Home Finance X22 Report: World Telegraphing an Economic Message

X22 Report: World Telegraphing an Economic Message


Dave mentions Sydney and Melbourne.



  1. What are the odds that not one candidate in the next federal election will even mention a policy to deal with these changes?
    What is the bet that; not one ABC journalst, msm banker’s puppet or their shock jokes will raise rhis reality and demand that our politicians present a policy for Australia to resolve the greedy central banker’s collapse?
    Why do I suspect that a few of our flash gold toothed rats in Canberra know all this and are scampering up the nearest drain pipe.

  2. Dave (and many others) are referencing the MASSIVE BUBBLE in the Sydney and Melbourne property markets, its sudden rise and now its rapid fall as well as the impending doom of the Central Banksters and their control over the world. Methinks our banks might have a mega problem. Probably why they shoved through the Bail In Laws last Feb.

    Could all of this activity be orchestrated to bring down the banksters?

    Add to this the conclusion of the 2 Royal Commissions into corruption in the banking industry and institutional pedophilia and their damning findings.

    Plus the conviction of George Pell on historic pedophilia and by implication The Vatican.

    Now the implosion of the Liberal party via sudden resignations.Chairman Mal, Julie Bish, Ciobo, Pyne, O’Dwyer, Keenan and Scullion.

    Can we expect the other team leader to have an old criminal matter regarding a very young girl raise its ugly head in the very near future. Sure hope so.

    It certainly has me wondering. Are we witnessing the Trump Effect, right before our very eyes?

  3. Apparently the Federal Government have been goading the BIG FOUR into continuing the policy of aggressive lending for housing.

    I think the reason behind this plan is to prevent the reduction in labour in the housing industry which means, a close down in arguably the third largest industry in the economy.

    I have read, that even with depositors stolen money the banks will go bust, if we have another 2008 situation, because of their exposure to derivatives and other risky investments. Apparently there is not even enough money in the World to cover all the derivatives out there.

    If the reason for Julie Bishop’s stepping down is what I think was the cause, then maybe Prime Minister Morrison will also not be available for re-election. What a situation?

  4. Can a 7-year old help you finance your purchase?

    Two small children set up a table outside the post office in NH today. As I came out of the PO they said loudly in unison “Would you like to buy Girl Scout cookies?” I said “No, sorry I don’t have any money today.”

    They shouted in unison “We take credit cards.”

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