Home Authors Posts by Dalia Mae

Dalia Mae


The Gangbanksters of Grab-it-All Street – Heads We Win, Tails You...

The Global Financial Crisis was preceded and facilitated by the most costly, inequitable and destructive examples of public policy vandalism done in the name...

Did PM Tony Abbott Reveal Terror Hotspots Deliberately?

Map of the terror hotspots Prime Minister Tony Abbott was filmed at an ASIO briefing yesterday. Television cameras showed Mr Abbott inspecting maps of terrorist-recruiting hotspots...

ABC’s Q&A Furor Proves Television Debate Is Scripted And Sanitised

On Monday nights on Australia's public broadcaster (ABC), it is the usual Q&A slot with host Tony Jones. It is mostly predictable and "scripted"...

Once an Australian Always an Australian, More or Less

by Mary W Maxwell What’s all this new excitement about our need to revoke the citizenship of dual nationals who become jihadists? Isn’t it well...

We Are Connected

I have been communicating with a Canadian film production company via Skype for the last six months, but it seemed appropriate that we meet...

Magna Charta Anniversary Essay# 5: Tsarnaev’s Aunt

by Mary W Maxwell Thank God for Youtube. Talk about a piece of machinery changing the human condition!  For thousands of years there’s been some...

Magna Charta Anniversary Essay #4:  Boat People

by Mary W Maxwell A few years ago I was shocked to hear that a judge in the one of the states of the US...

Magna Charta Anniversary Essay #3: Strip Searches

Timothy McVeigh and Albert Florence by Mary W Maxwell One day, in 2003, Mr Albert Florence did something he shouldn’t have done in New Jersey. Namely,...

Magna Charta Anniversary Essay #2:  John Adams

By Mary W Maxwell “We have also granted to all freemen of our kingdom, for us and our heirs forever, all the underwritten liberties, to...

Magna Charta Anniversary Essay #1 – The Barons

by Mary W Maxwell, June 15, 2015 Would you like to be a baron? It can be arranged. Back in the Year 1215, some barons...

The Mandatory Procedures for Body Scanners

At Australian international terminals, every third or fourth person is chosen to walk through a Pro Vision full body scanning machine. The travelers politely...

Ursula Is a Breath of Spring

By Mary W Maxwell Ursula Haverbeck is an 86 year old lady of Germany who who does not want to die until she has straightened...