Home Australia A Lot More to Afghanistan Than the Current Distractions Would Imply

A Lot More to Afghanistan Than the Current Distractions Would Imply


 By James O’Neill*

It seems fitting that as I write this on 22 November 2020, the 57th anniversary of the assassination of John F Kennedy in Dallas, Texas. The murder of Kennedy was lied about from day one. That comes as no surprise to those who follow geopolitics. What the JFK assassination tells us, however, is that the powers that be do not hesitate to lie, and keep lying, if it suits their wider geopolitical purpose.

In Kennedy’s case, his death warrant was probably signed in June 1963 when he gave a speech to the American University. That speech highlighted the uselessness of America’s Imperial wars. He foreshadowed that one of his first tasks after re-election in 1964 would be the withdrawal of US troops from Vietnam. What happened is well-established history. His successor as President, Lyndon Johnson, increased US troop’s participation in the Vietnam war immensely. It would be a further 12 years and millions of dead Vietnamese before the final, ignominious, United States retreat was forced.

The point of reminding readers of this sorry history is that essentially nothing has changed with regard to United States foreign policy. That is clearly evident in the case of US involvement in Afghanistan. We are currently being reminded, in the light of recent revelations about atrocities committed by Australian special forces in Afghanistan, that the war is now in its 20th year. We are solemnly assured that this is the longest war ever fought by the United States (and Australian) troops.

That statement is only partially true. It is what we the general public are not told about that particular fiasco that reveals more about the United States’ foreign policy’s real objectives than sudden concern about the bad behaviour of a limited number of troops up to a decade or more ago.

Western journalist’s accounts repeatedly state that the war began following an al Qaeda attack upon the United States in September 2001. Al Qaeda was said to be sheltering in Afghanistan and the Afghanistan government (a Taliban one in those days) was “refusing to hand them over for American justice.” It is part of the Western way of waging war that actual evidence plays little or no part in justifying their Imperial adventures.

The United States had been in Afghanistan at least since the 1980s when they were arming and otherwise supporting Afghans fighting against the Soviet troops that had entered Afghanistan in 1980. They have been there ever since, and the Soviet withdrawal in 1989 did not alter that.

To understand the attraction of Afghanistan to foreign, mainly western, forces, one needs to go back even further in time. The British invaded Afghanistan three times in the 19th century and the principal motive was always the same: geography. The fact that Afghanistan has for well over 100 years also being the world’s principal source of heroin was an added inducement.

The latter 20th century and 21st century invasions and occupation of Afghanistan by the United States merely changed the colonial master. The United States has used and continues to use, its vast worldwide network as a vehicle for the widespread distribution of the very profitable heroin trade.

We now have the avowed intention of United States President Donald Trump to remove United States troops from Afghanistan. Again, that tells only part of the story. Whether or not Trump succeeds in actually removing US troops in the now less than two months remaining of his presidency remains to be seen. The incoming president, Joe Biden, has made no such commitment. Trump’s vow will likely be as empty as his predecessor Obama’s pledge that US forces would be out of Afghanistan by 2016.

But United States troops in Afghanistan are only part of the equation. There are actually more US hired mercenary forces in Afghanistan at present than there are regular US military troops. Their fate has been conspicuously absent from all discussions about Trump’s alleged troop withdrawal.

Quite apart from the purported withdrawal of the United States military forces from Afghanistan, there is also the question of the thousands of troops from other nations, including Australia, that are there. All of the publicity given to the alleged historical bad behaviour of the Australian Special Forces has singularly failed to address the wider questions: why are they still there, and what are their plans for a withdrawal? On both of these rather fundamental points, there is complete silence.

Instead of these questions being asked, let alone answered, the sense one gets is that the military and political leadership are hoping that the focus on “a few bad apples” will avoid their having to address the more fundamental question of when are they going to leave?

The short answer is that there is no intention of leaving. Trump’s troop withdrawal will have a very short life, not extending beyond Biden assuming power on 20 January 2021. The CIA will continue to run the export of the very lucrative drug trade, and Australian troops will continue to do their part in guarding the crop.

Quite apart from the heroin trade, Afghanistan also enjoys relatively unique geography. It shares its borders with seven other nations. None of them are on friendly terms with the United States. Several form part of the former Soviet Union, and it was a total lack of surprise that United States secretary of state Mike Pompeo recently paid a visit to the region. Pompeo will go in January, along with Trump, but it would be naïve to expect any lessening of United States interest in the region post 20 January 2021.

That several of those countries also form a common border with China is another reason for United States interest. The big country to Afghanistan’s west, Iran, has long been a target of US interest. Again, the constant hybrid warfare being waged against Iran by the United States and its allies such as Israel is another major factor in Washington’s strategic planning. A Biden presidency may well try to re-join the nuclear agreement that the US abandoned, but it is far from certain that will happen, and it will not be on US dictated terms. The European signatories cannot be trusted, but Iran has the backing of both China and Russia and for present purposes that will suffice.

For these various reasons, it would be exceedingly naïve to expect any real departure from Afghanistan of United States’ interests, military, political, and drug-related. Afghanistan has the great misfortune, as has long been the case, of simply being too valuable to western interests to expect any real departure any time soon.

*Geopolitical analyst.  He may be contacted at jamesoneill83@icloud.com



  1. Firstly, biden isn’t “President-elect”, there is no “President-elect” yet, and biden won’t be President, nor will harris, or any of that group.
    They will be GITMO bound, if not already there and been processed already also.
    First President not to go to war in multiple decades is President Trump.
    The Troops will withdraw, and he will be getting a 2nd term.
    He may even get another term, as it may be determined that his first 1, was so sabotaged by so much corruption & traitors, it beggars belief.
    With the extreme level of being undermined, another term may be on the cards.
    Re: obama, it will be like he was never there, as he’s also GITMO bound, if not already and if not already processed there.
    As for Australia, yes, the war without a defined statement of goal/end statement, becomes an absolute mess, especially when much of the time there, their rules of engagement were so hampered by obama making it as hard as possible to anything, that it must have been doing their heads in.
    Listen to the first 15 mins of this video, by Riccardo Bosi:

    Keep up the good work with the investigating of things.

    • WHOOPS, quicker than you can say “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” the relevant video has violated google’s (youtube’s) community guidelines. You do not want to offend Jo Jo.

  2. For those that do not know, Donald Trump is the figure-head of the patriotic military chiefs who will be quite willing to withdraw troops from overseas. Donald Trump WILL get a second term as president or there will be a another revolution in US.

    There is too much known by the people, of the massive voter and voting fraud in this most recent election. As Bob above mentions, Gitmo will be full to capacity into 2021.

    As well as the political fraud, the people have woken to the Covid-19 scam and the intention of “the reset”, which is of no benefit to the general population.

    These are my observations of the last three years of activity in US.

    • “As well as the political fraud, the people have woken to the Covid-19 scam and the intention of “the reset”, which is of no benefit to the general population.”

      yet any semblance of justice for 9/11 – with enough evidence to choke any denier to death – and still, no proper investigation into whodunnit, ( apart from gwbush pointing in obl’s direction saying, “yeah, it was him, man!” )

      i dont hold out much hope that the people of the usa, or the uk, or here… cam, even if they truly had the will… change anything for the better.

      just as the truth of 9/11 is available to all, so is the truth of the wars that followed on the back of the official lies.. that the wars of aggression that followed, iraq, afghanistan, ( and the other 5 predetermined countries and others ) they are all still continuing with no one being held to account..

      trump was never an answer to all the worlds wrongs, he was just part of the plan to sow more discord, in order to perpetuate never ending insanity…

      my unqualified opinion 🙂

  3. I have to agree with Bob. Biden and Harris will not be anywhere near the White House.
    Trump has been on to this election fraud since 2012, he has well prepared the necessary snares to capture those who blatantly engage in it.
    He has now reassigned the Federal Circuit Courts, to shorten the escalation process.
    Back on topic, I believe he will withdraw the troops from Afghanistan.

  4. Those who’ve followed my comments will be well aware that I’m less than euphoric (to put it mildly) at the prospect of a Joe Biden Presidency.

    That said, I’m not displeased to see the back of Trump. This is one reason why (from an article titled ‘The 2020 Election Has Been Terrible for the Jews’) :


    The author of this article, Caroline Glick, is herself Jewish and confirms what a lot of objective commentators have been saying from the start.
    ie: that a Trump Presidency was all about ‘putting Israel First’.

    So, the demise of Trump correlates to a backward step for the Israel Lobby.

    And friends, no matter how you slice and dice it, that has to be a good thing.

    And, before I get flak from the usual Apologist-For-Israeli-Crimes (the same one who refers to irrefutable facts as ‘Derangement Syndrome’ when in fact it is evident that the accuser is himself deranged to be denying that which is self evident), come this article from the Jerusalem Post titled : ‘Top Pentagon adviser says ‘Israeli lobby’ funds officials who want war’ :


    It’s going to be hard to claim ‘Zionist Derangement’ on this article – seeing as it came from an Israeli newspaper.

    But, rest assured, said Israeli-Apologist will somehow find a way to do it, seeing as the facts never stood in his way before.

    Colonel MacGregor is a GREAT appointment by Trump – probably the best he’s made in his entire tenure. (MacGregor is a friend of Dr Ron Paul and is a man of great integrity) :

    As MacGregor says in this video from 2012 : ‘The ONLY man in touch with reality is Ron Paul … ‘.

    It begs the question though : WHY wasn’t MacGregor appointed at the START of the Trump Presidency ?

    Trump hasn’t done much right during his 4 years in office, but to the extent he has done a few things right, they can be best summed up as :

    ‘A day late and a dollar short’.

    • Thanks for your invite Trashable Veggie but you can’t have things both ways. What I’m really interested in is reminding you that you wanted a bet so here is the bet. Go and get $1000 from the bank which will cost you less than 10 cents a day interest and you can redeem yourself. The bet is that if you donate the $1000 to the Gumshoe I will match it, effectively doubling your donation. So far you have always weaseled out with lies and excuses. You said you wanted to help underprivileged children and you insinuate more than once that I was molesting them. You cannot differentiate between reality and your weird fantasies. Try to redeem your useless self for less than ten cents a day. Otherwise I suggest give up, you are just rubbish, stop trying to acquire wisdom (even worse to disseminate it) because you don’t have the faculties. You’re reliably unreliable, you’re a phoney.

      • You are without honour Rabbi. No one’s going to bet with you after you reneged on your pledge – which is archived here on Gumshoe for all to see.

        Even those in the congregation of your particular synagogue (the Synagogue of Satan), are repulsed by your presence.

        A wicked little troll you are.

  5. I’ll never forget the name Rufus Youngblood, one of Lyndon Johnson’s body guards when Johnson came to Canberra after Kennedy’s assassination.

  6. No wonder the scumbags built a fence around Parliament House

    “Australia Is A Full Scale Pilot Test For The New World Order & The Totalitarian Future Globalists Want For The Entire World Is Being Revealed

    Several journalists and content creators have noticed that Australia looks like the most totalitarian police state that has existed in recent history. …………..”


    Terrorists win, Australians lose if Parliament House fence is not taken down

    The construction of a 2.6-metre high steel security fence atop Canberra’s Parliament House now seems a step too far.

    It confronts us with the historic symbolism of our paranoia.

    With each terrorist-related event, our nation’s leaders exhort us to continue to go about our daily lives on the streets and in the great venues of Australia. To do otherwise would be to let the terrorists win.


    • Criss,
      Walter Burley Griffin, was an architect from the Frank Lloyd Wright school of organic nature design. With all dwellings and buildings, fences were never considered for view and personal freedom. Nothing to hide, the beautiful gardens that were in Canberra, a delight. Some say both men were freemasons, the clientele they worked for certainly were, yet their architecture is sincere with integrity.
      The Serco state that has this nation in lockdown does not subscribe to people living free in nature. On the contrary, they want everyone in a cell under cyber surveillance 24/7. Have a look at the temp/permanent eyesore in front of gov. house in Macquarie street. The barriers are there because they have everything to hide.
      This place is very different to the one we all remember. Sure the Crown was boss, but we had some choice. With the alliance from hell that is crown kabal communism there is no choice.

  7. Bulletin for James

    I responded to a comment on a Caitlin Johnstone article regarding the distinction between ambition and industriousness.

    James, I thought you might be interested in these passages.

    Speaking of ambitious versus dedicated, honourable versus self-serving, I just read these passages only today from

    “BIG Red Book on China: Chinese History, Culture and Revolution” by Jeff J. Brown

    The book is a little bit over the top in terms of ‘confirmation bias’ for the right audience and has some inconsistencies but I am getting so much out of it.

    One point to be made is that not everybody in a nation of 1.3 billion can be or wants to be President [or Emperor], but the path to becoming President has all the checks and balances you could possibly imagine.

    Passage 1:


    blockquote>“Chinese citizens and their leaders are imbued with the ancient concept of the Heavenly Mandate. A local street version may go something like this:

    “OK, Baba Beijing, here is all we ask. We want you to make sure that we are kept safe, our society organised, to give us the opportunity to realize our livelihoods. Take care of our families, communities and self-dignity, and you have to make sure that no outsiders violate the integrity of the Chinese nation’s borders”



    Passage 2:

    From a speech by Xi Jinping 14 March 2013 when elected President:

    “Our ancestors, going back over 3,000 years, to the Zhou Dynasty, developed the Mandarin Imperial Examination system to great effect. To pass the exam was a well-deserved honour that showed you were one of the best and the brightest in the land, ready to help the imperial court maintain the Heavenly Mandate. Rich, poor, rural or urban, northerner or southerner, everybody had the same opportunity. Mandarin officials were constantly graded, assessed and criticized as a system to winnow out the ambitious, so that the only most dedicated to the country and the masses could move up. It was all about distinguishing the good from bad – separating the honourable from the self-serving. Since then, the Communist Party of China has simply adopted the same concept and expanded it for the needs of the entire nation and governance of 1.3 billion citizens.”

    (Note that this system of genuine bottom-up Chinese democracy [which continues to be adopted today] with all of its checks and balances came long before any so-called ‘Communist’ influence or manifesto.)

    • Interesting how the Chinese have retreated back from the centralized planning BS of communism and have incorporated the previously successful Mandarin system into their present culture. What worked before has found fertile ground in the present system.

      I find the new Chinese system of meritocracy and emphasis on removing self-serving individuals from the system and promoting honorable qualified people to be a much more viable approach to government than the ridiculous, shallow ‘popularity contest’ of the puppets in the West. Remove the self-serving ambitious from the field and only consider those dedicated to enhancing the conditions of the whole of the country.

      I know which system will persevere in the future.

    • How do Chinese leaders get elected?

      Selection and election: How China chooses its leaders

      China has developed a unique system of choosing its leaders, eschewing Western models for a process based on merit and broad support. Scholar Zhang Weiwei argues that while the system of “selection and election” is not perfect, it is a match for alternative models and has delivered for the Chinese people.

  8. Soylent Green is people; COVID-19 is old people
    by Jon Rappoport

    “…..COVID is old people. Pushed into death.

    You see, there are not only slippery ways to talk about depopulation, there are slippery ways to make it happen.

    ………..a report published by Italy’s National Institute of Health. It stated that the average age of people dying from COVID in the country was 79.5. That clue was the size of an aircraft carrier parked outside your house.

    Soon after the Italian report, the Institute of Health went dark. No more research was released. No updates. They’d spoken out of school, and someone slapped them in the head……….”


  9. Reasons for the USA’s illegal occupation, Afghanistan has significant oil, natural gas and strategic raw material resources, not to mention opium

    This article was first published by Global Research on September 18, 2017

    Trump calls for escalation of the war in Afghanistan. Why? Is it part of the “Global War on Terrorism”, going after the bad guys, or is it something else? 

    Unknown to the broader public, Afghanistan has significant oil, natural gas and strategic raw material resources, not to mention opium, a multibillion dollar industry which feeds America’s illegal heroin market. 

    These mineral reserves include huge veins of iron, copper, cobalt, gold and lithium, which is a strategic raw material used in the production of high tech batteries for laptops, cell phones and electric cars.

    The implication of Trump’s resolve is to plunder and steal Afghanistan’s mineral riches to finance the “reconstruction” of a country destroyed by the US and its allies after 16 years of war, i.e  “War reparations” paid to the aggressor nation?  ………………”


  10. James,
    Spot on, where mercenaries are employed, agenda for the long run. Infinite profits for investors, with locals lucky to be making a dollar a day if working. This global oligarch nightmare is so screwed, yet it continues…

  11. The CIA Drug Cult: Afghanistan and Heroin


    While increasingly well known, the Taliban had destroyed the Afghan poppy crop years ago. Their drug war was an immediate success because normally, in a war, enemy soldiers are not given lawyers and endless hearings to decide if they are, in fact, enemies. Taliban areas of Afghanistan before 9/11 had precisely zero poppy production.

    The US State Department acknowledged in 2000 that Taliban law banned poppy production and introduced harsh penalties for its cultivation. That link (www.state.gov/www/regions/sa/facts_taliban_drugs.html) has been removed and replaced by a report saying the total opposite. That’s because the above link was published prior to 9/11.

    In April of 2001, the Guardian said the same. “In a development that has gone unnoticed and unrewarded by the international community, Afghanistan’s fundamentalist Taliban rulers have dramatically ended the country’s massive opium trade, The Observer can reveal – a move that has also plunged Hadda’s farmers into despondency and debt.”

    After 9/11, stories like this were buried, removed, deleted and denied. Afghanistan in 2001 and years before was one of the world’s poorest countries, unstable and still reeling from decades of war. The Taliban were imposing a strict regimen of moral reform for those brutalized by war, sometimes since birth. Somehow, this rag-tag band was associated with the events of 9/11 though no evidence of any connection has been presented.

    The Guardian continued that “The trade last year produced 75 per cent of the world’s heroin. It has now vanished. The distinctive plants that grew by the roadside have disappeared. They have been replaced by fields of lush but worthless wheat. ‘I used to have one-and-a-half acres planted with poppy. Now we have nothing,’ farmer Hussain Gul complained. . . Farmer Khan Afzal added: ‘I blame the Americans because they promised they would help us. But they didn’t. They have given us no assistance.”

    In March of 2014, The American Free Press, through the work of Victor Thorn, showed what we all knew but could not prove: that the US revived this trade and profited from it. Thorn stated, “One of the big questions asked by naïve media talking heads is: Where does all of this heroin come from? The answer is the same as it was a decade ago following a Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)-led invasion of Afghanistan: 75%-80% of the world’s heroin is exported from Afghanistan. In spite of the fact that the U.S. military controls a great deal of that mountainous country, production levels hit record highs last year.”


    • The Germans are rising up against the “regime in Berlin” but my TV tells me Merkel is wunderbar, the 4th reich is the way forward, Boris is a loser.

      • Angela Merkel

        Born Angela Dorothea Kasner on 17 July 1954, her father, Horst Kasner was a Communist sympathiser and mother, Herlind Jentzsch, a Communist and member of the Christian Social Democratic Party of Germany. Merkel was educated in East Germany and leader of the official, Communist-led youth movement Free German Youth (FDJ) thus well-schooled in Jewish Bolsheviks Marx, Lenin and Trotsky (Lev HYPERLINK “https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qwR0jT5R0P8″Bronstein).

        The biography of Merkel shows that she was “a supreme and very visible Young Communist official in East Germany, responsible for propaganda and agitation.” Beyond leading the Young Communist League, Merkel also held high rank in the Sozialistische Einheitspartei Deutschland (SED), which was the leading Marxist–Leninist party of East Germany. Members of this party enjoyed ‘special privileges’ denied to ethnic Germans in East Germany after WWII. For example only closely trusted members of the Communist party (SED) were allowed to travel to western countries and Merkel often travelled to West Germany and other Western Nations. Merkel has visited Israel four times.

        On 16 March 2008, she arrived in Israel to mark the 60th anniversary of its occupation of Palestinian land. Merkel has supported all Israeli terror initiatives and opposing the Palestinian bid for membership at the UN. In March of 2008 the B’nai B’rith of Europe presented Merkel with their Award of Merit for ‘services’ to their community. …………..


        • Whenever I see Merkel mentioned I see images of her dismissing ‘her’ national flag with contempt and I am always reminded of the list of recipients of the Charlemagne (aka Kalergi) Prize.


          The Charlemagne Prize is awarded each year to the recipient who has done most to achieve the destruction of Europe and the extermination of its civilisation.

          Naturally, Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi was the inaugural recipient in 1950.

          Notable recipients include Henry Kissinger, Tony Blair, Bill Clinton, Pope Francis and of course Angela Merkel

          I would trust Merkel in Germany about as much as I would trust Erdogan in Syria.

          The one thing Merkel is NOT – is ‘German’.

          Angela Merkel’s Snake Dance

          • That’s all good but I have questions – is she controlled by Zionists or does she have free will? The 4 reichs are all expressions of the unified German state, so were Hitler, Bismark and Charlemagne Zionists too?
            If Zionists offer international leaders payola, does taking it make them Zionist, or traitors?

          • If anyone claims the Bible (written by Jews) as a source of their authority, does that make them Zionist? If God told Jews at any point things to write in the bible, such as “this is the promised land”, is that example just fiction or is God Zionist?
            If the Rotschilds are meek, and the meek inherit the earth, does that indicate a co-relation between meekness and Zionism? If everyone becomes a mind-controlled communist robot and stops producing anything new, and all goods are in surplus therefore valueless, and all the Rotschilds investments decay and become worthless, and the Swiss nationalise all their gold, and the apocalypse wipes everything out, will they get it all back on the insurance? And who is insuring it all?
            Is “Zionist” just a blue-collar slur against the money management class? Would we be better off without this class, as in all the non-Judeo-Christian basket-case countries (excluding Asia), or does Zionist banking offer some market price discovery function that enhances western culture?

          • And, when the Jews got kicked out of their homeland (eastern Egypt) was it really for a religious offence or did they make that up later, along with the parting of the sea story, and was it really the world’s first case of bankers with prehistoric fiat currency being turfed out.

          • w3 The Jews Jesus spoke to had never been slaves in Egypt. They were Edomites as was Herod.

            John ch.8
            33 They answered him, We be Abraham’s seed, and were never in bondage to any man: how sayest thou, Ye shall be made free?

            The “Jews” Babylonian Talmud says: “Five things did Canaan charge his sons: love one another, love robbery, love lewdness, hate your masters, and do not speak the truth” The Last Will of Canaan, Babylonian Talmud, Peshachim 113b.
            To be an Orthodox Jew is to agree with the Talmud that, “It is permitted to deceive a goy.” (Baba Kama 113b) ,
            Revelation 3:9,”Behold, I give out of the synagogue of Satan those saying themselves to be Jews, and they are not, but they lie. Behold, I will make them come and bow down before your feet, and they shall know that I loved you.”
            Romans 2:28-29 “……….For he is not a Jew that is one outwardly, nor is circumcision that outwardly in the flesh; but he is a Jew that is one inwardly and circumcision is of the heart, in spirit, not in letter; of whom the praise is not from men, but from God.”

    • All foretold by Dr. Day.
      Eliminate the catholic church and the rest will follow……. poor Boy Scouts as well, are the BS bankrupt due to sexual allegations in the US? From reports, I read so.
      At least our leaders, mass media and bankers are immune from such allegations, otherwise there will be no one to keep us safe.

  12. One thought on “CEO of Australia’s Largest Airline Says COVID Vaccine a “Necessity” for International Travelers”

    Mark Schumacher in LV
    November 23, 2020 at 2:09 pm

    Australia is sure full of commies it’s a goddamn hell on Earth over there. The people just let the communists crap all over them. Yeah yeah I know and so do we. For some reason it just seems a lot worse over there. Again I understand, no guns


    • Hopefully, there will be at least one international airline that will not bow to the ‘freedom pass’ and mandatory injections. In which case, buy the stock of that airline, it should do well while Qantas goes to Hell.

      • Unfortunately as much as I don’t like little Alan Joyce, I would guess he is just keeping ahead of a legal position and I can’t see a way past it, unless / until the hoax is proven to be a hoax in some global forum.
        It seems the US Army has a lot invested in Trump’s 2nd term so we live in hope.

      • Terry, no mask needed for ‘Air America’, …… oops, different name after AA changed in 1976.
        BTW, any bets on which turkey Trump will pardon? Corn or Cobb?
        Those who have listened to the latest X22 repport (man at the cross roads) might get a hint for a bet or two. Tv, run it buy your money mate…….. bet wisely.

        • Dear oh dear, did I mispel and meant ‘Comey’?
          Tv, sorry meant ‘by’ not ‘buy’
          Is the harvest immenent?.
          All been a couple of years+, fun.

        • I’m waiting for Assange to be pardoned – but I have a premonition neither I nor Julian will be getting our Christmas presents.

  13. How do you want stop the coming zionist-communist world-dictatorship which is already organizing the police against the people under the rule of a zionist-communist Stasi-pig in the FRG (Fraudsters Run Germany) —Tell the police, that any government-officer has an obligation not to follow unconstitutional and criminal orders and orders against the dignity of humans.


    Here a solution—–It’s not our government – it’s a substitute——–


  14. ‘Do What Needs To Be Done’: Trump Directs His Administration To Begin The Transition Process With Biden

    And is it true Sidney Powell is not on Trump’s team anymore?

    “The Trump campaign issued a statement Sunday night announcing Sidney Powell is not a member of President Trump’s legal team.”

    The winning continues…

    • Please get up to speed.
      Powell was never part of the Trump legal team. Go look up the latest x22 report from about 20 minutes for ten minutes thereafter.
      The transition team? Re what aspect (covid – at a guess, hydroxychloroquine + ?) and what details being provided to Biden?

      • At a extreme guess, Biden team is being provided derails to the Dominion computer scam known and reported upon in the Mass media in 2006.
        Just go to X22 for some updates, I suggest.
        You too TV.
        As for ‘Q’. Look up the ‘drops’ from late 2017.
        I suspcet that if Trump dropped out because he lost, so would ‘Q’.
        I just observe and hope x22 has a handle on the world’s future. Otherwise we are stuffed to commie banker totalitarian rulers.

      • I just hope that Sidney Powell is getting the support she needs. I hope as much as you do that Trump is draining the swamp in the next few weeks/months.
        Did you read the link re Transition?
        I tend not to follow ‘Q’. ‘Trust The Plan’ sounds too much like ‘Just two weeks’ that never seem to end. Maybe you need to consider that ‘Q’ was just a plan to pacify us into inaction until it is too late.
        I do sincerely hope you are right, and that I am wrong. Planet Earth needs some good news.

      • I looked at your X22 link, and he says Powell was never on the Trump legal team.
        Seems as though that was wrong, though.
        I’d suggest you look at Trunews here at 20m40s for 10, actually try 15 minutes to see more on this.

        Judging from the above, maybe this is the unravelling of ol’ Rudy. It could even spiral to the Republican party as a whole when you look at the Lou Dobbs segment from 30 minutes into the above link.

    • “I won’t always be telling people in advance what I’m doing” – Candidate Trump
      “The best is yet to come” – President Trump
      (Final press conference Trump walks out no questions answered press corps outraged)
      “We will have a smooth transition to a 2nd Trump administration” – Pompeo
      “Trump is an idiot – Covid Covid Covid – Death Death Death” – TV news

      • Huge piles of affadavits – sworn statements from witnesses – who saw fraud and were involved in fraud – these count as “evidence”. But every day the lying MSM says Trump alleges vote fraud without evidence. Because the lying MSM expects to be handed all the legal evidence for “trial by media”, they have forgotten they are not the law. The cops and army answer to the law. How will that faction like it if their powers are usurped by the lying MSM. Well I can guess. Not very much.

        • “trial by media” – didn’t we see that with Martin Bryant and the Port Arthur Massacre? – Yeah, that works, 9-11. Bali Bombing, etc, etc.

          Until the moronosphere starts wising up, that will be the way the game is played.

          Those that have wised up to the game, protect yourself.

  15. Hasbara Manual, page 32:
    Seven Basic Propaganda Devices

    Propaganda is used by those who want to communicate in ways that engage the emotions and downplay rationality, in an attempt to promote a certain message. To effectively present Israel to the public, and to counter anti-Israel messages, it is necessary to understand propaganda devices.

    This article applies a list of seven propaganda devices to the Israeli situation, and by doing so allows an understanding of some of the ways in which public opinion is fought for in the International arena.

    Thus what this manual is explicitly (and revealingly) about is ways to help the user win battles, not to find out the truth of the matter.

    The seven basic propaganda devices are:


    Each of the seven is followed by several paragraphs of examples on how the technique is to be applied.

    Quite informative reading. This is, without a doubt, a very professional piece of work, and all the more chilling because of that very professionalism.


      • W3, re your checlist for lawyers…… you speaking for the government or many innocents?
        Matter for a jury to consider the evidence presented. Be interesting what a jury would consider if the hidden evidence had been presented. Now what department choses the evidence to be presented……..against what has deliberately been hidden. Try 911 and as Terry would suggest, Port Arthur..?. Oh I forgot he pleaded guilty on about the third lawyer, attempting to represent him.
        Try a larger picture, the lawyers can only cope with evidence, true, or concocted as presented by the prosecutors, be it they may be unethical by hiding evidence, not known to the defence……..lawyers are not investigators and do not have government taxpayer’s resources………. unless a whistleblower arrives with cogent proof otherwise.
        Best of luck pleading to a jury, if you are charged, when the government decides otherwise.
        What you expect, if charged as a innocent, your lawyer to do?

        • BTW. A court of law excludes propaganda used by the mass media to determine and progress a agenda unless a court of law is prostituted to support the propaganda…… now that is the real issue.

      • A jury? – Have you ever looked at a dozen of the citizens walking down the street towards you? Have you ever sat down with a dozen different citizens you’ve met and discussed contentious issues? Do you really want those kind of morons judging your future?

        Remember Lindy Chamberlain and what the jury did to her? All the hype from the media and the peer pressure for a conviction? In that case the evidence was so overwhelming for acquittal that the judge when he heard the jury’s decision, adjourned the court to retain his composure so he could proceed with the sentencing.

        I still would prefer a jury trial to a single judge, but Gawd damn it the media makes the legal system a farce.

      • I am sorry Terry, I have met many in country towns. Ex jurors awaiting my appearance down the street. with the utmost support for my endeavours…. I humbly report….. brings tears.. justice being done.

        • Yeah Ned, I’ve had the same experience. Former jurors walking up to you and wanting to talk to you. – I’ve even had a couple of judges, after the fact, at some social function, approach me and remind me of a case. One from the Court of Appeal that wanted to discuss the Common law, I considered that a complement.

          Lots of different experiences, but I’m glad it is over…

        • Then again in Orange District Court before His Honour D Shillington (rip) I appeared for the Crown. i report this with proud. Not humbly.
          The court reporter (30 + years) came out whilst I was having a cigar, awaiting the juror’s verdict.
          He said: ‘’that was the best address by a Crown that I have ever heard.’
          There you go, that was many years ago,
          The accused was convicted.
          At my age memories promote strength and identify bs.

          • I got a better one, my first jury trial. When the judge adjourned after final addresses, I was picking up my papers and the judge’s associate walked past me and said – “that was a very good final address”.

            It was my first final address and the verdict was ‘not guilty’. I had spent 4 hours at my desk the night before just looking at the pictures of the scene of the accident, I couldn’t figure out what had happened, but my sub conscious kept telling me something. Finally, the penny dropped and from there I knew where to go. I had to call on the prosecutor for another copper’s statement and then tendered it in my own case. Typical, the prosecution was hiding some evidence.

          • Except for P Arthur, I will have anothr 80% sniff with you for antidotes next you are in town, peasants have no clue and may theorise bs to gratify their egos with wasted space arguing over gs theorist contributions….exposes a certain idiot village mundane mentality,

          • I self represent from time to time and I would give myself 3 or 4 stars out of 5, if I had more practice I would get a better result, but what’s annoying is how things get stupid so that “society” and “village elders” have to get involved. My issues mostly seem to arise because others won’t mind their own business and leave me alone. Can’t speak for anyone else.

          • I exempt true corageous efforts by those exposing judicial evil who may not be lawyers.
            That is you Dee, et. Al.
            Justice does not need lawyers.

          • Ned, you got a Hell of a lot more time in the arena than I have. I’m sure you can whoop my ass for legal ‘war stories’ over just a couple of beers.

            You should see it when a bunch of us old chopper pilots from ‘Nam get together, Crikey, it goes on for hours……..

  16. Time to go off on a tangent.
    Barack Obama gives Jimmy Dore a surprise phone call and drops a bombshell – revealing the Single Greatest Threat to U.S Democracy :

    Obama goes on to explain why we need ‘Gate Keepers’ to protect folks from the dis-informative internet.

  17. The 14 sins of Australia: Beijing expands list of grievances and digs in for extended diplomatic dispute
    Foreign Affairs

    The Chinese embassy in Australia shared a detailed list of 14 grievances that Beijing has against the country, extending far beyond China’s core interests and directly criticizing internal Australian affairs.


    • Post theatrics and divoc, now we have Scott’s bs about preserving Oz soveriegnity (we never had). Traitors, many like him, delivering the script with that smile familiar with complicit deceivers. Lies upon never ending lies, as planes keep landing with new blood. Real unemployment at 70%, as they ramble on about ‘no jab, no play’, we watch as this nation is handed to the OWG oligarchs alliance from hell. The crown and kabal created the CCP, whilst simultaneously dismantling productive nations, now they are the template for cyber surveillance gulags worldwide and our soveriegnity means sfa.

      • As you say the “crown and kabbal” or “OWG” however you like to call it, partnered with probably Deng Xiao Ping to transform China from communist into a capitalist surveillance state. The idea to get the cheapest slaves to work the hardes while throwing the fat, spoiled, militant, problematic Western working class on the scrapheap.
        The funny part is how the unions and left-wing organisations are employed to gain this end. From Gough through to Dictator Dan.
        Now the left-wing ABC news collaborators are saying Rio Tinto (Rotschilds) are being allowed to explode Navajo traditional sites (by Trump admin) but we had exactly the same in Australia with the untouchable McGowan (Labour Party) administration in WA allowing an even more outrageous destruction of very ancient heritage.

        • Merchant bankers won’t tell you what they’re doing, they like to act vague, and stupid, they overplay the unknowableness of the future. The ‘genius’ Greenspan kicked off the money printing in the 1987 crash (made memorable by Keating’s weird epithet “the recession we had to have”). MMT (modern money theory) seems to have advanced beyond Weimar Republic, pushing wheelbarrows full of German marks around, to a sort of reinsurer model, where the Fed prints money to buy junk bonds from the merchant banks, while the banks keep the good bonds, in this way, the printed money does not get to the public, and inflation is contained to the elite classes (wage inflation). There evolves a disguised class structure.
          This probably only works when you hold the world reserve currency, it evidently hasn’t worked in Zimbabwe and some other places.
          The effect of having unlimited money available to those privileged enough to access it, is that it becomes cheaper and cheaper, therefore the Global Reserve Bank model of scraping off interest is undermined, when rates go negative (for mega sized customers), the Reserve has to pay interest to function, therefore becoming useless to its owners. So we see a continuity of QE policy going right back to Paul Craig Roberts’ time in the Reagan Administration. After decades of this, the US Fed has presumably become almost worthless to its owners, and we are hearing now, that the Trump administration has put it all back under the control of the US treasury.
          Possibly as a payoff to the Zionists (Rotschilds), who have no response to MMT, the US is currently being more generous to Israel, gifting them agreeable neighbours and extra territory. We mustn’t forget that Rotschilds don’t only own a large part of the Reserve Banks, they also own large portions of many companies, so it seems they are being squeezed out as gently as possible.

          • This sounds a bit too benevolent so let’s say the model has changed from a private Reserve Bank scraping a small percent off huge transactions, to a model of private merchant banks (Black Rock, JPMorgan, Goldman Sachs) controlling more and more.
            In other words, for people blaming the Fed for everything, the target has moved.
            Now the big players are even buying up fringe stuff like Bitcoin, and we note the AUD jumped from 60 cents US to 70 cents very quickly after the recent crash.

        • Criss and W3,
          What can be done now that our boat is, without motor sails rudder and oars, floating with no direction in treacherous times?
          Thanks for interesting views, varied yet essentially similar, in common sense.
          To all gumshoes, keep on exposing tptb,
          we don’t have guns but we have Spirit in critical mass.
          Unknowingly, our non compliance with masks will continue on with the injection decrees. The larrikin on the street, still strong in Oz, thank God for that.

      • This is why I have given up nine news…………..Thats you; Fordham, Hadly and silly Deb, at, 2GB et.al., Nine news network spivs.
        You idiots do No Know what a ‘president elect’ is…….Idiots and frauds.
        Do not get me on to our tax paid funded ABC at a billion per year plus interest.
        SELL the ABC.

        • Tell the people about this Media lying spivs.
          Spouses, you happy that these evil bastards hug your children after lying to the Australian public?
          Yes! Now how many kids have your spiv spouses contributed to murdering a few million or two because your spouse is evil?

          • It all kicked off when Reagan was shot and HW Bush slid in.
            After that, any A-rab leader who stuck his head up too much got it kicked off. Notable exception Lebanon, but as Paul Craig Roberts tells, the Zionists want the water security, same deal as China & Tibet.

  18. Immunity certificates and health-passes are a hoax
    by Jon Rappoport

    What’s in your wallet? A virtue signal?

    “………..And remember, every fake problem breeds a multitude of fake solutions. I predict the rise of a new industry based on forging immunity certificates.

    A few of these criminal groups of forgers will be sponsored by intelligence agencies. They’ll help spread media stories about “phony certificates” as opposed to “real ones”—thus cementing the notion that there ARE real and meaningful ones, when in fact ALL immunity certificates, no matter their origin, are useless frauds.


    • Hard for bureaucrats to outdo the public’s ingenuity.
      How much will the vac certificates cost?……….’Can I have some vizas with that’?

  19. Terry,
    very good above. Now try this for a serious report by a man with a brain, that every lawyer would understand. Referring to Sidney Powell v the stupid mass media. Sorry Tucker,
    I recall reports that about 16 witnesses to the Kennedy murder ‘died’ soon after. Fancy that, bet Powell has been reminded of that.
    Do not waste your time TV, all beyond you.


        • Ned, just a few short years ago (around five or so) I caught sight of a meme featuring General George Patton. It had the caption “We defeated the wrong enemy”. I thought “What The …?” I had no idea what that meant. I thought it was just some throw-away spammy thing to grab attention. I had no knowledge of the story of George Patton (I had never read about him or ‘watched the movie’ – I have never been a movie watcher). He was just a name (like Hannibal or Napoleon or Genghis Khan or Oliver Cromwell … or Ivan The Not-So-Terrible) that we have all heard of but know absolutely nothing about. I had no idea that Patton was murdered for saying that and expressing his views on the ‘politicisation’ of the military [see below].

          Eisenhower on the other hand is noted for defining the term ‘Disarmed Enemy Forces’ to obviate the Geneva convention so that he could commit genocide against surrendered Germans when the war was over. I think it was Crisscross that provided links to the book ‘Other Losses’ by James Bacque just a day or two ago, which I also highly recommend.

          I am not sure about the sincerity of Eisenhower’s ‘warning’ but General Patton was definitely a genuine patriot and is also noted for his warning …


          “I have been just as furious as you at the compilation of lies which the communist and Semitic elements of our government have levelled against me and practically every other commander. In my opinion it is a deliberate attempt to alienate the soldier vote from the commanders, because the communists know that soldiers are not communistic, and they fear what eleven million votes [of veterans] would do.”

          His denunciation of the politicisation of the Army was scathing: “All the general officers in the higher brackets receive each morning from the War Department a set of American [newspaper] headlines, and, with the sole exception of myself, they guide themselves during the ensuing day by what they have read in the papers.”

          Read on …
          General Patton’s Warning

          That article was the pivotal moment in my awakening – everything I have posted here at Gumshoe follows on from what I have learnt since reading that article. See what you think. It will change your baseline, but we will always agree on the current issues and desired outcome for the sake of humanity – it is just that we may not share the same faith as to how this is going to be resolved. I hope you’re right about that, but I don’t think so.

  20. “Australia does not have explicit freedom of speech in any constitutional or statutory declaration of rights, with the exception of political speech which is protected from criminal prosecution….”
    – Wikipedia

  21. The Art of Political Lying

    “…………..Jonathan Swift and the Battle for Britain’s Soul

    On November 9, 1710, the Satirist and political organizer Jonathan Swift wrote a pamphlet called the Art of Political Lying providing a decisive blow against the proto-deep state of the 18th century which had only recently taken control of the Island (Britain) during the 1688 Glorious Revolution and 1694 creation of the Bank of England.

    In 1702, a young Queen Anne took the throne of England, and it was here that a clash occurred which was nearly entirely written out of history. From the moment the Venetian Party of England orchestrated the 1688 coup: wars, speculation and usury became the driving force of Britain. The long-hoped for peace with France organized by the great Colbert and his mentor Cardinal Jules Mazarin years earlier was lost and a new epoch of forever wars began to dominate British Foreign policy and British spending. It was in this new war economy that the bill to charter the Bank of England was passed. Under this bank, monetary policy became tied to the creation of ever-growing debts without providing the means to pay them off.

    While many informed citizens today may be aware of this fact, and even comprehend the parallels to the takeover of the United States by international financiers during the 1913 creation of the Federal Reserve, very few people have come to realize that there was a valiant fight in opposition to this 17-18th century coup from which could teach us much of what organises today’s world…………”


  22. ‘A bill is before federal parliament to enable the ADF, Reserves and foreign military forces and police to be used in Australian emergencies. It gives them immunity from civil or criminal prosecution for actions arising from these emergency duties.’
    1 October 2020

  23. Now this is another report as to how it was done.

    “…..if this allowed to stand it is over for our country’.
    And for every other democratic country…. that is the issue.


    Not that long.

    Now mass media shock Joke spouses; you sure your spouse can finance:
    Your indulgent life,
    School fees,
    your spousal mortgage.
    Secure your social credibility,
    if any respectable democratic believer or organisation will want you to be present in your social presence.
    Do you think your children will not wake up and classify you as a fraud,
    Will your children thank you to enslave their children to the NWO CCP totalitarian system,??????

    So what mass media shock joke has a answer to: …”What did you do for the old freedom laws Grandpa?Grandma?

    Sorry. “I was bought off and was a greedy imbecile and did not give a stuff for credibility or the democratic system

    Now people: Warn the spouses, it will be fun in the family court and the evidence is clear….. go for maintenance and screw the undemocratic greedy lying spivs. Remember, you married the R’sole.

    Forget the politicians: They are what we see and how they lie. Pity their families.

  24. I forget which thread I am on … I just know this is not about the climate …

    I just got here so I don’t know what the hell is going on – but can someone please explain the picture in this article with Sidney Powell standing at the lectern prominently displaying an official “TRUMP – PENCE” logo with Giuliani et al in close supporting proximity.


    Looks pretty official to me.

    Maybe the caption should read:

    Giuliani: “We’re not with her”

    Clearly the election/voting process was a complete sham so I am dying to see how this Act turns out.

    No wait – a better caption …

    Powell: “I’m not with him.”

    Go Sidney!!

  25. Professor Michel Chossudovsky is another powerful voice worth listening to.

    “Red zones, face mask, social distancing, closure of schools, colleges and universities, more family reunions, more birthday parties, music, the arts: more cultural events, sporting events are suspended , no more marriages, “love and life” is downright banned.

    And in several countries, the Christmas holidays are canceled …

    It is the destruction of people’s lives. It is the destabilization of civil society.

    And why?

    The lies are backed up by a massive media disinformation campaign. 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, incessant and repetitive “COVID alerts” for ten months. … It is a process of social engineering.”

    Read more:

    The Covid-19 “pandemic”: Destroying peoples’ lives. Economic depression caused. “Global” coup?
    By Prof Michel Chossudovsky


    If it displays in French you know what to do … Le Français Pour Les Nuls rapidement.

  26. “historical bad behaviour of the Australian Special Forces” Bad behaviour is like the Vatican saying it was an immoral act instead of a criminal act of pedophilia against those innocent children by these perverted lustful priests in the Roman Catholic Church-State cult. The premier SAS murders has been covered up for over 8 years if I am correct. Thank God that a few of the reputable SAS soldiers has been fighting for exposure and justice of these blatant murders. The same thing happened in Vietnam as there are dangerous people who love to kill.

    The SAS were in Tasmania days before the Port Arthur Massacre and they have yet to explain their presence there Isn’t WA a big enough state for drills and war games?

    Everyone should know by now that the so-called al Qaeda is the insidious CIA which no one wants to identify them with. They say it themselves for God’s sake!

    Bush senior set up a multi-billion dollar drug trust

    FROM MEDELLIN TO MOSCOW WITH BROWN & ROOT dollar drug trust for the CIA

    Who are the Narco-Terrorists: George H. Walker Bush: The Bush Family and the Mexican Drug Cartel

    The Bush family’s project hammer

    Black Eagle Trust Fund
    The 9/11 Attacks and the Black Eagle Trust Fund

    The US is a Narco-state just like the UK was and still is with armaments as well

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