Dee McLachlan
Kawasaki-like Disease in Kids Coincides With COVID-19 Outbreak
by Dee McLachlan
I have written about the new 2019 flu shot possibly causing viral interference and making the elderly more vulnerable to COVID-19, and also...
Exclusive: Global Geopolitics and China’s ‘Space Station’ in Argentina, and More
by G5
From an Intel Colleague:
In the Argentinian side of Patagonia, China has constructed a massive Intel and Military facility greater than N.W. Cape and...
Australia’s Anti-China Rhetoric Has Profound Implications
by James O’Neill*
The mask of racist xenophobia is rarely far from the face of Australian attitudes to Asia in General and China in particular. ...
History, Operations, The Usual Suspects and Big Tech
by G5
It's tripped. The usual noises have quietened. The Enemies have merged forces.
Big Tech
Leave the biases to one side and watch carefully. It's a...
COVID — Did ‘They’ Think this was a Laydown Misere?
by Felicity Hingston
How do you protect sovereignty in a global agenda?
As the world co-operates (and governments collaborate) in this global ‘coronavirus crisis’ the question...
“Problems They’ll Solve With a Giant Vaccinator, And Control All Your...
by Dee McLachlan
In 2012 I authored a series of kids' book. I found some illustrators online (from India, the UK, Eastern Europe and Portugal)...
Cuomo, Fauci, COVID Labs, and the Propaganda War
by G5
COVID has been turned into a propaganda war in the US.
The following clip shows Obama (author of The Affordable Care Act devastation)...
South Australia’s Underworld Includes Killers, Bagmen, Child Molesters, Police, Lawyers, and...
by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
I graduated from Adelaide Law School in 2011, as a mature age student, in a state of deep ignorance. Part...
Open Letter to Angela Merkel (Who Is a Trained Scientist) from...
by Sucharit Bhakdi
Editor’s Note: The author of this article is a professor emeritus of Medical Microbiology at the University of Mainz. It was published...
The Man-Made Laboratory Origin of Covid-19
by Alan Cantwell, MD, and Leonard G. Horowitz, DMD
Editor’s Note: This article was published three days ago. (23 April 2020). The authors want it...
What Dr Day and Gunther Russbacher Predicted about a One World...
by Mary W Maxwell, LLB
For the April 2, 2020 edition of GumshoeNews, I collaborated with Dee McLachlan on an article entitled “Corona Virus: Fulfillment...
Did New 2019 Flu Shots Cause ‘Viral Interference’ to Create the...
by Dee McLachlan BSc Hons
I offer a simple hypothesis here. It can be tested by persons in any country who have access to statistics...