Home News Breaking Out

Breaking Out


by Dee McLachlan

Above, for entertainment, a short satirical gumshoe video about Dan’s catastrophic step which many believe was a lie.

Today a request from readers. I am considering writing a comedy script on the insanity of lock-downs and vaccine mandates, and keen to hear bizarre and astonishing tales from the Covid-era. Anyone with tragically comic accounts of what happened to them or others can put them into comments or email to me. (mclachlandee@gmail.com)

On a more serious note: Tucker and Dr Kory.



  1. It’s 8.30 pm, they’re still making noise 24/7 installing 5G social credit one belt cables downunder. Any one had a look at Harbour Bridge driving across lately? It’s rusting like an old wreck!
    One hour taking in peak hour, will pay half a dozen painters all year including paint! And you can’t by oil-base anymore, wake up they not even using water based wash off.
    You know builders here used to give 7year warranty, these days it’s 12 months. Now that’s called progress and robberies.
    Mean while one tunnel Homebush to Wollongong just about. Workers paying 50$ per day in tolls only, earning a thousand quid a week in the not so lucky country in ‘24. NZ taken Oz 2, krown kabal komunizm.
    Please some one tell it’s something else, cause I 🙏 that am totally off-mark.

  2. The American Awakening with Mike Herzog and Brendon O’Connell.
    The Moscow,Tel Aviv,New York Axis
    Operation Talpiot,Bunting Cloverleaf Map and Greater Israel.
    A lot to unravel and 2 hours interrupted by short ad breaks but a lot of dots joined and well worth a listen.
    China,Russia,Iran and Israel bloc
    The Israel/Russia/Poland/Ukraine connection
    Technology “transfer”/America decimation
    Jim Mattis,DJT

    • Perhaps you have fallen foul of the “banned words” and the word Cancer is effectively owned by Rockerfellas, as is the term Medical Doctor. Maybe you can start using your own terms such as Metastasising Cankers or Deoxygenated Cell Bodies or something simple like Big-C, ( beware also the name for a mall chain ).
      Of course there is always Odyssey, Vimeo, Rumble and the great Bitchute.
      The problem is with Alt-news trying to hybridise itself onto the mainstream which is privately owned. G666gle and Spewtube exist for commercial reasons.
      The Alt-fraternity should cross reference a lot better. There is unlimited room to scroll down, the side bar on this site is not very long and could include cross referencing to other Alt-news sites for example Cairnsnews.org, Tottnews.com, TheLightAustralia.com, FreedomMediaWA (rumble), UAP and PHON, there are more Australian sites than that, down to small ventures like Oziz4oz, Grandmother Mulara and so forth, which could also of course include all of MM’s diversified projects. A banner like that down the side would be an attraction to Gumshoes, not a distraction. The Alt-news needs to stop fragmenting itself and consolidate including all the diversity. A bunch of random sites and people using substitutes for banned words on the owned platforms does not really make much of a movement does it. To be effective, all the serious Alt-news sites should be doing this. And if there is no desire to be effective then what is the point of it all.

  3. A recent interview with a uni professor that further proves that education & religion are synonymous, that he would otherwise not have had his creds cancelled:

    At 11:44 “they (the Harvard Big Wigs)shut all physical classes before it was mandated before it was even (medically) recommended.”

    “why did they do that”

    “that’s a very good questions. They sort of set the pace for the rest of the US, they were the first major university to do that and then other universities and colleges followed on the basis that “whatever Harvard does we should do” and that then went also to high schools and elementary schools and then eventually the government came in”

    The import of any given chronology should never be missed

    All those who were adversely affected should,perhaps, put their names to a class action based on religious discrimination

    • Which would no doubt be quashed but it’d still go a lot further than getting into an argument about what is and isn’t science; better to address the disease than dab at the symptoms

  4. Which wold obviously be panned but it’d still be a good deal more effective than getting into an argument about what is and isn’t science; better to address the disease than dab at the symptoms

  5. After 1:00:00 on Tucker Carlson they are doing beached whales.
    The reason they beach is they have no food, the fishing boats hoovered everything up.
    They are suicidal and they want to communicate this problem to us.
    I can already guess this from their behaviour but I look at the G666gle for confirmation, not even going to duckduckgo or yandex, from G666gle:

    ‘Some whale and dolphin species are more prone to mass beachings. Toothed whales (Odontoceti) are the most commonly affected. Toothed whales include dolphins, porpoises, and all whales with teeth”.

    That means the filter feeder whales which eat miniscule plankton shrimps can still find food easily. Strange this is not obvious to our crooked academics and government f*wits but I guess they are paid to be stoopid and useless.
    Congratulations oxygen thieves including ABC-TV.

    ABC-TV also keeps telling us how the Gaza sea peoples and random Arab refugees are suffering. Why do I have to pay tax to hear sanctimonious ABC-TV whingeing about Gazans being genocided while at the same time I am paying tax to the government for “defence” including supporting the US/Zion/UK in their genocide campaign. Can I just be taxed for one thing or another, not for two opposite things ? ? ?

  6. Caitlin Johnstone
    Consortium News
    Shielding the Nation Starving Gaza.

    Awarded 6 months ago but of course no coverage by our controlled “news” outlets and where is all the pressure from PM Mumbles and FM Wrong to exact the release of Julian Assange?
    The obfuscation and lying at the behest of their masters continues on a grand scale.

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