Home News Eusociality, Part 8:  Is Evil Inevitable?

Eusociality, Part 8:  Is Evil Inevitable?


Gitmo (US prison camp at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba), Photo: Encyclopedia Britannica

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB

Is evil inevitable? In a small, isolated society, evil may come about, but it’s not very likely. In a huge society that is not isolated, evil is likely to come about. In other words, size has something to do with it.

What is evil? For purposes of this article, I define “evil behavior” as hurtful behavior by individuals toward their fellow man, or behavior that is destructive of the habitat. I define “evil, as such” as a situation in which evil behavior has become prominent.

Three examples come to mind, of “evil a such.”  One is the extreme wickedness that the Japanese practiced on the Chinese at Nanking in 1937, another is the barbarity of the US destroying the people and the treasures of civilization in Iraq in 2003, and another is the carelessness of soda-drinkers like myself who have filled the Pacific Ocean with whole islands of plastic bottles.

You may have noticed that the first and second items I listed were seemingly done by entities, such as governments, and the third by individuals, but in my understanding, all three were done by human beings. I don’t think an entity ever does anything. Granted a person’s vision of an entity can encourage him to do outrageous things but it’s he who does it. The entity does not do it. No entity dropped bombs on Bagdad.

Is Evil-as-such Emerging Today?

Above, I defined evil-as-such as “a situation in which evil behavior has become prominent.” Is that kind of evil emerging today? I think it is. This article is part of a series on Eusociality. The concept of eusociality means such intense social interaction that the members of the group act as a unity. EO Wilson shows how this occurs in ants. (He does NOT want humans to imitate ant society.)

In Part 4, on Ideals, I opined that an ideal is something quite vague (say, the ideal of freedom) but which seems real and specific to the human mind. It orients a person to what is going on around him.  It’s just there in the atmosphere.

I grew up with an ideal of Americanism and an ideal of being one of God’s chilluns. These ideals were articulated and celebrated. When evil-as-such is in the atmosphere, people don’t exactly praise it to the skies. Yet it has some of the characteristics of an ideal. It’s there in the atmosphere. People expect their neighbors or bosses to act on it.

Size Matters

I think the probability of evil-as-such emerging is related to a society’s size. A stated above, “In a small, isolated society, evil may come about, but it’s not very likely. In a huge society that is not isolated, evil is likely to come about.”  For the moment, I’ll leave out the factor of the isolation from other groups, and concentrate on the mathematics of the interactions within the group.

How do people treat each other? Simple observation tells us that folks “do nice” when the recipient of their behavior is a family member, someone with whom one is in regular economic exchange, or a person down on his luck — that is, Good Samaritan behavior.

Those types of kindness reflect human nature. The evolutionary explanation for them is threefold: 1. kin altruism (you do nice for your family, “selfishly” because that will get your genes into future generations) 2. reciprocal altruism (you do nice for a trading partner “selfishly” to stay healthy economically) 3. enlightened self-interest (you are willing to take care of the poor “selfishly” as you realize it could happen to you.

I imagine (but lack research) that the atmosphere in a small society is good.  Sure, some individuals will scheme to get more than their share, and a few will act perniciously out of jealousy, but there will be rules pointing out that scheming and jealousy are no-no’s. Each group member should pull his weight. If he doesn’t, he’ll be disliked and can be ostracized.

When the society gets big, as modern nations are today, there is a loss of monitoring of the individual’s behavior by locals. You might never even have a conversation with people who live in your apartment building. When you can’t foresee how well the others behave, you may calculate that it’s likely to be rough. Locks on doors will become the norm. And you will gear up emotionally for some social distress. “Well, you know how people are….”

Money itself creates problems, because of the way it accumulates. Tycoons will gain control over the economy, which changes your ability to barter goodwill for favors. Then, too, a mafia will form — persons who can stay in the shadows and reap rewards by brutality. You haven’t paid the loan shark this week?  Broken legs for you. And money will corrupt government — legislators will vote in exchange for a bribe.

In short, evil behavior will increase, thanks to the largeness of the society.

The Presence of Outside Groups

An additional challenge to the morality of a society is the fact that any outside group is not part of the game.  As anthropologist Pierre van den Berghe said, strangers do not come under our “umbrella of altruism.” In fact, van den Berghe surmised that even cruelties that may look as though they are performed out of hate, are more likely just due to this umbrella thing.

Recall Richard Alexander’s theory that there is a second system of morality — we may love our ingroup but go on merciless attack of any group that seems to be our enemy.  When you show hate for the enemy you are not reprimanded by your society, you are thanked and praised. We all carry this dual morality (but rarely admit to it).

Alexander based it on group selection– in the evolutionary era, we fought our conspecifics. The group that prevailed and left its genes for us to inherit was that could unite against an enemy. This required not just ruthlessness against the enemy but loyalty to one’s commander and to one’s fellow soldiers.  It also required self-sacrifice when the need arose.

But here I am addressing the problem of evil — both evil behavior by individuals and “evil as such” — meaning a situation in which evil behavior is (or seems) predominant.

No one can doubt that the twentieth century saw many examples of “evil as such.” There were unnecessary wars, intentional starvation, undeserved imprisonments. It was a mess. Folks were aware of the evil — although if it were being done by their own kind they were generally blind to it.

The secrecy of “external bad behavior” is natural. I mentioned above “the rape of Nanking” (which is the name of a book by Iris Chang who then died in her thirties). The people of Japan do not want to know about it. On that occasion, in 1937, the Japanese soldiers, who were taking over a part of China, went berserk killing, raping, and maiming. as though in some sort of orgy.

Americans do not want to know about the horrors of Abu Ghraib. Military personnel — but under the auspices of the CIA, I believe, tortured local Iraqi’s for the sake of torture. (As in Gitmo, it can never be for the release of secrets.  That could be gotten by sodium amytal.) A Private or sergeant suffered court martial, but the real perps were not even named.

Internal Cruelty Is Also Downplayed, in Groups

Now consider this. We are also inclined to downplay (or hide) acts of cruelty foisted on one “class” of society by another.  Thus, for example, in the US there was a huge Depression in the 1930s. Even now it is talked about as accidental but in fact it was cruelly planned.

Also, most Americans missed out on noticing, despite the publication in 1990 of the COINTELPRO Papers, edited by Ward Churchill and Jim Vander Wall. The book could have been called “The Persecution of Blacks by the FBI.” It contained stolen documents that revealed government effort to frustrate and humiliate African Americans in the 1970s.

I am not sure where to place this phenomenon. Maybe the public was so well propagandized about the goodness of America that it could not take on board that its own members would do such things. Surely we see today that a majority of people cannot countenance the prospect of “poison medicine” in the Covid vaccine.

I recommend that we announce, and teach, the existence of our dual system of morality, as ignorance of it certainly pours fertilizer onto the soil of evil.

Forget about International Law

Here is yet another issue, in addition to a society’s large size, and the presence of a dual morality that okays some cruelty: the problem of loving the Family of Man.

The good life is something we are capable of making, and often do make, for our own nation. But we are all on a world stage, and it has many other characters on it. How can we interact with them to get a good deal for our people when “getting good deals for other groups” is not in our repertoire?

Can we invent the wheel?  Personally, I don’t think we can.  As regular readers of GumshoeNews.com know, I am strongly opposed to the creature known as International Law. It is NOT GOING TO HAPPEN.  And therefore, to act as if it can happen (if we “could just straighten out some loose ends” or “develop a better attitude”) is terrible.

Anyone who believes international law can work is missing three major points:

  1. There is no enforcer of it, so a miscreant can’t be brought to justice, and never does get brought to justice. (No policeman is going to handcuff Tony Blair, say, for war crimes; the ICC is a joke on us.)
  2. Even in the adjudicating rhetoric of the so-called International Court of Justice at the Hague, one of the allowable (in fact mandatory) considerations of how to decide whether a state acted rightly or wrongly is “state practice.” This would be like saying that, when we are trying a bank robber, we should ask if bank robbers have traditionally considered bank robbing the right thing to do.
  3. The category of altruism that I described as Good Samaritanism (e.g., feeding a starving man) can never reach such a proportion as to apply to billions of starving men. The relevant human emotion just does not work that way. And logistically it is an impossible task.

(I won’t discuss globalism here. I think the current push for the digitalizing of mankind and the China-fication of politics are proceeding apace, and may even lead to a forced “eusociality” but that such a fate would be dreadful for our species.)

“I Wonder What My People Are Doing Tonight?”

I have already said that we are blind (no doubt for emotional reasons) to the sins of our own nation. And that the largeness of society undoes the altruism arrangements that suited us when we lived in small groups. And that we are not naturally kind to strangers. So must we let all our moral philosophy go to hell? Is the 21st Century style of evil “Destiny”?

I doubt it. We have an innate ability to work for our enlightened self-interest. In fact I think we do that subconsciously in our everyday transactions. We say (quietly) “I don’t want such-and-such to occur. It would destroy my lifestyle.”

The situation now is worse than ever in history as the ownership — or illegal possession — of advanced weaponry is in the hands of the guys who are least inclined to stop and think. I have portrayed them, in this Eusociality series, as desperate men. I am certain they are scared, as how could they not be?  Running billions of slaves is risky.

A proposal in the Roman senate, for slaves to be dressed in an identifiable garb, was turned down on the grounds that, if costumed. the slaves would see how numerous they were and might rebel.  Yet today’s Bozos seem unfazed (so far) as to the march of tens of thousands in protest of Lockdown, such as seen in London, Brussels, and Melbourne.

I fear their lack-of-fear is based on a plan to greatly intensify their attacks on us. They could easily create a weather crisis, cancel all electricity, prevent delivery of food, or worse, turn on the pain machines. For decades, Targeted Individuals have warned us what that feels like.

The problem for this article is: “Is evil inevitable?”  I think the current manifestation of evil

was predictable mathematically, given the various factors listed above. Yes, we could call it inevitable.  But its continuance is not inevitable. A two-pronged approach is needed. 1. Teach people what is going on (murder, censorship, deliberate destruction of family, nation, and religion, corruption of science, etc.) and 2. Remove the Bozos.

The more urgent of these is: Remove the Bozos.



  1. (Part 7’s lack of a Comments section was due strictly to my technical skill.)

    I’ve been keen to send my series to EO Wilson once it’s complete, but he passed away on Boxing Day. (1929-2021)

    If you ever wanted to meet a scholar with a sense of humor, Ed was the one. And very generous with his numerous mentorees, including the one in Adelaide. By the way, he did some of his early entomology in Esperance, WA.

    Farewell, EO, and thanks a million.

    • Well so far as I’m concerned no. 7 encapsulates the entire series, due to the fact that it’s headed “Law Is the Dictate of Reason” under which there’s an allusion to “the time that preceded language”.

      That position goes to the current climate of lawlessness being rooted in spurning the fact that, as the entire creation was spoken into existence, there never was any prelingual era

      Obliquely pooh-hooing the origins of life as spelled out in Genesis is intrinsically Luciferian/lawless; tweaking mass subconsciousness like so is, very obviously,the best way of sloughing any sense of obligation

    • That’s very interesting, Timothy, a New Year’s Eve special. I wish they wouldn’t name Big Ben’s tower “the Elizabeth tower” as I think it is very nice standing there with no name (other than Parliament House.)

      Speaking of which, what a lousy facade has Canberra Parliament House. It’s pathetic.

        • re: evil in a small society, you should read some of those Icelandic sagas, they were always plotting to murder each other.
          Likewise there were a few interesting stories from Pitcairn Island a few years ago, types of “liberated thought” you might say.
          I would suggest things are cyclical or if you like “wave form” with big and small waves, but there is a tendency for things to level out.
          If you wanted to fix the world by chiselling some rules in stone I would say ten would be more than enough for the average person to remember.
          You could have kids learn one rule for each finger and maybe that could help.

    • My argument, in Part 8 above, was an attempt to distinguish the evil behavior of an individual from an “atmosphere” that may then generate more evil behavior by the folks (sort of like the way an ideal can be the subconscious motivator of good behavior).

      Not that anyone has to believe me! But the article you quote in your link, Tim, does the opposite. The author, once again, thinks she has found Jewishness (or the historic background of Jewish belief?) to be a motor of evil, including that practiced by the state of Israel.

      The state of Israel is, well, a state. It does what a state does. Do you really think it is following the orders of religion? And/or do you think its leaders’ cruelty comes from their Jewish DNA?

      For the record, if Israeli leaders do something bad, I am all in favor of their being held accountable. I’m also in favor of punishing (at least at the ballot box) any US congressperson who takes legislative instructions from AIPAC. And if “the state of Israel” orchestrated 9-11, I want the US president to deal openly with that.

      But I am disgusted with blaming “the Jews” for 9-11. Let’s say it was entirely run by 5 Jewish men who live in America, and that they persuaded another 50 of their co-religionists to play a part. Does that mean “the Jews” did 9-11?

      You’re joking.

      (Tim, I’m battering away at the word “eusocial” in this series. It gives me a reference point with which to examine such things as blame. Thanks for your input. Come back at me with more. Maybe I’m up Shite’s Creek without a paddle.)

      • “And/or do you think its leaders’ cruelty comes from their Jewish DNA?’

        John 8:37-47

        Abraham’s Seed and Satan’s

        37 “I know that you are Abraham’s descendants, but you seek to kill Me, because My word has no place in you. 38 I speak what I have seen with My Father, and you do what you have [n]seen with your father.”

        39 They answered and said to Him, “Abraham is our father.”

        Jesus said to them, “If you were Abraham’s children, you would do the works of Abraham. 40 But now you seek to kill Me, a Man who has told you the truth which I heard from God. Abraham did not do this. 41 You do the deeds of your father.”

        Then they said to Him, “We were not born of fornication; we have one Father—God.”

        42 Jesus said to them, “If God were your Father, you would love Me, for I proceeded forth and came from God; nor have I come of Myself, but He sent Me. 43 Why do you not understand My speech? Because you are not able to listen to My word. 44 You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it. 45 But because I tell the truth, you do not believe Me. 46 Which of you convicts Me of sin? And if I tell the truth, why do you not believe Me? 47 He who is of God hears God’s words; therefore you do not hear, because you are not of God.”

        • “And Saul, yet breathing out threatenings and slaughter against the disciples of the Lord, went unto the high priest,

          And desired of him letters to Damascus to the synagogues, that if he found any of this way, whether they were men or women, he might bring them bound unto Jerusalem.

          And as he journeyed, he came near Damascus: and suddenly there shined round about him a light from heaven:

          And he fell to the earth, and heard a voice saying unto him, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?

          And he said, Who art thou, Lord? And the Lord said, I am Jesus whom thou persecutest: it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks.

          And he trembling and astonished said, Lord, what wilt thou have me to do? And the Lord said unto him, Arise, and go into the city, and it shall be told thee what thou must do”
          ACTS 9: 1 – 6

          KEY LINE: “it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks”

  2. Old Parliament House – The Real Story

    “…………….Today the police try to again remove those occupying the old Parliament House, they sprayed some kind of flammable substance on the ceremonial fire and the door caught alight. The police suspiciously retreat before it was obvious the fire had started.


    Elder uncle Albert tells us exactly what happened and who started the fire. The police started it, see here for yourself we have posted many first hand accounts from the ground

    This is the best video I’ve seen since covid……….”

    Read/view on –


    • I don’t necessarily agree with the aboriginal agenda but as I see it the burning of the front of the old parliament house is a “FALSE FLAG”. A pot of smoking leaves would not set fire to solid doors without an accellerant being added.

  3. Evil is inevitable –

    There can only be one lawgiver –

    Paul the apostle to the Romans – Romans 13:1-2

    A translation of my Greek interlinear provided this –

    “Every soul to authorities higher be subject to. For there is no authority if not from god, but the existing authorities under Me having been ordained (by me) are. So the one resisting the authority of his God has opposed and those having opposed to themselves judgement will receive.”

    Luke 11:28 – But he said, Yea rather, blessed [are] they that hear the word of God, and keep it. Acts 5:29 – Then Peter and the [other] apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men.

    “…….Romans 13 is in play until the government, ruling class, authority over you, whatever you want to call it, decides that it is the final arbiter and sets itself up in the position reserved for God alone. When the state or the government moves to exclude God and to erect itself in that position, a Christian has an obligation before God to expose and resist evil.

    Eph 5.11 have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. even if it means that resistance has consequences from those who assume power that you are resisting…………”

    Genesis 1:1 is the beginning of Scripture and the foundation for all other revelation. It all begins with the statement that God is the Creator. This establishes not only His sovereignty but His right of ownership as the Creator. He has the right to do with His creation as He pleases. No other being has the right to tell Him what to do or to revise His plan according to his will.

    Those who make such claims are trying to be gods in themselves, because they usurp the Creator’s right of ownership. However, God asserts that in reality “there is none else.” In fact, there can be only one sovereign God in the universe. All others have authority, which is delegated to lesser beings and which is to be used to further the will of the Sovereign.
    Authority is never more powerful than the Sovereign Master who authorised it. Jesus said, “A slave is not greater than his master” (John 13:16).


    The Queen has been a huge failure by reneging on her coronation oath to uphold the Christian faith

    The Pirates of Finance operating from “The Crown City of London” which is not a part of Britain and which the queen needs permission to enter have now set themselves up as the highest authority with their Law of the Sea/Admiralty/Maritime law/Statute law.

    1 Timothy 6:10 (NKJV) 10 For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil, for which some have strayed from the faith in their greediness, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.

    Is Lucifer the God of Judaism?


    • “Eph 5.11 Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. even if it means that resistance has consequences from those who assume power that you are resisting…………”

      Crisscross, you’re tellink me somethink I don’t know?

  4. Protests Erupt In South Korea Over Massive Vaccination Deaths
    by GGI Staff

    Owing to reports of deaths and other ‘adverse health events’ triggered by vaccines produced by a handful of pharmaceutical giants, most notably Pfizer and Moderna, South Koreans are taking to the streets to protest their governments’ refusal to acknowledge thousands of deaths that many believe were caused by vaccines.

    Read more of this post


    • Bewdy. It says this:

      “In South Korea, more than 10K people have died under murky circumstances shortly after being vaccinated. The government has agreed to report a connection in a handful of serious cases.

      “The government has also recognized and compensated victims: for example, a nursing assistant was awarded government benefits after suffering paralysis after receiving AstraZeneca’s COVID shot, branded as Covishield in India.”

      I read the other day that Oz govt is offering $20K to persons injured by vaccine, and also to persons who lost their job ???

    • Watch it right now, everybody. She mentions 80 cases so far of myocarditis which, in 5 years, will see 66% deaths. That is, 52 soldiers are on “death row.” She asks way are we not stopping this, as we stopped the H1N1 thing after 53 serious adverse effects.
      And she says we are seeing that many (53) per day now.

      I might point out that military people tend to be armed.

  5. Not only is Blair not in hand-cuffs or at the end of a rope, he is given a forum to enthusiastically promote the digitisation of mankind.


    Remove the bozos.

    On another forum I just read the comment:

    “Waking up isn’t going to get it! It’s going to take violent eradication primarily by guerilla warfare. You can’t coexist with totalitarianism. And you can’t get rid of totalitarianism unless you violently and totally eradicate it. You can ‘wake-up’ all day long; but at the end of the day, if you haven’t organized and eradicated your oppressor–you’re still oppressed. And, this type of totalitarian-tyranny is not static–it grows in it’s evil intensity daily, if not destroyed.”

      • The Irish complain that the English did something similar to them. About 1944 / 5 the Germans were having food supply problems and it’s alleged they put corpses into mincers, which is probably true, for dog food or I can’t say what.
        Going back to the 1300’s and the “little ice-age” there were rolling famines throughout the century, the kids’ story “Hansel & Gretel” was developed from that period. The sting in the tail of the little ice age occurred several centuries later, we have H.C.Anderson’s miserable story to remind us of that time.
        Well at least we don’t have to worry about such things these days, thanks to the program of “boosters”.

  6. Is evil inevitable?

    Well it’s not hard to figure out that we’re dealing with something that’s well beyond the parameters of life as we know it


      [6] “……….Jews have preached “democracy”, and through getting their dupes to believe in it, have succeeded in riveting on their necks the chain of Shylocracy, the rule of the CROWNED USURER, Shylock-Rothschild, who was admitted to Englands’ parliament by “Liberal” statesmen, and now rules the world. Jew Banks appear to be many, but in reality they are ONLY ONE. Reduced to impotence the Nations bow before the Law—–not of Moses even, but of the Jews Bank——“always united and always devoted to our [Jewish] cause.”

      • Kol Nidre — Is the Truth Anti Semitic?

        December 30, 2021

        Want to understand the covid scam? Satanist Jews and their Masonic minions have been conspiring against Christian civilization for centuries. Read about the Kol Nidre “Prayer” in which God forgives Jews for their duplicity against the goyim. Fifty per cent of Jews are assimilated like myself and don’t want to be scapegoats for satanist megalomaniacs like the Rothschilds, who pretty much control the world.

        “We control the major finances of the world but also your governments, the major media networks, most jobs on the planet, and even the money in your bank accounts. These are the facts which you cannot change.” Jacob R………………………..”


      • The Rotschild seems to have been installed about 300 years ago as a front for Swissy,
        Swissy wanted a multinational gold transfer operation and had to get someone to do it.
        Globalist organisations such as UN WHO etc also fronts, located in Switzerland.
        Vast numbers of pharmaceutical companies in Switzerland and spread out to Frankfurt, home of the European Central bank.
        More fronts for Swissy’s activities.
        Rockerfellas connected since … ? Surely more than 100 years ago.
        Chocolate factories likewise, Switzerland (factories in Germany for cheap labour), also pedo central Belgium, with Rotschild connection Cadbury on the island of Britain.
        I think it’s safe to say the Globalists have always had a thing for chocolate.
        But do jews have a special thing for chocolate … ? I’ve never noticed that.
        And why would chocolate need a frontman anyway, everyone knows chocolate is nice.

          • The “swatch” product of late last century undoubtedly belonged to Swissy but the old handmade cuckoo clocks were presumably a local craft thing of the Swiss people who are not to be confused with Swissy.
            Swissy refers to elite bloodlines who are now based primarily in and around Switzerland, who go back many centuries, even before the Vatican ruled that only non-Christians could do banking. Did the medieval Christians have a shorthand word for non-Christian outlander ? Heathen is not quite right I would say, they may have called any such “jews”, including your persons of interest, if I’m not mistaken, the Khazars. You only have to look at how American first people were called “Indians” to see how easily one group picks up the name of another. “Yankees” allegedly came from “Jan Kees” (trans: John Cheese – a Dutchman).

      • Here is my considered advice on “the Jewish thing.” You are wasting your time lining up the Jews — OR ANY EHNICITY. I know of plenty of Americans who are doing the Covid genocide today and they are as Irish as Paddy’s pig.

        (I’m using the term “Irish” a bit loosely. They are not Jews.)

        Just track down the boss of any particulr crime, such as the vax genocide, including the vax false propaganda from CDC and NIH, and punish him. If he is Jewish, fine, punish him. If he is not Jewish, fine, punish him.

        Above, at 12.51pm, Julius Fish posted a good movie “The Darkness Descends” about the murder by starvation of Ukraines. Here I’ll insert it again:


        We need to watch it, as the very same thing is happening now. Be warned.

        At the outset the narrator says it was done by the Jews. I believe that is correct, as it was the stupid collectivization policy of the Bolsheviks. BUT SO WHAT? How does that help you? What solution does it lead to? If you spot someone tomorow wearing a yamulke should you shoot him?

        The smart thing is to stop what’s going on. Stop the child stealing in South Australia for Pete’s sake. Stop the march to nuclear war.

        CrissCross, instead of printing the Protocols here almost every day, how about you lift a hand against the child stealers in your state. Printing the Protocols IS NOT GOING TO LEAD TO ANYTHING.

        We want results, don’t we? BE PRACTICAL.

        • I’ve yet to see “the Jewish thing” articulated better than in the above Art Katz talk. What virtually never gets any acknowledgment is that vilification & gooey/sentimental tolerance are but two sides to the same coin – as evidenced by the past & present situation in Germany

        • I’ve been expecting a comment like that. From now on I will try to talk about symptoms and not causes as getting to the Biblical heart and reality of the matter is too scary for some.

          • An obstacle you have is that you accept the “Protocols” thing as fact when it walks and quacks “fake”. Like the fish you see yourself as prosecutor not judge. Then I am compelled to go on the defence, not because I have a dog in the fight, just because I like to cut through to the truth. If I thought you were right about “jews” I would cheerfully throw them under the bus. But probably you would have to clarify exactly which jews. Looks to me like Khazars are not jews, but using a flag of convenience. They may have infiltrated through Babylon or whatever, I wouldn’t have thought any were admitted to Euro royalty. Probably they were just pissant pawnshop operators up to more recent times.

          • w3 shows his ignorance in that he assumes that I have quoted from the Protocols on this page when I have not – not once.

  7. Only solution is to stop all Covid injections. All our governments are complicit in genocide, the globalists want 90% gone. Totalitarian one world government, without the ‘mark’, all means of work or income declined. In world history, not any thing like this has ever been witnessed. We are being led and lied to like sheep to slaughter. QR codes introduced and mandated will not be removed. One injection, two, three now four, with lockdown restrictions on uninjected enforced indefinitely.
    Meanwhile, every jab is inflicting more damage after each shot. The ‘virus’ is a scam, the vaxxxes are not safe they are deadly. Pig pharma are making a killing for the bottom line, gates of hell.
    We are being mass hypnotised by satanic forces, with ‘boosters’ now mandatory every three months ! Clearly, there are only two paths left to follow, Jesus Christ or satan. Millions of babies in wombs are murdered, their organs and tissues, used for ‘research’ and vaxxx development, with mass torture, trafficking and sacrificing of children for satanic abuse by bloodsuckers in power, on all bases loaded. Euthenasia on elderly first now everyone, using Covid as the excuse, they want world population down to 500 million.

    • A commenter yesterday said doctors will be paid $1,000 for every lethal injection. When Troy Davis was judicially murdered in 2011, I heard that the doctor team got $18,000. Why? Shouldn’t they have done it for about $300 each?

    • ……….This quote of Judaism using Christianity as a means for Israel is corroborated by Rabbi Martin Siegel, who in New York Magazine, January 18, 1972, p. 32, said:

      “I am devoting my lecture in this seminar to a discussion of the possibility that we are now entering a Jewish century, a time when the spirit of the community, the non-idealogical blend of the emotional and rational and the resistance to categories and forms will emerge through the forces of anti-nationalism to provide us with a new kind of society. I call this process the Judaization of Christianity because Christianity will be the vehicle through which this society becomes Jewish.”

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