Home News Eusociality, Part 3: Does the Elite Really Want the Great Reset?

Eusociality, Part 3: Does the Elite Really Want the Great Reset?


Library of CongressLargest library in the world, full of ideas, the Library of Congress,  Photo: worldfortravel.com

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB

Klaus Schwab, 82-year-old founder and head of the World Economic Forum, seems assured that he knows our future. It will involve a brain/computer interface, and constant surveillance of every animal in our species. Someone at the top – a kindly soul, he thinks, will be in charge of it all.

And, funnily enough, the pandemic of 2020 has a role to play.  On page 153 of Covid-19: The Great Reset, Schwab and Thierry Malleret write:

“With the pandemic the ‘digital transformation’ that so many analysts have been referring to for years … has found its catalyst. One major effect of confinement [i.e., the Lockdown] will be the expansion and progression of the digital world in a decisive and often permanent manner.”

Now that we are in 2021, we have “practitioners” ready to make the control of the human complete. The vaccine passport (allegedly related to an actual disease) will have in it a transmitter and a receiver — nothing bulky, just nanoparticles.  The plan is for it to go into your finger. Many volunteers already have this chemical “chip.”

Information about you will go to “Big Brother” directly and the orders Big Brother makes about your “case” will be implemented accordingly. For instance, bad information about you can result in your spending account being turned off. You may go hungry.

Do I hear you say “No one would instigate such an anti-human device?” Then you haven’t been paying attention for the last five decades. Dr Jose Delgado of Yale Medical School, the very implanter of the original device, wrote, in 1969, a book boldly entitled Physical Control of the Mind: Toward a Psycho-civilized Society. I quote:

“We need a program of psychosurgery for political control of our society. The purpose is physical control of the mind. Everyone who deviates from the given norm can be surgically manipulated.

“The individual may think that the most important reality is his own existence, but this is only his personal point of view. This lacks historical perspective. Man does not have the right to develop his own mind. We must electrically control the brain. Someday armies and generals will be controlled by electric stimulation of the brain.”

To repeat, his implantations are not some future dream. Two friends of mine, the late Blanche Chavoustie of New York, and Janine Jones of New Zealand, were implanted in childhood. I hereby certify that Dr Delgado told me on the phone, in 2011, that he wished he could help Blanche (who wanted rid of her implant) but it was too late to do so.

Now let’s listen to Zbigniew Brzezinski, former US National Security Advisor (in other words he worked for the NSA, whose exploits today are fantastic).  Again, without a blush, he published a wild statement in Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technetronic Era (1970).   I quote:

“The technotronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values. Soon it will be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain up-to-date complete files containing even the most personal information about the citizen. These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities.”

When he refers to “an elite, unrestrained by traditional values,” you can deduce that he was a member of that elite. (Brzezinski died in 2017.) If not a member, he wouldn’t have opted for these restraints, would he? Would you?

Are Eusocial Creatures Happy?

So now back to what was outlined in Parts 1 and 2 of this series. A very few species, in all of evolution, arrived at a stage in which their local group – such as an ant colony – form a superorganism. The members are divided into castes and together they work for the good of the group.

Interestingly, there is no layer of overlords. There is a queen ant but she does not “rule.”  She is busy churning out offspring.  Is there a king? Not really. He copulates with the queen and that’s about it.

Are the workers happy? We call them workers or drones or slaves for lack of a better designation. Insects do not have emotions, so we can’t measure their “view” of their happiness.  Wilson, and other entomologists recognize such species as being very “successful.” This is determined largely by their profusion.

As explained in Parts 1 and 2, the reason Ed Wilson thinks Homo sapiens may qualify as eusocial (but he is not sure) is that humans have a division of labor. However, that division of labor is not genetically given. You are not born to do such-and-such a job, at least not mandatorily.

At the end of this article, I will argue that the Great Reset being heralded in 2021 is to be avoided. My pitch is that there is NO biological imperative for it to happen. We should not become a superorganism. Period.

Note: I had promised that this Part would celebrate Philip Allot’s Eutopia, but that must await Part 4.

Whither Us?

Please accept tentatively that life on earth dates back over 3 billion — three thousand million — years. By “on earth” I don’t mean “on land.” The largest, early part of life was strictly in the water.

There were 6 important breakthroughs, says Wilson in his 2019 book Genesis, page 32. They involved crucial moments at which separate pieces came to form larger organized pieces.  The “great transitions of evolution” are:

  1. the origin of life
  2. the invention of complex cells
  3. sexual reproduction, allowing exchange of genes
  4. organisms composed of multiple cells
  5. the origin of societies (all mammals have at least got a bit of social life — the mother-infant connection — thanks to milk)
  6. the origin of language — and thus of ideas


Far be it from me to suggest that human activity is primarily rational. Far be it from me to say we all act morally. I know that we act mainly from a survival motive and do various things according to ancient instincts. But we live a world of ideas, and are motivated by them, too.

Ideas are biological – they pop around in the brain of their own accord. The brain, 24 hours a day, utilizes information that has come in by perception and also reconfigures the data that is in memory.

Consider the young composer Alma Deutscher, age 15. She says the melodies for her songs just come to her, she can hear them.  I assume that means that her brain has stored all the components – Alma, like the rest of us, has been exposed to much music – and these components “do their thing.”

I can report that the same thing happens to me with ideas. Knowledge that I have acquired pops around and comes out as something new. I don’t know if the non-language knowledge in my brain (e.g., memory that ice on the street might make me slip) also pops around.  But I suppose it does. Horses are said to have dreams, and horses have no words, so they must be using memory of their experiences.

Manly, we use ideas when we are awake; they are a major part of conversation and of writing. A main reason why language pushed us ahead in evolution is that we can acquire ideas – as well as plain data – from others. This causes a rapid multiplication of humans’ ability to get things done.

Eusociality and Technocracy

This article is Part 3 of a series on eusociality. As stated in Part 2, sociobiologist EO Wilson believes that Homo sapiens may be a eusocial species. That term implies a set-up in which there is a biologically given division of labor, the typical example being an ant colony.

Our human division of labor is terrific. But it isn’t biologically given, in the sense of an individual being instructed by his DNA to take up this or that occupation. Starting in the Iron Age, or earlier, humans – via ideas — made technological discoveries that eventuated in complex jobs. People found roles to play.

At the moment, we have Klaus Schwab and others saying that we are about to enter a new phase of technology. It has to do with a connection of computers and the human brain. The first generation to participate – us – will have to allow a change to be made to our brain (possibly by the so-called vaccination touted by Bill Gates).

Then, somewhere down the track, we will be like a superorganism (think ant colony). Granted, the promoters of this do not use the word superorganism, much less discuss the analogy to an ant colony. But they do mean us to be un-free.

One of the promoters, Prof James Giordano of DARPA unabashedly calls it transhumanism. Note: Giordano is also a professor of bio-ethics at Georgetown University, no doubt finding ways to pitch the plan as ethical.

What Were Delgado and Brzezinski Thinking?

Recall Yale professor Jose Delgado’s words “Man does not have the right to develop his own mind. We must electrically control the brain.” And Brzezinski spoke of a “technotronic” society. “The technotronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values.”

Well at least they were upfront about “control.” Klaus Schwab, on the other hand, and Theirry Malleret, have managed to claim nice things, such as that the Reset will bring a world that is “more inclusive, more equitable, and kinder to Mother Nature.” (p 4)

Their book, Covd-19: The Great Reset, switches its approach every few pages. For instance, they say:

“The argument put forward by those who above all fear the grip of technology on personal freedom is plain and simple: in the name of public health some elements of personal privacy will be abandoned…just as the terrorist attacks of 9/11 triggered greater and permanent security…Then… we will fall victim to new surveillance powers….” (p 167)

The Reset is clearly a way of concentrating power. The pandemic is clearly a way to make the Reset happen. The vaccine is about to become mandatory in New York. Both Delgado and Brzezinski articulated the facts explicitly – humans will lose their natural freedom. Remember the name of BF Skinner’s book – Beyond Freedom and Dignity?

Note: Brzezinski gave hints as to the method of implementation of the plan. In his 1970 book, Between Two Ages, he said:

“In the technotronic society the trend would seem to be towards the aggregation of the individual support of millions of uncoordinated citizens, easily within the reach of magnetic and attractive personalities exploiting the latest communications techniques to manipulate emotions and control reason.”

Human Nature

Can it happen?  Can they “manipulate emotions and control reason?” Well, yes, to some extent. In fact, all of us do it much of the time. I’m trying to do it to you right now. I’m trying to get you to see he world my way.

In the preceding quote, Brzezinski referred to “the support” of uncoordinated citizens becoming “aggregated.” He must mean that someone will do that aggregating. The feasibility of doing so is related to numbers and weaponry. A heavily armed person can get you to do anything. To get a whole population aggregated by a boss would require massive weaponry.

In some prison situations, force is carried out for a purpose other than to achieve obedience, namely, to provide pleasure to a sadistic guard (Think Abu Ghraib.) A few humans derive sexual pleasure from humiliating and dominating another person.

Let’s go back to Wilson’s hypothesis that we may be a eusocial species. He bases this not only on our division of labor, which is not genetic, but on our altruism, which is genetic. Humans have emotions of great loyalty to the group. (It can also lead to groupthink and cult behavior.)

Wilson stated in his 1978 book On Human Nature that we were “jerrybuilt in the Pleistocene.” That is, our traits are kind of a hodge-podge of what we needed for survival in the early days of our species.

Knowledge of this is still not widespread. We need a better reckoning of what we’ve got. That would make it easier for the population to know when someone is manipulating them by, say, a “divide and conquer” ploy.

Watch Me Tip the Great Reset Over

Undoubtedly there were many empires in the past in which whole peoples were subjugated, and it will happen again. And its leaders will justify it. Hear the words of Cecil Rhodes (1850-1902), which he wrote at age 27 in “Confession of Faith.”

“I contend that we [British] are the finest race in the world and that the more of the world we inhabit the better it is for the human race. Just fancy those parts that are at present inhabited by the most despicable specimens of human beings; what an alteration there would be if they were brought under Anglo-Saxon influence.”

But the future empire envisioned by top bosses such as Bill Gates is not going to consist of humans. Gates is already on board with changes to the DNA of Homo sapiens. Maybe he does not realize it, but once he fiddles with the genes, his “new product” will be something other than the creature whom we know and love today.

It’s unpredictable what we will become. Gates et al could have a problem on their hands. They will also have the problem of not being able to get the semi-human servants to turn out new inventions, if Homo sapiens’ penchant for creativity gets thwarted or twisted.

Gates says it is necessary for all 8 billion humans to get vaccinated. OK, but if that changes the species, where are the bosses’ offspring going to get their future mates? Who will be considered attractive?

I see the planned changes to the DNA as a virtual genocide. The ones who don’t get genocided, that is, the elite, will have only each other for comfort and companionship, and sex. Also, they won’t have a non-elite layer of Homo sapiens, after the genocide. They will all be a society of equals.

When Brzezinski spoke of “a more controlled society, he said “Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values.” It’s true that values do constrain us.  Do you really want rid of all values? Can you Big Boys trust your fellow “elite” who have in mind to alter human nature?

Note: somewhere under the elite there has to be the heavily armed guards, specifically trained to humiliate and kill. Are you a little worried about having them around the house?

Have you considered any alternatives? It looks like you’re stuck in a track that you inherited from ancestors who may not have been dealing from a full deck.

Dear Resetters, pause and think: Is this really what you want?




  1. Mary, re: “Have you considered any alternatives?”

    There is one alternative you haven’t considered at ALL and it would be unworthy to leave it go unsaid. Comprehending WHY the world situation IS as it is. Why thousands ARE corrupt and working to destroy goodness, truth and decency.

    They are working (unknowingly or knowingly) for the master of this world. Unless one comprehends this fully it just doesn’t make sense, any of it. The whole thing is foretold in your bible, grab it and have a read, it’s all laid out there crystal. The world MUST go through this so that you, me and ALL the millions of humans can MAKE A CHOICE! All the rest is just intellectual fanfare.

    There is NO ‘great reset’ AT ALL – tipped over or not. What there is is a war happening on a plane we humans cannot comprehend. The people you name (Schwab, Delgado, Brzezinski, Gates etc.) are merely imbued stooges working for the boss and they have existed since before Mesopotamia. They are the instigators now of many world-wide SCAMS.

    Their Agenda is world domination for their master – HOWEVER – They have two weaknesses. Firstly they must display (in a hidden way) their occult symbolism ‘in plain sight’ with which to hold people’s attention on these satanic symbols to bring their obtuse occult message into human consciousness and also to drain human emotional energy for satanic purposes. (by a means of energy theft, just in their theft of most of earths gold) They do this successfully, as they do everything by the use of dual-meanings, that is that while the symbol appears to have a socially acceptable image it also has an occult meaning. They also use the placement of occult monuments in public places and imagery at world class venues for this purpose.

    This satanic system has a history which we can follow back using Egyptian Pharaoh and other skeleton DNA through the Levant into Mesopotamia until reaching the point of the Ubaidians starting around 5,500 BC when have archaeological evidence that during this period the Lizard humanoids showed up and impressed that peoples who considered them ‘extraterrestrial gods’ who “from heaven to earth came”. They also worked for their master.

    We can then turned around and historically followed the trail of their insertion of systems of control into human society, gradually placing one after another using selected imbued Kings, Queens, Emperors, Presidents, Popes and the vastly wealthy heads of specific families along with their global organisations, right up until the present day they continue to do so.

    Additionally (and this is important) they must display their occult symbolism ‘in plain sight’ so as to say ‘I told you so, I warned you’. And this is very interesting when you consider that they ALSO appear to be required to ‘contract’ humans, again through a system of deceit of converting all governments and services to (BASTARDISED LATIN) CORPORATIONS, creating a system of Statute Law, Police and Courts and contracting a FALSE FAKE CORPORATE commercial identity we have called the [all capitals] STRAWMAN whose (legal statute law) role is to attempt by deceit, to usurp the free-man.

    All this screams out that they are beholding to a much greater power WHO requires it of them, OTHERWISE Why Bother, why not just deceive us in secret? Hmmm! The best instruction manual for this warfare is found in the divine revelation in the Christian Bible. Any other means of attempting to fight this threat will continue to prove futile because this in not just a physical battle, but a para-physical (spiritual) one involving both physical as well as spiritual warfare. That’s worth remembering, that is!

    You can fasten a chain to an elephant and, after a period of trying to escape the elephant will stop attempting to break away. After that you can swap the chain for a piece of string and although the elephant could easily break it and escape, it won’t try. Why?

    Because it has been conditioned, as we have been to, not only believe there is no escape, but to believe they are not even trapped, to not even know, consciously, it is trapped. We are humans that have stopped looking for a means to escape, and instead are looking for ways to improve the circumstances of our cage.

    If you wish to identify the trainer look no farther than the front gate of the Aldobrandini families ‘Villa Aldobrandini’.

  2. Still, all this fantastic speculation is based on and in the absurd presumption that everything that exists is caused by something inferior… i.e. the effect is greater than its cause… i.e. everything that exists is caused by something that didn’t exist. Everything is creating itself with no efficient anterior cause, no viable mechanism, no purpose.

    I very much doubt that this level of absurdity could be produced or sustained without diabolical resources. But! as yet, I’m not convinced as to whether our Mary is a fool or a perfidious agent.

    • Yeah, Mary! – Schwab, Fauci, Ferguson, Gates, Delgado, Brzezinski, Giordano – there’s entropy right there … absurd speculation – they can’t possibly exist.

      It will all be okay, David. There, there …

      • I dunno what you’re on about Joolyus. What do you think entropy is?

        Anyhow, I don’t like that soppy, Yanky, swing stuff. Give us a child prodigy playing Bach. Or even the Morangbong Band playing some interpretation of the classics.

          • Oh! Oh! Swoon!!!

            You bods are much too kind to a blardy curmudgeon. The piano lady performs beautifully and I don’t care if Peng Liyuan is the “first lady”, she sings very nicely without that revolting whole octave vibrato that some other pretentious pricks use to hide the fact that they can’t hold a note.

            Anyhow, what’s it got to do with entropy?

          • Didn’t you read any of the posts or comments above?
            The Yowiemax adamantly proclaims that Nothing is relentlessly turning itself into Everything by random accident in direct contradiction to the known process called entropy.

            I’ll contend that such a position can only be held by abject foolishness or ignorance; or that it will be proposed by “perfidious agents” intending to deceive.

          • I read every word – what you didn’t explain is which particular passage triggered you into calling the author a “fool or perfidious agent” [only two choices]. I thought the gratingly swooning ‘Perfidia” was appropriate.

          • Julius, thanks for the Glen Miller (my husband’s fave).

            Your video of First Lady is “unavailable” in US !!!

          • Has the Sovietised States got something against First Ladies singing …?

            Ri Sol Ju (First Lady of DPRK) ‘Soldier’s Footsteps

            Ri Sol Ju & Unhasu Orchestra – Burn high, campfire

    • David –
      “diabolical resources” indeed – that’s EXACTLY the power behind it. Never forget he has the miraculous power of a heavenly (albeit cast out) angel.

      We – cannot know that we don’t know – thus we are unable to protect ourselves, protect our spirit nature and thus appear the “perfidious agent”.

      ALL this can change when we actually realise and USE our REAL spirit nature.

      • Pete, I think we need to make some distinction between “miraculous powers” and “preternatural influence”.

        I will contend that according to our real spiritual nature we have no “power” to do anything but to accept or reject what is offered to us.

        • David,
          Respectfully, we not only do NOT have “no power” but we have ENORMOUS “power”. We waste what we have with horseshit – or have it stolen from us.

          Do you think that any of the people Christ rescued (which number ‘many, many more’ than the recollections retold in the Bible) considered a mental concept of “miraculous powers or “preternatural influence”. They received the Holy Spirit DIRECTLY.

          So did the disciples after Christ departed Earth. Simple uneducated men healed, drove out demons and bought death back to life.

          Once you become and listen to (actually listen to and act upon what you hear) your own spirit you start to understand your personal, individual ability to affect EVERYTHING around you. I’m talking here machines, people, energy, money, your family and future and so on.

          The trouble is we never experience it directly as we are ‘second-hand’ livers.
          That’s the result of our self accepted and conditioned ‘cage’. That’s part of their plan you see, to keep us from discovering who and what beings we really are.

          Far, far, from having your “no power to do anything but to accept or reject what is offered to us” When we awaken we not only have the ability to transform our own lives but the ‘power’ to utterly do through Christ as Christ insisted, and did and was ” I am in the Father and the Father IS in me”.

          BREAK OUT, says I !!! – Its not rocket science –

          • If you “seek after things too great” you’re practically asking the Great Deceiver to pamper your ambitions; which he will do but it usually graduates to arcane rituals and occult “wisdom”. If that;s what you want go join the Rosicrucians they’ll promise all sorts of magic; in Christ’s name, of course.

  3. The West has genetically modified DNA in its vaccines. China and I presume Russia do not. So while the West is being zombified with Gates vaccines, China and Russia’s population should remain physically and mentally the same thus eventuating a new world reset.

    • My thoughts precisely – I said the same thing to a friend just last night. When the Chinese (in particular) document what these Sabbateans have done to western civilisation the perpetrators themselves will be destroyed (within the next few decades). The species cannot let such a cancer fester.

      • It was my opinion even 30 years ago that when the Chinaman wakes up that they’ve been properly screwed by another mob of predatory foreigners and their puppets, and he says “we’re not playing this silly game any more” things will change dramatically. Judaeo-Masonry will sh!t themselves trying to recapture their industrial tool box.

  4. Not topic related (this is about the Covid lockdowns), but I believe many of you will enjoy this.

    Firstly, some background to the video I’m about to post.

    The corrupt western MSM gets a bad rap – and deservedly so.

    However, talk back radio is the exception and there are some shining lights there..
    In the UK, there are few more deserving of accolades than Julia Hartley-Brewer.

    Below she interviews a government stooge (Chris Hopson from the NHS), who’s trying to defend the UK government’s draconian lockdown measures.

    (Watch from 2:38:20 – 2:55:10) :

    I recommend watching the whole 17 minutes, but for those with a short attention span make sure you watch the 8 minutes starting from 2:45:00, as it climaxes here.

    All I can say is that this woman’s performance was a masterclass in eviscerating a parasitic government fiction peddler.

    Most impressive.

  5. Ha Ha – awesome.

    The British Constabulary to the rescue. As their soon to be released motto goes :

    ‘We infringe on your civil liberties and advance the degradation of your health and well being, BECAUSE WE CARE’.

    Ahhhh, creates that warm and fizzy feeling in your tummy.

  6. “Soon it will be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain up-to-date complete files containing even the most personal information about the citizen. These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities.”

    Well it does stand to reason that a brain-dead spook wouldn’t have had the capacity to foresee that information gathered by the Department of Human Services and other such entities circa 2021would be be more sketchy, contradictory and confused than ever.

    But the real pitfall of the Pop Culture of the Hour is that it ain’t gonna save anyone from anything, as espoused by this guy around 9 – 10 minutes

    • “I’m trying to get you to see the world my way.”

      Think I’ll stick with this:

      “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.

      Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge.

      There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard.

      Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun,

      Which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, and rejoiceth as a strong man to run a race.

      His going forth is from the end of the heaven, and his circuit unto the ends of it: and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof.

      The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple.

      The statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart: the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes.

      The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring for ever: the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether.

      More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold: sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb.

      Moreover by them is thy servant warned: and in keeping of them there is great reward.

      Who can understand his errors? cleanse thou me from secret faults.

      Keep back thy servant also from presumptuous sins; let them not have dominion over me: then shall I be upright, and I shall be innocent from the great transgression.

      Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.”

      PSALM 19

  7. That library was built by human hands. Robots can never produce those carvings.
    Sure the computer can screen four dimensions, maybe replicate some images in plastic and steel, but the divine spark can only be crafted by artists and sculptors. This planet can survive without politicians media and military but it cannot continue without the crafts passed on through generations.
    Once upon a time, when people grew fruit and veggies, the tastes were uniquely delicious. These days, with the monsanto way all flavours are gone. God help our children, if they stop stacking the shelves.

    • Scotus, quit with the ‘carbon emissions’ obfuscation as you’ve done below – continuing in the tradition of the Climate-tards and misrepresenting the situation so as to further traumatise the mindless automatons that go on those ZWO orchestrated marches advocating zero emissions and such.

      Carbon = Soot (left over residue from a campfire) or the accumulated particulates in a chimney (cue Dickensian England in the 19th century).

      Of course, the correct terminology you should be using is ‘CO2 emissions’, the ‘Gas of Life’, a colourless, odourless, tasteless and 100 % non toxic substance.

      I’m glad you singled out Dr Vernon Coleman as being someone admirable – no one with even a scintilla of objectivity will dispute that.
      There will be unanimity among Gumshoe readers that Dr Coleman has been right on ALL the issues – such is his omniscience.

      With that in mind Scotus, I’m sure you’ll appreciate this video from Dr Coleman titled ‘Climate Change is a Lot of Hot Air’ :

      Or perhaps this one :

      Do the right thing Scotus and listen carefully to this wise man.

      It takes a big man to admit that the countless hours he’s spent on reading ZWO propaganda on Global Warming, attending demonstrations with Greta Thunberg intellectual equivalents and all those hours you’ve spent chained to non-indigenous trees of no ecological significance in a commercial plantation forest are all for NOUGHT.

      Unfortunately, you’re not a big man. You’re a petty little man with these petty and easily disprovable obsessions.

      Prove me wrong.

  8. Memo to Truth Veggie Aspergillus and all the other Lindzen-Marohasy-Sky News-Delingpole climate deniers here and sadly everywhere in the laudable Corona Truther movement: For example, the otherwise admirable Dr Carrie Madej. Or the equally admirable Dr Vernon Coleman.

    Have you noticed how all of a sudden Schwab’s media groupies have gone silent on the carbon effect of running economies digitally? Which means electricity. Which generally means making it from coal minus a few hundred atomic plants globally.

    That is, there used to be media articles estimating what % of power useage was due to computer farms of e.g. Google and how many tonnes of C02 that meant, and how that useage was rising. In 2020 and 2021 there is utter silence.

    So if Schwab electrifies everything, the carbon emissions he otherwise implies he is against go up instead. Not even the attempt by his chum Bill Gates to block off the sun’s rays will stop further AGW.

    My current conclusion is that this contradiction in WEF thinking can be solved if one assumes the Georgia Guidestones-type depopulation.

    So the current silence on the effect of mass electrification on AGW suggests that there is an intention to reduce the per capita power useage by simply reducing the capita.

    • Even the CO2/global warming thing is based on a false premise

      In order to single out certain atmospheric gases and demonise them as the culprits responsible for atmospheric warming, it was necessary to attribute certain characteristics to the so called “Greenhouse Gases” with regard to radiant heat which would set them apart from the two most abundant atmospheric gases, Oxygen and Nitrogen.

      In his memoirs entitled “Contributions to Molecular Physics in the Domain of Radiant Heat”,


      detailing a series of experiments conducted at the Royal Institution, Tyndall fallaciously states with regard to Oxygen and Nitrogen that they are both quote:

      “practically transparent to radiant heat.”

      Thus laying the foundations of AGW fraud.

      This statement by John Tyndall is the origin of such claims as “the science is settled” and the “greenhouse effect is 150 year old established physics.” In terms of radiant heat it is the only factor that would differentiate between the various atmospheric gases.

      After all, Oxygen and Nitrogen constitute 99% of the atmosphere. If these two gases are shown to absorb and re-emit infrared radiation, what would make so called “Greenhouse Gases” like CO2, such a threat to the environment at only 0.0385% of the atmosphere?

      So the basis for the “Greenhouse Effect” is that incoming and out going IR is not absorbed by Oxygen and Nitrogen which instead passes straight through these gases. According to this unsubstantiated hypothesis, only those gases which are termed “Greenhouse Gases” posses the capability to absorb and re-emit infrared radiation.

      The problem for the hypothesis of the “Greenhouse Effect” and of course AGW itself is that the basic premise on which the hypothesis is based is false.

      Firstly, Oxygen and Nitrogen both have higher specific heat capacities than CO2.

      For verification see here:


      Secondly and above all, Oxygen and Nitrogen, of course do indeed absorb infrared radiation:


      • And bricks can fly – scientists use the concept of Specific Gravity (SG). Giving standard air a value of 1.0 then the measured SG of CO2 is 1.5 (considerably heavier). [1.]

        It hangs about at ground level.——-Lake Nyos killed 1,746 when it released a huge pocket of CO2


        Jul 26, 2013 – More than 5 gallons of carbon dioxide were dissolved in every gallon of water. Lake Nyos … Whatever the cause, the result was catastrophic.

      • Criss X, that’s too much REAL science for Scotus.

        He’ll never take the time to read it and verify for himself that what you’ve said is the gospel truth.

        Like all members of the Climate-Cult, Scotus was indoctrinated from an early age to NEVER read anything that didn’t have the Klaus Schwab kosher seal of approval.

    • It goes without saying that, bar the ubiquitous acceptance of evolutionary theory as fact, the “global warming” ethos would never have taken hold.

      The bottom line being that Science is, by definition, a physically observable process; the exact antipole of politically actuated populous belief

      • Once upon a time any contention, speculation or opinion presented in an affidavit would have been automatically struck out: Thanks to where the education system has gone the respective discernment capability is simply beyond the average qualified judge

      • The most sagacious comment linking all sorts of popular superstitions to the rampaging epidemic of Relativism.
        [quote berry] It goes without saying that, bar the ubiquitous acceptance of evolutionary theory as fact, the “global warming” ethos would never have taken hold.[/quote]

        However, I dispute that “Evolution” is a “theory”. It is a superstitious belief that is the main premise of “truth by decree”.

        To substantiate my above assertion I will describe a general “Scientific Method” that is derived from the rules of logic based on the “Law of Non-Contradiction”:
        1) Something is seen to happen. (observation of phenomena)
        2) Question; why is this so?
        3) Hypothesis; suggested possible explanations to be tested for viability by experiment and congruity to known facts.
        4) Theory; an hypothesis that passes all the tests and is, therefore, accepted as a possible, or even likely, explanation for the observed phenomena.
        5) Physical Law: a theory that can be proved to have no natural exemptions.

        “Evolution” does not come within a bull’s roar of being a “theory”. Right from the beginning there is no observation of one “kind” turning itself into another “kind”… it’s a mere speculation based on the apparent disappearance of some types of plants and animals.

        Anyhow, rampaging Relativism will decree “Everything is always changing; what may have been “true” yesterday is not necessarily “true” tomorrow and what may be “true” for you is not necessarily “true” for me! Bugger off! Don’t try to force your “facts” down my throat!”

        For those who might be even slightly curious but have an emotional aversion to Apostolic Christianity I invite you to check out this lot. Last time I looked it had about 1,100 articles written by well credentialled scientists offering reasonable alternatives to the fashionable Materialist view. pick a topic! Knock yourself out! No! Now he’s got over 1,500 articles!

  9. Nye County, Nevada

    A Letter from the Chairman

    January 8, 2021

    As I write to you today, I have no doubt that this letter will find many of you crushed under the weight of despair or perhaps lost in a maze of confusion. It is my hope that by the time you finish reading this letter you will be able to confidently join millions of others who support the president and another four years.

    Let me be clear: Trump will be president for another four years. Biden will not be president. Yes, I know those are shocking words in these crazy days.

    I have been approached by many saying, “It’s over…” and “Trump conceded the election…”. Nothing of the sort has taken place. Go back and listen to the videos all the way through. At no point does Trump even mention Biden’s name. At no point does he say he concedes. He does say that there will be a peaceful transition to a new administration and he does say that this is only the beginning. Those phrases are important to note. Indeed, we will have a new administration made up of a new vice president and cabinet as the current ones have all made their treason complete. I will touch on this in more detail shortly………………….


  10. Makes a change from CrissCross’s habitual feverish thumbing of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion to find yet another current event that is “proved” by this or that Protocol.

    But I digress:


    Then we have the matter of the oceans becoming more acidic due to carbonic acid derived from increasing C02. Plankton and fish and diatoms dont like that, in fact, they die off.

    But the Ron Paul libertaritards at GS will just see a market opportunity for artificial fish in all this.

    • Water is a natural solvent. Rain water is acidic due to carbon dioxide picked up in the atmosphere.

      Any water soluble gas becomes more soluble as temperature decreases because, in and of themselves, gas molecules have little affinity for each other — after all, that is why they are gases. When dissolved in water, CO2 forms weak bonds with the water molecules. The lower the temperature, the stronger the bonds, the greater the amount of CO2 that can be dissolved.


      “……. carbon dioxide is about 40 times more soluble in water than the truly nonpolar atmospheric gases, nitrogen, N2, and oxygen, O2.”

      Carbon dioxide is more soluble in cold water than it is in warm water.

      • Water and CO2 make carbonic acid (acid rain).

        Plants need carbon and water.

        So it makes sense to me that convection causes latent heat carrying water vapour to rise, then cool when it gets high enough, condense to form clouds, and release latent heat which continues to rise. CO2 then exercises its affinity for water which falls as a weak carbonic acid when the formation of droplets reach a certain size.

        I can’t see how it would be possible for anyone to explain how Co2 or water vapour can form a greenhouse blanket around the Earth reflecting heat back to Earth. Besides blankets work both ways.

    • Dung Scotus, peddling yet more scare mongering on the ‘dire’ consequences of Ocean Acidification.

      Let’s get the peer reviewed science from none other than Greenpeace co-founder Dr Patrick Moore in this video titled ‘Ocean Acidification – The Facts – Dr Patrick Moore’ :

      Also Scotus, we’re all tiring of your association of Ron Paul’s economic philosophy with the term Libertaritards.

      Admittedly, there are some who’ve tried to infiltrate and corrupt the purity of Libertarianism with their tainted ideologies. (The Koch brothers classified themselves as Libertarian as did Donald Rumsfeld on occasion).

      They most assuredly are not.

      The only real Libertarianism is the purest version – the Ron Paul iteration.

      Based on the Austrian Economic School of thought, it has been unique in forecasting all the economic implosions of the last 100 years – no other Economic school of thought is within coo-ee of its success rate.

      Now Scotus, like the typically economically illiterate rabid Green-cultist that you assuredly are, it pains you to see a philosophy that is always right.
      Especially a philosophy that’s 180 degrees diametrically opposed to your retarded Neo-Marxist totalitarian views.

      So Dung Scrotus, make up your mind.

      Either the ideology is retarded OR it’s advocated by Ron Paul (two opposing ends of the spectrum).

      Seeing as you’ve been wrong on just about everything Dung, you’re obviously in the former camp.

      • Ah, fresh from hurling abuse past his lip-dangling fag from his rolled-down ute window at passing Jews in Bondi , Aspergillus Veggie pulls the Patrick Moore canard out of his moth-eaten beanie.

        But see: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/planet-oz/2015/apr/16/ask-the-real-experts-about-ocean-acidification-not-climate-science-deniers

        And concerning your bilge at 5.15pm, Aspergillus, do learn how to count: even 5 years ago, the enemy Schwab was known only to few people, so as I am older than 5 (I make no claim about you), I cannot have been exposed to his thought decades ago.

        • Schwab has gained notoriety in recent years as the ZWO have raised his profile, but those who concocted the Anthropogenic Global Warming hoax and its disseminating underlings (ie: you), have been indoctrinated by him for years prior to that.

          As for the dangling fag and the rest, I’m not a smoker but could easily see myself in that 425kW supercharged Holden ute, combusting fossil fuels at an alarming rate down Bondi way (and thus greening the Earth in the process – plant life of the planet you’re welcome, for my contribution in aid of the photosynthesis process).

  11. All physical and spiritual phenomena are governed by laws, natural laws. No one escapes these laws. That mankind causes himself suffering is his freewill choice. He can transgress natural law but he can not escape the consequences of transgressing natural law. How many toxins have you absorbed into your fat tissue today? How are your parasites doing?

  12. A contact sent this to me

    WAR!!! Twitter and Facebook PURGE has Begun! Mike Smith Out Of Shadows!


    Emergency red alert America descending into WAR (23 min)

    Big Tech and Leftists DECLARE WAR on conservative America (29 min)

    The Next Sign – The Volcanic Eruptions, Blood Fire and Vapours of Smoke | Perry Stone


    They’re starting to round up some of the Traitors by the sounds of things!

    Derrick Gonzalez
    Copied but check for yourself! Can’t find it under google, just DuckDuckGo…weird![🤔]
    Big things are going down my patriots friends
    Since the media refuses to cover any of the things that have happened today, I’m happy to oblige.
    The FBI is raiding legislative offices and homes in Tennessee as we speak. Stay tuned for that.
    Google is censoring you from seeing what everyone is talking about on the other side of the world. An affidavit was handed to Congress at 1:12pm Wednesday (just before the breach) that proved our election WAS rigged. If you use DuckDuckGo and search for yourself, it is plastered all over the world. Billions of our tax dollars was sent to Italy to hack dominion and change Trump votes to Biden. ITALY rigged our election. They ADMITTED AND TESTIFIED. Check for yourself #italydidit

    One hour ago, Lindsey Graham was escorted out of an airport because patriots in the airport were chanting “traitor” at him. Poor Lindsey[🙄]
    Lin Wood exposed extremely sensitive information on his Parler yesterday. Some examples include “a treasure trove” of video files that are most likely what got Isaac Kappy killed. He tried exposing everyone with these files, he then was found dead. Also, emails between Pence and Paul discussing Pence’s plot to take over as president. And James Bulger & Hunter Biden making deals with CCP company..a case for the FBI for sure lol But feel free to check those out on Parler.
    There is video evidence that Trump supporters were trying to stop ANTIFA from breaking into the capital. ANTIFA was trying to smash an emergency door and a patriot stepped in to stop it. There is also video evidence that police were in on the breach. They opened the gates and stepped aside to let “protestors” in. Witnesses all have matching stories of what happened but the media will not share it. A few witnesses heard antifa’s plan to “shake things up”. It was ANTIFA who stormed the capital, they were not Trump supporters. You can find this on Parler or in Facebook groups like ThePatriotParty. It’s all there on video that Facebook and YouTube keep trying to remove. Parler won’t delete them tho, try there.
    During the breach at the US capital building, 11 laptops were stolen. One of them was Nancy Pelosi’s. Safe to assume that the military and/or Trump has those laptops. Could explain why she’s trying so hard to invoke the 25th amendment and have Trump removed from office. She’s frantic.
    As soon as the lockdown was over and they realized the laptops were stolen, numerous members of the administration resigned. More continue to resign. With 12 days left, why wouldn’t they wait? That’s curious.
    Roughly 6000 troops were just deployed to DC. They are there as we speak, for the next 28 days or so. Also curious.
    None of this is speculation. This is all out there for you to check yourself. Proof. Evidence. But most people are lazy and won’t. The media knows that and takes advantage by covering whatever fits their agenda. MSM is biased and corrupt and fake. They aren’t telling us the truth. Google and social media are censoring what you can see. So it’s easy to believe what they want because they’re controlling what you see. With a little digging, it’s not hard to find the truth. The real truth. Use DuckDuckGo, oann news, RSBN, Parler, etc.

    • The United States and Australia adhere to the Marxist doctrine of abolition of property ownership while China is seeing to it that as far as possible the millions of poor are housed in their own home.

      • That statement of your above Criss X is the nuts and bolts of the matter.

        People assume that, since I advocate on behalf of the Chinese, I must therefore be a proponent of Communism.
        Nothing could be further from the truth.

        It is the U.S and western societies that are SPIRALLING TOWARDS COMMUNISM while China is marching to the beat of Capitalism – hence its phenomenal economic success.

        The CIA mouthpieces will carry on about CCP this and CCP that, to try and conjure up the imagery of Mao’s and Stalin’s brand of Communism – with all the atrocities that accompanied said regimes.

        The FACTS ON THE GROUND are proof enough.

        The middle class of western countries are being impoverished at an astounding rate and we’re witnessing ‘Nationalism By Stealth’ as western central banks digitally create money to buy up whole industries in their respective stock markets :


        The example above is of Japan but rest assured, the Federal Reserve, ECB and Bank of England (to name just a few), are engaging in open market purchases of Mortgage Backed Securities (ie: buying up the housing market) and trillions in purchases in the share market and of corporate bonds :


        If you believe that the western nations are a bastion of free enterprise and capitalism, you’re living in a fools paradise.

  13. Let the galahs spreading the ocean covid myth (CO2 acidification) explain why there’s such a profusion of life in the Polar seas where the cold allows much more CO2 to dissolve? Why aren’t they a watery desert?

    Also let them never resort to simple chemistry that explains that carbonates are a wonderful Ph buffer.

    Bicarbonate Buffer System

  14. The stupidity and skullduggery of the US and Canadian governments as explained makes very interesting listening

    Huawei vs America: Why Meng Wanzhou will be released in 2021

  15. Lt General McInerney tells us how Nancy Pelosi’s laptop was taken by special forces during the Antifa-led plot to “storm the capital” last Wednesday. It seems that special forces personnel had infiltrated Antifa, and they took the laptop. They are finding a lot of treasonous material, and Pelosi is in a state of panic over it. That’s why she is so anxious to impeach Trump before the end of his first term.

    • No doubt Pelosi’s laptop may have treasonous material.

      BUT, just like some here on Gumshoe were crowing about Hunter Biden’s laptop and the stuff contained therein was supposedly going to blow the lid of Biden’s Presidential bid (because Zio-Dave and Q assured us it would), once again this will come to nothing as the Zio controlled FBI, DoJ, judiciary and ….. every governmental and three letter agency cover it up.

      When you have resources that are multiples of U.S GDP, it’s pretty easy to buy up all the support you need, and intimidate and suicide those that don’t toe the line.

  16. Socialism with Chinese characteristics

    Historic journey: The realization of dreams

    •Oct 16, 2019
    Five years earlier, the 18th Party Congress had opened a new era in the pursuit of socialism with Chinese characteristics. It was an era when dreams would be realized, and those who were willing to give their all would be rewarded.

    Under the guidance of the Communist Party led by President Xi Jinping, China is striving to fight an honorable battle. In the course of the struggle, it is carrying out grand projects, working for the welfare of all, and realizing magnificent dreams. China has awakened and is gaining strength to achieve greatness. #OntheRoad

  17. Those ‘Historic Journey’ vids above are well worth watching.

    The Chinese ruling elite are delivering tangible improvements to the downtrodden masses in their country.

    Contrast that to America where the oligarchs are determined to extract blood out of a stone and subjugate its citizenry into indentured servitude through their Socialistic policies – as opposed to the low tax, minimal regulatory burden that the private sector experiences in the Middle Kingdom.

    Capitalism works – China is demonstrable proof of that.

      • Crisscross (and TV), you see it as vividly as I do …

        While being generally favourable towards Mao, Jeff J Brown (still reading) shares some particular first-hand insights such as:

        “Mao tried very hard to get the people to reject the Confucian Thought, as old and rigid, in order to create New China and infuse the masses with pure, revolutionary spirit. Now, with Xi Jinping, the CPC is not rejecting, but absorbing classical China into its lexicon.”

        That was part of a caption to a public poster which reads “Esteem of a friend (with) benevolence and kind actions” – something you will never find in the Jewish lexicon or their mainstream propaganda material.

        Jeff Brown again:

        “Since Xi Jinping has been elected president, a massive national campaign has been in full force. Its official title is “Socialism‘s Core Value System”. The emphasis of public ‘propaganda’ is on “filial piety” and Jeff Brown gives many example.

        Elsewhere Jeff Brown talks about China having established the Boao Forum for Asia (BFA) as a counter to the West’s Davos and World Economic Forum (WEF) run by “ruthless psychopaths” and “who are obsessed with destroying everything that China has gained since 1949 … ”

  18. What about Australia? The same damn thing is happening here with the seditious and treacherous traitors of the freemason politicians and with the outside as well as the inside forces of evil that have infiltrated this country. We are now being ‘ruled’ instead of being governed by demented psychopaths in their megalomaniac agendas of Control Containment and Compliance.

    • Freemasons as politicians are under the control of the Jewish mind. Govern – rule, ment – mind.

      Freemasons, Jews and King Solomon (Third) Temple

      ………………….”Freemasonry is a Jewish establishment, whose history, grades, official appointments, passwords, and explanations are Jewish from beginning to end”
      – Rabbi Isaac Wise (of B’nai B’rith, quoted in Israelite of America, August 3, 1866)

      “Freemasonry is based on Judaism. What is left of the Freemasonic rituals, When Eliminating Judaism doctrines? ‘
      ‘ The Jewish Tribune. ” New York, 29 October 1925.

      “It must be the Masonry first commandment to glorify the Jewish race That has kept in secrecy the divine content UNCHANGED. “[Cabala / Talmud]
      Freemason magazine” Le Symbolism, “Revue mac. 1928

      “The true Mason is not creed-bound. He realises with the divine illumination of his lodge that as a Mason his religion must be universal: Christ, Buddha or Mohammed, the name means little, for he recognises only the light and not the bearer. He worships at every shrine, bows before every altar, whether in temple, mosque or cathedral, realising with his truer understanding the oneness of all spiritual truth. ” – The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, Manley Palmer Hall,


      Freemasonry, The Illuminati, The Catholic church, And Their Ecumenical Friends And Affiliates!


  19. Rep. Nunes Calls for Racketeering Investigation Into Big Tech Companies Following Parler Ban

    It’s about bloody time! The same goes for the vaccine racket which desperately needs a RICO ACT here in Australia for their racketeering with false advertising and false claims!

  20. “Our ultimate end is
    that of Voltaire and of the
    French Revolution – the final
    destruction of Catholicism and
    even of the Christian idea.”
    – From The Permanent Instruction of the Alta Vendita

    There is a cunning move afoot by the dupes of the Enemy to try to equate the ensconced villains in the hierarchy (particularly the Vatican) with the Catholic Church and with the Apostolic Faith which is unchangeable. Catholic specifically means all times and everywhere (the same). No one anywhere ever has authority to add to, delete from, or change what was charged to the Apostles to “teach all nations”.

    Right from the get go there have been “illuminated ones” with all sorts of formulas for “salvation” other than what the Apostles preached and did. However, no amount of persecution or wily con jobs could prevail over the Rock of the foundation. Even St Thomas Moore, who was beheaded for not endorsing Henry VIII’s usurpation had said something like that the Pope of the day was an ambitious, avaricious, lecherous scoundrel but it didn’t mean that the Catholic Faith could be “reformed” by other ambitious, avaricious, lecherous scoundrels. (Obviously, he was a bit more circumspect w.r.t. the King Henry but his letters to M. Luther were pretty scathing and, shall we say, impolite).

    Anyhow, the Synagogue eventually recognised that revolutions like the French didn’t stop those despicable (read “deplorable”) Catholics from retaining the Faith. A more stealthy approach was required. “Softly, softly catchee monkey”. (old Chinese saying). Space does not permit even a very superficial overview of the SoS’s activities in the last 300 odd years.

    Suffice to mention that after the formal foundation of Freemasonry in 1717 it was formally condemned by the Catholic authorities in 1738 and it is the most described and condemned institution in the whole history of the Church. Up until the mid C20, that is. That’s when the agents of the Alta Vendita had their stooges installed in influential positions.

    We Catholics have had a bit of a rough trot for at least a hundred years. The cunning barstewards started off by proposing a false idea of Papal authority and infallibility that most people just sort of accepted because they didn’t know what it was about. Then they started introducing all sorts of nebulous and ambiguous ideas draped in Catholicky verbiage and vestments.

    I have come to know, since the early ’70’s, that the Catholic Church (those that hold the Faith) are at odds with a traitorous hierarchy. But the scum bags that betray us to the Judeo-Masonic “enlightenment” are of the same mob that cried “We have no king but Caesar!”

    The blardy wowsers that think they can invent a “Christ Messiah” according to their own “interpretation” of an heavily edited version of “Scripture” are of the same mob. A false Messiah is the “destruction of Catholicism and even of the Christian idea”.

    Yair! I know! I’m the most deplorable of deplorables!

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