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Parasites and How the World May End

(L) Eustace Mullins, Photo: Wikipedia  (C) Article by Colin Todhunter"India's New Rulers Are IMF, WHO, Monsanto," Photo: the ecologist.org (R) Michael Hudson, Photo: quotepark.com by...

The First Vax Genocide Was the Balmis “Philanthropic” Expedition in 1804

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB Thanks be to God, the dirt has finally come out. I am referring to the hefty video proof of "Sudden...

Calculating the Future of the Human Species

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB It seems we are in for some big changes.  Some say there will be real physical changes made to the...

Ukraine, Nuclear War, and the 1967 Sinking of the USS Liberty

(L) Egyptian president Gamal Nasser (1918-1970), Photo: Time, July 28, 1958, (C) Navy man Joe Meador, Photo: worldbeyondwar.org (R) Author Philip Nelson, Photo: Amazon.com by...

Australia Has No Legitimate Government Today

(L) Procession of the Knights of the Garter (R) Song album by Ted Egan in 1974 by Mary W Maxwell, LLB "Honi soit qui mal y...

Morality Can Go Two Ways, Part 3: The Pandemic Genocide

(L) RFK, JR, Photo: APNews.com (R)Tedros Ghebreyesus, WHO Director, Photo: VOAnews.com by Mary W Maxwell, LLB This series of three articles takes an evolutionary-biology view of...

Morality Can Go Two Ways, Part 2: Rampant Pedophilia in UK...

(L) Dame Margaret Hodge, Lady Hodge, nee Oppenheimer, b 1944, Labor Party member of Parliament for Barking (R) Cover of Joachim Hagopian's book, by...

A Suggestion for SCOTUS: Certiorari for Pozner v Fetzer

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB Every man and his dog that has suffered an injustice -- or claims to have -- looks forward to seeing...

Smithsonian Magazine’s Reply to Moon Hoax

Moon Walking, Photo: NASA by Mary W Maxwell, LLB On September 19, 2022 I published, at GumshoeNews.com, an article entitled "Was the Moon Landing a Hoax". ...

Was the 1969 Moon Landing a Hoax?

July 21, 1969, the day after "The Eagle Has Landed" by Mary W Maxwell, LLB Although I am a conspiracy theorist, I don' t believe every...

Mike Lindell’s Cellphone

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB I have a background in evolutionary biology.  I have no trouble understanding human evil as an outgrowth -- maybe a...

The Morning after the Night Before

(Girl who got 671 votes, not quite enough) September 2022, Photo at Lake Winnipesaukee by Mary W Maxwell, LLB For many years, America has moved down...