Home Boston Alex Jones’s Ostensible Come-uppance, and the Maureen Crowley Quote

Alex Jones’s Ostensible Come-uppance, and the Maureen Crowley Quote


(L) Helric Fredou, French Police Chief, Photo: Independent.ie C) Alex Jones, Photo: Infowars.com (R) Nicholas Cruz, "the Parkland shooter," now on trial, Photo: AP at Insider.com(L) Helric Fredou, French Police Chief, Photo: Independent.ie C) Alex Jones, Photo: Infowars.com (R) Nicholas Cruz, “the Parkland shooter,” now on trial, Photo: AP at Insider.com

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB

Editor’s Note: This was published at GraniteGrok.com on August 24, 2022 in New Hampshire

Upfront disclosure: I [Mary Maxwell] have a slight personal prejudice against Alex Jones’ InfoWars show. In 2006, I was campaigning for a seat in Congress, with the theme “9/11 was an inside job.” InforWars invited me to speak about this on radio. They told me what I should say. When I explained that this was not what I wanted to say, they summarily hung up on me!

My Unreality book mentions several Sandy Hook deniers: Prof James Fetzer, Prof James Tracy, ex-trooper Wolfgang Halbig, the late Prof Winfield Abbe, the late media critic William Shanley, the late Robert Steele, and not-yet-late me. Mainstream media has avoided mentioning us. Presumably, they would not want it known that serious scholars doubted the Sandy Hook tragedy.

But suddenly, there are many stories about Alex Jones having recently been ordered to pay $450 million in damages to Len Pozner, (and possibly some money to another Sandy Hook dad, Neil Heslin). To say that the threat to all journalists is ‘chilling’ is an understatement. It even chills “thoughtcrime.”

The deceit is that MSM implies that Jones lost in court by having his hoax claim refuted.  No, not at all. The matter did not even come up for discussion! The judge in Texas made a default judgment, as Jones did not cooperate in delivering some of his emails.

(Let’s say A sues B for vandalism.  B does not show up in court. The judge can, and usually does, award the repair money to A. Why not?)

As for James Fetzer, he received a summary judgement. This is not the same as a default judgement. Fetzer was sued by Pozner — for defamation and hurt feelings — which Fetzer could have defended himself against. He wanted to open the issue of the child’s death certificate, but the judge did not let him. The public does not know of this and assumes Fetzer lost. “Must have been a good death certificate after all.” So people think Fetzer is being properly punished!

Elizabeth Williamson of the New York Times has the chutzpah to use the word “truth” in the title of her new, deceptive book: Sandy Hook: an American Tragedy and the Battle for Truth.” A blurb:

“Based on hundreds of hours of research, interviews, and access to exclusive sources and materials, Sandy Hook is Elizabeth Williamson’s landmark investigation of the aftermath of a school shooting, the work of Sandy Hook parents who fought to defend themselves, and the truth of their children’s fate against the frenzied distortions of online deniers and conspiracy theorists.”

Goodness gracious!  (Just for the record, since I am conspiracy theorist: I don’t distort, and I’m not the least bit frenzied.)

So was there a trial for Jones? Well, yes, same as for Fetzer. After the judges, without benefit of jury, made their rulings against both men, juries had to be called up in order to assess how much money Pozner should receive. Note: Prof Fetzer has to pay an additional $600,000 for breaking a non-disclosure agreement. Fancy that.)

Williamson’s book came out on March 8, 2022. It got a “top review” on March 10 by a person named MN:

“A compelling survey of the lunatic fringe that rose through social media over the last ten years. Most Americans were stunned on 1/6, taken unawares by the dark forces that suddenly washed up on the [Capiyol] steps. The Newtown parents and family members portrayed in this book were not; Jones had been tormenting them for years, for no better reason than to sell supplements to gullible marks, and because their pain didn’t matter to him.”

On March 13, 2022, an anonymous reviewer at Amazon said:

“I’ve heard friends start saying some of these theories and I could not figure out how on earth they could say some of this nonsense with a straight face. Thank you for explaining where this came from and the important steps people are taking to fight misinformation and hate.”

I am hoping that those reviews came from “the troops,” and were paid.

The Maureen Crowley Quote

In an appendix to my book Unreality: Sandy Hook Messes Minds, I quoted Prof Winfield Abbe of University of Georgia.  He, in turn, quoted a Connecticut woman, Maureen Crowley, who — he said — published “An Essay on Sandy Hook,” online, on August 29, 2016. I don’t like third hand items, but I will run this now as it contains the unique remark that organized crime had a hand in Sandy Hook. See what you think. This is, allegedly, from Crowley:

“Yes, it is my opinion that organized crime paid a huge role in pulling off the Sandy Hook Hoax. And when I dropped off this essay at the offices of Catholic Bishop Tobin in Providence, in 2015, he called the Rhode Island State Police, who then called to interrogate me. Here is a slightly updated version of the essay:

“Who on earth originally would have reason to not trust the heads of a state police department. or in their wildest dreams believe these law enforcement officers would be integral in taking a TOPOFF (stands for top official) Capstone Drill, and passing it off as a mass casualty event? It seemed inconceivable they were utilizing the federal agencies of DHS, FBI, FEMA, etc. for a massive fraud that also made use of, in my opinion, organized crime in Connecticut, to implement a massive agenda, of which gun control was but one component?…

Sandy Hook researcher and retired Florida Safe School Commissioner Wolfgang Halbig, got threatened at his own home in Florida, at the behest of Conn. State Police, not once but twice. His wife has been threatened where she works. NY resident Jonathan Reich was arrested and hit with a $50,000 bond for legitimately asking questions of Connecticut medical examiner Wayne Carver, as to how bill 1054 got passed in Ct. in 2011, that prohibited autopsies of juvenile murder victims from being made public.

A schoolteacher in NY, Adam Heller, who legally purchased a firearm, was met at his home by seven policemen, then tossed into a mental institution. He lost his job for questioning Sandy Hook. Connecticut State Police Major William Podgorski — a lead investigator into Sandy Hook — who was privy to extensive FBI redaction of documents, received minor surgery, then was transferred from Bristol Hospital to Yale’s New Haven facility. 49 years old and the father of three children, Podgorski shockingly died, and there was NO mention whatsoever in Connecticut mass media, of his connection to the investigation of Sandy Hook, or his cause of death.

My discus account has been blocked from commenting on the New Haven Register page about his death.

Many participants in the scam have retired, as well. The school is sawdust, with construction workers employed in its demolition forced to sign non-disclosure agreements. No footage whatsoever of “Adam” on the newly acquired school security system. Columbine is still intact, and there’s plenty of video footage of shooters Klebold and Harris.

I will also point out that there are tweeted pictures of Danbury Fire fighters, police cars, and fire engines filling up the parking lot of the firehouse (several feet away from Sandy Hook Elementary School) tweeted at 9:13 AM. — yet “Adam Lanza” according to the official report, did not arrive at the school until 9:30, with calls for ambulances going right up until 10:05.

There are even reports of the media filling up the very large local ball park, Treadwell Memorial, as early as 7 A.M.!”.  Citizens had the fear of God instilled in them to utter a peep if the school was closed lest they might not wake up in the morning.” [Emphasis added]

Australians will be startled by the “filling up of Treadwell Park at 7am, in light of the cops being held in a park whilst the scared tourists waited for them for hours at Port Arthur, on April 28, 1996.

And French people may be startled by State Police Major Podgorski being “taken out,” like the Police Chief Helric Fredou who dealt with the Charlie Hebdo affair and then “suicided” at age 45.

I note that such a thing as that French death argues (albeit insufficiently) for the Hebdo affair being fake: “Je suis Charlie,” my arse.



  1. Check in often, we worry.(its what the wannabe “elders” should do).

    The pic of the Boston boys rattled me(main link jpg) and I know you stepped up there.
    “(Let’s say A sues B for vandalism. B does not show up in court. The judge can, and usually does, award the repair money to A. Why not?)”
    That does not flow in me, nor can I see lady justice in balance on this premise.

    No need of a conversation here, your diamond and you have work to do. Je suis Mary Maxwell and this is my comment vas-tu.(never been, they say some of my ancestors resided there. Maybe butchers if I look at what I can do even to the language).

    • They are dicking with the time;ine on gumshoes

      I just sail on through.

      Mary rack this, don’t watch it, feel it(listen)(literaly).

      Your ours,

    • The laminated windscreen had three large holes where Tarrant shot. The left side passenger window was not laminated and easily shattered.

      The video you referred to has three incidents where Tarrant is clearly being directed by other parties – that is the important information in the video.

    • Sandy Hook was hardly in the league of the Christchurch fakery
      As borne out by the fact that the push for firearms restrictions fell flat

          • His posturing reminds me of Tom Wolfe’s 1966 description of FBI drug spooks dressed up as hippies – with shiny black business shoes poking out the bottom of the fringed jeans. Not that he’d be on the payroll as such; why bother with a hireling when you’ve git a free & natural resource?
            And as outlined at the beginning of the clip,there’s an abundant supply thereof

  2. Good on you Terry for posting the Max Igan ‘damage control’ video, it proves that Max, unfortunately, is part of the act. The 16 minute footage of the so-called massacre is a laughably fake CGI joke, no wonder (((they))) went to such effort to stop people seeing it.
    Sandra, there was NO carnage, just lots of middle eastern ‘crisis actors’ and dummies as victims, you have to see it not to believe it. Trouble is, (((They))) have made very hard to find, but it is possible.

  3. Beatrice Berrut plays Liszt on top of a Swiss mountain (Boesendorf Grand piano, it got there with helicopter!)

    (I had to know which mountain..)

    foffa gremlin
    1 year ago (edited)
    Dear Beatrice, this Liszt Consolation (3) is so beautiful in your hands! (I know CH very well, Luzern for many years) which mountain were you on, Welschland?- it didn’t look like Pilatus?) I do not know how many links I have sent to friends of your Bach Siciliano. No one can do this better!
    Please give us more!

    Beatrice Berrut
    1 year ago
    Nice to read you ! The mountain is the Moléson, in Welschland indeed 😉 Really happy if you enjoyed it ! With all good wishes, Beatrice

  4. Bulletin – ongoing topic

    • Prime Minister Boris Johnson gives a speech in Ukraine

    And from the past …

    • “Russia always lets you down” Boris Johnson

    • Boris Johnson praising the [‘Islamic’] proxy terrorists (ISIS) and providing £65 million!

    (Boris Johnson #1 patron of White Helmets/ISIS – now being imported to Ukraine)

    • Boris Johnson – I’m Jewish and I’m Proud Of It!


      • Everything is so hybridised, interconnected and convoluted it’s hard to make any generalisation but to me it looks like remnants of the British Empire (various barons etc) are fighting for their self-interest against the Swiss Empire with their globalised e-money plans. Boris was supposedly done over for “having drinking parties while not wearing his dust-mask” or similar. Could it be payback from certain quarters for disrupting the Globalist agenda ? Are the backbench politicians owned or not ? It suits Nigel Farrage to say it was all about the drinking parties. Superficially, that reality was created, there can be little dispute.

      • How can Britain be ‘independent’ when it is dependent on a privately owned foreign bank for its money supply. The same goes for Australia.

        Henry Ford said, “It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.”
        Prof. Werner brilliantly explains how the banking system and financial sector really work.

        • One of your favourites, which I did watch some time ago, however the owners of most of the world have been working on their ownership for many, many inbred generations and the reserve banking system is central but just a somewhat over-rated part of it. A bank can’t operate without enforcement and the hegemony handover from Britain to the USA in 1947 illustrates that quite well.
          We are tied to money-slavery in a broader sense because the traditional alternative was “bondsmen”, that is agricultural slaves.
          We see empires within empires within empires, all struggling for supremacy.

          • i) you seem hostage to your misconception that a bank can operate in a vacuum, something like an ATM which has planted itself out in the middle of the desert. A bank is a structure created by the establishment the bank lives in, which administers the wealth of the establishment.
            ii) when countries get out of line one option is war, another is to crash the currency, the average life of a fiat currency is not very long. The AUD has been around more than 50 years which is probably longer than average and it appears it is set to be crashed sometime in this decade.

          • Putin is starting up his own Central Bank and anyone else is free to try to do so, the Australian government could have done so but instead created the RBA. A good prerequisite is a substantial army.

      • In this global system of deception, the politicians jobs are to make everyone believe there is no power greater than government by the few and ‘truth’ is whatever they say it is.
        They do not love the truth because they are paid to lie and their lives are constructed on falsehood and fantasy.
        Our dilemma, kids who coded video games, that went viral, have become masters of the universe.
        In real time, carpenters are viewed as hopelessly trapped fools on tools.
        Worthy slaves if employed, losers if not.

        “Is it easier to topple than to sculpt a statue?”

    • Thanks Gary, I’m not allowed to look and were we threatened to be given punishment consisting of a Adhern long face if we did(I could scream till horse). From memory there was a demonstration case in Adelaide earlier this year. Same memory of this “job” both the drive around and the streaming from car was just really bad CGI. Agree the aggressive scrub operation was because the “teams” new tech flagged their involvement.(very PA and others

      Lucky we have RMIT Universities CheckMate operations group to help us with the required truth. Hope Julian Knight is still in lock-down.

      RMIT Universities “checkmate” is trolling ABC News Online. Like ABC(lol) or loath them like Ned, we pay for this “service” so a trolling there is a trolling of us.

      some of their work just today:

      “RMIT ABC Fact Check
      Anti-lockdown advocates have been claiming online this week that Victoria’s Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton admitted that vaccines never worked. But that’s not what he said.”

      This pro-lockdown advocate is one large sick troll

  5. WEF Adviser Yuval Harari: ‘We Just Don’t Need the Vast Majority of the Population’ in Today’s World

    Speech: “All the world’s a stage”
    By William Shakespeare

    (from As You Like It, spoken by Jaques)

    All the world’s a stage,

    And all the men and women merely players;
    They have their exits and their entrances;
    And one man in his time plays many parts,
    His acts being seven ages. At first the infant,
    Mewling and puking in the nurse’s arms;
    And then the whining school-boy, with his satchel
    And shining morning face, creeping like snail
    Unwillingly to school. And then the lover,
    Sighing like furnace, with a woeful ballad
    Made to his mistress’ eyebrow. Then a soldier,
    Full of strange oaths, and bearded like the pard,
    Jealous in honour, sudden and quick in quarrel,
    Seeking the bubble reputation
    Even in the cannon’s mouth. And then the justice,
    In fair round belly with good capon lin’d,
    With eyes severe and beard of formal cut,
    Full of wise saws and modern instances;
    And so he plays his part. The sixth age shifts
    Into the lean and slipper’d pantaloon,
    With spectacles on nose and pouch on side;
    His youthful hose, well sav’d, a world too wide
    For his shrunk shank; and his big manly voice,
    Turning again toward childish treble, pipes
    And whistles in his sound. Last scene of all,
    That ends this strange eventful history,
    Is second childishness and mere oblivion;
    Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything.

  6. I just got Joe Biden, the persona reason and direction Joe Biden and not the abused elder or good actor Joe Biden, even stand-ins.

    Part of the cull requires a dumbing down, a dumbing down requires stealth. The quaxx is in play(1st quarter) and we know this has massive neurological consequences, that, at a guess is larger than the kill numbers to date. We have all been alarmed at adolescent onset dementia.
    The ship jumpers need a dumbed down to execute their hastily put together escape plan but that’s only secondary, because some of them are on the cull list.

    Can’t complain about disabled now can we, that would be hateful. Its reverse play to some thinking of Trump 5d chess, as well. Need polarization for a cataclysm right


    Get active and put one in, I put in 2, one with two segments

    If you sit back on your bum nothing will ever get done
    You will never know unless you have a go.

    Standing Committee on Environment,
    Climate Change and Biodiversity,
    ACT Legislative Assembly,
    GPO Box 1020,

  8. Staying off topic from a couple of threads ago where I posted the following video on China …

    From 4:50 (Number 3 – “Religion is illegal in China”)


    • Religion under “Socialism with Chinese Characteristics”

    4:50 – “On the contrary, religion thrives all over China and religious belief is protected by law. Different religions have been practiced in China for thousands of years, some imported and some homegrown.”
    6:25 – “According to article 4 of china’s religious affairs regulation the state protects normal religious activities according to law and safeguards the lawful rights and interests of religious groups religious institutions places of religious activities and religious citizens”
    6:54 – “No organization or individual may make use of religion to engage in illegal activities that endanger state security, disrupt public order, impair the health of citizens, interfere with the educational system of the state or otherwise impair the interests of the state, the public interests and the lawful rights and interests of citizens.”
    “No organization or individual may create contradictions or conflicts between different religions, within the same religion or between religious and non-religious citizens. It is forbidden to promote, support or finance religious extremism or use religion to undermine national unity, split the country or engage in terrorist activities.”

    • Religion under “Socialism with German Characteristics”

    “Hence an immeasurably large scope is given for the Churches, and thus they should be tolerant of one another! God did not create our [people] that it be torn apart by priests. This is why it is necessary to ensure its unity by a system of leadership.

    Adolf Hitler – speech at the Ordensburg Sonthofen – Allgäu, November 22, 1937

    “But we will never wage this battle as a battle against Christianity or even against one of the two confessions. But we will wage it in order to keep our public life pure and free of those priests who have mistaken their calling, those who should have become politicians and not clergymen”

    Adolf Hitler – proclamation read by Gauleiter Adolf Wagner, Nuremberg, September 11, 1935

        • “Was Jesus Political? Undoubtedly
          Let’s not forget that when Jesus spoke, he was speaking with a political voice that eventually led to his unjust death and ultimate resurrection. That we miss Jesus’ sharply political teachings says more about us than him.”

          “Jesus didn’t just step on the kingdom of Rome’s toes, he went toe to toe with the Jewish political leaders plenty of times. Most famously when he walked into their political center (the temple), overthrew it, and called it a den of thieves (Mark 11:17). Talk about a political statement”

          • “Soberingly, this passage does not just remind us that a Christian by definition must produce spiritual fruit (even if only small early figs). It’s also about the threat of and temptation toward false pretenses of fruit.

            The fig tree, like the bustling temple courts during Passover, was putting on a good show. And that made it all the worse. It’s one thing to lack fruit out of season. It’s another thing to lack it while pretending you have it.

            So let us be warned.

            Our personal lives can look like “in leaf.” Our leaves may look like those of a supermom, a winner, a perfect family, an A-team Christian with an overstuffed schedule of ministry activities. But the root may be withered. There may be no fruit of holiness and no intimacy with God. What’s worse—our leaves may even fool us.

            And our churches can do the same. A church’s leaves may look impressive: booming attendance, capital campaigns, clever pastors, impressive music. But what will the Lord find upon close inspection? Will he find only leaves? Or will he find figs, too? ”

      • I thought that would get you two creeping out from your grotto …

        “National Socialism is a cool and highly-reasoned approach to reality based upon the greatest of scientific knowledge and its spiritual expression.


        Above all, National Socialism is a [People’s] Movement in essence and under no circumstances a cult movement!

        Hence the National Socialist Movement will not tolerate subversion by occult mystics in search of an afterlife. […] At the heart of our program you will not find any mysterious presentiments, rather you will find succinct realization and hence open avowal. Since we place the sustenance and securing of a creature created by God at the center of this realization and avowal, we sustain God’s creation, and it is in this manner that we serve this will. We do not do so at a new cult site bathed in mysterious twilight, but rather, in the open, for the Lord to see.

        [… ]

        It is already dangerous to order the construction of a so-called cult site because this already entails the necessity of coming up with cult games and rites at a later date. The only cult we know is that of a cultivation of the natural and hence of that which God has willed. We stand in complete and unconditional humility before the divine laws as revealed to man. These laws we respect and our prayer is one of brave fulfillment of the duties entailed. We cannot be held responsible for acts of worship; after all, that is the domain of the churches!”
        – Adolf Hitler – speech at the Culture Convention – Nuremberg, September 6, 1938

        But here is some good news for you and w3/bogan to wallow in your cultist fantasies …

        • Photos Show Construction On The Abrahamic Family House In Abu Dhabi Of The One World Religion Of Chrislam Nearing Completion


    • You seem to have too much spare time on your hands

      • Teddy Roosevelt’s Last Mad Crusade (Martin Sieff RTF Lecture)


      Two videos – lecture then Q&A and discussion – just under 4 hours in total.

      You will actually learn quite a lot, including some great reading recommendations. Sieff has done an extraordinary amount of reading.

      On a couple of occasions Sieff says “when you dig into these things […] everything becomes the opposite of what you thought it was.” One is about WWI – the other about Japan …

      And yet earlier he goes on to say:

      “Bin Laden should have been Public Enemy Number One not Saddam Hussein because Bin Laden undisputedly was involved in [] or behind the attack on the trade towers and the murder of three thousand Americans”

      (without realising that “everything becomes the opposite of what you thought it was”)

      His other blind spot is WWII.

      I repeat…

      “How much can be learnt from history has long been a matter of speculation. Much depends on the capacity of the pupil. There is probably no branch of learning, except economics, in which conjecture plays so large a part. Almost any set of facts can be selected, in a partial fashion, to prove any theory, however, absurd.”

      William Joyce (Twilight Over England)

  9. Since this continues to be topical … – just revisiting this from 7+ years ago following the violent coup in Ukraine in 2014

    Sheikh Imran Hosein on Ukraine …

    • Шейх Имран объясняет непонимающим ситуацию на Украине очень доходчиво

    • Epoch Times
      “Fourteen FBI whistleblowers have come forward to provide information to Republican congressional investigations, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) said on Aug. 14, about a week after the FBI raided former President Donald Trump’s Florida home.
      “Fourteen FBI agents have come to our office as whistleblowers, and they are good people,” Jordan told Fox News. “There are lots of good people in the FBI. It’s the top that is the problem.”
      “Some of these good agents are coming to us, telling us … what’s going on—the political nature now of the Justice Department … talking about the school board issue, about a whole host of issues,” he added.”

    • This part is all news to me
      “That the vaccines cause cancer may be because they contain spike protein and that this impairs the cells’ ability to repair damage to the genetic material.
      Swedish researchers have already shown in vitro, i.e. in the test tube, that sars-cov-2 spike protein affects the DNA repair mechanism.”
      Just how long can the public “trust the science”

  10. Big Pharma uses snake venom to develop drugs and vaccines: here’s the proof

    The establishment is already contesting that snake venom is used in the development of pharmaceuticals, calling it a “conspiracy theory.”. But the evidence is there for anyone wanting to investigate it. Many “life-saving” drugs, the World Economic Forum (WEF) announced back in 2018, are made from the venom of snakes.

    Lizard and cone snail venoms are also useful. In 1980, the first modern hypertension drug, sold as Captopril, came on the market. It was made from snake venom, from the same family of South American pit vipers now being re-examined during the COVID-19 pandemic.

  11. Since Sandy Hook parents can sue Alex Jones for “emotional distress,” then 160 million Americans should sue Fox News and MSM for lying about vaccine-induced injuries and death

    08/26/2022 / By S.D. Wells

    “Thousands of court cases in American history have set the precedent for future litigation and even influenced their outcomes. Case in point: Parents of children who were reportedly killed in the Sandy Hook Elementary mass shooting were awarded over $4 million in the defamation case against famous podcaster Alex Jones because he said the mass shooting was staged by the highly corrupt FBI in order to confiscate guns from Americans.

    If it’s true that the parents of those students suffered distress due to Alex Jones’ so-called propaganda and ‘conspiracy theories’ about Sandy Hook, then every parent of every child who has been damaged and/or killed by the ‘clot shot’ COVID-19 vaccines should be able to sue (and win damages) from Fox News and mainstream media for lying about and propagating the “safety and effectiveness” of those toxic and deadly gene-altering jabs…………………..”


  12. The few that control power in Oz have locked down almost all sources of information. In order for the beast to deceive they do it in secret, pushing lies.
    The point now, who do we choose God or satan? And if you think spiritual reality is a fairy tale, think again.
    This system built on screened bs have most believing in modern fables – theory of evolution and big bang theory – they are theories because they can’t be proven.

    The truth is God created everything and without God nothing would exist.

    The new technologies are here to oppress and cull our mass, by way of ‘smart’ devices.
    The surveillance state is now fully in place to protect their empire of usury. Our entire world is run by a kartel of criminals. Viewing His story, nothing good ever comes from central planning by corporations and communist governments under the control of central banksters.

      • As they rake in salaries bonuses perks bribes and promotions, these corrupt politicians carry on, knowing power corrupts absolutely, oblivious to the damage they do destroying this place by trusting their own ‘wisdom’ scribed by the enemy.
        This phenomenon not new, the entire planet is suffering from the same rot and decay.
        “It’s a club….”

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