Home Awakening Moon Matrix — Technology of the Fallen World

Moon Matrix — Technology of the Fallen World


Intro by DM

I have been following John St Julien Baba Wanyama for several years. He is a Christ-like man that started a centre for disabled children in Tanzania. His important work has been recognised globally. This video appeared 5 days ago. It is in line with the thinking of many (even aspects of David Icke). It’s an interesting view of our reality and world — about the Moon Matrix and the technology of the fallen world.

Enlightenment came to him during his fast of 40 days and 40 nights.

I present this to expand the mind of the interested reader.

Quote from Youtube: “Our ancient ancestry could not comprehend technology as we do, so it may be possible our scriptures are out of date. Why would a fallen angel wield a sword, when far greater weapons are available for example? Does the fallen world have a technological foundation, and is the moon it? In love and Christ all”



  1. I would say he was referring to Mauro Biglino & Paul Wallis on the the Elohim.
    Lots of great video’s on Pauls YouTube channel “The 5th Kind”

  2. One more reminder as to why my mind automatically goes to the closing words to the book he intimates is”out of date”:

    “I testify to everyone who hears the words of prophecy in this book: If anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book.
    And if anyone takes away from the words of this book of prophecy, God will take away his share in the tree of life and the holy city, which are described in this book.”
    REVELATION 22: 18 – 19

  3. This is funny. With 39% of the NH vote counted, I am in the same position I was in in the 2020 run — third.

    That is, if you don’t count the men who had dropped out by last week, DeSantis, Vivek, Pence, Christie, (all of whom got more than 50 votes).

    The winner is Trump with (so far) 58K, followed by nikki haley with 47k. Followed by our dear Mary Maxwell with… 31 votes.

    That’s 31 with no K, K?

    And a guy named Bikley is snapping at my heels — I may end up ignominiously in 4th place. Six of the “little guys” got zero votes, which is sad, but every voter was dying to say they love Trump, or they hate Trump (and therefore ticked the box for Nikki). Leaving nothing for affectionate daisies.

    And now may I graciously offer a correction to what I said about Trump in my recent Gumshow piece about WHO? I said he and Nikki did not care about our emerging WHO prob. But i was told by a critic (Jack) that Trump did withdraw the US from WHO in 202 and then Biden within 2 weeks of gaining the Casa Blanca reinstated the WHO.

    Go, Trump! [What am I saying!]

      • The NYT story says:

        Trump Administration Will Redirect $62 Million Owed to the W.H.O.
        The money, part of $120 million owed in annual dues, will go to other agencies fighting flu and buying vaccines.
        World Health Organization headquarters in Geneva. U.N. members are obliged to give a year’s notice of withdrawal and pay all dues owed.

        By Donald G. McNeil Jr.
        Published Sept. 2, 2020
        Updated Nov. 27, 2020
        As the United States withdraws from membership in the World Health Organization, the Trump administration will redirect $62 million still owed for this year’s dues to other health-related causes also under United Nations auspices, State Department officials announced on Wednesday.
        Most of the redirected money will go to children’s immunization and influenza surveillance, officials said. But the United States Agency for International Development will continue with plans to give $68 million to the W.H.O. to support its work in Libya and Syria, and on polio eradication in Pakistan and Afghanistan.
        American government employees working as technical advisers to the W.H.O. will be withdrawn, the officials said.
        The W.H.O. declined to comment, other than to refer reporters to statements made when the administration announced its intent to withdraw. At the time, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the director-general of the W.H.O., said the agency “regretted” Mr. Trump’s decision. “The United States of America has been a longstanding and generous friend to the W.H.O., and we hope it will continue to be so,” he said.

        • Also in the NYT today Bezos’ investment in the Washington Post is costing him $100m per year in losses, well that’s only about US$3 every second, Melbourne pokies would suck up more

          • I don’t know why anyone would vote against Trump when he has such good policies like defund the WHO and stop the wars, if people in New Hampshire want to fund the WHO and go along with all the wars they should migrate to Australia where we have all those stoopid policies and more baked in permanent, welcome anti-Trump voters to your spiritual home, it’s Canberra, not as cold as New Hampshire but probably more boring so you should like it.

    X22Report.com episode 3265.B.
    Lay your bets for Big Mike by August 2024.
    So ‘Q’ is a myth🙀🤷💁🏼🤣⚖️⛓️

    • It would be great if Biden would run again, he could shuffle around mumbling and falling over, trying to sniff random girls’ hair, doing the hairy legs anecdotes while Hunter Biden sells garage sale art pieces for $500k each and snorting all the proceeds … somehow this looming Trumpslide must be stopped before we are all warp-speeded out of business. Big Mike could be the answer. But if Big Mike is the Queen how would “Q” know the plan unless “Q” was in the plan and acting as a controlled opposition. Clearly Biden is on drugs and it seems so is “Q”, why else all the riddles. Has anyone figured out “Watch the Water” yet ??? What does WWG1WG all mean, where are they all going ??? Are they there yet ??? When will they get there ??? Will it all just fizz out soon ??? Or should I just buy some Patriot Survival Vitamins and shut up ???

      • Been trying to tell you for some time now, Joe. We are watching a movie and all on stage are actors playing their part until the curtain falls – and it will fall soon.

      • Joseph,
        You have your own intellect, perceptions and opinions.
        Some view matters differently based on information received and attempting to put it together.
        Some try to fathom out the play.
        You ask so many questions, but no sign of analysis to assist.
        So how can somebody view your observations as being of any assistance in present demonstrated developments.
        In many other areas you represent as a person with some knowledge and interest…….so many, how do you manage the time? Do you have assistance?
        I have no idea as to what you are or were?
        Whereas many of us have some insight of others and we are happy with that….. there is a basis to exchange information, projections and ideas for discussion.
        Your occasional quips are appreciated and I try to match, but occasionally more substance in your objective analysis might assist…..if you wish to.

      • Amongst other matters you suggest ‘Q’ is on the drugs.
        Many of us are puzzled by Qs insight. One explanation is that Q is a collection of senior military minds, ( possibly with access to science not known to us)
        Really! They are ‘all’ on drugs. How inane? It does not assist.

  5. This gentle man is on the right road. A road that many of us would also benefit from if we had been given a better chance in life to comprehend what we should be knowing about life in this world, and how it is controlled.

    There is more to this gentle man’s knowledge than he has chosen to share in this video, specifically, just how this world has been controlled for so long, and by who, and for what purpose that could be of benefit to them, and has been, for a very long time.

    Who are the Fallen, really?

    There is now too much evidence that exposes the Moon as an non-natural Earth satellite, whose behavioral existence is completely counter to all other moons or planets. it has also proven to be a hollow sphere – so what is inside?

    Did the controllers of this world travel some millenia ago to this planet, via the Moon?

    The Moon has far more control over this world than just turning the tide, as this gentle man hints at.

    • Very sad for his family and friends.
      Our politicians, medical providers and the mass media journalists will have to deal with their dumb criminal behaviour in due course.
      I suppose: ‘good riddance’.

      • Djokovic handled it better than I would. I’d probably say something like “That’s terrible news, how’s Nadal doing?”

  6. I am not going to waste my time pointing out some detail in the latest situation update by Mary at before its news.com.
    Go listen yourselves.
    If you cannot take it, see your GP and get an early appointment for your friendly stupid psychiatrist, their diaries will fill up.
    Then again, you can wake up now and enjoy the circus.

    • Or follow Joseph (above) and just buy and take some vitamin pills…..and watch the tennis.
      You do not need Valium, a ex High Court judge (Kirby- 96-O9) once quipped, that tv is visual Valium, anyway.

      • It wasn’t TV that Kirby liked to watch, it was his next ‘pick up’ along the wall as he went cruising by.

        I wonder how many more of the black robed penguins have similar tendencies?

          • A must watch for all thanks Simon so timely -Dee you are brilliant

            the comments are revealing–

            I was surprised to notice I had not commented on matters I know a great deal about. Then I realised I had been travelling-returned to Londinium my birthplace after 70 years checking out my lineage and Tavistock history – after I had done my homework as Fiona would say.


            worth checking out Julius’s links

            The Century of Self

            Rule from the Shadows The psychology of power
            “The legacy of famed psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud informs the lives of people throughout the world even to this day, though it’s a phenomenon to which most are unaware. The Century of the Self, written and produced by Adam Curtis, is an exhaustive examination of his theories on human desire, and how they’re applied to platforms such as advertising, consumerism and politics

            The pursuit for dominance is the primary propellant of history, always has been, always will be. Those who don’t identify this assumption are not excused in the grand chess game, but instead are displaced and exploited by forces they do not comprehend.

            From the aspect of those who rule the board it is unmistakably desirable to have a populace of unaware pawns than it is to have a bunch of adversaries who can escalate an effective battle. To that end it has always been preferable for the rulers to build up illusions which conceal the true nature of the game.

            Walter Lippmann explained the “manufacture of consent” as an innovation in the usage of democracy. Basically it’s a method of domination, and he said this was beneficial and essential because the prevailing interests, the accepted concerns of the population elude the public. Lippmann wasn’t theorizing, nor was he explaining anomaly that he had observed from far away, he was part of that particular class and he directly affected the evolution of this new method of control.”

            We are all under total mind control–

            we need to understand the art of war.

            Psychological warfare
            Cyber/technological warfare
            Spiritual warfare

          • There is ‘a Roger’ (the ‘Dodger’) I knew in a few cases.
            How could a talented smart intelligent trained heavy copper be so stupid?
            Just a waste of potential greatness.
            Power and greed bring all the ‘Dodgers’ down eventually, they are provided with a welcoming open door that they willingly open…….. just for about 50 years of evil indulgences, in thousands of years of their ‘lives’.
            So sad!
            I prosecuted one of his minor cases in his Kings Cross later police days……
            The Western murder (1977?) caused all sorts of problem for a colleague who was instructed by ‘the police’ (liars) on Western’s bail application. Yes he was granted bail …… to be dealt with as required ….!!

        • T.O.
          My last observation.
          I used to walk my dog (late 70’s – early 80s) in the evenings along that wall.
          Never noticed a copper anywhere near, they were all ensconced on the other side of the Taylor’s Square Courts in their counting house centre in Darlo police station. Nuff said!

          • Lot’s of brown non-addressed and sealed brown envelopes, sticking out of their individual pigeon holes – if you were not on the take you found yourself ostracized.

            From a colleague, who was once stationed there, and whom I used to work with, and would trust him with my life.

  7. Strange how I often come upon a discussion relevant to matters raised… above
    First ten minutes. Some weight lifting experiences
    Then to 22 mins life’s ups and downs.
    25 mins how to deal with awful stuff, e.g child abuse. Should help some.
    Ok I have the rest to listen to.
    At before its news.com people powered news.
    Australia One. The Heroe’s Journey preparing for why is COMING.
    Bosi and Dr jan Halper.
    I will leave you at 30 mins Bosi fits with my concepts

      • It’s a very good presentation on how individuals can handle the grief that will soon come to all.

        If they don’t want to spend just 45 minutes of their time learning how to handle their emotions that will soon be going up and down like a barometer in a gale, then, On Death and Dying, by Dr Elizabeth Kubler-Ross in book form will set them right.

    • Am surprised no one picked up on R R’s death
      In this article a crime writer who worked with him shares some memories of a most strange -evil character–a Jeckle and Hyde – working in a corrupt system

      at the end of the chat he describes him as a “most complex character”–( my observation a programmed MPD DID Monarch slave asset)

      I note today that a program titled NEMESIS is being advertised debut’s tonight abc I think. Timely -all part of the script -three politicians -Abbot I think Turnbull and Morrison
      interestingly Morison with that signature Tavistock Grin says “all human beings are complex I’m no different”

      abc writing history
      they did this with John Herron

      • D.V.
        Pity No one picked up on RR.
        Pity you do not appear to read the comments before yours….. have a gander above.
        And more in the page spreads in the Tele the day he died which you did not reference…… all set out and bloody accurate. I could add a bit regarding Sally Anne being drowned in centennial Park. Not nice.

  8. How bad can things get?
    Families breaking up everywhere, children against parents, as philanthropists plug all into the CBDC slavery system requiring worship of beast.

    Where investments of millions $ pay billions$, building back better, jumpstarting domino wars blaming children terrorists throwing rocks.

    WHO are the elites?
    Creatures that never done an honest days work in their lives, screwing everyone else all the way. Our cities destroyed by stampede immigration and homelessness. Flood an invasion, Kalergi plan everyone’s guess.

    Weaponised economics the CCP system using AI, with same billionaires trillionaries pulling strings in China and all 6eyes.
    120 million party animal komrades coming home to roost in desirable suburban neighbourhoods, Sydney a hot spot in belly of beast on Oz day!

    Get used to it move on, nothing to see here.

    • Gates has already been dealt with Sandra – hanged at Gitmo, October 1, 2021.

      The actor playing Gates is similar in appearance but, is not the same if you look hard enough.

      • even if that were true, are the white hats just waiting to swap all the chiefs out so one morning we wake to sunshine and fairy bread?

        This one goes out to us all( Sandra may have posted before and is a official talking head now)

    • Dead man talking.
      Gates 5yrs ago

      Gates 13 days ago

      Spot the difference,I certainly can’t.
      Such a good body double you’d swear they must be identical twins.


    Do we need to engage in activist but peaceful demonstrations against government and its agencies? Many are already doing this – especially Stop the Rot and AustraliaOne supporters. If you feel you can assist or wish to engage in the activism, then get involved at: Australia One Party and or, Project Matilda – and they’re not on YouTube.

    Are these demonstrations working? Some aspects of government are feeling some of the being generated from irate Aussies, that I am able to determine, and, the activism is waking more and more Australians up. Especially the flash mobs who erect the ‘Forest of the Fallen’ in local parks or near shopping malls, which exposes the jab injuries and deaths, on easily assembled A4 size placards on sticks easily erected, and then removed when necessary.

    By not complying with government charges and taxes – for example – I no longer pay council tax or comply with the Australian Electoral Commission – both are frauds. If enough of us choose to deny government its ‘taxes’, in some form, then the quicker government will become less manageable. This kind of non-compliance is already working, and as an example: the New South Wales office of State Revenue issued instructions last year, that all fines that end up in the Court process are to be contested. Many who elect to pay their ‘fines’ are being complicit in keeping the same ‘Beast’ who is now trying to kill them, alive financially.

    But what is the only remedy that is truly guaranteed to bring down what ails us all?

    Many who write Q off as being a figment of the imagination, or an intended psyop, miss the relevance that is Q, and the Q Plan, as I have outlined in a comment in a previous post. The Q Plan is the backbone in a military operation in place to bring down what has controlled this planet for thousands of years. This plan has been active ever since the assassination of JFK.

    You have two choices in what is coming. You can research that which has been continually pointed out to you on this site so as to become familiar with what is about to occur, or you can ignore what is coming without any mental preparation to handle what will be exposed to you – it will be the shock of what gets exposed that will cause you to question everything you believe you know.

    There are navy warships from many different countries, now parked in 22 time zones, across the globe, awaiting their order to initiate the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) that will block out all forms of telecommunications, radio, TV, cell towers, CB radio, Ham radio, and land lines.

    The EBS will be initiated in all 22 time zones at the same time. Your computer, TV and mobile phone will be connected instantaneously to the EBS and for the next ten days, of total communication blackout, you will only be able to call emergency services on your phone, as you either, sit back and watch what you will need to learn as information is played out over an eight hour period, three times a day, or try to deal with what will be exposed, and what you have not prepared yourself for.

    There will be no access to Banking whatsoever once the EBS is in force.

    What is coming cannot be stopped.

    A different and far better world, awaits us all – be prepared.

    • Yes TO
      “There are navy warships from many different countries, now parked in 22 time zones, across the globe, awaiting their order to initiate the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) that will block out all forms of telecommunications, radio, TV, cell towers, CB radio, Ham radio, and land lines.

      The EBS will be initiated in all 22 time zones at the same time. Your computer, TV and mobile phone will be connected instantaneously to the EBS and for the next ten days, of total communication blackout, you will only be able to call emergency services on your phone, as you either, sit back and watch what you will need to learn as information is played out over an eight hour period, three times a day, or try to deal with what will be exposed, and what you have not prepared yourself for.”

      the dire warnings re a cyclone about to hit the north coast–eg Townsville (nb Magnetic island big Tavistock Node -Ward 10 b Mind Control experiments)
      everyone being told power/communications almost certain to be hit–people need water batteries et for several days–over and over- maybe a test run–again good old Oz is the laboratory

      Notice Captain Cook -Admiralty law Maritime Law- has been felled

      yes all ramping up– Tavi 2020-2030 agenda all going to plan

    • Diane – please point out where the Q plan coincides with what you believe is occurring?

      You don’t provide any examples for your thinking except to present the United Nations 2021-2030 agenda which is the complete opposite of the Q plan?

      And – you antagonize without due provable criticism?

      I thought you better than that.

  10. Here’s a webpage that MAY offer an insight into whatever ‘the plan’ is. It may also help indicate what ‘Q’ is. The site is posted by an alleged former spook that was involved in some DEEP activities. As a former military aviator myself, his introduction to the program has the ring of truth to me. I was also involved in covert activities with a temporary Top Secret clearance. I’m well aware of how ‘compartmentalized’ such activities are as you have a specific job, you keep your mouth shut and don’t even discuss your job with the bloke next to you on the same mission.

    He allegedly was a ‘scout’ for different timelines. As I posted before on this site, there has been discussion about a ‘timeline war’. If that information is correct, then this is the likely program that was being used.


    If you want to browse the site, I suggest you start with his induction into the program.

    • Bloody hell you threw me in the deep end, couldn’t find induction so I looked at hollow moon
      The preamble is massive.
      If you press ctrl+f and look for “cold core” you end up halfway down the page.
      The theory is that the core shrank in cooling and separated from the crust.
      There’s a picture provided.
      He doesn’t seem to mention that this eccentric centre of gravity would
      ( presumably ) account for the same side of the moon always facing earth.
      So anyway it’s not hollow, it just has a large cavity or fissure, where, the stories continue, the space aliens have been lurking for a long time. They don’t seem to tolerate the warm weather so well.

          • I’m still trying to persuade myself that an unbalanced moon would orient itself with one face to the earth but there is also a lot of stuff about magnetic and gravitational anomalies in that story, it’s quite a package when you get past the preamble, hard yakka for a common bogan

        • And as compared to a ‘soccer ball’ the Moon has more exterior surface, that has been proven over the past few decades, to be completely non-penetrable to known and verifiable scientific methods, even the use of nuclear weaponry has proven ineffective in opening up the interior, of what needs to be explored.

          From my own memory of a quote by Richard C. Hoagland. One time NASA contractor.

          Maybe you should be looking up his, and Michael Bara’s experience in probing what the Moon is really all about?

          Just saying.

      • Joe – if the Moon was a natural body – then why does it not spin like all the other natural bodies around us?

        And if it is a natural body – how is it possible for such a large body to not have collided with Earth in the time it has been recorded as being a Moon?

        What is the force that keeps the Moon’s distance from the Earth, within a constant variation of a few hundred miles?

        No one has an answer that can explain the presence of the Moon, and that can be proven as accurate because there is no other body, we term as a Moon, that has the same kind of behavior. Our Moon goes against all the known behaviors of Heavenly bodies.

        • It is an endless conundrum, many theories.
          How about a prison created by out of world things as a prison for human souls…. A soul trap, minds zapped and wiped and sent back in due course. All the old family and friends deceased are holograms to fool the souls with love etc, but with a message that they must come back for a psychological/soul cleanse.. ( another booster🙀🤣)
          Some advice …… do not follow the light, it is a trap.
          Upon death ignore the light and seek ‘the source’.
          Stuffed if I know, I will take my ‘sat nav’ with me and ask Seri to guide.🤷.
          Best of luck with your research.

          • Came to the conclusion some time ago that ‘our’ Moon is artificial – NASA confirmed it during many experiments during the late 1950s and 1960s.

            Apparently, been in position for about as long a time as this planet has been under control.


  11. I notice so many distractions here away from what is the present that we can observe and consider in real time.
    Debates are basically endless with no resolutions……we just do not know of course some will claim to know….. best of luck.
    But we can see what is happening ….. e,g, in the US primaries and heaps upon other reports that it is apparently convenient to ignore and ridicule.
    No matter, as I have opined, nothing theorised will be known or change what is going to happen…. But we can opine on WHAT WE SEE NOW AND TRY AND WORK THAT OUT, FORE WE FACE IT TOMORROW AND WILL EXPERIENCE IT….THEN TRY TO WORK OUT HOW TO SURVIVE….if you are not prepared now psychologically, spiritually and/or materially.

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