Home Corona The Man-Made Laboratory Origin of Covid-19

The Man-Made Laboratory Origin of Covid-19

Polish Airmen visit RAF Lakenheath

by Alan Cantwell, MD, and Leonard G. Horowitz, DMD

Editor’s Note: This article was published three days ago. (23 April 2020). The authors want it to be circulated and so waive copyright, provided a link is made to MedicalVeritas.org and credentials listed.


One of the most important and controversial questions surrounding the current Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic is its origin. Is it from a bat? — or is it a genetically altered laboratory bat coronavirus acting as a bioweapon? This article considers the Covid-19 lab origin.

The first confirmed Chinese Covid-19 case occurred on November 17, 2019; the first U.S. case on January 21, 2020, and on February 3, 2020, President Trump’s Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy, Kelvin K. Droegemeier, initiated a federal investigation into the alleged laboratory origin of the 2019 coronavirus.

”This is not a major threat to the people of the United States and this is not something that the citizens of the United States should be worried about right now,” Dr. Anthony Fauci, who heads the NIAID (National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases), told Newsmax’s Greg Kelly on January 21.

But the virus threat grew from there, and by the end of January travel restrictions were put into place involving China and other nations.

Subsequently, on April 17, 2020, Fox News’ Tucker Carlson scolded health officials worldwide, but especially Dr. Fauci. Carlson accused the President’s Coronavirus Task Force director of “lying” about the apparent lab virus outbreak. He also dismissed the status quo scientific consensus that contaminated bat meat at the Wuhan Seafood and Animal Market was the source of the virus.

Several days later, GreatGameIndia.com reported that parties in India and the U.S. filed complaints against China, the former filing with the United Nations Human Rights Council for waging Covid-19 War. India’s complaint claimed Chinese biowarfare agents stole the Coronavirus from a Canadian lab and weaponized it at the Wuhan Institute of Virology ten miles away from the suspect market. In addition, U.S. lawyer and activist, Larry Klayman, filed a $20 trillion lawsuit against China for waging a biological war.

Prashant Pradhan, Covid-19, and “unique” HIV-like insertions

On-or-about January 31, 2020, Prashant Pradhan and eight experts in coronavirus gene-sequencing affiliated with the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), the University of New Delhi, IBM, and New York University at Stonybrook, published an extraordinary paper. Using the most advanced computer programs for genetic analyses, they posted in urgency and public duty a ‘non-peer reviewed’ study entitled: ‘Uncanny similarity of unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV spike protein to HIV-1 gp120 and Gag [gene sequences].

To some observers, this finding suggested a “smoking gun” that pointed to genetic engineering of a malicious virus related to AIDS. Pradhan’s ‘preliminary report’ sent shock waves through the scientific community.

But there was no mention of Pradhan’s stunning findings in the major media. And curiously, two days after the report appeared, the authors voluntarily withdrew the study to avoid misrepresentation and controversy.

Pradhan wrote that it was not his intention to feed into ‘conspiracy theories,’ and said he would get back with a revised version after reanalysis. That never happened. On March 22, however, with no news about revisions, it was announced that Pradhan and the University of New Delhi had developed a cheap Covid-19 detection testing kit currently undergoing clinical trials.

The Anderson paper concluding Covid-19 is not man-made

On March 17, two weeks following Pradhan’s report, and before Carlson’s broadcast on FOX, a paper was published undermining Pradhan’s findings and the lab virus evidence entitled, “The proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2’.” Published in Nature Medicine, 5 authors concluded SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) is not a laboratory manipulated virus. The lead author, Kristian Andersen of Scripps Research Institute of La Jolla, CA; and senior author, Robert F. Garry of Tulane University in New Orleans–the co-founder of Zalgen Labs in Maryland–prompted widespread news headlines such as, “Sorry, conspiracy theorists. Study concludes COVID-19 ‘is not a laboratory construct’.”

Similar to Pradhan’s commercial interests, Zalgen’s background involved the development and testing of a coronavirus diagnostic test in alliance with pharmaceutical companies. Partners included the NIH, NIAID, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, as well as Johns Hopkins University. The latter, operating at the forefront of coronavirus intelligence gathering, data mining, scientific analysis, infection projections, and media reporting.

In the Nature Medicine report, Garry did not specifically mention Zaldan’s research and development of a coronavirus test under the required disclosure of “Competing interests”. He simply noted that he co-founded “Zalgen Labs, a biotechnology company that develops countermeasures to emerging viruses.”

A few years earlier, in 2016, the NIAID (under the direction of Fauci), gave Zalgen a grant for the development of recombinant antigen diagnostics for filoviruses, which resulted in the ReEBOV® Ebola test, among others. In 2018 the NIAID gave a $3.7 million dollar grant to scientists studying coronaviruses “emerging” from bats in China. The Wuhan researchers said their identification of new animal coronaviruses allowed them to quickly determine their potential to infect people and reduce global health threats. [Emphasis added]

Andersen, Garry et. al., made no mention of Pradhan’s controversial genetic research, nor a 2015 study, also published in Nature Medicine, by Menachery et. al., concluding that “A SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses shows potential for human emergence,” especially when altered in labs.

It would seem that unnatural “inserts” with “high genetic similarity” to HIV, and Menachery’s group’s coronavirus lab engineering disclosures, would be amenable to confirmation by other virologists.

Indeed, on April 18, 2020, Luc Montagnier, one of the world’s leading virologists and Nobel Prize Winner (in 2008) for the co-discovery of HIV, the AIDS virus, declared that Covid-19 was a “manipulated” man-made virus arising from China’s genetic experiments to develop a vaccine for AIDS.

Montagnier carefully analyzed the description of the genome of Covid-19 and claimed there were indeed insertions of HIV into its genome. Doubting scientific dissenters claimed the insertions might have occurred with Covid infection from an AIDS patient. But Montagnier said: “No, In order to insert HIV sequences into this (Covid) genome, molecular tools are needed, and that can be only be done in a laboratory.” [Emphasis added]

Referencing Pradhan’s study, Montagnier noted that the Indian researchers tried to publish the results of their analyses that showed that this coronavirus genome contained sequences of the AIDS virus, but “they were forced to withdraw their findings as the pressure from the mainstream was too great. Not surprisingly, the corporate-controlled media neglected this intelligence, and Montagnier was attacked by fellow virologists. A few called Montagnier’s idea absurd, ridiculous, and worse.

One is left wondering if virologists and geneticists can ever agree if a virus damaging society is “natural” or “man-made” in a lab.

However, Andersen and Garry et. al., did note that “obtaining related viral sequences from animal sources would be the most definitive way of revealing viral origins.”

However, the genetic makeup of dangerous recombinants, and/or “classified” viral bioweapons, are not likely to be made public, nor to be deposited in ‘genetic banks.’

It is a little-known fact that genetic engineers, molecular biologists and virologists constantly create new viruses by genetically altering or combining two or more animal viruses together to make “chimera” viruses.

Ten years before Covid-19, Wimmer et al presented details of so-called “synthetic viruses.” The manufactured RNA viruses combined the “human endogenous retrovirus”, a “chimp virus” (HIV cpz and AIDS virus progenitor) and the “SARS-like coronavirus.” This dangerous biotechnology with chimera-like viruses could easily induce epidemics and even pandemics, if maliciously employed or accidentally loosed from a lab.

Apparently aware of these dangers, the Andersen team noted, “[b]asic research involving passage of bat SARS-CoV-like coronaviruses in cell culture and/or animal models has been ongoing for many years in biosafety level 2 laboratories across the world, and there are documented instances of laboratory escapes of SARS-CoV.” They further noted, “Detailed understanding of how an animal virus jumped species boundaries to infect humans so productively will help in the prevention of future zoonotic (animal to man) events.”

However, as though willfully blind to the facts, Andersen and Garry, et. al., totally dismissed the lab origin theory of Covid-19 despite the increasing suspicion that it is an unnatural ‘chimera virus’.

Genetic engineering of viruses and species jumping

Covid-19 was quickly and widely accepted as deriving from a horseshoe bat corona virus, perhaps with a pangolin intermediary, before “jumping” into humans at the Wuhan wet market. This was close to a Chinese biowarfare lab, and not far from the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Virus species jumping has frequently occurred in biowarfare labs worldwide operating under the guise of “preventative medicine” or proposed vaccine development. “Dual use” research, however, for both military and the drug industry, is conducted in the world’s most advanced labs. “Classified research” enables the concealment of biowarfare methods and materials.

The HIV-like genetic insertions spliced into Covid-19 (seemingly corroborating Pradhan’s and Montagnier’s findings as reported by Chinese virologists from the University of Tianjin) could have been inserted through genetic engineering. New York Magazine’s Intelligencer heralded even more evidence that the bat virus did not necessarily arise by “natural evolution.”

We believe the most likely scenario is that Covid-19 is a “supervirus” created through dangerous experiments with bats and bat virus recombinants.

The Wuhan Virology Institute has a history of bat viruses escaping from the lab. According to NIAID officials (January 23, 2020), the new cluster of Covid-19 pneumonia cases originating in Wuhan marks the third time in 20 years that a member of the large family of coronaviruses has jumped from animals to humans and sparked an outbreak.

In 2018, US officials warned that the Wuhan Institute’s research into SARS-like coronaviruses, and its improper lab safety procedures, could result in human transmissions and the possibility of a future emerging coronavirus outbreak.

Accordingly, there is much fodder for the likely ‘cover’ that Covid-19 outbroke “accidentally.”

This theory, and liability, is intertwined with the public’s right to know what biowarfare researchers conceal. Unfortunately, bio-warriors are sworn to secrecy, and the penalties for breaking confidentiality agreements are severe. One can easily Google “dead microbiologists” and be confronted with dozens of web pages documenting the premature and suspicious deaths, even murder, of microbiologists.

Scientists are not always humanitarians. They typically protect their personal interests, and avoid whistleblowing. Many blame ‘natural evolution,’ and animals in the wild, for all “emerging viruses” and new diseases.

We hope this article will contribute to a thorough investigation at the highest levels of science and government to determine the origin of the man-made Covid-19 bioweapon.

Copyright (c) 2020, by Alan Cantwell and Leonard Horowitz, is waived for republication with proper professional attributions, including the publisher, MedicalVeritas.org.

About the Authors

More than thirty years ago, Cantwell published substantial evidence showing the explosive emergence of HIV/AIDS most likely occurred from experimental chimp-virus-tainted hepatitis B vaccines inoculated into gay men in Manhattan, beginning in 1978.

Later, in 1996, Horowitz independently concluded the same, supplementing evidence with records of the pilot studies in NYC, the Congo, and Willowbrook State School for the mentally-retarded, 1972-74.

Horowitz also discovered and republished the secreted contracts of the NIH and NCI detailing the studies done by Special Virus Cancer Program investigators, most notably Luc Montagnier’s competitor in the U.S., Dr. Robert Gallo, proven to have created a bounty of ‘novel’ lab viruses, including the never-before-seen leukemia-lymphoma-sarcoma cancer complex varieties called AIDS today. For this work, Horowitz was openly censored by the United Nations AIDS Group.

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  1. A couple of common sense questions:

    If animal viruses have taken until the 20th and 21st century to jump from the animal world to humans, why has this happened in the time period mentioned?

    If animal viruses do not jump from animal to man, why is there any laboratory experimentation of these viruses, (in case they eventually cross over)? Absolute stupidity!

    These current viruses, to my knowledge, never crossed over, prior to man’s capability of interfering with genes

    • The beings playing God in laboratories call themselves scientists. They are certainly not mathematicians. If these viruses have not crossed animal / human barriers in all the time that those two species have co-existed, what are the chances that it will ever happen?

      How many centuries has the Chinese culture of eating bats been going on? Has anybody ever previously got a virus from eating a bat?

      The media frenzy, is beyond stupidity, its is moronic, as with most of their so-called reporting. Will they ever realise that they exist to report the news, not to make up the news. It is about time that those supporting the media via advertising with them are made to feel guilty for the MSM crimes of lying (otherwise known as fraud) to create panic of the population.

      • “Advertisers………… made to feel guilty..”.
        That is funny. Those who advertise are corporates laundering money for propaganda for the mass media grubs to finance and carry the globalist agenda.
        Just note every advertisement from the mass media and blackball the advertiser’s business.
        Have wallet, have power, exercise it and take the wallet for a walk to an alternative small business enterprise.
        The latest I have noted is that the Rockies cabal own nine: radio 2GB CH, the Herald the Age and more.
        Ban them and starve the bastards.
        I now do not read smh or listen to the GB puppets.

  2. What is the benefit of bio-weapons factories?
    We shouldn’t be talking about any of this, let alone living in it.
    There should be no bio weapons or nuclear bombs, full stop.
    What is the point? There is no point.
    The military industrial are satanists in control enforcing the beast system.
    We were warned and thought it would be someone else’s problem but here we are today.
    The cyber world at the touch of our fingertips, if someone pulls the plug, we are in darkness.
    “Feet of clay”, indeed.

  3. https://madamasr.com/en/2020/03/30/feature/politics/mike-davis-on-pandemics-super-capitalism-and-the-struggles-of-tomorrow/

    mike davis has his own wiki entry, he is not a medico but what he alleges below was new to me.

    secondly it occurs to that with scottie of marketing announcing today that social distancing will last in aust. until a vaccine comes, scottie is doing for human immunity what monsanto does for seeds.

    that is, monsanto’ s tech forces farmers to go into debt to buy new seeds rather than save them as per Nature from year to year, scottie forces us to prevent herd immunity as per Nature by keeping us apart at a lethality rate equal to that of influenza so that he can jab us with an annual vaccine instead, which is a nice cash flow for him and his paymaster.

    mike davis says.

    “MD: Mutations usually occur in the ‘heads’ of the two to three proteins on the virus’s surface that allow it to “dock” on a human cell and then enter. Those are the sites that annual vaccines target. But the “stalks” of these proteins are stable and don’t mutate. Virtually all researchers agree that the tools exist to fashion a broadband vaccine that incapacitates the invariant stalks thus conferring general immunity against all strains that might last for years. The research is out there, but Big Pharma won’t develop or manufacture such a vaccine because it is not profitable. (If given a radical design for a car that lasts for a lifetime, would GM manufacture it?)

    Following the H5N1 avian flu outbreak in 2005, the Bush administration took baby steps to gear up production but lost interest after the outbreak subsided. Since then, a chorus of scientific voices has regularly demanded action but was ignored during the Obama years. But vaccine design has been revolutionized, and, with the surge of research to conquer COVID, a universal flu vaccine may follow. The only certainty is that it won’t come from Big Pharma. 2

  4. Professor Francis Boyle(drafted the American Bioweapons Act 1989)Implicates the CSIRO Animal Health Laboratory in Geelong Victoria(P4 lab) in the chimera SARS-CoV-2 virus-the spike protein containing the 4 HIV segments including HIV-1 gp 120.A gain of function section came from the North Carolina P4 lab and these were combined with sections of the SARS virus of 2003.
    With the closure of Fort Detrick,the Wuhan lab continued the “research” with American funding.
    Fauci with well documented nefarious HIV involvement in the 1990’s just so happens to be one of four inventors listed on 4 patents for HIV-1 gp120.
    Follow the money to the vaccine finish line.

    • Canadian level 4 lab in Winnipeg also implicated. CBC Canada ran the news. Also, GreatGameIndia : Coronavirus Bioweapon – How China Stole Coronavirus From Canada And Weaponized It. Alternatively, the US soldiers attending the Wuhan military games in Oct. 2019 could have brought the virus from the US.

  5. Having read the article only reinforces within me that when ‘bugs’ can be patented to keep them away from others – even you and I to meddle with, if we so chose to – by those who do not have their reasons lawfully scrutinized for doing so, then it should become obvious to the interested, that the only purpose something gets patented is to maintain control of whatever it is they wish to have kept secret and inaccessible, and in general terms, although patents can be no guarantee of secrecy, patents are nevertheless a guarantee that on one else can encroach on the secret patented.

    And patents can be very expensive legal protection. And I’m talking in some instances into the high millions!

    Hilary Clinton, according to some sources, is the queen of accumulated patent holding.

    What is it that she keeps secret in patents?

    So, why allow individuals to hoard ‘secrets’ via patents, secrets that may be considered dangerous to human kind?

    Who controls the Patent Office?

    And why are things that are harmful to humankind patented, and under whose authority?

    As for Duns Scotus comment: The jury is still out on Morrison as far as I am concerned. One must remember that Morrison has a bevy of advisors, and who some, I have no doubt, do not all have this country’s best interest at heart when presenting their advice to a sometimes, filppy floppy performing PM – I believe that kind of ill advice is reflected in ScoMo’s performance at times.

    One must remember, that no one is able to take on board all the things that need attention within a 24/7 cycle without assistants supposedly in place to assist, and not to detract.

    However, ScoMo seems to be following Trump’s playbook in some ways, for instance: he has has not asserted himself in what the states have chosen to run with in general terms regarding the house arrest issue – in which his power as PM is limited, the same as Trump’s power is limited – because what occurs outside of Canberra and federal jurisdiction is a state concern.

    What he issues are suggestions and not orders, as Trump also sticks to. In short, the opportunity for the inner dictator to emerge – as some of our state premiers have only taken too well to – has not occurred, and both leaders are playing by the rule of law as regards state concerns.

    I also read the previous article that poses a one world currency. I do not see that prospect emerging as Trump now controls the Rothschild Federal Reserve that is slowly being merged into the government controlled United States Treasury – the United States has already issued new $100 dollar notes that reflect such a merger. Check it out, sorry no link.

    If Trump had no control over the Federal Reserve then that previous article would hold some merit.

    • Trump has no control over his idiotic comments at press conferences…
      unless mainlining Dettol is actually a good thing….

      • “I believe that kind of ill advice is reflected in ScoMo’s performance at times.”

        scummos advisers are Trump & Q – and that pedo preacher bloke. his performance is spot on for standard operating procedure..

        “I believe” – if there is a god, she has abandoned us.

    • Fair Dinkum – LOL! What Trump was suggesting is that Light, as in violet light, can be a disinfectant, as it was once used during the 1940s and 50s to kill off certain bugs that ‘medical science’ seems to have forgotten all about.

      Some of the hospitals in Wuhan, China, used violet light equipped robots to do the rounds of hospital wards to kill off any loose infections – not widely known at this time.

      If you possessed an open mind and actually paid attention to what was being stated by Trump, you would already know that what was put out by Trump is based in solid historical fact.

      • Fair Dinkum – I watched the press conference that Trump, according to the lying MSM alleges he uttered what you have written.

        Trump was speaking and was asking questions of the person who is providing evidence for the effective use of light as a ‘disinfectant’ and who was off camera while answering questions raised by Trump on such treatment as being asked by the media.

        I watched as Trump turned toward the side and asked, did not state, “Do you – inject it, like as in, like a disinfectant?”

        Trump did not utter the words – ‘inject disinfectant’ – as a statement on what one should do, and if you had watched that video then you would know, that the words ‘inject’ and ‘disinfectant’ were not uttered in the way that you suggest they were.

        The words were posed as a question.

        Trump did not utter – “you inject disinfectant”.

        And I’m sure, that even you would realize what a foolish thing that would be, to do to oneself.

        • Fair Dinkum – how do you possibly apply a back and forth brainstorming during a press presentation as a verifiable statement?

          There is a lot of wishful thinking in your comments.

          Did you watch the press conference? You haven’t verified?

          And do you take everything that Trump says as gospel – you don’t believe he actually has a sense of humor tinged in sarcasm, especially in front of the hostile media?

          I watched that press conference last week and what I put up in my previous comment is from memory, but it is the guts of what was being talked about.

          So, you have taken the time to put up a detailed transcript of what was being actually said by Trump, but even though you have detailed the verbage, you have missed what was actually being spoken about, and what was not stated?

          As in, and your words; ‘BS – he said inject disinfectant, Deal with it.’

          Plainly, that is not what Trump said, is it! What you implied he has stated is called taking out of context what you wish to imply about someone stating something concerning a subject being discussed as in a brainstorming session, but was not actually stated!

          “Should I inject Dettol into my lungs?” Is a question, not a statement. And it is definitely an action, that is not being recommended to anyone!

          And anyone reading your transcript can see that!

  6. Sharing two videos that cover much current material.

    • 1. Amazing Polly

    Amazing Polly brings us up to date on the latest ‘agenda’. I like how she uses the “To Serve Man” (Twilight Zone) analogy which I have shared many times here and elsewhere. She also talks a bit about how ‘they’ have hijacked our language, using the illustration “wholesomeness”.

    At 6:45 she talks about two very key patents which are almost self explanatory:

    • WO2020060606 – Cryptocurrency System Using Body Activity Data (Microsoft Technology – 21 September 2018)

    • US10163055B2 – Routing policies for biological hosts (AT&T)

    • 2. Whitney Webb

    Whitney is one the very best investigative journalists and has done some amazing work on global child trafficking – for example, on The Last Vagabond and here on Mintpress


    Here is Whitney being interviewed by Graham Elwood

    Many hard truths here – and Graham really lets loose at around 17:00

    P.S. Freemason ScoMo of Marketing recently met with Bill [Angel of Death] Gates – to provide status report and receive instructions – is going hard core on pushing mandatory injections called ‘vaccines’ as a condition for lifting social, educational and medical martial law – see patents mentioned by Amazing Polly. How very Bolshevik of him and his fellow collaborators.

    • The big picture.– big read. first 4 articles relevant to right now.

      Amazing research testimonies from this blog. The latest re Candy Jones [possibly the first MKULTRA victim -born in 1920’s] connected me to Fiona’s Candy Girl Alter and in about 2016 I found in the Courier Mail an article tucked away —when I asked some therapists who have worked with Dissociation if they knew of or had met Fiona Barnett they said oh Candy Girl and wanted copies of the article. But no more discussion.

      Candy Jones a little younger than Anne Hamilton Byrne but I believe she was also a controlled Asset—and experiment, groomed and owned by Tavistock Institute’s psychiatrists Doctors Rees Lewin Sargant Dax Cameron- MKULTRA for her role as a cult leader -based in the hills of Victoria with physicists universities hospitals education departments Lords and GG and of course churches media –
      A Tavistock Node Cult– that started in Geelong linked to big cult in Perth Brisbane Townsville Sydney run from UK connected to New York NZ Hawaii and Tavistock Nodes around the world– Operation Matchbox –Paperclip all micro managed -Military mind control of the masses.


      • Diane – some deep stuff there! I guess that what we are now becoming aware of has had centuries to perfect the techniques used for other’s advantages.

        They’ve made a very sick world for themselves at our expense.

  7. @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=doR0Ejy4eo0

    Ignaz Semmelweis (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ignaz_Semmelweis) was ostracised by his profession and eventually driven insane because his belief in washing hands as a preventive of puerperal fever. It is undoubtedly an important factor in the transmission of pathogenic (and other bugs) but I very much doubt it is the only, or even most important factor in the incidence of this particular viral condition. Some eminent opinion suggests that intimate contact, even inoculation is required. That was certainly the case with HIV, and this strand of RNA we are told has a specific HIV ‘spike’. Your belief that it came originally from animals may be true in part. What it leaves out is that it could not have happened without human intervention. Clearly it was engineered as a bio-weapon. It is not yet clear whether it escaped into the general population accidentally or intentionally but there is strong circumstantial evidence it was the latter. Nor can we be sure if the latter, the outbreaks were not separately started, rather than just incidental extension from Wuhan. If the latter, the most likely cause was the dispersion from the Armed Forces games in Wuhan immediately prior to the first outbreak. The part played by vaccination with flu jab, particularly in older and vulnerable groups has not been investigated. Nor has the recent information that in the UK, Afro-Caribbeans are three times as likely to die from the condition as White Europeans been explained, but it may hold the key to cause and prevention. I recently read that survival rate once placed on intubation is as low as 10% which rather identifies another misnomer. Rather than placing all emphasis on hands and face, shouldn’t we be emphasising good heath, particularly as regards lung function through exercise and diet, in particular vitamin A, C and D supplementing, all of which the lock-down policy mitigates against. And avoid the Flu vaccine like the plague, which it literally is! VEATERECOSAN

    • Timothy Veater – interesting comment you have put up. Here’s a little thought you may wish to think over – my wife got herself a ‘flu’ jab the other day, even though I tried to talk her out of it, and while she is perfectly healthy after that jab, I’m the one who has come down with some symptoms that resemble a heavy cold or the beginning of a ‘flu’ like infection.

      Coincidence? Or maybe her jab has passed something onto me?

  8. Thank you for alerting us to this testimony, Mary

    Twenty Science-Based Articles and Reports Crushing All Arguments for Continued Lockdowns, Masking, Anti-Social Distancing and Ruination of National Economies

    James DeMeo, PhD – Orgone Biophysical Research Lab (OBRL) April 25, 2020

    Twenty (Plus) Science-Based Articles and Reports Crushing All Arguments for Continued Lockdowns, Masking, Anti-Social Distancing and Ruination of National Economies


    The evidence of treason by out governing regime(s) and the magnitude of the gullibility of the populace just keeps mounting. Keeping this well documented.

  9. I scroll through whatreallyhappened.com each day and note much concerning what is really happening

    Here is an example relating to coroners questioning alleged probable cause of deaths….………autopsies demonstrate we are being fed much BS.


    Here is a better video linked at investment watch found at whatreallyhappened.com.


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