Home Medical Electric-Medicine Theories, Part 2: Rife, Nordenstrom, and Steven Ross’s Library

Electric-Medicine Theories, Part 2: Rife, Nordenstrom, and Steven Ross’s Library


A portion of Steven A Ross's Library at World Research Foundation in Sedona ArizonaA portion of Steven A Ross’s Library at World Research Foundation in Sedona Arizona, Photo: andnothinghappened.com

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB        

Part 1 of this series briefly covered the monumental discoveries made in the early 20th century by Crile and Lakhovsky, and in mid-century by Becker and Burr. It is fair to say that those four early scientists did a double job — they brought forth a theoretical explanation of how electricity works in living matter, and they went on to reveal possible therapies for illness. Yet both of those things were prevented — I say maliciously — from becoming part of common knowledge.

It appears to me that the four men each had a different picture of bioelectricity. Harold Saxton Burr, PhD, looked up at the sky. He pondered how cosmic rays enter our atmosphere and he discovered the Life field.  Crile began with the human body in his surgical practice and then looked at all kinds of animal species to find what goes on, electrically, in the cell. Lakhovsky was interested in waves, first using ultra-short waves in 1923 and in 1931 he created the multi-wave oscillator, to set up an electro-magnetic field. Becker started out by thinking “If the salamander can do it (regenerate a limb), humans can do it.”

Here in Part 2, two more theories will be covered, those of Royal Rife and Bjorn Nordenstrom, and then I’ll describe the library of neglected or suppressed medical cures, as gathered by Steven Ross in Sedona, Arizona.

Royal A Rife (1888-1971)

[Because Rife’s work is often misunderstood, or is misrepresented, I will use only direct quotes from him. It was easy for me to obtain this material as it appeared in a 1961 sworn deposition that Rife gave during the court case of his colleague John Crane, in California. The following statement by Rife was abridged and bolded by me, with some re-arranging of paragraphs, but has otherwise not been altered. He was asked questions; I print only his answers.]

Here are quotes from that 1961 deposition:

I studied optics for 6 years. I had studied bacteriology at Johns Hopkins My microscope was developed with the help of many experts. I use it to see bacteria and viruses — a special stain that helps me identify pathological organisms. I made all the photomicrographs for the Atlas of Parasites which was done at the University of Heidelberg. Hans Luckel, who was Karl Zeiss’s optical scientist and researcher, at Heidelberg, helped me.

My work consists of finding the frequencies of pathological organisms, which allows me to kill them off. Dr Ernst Walker and I studied leprosy, and I isolated a virus which we jointly demonstrated was common to both rat and human leprosy. Then I found a frequency which would eliminate leprosy. First, there must be high enough power to enable the observer to see the virus and second, they must be identified by a frequency of light which coordinates with the chemical constituents of the virus.

Some bacteria are able to release a virus in the way a chicken lays an egg. These bacteria can do that: bacillus coli, tuberculosis, typhoid, and many others. A media developed by Arthur I. Kendall known as K media proved superior to other types of bacteria media for growing cultures.

Special atmospheres were used to provide ionized radiation to transmit energy to increase virulence and to devitalize all microorganisms as desired… A special risely prism which works on a counter rotation principle selects a portion of the light frequency which illuminates these viruses in their own characteristic chemical colors by emission of coordinative light frequency. Magnification of 8,000 to 17,000x is sufficient to see them.These doctors worked with me: Milbank Johnson, M.D., Arthur I. Kendall, Ph.D., E.C. Rosenow, M.D., Coolidge of General Electric, O.C. Grunner, M.D., Henry Seiner, Dr. Copp, M.D., Alvin G. Foord, M.D., Ernest Lynwood Walker, M.D., and Karl Meyer, M.D., George Dock, M.D., Alice Kendall, and many others. I worked mostly in San Diego California but also around the world. At Point Loma, Dr Tully set up the Rife Virus Microscope Institute. I closed the Rife Research Laboratory in 1946. W set up three clinics, one in the home of Ellen Scripps. Dr. Arthur Kendall and I published a report of our experiments in “California and Western Medicines” the Journal of the California Medical Association, in the December, 1931, issue. Also, Dr. Rosenow published a report in the July, 1932, issue of the Mayo Clinic Bulletin.  Many others have aided in promotion of this research and the AMA has suppressed all this effort and knowledge.

I was able to kill or de-activate Tetanus, typhoid, gonorrhea, treponema pallidum, staphylococci, pneumonia, bacillus coli, tuberculosis, streptococci, sarcoma, carcinoma, and many others. Some types will explode or disintegrate and some will gather together like log jams or agluetinate.

If we use combinations of the frequencies for the different microorganisms, then various diseases could be helped, such as sinus, ulcers, cataract, arthritis, poliomyelitis, etc….

I saw cancer and tuberculosis cases that had completely recovered. Also I saw a Mexican boy who had osteomyelitis of the bone, which Dr. Couche cleared up with the frequency instrument. Dr. Arthur W. Yale’s patients were treated by him with my electronic frequency-generator and they completely recovered from syphilis, cancer, tuberculosis, and many other infections.

Dr. James B. Couche participated in the work of Dr. Milbank Johnson in the treatment of human patients with the frequency-generator. I saw Dr. Couche’s brother who had come over from England. He had a 30-year sinus condition with terrible drainage. It cleared up in 3 weeks.

I requested governmental departments to make a test of my electronic frequency-generator to determine its effect upon diseases. The Department of Health, Education and Welfare and the National Research Council, Committee on Growth, Washington DC, The American Cancer Society, The Sloan Kettering Institute, The International Cancer Clinic and many others. They have shown no interest in an electronic method.

— end of quotes from Royal Rife, at a 1961 deposition in John Crane’s court case

Dr Bjorn Nordenstrom of Karolinska Institute

As shown, each of the five discoverers so far has come from a different background. Bjorn Nordenstrom’s career is perhaps the one that would most likely spark a person’s curiosity about electric medicine (which is also known as bio-radiation) — he was a radiologist. He was particularly involved with lung cancer. He had been the developer of fine-needle biopsy, later used worldwide for a range of diagnoses, and he also pioneered the method of x-raying the insides of blood vessels in the lung. Wow.

Bjorn Norderstrom got the idea that he could kill a tumor by placing two electrodes, one inside the tumor and one outside it, and turn on a current to run between them, for a few hours. The patient needed only a local anesthetic, as Nordenstrom could perform the procedure by a needle insert. He had many successes and at one time claimed a 46% rate on saving the patient — in a group of patients all of whom had been written off as hopeless.

It is noteworthy that although American medical establishment does not listen to him, Nordenstrom was invited to China to perform electric medicine there, and he observed that his system accords pretty well with Chinese “chi” and with the yin-yang idea of opposites.

His belief is that the body is a closed electric circuit. I do not want to go any deeper into his science, owing to my, how shall we say, ignorance. But please listen to this 18-minute video from ial.org.  The first half covers Bjorn’s career and in the second half he states his theory — and plays the piano.

Bjorn died in 2006. I don’t know the cause of death but I would not rule out that he was “taken out,” as doctors are clearly not supposed to fix the cancer problem.  You may recall Dr Richard Day, head of Planned Parenthood, who stated quite happily in 1969 that the Rockefeller Institute already had the cure for cancer but was keeping it under lock and key. (Day’s speech is available on the Internet, such as at rense.com, and has been analyzed at GumshoeNews.com.)

Steven Ross’s Remarkable Library

Now for the good news. Steven Ross made friends with John Crane (who, Ross says, helped Rife after the profession’s mistreatment had driven Rife to alcoholism). After a while, Crane entrusted the now-famous microscope to Ross, plus all the papers of the late Royal Rife, lab notes, correspondence, the works. Thus Steven Ross had custody of the precious item for a while. Unfortunately, Crane’s lawyers asked for it back, but not the papers.

The papers are important, as many of Rife’s physician helpers turned coat and said they know nothing of him and his microscope! Those same doctors had written “incriminating” letters to Rife in the 1930s. Makes you wonder how persons who seem to be honorable can chicken out when G-men come calling. Or visitors from Morris Fishbein’s AMA as the case may be.

About 50 years ago, Steven Ross a businessman with an eye for intellectual excitement, formed a foundation called World Research. At present it’s located in Sedona Arizona. As shown above, it has a library, and it’s full of medical books. He has given hundreds of lectures about Rife and another microscope inventor, Elmer Memes, who, in the 1950s, attained enough magnification to view the energy in a cell. Please see the video of this at the 30-minute mark.

How I came to know of Ross was through his 2008 book “And Nothing Happened.” The author rounds up many ‘unrequited’ inventors of helpful medical equipment or procedures and the biggies such as Crile and Burr. Each chapter ends with: “And nothing happened — BUT YOU CAN MAKE IT HAPPEN.”

Ross has added to my knowledge of Rife in the following particulars:

*  An electron microscope is not as good as Rife’s even if it gets up to a two-million magnification because they can’t be used to view living matter. When a specimen is being bombarded by the electrons it can’t remain alive. (Note: Ross says, in 2008, nearly all research centers are using much lower-magnification microscopes. Why? Ross opines, on p 34, “The reason is what Rife and his associates discovered.”)

*  That said, it really was not just the Rife microscope that changed our future. It was Rife’s focus on frequency, and the way he could use his instrument to identify each pathogen. Ross writes, on p 38:

“All the little microbes, bacteria, and germs that they viewed through the microscope gave off different colors of light. The sane type of germs, bacteria or other microbes gave off the same color throughout their lives. These colors existed in an ultra-violet spectrum but because Rife superimposed another beam of ultra-violet light, they would produce the colors that were seen through the microscope…. The virus of VacillusTyphosus was always a turquoise blue, the Mycobacteruim li prae was always a mahogany color… etc.”

*  In Ross’s chapter in George Crile, at p 99, he says:

“Crile found that during the healing process taking place in the body, there were electric potential changes within the cells and tissues.  He found that even the smallest microorganism had its own electrical activity that was part of its life process. All life consists of cells, and all organisms are bipolar mechanisms constructed and energized by radiant and electric energy.”

An Update on Nordstrom’s Ideas

I went to “Google Scholar” and asked for Bjorn Nordenstrom. There were umpteen entries BY him but not ABOUT him. And the ones by him are largely from the 1960s and 1970s. Mention was made, however of a 2019 book entitled “Bioengineering and Biophysical Aspects of Electromagnetic Fields,” edited by Bob Greenebaum and Frank Barnes.

Then I searched at duckduckgo.com and got a lengthy set of instructions for doctors to actually carry out the task. It’s here: www.rexresearch.com/nordenstrom.

Next, I added the word China” which leads to a website that contains an article entitled “Electrochemical Theory of Tumors,” from the China-Japan Friendship Hospital the Ministry of Health, Beijing and for which the author Li Jing-hong kindly gives his email address ljinghong@gmail.com. Ah, we are all one world.

Finally, I went to YouTube and found an eager beaver, encouraging us to stop being so stupid and supine. But that was nine years ago, but she failed to follow through — “and nothing happened.”




  1. At 5 mins into my video (if you can stand the noise of the waves), I say that Dr Emanuel Revici got enough royalties, from inventing butanol, to run his practice for free. Well, that’s nice but I later heard that for many years he worked in a clinic in Mexico where all the medical help was a free gift by one of the kazillionaires, whose name I forget.

    My guess is that the kazillionaire was standing by, to see what this genius would come up with. And by the way, Revici came up with a cure for addictions — in general.

    • Can you beem me to yours spaceship or if not, willing to go on any spaceship available. Totally decided to leave this planet for obvious all to apparent reasons for those staying certainly need examined why would anybody considering deliberate terrible all too many happenings! As far as politicians these more then happy to leave them behind for Ms Maxwell as Mark Twain says for the company!


  2. ‘Very cell in your body is a battery’
    Search Dr Lipton. AS A START. No idea or time to listen for a couple of hours.
    I thought from an unknown source years ago that we ran on 5 volts….. all beyond me.
    However as energy continues/transferred by some theoretical law of physics. It must go somewhere.
    So if a live body Carries, say five volts, where does it go when the body dies? In what form, if any, does it travel and where?
    Just a puzzle from thoughts decades ago.
    Anything down there in some navel?💁🏼🤡
    I once saw a video of a mouse dying in a mouse trap and something, energy or what ever, was videoed rising from the body…… like a faint thin cloud.
    Was it a sign of an electrical charge?
    Well, I have my own thoughts.🙏
    Now for Mary. Perhaps ICHAT…… HAS A ANSWER 🤡

    • I wasn’t navel-gazing, Ned. I was trying to share the info about 6 marvelous minds, each of whom is somewhat hidden. The other day you gave a ‘Like’ to someone who said “Neither rain nor sleet, etc, will stop MM from promoting her publications.” Would that it were so. I have let 9 years go by since my starring role in the above movie “On The Beach.”

      Have just now looked up Nordenstrom in Wikipedia and he does not even have an entry. Amazing — tells me all I need to know. (Even insignificant people get Wiki entries.)

      In the earlier vid above by Ross, he says he cried when he realized how many people have suffered needlessly when cures were at hand. I own 6 of George Crile’s books and would wish to share the contents but can’t. The Gumshoe word limit is 2,000 words, you know. Also, I lack the Brians, as I said in Part 1.

  3. Dear Mary,
    You allege I gave a ‘like’ somewhere. Where?
    No you are misdirecting your judgement in my regard.
    you received my e-mail in reply to yours…… best message off stage?

    • As for down there in the navel………HUMOUR🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
      Meant for all THINKERS AND EXPLORERS, who knows they might have the answer to my question, if the go down far enough and discover a volt or two. HUMOUR🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡

  4. From Gabbi Choong Telegram re: an interview with Julie Mellae- Medical scientific Experiments in the Laboratory.

    “Julie Mellae joins us to talk about Lymes a bioweapon in development since the 40’s that is estimated to effect 250,000 Australians & growing.

    Yet the weaponised tick bite of Lymes disease is said to not exist here by the government & military

    Today ‘long Covid’ is virtually identical to this bioweapons symptoms. So what are they spraying?

    Julie covers her personal battle with Lyme disease & the history of the collaboration of Australia, America & Russia in creating biological warfare with CSIRO. “The 3 main protagonists: Willy Burgdorfer who discovered the causative spirochete of Lyme disease which was named after him, Dr Erich Traub, a Nazi scientist who was saved from a litany of war crime charges, due to his knowledge of viruses & diseases in Germany & Europe. And Dr Allen Steer, who named the condition, dodged the Draft & omitted vital evidence from his scientific papers to deny Lyme disease credibility.”

    Premiering Thurs 23 Feb 1 pm

    Premiers tomorrow I will post it here

    • Diane, on April 5, 2020, I wrote a Gumshoe article on Lyme, to which you made interesting comments:


      Suggest readers scroll past the names of medical terms and also skip the Covid talk at the beginning which is now old hat.

      Interesting to note that of the 16 miscellaneous videos that commenters offered, 5 are still viewable and 11 were pulled. So we have to conclude that the censoring got worse quickly once Covid started.

      • Mary, Fiona tries …but she gets Lyme terribly wrong..like Diane she has been led astray by false Alt-media sources suggesting ticks cause Lyme.
        Mary, put it out of your mind…..[and please advise Diane she has once again fallen for the three-card trick of weaponized Science)….Weaponized tick bites ( (so-called causative Spirochete) does not cause ‘Lyme’ disease ON ITS OWN Lyme disease is found to be linked to both Borrellia AND MORE IMPORTANTLY parasitic MYCOPLASMA infections as a CO-INFECTION.
        See alos mycoplasma link to autism causation : https://www.researchgate.net/publication/228478817_Chronic_Mycoplasmal_Infections_in_Autism_Patients

        See also…THE VERY UNFORTUNATE SKULL VALLEY INCIDENT https://www.trafford.com/Bookstore/BookDetail.aspx?Book=175042

        AIDS; THE CRIME BEYOND BELIEF https://www.trafford.com/Bookstore/BookDetail.aspx?Book=183342

        Due to the misdirection of medical science compartmentalizing the human body into 10 separate specialty fields (dermatology, endocrinology, urology, neurology, psychology, oncology, gastric specialty, general practice etc.), like an auto mechanic would segregate engine parts, none of the mainstream physicians understand how all 10 body systems work synergistically as a whole like a flowing river. This has led medical science to perpetuate trash can labels to terms for symptoms of Mycoplasma to hide their ignorance.

        Syndrome X, Graves disease, Systemic Lupus, Sjogren-Larsson syndrome, Huntington’s chorea, Guillain-Barré syndrome, myasthenia gravis, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, Rift Valley fever, Hashimoto, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, post traumatic stress syndrome, ADDH, even the recent West Nile virus, are all virulent Mycoplasma invasions in disguise. The names of the mysterious diseases are simply the location of the Mycoplasma invasion/ destruction, not a new disease.

        ***Almost every neurodegenerative and autoimmune disease has a pathogenic Mycoplasma species responsible for the initiation of the disease process.

        7 Mycoplasma Variants Linked To Numerous DiseasesThe seven weaponized Mycoplasma variants that enter fluid and blood circulation that were created covertly by the U.S. government and are now wreaking havoc on the population are the following:

        1.) M. Fermentans (incognitas strain). The term fermentans reveals fermentation process (i.e.: yeast, molds, fungus, spores, cancer).
        2.) M. Penetrans penetrate the cell membrane and invade host cells.
        3.) M. Pneumoniae attacks upper respiratory epithelial cells, inflaming them and causing upper respiratory infections and chronic pneumonia.
        4.) M. Genitalium (Genitalia) invades urethral tissue and cells in the genital area causing pelvic inflammation and urethritis.
        5.) M. Hominus is found in joint tissues in rheumatoid arthritis.
        6.) M. Pirum is found in AIDS as a co-factor accelerating AIDS progression.
        7.) M. Salivarium is found in salivary glands and joint tissues in rheumatoid arthritis.

        High-level exposure of Mycoplasma to blood, semen, mother’s milk or vaccines will lead to AIDS. Low-level exposure to bodily fluids where concentrations are less will contribute to chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis and other autoimmune diseases. Specific diseases can be targeted by controlling the Mycoplasma concentrations to bodily fluids.

        Mycoplasma Thrives On Cholesterol

        What makes these designer diseases so elusive is that they’re genetically engineered only for DNA replication, transcription and translation with no organelle or cell wall. They have lost their genes for amino acid and fatty acid synthesis, forcing them to invade and steal proteins, sugars and sterols (cholesterol) from healthy neighboring cells to survive.

        These cholesterol dependent molecular terrorists immediately take up residency in the individual’s genetically pre-disposed weaknesses, (the weak link in the chain of organs or systems), or the path of least resistance. Since Mycoplasma has absolute dependence upon the uptake of preformed sterols (cholesterol structures), they have an affinity toward cell membranes, nerve cells, sex hormone cell factories, glands and the gray matter in brain tissue, where cholesterol sterols are found. Since cholesterol is a co-factor in glandular hormone production, the endocrine balance is drastically altered with cholesterol being pulled out of the cell cycle. That is why pathogenic changes are seen most often during pregnancy, hormone replacement therapy, steroid therapy, menstrual cycles and xenoestrogens from pesticides, herbicides, meat and dairy.

        With the disruption of the hormones, comes an open invitation for the RNA directed HIV to replicate. The newly formed HIV RNA makes its way to the host cell surface where it connects and breaks away carrying with it a GP 120 protein envelope that was hijacked from the previous cell’s surface. It repeats by countering another cell, adheres to the cell surface and accesses the interior genetic material of its new host where the cascade process is repeated.

        Unless Mycoplasma penetrates into tissues and cells they cannot exert their terrorist effects. They will lay dormant, sometimes for a decade, until physical or emotional trauma, severe stress or vaccine contaminants wake up the sleeping giant to invade and feed on the cell’s genetic material like an intracellular parasite, taking the cell hostage until it ruptures and dies.

        Mycoplasma Triggering Mechanisms

        Mycoplasma is activated and stimulated by initiators (ignition) and potentiators (promoters). The potentiators are the toxic substances in our food, beverages, environment, pharmaceuticals, heavy metals (mercury amalgams) and chemicals that we bath in, etc. that store in fat cells and weaken our cellular terrain and immune system to allow the initiators (i.e. stress, viruses, bacteria, fungus, parasites, emotional and physical trauma, fear, increased estrogen, anger, etc.) to ignite or light up the gasoline that’s poured on the barn -Mycoplasma.

        If the gray matter of the brain tissue is the target of Mycoplasma invasion, you’ll portray symptoms of dementia, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease or memory and cognitive thinking disturbances depending on the area of the brain terrorized.

        If the spinal cord is the victim, you will exhibit symptoms of neurodegenerative diseases like myasthenia gravis, Guillain-Barré and ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease). If your weakness happens to be the synovial fluid cells in your joints, rheumatoid arthritis with severe joint pain will be your disease. In fact, many of the 21st century diseases that were thought to be autoimmune turned out to be Mycoplasma invasions. I do not believe that God made our immune systems that stupid to attack our own tissues.

        If Mycoplasma invades the beta cells in the pancreas that manufactures insulin, you can’t regulate blood sugar and Diabetes Mellitus will be your demise. If your cardiac tissues are your weak link, cardiomy-opathy will manifest. If M. Pneumoniae or M. Fermentans attacks the bronchial lining of the bronchial tubes, the inflammation will trigger asthma and upper respiratory infections. If the myelin sheaths of the nerves are targeted, you will exhibit neurological symptoms of multiple sclerosis. If the intestinal lining is penetrated, the damage to the mucosal lining will perpetrate Crohn’s disease or leaky gut. In the case of Lou Gehrig’s disease, 80% of the patients have detected at least two Mycoplasma strains -M. Penetrans and M. Fermentans.

        In ALS, the oligodendritic nerve cells which require cholesterol to synthesize neurosteroids are eaten. If the Mycoplasma population is large enough, they gobble up so much cholesterol they diminish neurosteroid synthesis which leads to severe central nervous system malfunctions. Even Lymes disease, which is the fastest growing infectious disease in the U.S. and possibly Europe, with the exception of AIDS, was found to be linked to both Borrellia and Mycoplasma infections as a co-infection. The Mycoplasma species of M. Pneumoniae and Chlamydia invading the pericardium lining of the heart, seem to be common denominators of myocarditis and pericarditis infections.

        Mycoplasma steroid stealing properties also make the energy producing mitochondria leaky by robbing cholesterol lipids that are necessary in mitochondrial membrane integrity. When mitochondria bleed, they cannot generate ATP energy necessary for cell energy and function and nerve cells are the most sensitive to energy deprivation. This explains why chronic fatigue and neurological disorders are the main symptoms of the trinity diseases chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), fibromyalgia (FMS) and Gulf War illness (GWI). In my opinion, they are the same disease ideology with all three characterizing common symptom traits of chronic fatigue, short term memory loss, low grade fevers, tissue and lymph swelling, joint and muscle pain, stomach and digestive disorders, immuno-suppression and severe systemic chronic infections that invade various organs, tissues and cells including the brain, nervous system and heart.


          “This mycoplasma is behind the sudden epidemic of autoimmune diseases, a mycoplasma developed by the bioweaponeers as a stealth weapon that provokes no anti-inflammatory or antibody response. Mycoplasma is the infectious agent of Gulf War illness, and has long been a favourite of the bioweaponeers because of its stealth characteristics.”
          “I have been an investigative journalist for the past 30 years and as a journalist I base my reports on documented information. During the Gulf War, I served as a member of a three-man volunteer environmental emergency response team in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and Kuwait, and returned from that experience emotionally scarred, and with my immune system ravaged. After recovering through a program of supplementation, I became very disturbed to find hundreds and hundreds of emails from U.S. and Canadian veterans complaining of something they called Gulf War Syndrome. My investigation into biological weapons has been ongoing since I returned from the Gulf War, and I uncovered the untold story of the biological war in the Gulf in my book Bringing the War Home. In a previous book, Scorched Earth, I examined biological warfare experimentation, particularly in the United States.
          In January, 1999, I was contacted by the managing editor of the Environment News Service, an international wire service which I had worked for in the Gulf. I was asked to check out a story by William Wallace about very unusual aerial activity over the state of Washington that was apparently changing the skies overhead. Wallace and his wife lived in a remote mountainous area, and he claimed that large unmarked jet aircraft were flying back and forth over his property, spraying something in the air. Unlike normal contrails behind commercial jets which dissipate quickly, these lingered for hours, came together and obscured the sky. Mr. Wallace said that he and his wife were very ill, their dogs were dying, and their plants were dying. I began to investigate this story and after looking at a videotape made by Mr. Wallace, realized as a former pilot and former member of the military myself, that this was very unusual aerial activity. He gave me some of his contacts across the United States, and as I followed up on those contacts, I developed a huge story. As of today we have over 1,000 eyewitness reports on the so-called chemtrail phenomena. We have documented evidence that chemtrail spraying is taking place over cities throughout Canada, the United States, England, Australia, Holland, Italy, Germany, and New Zealand. And I have uncovered direct ties between biological warfare experimentation and the spraying of pathogenic material and chemicals over our cities.
          I have found in my research over the past 15 months that in every instance of heavy spraying over cities across Canada and the United States, there has been an epidemic of acute upper respiratory ailments and gastrointestinal ailments that have overfilled hospital emergency rooms across North America. After researching biological warfare, I found two U.S. Congressional investigations documenting decades of biological warfare experimentation carried out over hundreds of cities in the United States and Canada, including Winnipeg. While these biowarfare simulants were said to be “harmless”, some of the new genetically-engineered pathogens – particularly mycoplasma and other fungi – are now loose among the general population. This has occurred through vaccinations of Texas prisoners, and inoculations of Gulf War soldiers – many of whom never left the United States.
          Many autoimmune diseases have been seen in the wake of the chemtrail spraying – such as chronic fatigue, multiple sclerosis, lupus, once very rare transverse myelitis and meningitis. My researchers and I are also finding that there appears to be a mental-emotional component to this spray that is a disorienting factor. It is a factor that makes people lethargic and mentally confused, with an inability to concentrate and short-term memory loss.PROBING THE CHEMTRAILS CONUNDRUM

          by: William Thomas, Publisher:Essence Publications


            “In addition to military aircraft, some insiders allege that commercial airlines are being equipped to release “special undisclosed chemicals” under the government’s “Project Cloverleaf” (begun around 1998). Using airliners to spray aluminum powder in an effort to avert global warming is also called for in the Welsbach patent. This information has not been released to the public.


            Just this year my original story for the Environment News Service was chosen by Project Censored as one of the censored stories of 1999, by a panel of peer-reviewed highly professional journalists who looked at this story and concluded that it is real. So the chemtrails story has real journalistic credibility.

            FLU EPIDEMICS

            For the past two winters over towns and cities throughout England and North American, strange X’s were appearing in the skies. In these same cities, there have been outbreaks of “flu” epidemics that have filled hospital emergency rooms across the country. We have also had a dramatic onslaught of degenerative autoimmune diseases, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, all apparently originating from viral, bacterial, or fungal infections. During this time most of us have been ill with something that doesn’t quite act like the flu because it holds on for weeks and months at a time, seems to get better, and then returns. It is very hard to shake. In fact, during the height of this year’s 33-week epidemic of fatalities from pneumonia and “flu-like” illness, the Centers for Disease Control blood-tested acutely ill patients – and found that between 67% and 85% did not have the flu. (The CDC now says, “An unknown pathogen” may be responsible for these illnesses and deaths.) This epidemic is particularly hard on children and the elderly.

            We have found Streptococcus in our samples of low-level air-dropped material. Streptococcus A and fatalities were up about 200 to 300% across North America. Meningitis, another rare inflammation of the brain and spinal cord has occurred in epidemic proportions in certain areas across North America. In certain areas of the country, there are epidemic levels of multiple sclerosis, which used to be a fairly rare ailment. Transverse myelitis, perhaps the rarest of all, used to be almost unheard of, but we are getting increased reports of this disease across North America this year.
            Prof. Colman Salloway, an epidemiologist at the University of New Hampshire, was investigating the Sydney A variant of influenza that was shutting down universities across the United States, but he found out that no cultures were being taken, and in fact, this is usually the case with flu. Doctors prescribe on symptomology, and rarely do blood work. Whereas flu usually gives you a bad cough and other symptoms for five to seven days, this ailment gives people a very dry hacking cough for four to five weeks and often returns. Prof. Salloway concluded that the only thing that does that is mycoplasma.

            Another disturbing thing is that these illnesses are driving people toward experimental vaccination programs. There is a push for vaccines for flu, pneumonia and migraines, and migraines are also a common symptom of spraying. We know that vaccines are loaded with formaldehyde, formalin, little parts of recombinant genes, cancer causing material and monkey viruses. There is not only a campaign to push us toward vaccines, but to vaccinate infants soon after birth.


            The probable origin of these unknown pathogens is a biological warfare program (see The Brucellosis Triangle, and the Consumer Health Newsletter, Jun.00 by Don Scott). Don Scott explains how the bioweaponeers extracted the active agent of brucellosis from the brucellosis bacteria. Although the active agent, the mycoplasma is still there, the bacteria has been discarded, and your blood tests will be negative even though you are infected with the brucellosis mycoplasma. Don Scott’s conclusions are further corroborated by the work of Dr. Len Horowitz in Emerging Viruses: Aids and Ebola. This mycoplasma is behind the sudden epidemic of autoimmune diseases, a mycoplasma developed by the bioweaponeers as a stealth weapon that provokes no anti-inflammatory or antibody response. Mycoplasma is the infectious agent of Gulf War illness, and has long been a favourite of the bioweaponeers because of its stealth characteristics. (Stealth means that these organisms do not trigger an anti-inflammatory response or an antibody response that can be detected through normal testing. You need specialized equipment and processes to find mycoplasma or genetically-engineered brucellosis.)

            Chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia are caused by brucellosis without doubt. In my book Bringing the War Home, order numbers and dates of shipment of pathogens originating in the United States and shipped to Sadam Hussein’s forces in Iraq are documented, including brucellosis.” William Thomas

          • “Dr. Garth Nicolson, a world-renowned microbiologist, and his wife Nancy became ill when their daughter returned from service in Iraq during the Gulf War. After their pets died of the same illness, they managed to isolate the microbe that was making them ill. The Nicolsons discovered that the germ underlying Gulf War illness is sexually transmittable, and is in fact, Mycoplasma fermentans. They cured themselves with repeated courses of Doxycycline. Dr. Garth Nicolson now believes that brucellosis and mycoplasma together underlie much of the systemic illness we find in North America, and in fact, throughout the world. He has found more than 60% of patients with chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, lupus and rheumatoid arthritis test positive for the mycoplasma.
            Dr. Nicolson and his wife continued their research and isolated the carrier for Gulf War illness in a squalene adjuvant that has been used since the 1970’s to induce rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis in experiments. This adjuvant was put into the anthrax vaccine given to Canadian, American, British and Australian soldiers in hopes that it would boost the immune reaction far quicker than the normal course of anthrax vaccine because the U.S. military command was terrified of the biological weapons in the hands of Sadam Hussein. They had sold these same weapons to him for the war in Iran. They were afraid that they had no effective antidote, so they put the adjuvant in the anthrax vaccine to increase the speed of its effectiveness and they wrapped this mycoplasma in a 40% HIV protein coat, not to give people AIDS, but to evade the normal immune system response and get it into the blood stream and into the immune system. But they needed a carrier for this. And what did they choose? Mycoplasma fermentans, because, again, it could outwit the immune system; it could carry this adjuvant into the immune system and it was supposed to be an attenuated, or killed form of mycoplasma. But obviously, it wasn’t sufficiently attenuated (we find the same problem in other live vaccines today). Approximately 200,000 American soldiers became very ill. The mycoplasma, of course, spread to their spouses and their children

            The United States is not the only country interested in mycoplasma. The mycoplasma research project of the University of Baghdad was directed by a Dr. Jawad al-Aubaidi, who did his graduate research at Cornell University (which should be renamed Biological Warfare University because of its ties to the Pentagon and its experimentation). He also worked at Plum Island research laboratory engineering animal pathogens to become more infectious and contagious and to jump the species barrier to humans. In 1975, you will recall that Plum Island, a secret biowarfare laboratory 12 miles off the U.S. coast, was working on a project to infect ticks from the active brucella toxin. Perhaps it’s coincidence that the first Lyme disease occurred in Lyme, Connecticut at that time, just 12 miles away.

            Dr. Martin from the Center of Complex Infectious Diseases examined a chronic fatigue patient and discovered a new life form that is now recognized by American medical authorities called a viteria. A viteria is part virus, part bacteria and part fungus in terms of its gene sequences, something that looks very much genetically engineered and actually morphs or transforms itself from one to the other. We noted earlier that these autoimmune diseases that are afflicting more and more North Americans seem to have a viral bacterial and/or fungal origin. Dr. Martin stated that the cytomegalovirus which results in severe headaches and joint pain among other symptoms is found in monkey cell cultures used to culture live polio vaccine. We are well aware of the illness and fatalities resulting from that vaccine. Where else have we seen live monkey viruses contaminating vaccines? The Hepatitis B vaccine introduced into the gay population in seven U.S. cities by the CDC, including New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco, preceded the outbreak of AIDS in those seven cities and only those seven cities. And I thought, “Well, let’s follow the monkey business further to Litton Bionetics. Litton Bionetics supplies the monkeys, the monkey cultures, the monkey viruses, and administers all of Fort Detrick’s bioweapons programs. Its president, Roy Ash was National Security Advisor to President Nixon along with Henry Kissinger, who wrote the infamous Memorandum 200 calling for a population reduction across the planet.

            Finally, I think we are all familiar with the 1969 closed-door Defense Appropriation Hearings in the U.S. Senate. Dr. MacArthur stood up at that time and said “We can take 24 years of biological warfare research, use our 76 biowarfare labs in operation, add ten million dollars on top of the 31 million dollars going into this nefarious warfare research this year, and come up with the ultimate stealth weapon, a synthetic bioagent for which no natural immunity could have been acquired.” And in fact, Appropriation 1509 did develop these incapacitating agents: air delivered aerosols meant to infect people by breathing them. They were intended not to be contagious and were tested on students at the Tahoe-Truckee High School in California. Seven out of eight of those victims developed chronic fatigue.

            So in this quick overview, we can see that these epidemics of flu and flu-related ailments have quite a bit of history behind them. As a journalist of some 30 years standing, it is my contention that this biowarfare experimentation has gotten out of control and is now loose among the population. And really the only outstanding question (and we can include the spread of HIV) is whether this has been intentional or accidental. A very compelling case could be made for the first supposition.
            In September, 1993 a patent was issued to Dr. Shyh-Ching Lo, who worked for the biological warfare division of the Defense Department in the United States, for his invention of a pathogenic or disease-causing mycoplasma responsible for pneumonia, chronic fatigue, lupus, and respiratory distress, precisely the symptoms we were seeing among Gulf War veterans, precisely the symptoms we are seeing among people in heavily sprayed areas, subjected to what I have come to call the “chemtrail spraying”.PROBING THE CHEMTRAILS CONUNDRUM

            by: William Thomas, Publisher:Essence Publications

      • Thee protests too much–come clean AA–who do you work for -what is your name –what is your agenda- mind your spine–in my mind you are a provoker — you have me in your sights–

        step up Dee Mary –where have all the gumshoe ers gone
        yes read every word every comment– and reflect
        Miss the old brigade
        “Don’t we all love a good diamond story.”

        Nothing like a day at the beach to hold our stories

        • No one is picking on you Diane..it is just your sources that are open to challenge. You are exhibiting paranoia again.Just who is the distracting, mainstreaming agent provocateur here DD? One who would rather be right than correct. You scream for lhelp because your sources are suspect and you need buttressing when you are challenged. Ypu call for me to expose myself..I do that anyway in my posts…Grow a backbone. Own it..you have this wrong. Fiona as researcher got this part wrong this time…. and why wouldn’t she?..she is not a bio weapons researcher…(she works only with what she thinks she knows)…nor are you.

          Along with the misfolding protein (prions theory espoused and pushed by RV.). We know those who claimed prions were the cause of degenerative neurological disease like R V ( who claims to be a victim of prion experimentation…nice story) and Fiona, have no actual understanding of weaponized mycoplasmas as cause…and they do the larger Freedom cause a disservice in their poor research methods. Nor do those who simplistically blame prions understand the role of synthetic biology hydrogels in the injectables as the cause of neuro-degenerative diseases. Clearly prions are not the causative factor..hydrogel accuators are along with quantum dot dendrimers. Pick your game up…and get off that one trick pony you are prancing around on.

  5. O, what the hell — I’m going to quote what Diane said in her comment to that Lyme article three years ago:

    Diane de Vere April 7, 2020 at 8:22 pm
    Hey–maybe we all -should hang our heads in shame (or deep sadness)- or at least all who have used their position wittingly or unwittingly ( and are now entrapped) to benefit from the despicable war crimes happening right now in this place called Australia–

    yes we are all part of this – through ignorance /good /bad intentions– we are part of the Illuminati laboratory- the Matrix- genocide, torture, slavery, child trafficking, government sanctioned satanic ritual abuse that uses every institution every charity every funded organisation NGO’s, Not For Profit, volunteers– I ask -I ask myself -where are you on the Illuminati pyramid. Who do you serve.

    [Regarding our entrapment, see Olsen’s article Feb 23, 2023 at Gumshoe:
    https://gumshoenews.com/illusions-and-the-business-of-control/ ]

  6. Strange, the topic is ‘Electric-medicine theories…’
    Hardly anything or discussion on the topic……. Why not?
    To electrifying for comment?💁🏼🤡

    • I am shocked by that comment Ned…
      uh oh..I’ve probably awoken the Kraken E.B. with the word ‘shock’..she appears not to like it

    • I am shocked by that comment Ned…
      uh oh..I’ve probably awoken the Kraken E.B. with the word ‘shock’..she appears not to like it

      • Silly me, I asked for it, but nothing electrifying.
        Anyway I have just started with Jim Willie’s latest at beforeitsnews.com.
        First five minutes promises much info starting with cyberg Hilary and now on to Tom Cruz double and Tom Hanks brother to play Elvis.
        “We are being played”, beat that for fun and much more……🤡🤡🤡

  7. Mary dear, thank you.

    Everyone knows something about rife, but his tesimony was a sound thing to share.
    Everyone is going to die, but extra years at the end will make substantial differences to societies, emotionally and economically.

    Mesmer is the earliest know master of EM, but this site may intrigue: https://www.godelectric.org.

    Lies about ME are not alone. History has been messed with by taking contemporary civiliazations and appending them to enlarge the scale of human history. It is likely the ancient Egypt was finally damaged in the 16th Century and had Kings who were contemporary with one another. There are paintings from Germany dated J 536 for example, that are dated to 1536 AD. Others have an ‘I’ which is then translated as a ‘1’ !

    We have approx 30 years left before a lot of history, religion and science is revised by the survivors!

  8. The obvious flow on from the work of these medical pioneers is that just as there are healing frequencies, and frequencies that can kill those micro organisms that infect us, there must also be frequencies that can kill specific cells in our bodies. The so-called ‘heart attack gun’ that has has been rumoured to exist could theoretically emit a frequency that targets heart muscle cells. Our environment has been filled with different frequencies from wi-fi, cell towers etc, we know they are bad for us, 5G is said to interfere with O2 uptake, what else is coming?

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