Home Australia 900 Sick Demonstrates the Law of Cause and Effect

900 Sick Demonstrates the Law of Cause and Effect


by Dee McLachlan

Today, this article is more like a comment. The above photo demonstrates almost everything about how society and humanity operate. (The police have written on their cars as a silent protest — wanting fair pay with stats of 800 vacancies and 900 sick.) Every action sets the cause of future counteracts or consequences. This is the law of cause and effect and I believe there is no exception to this law — that there are consequences to one’s actions.

Police vehicles across Melbourne have been advertising numbers sick, vacancies and protesting workload and pay. I want to point out that I worked Pro Bono for almost FOUR solid years because a South Australian police officer concealed child abuse and falsified her notes. I also want fairness and any pay will do. $10 an hour would suffice for the 8,000 or more hours I dedicated to counter the misconduct of public officials.

But why are 900 Victorian police officers “sick”?

Never in all my life living across 4 continents have I been presented with such a statement. Imagine in the early 2000s seeing a sign like that on a police car window. One would have immediately considered a cause — like a massive factory toxin leak or something. But huge numbers of people being sick has now been normalized.

Heart attacks on sports fields are now suddenly commonplace. On Sunday, Luton Town football captain collapsed on the field from a heart attack — which resulted in a clapping frenzy.

Another: Christian Eriksen’s collapse.

But back to the 900. Why would so many of the force be sick? One would expect the police would be on the more healthy spectrum. The explanation will probably be stress on the job.  (As of May 2022, Victoria Police had over 22,300 staff, comprising over 16,700 police officers across 333 police stations.)

This is another example of the 900 on the windows of police vehicles at St Kilda.

Have people’s immune systems been compromised by the jab? The unprecedented rise in mortality rates suggests so. I am listening to Kerry Cassidy as I write this, and there are suggestions that 1/3 of all people jabbed have been harmed in some way.

The irony of the situation is startling. I remember at the early rallies in Melbourne when the police were acting aggressively to anti-lockdown and anti-mRNA protestors.

I clearly remember one protester at the Shrine approaching the line of police and pleading with them, “WE’RE DOING THIS FOR YOU … FOR YOU … FOR YOUR CHILDREN… We’re on the same side; on the side of humanity.”

It is a stark reminder that the protectors of the agenda — the agenda of the global controllers — have been drawn into this anti-human program. And the controllers have no regard for the political puppets or the enforcers (police). Everyone has the potential to be harmed.


In April 2021 I wrote the article “Could the Next Global Crisis in 2022-23 be a Prion (Mad Cow Disease) Pandemic?” The speculation fortunately did not eventuate, but in Epoch Health (18/12/2023) they write about the unexpected surge in cases of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD)”

“Case Reports Link COVID-19, Pfizer Shot With CJD

“…a paper published in September 2023 in the American Journal of Case Reports suggests a potential correlation between COVID-19 infection and the onset of a neurodegenerative condition. In one case study, a 62-year-old man at Mount Sinai Queens Hospital Center in New York exhibited difficulty walking and signs of rapidly progressing dementia. The case report noted that he “experienced worsening neurological function after having been COVID-19-positive on admission.” The man was ultimately diagnosed with prion disease.

“…Another case study involved a 64-year-old woman who developed sporadic CJD after receiving a second dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine. Following vaccination, she presented with rapid memory loss, behavior changes, headaches, and gait disturbance. Extensive investigation confirmed the fatal diagnosis of sporadic CJD, according to the case study.

“The authors highlighted the mRNA in the Pfizer vaccine, suggesting its potential to bind to specific proteins and induce “pathologic misfolding” typical in prion disease. They noted the mRNA’s translation of the spike protein, which can increase intracellular zinc that is known to trigger the conversion of TAR DNA-binding protein into its pathological prion form.”



  1. Maybe some useless USED eaters might be realising that they have passed their globalist murderous mandates and are used up…… happens when the public wake up first.
    First, they came for the handicapped, then they came for the gypsies, then they came for the communists, then they come for the elderly (who know history) then they came for the intellectuals, including doctors, then they came for the used up brown shirts, then they came for the reporters, then they came for the media misinformation independent thinkers, then they came for their puppet journalists, then they came for the mass media executives, then they came for the recalcitrant clergy ( like Archbishop Vigano)
    Then they came for threatening politicians (like Trump with groundless court cases) then they came for “…………….. YOU AND HIM.
    Shit, where is everybody?👻💁🏼🙈👻
    There is some silver lining, we can dispense with Canberra and state’s nonsense with green council fools and only have to finance the PHARMA, WHO, THE UN, THE IMF, BANKERS AND ‘HEIL’ GENEVA ….. so long as you eat bugs stay in your 15 minute locations and never breath out …… or fart.

    • And sex with little children will be Ok with free ardrenochrome (sp) supplied on the national ‘health’ benefit schemes for all who are remaining.
      Clearly, just as Satan has transfigured heaven for his own glory.

  2. They are test running their “Gospel” AI system in Palestine so they can deploy it globally when the time is right to get rid of dissidents…..

  3. They are test running their “Gospel” AI bombing by numbers system in Palestine so they can deploy it globally against any dissidents remaining

  4. Are any of the Police hierarchy suffering the same percentage of sickness? You know those that were exempt from the “vaccine’. It appears that no politicians are suffering similar statistics.

    Here is a video address telling us of the reason. Unfortunately this information suggests that many millions more will pass on shortly. This is not a political video.


    I am afraid that very shortly funeral directors will shortly not be able to handle the number of “services” required. Then there will be other health issues.

    • I do recall all those plastic ones in the US & they could hold 2 bodies each. I think it may have been the DHS & reported by Jessie Ventura? You got to like that guy. He even had a well known female claiming that the aristocrats where going to cull the peasants soon. He interviewed her as she was leaving the US because of this. I will go back over his shows. Anybody know if the same in Straya? I remember something about one particular state ordering plenty of body bags?

  5. Well when are the cops going to act on the needle murderers, it’s their job to catch murderers, this should be easy enough

    • The cops are so lame they would not arrest their commanding officers, even the ones who were va666ine exempt. Possibly content to sit around waiting for the “white hats” to arrive.

      • Today’s police force is an empty shell of what it once was – there was a time, when even a state Premier called out the Commissioner of Police to close down some illegal gambling dens, that the Premier – Wran – said existed, and probably did – the Commissioner – and I cannot remember who he was at the time – told the Premier to provide some evidence that such dens existed before he would act.

        Today, the police commissioner is in the pockets of the politicians and acts accordingly.

        No cop, today, knows who they can trust within the police force it has become so introspective against the rank and file. And while the police hierarchy drive their desks in complete safety, the rank and file put their lives on the line every day they are on duty.

        Trusting your fellow officers, and those who give the orders, is the key to a good police force, but the trust is no longer there.

        • I wonder how many cops have doubts about the Queensland cop shootings. There is enough information available that it appears that it was a psy-op where two rooky cops were intentionally killed. – The cops would have to know that they were expendable after that massacre.

          • In that job one gets to see and to hear many things, that at first, may be in isolation and easily shrugged off, but corruption has a habit of repeating itself, so that even the more cynical begin to take notice.

            An old saying in that job that did the rounds occasionally was, from the very first day you become a cop they are trying to get rid of you.

            Those two who were killed had not been in the job long – the hierarchy has a psychological method of keeping the new cop all starry eyed and bushy tailed by instilling in them the fallacy that police are one big happy family, when nothing could be further from reality.

            The one thing that still sticks with me in that job – is that those who tow the line and don’t buck the system that makes little robots out of them, are the ones who get promoted.

            That aspect to the police of today really irked me.

    • I already sent you that in the last story because I don’t have the background to go through it, thought it was right up your alley, the guy has a bunch of videos, claims the family court has no jurisdiction. To me a lot of legal procedures are irritating like sport or politics or other contrived systems, uninteresting and annoying. But each to their own.

    • You don’t understand it ?
      When it’s been exhaustively aired on these pages
      Not recently, granted, but it used to be one of Arlyn’s mainstays:

      But well before that commenter Fair Dinkum posted a more whimsical expose which naturally cuts to the chase much better:

      I’d first got wind of the situation in 2004 in relation to dealing with a State matter
      A decade later I was confronted by the same issue re my oldest son’s run-in with the same crew the FAQ guy encountered

      No doubt there’s more and weightier commentary on the phenomena, but as I intimate on the previous page , in my view such knowledge won’t free anyone from anything per se

  6. Dee, don’t be a cheapskate, working for ten bucks an hour. The current Australian adult minimum wage is $23.23 perhour. Multiply by your 8,000 hours (over 4 years) and you get $185K. Of course you’ll owe tax, but so what.

    • Junior lawyer gets about $60 dollars and hour and this will cost a punter $300-600 ph. There is a largess issue that must be payed before tax however.

      Just to clarify as a Court once said, its a racket(Margaret, for the sport challenged)

  7. How many coppers will be swept aside now, if the black knight should want to breach the lines. Kinda karma when the hunters, cop it.

    Its not funny and we tried to tell you loppers, even though you just wanted to smash our teeth in(St Kilda style)

    • Dipped your big toe into the rabbit hole, Mary. You only tend to think it is nonsense because you choose to not go there any further – just in case what you may read is actually true.

      Maybe it really is just a white hat psyop to expand one’s thinking? Then again, maybe Michael Baxter lays awake at night dreaming up what ever else he can write about?

  8. How dare tempus fugit! Their wedding was a couple of years ago, wasn’t it?

    Their oldest boy is 18. I wonder if he knows he is half Aussie.

    • nunc etiam stat

      ok I had to use google, this has gone beyond my, Claudius est atrium. I don’t want to know what the 18 year old knows, this is a deep blueblood line

      • I think the full induction takes about 50 years, but Sealand is a small island so they have to keep it nice “World’s happiest place” etc. Holland is even worse, in terms of the royals, notice how both places have accessible pot and now the controversial new administration in Thailand has gone the same way. Keep them all drugged and happy.

  9. https://palexander.substack.com/p/canadian-journalist-ian-vandaelle?publication_id=579356&post_id=139804004&isFreemail=true&r=tz3xt&utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

    Canadian journalist Ian Vandaelle who advocated that unvaccinated Canadians be put in concentration camps dies suddenly at the age of 33: “Ian Vandaelle has died after being hospitalized & “declared neurologically dead; Vandaelle advocated for vaccine passports & mandates, called for firing of anyone who refused injections.

    • there are worse things than being homeless in Queensland, you wait for “one country” and you can’t tent up for mozzies, lil alone lay a swag

      this is official but .. anywho still sounds great through good gear

  10. Clive Palmer comment

    This government is threatening your freedom
    The Albanese Government’s Misinformation/Disinformation Bill is the most dangerous piece of legislation ever to enter our parliamentary democracy.
    THIS DOCUMENT, released under Freedom of Information (FOI), shows that this government is following the techniques of suppression used by Hitler and Stalin.
    Make no mistake, this is a threat to our freedom; a freedom that thousands of Australians died for in wars. They fought to protect us so we could enjoy democratic liberties and free speech.
    Those who died protecting Australian values sacrificed their today so we could enjoy our tomorrow. In one fell swoop Anthony Albanese is going to destroy that legacy.
    Please take the time to read this briefing paper from the Communications Minister Michelle Rowland so you can see what the government is planning for next year and truly understand the implications.
    We are providing this information while we can. Who knows what restrictions we and others will be subjected to when this bill passes.
    Now is the time for all Australians to get behind UAP Senator Ralph Babet and like-minded politicians to protect Australia.
    Contact the minister’s office to let her and the government know you won’t accept the removal of your freedom and right to free speech.
    It’s very sad that everything we predicted prior to the last election – the cost of living, interest rates and government control, is now coming true.

    FOI documents

    • Massive penalties being planned as in NZ where information is illegal already under threat of jail terms, this seems aimed at giving the chief censor and … the crooked ABC-TV, full power over everything

    • “this government is following the techniques of suppression used by Hitler and Stalin.Make no mistake, this is a threat to our freedom; a freedom that thousands of Australians died for in wars. They fought to protect us so we could enjoy democratic liberties and free speech.”

      What’s not being acknowledged is that the Freedom of Information that’s achieved “normalcy” status in the last 20-odd years is unprecedented. At the point where Stalin and Hitler were enthroned every other government of every other nation had “full power” over what was printed and broadcast. The proof that the current bullies are out of their reckoning goes to their total lack of foresight as to where the “information highway” was leading:

      • During the 90s I witnessed the very same phenomena unfold re “compulsory school attendance”
        The government of the day simply had no foresight re folks giving the system the rude finger en masse
        At face value the attempted clamp-down was a bit scary but it soon became very obvious that there was no means of dealing with the fierce resistance
        Notwithstanding the paucity of parental skill in dealing with officious bureaucrats

  11. A toad was totally carbonised in mid-jump, like in about 1/10 of a second, and they said there were some swimmers who got the same treatment so it’s clear why the place had to be fenced off and combed through for evidence like this before re-opening. The Hawaii cops just following orders as usual telling everyone to drive into a dead end to be burned up.

  12. Doherty Institute (csiro) calls the shots ‘round here. All political puppets fools/tools in local, state and federal government, subordinate to the Pilgrim Society euthenasia cleansing program enforced globally from Oxford, with franchises worldwide, proof we have OWG with UNWHO.

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