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Dee McLachlan


The Gumshoe Year 2018 in Review (Maxwell)

by Mary W Maxwell At Gumshoe we went about our normal activities, plus got caught up in a real, live event that has to do...

Operation Paperclip, and Gestapo Head Heinrich Mueller

by G5 Mueller was noted as having disappeared (OSS-CIA files) in May 1945. The deception continues. He was reported as having suicided. He was reported as...

Contempt, D Notices, Lindt Cafe, and Parental Alienation

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB What is Contempt of Court? The judge – who is also known as “the Court” – owns the shop. She and...

Federal Grand Jury to Hear Evidence of WTC Demolition

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=emqrI1I1tNY After 17 long years, the 9/11 Truth Movement has opened an avenue to prosecuting those responsible for the destruction of the World Trade Center...

Thousands of Protective Parents Can’t Be Wrong – Especially at Christmas

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB As our regular readers know, Gumshoe has been on a crusade to stop the crimes being perpetrated in connection with...

What Does Donald Find in His Xmas Stocking — The Law!

by Mary W Maxwell Editor’s note: An up-to-the-minute adaptation of The Visit of St Nicholas, by Clement Clark Moore (1779-1863) T’was the night before Christmas, And all...

How Does the Child Protection Matrix Get Established by Congress?

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB In 1997, Congress passed, during the Clinton administration, the Adoption and Safe Families Act. – AFSA. It was intended to...

Yellow Vests anyone? Opposing Australia’s Treasonous Leaders

By Phil Hingston The last 30 years have seen radical change in Australia. Economically, politically, socially and culturally. Even spiritually given recent revelations about a...

Whistleblowers EXPOSE Elite Pedophile Rings

https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=38&v=Uhm6dtLQ8HI Editors Note: Many sites are coming out with breaking news about pedophiles in powerful places. Many videos have already been removed. This from 12160.info: "CIA Agent Blows...

Were Graham and Kav Up to Something? Constitutional Limits on Executive...

by Mary W Maxwell My December 16, 2008 article at GumshoeNews was written in haste to pooh-pooh the suggestion that Senator Graham’s questions at Brett...

Holocaust Revisionism, Part 3: Sherman Skolnick and Elian Gonzalez  

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB In the Year 2000, there was an amazing custody battle played out on the TV screen. A child had been...

More on Executions, Indictments Served and Military Tribunals To Begin January

https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=2&v=8Qasz_T97pY Editor's note: G5 called me on the 7th December and told me that Bush Sr had been executed. This had not been reported anywhere...