any crims who de-registered Dr Peter McCullough.

Let us note that protestors in NSW and VIC were handled brutally by cops. But I wrote about good cops too, with a video of their heartfelt speeches. And please see my letter to NH District Attorney Halvorsen which contains excellent report by David Martin, JD, on vax crime. I also wrote an open letter to Merrick Garland about Julian Assange. I laid out in lavender the Australian nurses’ union — “no man can serve two masters.”

Regarding Ukraine, I published only one article comparing the possibility of N-war to the USS Liberty event in 1967. But Gumshoer Julius Skoolafish presented constant Ukraine updates, and history-based criticisms (mostly pro-Russia), in the Comments section.

The continuing issue of the stolen 2020 presidential election made me grab my microphone a few times: on Adam Schiff as an insurrectionist, on the seizing of Mike Lindell’s cell phone, on the Westminsterization of Congress, on Rep Steube’s yelling at Attorney General Garland, and on whether the Mules movie is reliable. I made two videos about the steal, one of which was my letter to Fulton County grand jury.

I claim to have found the organization central to vote-rigging: Nased, like Jim Collier’s NES. I majorly celebrated the Brunson brothers court case, claiming that Hobbes’ Leviathan could make a comeback, in new attire.  My recent article skimmed what I would do as a prosecutor receiving the referrals from Congress’s Jan 6 committee.

On Sandy Hook, I “reviewed” Orwell’s 1984 as the backdrop for the Pozner-Fetzer case in regard to the creating of false reality. I wrote a petition for writ of Coram Nobis and sent it to the Connecticut court. I concluded that Alex Jones participated knowingly in his own defeat in the defamation suit. I used the Sandy Hook case to make comparisons in two new shootings — Uvalde and Highland Park, and highlighted Wolfgang Halbig’s ongoing frustration regarding Freedom of Information requests. Luckily, I found a 2014 article by Andrew Macgregor comparing Port Arthur to Sandy Hook and gun control.

On Jewish matters, or should I say Jewish blame, we have a commenter, Crisscross767, who never fails to bring up “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion,” or other published statements that there is hidden hand behind everything, and that it is Jewish.  I think the Hidden Hand idea is spot-on, and that sometimes the person whose hand is hidden is Jewish — which could be thanks to “clubby collusion.” But when this is overdone it’s unfair, both to Jews and to everyone. It leads to whispering and fear, which I can’t stand so I’m always trying to lay the matter on the table.  These articles were part of my argument:  “Jews, “the Jews,’ Jewry. etc,” “Rosh Hashana, 2022,” “Of What Religions and Ethnicities Are the Cabal Members?,” and “Maybe It’s Not the Jews.”

Child Trafficking.  It is Dee who covers the ongoing topic of courts and maternal grief. My only contribution was a wrap-up on pedophilia, and a song for a mother-daughter reunion. (The reunion did not happen; it was blocked.) I covered Brice Taylor’s chat about Kissinger. Maria Farmer’s portrait of “a cockroach” led me to consider something about Harvard and my favorite member of the Class of ’22. Then I discovered Whitney Webb’s two-volume book “One Nation Under Blackmail” that ties Epstein’s work with that of Ray Cohn and many others. I hope to review it later, but if any other contributor is willing to have a go, that would be great.

Meta Matters

For the above articles, I did not embed the links here — anything technical like that is above my pay grade. (Using Gumshoe’s search engine will take you to what you want.) But now I will link, without description, ten of my year’s 100 or so articles that I consider “meta.”  For these, I was trying to focus on the larger question, not the vaccine, or the media lies, or the whatever. I don’t want them to die at year’s end.  I want other people to use them in whatever way they can.

Thanksaroo. I thank the Gumshoer who secretly did all the artwork for my congressional campaign, providing vitally needed solidarity into the bargain. Cherri, Mark, Diane, and Deb sent me relevant tips — appreciated and almost always used. Ant 56’s sharp admonishments in Comments have often sent me off on a new idea.

Needles to say, I give Dee biggest thanks for making all this stuff possible. On June 16, 2022, under my article praising our editor (“McLachlan, Pathbreaker”), I commented, to the tune of “There’s no business like show business:

For Dee:

Yesterday they told you, you would not go far
Tonight you open, and cops are thar.

Next day on your prison cell they’ve hung a star
Let’s go on with Gumshoe, Let’s go on with Gumshoe!

Now here are my ten meta’s:
Bootcamp for Training the Elite
Ten Professions React to the ‘2000 Mules’ Affair
What to Do about the Evil in Our Midst?
Parasites and How the World May End
Calculating the Future of the Human Species
Biologically, What Powers Do Humans Have for Defeating Mega-Bullies?
Lingo, Part 1: “World Together” (As Announced by the W.H.O.)
Twenty-five Reasons Why “World War 3” Should Not Be Allowed
Eutopia, Part 1: A Maul-worthy Book by Philip Allott
“Australia Has No Legitimate Government Today.”



  1. Start at 3.45 mins:

    “Even with a turkey that you know will fold,

    Dee wouldn’t change it for a sack of gold…”

    Seriously? Wait a minute! Are you kidding?

  2. It took all year but finally at the end Karen Kingston came out with some material that supports AussieMal’s contention that there is no virus, well that may be true in some amount of cases, who knows, KK is saying the virus is in aerosolised lipid nanoparticles which can also be generated via the mRNA injections and transmitted by close contact. Well it’s all a bit technical for me so I await further reports from KK and whomever hosts her next, maybe Stew Peters.

    • It took two years but finally toward the end the Priory of Sion emerged as the force behind the Protocols of Zion, and this makes perfect sense in the context of these times we are in. The Globalist network clearly centres on Switzerland, effectively as a bank for the Vatican, set up by Charlemagne (Fortress Zurich) in conjunction with tithing throughout northern Europe. These people feel a need to brag, or at least to prime the rest of us, with their plans, which they devise well in advance, since they call for generational change. Following the 2000+ year old playbook, they use the jews as frontmen / scapegoats and certain jews obligingly sell out. Swissy evolved out of the ruins of the Roman and Egyptian empires, probably picked up a few statuettes of Baal etc from Babylon along the way. The expansionist power of Egypt in pre-Roman times is rarely broadcast, likewise the disappearance of the treasure, instead it is always “Tutankhamun”.
      The Venetian Empire also slipped into the shadows, after Shakespeare, who by convention made use of a jew in his narrative. The secret history of Globalists is there for anyone to see, if they are willing to open their eyes. Their trail is simply from Egypt to Rome to Venice to Zurich to Geneva. Their founder apparently was Alexander Helios.
      “The jews” has been a most successful ploy, willingly repeated through the ages by parrots who find it utterly satisfying. Any outsider could be a “jew”. And so the story is built on and expanded until we have an actual budding Zionist empire. This ruse counts as one of the most successful in history.

    • Sincere apologies to you two lovely ladies that make this site what it is, always worthy reading.
      Of all good contributors, I’m probably the worst offender, combination of loser with gadget illiteracy doesn’t help either of you for time taken to present articles here.
      Like all good work, usually done for free.

      Mary and Dee, thank you.

    • I paid twice last year to help keep the lights on, this year I used up my spare money investigating the ASEAN region. Since I use the place as a virtual billboard ( hopefully staying mostly within the publisher’s preferred scope of material ) it’s only right that I should contribute an appropriate amount. Any new ideas I may have come up with are freely gifted to the reader out there.
      The conventional rate of donation is usually based on a cup of coffee a week, on that basis I’m well in front of accepted moral obligations.

      • A whole crowd used to contribute more comments during the Years of Outrage ( Feb 2020-Sept 2022 ) and they are all having a rest now. Only two years to go and Gates & co have promised things will get worse. The legislation to make it worse is going into place courtesy of our crooked, lying, treasonous politicians, legislation that will have you locked up and injected on the orders of Gates’ W.H.O. with crooked politicians washing their hands of it.
        ( A little biblical reference there for those old enough ).
        Now is NOT the time for complacence, even if you may think Trump will come back in 2023 and hordes of US Inc crooks will be locked up, Australia is not in that jurisdiction, we are still sold out to Swissy, Lear jet parked there in Geneva, who plans to suck out all our money and fill our veins with venom.

    • Present day Jews/Judeans wandered from Idumea/Edom in 126 B.C.

      Roman general Hyrcanus captured Edom/Idumea and its population was integrated into the Judean community around 126BC

      Josephus’ Antiquities of the Jews, XIII, ix, 1, writes,

      “… and they were so desirous of living in the country of their forefathers, that they submitted to the use of circumcision and the rest of the Jews’ ways of living; at which time therefore, this befell them, that they were hereafter no other than Jews.”

      The Jews are of Esau from Idumea, and therefore not of Israel or Judah; Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925, vol. 5, page 41


      Esau therefore was NOT a part of Judea’s Babylonian Captivity –

      Babylonian Captivity | Definition, History, & Significance
      Babylonian Captivity, also called Babylonian Exile, the forced detention of Jews in Babylonia following the latter’s conquest of the kingdom of Judah in 598/7 and 587/6 bce. The captivity formally ended in 538 bce, when the Persian conqueror of Babylonia, Cyrus the Great, gave the Jews permission to return to Palestine.

      Esdras 6:9 …”For Esau(Edom) is the end of this age, and Jacob is the beginning of the age that follows
      http://www.balderexlibris.com/public/ebook/Weisman Charles_A._Who_is_Esau-Edom.zip

      Zion – Wikipedia
      The Jewish longing for Zion, starting with the deportation and enslavement of Jews during the Babylonian captivity, was adopted as a metaphor by Christian black slaves in the United States. [citation needed][year needed] Thus, Zion symbolizes a longing by wandering peoples for a safe homeland.

      The Jewish Encyclopedia says that “Edom is in Modern Jewry”. This witness from the 1905 edition records the connection between modern day Jews and the race of Edom:

      “Some anthropologists are inclined to associate the racial origins of the Jews, not with the Semites, whose language they adopted, but with the Armenians and Hittites of Mesopotamia, whose broad skulls and curved noses they appear to have inherited (Vol. X, p. 284). Thus Esau/Edom was now absorbed into the Canaanite people by means of his Hittite and Hivite wives. According to Strong’s Concordance the word Canaan means “trader or merchant” and the Phoenicians, as Canaanites, are derived from Ham’s incestuous relationship with Naamah the sister of Tubalcain, the wife Noah took with him in the Ark (Genesis 9:18-27; 10:6, 15-1.

      • People were nomadic and interbreeding since the year dot. Klaus Swab may be a psychopathic maniac with a bloodline going back 1000 years in Swabia, but that doesn’t make all Germans bad. I’m surprised such a simple concept defeats you.

        • Judah married and had sons to the daughter of foreign gods——a Canaanite woman. Malachi, chapter 3 & 2:11., Genesis 38:1-10 who later intermarried with the children of Esau/Edom. Herod was an Edomite.
          See, “The Book of Adam and Eve”. S.C.Malan., quote – chapter 4,
          “Then after this Judah took to himself a wife whose name was habwadiya, that means, “house-wife” but in the law her name is Sewa. She was of a Caananitish family, and Jacobs heart suffered much on that account;and he said to Judah his son who had married that wife, “The God of Abraham and of Isaac will not allow the seed of this Canaanitish woman to mingle with my seed.”……….

          “……….Then Judah married his son Onan to Tamar, saying, “He shall raise seed unto thy brother.” But him also did God kill because of his evil deeds; on account of Jacobs curse, “That no Canaanitish seed should mingle with his own.” So God would not let any of it mingle with that of Jacob the righteous. Therefore did Tamar go to Judah her father-in-law, who had intercourse with her, not knowing she was his sons wife; and she bare unto him twins, Pharez and Zarah.” [Genesis 38:6-30]
          ……. Chapter 6, ………… “After this, there began to issue a race from Naason [a descendent of Pharez], who was great among the sons of Judah; and from him began a kingdom and a priesthood, and the Jews became celebrated through him…….” Gen. 38:11-30, Ruth 4:18-22
          Canaan: a son of Ham, [Genesis 10:6]., Cursed by Noah, [Genesis 9:20-26]., Idolatrous, [Deut. 29:17] ., Defiled, [Lev. 18:24-27]

          • I read a few Norse sagas written by Snorri Sturlusson and a couple of others and I soon learned to skip over all the genealogies at the start.
            It used to be a big thing, but these days it’s all mixed together, even at the level of Bill Clinton and Harry “Windsor”.

  3. The Carbonaro Effect: Magician Reveals How Fake News Media Indoctrinates The Gullible Masses With Junk Science


    Although this is not the intention of the show, a fascinating hidden camera magic TV show called The Carbonaro Effect inadvertently reveals how the fake news media indoctrinates the gullible masses into believing really big lies.

    Unlike most “magic” shows where talented magicians perform magic in front of people who fully expect to be dazzled by apparent magic, Michael Carbonaro performs magic that’s presented as “normal” reality.

    In other words, he performs astonishing feats of sleight of hand, but then acts surprised when observers express astonishment at what they just witnessed. In most of his bits, he tries to convince the observers that what they just witnessed was completely normal (and even commonplace).

    He accomplishes this through the application of social engineering strategies…………”

    Related: Social Engineering – The War On The Higher Mind Of Humans: Here’s Why You Should Consider Converting Your Music To A=432 Hz

    How “Social Engineering” Achieves Mind Control for the Gullible Masses

    “Social engineering” describes the application of verbal strategies designed to invoke the innate social conformity desires of sheeple (i.e. people who don’t think for themselves but who want to fit in with the crowd). Nearly all people are actually sheeple.

    Very few individuals are willing to question a “consensus” put forth by others, even if that consensus is obviously false or violates the laws of physics.

    For example, consider how many people are absolutely convinced that flu shots always work and are backed by exhaustive scientific trials, even when flu shot insert sheets openly admit the vaccines have been subject to no clinical trials whatsoever and aren’t backed by any clinical evidence of efficacy.

    As revealed in this Natural News investigation, for example, the Flulaval vaccine insert sheet admits there are “no controlled trials demonstrating a decrease in influenza.”

    Yet people believe flu shots work because they are told they work by a “consensus” of other people who have been tricked into believing a falsehood……………………”

    • They have been lied to by politicians and M$M who told them it was an emergency.
      They all know “if their mouths are open they’re lying” and they believe anyway.
      This past year, sheeple blundered their way towards Teal Party politicians, funded by the billionaire Holmes-a-Court jr., the sheeple were confused, they didn’t know where to turn. Now they are back in their paddocks, munching, too lazy to do anything else, until next time. They lose their offspring to the system, and once a year they get fleeced, but all they care is that they can stay in a mob and keep on munching.
      The politicians are handing over all their powers one by one to Geneva. The politicians want the pork barrel at election time and want to blame someone else the rest of the time. Now in Western Australia the government is making a virtual direct link from Geneva to the local Police Commissioner, in terms of “public health emergency response”. This means mercenaries will come and hold you down and inject you, most likely with Gates’ mRNA product. Gates of course is a major donor to WHO so it’s stitched up. Everyone in Australia and NZ should expect this type of legislation to be repeated in their jurisdictions, and expect multinational goons to come and forcibly inject you.
      Scheduled SPARS / SEERS 2025, little over two years away.

  4. My scorn is peaking for promulgations about “jews” which seem designed only to generate a reign of terror in places like East St Kilda, Balaclava, Caulfield, Bondi, Dianella, and any suburbs around Australia noted for traditionally jewish populations. As if this will stop the Globalist goon squads from forcibly injecting you, it’s a diversion.
    There seems to be no racial or cultural boundary amongst Globalists, and there are a few reasons why they often preference “jews” as their lackeys, conforming to the narrative is one, access to amnesty in Israel is another, ability to network is another, and most of all is that they seem to be brought up to be resilient and competitive.
    Indians, Chinese and other types are also competitive in their own ways.
    Anglos on the other hand, widely seem programmed to self-destruct, with welfare and substance dependence, extreme feminism and rights for gay whales etc., televised sport and junk culture taking priority. The Anglo empire has seen better days and is now tired and slowly going into decline.
    The Anglo values system of Christianity has been eaten out until there is barely a veneer left. Look at places where the party is over, and see how people behave, in Seattle and SanFrancisco, and in Australian cities, losers have tents on the sidewalk, while the politicians and their lackeys live it up in Canberra. They know how to have a good time in Canberra, away from the wife and kids.
    These politicians are the ones selling you out, and the ALP is the worst.
    From Gough’s Lima Declaration destruction of Australian manufacturing, to Hawke’s infiltration and annihilation of Trade Unions, to Keating’s sell-offs and superannuation racket, to Rudd’s Globalism and Gillard’s shutting down the fledgling hybrid car industry in Melbourne, which she did in conjunction with her compatriot Abbott, we can expect the worst from Elbow, another non-jew. The politicians are doing it to us with their sneaky midnight laws. And we are supposed to be looking out for a guy with a bagel shop in Acland St.

    • This would have to be the umpteenth time I’ve posted this analysis and the penny still hasn’t dropped:

      “Nations want to be autonomous so that they can choose their own
      course, and perform their own will, in the seeking of their own glory. The very existence of Israel in the world is a stubborn reminder of a God whose will they hate. To remove Israel is to remove God’s righteous demand upon them. To blot Israel out from their sight, by the liquidation of that people, is one of the reasons why Jews have suffered near annihilation in all
      their history. They were not innocent victims though, for their own sinful conduct justified the
      wrath that has been poured out upon them. Both things are true at the same time. Nations
      ventilating their hatred against God, and the fury that comes upon Israel, are exactly Israel’s
      deserving in proportion to their sins—not least being their failure to desire to be chosen, and to be for God what He has always intended. The greatest drama of the Last Days (which is already in process) is the attempt to annihilate
      Israel by the nations so as to remove God’s very provision for their relatedness to Him. That is
      why the “nations rage and take thought against God and His Anointed and want to break their
      bands from them” (Psalm 2). If you want to be freed from the requirement of God, as a nation,
      in the relationship of nations to God, then you must remove the nation Israel. That explains
      why the last drama in history, before the Lord’s coming, is the attempt again to annihilate
      Israel, as well as the motive for it.”

      Jew-haters might be headed for You-Know-Where but meanwhile said hatred is being used by God to purify His Own.
      The only way of getting the better of anything in this world is to take the message of the cross on board (bar horrendous persecution “The Anglo values system of Christianity” would never have been established either and that’s a mere inkling of the bigger picture)

      • I don’t go for the carrot or stick, just resting in peace would be preferable, not sure if things are that simple though.

  5. “The Hidden Tyranny”

    “We are god’s chosen people . . . Most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer — so I wasn’t lying — and we are his chosen people. Lucifer is very much alive.”


    The Christians are always singing about the blood. Let us give them enough of it! Let us cut their throats and drag them over the altar! And let them drown in their own blood! I dream of the day when the last priest is strangled on the guts of the last preacher. Jewish Chairman of the American Communist Party, Gus Hall
    The best among the Gentiles deserves to be killed. Jewish religious text quoted in ‘Gentile’ The Jewish Encyclopedia Volume 5, Funk and Wagnalls Company, New York, 1903, pp. 615-626, at 617.
    The Jewish teaching must cover the whole earth. No matter where fate should lead, through scattered all over the earth, you must always consider yourselves members of a Chosen Race.

    For centuries the Sons of Israel have been despised and persecuted, but they have fought bravely to prepare the way for victory. Now they are approaching their aim. They already dominate the economic life of the damned Christians; their influence is just as great in politics and in moral fields. At the wished for hour, fixed in advance, we shall let loose the Revolution, which by ruining all classes of Christians will definitely enslave Christendom to us. Thus will be accomplished the promise of God made to his people. From speech of Rabbi Reichhorn delivered in Prague in 1869 over the tomb of the Grand Rabbi Simeon‑ben‑Ihuda, published by the French Magazine “Libre Parole” in its issue of November 1933, page 27, and earlier “La Vielle France” issue of March 10, 1921

    “We Jews, we are the destroyers and will remain the destroyers. Nothing you can do will meet our demands and needs. We will forever destroy because we want a world of our own.” — Maurice Samuel

    • Without getting into the details of whether your various quotes are true or attributed ( in the case of PoZ they are attributed ):
      As always, you like to present some tiny minorities from history and apply them to the catch-all term “jew”, in order to discredit any and all people who may be characterised as Jewish.
      And you do this because you are bitter that some air-con mall went up and ruined your local shopping strip, where I presume you were established.
      In other words you are simply grinding your axe and when it suits your purpose you will shape the truth to suit your agenda.

      • If you look closely it’s just a series of quotes; one of the tell-tale signs of being ensnared in a cult is a complete absence of any actual intelligent input

        • The haters have a bunch of white supremacist / anti-jew websites which they scour daily and cut and paste from. Collectively it’s an echo chamber which prevents their thoughts from evolving.

    • John 8:31–36 , 31 Then Jesus said to those Judeans who believed Him, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. 32 And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” 33 They answered Him, “We are Abraham’s descendants, and have never been in bondage to anyone”.

      Therefore they are Judeans but not of the tribe of Judah and not the participants of the Israelite Exodus from Egypt nor were they in captivity in Babylon

    • darn, i know 767, he be total (ur understanding here) . murdered with a radioactive isotope in a , drum roll, rhythms and phonetics with dull as, strange times or jewbious times(a real Jew would at least smirk here), i always resonated with this one

      • Serendipity!! –came across this today–we ask for signs the signs are sent.
        Chasing the Music – The Story of the First Guitar Arriving in Arnhem Land
        Mousetrap Films

        Specially for you Simon from a fellow traveller–from “all of us” –coz I know you travel the ‘bardos” and you know the frequencies that liberate the mind body soul —music as against truth–sets you “free”—ahh prefer “liberates you” from their clutches.

        It is also for all past present –and future gumshoe ers– hope we can stay connected in 2023–albeit at a different frequency. An indulgence.
        Thanks to all travelling home.

        May not be in others field of interest–but some may see the connection if they find time to watch. Am including some of a message to a soul mate who has some of my dna and has walked the lands of the old ones and is carrying some ancestral knowledge which he is still deciphering.

        “Yes Happy New Year—I hope it flows for you— and brings more peace and harmony —ahhh Balance

        I have spent the week reflecting on 2022— and setting my intentions for 2023
        I want to slow down my Brain—stop moving between false realities.

        My Hermit, yes the one who wants to live in solitude has been keeping us from interacting with others——putting the house in order –amazing memories, flashbacks hallucinations.

        My computer data is full and I need assistance —that speaks for my brain -computer and the forbidden fruit -THE APPLE but on the other hand I see it as a sign to limit connecting to their www——I have my own connections at a soul spiritual level in a different field

        I am doing a painting about different things the old ones showed me and it is as if I am channelling moving in and out of realities. I am also W blowing about the intentional destruction of peoples lives and livelihoods through the “hippy “-woodstock mass mind control style experiments that have caused such devastation post ww2—theft of Identity and Power— the machine and the syndicates march on— so very busy providing information to others—passing the baton on is our goal for 2023—travelling light.

        I feel guided and am working with some very switched on people——I will trust and follow the heart, and the forces beyond my control.

        As you know “our” life’s work has been focused on healing teaching and learning— —

        I just received this video it can be viewed at different levels, for me it shows how the Missionaries Mercenaries and Misfits were groomed to infiltrate remote communities——most with good intentions unaware of the Master’s voice 2020 -2030 agenda—many plants everywhere—fait accompli

        “I attended both Rurrumburra George and Dr Yunupingu’s week long funeral ceromonies. . And sat with their families so when you get time to watch it—(you need to find a quiet place) -you will see the back story and how the (barbarians)Romans are no where near where we have really come from— this might help you understand what you are experiencing between worlds.
        I love the last sunset and the old fellas words”

        “I will be watching it again very quiet here—everyone off on holidays oblivious of layers of deception— although some are realising 2023 will be very different—they are trying to rebuild community and “broken” family ties much healing and honesty needed. Honest with oneself is the Key.

        Music is so powerful ——it can be used for good or evil especially with help from Pharma ceuticals and the layered in subliminal messages.

  6. The US wants to chop Putins head off –


    NOAHIDE LAWS, Decapitation for Confessing “JESUS IS LORD”

    The Jewish Encyclopedia envisages a Noahide regime as a possible world order immediately preceding the universal reign of the Talmud.

    It has to be understood that we are not dealing with the Noah of the Bible when the religion of Judaism refers to “Noahide law,” but the Noahide law as understood and interpreted by the absolute system of falsification that constitutes the Talmud.


    “Dangers of Pentagon “beheading attack” on Russia”


    “………….For months now, some US officials, disregarding reality, have been calling for the elimination of the Russian leadership. Threatening a country that is incapable of retaliation is one thing, as morally and legally reprehensible as that is, but threatening a country whose response could literally spell the end of the world is a clear indicator of how distant the American establishment has become. And yet this hasn’t stopped the said officials from continuing to call for beheading attacks against Russia, as stated by former CIA head David Petraeus , or direct calls for Putin’s assassination by both former US National Security Adviser John Boltonas incumbent U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham .

    …………..Such rhetoric is disturbing to say the least. Given the heavy weaponry of the world’s powers, calls for beheading attacks or assassinations of their leaders are extremely dangerous. However, such statements do not come from Moscow or Beijing, as they are aware of the irreversible consequences of such actions. Unfortunately, this does not seem to be the case in Washington DC, where a complete lack of (diplomatic) etiquette seems to have become the norm. Exactly how this will affect the world remains to be seen, as Russia is holding back for now. This approach is the only sensible one, but the problem is that the political West often sees this as a sign of “weakness” ………………


    Noahide laws and ISIS
    US Public Law 102-14


  7. What’s “gain of function”, it’s transhumanism.
    Our oppressors think they can beat the Almighty, with wicked technology to devolve the planet. Replacing life that He created, with GMO so that no pure species exist.
    To control our lives given to us by God,
    they want to program us like computers and most have no idea this is happening. Same lies repeated, “faster internet” and “faster downloads”.

    The ubiquitous towers and satellites are the weapon system. When they are beaming down 5G the whole earth will be attacked by radiation.

    Prayer 🙏 is the only remedy from this hell now here. We must believe Him, and prepare for prophecy. It is truly tragic, that so many trust mass murderers at top of this global control grid who do not even care about their own.

  8. after 11 years of scummo we now have to live with AnAl for the forseeable.
    is either better than the other when theyre each so very bad?
    a different bad doesnt make anything good.
    people shouldve voted for you Mary.
    im not saying im seeing anything good about being a righty
    im saying i can see a lot bad about being lefty

    and those last two sentences are interchangeable.
    but a vote for Mary could only ever have been good
    for everyone.


  9. “The disabilities, injuries and deaths by batch were designed. Pfizer admits to the variations in batches in the FDA application BLA approval. This isn’t a manufacturing mess up. The injuries and deaths are intended consequences of the FDA authorising and approving a bioweapon. Let’s say it like it is and stop covering for the corporate criminals. Global citizens deserve the truth.” – Karen Kingston

    • “Thus the body becomes the host and the production factory for this new parasitic species of life, hatched from the demonic realm.”

  10. The Canadian Independent Video 1 below shows a parliamentary address by Gerard Rennick, Senator for Queensland, Australia, and member of the Liberal National Party, in early December 2022.


    As Rennick points out, Australia had recorded more than 10 million COVID-19 cases by September 2022, at which point the Australian Department of Health stopped counting — a decision made out of embarrassment, Rennick suggests, given how more than half of the country got COVID, despite the fact that 20 million of Australia’s total population of 26 million had received 2 their COVID shots, writes Dr. Joseph Mercola .

    Rennick also points to the rising excess mortality rate. In 2021, Australia had 8,706 excess deaths above the norm, even as New South Wales remained in lockdown for three whole months. “In theory, deaths should have been lower, like in 2020, ” says Rennick…………….”

  11. The aim apparently of vaccines is to kill off old useless eaters.

    “WHO Chief Says COVID Boosters “Are Used by Countries to Kill Children” – Fake Fact-Checkers Freak Out”


    A video went viral this week of failed World Health Organization Chief, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, talking about vaccinating children.

    In the video, Tedros tells international health experts that countries are using COVID booster shots to kill children.

    Tedros Ghebreyesus: “If it’s going to be used it’s better to focus on those groups, who have risk of severe disease and death rather than as we see some countries are using to give boosters to kill children which is not right.”

    For some strange reason the fake news mainstream media did not report on this. The media totally ignored this shocking statement.

    Why is that?…………………………..”

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