Home News A Diet of Illusion For The Herds, While Trillions Are Looted Annually

A Diet of Illusion For The Herds, While Trillions Are Looted Annually


by G5

I don’t write much about Australia. It lost its interest for me, long ago. It is now firmly entrenched in my nausea file. I observe this study in still life — screwed every which way — yearning to be the next American state. It ‘officially’ deceives at every turn.

Idiot Black Rap, Hideous Basketball, reversed and side sat peak hats, youth attending uniformed schools with the shirts out, no hats, and the shoes unpolished, with untied laces, rushing to MuckDonalds for nourishment after a hard day at ‘school’ — learning about Gender, Diversity, and Climatology, illusional ethics, revisionist history, art and sports, optional English, Mathematics and perhaps optional Science. All part of being fully informed and regurgitatively credentialed in the modern digital age. With optional use of a writing instrument.

The Lost World of The Progressive Age. Where illusions of a quality education for all became what it would: the terminal dumbing down of the masses, and an elevation of elite classes. No, not the delusional Middle Classes. But those of the genuinely wealthy, international players. The Owners of all, who protect their operatives and puppets — as Presidents and Prime Ministers.

I have a report on the murder of a young Rothschild in Paris [Amschel Mayor James Rothschild, 1955-1996]. He gave an interview and said certain things about The Family. Particularly affecting Evelyn de Rothschild. Shortly afterwards he was found dead. Strangled with the cord from his bathrobe. It was of course ‘suicide’, then murder, then ‘suicide’ again. [The cord was attached to a towel rack. One of the French detectives gave the rack a tug and it came right out of the wall.]

To prevent the herds being confused about an internal family matter that was of no concern to them — Chirac closed the file and made it disappear.

The presidency of France is as secure as that of America was — before Trump. But no concerns there either. Groupe Rothschild own 52% of The Fed. The rest is owned by the usual suspects including Goldmans, The Rockefellers et al. The enormity of this is missed by those who are even aware of the fraud.

The entire gold, silver, platinum, and palladium reserves of many nations — including America, Germany, and France have been looted.

The Platinum Group of: Platinum, Palladium, and Rhodium, are used in the Catalytic Converters you require in your vehicles. The seat belts was a good grab at the time. As are micro RFIDs essential for your ‘Cubic’ Opal Card.

And of course the Lithium and Rare Earth markets are now monopolised, as well. Apart from places as Russia and China.

Trillions of dollars are looted annually from predominantly The Middle Classes of The West. One of the major expenditures is to maintain Politically ‘Elected’ Representatives and leading Apparatchiks.

The poor are irrelevant. An economic liability and a political problem, outside of non-transparent dictatorships. The Rich are international and pay nothing. The Poor pay nothing, so The Middle Class pay all. But the Really Rich Own everything. Some 240 families. And you could possibly name 10 or 20.

And not Bill Gates of those on The Forbes List. They don’t even rate on The Real List. Forget The Saudis. They were bankrupted by America long ago.

Strange events occur as Chinese children in their early teens strolling with entourages through Sydney Airport, on their way to their private aircraft, unmolested by Customs or Security. Pointing to clothing or jewelry items in the duty free area. Then producing — through an aide — a plastic that has an apparent bottomless limit. Multiples in the range of tens of thousands of dollars. Items carried by attendants. Items which may never actually be worn or used.

A friend in Sydney managed the catering for one of the palaces in Saudi, about 30 years ago. I met him when he was THE manager of The Sydney Hilton. Back then, one of the young princes was having a birthday; ten. There was no budget. He spent $50,000 US on a cake. It was manufactured and assembled in a room in The Palace. He had Hornby in England (now owned by Phoenix Asset Management) construct a miniature railway network on the top layer of the cake.

On his birthday, the little prince was escorted into the room with the cake. The railway system fully operating. He stood there for less than five minutes looking at it, without speaking or demonstrating any emotion, and left. It was never mentioned again.

This young prince was currently implicated in The Saudi Fraud Affair. He was held ‘in custody’ for a couple of days in The Riyadh Ritz Carlton — evacuated for the new visitors. He was ‘released’ and all returned to normal.



  1. Whereby now in the West but not confined only is the sense of language, words or whatever is and having become redundant to so many in particular politicians, a jargon that so many find having a meaningless ramble of utterances cover a sinister elite whom having lost their way and the destruction of ecological assets and cruelty in particular to our noble friends our animals no longer our comforting companions, no longer conscious but a commodity that satisfies our consumptive appetite of hunger that can never be any thing other than a cover up for our empty sense of our own meaningless existence.

  2. But wait G5, for a sensible, credible answer to your screed by one of our newly educated, sophisticated, talented young knew-it-all(s) just out of one of our illuminated universities, that foreign students flock to.

    I’ll bet they cannot even read fluently, nor understand your message. They can jibber at a fast rate (almost impossible to make out their words) about nothing sensible, but that is their claim to fame. They can speak faster than, we under-educated nobodies.

    I have found, trying to get a sensible argument to one of my statements, is a round-a-bout series of, “that couldn’t happen, that wouldn’t happen, we know its like this, they wouldn’t get away with that, how do you know”. Of course the great scornful phrase is, “where did you learn that information, off the internet, I suppose?” All in a more than necessary vocal volume. Or the subject is changed completely.

    Of course, one gives up after a while. That is probably the actual preferred outcome by those in control. This means that there will be very few converts that have awakened.

    • What a hoot.
      Try and get a sensible comment from jonathon Faine of our billion dollar a year on borrowed money for our ABC.
      Just search: ABC Faine phone in by Kevin Bracken on 911. (Note: Faine was a lawyer trained to be objective,,,,,, fail)
      Then follow up with Turnbull’s climate/energy guru; minister Frydenberg demonstrating his scientific failures by asking Gillard to, in effect, close down Bracken’s reasonable concerns about building No 7 on 911.
      Just search; 911 Gillard stupid and wrong. The parliamet’s video comes up.
      Have to love foreign minister Bishop just handing over 90 million of borrowed money ( by the taxpayes) to Gillard’s new gig on some international education scam.
      Play the ponzi, get a free snout in the trough.
      Now where is Malcolm on this charade, Pauline, Derryn, why are you being paid by us on more borrowed money from the bankers? You useless waste of a bench seat with the Green hypocrites.
      Sell the ABC and throw in its staff for free. Take the capital and reduce our debt by a billion per year and save on the interest for the borrowed money.

  3. “The entire gold, silver, platinum, and palladium reserves of many nations — including America, Germany, and France have been looted.”

    Including Australia. I remember back in the ’80s when Labor was selling off the gold. Then the Liberals got in and continued with the selling. There was the ‘Treasurer’ Costello commenting in the media that it was just a ‘barbaric relic’. – Treasury, isn’t that where the treasure is kept?

    The last I heard there were only 20 bars that were kept for photo purposes – and those are probably just gold plated bricks.

    Perhaps someone could check with the Chinese. The Chinese smelters openly admitted to melting down the German gold and also the ‘coin melt’ bars from the U.S.

    • 1971 and 1980, gold surged 2,000% + to a high of US$800…
      1999 and 2011, a second decade-long surge 655% to a high of US$1,911
      Some are pointing to the third surge — about to happen.

    • Way back in the Howard era I was on a outdoor table having a tea with a collegue in Phillip street just South of our Federal Reserve foreigner”s bank.
      Well, what a scene.
      Passing by was a battalion of copers fully armed protecting two flat tops with tyres almost carving up the bitumen.
      ‘There’, I commented to my colleague, ‘goes Australia’s gold’.
      The people of Australia thank you John Winston Howard and your mate Costello.
      As an aside, I was abouut 7 years of age with my dad and a semi passed by with a similar heavy load. (No coppers to be seen)
      Dad said that was a heavy load of lead.
      Interesting what one recalls and may apply decades later.
      Politicians and msm: We are not as stupid as you miserable lot of corporate fascist traitors assume!

      • Sorry, correction.
        We were North in Phillip Street …….. one block from the Rothschilds et, al, criminal organisation sponsored by our own government and msm.

  4. Advance Australia Fare !
    A debt slavery utopia for the central banking cartel and still paradise but only for the cashed up and connected , the international communist mafias .
    The majority of local youth have been priced out of the equation , so mass immigration is the agenda to keep the “dream” alive with new customers to feed the parasites that rule .

  5. Thank you Timothy. Frankly I am trying to work out in my mind, who are the biggest morons, Is it the public who allow a continuation of these false flag events, now that there have been so many sexposed for what they are, or is it the criminal Cabal, police, FBI and school teachers playing their part.

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