Home Health 5G Stealth Weapon — A Catastrophe Coming Our Way

5G Stealth Weapon — A Catastrophe Coming Our Way


A film by Sacha Stone exposing the 5G existential threat to humanity in a way we never imagined possible!



  1. 5G SUMMIT
    “In a February 2019 US Senate hearing, the wireless industry was forced to admit they have no safety studies on 5G, and don’t plan to do any. Meanwhile, there are thousands of independent studies concluding that wireless radiation causes biological harm. Despite this, the wireless industry is working with government to deploy 5G — it’s a global, for-profit, human experiment… without our consent.
    The 5G Crisis: Awareness & Accountability summit to discover:

  2. MKULTRA Mind Control–programming- -using electrical frequencies-


    “Each victim has an individual story but also has a noted consistency in the abuse and the terrible health problems that affect all casualties of EMF/DEW irradiation. EMP, Pulse and Direct Energy weapons, contrary to the propaganda and lies are extremely lethal. These weapons are used to terrorize a targeted person over a period of time. These weapons come in the form of vibrations, which can be used to target a specific organ in the body causing scar tissue to form leading to the death of that organ. These weapons can cause heart attacks and strokes. There are approximately 100 plus vibrations that attack the heart. There are vibrations that cause panic attacks and sleep deprivation. There are vibrations which cause a targeted person to go mad and/or crazy, as well as many other capabilities. All that would show up in an autopsy is that the person died from natural causes.”

  3. There are more cell phones than people in the world today . But they’re not getting cheaper . The global implementation of 5G represents the single greatest business venture of all time . Just think of the money wasted to purposely eliminate all living . Thirty years ago , we would have said no way , look at us now .

    • Brains, eyes, and testicles, he says, are boiled by radiation. New stuff will be 15 thousand times stronger than what we transmit now.

      “They are talking about putting one on the back of every car, and in the hallway of your apartment building.”

      He says the bonds that hold your cells together will be affected.
      Fetuses in utero are surrounded by water…

  4. Dr Judy Wood(Where did the towers go?)has provided convincing EVIDENCE for the use of a DEW on 9/11 supported by experiments of John Hutchison via Nikola Tesla.

    • 56
      Not only wealth but technology.

      Decades ago the Tri-laterals in Washington passed on high tech and secret material to China.
      Trilaterals Over Washington: Volumes I & II
      This is the documented story of the organization and members of the Trilateral Commission, founded in 1973 by David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski, with the specific purpose of creating a “New International Economic Order”. With an small but powerful international membership hand-picked by an executive committee, Commissioners asserted undue influence over America, Japan and Europe. In 1976, Trilateral members James Earl Carter and Walter Mondale were elected to head the Executive Branch in the U.S., thus starting a 40 year hegemony over the greatest economic nation on earth. American influence and position was used to reform international trade, promote globalization and interdependence among nations. European Trilateral members were then instrumental in using the United Nations to create a doctrine of Sustainable Development and Green Economy: See Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation (Wood, 2015) for details. Originally written in 1979-1980, Trilaterals Over Washington quickly became a best-seller and over the course of about two years, sold over 75,000 copies internationally. The books were very well received for excellent scholarship and original research, and even became a frequently-used textbook in political science classes at many colleges in U.S. universities. The co-author, Professor Antony C. Sutton, passed in 2002 having authored 24 books during a distinguished academic career that included UCLA and the Hoover Institution at Stanford University.

  5. The Truth About Cancer
    5G wireless… the industry HAS NOT shown it to be safe for your health or privacy. Yet THOUSANDS of peer-reviewed, independent studies show otherwise – and they’re building it anyway.

    Understand the dangers of 5G and learn how to implement better solutions in your community!

    he 5G Crisis: Awareness & Accountability Summit is online and FREE from August 26 – September 1, 2019.

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