Home Awakening Civilization, Part 1: O Brave New World That Has Such People in...

Civilization, Part 1: O Brave New World That Has Such People in It

(L) Sir Leonard George Holden Huxley KBE, FAA (C) Aldous Huxley

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB

This is the first article of a new Gumshoe series aimed at showing what we are losing by turning our backs on civilization. Haven’t you wondered lately — with all this talk of brutality, artificial intelligence, and no free-standing nations — what the plan is for our human future?

Could it possibly be the “brave new world” that Aldous Huxley (1894-1963) wrote about? You will recall that he said we will love our servitude.  I suppose there is a possibility that some creature that looks like us will be happy slaves, but it won’t be “us” loving our servitude, as these newly created (patented?) people won’t be us, right?  They won’t be human.  The definition of human is the definition of what you and I are today.

According to the Encyclopedia Britannica:

“Aldous Huxley was a grandson of the prominent biologist Thomas Henry Huxley … his brothers included physiologist Andrew Fielding Huxley and biologist Julian Huxley. He was educated at Eton, during which time he became partially blind because of keratitis. [Aldous]  retained enough eyesight to read with difficulty, and he graduated from Balliol College, Oxford, in 1916. He published his first book in 1916 and spent much of his time in Italy until the late 1930s, when he settled in California.”

I wonder what he was doing in Italy. He wrote Brave New World in 1932.

Allow me here to correct something I mis-stated in a July 11, 2018 Gumshoe article about Steve McMurray’s work in uncovering MK-Ultra in Australia. I said that Julian Huxley had been a vice-chancellor of the Australian National University in the 1960. No. The correct name is Sir Leonard George Golden Huxley (1902-1988). He was born in England but then his parents moved to Australia in 1905 and he was raised mainly in Tasmania.  He was a top-notch physicist and taught Electromagnetic Field theory (verrry interesting) at Adelaide after the war.

I gathered the following hints from Steve McMurray:

Leonard Huxley was involved in MK-Ultra’s importation to Australia in 1960. Being on the board of USEFA – United States Education Fund for Australia — he would have overseen the Fulbright Lectureship being granted to CIA psychiatrist, Martin Orne (a major mind-controller at Harvard.) Also, Huxley was on the board of CSIRO – Commonwealth Industrial and Scientific Research organization, with Richard Casey as the Executive. Casey (a knight of the Garter) helped establish ASIO and ASIS.

In this article I shan’t pursue anything about Leonard Huxley. I want only to present an excerpt from Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World. Please read through it, to see how many of the ideas are gaining at least some acceptance today.  It is for us to make sure this nonsense is blocked. (If you are in a rush, just read the bottom six paragraphs of the article.)

Chapter 11 of Brave New World

After the scene in the Fertilizing Room, all upper-caste London was wild to see this delicious creature who had fallen on his knees before the Director of Hatcheries and Conditioning–or rather the ex-Director, for the poor man had resigned immediately afterwards and never set foot inside the Centre again–had flopped down and called him (the joke was almost too good to be true!) “my father.”

Linda, on the contrary, cut no ice; nobody had the smallest desire to see Linda. To say one was a mother – that was past a joke: it was an obscenity. Moreover, she wasn’t a real savage, had been hatched out of a bottle and conditioned like any one else: so couldn’t have really quaint ideas. … [Reader, you didn’t mis-hear it. He really did say motherhood was obscene.]

The return to civilization was for her the return to soma, was the possibility of lying in bed and taking holiday after holiday, without ever having to come back to a headache or a fit of vomiting, without ever being made to feel as you always felt after peyotl, as though you’d done something so shamefully anti-social that you could never hold up your head again. Soma played none of these unpleasant tricks….. Greedily she clamoured for ever larger, ever more frequent doses. Dr. Shaw at first demurred; then let her have what she wanted. She took as much as twenty grammes a day.

“Which will finish her off in a month or two,” the doctor confided to Bernard. “One day the respiratory centre will be paralyzed. No more breathing. Finished. And a good thing too. If we could rejuvenate, of course it would be different. But we can’t.”

Surprisingly, as everyone thought (for on soma-holiday Linda was most conveniently out of the way), John raised objections. “But aren’t you shortening her life by giving her so much?”

“In one sense, yes,” Dr. Shaw admitted. “But in another we’re actually lengthening it… Soma may make you lose a few years in time,” the doctor went on. “But think of the enormous, immeasurable durations it can give you out of time. Every soma-holiday is a bit of what our ancestors used to call eternity.

…”All the same,” John persisted, “I don’t believe it’s right.” The doctor shrugged his shoulders. “Well, of course, if you prefer to have her screaming mad all the time …”

In the end John was forced to give in. Linda got her soma. Thenceforward she remained in her little room,… in bed, with the radio and television always on, and the patchouli tap just dripping, and the soma tablets within reach of her hand–there she remained; and yet wasn’t there at all, was all the time away, infinitely far away, on holiday; on holiday in some other world, where the music of the radio was a labyrinth of sonorous colours, a sliding, palpitating labyrinth where the dancing images of the television box were the performers in some indescribably delicious all-singing feely; where the dripping patchouli … was Popé making love, only much more so, incomparably more, and without end. [Hmm.]

…The Chief Bottler, the Director of Predestination, three Deputy Assistant Fertilizer-Generals, the Professor of Feelies in the College of Emotional Engineering, the Dean of the Westminster Community Singery… The days passed. Success went fizzily to Bernard’s head, and in the process completely reconciled him (as any good intoxicant should do) to a world which, up till then, he had found very unsatisfactory. …

Before those who now, for the sake of the Savage, paid their court to him, Bernard would parade a carping unorthodoxy. He was politely listened to…And because they were polite, Bernard felt positively gigantic–gigantic and at the same time light with elation, lighter than air. “Lighter than air,” said Bernard, pointing upwards.

Like a pearl in the sky, high, high above them, the Weather Department’s captive balloon shone rosily in the sunshine. The Bombay Green Rocket dropped out of the sky. The passengers alighted. Eight identical Dravidian twins in khaki looked out of the eight portholes of the cabin–the stewards.

“Twelve hundred and fifty kilometres an hour,” said the Station Master impressively. “What do you think of that, Mr. Savage?” John thought it very nice. “Still,” he said, “Ariel could put a girdle round the earth in forty minutes.”

“The Savage,” wrote Bernard in his report to Mustapha Mond, “shows surprisingly little astonishment at, or awe of, civilized inventions. This is partly due, no doubt, to the fact that he has heard them talked about by the woman Linda….

“Partly on his interest being focussed on what he calls ‘the soul,’ which he persists in regarding as an entity independent of the physical environment, whereas, as I tried to point out to him …”

… Mustapha Mond’s anger gave place almost at once to mirth. The idea of this creature solemnly lecturing him – him – about the social order was really too grotesque. The man must have gone mad. “I ought to give him a lesson,” he said to himself; then threw back his head and laughed aloud. For the moment, at any rate, the lesson would not be given.

It was a small factory of lighting-sets for helicopters, a branch of the Electrical Equipment Corporation. They were met on the roof itself (for that circular letter of recommendation from the Controller was magical in its effects) by the Chief Technician and the Human Element Manager. They walked downstairs into the factory.

“Each process,” explained the Human Element Manager, “is carried out, so far as possible, by a single Bokanovsky Group.”

And, in effect, eighty-three almost noseless [???] black brachycephalic Deltas were cold-pressing. …One hundred and seven heat-conditioned Epsilon Senegalese were working in the foundry. Thirty-three Delta females, long-headed, sandy, with narrow pelvises, and all within 20 millimetres of 1 metre 69 centimetres tall, were cutting screws.

In the assembling room, the dynamos were being put together by two sets of Gamma-Plus dwarfs…. Forty-seven snubs by forty-seven hooks; forty-seven receding by forty-seven prognathous chins. The completed mechanisms were inspected by eighteen identical curly auburn girls in Gamma green, packed in crates by thirty-four short-legged, left-handed male Delta-Minuses, and loaded into the waiting trucks and lorries by sixty-three blue-eyed, flaxen and freckled Epsilon Semi-Morons.

“O brave new world …” By some malice of his memory the Savage found himself repeating Miranda’s words. “O brave new world that has such people in it.”

“And I assure you,” the Human Element Manager concluded, as they left the factory, “we hardly ever have any trouble with our workers. We always find …”

But the Savage had suddenly broken away from his companions and was violently retching, behind a clump of laurels, as though the solid earth had been a helicopter in an air pocket….

At Eton they alighted on the roof of Upper School. On the opposite side of School Yard, the fifty-two stories of Lupton’s Tower gleamed white in the sunshine. College on their left and, on their right, the School Community Singery reared their venerable piles of ferro-concrete and vita-glass. In the centre of the quadrangle stood the quaint old chrome-steel statue of Our Ford.

Dr. Gaffney, the Provost, and Miss Keate, the Head Mistress, received them as they stepped out of the plane. “Do you have many twins here?” the Savage asked rather apprehensively, as they set out on their tour of inspection “Oh, no,” the Provost answered. “Eton is reserved exclusively for upper-caste boys and girls. One egg, one adult. It makes education more difficult of course. But as they’ll be called upon to take responsibilities and deal with unexpected emergencies, it can’t be helped.” He sighed….

From behind a door in the corridor leading to the Beta-Minus geography room, a ringing soprano voice called, “One, two, three, four,” and then, with a weary impatience, “As you were.”

“Malthusian Drill,” explained the Head Mistress. “Most of our girls are freemartins, of course. I’m a freemartin myself.” She smiled at Bernard. “But we have about eight hundred unsterilized ones who need constant drilling.”

In the Beta-Minus geography room John learnt that “a savage reservation is a place which, owing to unfavourable climatic or geological conditions, or poverty of natural resources, has not been worth the expense of civilizing.” A click; the room was darkened; and suddenly, on the screen above the Master’s head, there were the Penitentes of Acoma prostrating themselves before Our Lady, and wailing as John had heard them wail, confessing their sins before Jesus on the Cross, before the eagle image of Pookong.

The young Etonians fairly shouted with laughter. Still wailing, the Penitentes rose to their feet, stripped off their upper garments and, with knotted whips, began to beat themselves, blow after blow. Redoubled, the laughter drowned even the amplified record of their groans….

“We had better go on,” said Miss Keate, and moved towards the door.”And this,” said the Provost a moment later, “is Hypnopædic Control Room.”

Hundreds of synthetic music boxes, one for each dormitory, stood ranged in shelves round three sides of the room; pigeon-holed on the fourth were the paper sound-track rolls on which the various hypnopædic lessons were printed. “You slip the roll in here,” explained Bernard, interrupting Dr. Gaffney, “press down this switch. …The roll unwinds. The selenium cells transform the light impulses into sound waves, and …

“And there you are,” Dr. Gaffney concluded. “Do they read Shakespeare?” asked the Savage as they walked, on their way to the Bio-chemical Laboratories, past the School Library

“Certainly not,” said the Head Mistress, blushing. “Our library,” said Dr. Gaffney, “contains only books of reference. If our young people need distraction, they can get it at the feelies. We don’t encourage them to indulge in any solitary amusements.”

Five bus-loads of boys and girls, singing or in a silent embracement, rolled past them “Just returned,” explained Dr. Gaffney, while Bernard, whispering, made an appointment with the Head Mistress for that very evening, “from the Slough Crematorium.

Death conditioning begins at eighteen months. Every tot spends two mornings a week in a Hospital for the Dying. All the best toys are kept there, and they get chocolate cream on death days. They learn to take dying as a matter of course.”

“Like any other physiological process,” put in the Head Mistress professionally.

Comment: Yes, you read that correctly — Aldous Huxley said death conditioning would begin early, and children would learn to take dying as a matter of course. This may be what is afoot today.  Is there any reason for us to sit back and watch this happen?



    • Echoes of Oswald Mosley’s true definition of Fascism – not that Zionism’s revisionist definition and relabelling as a pejorative.

      • Fascists bind themselves together to serve their country
      • inspired by the same passionate ideal of national service
      • the essence of Fascism is teamwork, the power to pull together and to sink individual interests in the service of the nation.
      • The State will not attempt to conduct industry as it would under Socialism, instead, the State will lay down the limits within which industry may operate, and those limits will be the national welfare.
      • Private ownership will be permitted and encouraged, provided such activity enriches the nation as well as the individual.

      Mosley Oswald – Ten points of fascism (1933)


      Capitalism/Socialism are two wings of the same bird.

      “Contrary to what so many good people – out of sheer terror of ‘Communism’ – think, Capitalism is not ‘free enterprise,’ an incentive for success, ‘a chance for all.’ Capitalism is trusts, speculation, parasitical usury. Capitalism is J. P. Morgan, Rothschild’s bank, ripping apart the nations like maddened swine. Capitalism is the Jewish frying pan in which culture is rendered down to the grease of money. Following it, as the night to day, is the thrice hotter Jewish fire of ‘Communism.'” William Striker

      Marxism, Socialism, or Communism in practice are nothing but state-capitalism and rule by a privileged minority, exercising despotic and total control over a majority having virtually no property or legal rights. As is discussed elsewhere herein, Talmudic Judaism is the progenitor of modem Communism and Marxist collectivism as it is now applied to a billion or more of the world’s population.

      Only through thorough understanding of the ideology from which this collectivism originates, and those who dominate and propagate it, can the rest of the world hope to escape the same fate. Communism — Socialism was originated by Jews and has been dominated by them from the beginning.

      There is no moral, philosophical or ethical conflict whatsoever between Judaism and Marxist collectivism as they exist in actual practice. Marxism, to which all branches of Socialism necessarily adhere, was originated by a Jew, Karl Marx, himself of Rabbinical descent. Every Jewish source today boasts of his rabbinical ancestry, and his “keen dialectical ability” (as presumably manifested by his abstruse, hairsplitting, Das Kapital) being due to his Talmudic inheritance………………….”


  1. Speaking of civilization, Cliff High has a recent interview that I found fascinating. I expect at the end of October, 24-28 there will be a major event. Probably something like the economic collapse. The depopulation agenda proceeds and people start dropping off the perch, apparently more than a billion. In January there is a turning point.

    If you have never paid attention to Cliff High, this may all seem a bit woo-woo. In which case you may want to pay attention to events later this month to see if his linguistics analysis has any credibility.

      • It’s worth downloading spartacus, as it’s a long pdf, but don’t be deterred since most of it is references, the 2nd half with referenced is much bigger than the actual tract.

        • It’s funny at 50:00 Cliff marvels that the jews (Israelis) have done it to themselves again as they have been death-spiked by Mengele 2.0.
          Well if the economic collapse happens soon we will see what happens with Mein Trumpf and especially the mysterious Mike Pence sideshow. People theoretically smarter than me such as Jesse Ventura, G5, Sean Hross, amongst others, are not impressed for various reasons and to varying degrees. But it’s becoming clear there is no effective leadership amongst the sheeple.
          Such as huge contingent of sheeple only believes what the paid promotions tell them, so any challenge to the orthodox is totally undermined even before it starts.

    • Yes, Terry.
      Cliff is the real Woo.
      Found him years ago.
      He answers many of matters I experienced in my late teens early 20s.
      “Future does prove past”.
      Waste of time trying to discuss it with those who are ignorant and do not have a inquisitive brain cell amongst their available billions that they cart around every day.
      Glad you are on the path ….. and find the seventeenth letter?

      • Yeah, I used to subscribe to his service. Fascinating, saved me problems by giving me a few ‘heads-up’. What he is saying about later this month, 24th October, sounds a lot like the heads-up he gave back in Sept 2008 and the crash that happened. – This latest warning is not to be ignored. Protect yourself, nobody else will….

  2. From Henry Makow today,

    quoting Frater 616, Alpha Lodge member AJ.Fozdyke

    “Politicians are introduced by a carefully graded set of criteria and situations that [convince] them that their victims will be ‘Our Little Secret’. Young children sexually molested and physically abused by politicians worldwide are quickly used as sacrifices.”


    “ ‘Progress’ and ‘social change’ are synonymous with mass social induction into Satanism.
    The social contract is broken. Any government that fails to tackle this cancer is illegitimate. Any society that tolerates it deserves what it gets.”

  3. satanism is the worship of saturn, wonder why, change the name alter its true meaning, is not saturn the black/dead sun/son????????

  4. In regard to Port Arthur, could somebody send me a picture of the red truck leaving the area with the face of some bloke looking not too pleased in the passenger side window. Thank you Kevin Woodman.

    • Kevin, I think you are referring to the ambulance that was carrying Martin Bryant. It is proposed that since Bryant survived the fire, the killer in military camos got in the shot-gun position in the cab so that he might get a second chance to eliminate Bryant.

      Andrew MacGregor did an analysis of the police statements and found one that had a bogus police name and number. The fellow is looking out through the glass and it is somewhat distorted from the glass reflection, but I’m sure with a bit of computer work it could be cleaned up very nicely.

      Unfortunately, I don’t have that picture, perhaps some other readers might.

        • Thanks Mal, That’s the picture I’ve been looking for, although I don’t believe the Overbeeke part. Have tried to print it without success. The character i’m trying to match to the face in the truck was in the SAS. Roger Sidney William Payne. Australiia Day 1990 Honors recipient. A decade later was handed a 12 year prison sentence for trying to extort 2 million dollars from a Perth casino, by threatening to blow it up if they didn’t comply. In trying to research it, the information was very lacking. No photographs and no mention of which prison he was installed in. David Francis Everett was in Casurina . His partner in crime, James Reynolds, seems to have committed suicide in prison. It’s all supposition on my part so far, but the sheer lack of information on someone like Payne is interesting in itself. Thanks again for your help.

  5. “Aldous Huxley (1894-1963) said we will love our servitude”

    Well according to NUMBERS 11:46 the Jew-dogs of 1445 B. C. responded to the temporary disappearance of their leader by proving themselves to be likewise enthralled.
    But as we’ve reached a point where idol-worship is no longer acknowledged as being THE prime symptom of enslavement I guess the significance of said text would go over most heads

    • As we’ve reached a point of zilch understanding that idol-worship is what happens when anything of this World is lauded more than the Creator thereof……………………

        • On the subject of dogs –

          My drivers licence and berth/birth certificate are written in DOG LATIN.


          • He that hath understanding, let him count the number of the beast; for it is the number of a man
            According to the prophesy I heard 20 years ago the NEXT pope is the antichrist pope, this one won’t last much longer. Looks like Swissy ( Confederation Helvetika ancient bloodlines ) is arranging popes through some crypto-jews in the Vatican somewhere

          • cx7
            And from your document page 3
            It’s Swissy again
            “… an account of the research that may have uncovered what appears to be the underlying facts about why magistrates could not
            answer such questions for fear of exposing the truth about the grammatical standing, or lack thereof, of International Foreign Corporate “Maritime Law” governance over-ruling the
            sovereignty of our common law birth right to our own countries. The grammatical deception uncovered by this research may very well be hundreds of years old, Re: Justinian, 530 – 560AD, and may even be a surviving system from the Egyptian masters of slavery and symbolism themselves, being thousands of years old, the Egyptian system of the Gods of the dead such as Osiris, Anubis, Horus, and the like, may still rule over us today via a deception that is more cunning and clever than anyone could ever imagine.

        • So you’re still oblivious to the fact that, unlike most commenters on this site I acknowledge Israel for what it is and the holocaust for what it was ?
          As elucidated so articulately via the horse’s mouth between 57 – 63 min on this tape:

          • Yes, we certainly know what Israel is … you can look up the Balfour declaration yourself – it has been shared several times.

            • Who Really Runs the Middle East? Cynthia Chung
            • (redacted version of an original publication on The Saker)

            “no room can be made in Palestine for a second nation except by dislodging or exterminating the nation in possession [i.e., the indigenous Semites].”

            concluding paragraph of George Antonius’ “The Arab Awakening” (1938), graduate from Cambridge University, civil servant in the British Mandate of Palestine

            • George Antonius -“The Arab Awakening”


            The article goes on to talk about the Sykes-Picot Agreement, the Balfour Declaration, the balkanisation/partitioning of the Middle East and the founding of the ‘Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’.

            “Throughout the 1920s and 1930s violent confrontations between Jews and Arabs took place in Palestine costing thousands of lives.”

            [… and still Germany had not democratically freed itself of this totalitarian Versailles-based Weimar oppression.]

            In 1937 “roughly 5,000 [protesting] Arabs were killed by the British armed forces and police.“

            The British government then “dissolved the Arab Higher Committee and declared it an illegal body” [there’s that word “illegal” – might is right-handed – again, preparing the way to establish the ‘state of Israel, the first Prime Minister being the murderer and terrorist David Ben-Gurion …

            Read on in the article linked above …

          • “We, The Saudi Family Are Cousins Of The Jews.”
            Historians have traced that the Sauds belonged to Anza tribe who were settled in Najd around 1450 AD. It is said that Sauds were originally Jews and shrewd Feudal Lords. ……

            …..Thus, the  first Saudi State came into being in the year 1744 AD (1157 AH)  when Ibn Abd al-Wahhab and Mohammad Ibn Saud formed an alliance and hatched a political conspiracy to establish a State based on Wahhabism, away from Islam. To cement the alliance further Ibn Saud’s sister was married to Ibn Abd al-Wahhab.  As per the terms of  alliance, Ibn Abd al-Wahhab became de facto Minister for Religious Affairs whose job was to convert people into the new religion and create religious fanaticism in masses.  The plan was to use newly converted religious fanatics to expand Sauds’ territory and eventually form a large Saudi State in Arabian Peninsula. 
            The following 190 years, between 1744-1932, Sauds fought wars with all Muslim rulers of Arabian Peninsula and were finally successful in wiping out Islam and Muslims from Arabian Peninsula in 1932 when Abdul Aziz declared himself as King of the newly formed state of ‘Saudi Arabia’……..” 


            In the 1960′s the “Sawt al Arab ” Broadcasting Station in Cairo, Egypt, and the Yemen Broadcasting Station in Sana’a confirmed the Jewish ancestry of the Saudi family.
            King Faisal Al-Saud at that time could not deny his family’s kindred with the Jews when he declared to the Washington Post on Sept.17, 1969 stating: “We, the Saudi Family, are cousins of the Jews: we entirely disagree with any Arab or Muslim Authority which shows any antagonism to Jews; but we must live together with them in peace. Our country (Arabia) is the fountain head from where the first Jew sprang, and his descendants spread out all over the world.” That was the declaration of King Faisal Al-Saud bin Abdul Aziz!!!……….”


          • Berry, I listened to that section of the above talk by Katz that you recommended –

            Elie admits his true stories never happened

            The pieces to the puzzle of Elie Wiesel and his book Night will never come together to form a coherent image.  Readers and critics have long puzzled over the nightmarishly grotesque events that Wiesel presents as real, and refuses to repudiate. But he has actually given us the explanation all along—it’s just that it’s one so many don’t want to believe.

            In his autobiography, Wiesel recounts a time when, visiting Israel, he went to see the “young” Rebbe of Wizhnitz, whose father he remembered with reverence from his childhood. At the end of the visit, which took two pages (273-75) to tell, the Rebbe questioned the young writer without being satisfied with his answers. Then:

            The conversation became more relaxed. He asked me about my work. He wanted to know if the stories I told in my books were true, had they really happened. I answered not too convincingly: “In literature, Rebbe, certain things are true though they didn’t happen, while others are not, even if they did.”

            I would have loved to have received his blessing.1

            Notice that he first says he is writing “literature”2, not faithful accounts of his own experience. Next, we understand that by withholding his blessing, the noted Hasidic rabbi conveyed he was not pleased with the evasive answers of the Hasidic Jew Elie Wiesel. Wiesel himself says his answer to the final question was “not too convincing.” And finally, since Wiesel admits that he writes about things that never happened as being true, we can’t even be sure that this event happened, can we. This is the problem with everything in the life and work of Elie Wiesel.

            Read on –


  6. Thanks Mary– and someones comment led me to some rare and historical photos about my story and who I am

    The Battle of Cable Street was a clash between anti-fascist protestors and the British Union of Fascists on Sunday 4 October 1936. The BUF was an organization inspired by Mussolini’s Blackshirts, and allegedly included 50,000 members at its height before being banned in 1940.

    This in turn—-led me to


    Women at War, 1939-1945 and for Mary this article by Nadia Wheatley–has deep significance to my Auschwitz story–


    some excerpts -relevant to article

    “It was in April 1943 that the major change began to take place in the purpose and administration of the Bergen-Belsen camp, and in the composition of its inmates. While the Wehrmacht continued to hold POWs in its hospital to the north of the camp’s main road, the part of the site – representing half the area – lying to the south of the road was taken over from the military by the SS, the black-uniformed paramilitary elite that had begun as a security guard for Hitler and by now was responsible for implementing the Final Solution to the ‘problem’ of the Jews and other enemies of the German state. Notwithstanding this ultimate goal of exterminating all Jews from the territory of the Reich, the Bergen-Belsen ‘holding camp’ (Aufenthaltslager) included an area (unique in the entire concentration camp system) that was established to hold certain special Jewish prisoners whom the German Foreign Office hoped to be able to exchange for German nationals imprisoned abroad.

    Only a small number of exchanges were ever made, and conditions in what was called the Star Camp (because of the yellow star that occupants had to wear on their clothing) were far from easy. However, contrary to a widely held misapprehension, Bergen-Belsen was not an extermination camp. This indeed was a major difference between the camps established on German soil and the camps in the conquered territories to the east of the German border. It was in the east that certain camps were equipped with the gas ovens and other infernal devices that provided the mechanism for Hitler’s Final Solution”.

    “Despite this important distinction between the eastern and western camps, the boundary blurs because, over the last months of its history, Bergen-Belsen began to receive prisoners who had survived extermination camps in the east and had been sent to the west in advance of the Soviet army. The eight thousand women who came from Auschwitz included the two Frank girls. By now the huts were so full that many of the women were provided only with tents for the coming winter; holes in the ground served as toilets. Faced with a camp that was bursting at its seams, in January 1945 the SS took over the northern half of the site from the Wehrmacht and used it for an enlarged women’s camp. This did little to ease the overcrowding. As the Death Marches brought more and more prisoners from camps in Poland, Hungary and the Soviet Union, the population of Bergen-Belsen increased from fifteen thousand in December 1944 to forty-two thousand in March 1945. Yet in the lunacy of that time, 6,700 Bergen-Belsen inmates were herded into train-carriages and sent on journeys back towards the east. Despite this, by early April the camp was so full that when another fifteen thousand prisoners from the Mittelbau-Dora concentration camp arrived, they were housed at the nearby Wehrmacht barracks.”

    “Meanwhile, the regime hardened in December 1944 when Josef Kramer, former commandant of the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp, was put in charge of Bergen-Belsen; other SS personnel from Auschwitz (including women) joined his staff. As part of a deliberate policy that could be described as a form of extermination, the provision of food – always minimal – dropped to starvation level. Water was contaminated and in very short supply. The sanitation facilities collapsed and huts were soon ankle-deep in faeces. Yet as winter gave way to spring, an even worse peril appeared. Spread by the lice that infested the huts as well as every article of clothing and bedding, an epidemic of typhus killed people who had managed to survive years of hunger, forced labour and even the threat of the gas chambers. The number of deaths rose from seven thousand in February to eighteen thousand in March; a further nine thousand people died in the first two weeks of April. As the camp’s crematoria could not keep up with the death rate, corpses were left to rot in the huts and on the ground; by mid-April there were ten thousand lying unburied among the living and the barely living.”

    Ironically, it was the typhus that triggered the liberation of Bergen-Belsen. As the Allied advance from the west pushed closer and closer to the camp, some members of the German military began to fear that the epidemic could spread into the civilian population if the guards were to flee and prisoners were to escape into the countryside. On 12 April, a couple of Wehrmacht officers alerted a nearby unit of British military to the problem, and the area of the concentration camp became a negotiated zone of surrender. Into this no-man’s-land a trickle of British soldiers began to arrive on 15 April 1945. Dispensing with the double-barrelled German name, they simply called it ‘Belsen’. The images recorded by the Army Film and Photographic Unit over the next few days would immediately make the name a byword for evil.”

    • Interesting, Diane. I’m not convinced that the internment camps of all the countries involved in the intentional massacre of “the West” were much different except that in most other countries involved their infrastructure was not practically wiped out by the allies of the supranational money-lenders.

      I rather expect that the men in trenches on both sides of “no man’s land” being plagued by rats and lice and disease and hunger and cold and wet, or hot and dry, and shell hell raining on them and the promise of bullets from the front if they went forward or bullets from behind if they would not, might well have gladly changed places with internees if they really knew what it was all about.

      The trouble is, you see, we are being fed a relentless barrage of Zionist / Satanist propaganda that is simply a smokescreen for the real villains to hide in. You can bet that whenever some resistance to globalist (mega-capitalist communism) starts to show up a whole orchestra playing from the “Holocaust” score “miraculously” appears… almost everywhere simultaneously. Hmm. Not curious, eh?

        • If 6 million Jews were were burnt whole there was only a 2.5 year period in which it could be done. Germany was cut off from fuel imports so had to resort to coal chemistry. So figure it out. According to my maths the 6 million burnt in ovens is impossible

          • Normally people just get put in a pit, but according to my calculation with German Efficiency they were probably put through a big mincer and fed to dogs and also used for fertiliser, the ovens just a cover story. Crematoriums use a lot of fuel. Nobody would have wasted fuel on this mad idea, for more than a few times. Nobody knows the exact statistics. Never believe any quoted statistics, nobody should need to be told.

          • Don’t forget those fantabulous “bone dissolving machines”.

            “historian [sic] and Croatian [“Illuminati”] Ivo Goldstein expounds on the “increasingly problematic” camp at Jasenovac.”


            “Many have commented on the lack of forensic evidence from this particular camp [Jasenovac]. Can you explain why this is the case?” (meaning, why there is an absence of evidence). Goldstein then dropped his “bombshell” reply: “Because in April 1945, Hitler flew in special machines to Jasenovac. These machines were used to dissolve the bones that were left.”



          • Just for the record, there are other logistical problems relating to disposal of bodies by cremation.

            At a temperature of 1100 to 1300 degrees Celsius (about the temperature required to fire pottery or melt soft iron) it takes from 2 to 6 hours to reduce a body to dry bones (depending on the temperature of the crematorium and the size of the body). On average, I’ve been told, it takes the equivalent of almost half a ton (450 kg) of LPG (about 10 bottles of standard household gas) to achieve that.

            To my knowledge, all mass murders (as in genocide) have killed people in the streets or starved them leaving the survivors to dispose of the bodies as best they could… the money-lender’s henchmen like all the communist regimes in recent history being a prime example. They don’t collect the people they want to exterminate so that they have to also dispose of their remains. The abortion industry is a great leap forward for the institutional misanthropes.

            [quote berry] There’s never been any “6 million burnt in ovens” claim [/quote]

            You’d better go and look up the propaganda being proposed for popular consumption.

        • You’ll have to do a bit better than that, Ms berry.

          The alleged “Holocaust” is a physical impossibility because:
          # According to available census, there were not 6m “Jews” in all of Axis occupied Europe even before the wealthy and influential ones took their loot and emigrated.

          Simple arithmetic will tell you that to eliminate 6m people in 2 years means that one person would have to be found, captured, transported, killed and disposed of every 10 seconds all day and night every day of the year. That doesn’t even take into account all the alleged Gypsies, other non-Aryan types, simpletons, pooftas, resisters, traitors, Catholics, POW’s etc.

          consider how many police man-hours it takes to catch even one criminal on average.

          This supposedly occurred when most able-bodied German men were conscripted to some kind of military service.

          It supposedly occurred when the money-lender’s allies were relentlessly destroying every bit of German infrastructure they could… like towns, cities, factories, dams, roads, railways, etc. etc.

          I rather suspect that the “Holocaust” narrative is mostly a smokescreen for the real criminals to hide in.

        • While you are gnashing and wailing …

          • James H. Fetzer Interviews Benton L. Bradberry – The Myth of German Villainy [Part II]

          • Benton L. Bradberry – The Myth of German Villainy.


          • World War II: The Foundational Lie of Our Era – Paul Craig Roberts
          (reposted from Unz Review)


          • Hitler’s War Against Freemasonry: Banned In 40+ Countries On Youtube


        • • Ilya Ehrenberg – The Man Who Invented The ‘Six Million’


          “The Germans are not human beings. From now on, the word ‘German’ is the most horrible curse. From now on, the word ‘German’ strikes us to the quick. We have nothing to discuss. We will not get excited. We will kill. If you have not killed at least one German a day, you have wasted that day … If you cannot kill a German with a bullet, then kill him with your bayonet. If your part of the front is quiet and there is no fighting, then kill a German in the meantime … If you have already killed a German, then kill another one – there is nothing more amusing to us than a heap of German corpses. Don’t count the days, don’t count the kilometers. Count only one thing: the number of Germans you have killed. Kill the Germans! … – Kill the Germans! Kill!”

          And in another leaflet: “The Germans must be killed. One must kill them … Do you feel sick? Do you feel a nightmare in your breast? … Kill a German! If you are a righteous and conscientious man – kill a German! … Kill!”

          … Ilya Ehrenberg

          I see where you get your set of values …

          • Germany: 96-Year-Old “Secretary of Doom” on the Run After Being Charged with Committing the Holocaust


          Imagine what is in store for the real perpetrators of genocidal atrocities in the name of ethnic ultra-supremacism and antihumanism – they had better hope there is no God.

  7. We have become so dependent on computers that there’s no choice left. It’s a one way street, no turning back now even if we wanted to. Structure of everything completely rebuilt and unrecognisable in this new electronic dystopia. Digital surveillance system has enabled beast empire, total control of our entire planet. Events now are enforcing the mark, we have reached the turning point. Anyone refusing the mark will be cut off from society, anyone receiving the mark eternal damnation.

  8. Huxley’s bit about death couldn’t have been wider from the mark:Whereas mortality was fully embraced in the Victorian era the entire subject became increasingly regarded as distasteful throughout the 20th century and the denial has now reached a point of pure insanity, as exemplified by the covid saga

    • Death denial is, of course, merely symptomatic of an unwillingness to acknowledge suffering, but more particularly the value thereof. The proof of the pudding is that those who experience any sort of cognitive torment or even unease are deemed to be “mentally ill” – as though their condition is a sort of dysfunction, that they just need to be restored to working order.

      Thankyou Art Katz for affirming that being a happy-clappy airhead is the antithesis of “rejoicing in the Lord always”

  9. Norway Sweden and Denmark lifting all restrictions because people are sick of the bullshit and because Sweden didn’t do anything anyway

    • Covid 19 aka Coronavirus is common colds and flu which mankind has always learned to live with. The Jewish owners of the pharmaceutical companies have weaponised colds and flu to bring about their centuries long agenda of owning and controlling the world. Unfortunately the agenda entails a mass holocaust of the worlds population.

        • UBS (United Bank of Switzerland) funded the Chinese involvement in the 2020 election ( remote control of voting machines ). CCP will sell anything. It’s not against their laws. Nobody cares.

          • Falsely blaming China again –

            “Dominion Voting Systems Patents Given In 2019 To China Bank For Collateral”

            (HSBC is a Rothschild Bank, not a mainland China governed Bank which has its is headquarters in London…..HSBC – Wikipedia
            HSBC has its world headquarters at 8 Canada Square in Canary Wharf, London. Size, profit and auditors. As of 2014, according to Relsbank, HSBC was the fourth-largest bank in the world by assets (with $2,670.00 billion), the second largest in terms of revenues (with $146.50 billion) and the largest in terms of market value (with $180.81 billion). It was also the most profitable bank in the …

            Dominion Voting Systems Patents Given In 2019 To China Bank For Collateral

            by, Paul Collin ( The UPI Guy )

            HIGHLIGHT: America Voting Security Secrets, additionally include, the greater ‘Glitch’: Dominion Voting Systems Inc. ’18 Patents’ and ‘Intellectual Property Rights’ exchanged on September 25, 2019 for Collateral from HongKong Shanghai Banking Corporation ( People’s Republic of China ), Patent Numbers, Descriptions, Collateral Security Agreement plus more within The UPI Guy report ( Below ).

            WASHINGTON, D.C. – November 13, 2020 – It is believed that during a December 1923 meeting, of Russia’s Politburo surrounding local party organization votings as-to the platform attitude of L. Trotsky, the following pronouncement was issued by Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin:……………”


          • HS(BC) stands for Hongkong Shanghai and I did some currency trading with them 20 years ago and made nice little profit. The way they operated seemed quite shambolic but I got my money. They were undercutting home loans here for a while about 10 years ago. And more recently they were doing a sort of laundering operation getting money out of HongKong when the CCP tried to shut it off. So I would say HSBC is primarily a HinngKong operation but shareholders very likely could be traced back to Swissy, through Rotschilds and various elite bloodlines of England I suppose.
            But actually I am not blaming “China”, just stating a fact as I heard it, and this is not even the CCP, but just some private outfit taking money from UBS. As you should be well aware criminal operations don’t respect borders or other such constructs supposed to limit their ambitions.
            Further to all that, I can neither confirm nor deny that my spouse is Chinese, because I like to keep things as impersonal as possible.

    • The last part also not to be overlooked, West Africans being put on Central Bankster va666ine passport e-money, otherwise no dole for them. Gates is hanging around injecting them with his satanic brew. So we thought we were doing it tough !!! I think they said Lagos is the biggest city in Africa so a very obvious target for Gates. It reminds me of the poisoning of aboriginies flour, done here in Australia about 200 years ago, &/or more recently.
      No matter how bad the CCP is or was or could be, their one-child policy did the trick without all the satanic globalist nastiness. Changing the culture is relatively easily done, it’s an ongoing thing, it has happened many times before. Just do it by finance.

      Well I hope Dr Carrie Madej is safely out of the way, Rockerfellas will have her on the hit list by now. If we have an internet blackout as has been speculated, a few such brave people might disappear in the darkness.

  10. Here’s a more realistic statistic, 50% of restaurant customers denied service by fascist va666ine passport (NYC), so we hear about 80% quaxxinated but the reality is as one would expect, 50% of the population is more gullible than average and 50% is more suspicious than average.
    Nobody should believe anything coming from official sources any more, look at how Gulag Gladys crawled away, basically admitting corruption, telling us all the accomplice was a boyfriend, and all the other politicians and media lining up to say how wonderful Gladys was. This economy and life crushing dictatorial maniac has collaborated with the story that HCQ is dangerous and ineffective and Ivermectin is dangerous and ineffective and only the va666ine will protect everyone.
    Meanwhile the Serco quarantine camps keep getting built, and the lying politicians intend to use them, TO SOFTEN US UP FOR SPARS SCAMDEMIC 2025 – only 3 years away. Complacence is going to destroy us sheeple in the end AND THEY KNOW IT.
    There is only one way out, the leadership needs to be properly made an example of, and well before 2025. The old saying “heads will roll” has lost its meaning. The lies continue. For example, hospitals will not treat using HCQ and IVM, they pretend they are deserving of more funding, one liar gets on TV after another, telling us they are over-worked, while they sack their staff for refusing va666ine, what more do sheeple need to know ???, instead the sheeple just stand there stupidly chewing, while the government runs a stream of “happy feelgood” va666ine ads on the TV.
    SPARS 2025 is in preparation right now.

    • “OUR COMPLACENCE WILL ENSURE THE SUCCESS OF THE PROGRAM” – I haven’t been complacent, I have been trying to inform the stoopids what is going on. I have seen a little movement of consciousness in some of them, but by and large they are mesmerized by the TV.

      I have really developed a ‘Cassandra’ complex. I have experienced this all my life. The ‘gun control/Port Arthur’ experience was the worse. Not only was I disbelieved, but condemned and demonized. I am reliving that experience with this Covid nonsense.

      The 50% figure – I remember George Carlin saying “Realize how stupid the average person is, then remember that 50% of people are more stupid than that.”

    • In both cases the problem goes to licensing, i. e the fact that virtually no one can run any sort of business without some sort of State sanction in the first place.

      In 1956 my then 34 year-old fully trained nursing aunt quit her hospital job and proceeded to set up a small scale nursing home in a large residential house on a half acre suburban block. No special licensing was required; her extant qualifications were deemed sufficient.

      A decade later my 22 year-old brother in law managed to score an executive position in a top Sydney advertising firm purely on the basis of having done a bit of work in broadcasting. In those days a boy could leave school at 14, go straight into an apprenticeship, and be managing his own business by his early 20s.

      At some point between then and the late 90s apprenticeships became barred to anyone who hadn’t spent 2 – 3 years in government commandeered indoctrination in the particular field – years spent living on tax-funded Aus-study. It’s not hard to figure out that said manoeuvre has done nothing whatsoever to improve the standard of anything; that it’s merely served to obscure the fallout of de- industrialisation

      • You only have to look at things like Henry Ford’s production line and Fritz Lang’s “Metropolis” film to see that we were all conceptually redundant a century ago.
        There is no doubt it’s all planned by globalists and commandeered by “owned” politicians.
        Another example of successful de-industrialisation is that only big countries with big domestic markets can compete because otherwise they get blocked by tariffs and other administrative problems. A huge country with a dictatorship and slave labour is an obvious choice, for dumping product and destroying every other place of industry in the world. Everything conspires against the individual at every level, and caters to globalist establishments. The entire focus of everything is therefore trickle-up. We only survive by the fact of limited life-cycles and obsolescence, that is, we have to keep making new stuff, which the globalists then have to acquire through banks, taxes, distribution networks etc. But one globalists have fully robotised means of production, we all be come 100% simply a LIABILITY. In the future there may be gladiatorial TV shows based on talent, if you can’t demonstrate some particular talent you go down the trap-door to the alligators. Human nature hasn’t changed in 2000 years so expect the worst. It’s just an aspect of “power corrupts”.

    • I don’t follow the main stream media so this site is where I have been informed that Gladys stepped down. If true I am wondering, if she has actually been taken by personnel to face a military tribunal. Although it would more be likely be Moronic Dan that would be taken first. In the same vein has Moose Morrison returned to Australia yet?

      • They don’t take them down on the real charge, the charge they are using for Gulag Gladys is similar to “sports rorts” about 20+ years ago

  11. Russian President Vladimir Putin has vowed to punish Facebook if they don’t remove pedophilia from the platform immediately.


    On Thursday, Putin’s administration threatened to issue Facebook crippling fines if the social media giant refused to delete content that has been banned in Russia. .

    The move comes just days after Putin vowed to punish YouTube for censoring independent content on the platform.

    Speaking to Reuters, Russia’s technology and telecommunications regulator Roskomnadzor said it would deploy government agents to Facebook’s offices to enforce the fines.

    Dailycaller.com reports:Russia declared groups linked to dissident and Vladimir Putin critic Alexei Navalny “extremist” in June, outlawing Navalny-adjacent political parties and freezing his supporters’ bank accounts. Navalny is currently serving a two-year prison sentence and was the victim of a poisoning attack in September 2020.

    Russia had threatened Facebook and Google parent company Alphabet with fines up to 20% of their annual Russian revenue in mid-September, Bloomberg reported, after the tech giants refused to censor content on behalf of Russia.

    The threat is the latest development in Moscow’s ongoing effort to bring U.S. tech companies under its control……………………..”

    • Poms should just spit roast these extra pigs in the back yard, this would be good practice for if they catch a politician during the coming food shortages.

  12. Eva K Bartlett has just drawn my attention to a great series of videos titled ‘COVID19/11’ on Odyssey by Off Guardian


    • Covid19/11 Ep. 14 – Eva Bartlett


    Perhaps the series should be called the Holo-Covid-19/11 series, completing the perfect trifecta.

    Other speakers by Episode sequence (I don’t know them all):

    ‘1 Robin Monotti
    ‘2 Katharine Gun
    ‘3 Graeme MacQueen
    ‘4 Neils Harrit
    ‘5 Kevin Ryan
    ‘6 Elizabeth Woodworth
    ‘7 Catherine Austin Fits
    ‘8 Mike Yeadon
    ‘9 Piers Robinson
    ’10 Carol Brouillet
    ’11 Frances Shure
    ’12 CJ Hopkins
    ’13 Cindy Sheehan
    ’14 Eva K Bartlett
    ’15 Ed Curtin

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