Home 911Truth Federal Grand Jury to Hear Evidence of WTC Demolition

Federal Grand Jury to Hear Evidence of WTC Demolition


After 17 long years, the 9/11 Truth Movement has opened an avenue to prosecuting those responsible for the destruction of the World Trade Center and the terrible loss of life that resulted.

Last spring, the Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry — together with more than a dozen 9/11 family members and with help from AE911Truth — filed a petition with the U.S. Attorney in Manhattan demanding that he present evidence of unprosecuted federal crimes at the World Trade Center to a special grand jury. Then, in November, came the big news: The U.S. Attorney notified the Lawyers’ Committee in writing that he would comply with the provisions of 18 U.S.C. § 3332 requiring him to relay their report to a special grand jury.

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  1. Have not read any reports of this in the msm press or heard of any talkback jokes mention it.
    Ban the undemocratic msn, the jokes and sell the ABC.
    Black ball all products and services financing those covering for warmongering killers, mass murderers, liars and fools who believe the nutty official government 911 conspiracy theory.

    • What about selling parliament house Ned. They are not working for Australians. Better: use it as Oz’s Gitmo. It already has a fence.

      • Do you mean this sample of our Parliamentarians working for Australia and the questioner is now Australia’s ‘Honourable’ treasurer. Hope he can count beans better than understanding reality and science.

        • The reason why the ABC should be sold and the billion a year spent on that house of muppets saved for more honest endeavours for Australia.
          We can save a billion per year borrowed to pay interest to the bankers to finance that House of Muppets.
          Bet our treasurer will not think of that.
          After all, he raised the interview in parliament just after ABC’s Faine’s insults.

          That was in October in 2010 and we are still at war.
          Thanks; JWH, brain dead (controlled) politicians, mass media and our radio shock jokes.
          Now sit back and count the dead and look at the destruction you all are jointly responsible for in the Middle East all based on treasonous LIES and DECEIT
          Trump is seeing reality, he is getting out of Syria and being attacked by the warmongers.
          So why Prime Minister Morrison are you not waking up and getting out also?

          • ‘………….. demand that Australia’s elected representatives put Australia first…”
            So what are you all waiting for?
            Trump is prepared to put the US first and get out of Syria.
            Pity that our lot in Canberra are failing to do so. Morrison wants to extend 17 years of killing.
            Come on Pauline, Hinch, Phelps et. al., what about it?
            That is what your duty is. Is it not?

          • Well, as per the Member for Kooyong the Honourable Minister Freidenberg; some considered remarks by a DECENT HONEST THINKING Australian ‘are unacceptable’.
            Nice to know that the member for Kooyong is going to judge what is acceptable and unacceptable (without evidence) for the AUSTRALIAN community.
            Well Mr ‘Orwell’; for Australia’s democratic survival, perhaps the minister might dump his Orwelian concepts and think: ‘DEMOCRAC’Y’.
            Fridenberg should not be a candidate for the Liberal Party in the next Federal election. His apparent agenda does not appear to be in Australia’s interests.
            Morrison: are you taking note?
            Kooyong; are you taking note?
            Shorten: Don’t you laugh too much, you and your mob are not much better.

  2. Although this is not recent news it is very welcome. Now maybe the public will turn their brains on and start to examine the evidence that has been available for many years.

  3. What the public of Australia do not understand is that every Prime Minister of Australia since and including John Howard are war criminals. They have all sent or allowed the Service Personnel of ADF to attack peoples and legitimate governments in foreign countries. These actions are against International Law and Geneva Convention. Not one of the countries that have been attacked was ever a threat to the security of Australia. These actions are blatant WAR CRIMES.

    Mind you, when Australian politicians plan the murder of Australians here at home as they did in the Port Arthur Massacre, killing people abroad would be an easier feat.

      • Mal, the Australian judiciary already knows about Port Arthur. I know, I’ve talked to them. Indeed, Dee has discussed it with them, they have the evidence, they KNOW.

        Think about it, these are the ‘authorities’ on the Rule of Law in Australia. The ‘professionals’ in their trade. The ones tasked with supporting and advancing the Rule of Law. – Yet, they remain silent – Hell, they participated in the fraud!

        Imagine another professional, say a computer engineer that allows a fault in the system to compromise the computer system. Or, a plumber that allows the city’s hygiene to be compromised, Or, an engineer that allows a major bridge to collapse.

        There would be an outcry about those alleged ‘professionals’.

        The Rule of Law is the backbone of a society. It is like the skeleton of the human body. If the skeleton is corrupt – the body can not function properly. Likewise, the society cannot function properly with a corrupt judiciary.

    • If OUR POLITICIANS did not know of the planned invasions of seven countries (plus Afghanistan) AND THE KILLING OF A FEW MILLION, prior to 911 THEY have at least, been incompetent to a criminal negligence degree.
      I ask readers to give this exposure from 2007 at least 1 minute and 39 seconds of your time.

      Now does any one wonder why the mass media TV has not enabled 1 minute and 39 seconds of their services to be honest with Australian viewers?
      Simple reason: Our media are deceitful liars and support killing, invasions and theft in the Middle East.
      Nice people!! Would you remain in the same restaurant if one of them walked in?

  4. I have known of this attempt for quiet some time now, rather surprised it has taken so long to find it’s way here. Though I thought I’ve seen mention of here previously, or am I loosing it ????
    Below are some sites that IMHO, add to the narrative of Government supported terrorism against it’s own people’s on behalf of a foreign nation.




    I also have on record, other legal attempts by various groups and associations who have also submitted similar documents in the hope they’d get a fair/clear hearing. yet every one of those applications has simply disappeared and never heard of again.
    I predict this application will go exactly the same way. How can anyone expect the CROOKS who run the U.S. establishment allow the sewerage they created to ever see the light of day, is beyond my understanding. Unless there is a total revolution or nuclear war, where the CROOKS are held to account, and despatched with vigor as they deserve., a replacement system installed, which I seriously doubt is even possible, because of the ingrained corruption we see so wide spread throughout the U.S. and the World today, nothing will ever change.

  5. Mal said “Maybe people will turn their brains on.” I can report this incident live from 1973. The Seppos were united in hate or disdain for Tricky Dick Nixon. But they weren’t aware of how he could be punished (other than waiting for the 1976 election).

    Then the Rockefellers, who wanted him displaced for Nelson’s sake (he became VP) , got into the act. Haig kicked Vice Pres Agnew out. (Bumper sticker of the day “Get Agnew first!”). Then somebody got Senator Sam Erwin to put on a scholarly performance showing what Nixon could be impeached for.

    My father was glued to the TV. It was stunning to see an official (a senator) lay out the charge, authoritatively, not insultingly. That was probably the turning point for Nixon. But more importantly it was the turning point for us peeps.

  6. On this day , when all the boats set off for Hobart with black sails , let us remember , that we now
    send young women to bomb and kill in Syria and where needed
    ….. and now the banksters are about to “pull it” and most still don’t get it .

    • The Bankers “pulling it” really does seem to coincide with the events noted at Poppy Bush’s funeral. We may be seeing the (((Deep-State’s))) last non-nuclear nuclear option being pulled before they move on to the real nuclear option.

      • Yes Paul ,
        Build an apartment for 100k or less , sell it for ten times over or if you borrow twenty five times over . The locals are not in the equation , that’s why we have mass-immigration on steroids .The more consumers (punters) the bigger the profits .
        With prices falling , we are entering negative equity , the damage and hardship will be felt by consumers and then they will get the properties back for nothing after creating the debt (money) from nothing . Along with war the biggest sleight of hand in history .

  7. Thanks Dee, that goes a way to explain most of my ‘friends’ and professional colleagues who I have previously judged as intellectual deniers and simpletons.
    Poor souls, have mercy on their children and the future blue pill addicts.
    How to combat this evil? Start by turning off all mass media mind control.
    Blackball all advertised product/s pushed by their shock jokes, if they really need to be heard.
    We may not have anything to defend ourselves other than our wallets.
    Are our politicians also subject to this evil?
    Looks likely, hear what they say and claim. THEY ARE BS’rs and probably have no idea that they are just controlled servants for a NWO fascist agenda.
    The controllers have more sway with leftie social flakes and would invest in that social milieu.
    The ABC probably has a in-house NWO hypnotist, paid for out of our billion per year budget. (:-)
    How else does one explain ex lawyer Faine’s and Frydenberg’s idiocy referred to in videos above.

  8. Regarding the 911 attacks—lost cause!
    Been almost 18 years–nothing will come of it. J USA major media outlets has covered it up and will do so for hundred years.Example: USS Liberty was bombed and over 32 navy sailors killed by Isreal. truth is out but America did nothing.worse–911 Sept 2001 attacks were done by isreal. I worry, this crazy zionists inter prize and kill millions. will do worse–use nukes

    • An important point you bring to mind, and one that explains why even obvious events like the Liberty don’t gain traction. The People are loathe to invest any emotional energy without validation from what they think is authority. As long as media is used to marginalize and ridicule those who question, then nobody much will come along for the ride, let alone advocate for a cause. Conformity is still the rule of the day, even among those who think they don’t.

  9. Dr.Alan Sabrovsky, former Director of Studies at the U.S.Army War College, and a former marine, nails 9/11 instigators and perpetrators. Mossad did the dirty work, but the political neocons like Cheney and Rumsfeld, the Bushes, Rothschilds, and the Israeli political elites, like ex-prime minister Ehud Barak did the planning and propaganda that followed. Here’s hoping that all involved are brought to justice.

    By the way, Dr.Sabrovsky is himself Jewish. So don’t blame the honest, Jewish people of Israel.

    It was the Zionists neocons running the world. The FAKE Jews and FAKE Christians.

    • Yes, the fake christiam armeddgonists fooled by the schofield additions to the bible; that God chose them all and Palestine to occupy. All going back to the middle 1890’s charade and further back to the mid 600’s interlopers from near Mongolia.
      As a Christian who tries to follow Christ and stuff the bureacrats in between, I have lost parience with gullible ‘fools’ who claim to be intellectually superior to the rest of us peasants.
      Same for those other b-headers.
      All now used to cause reason for cultural conflicts by the corporate controlling fascists to control the universe.
      Problem, reaction, solution!
      Wake up; any problem with; ‘do only to your neighbour as you would have your neighbour only do unto you’?

  10. attention grand jurors in the fed district of ny.

    I hope u r aware that y’all aren’t supposed to be minions of the DoJ. YOU DA BOSS.

    Thus spake Scalia in 1992 in a dissent to US v Williams:

    “In fact, the whole theory of [the grand Jury’s] function is that it belongs to no branch of the institutional Government, serving as a kind of buffer or referee between the Government and the people…. Although the grand jury normally operates, of course, in the courthouse and under judicial auspices, its institutional relationship with the Judicial Branch has traditionally been, so to speak, at arm’s length.”

    The grand Jury is a layperson’s prerogative. If you don’t believe me, contact me. Mary.Maxwell @alumni.adelaide.edu.au

  11. Ned, Jon Faine (Feign). is not an idiot, he is one of the most important Zionist assets in Australia.

    As treasurer Frydenberg IS a useful idiot.

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