Home Authors Posts by Dalia Mae

Dalia Mae


Lap Dog Politicians Fail Australia Yet Again

by James O’Neill* One of the more profoundly depressing consequences of the aftermath of the American missile attack on the al Shayrat Syrian air base is...

Reversal of Fortune

by G5 © Peskov leaked through Novosti that Putin will meet Tillerson. Putin awarded Tillerson The Order of Friendship in 2013 (concerning Exxon-Mobil pumping crude with...

A Syrian Quarry Vs Trump Tower

Trump Tower by Dee McLachlan The president of the US lives in a tower glittering with gold, while the folk in the village of Khan Sheikhoun...

Syria and The Plan For Its Destruction

One, two, three, FIRE (X 59) by Dee McLachlan How should we react to this double assault: Assad gets blamed for killing his own people “including...

Letters Patent from Her Majesty The Queen, To Establish Australia’s Royal...

ELIZABETH THE SECOND, by the Grace of God Queen of Australia and Her other Realms and Territories, Head of the Commonwealth…. WHEREAS all children deserve...

Further to Martin Bryant’s Piano(s)

This grand is currently on E-bay in the US for only $1200 If you google for “The Queen v Bryant” you will get this: IN THE...

The Democrats

by G5 © The Foundation of The American Republic confirmed the pillars of Education and Morality. The Democratic Party provided the alternative. In a recent CNN interview,...

Pleomorphism 101, Part 1: William Crofton, MD

by Mary W Maxwell, PhD, LLB Most of this article appeared at Gumshoe on 23 October 2014, under the title “Attention Dog Lovers.” I am...

Humanity In Crisis, Part 6: Weapons of Mass Insanity

Nuclear tests in the 1950s -- with soldiers marching into the test zone by Dee McLachlan I have always found it astonishing that leaders would build up...

Which Matters More: Impunity Or Immunity?

Certificate of immunity for a diplomat by Mary W Maxwell A frequent Commenter to GumshoeNews.com, Speculator 247, has asked Gumshoe to answer the following question: “Government persons...

What Hath Martin Bryant Wrought?

Martin, Maurice, and Lindy Bryant, circa 1975 by Mary W Maxwell, LLB You just never know where things will lead. A huge miscarriage of justice occurred...

Do Vaccines Cause ill Health?

(L) Richard Moskowitz, MD , and (R) Dr Toni Bark by Dee McLachlan Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has supported the current national "no jab, no play"...