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Dee McLachlan


We’re All Being Played — Jan 6 and Oct 7

Editor's note: Maria Zeee interviews Mike Adams on Israel, Gaza, vaccine genocide and global war escalations   This is a clip from 'A Bug's Life' that...

Awareness Test

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQH4cpJ7G94 Take the test if you have never taken it before, duration is about 30 seconds J.G.Olsen / Financial Expositor We see what we want to see,...

Stop the Mozzie Attack in Hawaii NOW!

 by Mary Maxwell, LLB This is extremely serious.  You may recall the article we wrote about Michelle Melendez, who hosts an almost daily YouTube show from...

More than A Bit Posh

J.G.Olsen / Financial Expositor Apropos of the general chaos in the world, it’s always a good time to examine mechanisms behind the madness. We are...

Blocking Truth, and Protecting The Predators

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gu8QM4klRrU Editor's note: During a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) spoke about the rampant rate of sexual advancements that children experience on...

A (Slightly Fictitious) Interview with a Historical Monster Who Is Wrecking...

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB I am well aware that everybody is scared stiff these days -- even those who don't know they are scared...

The Grab 4 Gaza Gas

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8wY1LlkskTc A false flag + a war + lots of media hot air as a distraction to hide a resource grab.

Mind Control, Part 1: How America Got Pre-selection

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB The “famous” Republican people running for US president, not counting Trump, are Florida’s governor Ron DeSantis, South Carolina’s ex-governor Nikki Haley,...

Recession, More War and a Possible ‘Liberty’ False Flag

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GiHT6TTy7Ws&ab_channel=Redacted Editor's note: A mix of videos today CNN reported on 3 November 2024, "The US military buildup in the Middle East" "The US has significantly strengthened...

Medical Clinics Baffled by Heart Disease

by Dee McLachlan Definition of BAFFLED: ...to cause someone to be completely unable to understand or explain something; thoroughly confused, puzzled; uncomprehending, and uncertain how to...

Reason – Smothered by Magick

“Space is an organ which God uses to perceive things” - Newton (1643-1727 AD) J.G.Olsen / Financial Expositor Now we have “space-time”, formerly known as “the...

Some Thoughts from a Battlefield Ignoramus

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB Generally speaking, weaponry is outside of my skills set, and very nearly outside of my awareness. “Let the military worry...