Home Australia “Problems They’ll Solve With a Giant Vaccinator, And Control All Your Lives...

“Problems They’ll Solve With a Giant Vaccinator, And Control All Your Lives With a Global Dictator”


by Dee McLachlan

In 2012 I authored a series of kids’ book. I found some illustrators online (from India, the UK, Eastern Europe and Portugal) and produced 5 books, under the series “Awaken Your Kids” Books (and authored them under a pseudonym). They were about Building 7, the banks, the Military Industrial Complex and GMO. Possibly my favourite was about the Sheeple — and the 1984ish take-over of humanity.

Many years ago when visiting Diane de Vere, I gave her some of the books and she posted up a comment recently about the book called, “The People Who Refused to be Sheeple“, written by myself and illustrated by Naharika Singh (with additional lyrics by Patricia Church).

Looking back now, I am reminded how predictive the book is, and so have copied a few of the pages here. I had forgotten the page about the “great vaccinator” that would bring in the “great dictator.”

The book could have been written specifically for COVID-2020.

So here are just a few of the pages:

Each flock of Sheeple
Will have it’s own leader
And follow the rules
From our main control-feeder.

You see, sheeple are people
But with one little chink
With brains now so feeble
They can’t really think

The page about “Control feed you TERROR”…

Sheeple are fearful
So they’ll bring in more laws
They’ll scare them with terror
And send them to wars

They’ll say,
“Don’t dare get them thinking
Don’t dare let them question
We’ll have them believing
It was their suggestion.”

Then onto the “giant vaccinator”…

Problems they’ll solve
With a giant vaccinator
And control all your lives
With a global dictator

“We’ll create a new dollar”
Boast the banking elite.
But beware of their plot
It’s all lies and deceit

And then:

They’ll want all the sheeple
To be boxed and restrained
And be rid of the people
Who refuse to be trained

Mobiles and meters
Your freedoms will store
Before you blink twice
It’s like 1984

They are taking the world
To a dark twisted place
Where sheeple are slaves
And there’s no human race


You can order all four books (offer for Australia only). Postage of around $16-20 is included):


  1. “And be rid of the people
    Who refuse to be trained”

    — well, there we all go. The end of Gumshoe as we knew it.

  2. Dee, you listed 5 kids books — about Building 7, the banks, the Military Industrial Complex and GMO. Plus the Sheeple. But I could swear I read one that you wrote on weapons factories. No?

  3. Mary, if you had said “know it” instead of “knew it”, there would have been a better rhyme. Still the same meaning, I think.

    • OK, Mal, I offer:

      They’ll get rid of the people
      Who refuse to be trained

      So the Gumshoers we know
      Must all, sadly, go.

  4. We just had Anzac day and people saying “Lest We Forget” but most people have never known what WW1 was about so they didn’t know what to remember or forget. It was about the emergence of the petrol engine, invented by Karl Benz, and the fairly new federation of German States, delivered by Bismark, and their need for lots of oil which was controlled by the British through the Suez canal, also dating back to the late 1800’s. The Germans wanted a train line through Serbia and the British wanted to stop them, most of the players were descendants of Queen Victoria so after she died it eventually became a free-for-all. That is something we need to remember on Anzac day when they say “Lest We Forget”. The autobahns and Volkswagens were eventually delivered by Hitler and instead of an internationally recognised brand such as British Petroleum or Royal Dutch Shell or even CalTex they have nothing, so the wars were a great success and they continue, with false flags and all the rest.
    Now, halfway through the second great war, the Italians rose up and overthrew their dictator Mussolini and hung him by one leg, this was to the great credit of the Italian people, who should be better recognised, instead they were always mistrusted as flip-floppers. The Americans should have shown the same spirit and overthrown their dictators, LBJ, the Bushs and all their allies, Clintons, Obamas and the rest, but they were so brainwashed by the media they did nothing.
    Who knows who will be framed up for inventing this virus but it’s interesting how it terminates old people and leaves the young and naiive in good health, to devote their shortened life to slavery for the banks and various big corporations. Donald Rumsfeld was running Tamiflu about a decade ago when they were looking at Sars and now we have Covid-super-Sars one might expect a vaccine is already available to a select few. Otherwise, if perchance no grand conspiracy exists (seems unlikely) there is always a great incentive to create a problem in order to fix the problem, which is the bread and butter of plenty of trades and professions, from plumbers to lawyers. As with a lot of medical, religious and financial institutions and systems, the key is to have faith and believe. You simply must believe.

      • Richard Wurmbrand, who spent 15 years in a Ceaușescu jail for political/religious “offences” forgave the guy on the basis of the treatment he’d received as a youth, but didn’t condemn his execution.

        Can’t exactly recall which one of his many books I came across that ( well it has been a good 20 years), but this might be of some interest:

        What most people don’t seem to understand about the death penalty is that it opens the door to the ultimate choice: better to go to the gallows than spend eternity in hell

  5. Mal, how about this:

    A terrorist named Cyrus
    who was nasty and bad,
    wrote “How to Make a Virus
    in the Shed of Your Dad.”

  6. Thank you bg for this information that the masses of unwashed were never supposed to know about. I do know that Hitler did not want war against Britain but the Zionist Churchill wanted war against Germany “because they were becoming an economic threat” to Britain and the Zionist Jewish Banksters.

    I have read a couple of letters that Hitler wrote to both Churchill and Roosevelt that pleaded not to start a war against Germany.

    Another good effort Mary.

    • Yeah they weren’t supposed to know they were fighting for the corporate shareholders to get richer, they were supposed to be fighting for traditional racist reasons, that era is over now, we don’t need prisoners of war for slavery purposes as has been the case throughout history, we now have a financial system for that.

  7. Just brilliant, Dee – will follow that up.

    I don’t have a poem at the moment but I have to share this.

    I do love the [Russian] translations that Inessa S (Sinchougova) brings us. Inessa does all the translation herself – she is in New Zealand by the way. This is one of her finest.

    It features Vladimir Kvachkov [PhD in Military Science], a former Colonel of the Russian Military Intelligence Service (GRU) – interviewed on 25 March 2020. He outlines that the current Coronavirus pandemic is a geopolitical hoax and is serving four main purposes:

    (1) Depopulation initiative [See Georgia Guidestones – a Zionist religious agenda]

    (2) Political control over the remaining population

    (3) Deflation of the current financial bubble

    (4) Liquidation of geo-economic competitors

    Interviewer: “Considering your expertise, what do you make of the Coronavirus phenomenon?”

    VK: “It’s exactly this perspective you need to examine it from. Not from the public health perspective, nor epidemiology etc. The Coronavirus phenomenon that they falsely deem a pandemic needs to be examined from the perspective of global powers – religious, political, financial, economic and national.

    The Coronavirus phenomenon, the so-called pandemic – and let me tell you, there is no pandemic, it’s a lie – needs to be considered as a global strategic special operation.

    He uses the term “behind-the-scenes Zionist [Jewish Bankers] and financial powers” for The PTB – that are seeking to cull and control humanity.

    I will let you listen to the rest yourself – he makes some eye-opening comments about the factions within China and the role of President Xi Jinping.

    The best bit is towards the end from 10:45:

    Interviewer: “Of course, we would like to hear your opinion regarding a practical plan of action, how to act, how to protect oneself … “

    VK: “I’m of course no epidemiologist. Although you could say I’m a parasitologist, because you have to be one in order to understand the power structure in Russia. So I’m speaking a as military doctor – epidemiologist and parasitologist.

    Until we are able to get rid of our internal parasites who rule over us, we won’t be able to tackle other parasites.

  8. Kids rhymes would have to be one of the best ways of instilling any message; a lot of folk don’t seem to realise that all the trad “nursery” fare is 100% political.

    This story was a fave with my mob when they were little:

    Maybe some of the “awaken” books should also be audio narrated, hopefully by someone with a little more “live” finesse !

    • Hansel and Gretel is pretty interesting I think originating in the 1300’s at the start of the little ice age when there were major famines all century. Three little pigs should be instructive but people keep building houses out of rubbish regardless. The various princess stories seem to have the most momentum.

  9. Readers might be interested in this book: Hidden History : The secret origins of the first world war by Gerry Docherty and Jim MacGregor. If not at your public library, available via inter-library loan.

  10. Great reference Dana – I have not actually read it in full yet but I have it at hand and have read M S (Mike) King’s ”The Bad War”, for example.

    Here is a quick overview of “Hidden History” by John Grehan 29 July 2013


    “Docherty and Macgregor do not mince their words. They say that Germany was driven into war, and that it was not responsible for that terrible conflict. They also point out that other historians have questioned the origins of the First World War and have also announced Germany’s innocence.”

    Here is one source from one of my favourite online libraries:


    From the Introduction:

    “The history of the first World War is a deliberately concocted lie. Not the sacrifice, the heroism, the horrendous waste of life or the misery that followed. No, these were very real, but the truth of how it all began and how it was unnecessarily and deliberately prolonged beyond 1915 has been successfully covered up for a century. A carefully falsified history was created to conceal the fact that Britain, not Germany, was responsible for the war.“

    And I highly commend Truth Vigilante’s latest comment on Terry’s article for another excellent precis:


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