Home Trump Audit Costs, Mail-in Dumps and Disappearing Dominion Machines

Audit Costs, Mail-in Dumps and Disappearing Dominion Machines


by G5

Each time The Trump Campaign requests an audit, there is a minimum fee of $3 million payable. Whether that audit is correctly conducted or not.

Currently, Trump has tipped in a further $150 million for this serenade to further display what is already well known. The Presidency has personally cost him some $5 billion and the destruction of his seven New York City properties by de Blasio and Cuomo, using state forces. Even to the extent of defacing each property by hacking away name facias and flooding the buildings, and the surrounding streets and footpaths with police protected graffiti. Limited resources remaining after police forces have been devastated by defunding idiocies.

We have seen haphazard and pretend audits conducted. On further applications to check if ballot envelopes have signatures, we have seen the recidivist behaviour. Further $3 million amounts delivering nothing but further confirmation of the fraud.

In the various state legislative committee hearings, we see nothing from the committees but Dems ad hominem attacking the lawyers and witnesses. Never any substance or opposing argument. Thereby only confirming the fraud, ad nauseam.

Videos of election staff in booths directing voters, ballots being removed from suitcases in the thousands, and further being fed through the Dominion machines some four times; supporting sworn affidavit evidence; has had Dems screaming that the witnesses are liars.

And interestingly: all the 4 am mail-in dumps of unfolded, photocopied, same handwriting ballots, with no envelopes, unsupervised by excluded GOP observers, have been for Biden. Hundreds of thousands in the cities of the swing states, and tens of millions nationally.

Where Trump had won decisively by the close of voting on the day, by a clear 295 ECVs to Biden’s 100 or so; further confirmed at 410 for Trump on the Intel acquired Frankfurt servers; suddenly became Biden at 295 and Trump some 235.

I reiterate The Frankfurt Raid is precisely as I have written. It was not military,  Haspel was not present, and Flynn did not co-ordinate it. My sources have been reliable for three generations, and some half-century for this writer. For those who don’t know me.

We have also now had confirmed that the auditing companies; allegedly independent; are in fact controlled subsidiaries of Dominion.

When legally applied for, absentee or mail-in ballots are posted with outer and inner envelopes, folded into the posting envelope. When legally returned, the ballot is completed and folded into the small inner envelope, which in turn is inserted into the outer envelope, completed and signed externally. The original request being a signed application.

Signatures can be confirmed by computer input of both the outer envelopes and the application form. Also: Identical handwriting on the ballots can be identified. But the computers have been programmed to ignore the evidence and deliver data, confirming the original frauds as correct.

Where the applications don’t exist, and the outer envelopes don’t exist, the ballots have identical handwriting in stacks, the ballots are batch photocopied, and further have no fold marks. Which signals what?

Dominion in The US and in Soros’ office in Toronto, has had all the executives mysteriously disappear. The machines are not being delivered for a forensic audit because of the lie of potential patent infringement.

State supreme courts stacked with Dem sycophants with personal interests; forget the cutie pie theories, this is the real world; have delivered absurdities; contradicting their state legislatures, and contradicting their state constitutions and The Federal Constitution. And now refusing to hear appeals concerning their unlawful waffles, as the appeals have not been delivered up through the idiocy of lower courts.

Machines that were seized by subpoena, have since disappeared. This is why the machines taken by intel are secure. Converting reality through obtuse rules of evidence is entertainment I have personally experienced many times over many years. Sometimes the spark appears long into the distant meaninglessness, sometimes it never does. Not an issue of meaningful protections.

Intel always needs translation for public articulation and consumption. Should that be required? Hardly any checks and balances.

The great transparency that Joe and Dumby won The Executive. A cabinet of Obama’s greatest dregs posturing a transition, to lead The US and indeed the entire Free West into the brave new future world of; peace, harmony, morality, economic security, and sovereign independence. Communist Dictatorships dressed as Utopianism.

Does any of this offer any evidence that a massive coordinated fraud did not occur. Does any of this infer that The Democratic Party is not the determined ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE?




  1. The great question IS – why would shrewd businessman Trump – (albeit 5 times bankrupt) knowingly spend 5 billion for the Presidency?

    Scenario 1: Because he can –
    Scenario 2: A true American patriot knowing what was about to blow does his best to forestall. (and he knew before 2018)
    Scenario 3: A double bluff, dress yourself as the tormented while exposing your enemy’s weakness and trap then – The Demoncratic Party that is –
    Scenario 4: ALL of the above.

  2. Ah well, cannot wait for the ignorant naysayers from a post or two back in comments to call all this garbage and demonstrate why.

    • I meant this:

      “In the various state legislative committee hearings, we see nothing from the committees but Dems ad hominem attacking the lawyers and witnesses. Never any substance or opposing argument….. supporting sworn affidavit evidence; has had Dems screaming that the witnesses are liars.

      Ned, but events have overtaken us and it no longer matters — I hope!!

  3. I want to corroborate one of the things G5 says and question others.

    Yes, the getting of an absentee ballot requires applying for it, receiving it (folded of course, in thirds), filling it out, putting it into the inner envelope, writing one’s signature outside and mailing it in the outer envelope. So any batch of ballots alleged to have come from the mail and which are not folded are clearly fake.

    But I must say, after a long life, I do not recognize the vitriol suggested by G5. When Repubs get together we feel nice about ourselves and we engage in a certain amount of criticism of “those hopeless Democrats.” But never any hate (“those horrible bastards”) and I imagine it’s like that on the other side, too. In fact, in a group of 10 or 20 friends – one’s social circle of friends – most of us do not know which party the other votes for. Honest.

    So that makes me think of 1989, when I ran into a friend who grew up in Belgrade. At that moment “war” was breaking out in Yugoslavia and the media were painting it as ethnic fighting, but she said “How do they even know which of their neighbors is Serbian? We all think we are Yugoslavs.”

    And Elias Davidsson has written of his youth in Jerusalem where Muslims and Jews had no venom for one another. In short, I am sorry to see hatred stoked up. (I don’t mean G5 is stoking it.)

    I also can’t tell from the above article why there don’t seem to be any Repub-run states that can hand over their machinery for inspection – and would be eager to get an audit going. Still, I at least recognize what G5 is describing re the officials whose minds seems completely shut down. Dee runs into this in Oz every time she puts in a reasonable request for a Mum-kid reunion.

    And folks like Mal Hughes and me who write to governors or judges in a respectful and reasonable way NEVER get a reasonable reply. Never, never, never. The bottom line must be that all such personnel have been brain-altered in a way that does not let the other person’s side of the story be listened to.

    • Mary,
      I just re-read the G5 post and I could not find the vitriol you infer. Some truth and opinion sprinkled with a bit of sarcasm perhaps? But vitriol? Nah.

  4. This from Veterans today:

    “GOP News: Haspel Arrested for Treason, Flynn Hunting Pedo’s, Squadron of Pigs Buzzes Roswell Mother Ship.

    CIA Director Gina Haspel was arrested after she was injured in the Frankfurt Germany CIA building raid to secure the servers.

    The building had no guards and was unprotected. Haspel pulled in some private special military trained security forces to protect the building from such a suspected raid. When the raid happened Haspel was there.

    5 of our special forces troops along with a CIA official were killed in the raid. Haspel was injured.

    I try to get three confirmations of the soldiers being killed. I got two, but could not get a third. The CIA made up a cover story about the 5 soldiers and one cia operative killed and said they were killed in a helicopter crash.

    Haspel was air evacuated out. She was flown to GITMO where she was treated and received a tribunal for treason. She agreed to help trump for a lighter sentence of life which can be revoked if she chooses to not cooperate. She has now turned over information on the servers, what they were for and what they did and who was involved…..”


  5. Relieved to report to all that Champ and Major have been sent to Gitmo for security reasons after Biden tried to catch Champ and slipped fracturing his ankle…….My Great Dane (code) source told me so….The chips implanted in their ears have recorded months of Biden household secrets and there was an attempt to retract the evidence from Champ’s ear but Champ escaped unharmed….with Major.


    Champ and Major were specially trained at Langley and ‘have done great service for truth freedom and the US Constitution’; reported a unnamed Langley military source. Be not surprised; the source added; ‘The President will present both Champ and Major with the ‘US Service Freedom Medals” during his inauguration on the 20th’.

    It has been well known by the CIA that the Chinese often gift cats as pets to influential US households. meow!

    “You heard it first here at Gumshoe News, Melbourne. Australia.
    GS saying good night for now and donate a bone if you are able.”

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