Home Australia Australian Associated Press Newswire to Close in June

Australian Associated Press Newswire to Close in June


by Dee McLachlan

Australian Associated Press (AAP) is an Australian news agency and was established in 1935 by Keith Murdoch. It employs 170 journalists and is owned by News Corp Australia (45%), Nine Entertainment Co. (47%), and Seven West Media (8%).

On 3 March 2020, AAP announced that it will dissolve in June 2020 — after 85 years.

Business Insider wrote,

“National news agency Australian Associated Press (AAP) is set to wrap up in June, citing an inability for its newswire service to remain viable or competitive with the slew of freely available content online. It ends an 85 year history of providing Australians with rock solid, straight down the line news across a wide variety of mastheads and titles.

“AAP coverage makes up the spine of the news Australians consume every day – leaving an open question as to what the media landscape will look like in future.”

AAP chairman Campbell Reid, who is also an executive at News Corp, said,

“It is a great loss that professional and researched information provided by AAP is being substituted with the un-researched and often inaccurate information that masquerades as real news on the digital platforms.”

Rupert Murdoch

Maybe Mr Reid should pass on my 4 February 2015 letter to Rupert Murdoch. I wrote:

“Mr Murdoch, sir, you have the opportunity of a lifetime.

“For more than half a century you have amassed a media empire across the globe, with News Corp being the world’s second-largest media group (2011 revenue), and the world’s third largest in entertainment (2009)… You have been listed #2 by Forbes (as most powerful business person) and some time ago at #32 in the most all ‘powerful list’…

“…Mr Murdoch we are DROWNING in political lies and deception – and YOU have the power, the influence, and the reach to change this world forever. Over the last several decades, your carefully chosen editors have been withholding vital evidence from your readers and viewers. Unfortunately it has become the ‘norm’ to push unquestioningly the ‘government line’ (and lie). So much so, that the dumbed-down folks are completely unaware of what is REALLY happening around them. I believe you and other media moguls know exactly what is really happening. And thus, it seems, the corporate media have been involved in the suppression of crucial evidence – even deliberately covering up the egregious crimes of the all powerful.”

Readers are totally familiar with the deceptions of the mainstream media, so how did the news get so skewed?

AAP’S Code of Practice for Journalists

The AAP website outlines the industry’s best practices and codes to which all AAP journalists are expected to abide by. AAP’s policy on editorial standards and principles of journalism is outlined on their website. These are just a few of the points:

1. Accuracy

1.1. AAP has a valued reputation as “the reliable source”. All information, comment and opinion reported on our wires must be authoritatively sourced…

1.3. The vague attribution “sources say” is generally not acceptable, unless it is the only way to protect a vital source in a matter of public interest.

2. Impartiality and Fairness

2.1. AAP does not promote particular views or commercial interests, either through undue emphasis or by suppressing relevant material.

2.2. …always seek to include a fair balance of other views. Any comment or conjecture by the journalist writing the story should be identifiable as such.

2.3. AAP journalists have latitude to express their own views more freely only when, in the opinion of the Editor in Chief or Editor, they have special knowledge or expertise or sufficient reputation…

6. Misrepresentation

6.1. AAP does not sanction misrepresentation, deceit or subterfuge to obtain information.

6.3. Journalists must not obtain information or publish material obtained clandestinely by using listening devices or by intercepting private telephone conversations.

“The number of organisations choosing to no longer rely on the AAP service has made the business unsustainable,” said Campbell Reid. I wonder why?

And Editor-in-chief Tony Gillies said, “We exist for the public’s interest, and I now fear for the void left by the absence of AAP’s strong, well-considered voice.”

Letter to Murdoch — continued

In my article to Murdoch, I suggested that he is one of only a few people in this world, that could change the world with one single email. One paragraph is all that is required, and it could go something like this:

“I instruct you all herewith to encourage your staff and journalists to provide articles and programs that investigate all of the evidence and facts surrounding past and future terror events, wars, banking and politics. Disclose the real news, without fear or favour. You could cover some history – e.g. the facts surrounding September 11 and other so-called terror ‘events’ (false flags). Thereafter, you could offer open debate and reportage of GMO’s, vaccines, pharmaceuticals, trade agreements and the like….”

I wrote that this would unleash an overload of information to a misinformed public, but with honest and open reporting, he could unleash the truth and the reality we live in.  I naively concluded with,

“If you instructed your minions to disclose the real news, without fear or favour, in the millennia to come, this would be recorded as one of mankind’s greatest turning points. Imagine a world where honesty prevails.”




  1. I just tried to send this post to my homepage when this window appeared in red stating ” your message could not be sent because it includes content that other people on facebook have reported as abusive ” ?

  2. I don’t understand why anyone with a conservative or Christian bone in their body are still on Facebook, given that it bans and censors anyone with illiberal or Christian views and promotes the worst type of despicable, progressive lies and propaganda.

    • Absolutely Richard, even an Intelligent bone; People must understand that facebook, google, youtube, etc are all in bed with the intelligence community why do you think they had such meteoric rises. They are ALL CIA information gathering fronts/platforms.

      The CIA start-up, In-Q-Tel.for example that went on to become facebook was founded in 1999, with the express purpose of funding companies that could develop technology the CIA would use to “gather data.”

      Anyone who doubts it should read Jon Rappoport’s article “Social-media censorship—the deep basics” where the sordid picture is outlined in detail. He calls them “nurtured creatures of the national security state”. He’s polite Jon is!

  3. To any of you 180 former employees of AAP, now is your chance to set the record straight and come clean with the Australian public about all of the lies you were forced to create as part of your jobs. This is a real opportunity to repent and begin to hold your head up high as you walk away from the lies.
    Let’s start with your involvement with the fake Jimmy Gargasoulos red car down Bourke Street event.

  4. Oz in 2020.
    Tradesmen from China, manual labour from central Africa or anyone else willing to work at their rates.
    Medical centres Indian doctors, Emergency Anglo supervision, Specialists chosen tribe, Surgeons ccp.

    Dee, always read you’re thoughtful research.
    Honesty in dark times is rare. Thankyou.

    At times, feel we are “casting pearls before swine.”
    What else can we do when nothing can be done?
    Courage for the next generations. Keep the faith good.

          • Apologies for writing like a rascist bigot. I came here 54 yrs ago as an eight year old. Parents humble home confiscated by communists. Similar to many migrants displaced worldwide these days.

            This earth is beautiful vast and diverse with unique people cultures and customs. What’s wrong with people living in the lands they were created on, adding to the common wealth of their forebears.

            It does not fit in with our oppressors plans of confiscating all lands from all peoples everywhere. Herd them into mega cities so they can all bid for the lowest rate and sign on to the debt/usury ponzu slave system.
            We are ruled by satanists.

    • “This earth is beautiful, vast and diverse with unique people, cultures and customs. What’s wrong with people living in the lands they were created on, adding to the common wealth of their forebears.”

      Thank you 56, those are precisely the words I could not seem to assemble.

      Despite having some critics re ‘exploitation’, blah (probably by SJW types), I think the photographic work of Jimmy Nelson (Before They Pass Away) is just brilliant and fascinating.

      Enjoy the journey …


      He gave a TED Talk …

      Jimmy Nelson – Gorgeous Portraits of the World’s Vanishing People (Before They Pass Away)


  5. Nearly 70% of the media in this country is left of center, while the remaining 30% hardly rates as being of the right, but that nearly 70% of the media caters to just 31% of the population who follow it. So the left wing media is quite crowded for attention, while the tax payer funded ABC is slowly demolishing its perceived opposition (other left wing media outlets) by encroaching into areas the ABC does not have a charter to encroach on.

    I have no sympathy whatsoever for any of the media – they all deserve what is coming to them because it has been from them and their refusal to call out the ongoing treachery that has bedeviled this country ever since federation..

    Dee – On Murdoch’s father, Keith – at least he had some Australian patriotism in him (World War 1 correspondent) while his son has never displayed any, and who surrendered early in his career to the Globalist/Deep State for his guidance into a corporation. I think you were being too kind to that bastard.

      • Gary – do you understand the political spectrum? Draw a straight line. At the extreme right end of that line, place Anarchy (no rule of law) then go to the extreme left and place Totalitarianism/Oligarchies/Monarchies, and as you move toward the center, add National Socialism/Communism/Fascism and Socialism. Then at the center of that line add Conservatism and The American Republic.

        The center of the line is where we should all be.

        • That’s a neat summary of just how nonsensical the “left/right” paradigm actually is!

          What tends to get overlooked is that the term was invented by the Brit Toffery as a means of giving counterfeit governance a veneer of legitimacy

      • And I say “atheistic” rather than “atheist” because there really is no conviction about anything; no one aspires to anything more than pandering to the lowest common denominator

          • I’d say the above Wikipedia quote encapsulates what does & doesn’t get broadcast via any MSM channel.

            30 odd years ago I came across this little gem in a book I happened to be reading:
            “Satan will use a drop of truth to hide a lake of poison”
            In other words watching tele is fine and might even be beneficial – so long as you don’t get sucked into the underlying program !

          • Actually I’d say the same goes for every religious and educational facility on the planet including Wikipedia(dead obvious that one)
            As all humans are in an imperfect state all institutions should be approached with caution

  6. So the chooks come home to roost!
    Bye AAP, may many of your lyng friends join you.
    Now what about our ABC AND SBS?
    Oh well, just another billion or so of taxpayer’s money with borrowed funds at interest each year for the government to ‘propaganderise’ misinformation like false flags such as 911 and have us, for nearly 20 years, at war for the corporates and deep state, costing more millions.
    Canberra loves a ‘overseas home invasion in the morning’ in the Middle East and our money spent on; our boys being killed and suiciding, refugees and created resulting ‘terrorists’.
    Sell the ABC and SBS to Murdock or nine, 2GB, 2UE, SMH, The AGE et. Al., they may as well go broke too.
    No loss. We will continue informing the public.
    I am about to click on ‘submit’, but strangely for the first time my address and poor ‘Ned’ is doubly exposed and I cannot correct it.
    Taken photos just in case.

  7. Correction.
    Not ‘submit’ , should be ‘post comment’.
    Well, it worked, never underestimate a web page photo threat?

  8. Yes indeed William.
    All redundent AAP retired journos are invited here with open arms from Dee and most of us.
    Come on, out with it.
    Tell us about your controllers who apparently threatened your careers if you did not lie to the public and cause so much misery in the world for the RSOLE criminals and child killers.
    ( sorry Mary😥)
    I hope you will not sign a confidentially agreement as a condition of your ‘ redundancy’ payout.
    Oh well, you can survive a bit as a Uber driver…… best of luck.

  9. Love the little “we need” placards.
    Do they really think Murdoch or some other sugar-daddy has a moral obligation to save them?

  10. In today’s Boston Globe:

    “LONDON — The International Criminal Court ruled on Thursday that its chief prosecutor could open an investigation into allegations of war crimes in Afghanistan, including any that may have been committed by Americans, a step that infuriated the Trump administration.

    “The ruling, by an appeals chamber of the court in The Hague, reversed a lower chamber’s decision that had halted an inquiry into the behavior of forces from the United States, which does not recognize the court’s jurisdiction. Washington revoked the visa of the court’s chief prosecutor, Fatou Bensouda, last year after she signaled her intentions to pursue the case.”

    Aw geez, Louise, talk about advertising our guilt!

  11. Off-topic (I suppose):

    US Sen from NY, Chuck Schumer, said “Justices Kavanaugh and Gorsusch, you have reaped the whirlwind and you will pay the price.”

    The Senate is now drafting a censure against him.

    Sorry, boys. We have SEPARATION OF POWERS. If Schumer wants to call out any member of SCOTUS, or SCOTUS itself, for any misdeeds or imagined misdeeds, he may do so.

    Trumpie-boy has already condemned Schumer. Goes to show Trump does not understand the Constitution.

    Also, Schumer does not understand the Old Testament. — “reaping the whirlwind” was the comeback not the provocation.

    • Mary – Cryin’ Chuckie made his threat while standing immediately outside the SCOTUS building. There are laws in place forbidding such behaviour. I hope they throw the book at that mongrel!

  12. Perhaps we can find out all the names and email addresses of the recently laid off from AAP and send them a link to this article.

    I have no use for the media in this country. They’re beyond worthless – a prostitute will give the service you want for the money – but to the Australian populace, an Australian journalist is a negative entity. Just lies, deception and running cover for criminals.

    They can all dry up and blow away – and should be thankful that is their fate rather than being hung from the nearest lamppost.

    • Dear oh dear, what hardship awaits the poor AAP has beens.
      Terry, perhaps we could set up a crowd strike collection for them, Inviting all the killed, injured, orphaned in the Middle East and 911 relatives to contribute and help them to be assimilated back into a humane and truthful society?
      Perhaps John Winston Howard could be invited to be the patron and trustee of the collections.

      • From the “file keepers” -with no name. For Ned.
        The Satanic Order of the Garter

        Runs Your Community

        The chain of command in Freemasonry locally comes directly and secretly from the head of the Order of the Garter in the UK (now secretly relocated to Australia [3]), who is Queen Elizabeth II, and filters down to the local lodge:

        “I saw [in the Masonic Lodge] that superior orders were distributed from to their executors. Those chiefs, in turn, obey a “supreme” whose orders must be carried out
        blindly by them.”

        The head of this sinister Satanic organisation, the Order of the Garter, and the Committee of 300, is the imposter Queen Elizabeth II. [5] The orders being implemented against the knowledge and will of the people are known collectively these days as—–

        “It is unknown to the Australian people that John Winston Howard’s first overseas trip after becoming Prime Minister of Australia was to receive his honours of becoming a 33rd degree Freemason.”

  13. Also from the same “file”–

    “In this Gruen was supported by Nugget Coombs, another Rothschild protégé. (Coombs was in fact the Bank for International Settlements (the entirely Rothschild-owned BIS of Basle Switzerland) agent whose role it was to establish a RBA under total Rothschild control. Another of his functions was to subvert the intended consensus modelled Northern Land Council into a more easily controlled hierarchical power pyramid).
    Others noted that Gough Whitlam and Rhodes Scholar Bob Hawke were both graduates of the London School of Economics and were influenced by Fabian Socialism, the Tavistock Institute, and Internationalism in general, which was seen by many as anti-patriotic and anti-nationalist. They were supported in this by fellow Rhodes Scholar, Kim Beazley.
    This trend was noticed by journalist John Pilger, who also uncovered Hawke’s deep relationship with the CIA, MI6, and now-American Rupert Murdoch.”


  14. AAP’s code of practise 1,2,6, were numerous times broken in relation to two major events involving mass murder in Australia. Those events were Port Arthur 35 dead and one jailed for life, for action not taken by the accused. The other was 3 dead at the Lindt Café incident.

    Blatant false media reports were spread ad-nausea, knowingly, by all sections of the media.

    No investigations were undertaken, only Government falsified stories were told. Easily proven false evidence was spread for mass propaganda to the stupefied public.

    Investigative journalism died many decades ago. The only investigative journalists still practising (there are a few), are never recognised by the main stream media.

  15. The real reason for AAP’s closure is because they have rejected the public that kept their operations going for so long. Thanks due to the alternative media, via internet, more and more of the public have awoken to the misinformation that has been spread by both newspapers and TV.

    The experiment of doing away with real journalists and taking most news from undiversified overseas sources has failed. Was this to cut costs, or to make sure the public were fed the same stories internationally and universally?

  16. Anyone live near AAP’s main office is located at:
    Level 6, 3 Rider Boulevard, Rhodes, NSW 2138
    This is the head office of AAP.
    We still have time to visit the local coffee shops and bars to talk to catch up with them.
    Nothing like getting off our screens and into the real world of human to human interfacing at the coal face.

  17. Speaking of journalistic manipulation, this would have to be the best way of getting people to rush into town and buy up every bog-roll in sight:

    Perhaps an ABC staff member has a vested interest in the t paper industry

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