Home Society Slavery, Women’s Sports, Naval Expenditure and Nuclear Weapons

Slavery, Women’s Sports, Naval Expenditure and Nuclear Weapons

post-Hiroshima bombing

A random selection of emails from G5

by G5

I wrote some years ago that the US HAS NO NUCLEAR WEAPONS. Where is the radiation in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Soetoro admitted: NO ICBM CAPACITY.

Russia and China have them from stolen German technology. One of the reasons Operations Paperclip, RatLines, and Starfish, as well as Redstone Arsenal, White Sands, Alamogordo etc. and NASA, now SpaceX, were brought into existence, was to develop nuclear weapons and missile technologies.

As far as America was concerned: fortunately, it all failed for them. Aggressions compounded when America believed there was a unipolar world.

The force using Chemical and Biological Weapons even during WWII, does not have the morality to stop.

Why were 60 Japanese cities, Dresden, Cologne, Essen and Berlin firebombed and two massive detonations planted in Hiroshima and Nagasaki; no radiation residue and after Japan surrendered. Why were Cambodia and Vietnam firebombed and millions of mines planted, murdering to this day. Why were defoliate as Agent Orange, and genocidal weapons as Napalm used in Southeast Asia. What was the flamethrower of WWII.

Why was the Ruhr Valley flooded and slave labour camps as Peenemunde (forced to Mittelwork) bombed by Anglo-US during WWII? Why were two million Germans locked in prison camps and starved to death by Anglo-US after WWII?

Potsdam was the surrender of Anglo-US-NAZI Germany to Russia, which won WWII and The Cold War and remains; despite the internal upheavals in 1989 to 1993; the world’s pre-eminent military power.

Pearl Harbor, The Cuban Missile Crisis, The Moon Landing, etc. are not as sold.


Blacks keep voting Democrat, and are enslaved in institutionalized, generational ghettos, in single mother, infanticide addicted units.


Dunning-Kruger Tokens. Nothing changes. Because Nothing can change. Idiots dressed in costume, don’t become the costume.

Choosing by unrelated criteria, cannot assume the required criteria.

Banning guns increases gun crime, because the lawful do not commit the crime. As this is well known: banning guns is a government initiative to prevent reaction to government oppression. As history confirms.

On the same iogic of banning a component, to prevent an outcome: harassment in the workplace will cease if women are banned from the workplace.

Similarly, during the Icelandic women’s strike to stop the economy: for that one day, production rose, and the HR offices of all major corporations reported NO complaints.

The REASON Why The Harvard President Needs To Justify Herself | Jordan Peterson #shorts (youtube.com)

Naval Dollars

No wonder US carrier groups of thirty surface vessels, six submarines, some 59,000 personnel and a carrier with a trillion dollars in junk aircraft cost so much to keep on the water.

A carrier alone cost 4 million a day, tied to a dock. Where all the US carriers reside today. It costs 24 million a day for it to cruise along. Battle mode is phone book numbers.

Rather than the US poncing itself as number one military. Try, last on the list.

Try Russian and Chinese missiles in the missile age. You are not number one war machine because you have more mounted archers than all the rest.

Beyond pathetic. Just as well Russia and China are not psychopathic aggressors. As was America before its forced re-education.


Who are they trying to convince their pants have never been down: Russia, China, or the idiots.

Only Russia and China have nuclear weapons.


Women’s Sports

The US women’s soccer team versus a bunch of losers …. and loses. And women’s sports have been destroyed by women.



    • Well they can make movies as much as they like for whatever reasons they have, proving nonexistence seems to be harder than proving existence, I have noticed with the virus deniers, God deniers and UFO deniers. So:
      1__ What happened with those Bikini Atoll people with the birth defects, cancer and all the rest of it.
      2__ If Hiroshima was planted at ground level why is the observatory still there
      3__What about those French bombs in the Pacific
      4__And here is the clincher.
      I have personally spoken to an old guy who was around for the Maralinga events, not for the bomb itself but for the toxic cloud which he said rolled up against an escarpment but was to heavy to go over and hung there giving half the sheep farmers underneath it, terminal cancer. The other half had bailed out.

      • Sorry if it’s not your job. I normally try to avoid interrogation of the article writers. As for the football, women and families have been done such a disservice by “feminism”, they have been swindled beyond belief by the medical fraternity, and now they have transvestites moving in on them.

  1. I just had a glimpse at all headline stuff at beforeit’snews.com – people powered news.
    I counted presently, about 45 reports and opinions.
    Sandra, you have scoffed, at my reference to BIN, publicly on this site. (As with RMN).
    Perhaps you might take the time to select one for consideration? I will not because my selection would be ignored anyway.
    Presently, I could not be bothered.
    If you cannot decide, try rumormillnews.com – reading room
    Then of course there is the ABC, SBS, main stream lame BT media or even some radio know all. Anything there you recommend?
    Ever tried whatreallyhappened.com?
    Of course G5 is out of everyone’s consideration.
    Did anyone go through the Ben Fulford list of the harvesting for ardrenochrome details, cited in the comments in the last article? Then form an opinion or wish to comment?
    Then why are you here?

  2. Bob Katter saving us from CBDCs, at least until the monkeys in charge can think of a new way to wreck Australia and get us to “you will own nothing”

  3. The deceivers say there are more jobs than ever, as corporations “fast-track” robotics and AI systems to replace most. The programming runs deep, beginning in childhood, with most accepting the digital slavery system sold as convenience.
    The iPhones are their snooping devices, recording where we go, who we talk to and what we say, as banksters spring the CBDC 🪤 trap.

    With this slavery we are tied to a social credit system enforced by CCP globally with the one belt. Woke Albasleazy with fellow slavemasons loaded pushing the BS.
    This is the total opposite of freedom as we have known it and it is our duty to oppose it absolutely. The freaks in power are scared of an uprising, so they push for more control in this global gulag run by the most disgusting, devious, criminal thieving creatures on the planet.

    We must fight them by using cash wherever we can. The beasts hellbent on destroying our nation, eliminating middle class, crushing freedom, stealing all assets property and common wealth, establishing their satanic global government.

    Our calling is to save all children, if not us WHO !

    • National Strike coming Ant56 – against the belligerent government that pretends to be legitimate – will you allow yourself to take part in slowly bringing this country to a standstill and as a result, bring about government collapse?

    • Clearly, the satanic Global Tennis is working on a Nadal double, with special rubber mask being invented now to let the perspirations through. The Nadal double will have to be fluent in Spanish and broken English, should not be too hard to find, and everyone else will be paid to take a dive.
      You have been warned !!!
      Stay off the celery juice.

  4. An excessively long one, maybe try it for a lay in while waiting for tea and toast to be served, ideally damper with some patriotic oziz quandong marmalade, hard to find around here

  5. Also from the kids’ corner, Simpsons predicts Trump 2024 and Ivanka 2028
    But will it be the evil Trump double, pushing the va666ine at warp speed ???

    If Simpsons says Trump will win I believe it, after all we know who is the boss of Simpsons, a 33rd degree freemason, who, like David Bowie, loves to spill the beans

    • 2024 election? Maybe, but not in November…..then again, there is train of thought out there, that due to the 2020 election being stolen, Trump will be given the next four years as leader of the United Republics of America – and that includes all of the American north and southern continents, which may also include, Australia and New Zealand.

      Forget the Simpsons and the projections of the satanic Free Masons – their time in this world is over!

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