Home Corona Eutopia, Part 4:  What If Trudeau Orders an Attack on the Truckers

Eutopia, Part 4:  What If Trudeau Orders an Attack on the Truckers


(L) Support for the convoy in Canada on January 27, 2022. Photo: Arthur Mola/Invision/AP, (R) Prime minister Justin Trudeau, isolating after testing positive for Covid, Photo: THE CANADIAN PRESS, Adrian Wyld

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB

Philip Allott’s book Eutopia can be mined for many needs. It may not seem suited to emergencies, but I think we have to press it into service for that, as there is no other book of recent date to give us top-quality guidance.  I want to say “infallible” guidance, as I think Allott has got the species-wide picture under control.  He knows where law fits and where power fits in any human society, past or present.

Allott, an elderly law professor at Cambridge, understands corruption and is well aware of it, but he does not name names or countries. And the book was published in 2016, it does not know of the Covid pandemic.  But I am now going to pose questions, related to the Canadian convoy, for which generalized answers can be found in Allott’s book– Eutopia; New Philosophy and New Law for a Troubled World.

  1. Can Trudeau legally set about to handle the truckers violently, such as by forcing them at gunpoint to leave Ottawa?
  2. If government gets violent, how should the truckers, and other citizens, respond?

You may think I am going to reach for my copy of a Constitution, which is where I usually go for the legal goods.  But, no, I am going to Eutopia, from which I’ll now give faithful paraphrasing (or, if you see double quote marks, exact quotes). The paragraph numbering is Allott’s system. Anything in square brackets is from me, MM. I’ll bold  few salient points.

Law, Authority, and Society

10.1: “Law is the anatomy and physiology of a society.”  10.2: Law is made in the mind and imposed on the world.

10:18: It is based on customs, conventions, social demands and expectations.  A society is a labyrinth of obligation and self-imposed necessity.  10.20: Custom involves worship of our ancestors and accumulated wisdom. It emerges from the natural purpose of society — our survival and flourishing. 10.21: Law is intrinsically malleable; it must often change to suit new needs. Legislated law has a hinterland of customary law.

10.22: Statutory law covers a category of situations in abstract universal form. It is then the job of judges to particularize it in relation to a unique case. Common law is formed inductively by universalizing the legal principles underlying cases. “Law courts are an integral part of the … self-creating of society and hence socially accountable for their decisions….”

10:24 “The central problem of law in human society is its relation to power. All law is an exercise of power by human beings, in its making, application and enforcement. As a consequence, there can be good law and bad law, good courts and bad courts…. Law can be a means of oppression and exploitation.”

10.26 Until recently, no known society theorized that its legal power is simply a product of physical power — law is violence by other means. The social reality of many societies in history may seem to demonstrate such a crazy theory.

10.29 “Two particular aspects have predominated in the installing of law in the deep-structure of society — the problem of law in relation to the totality of society; the problem of the role of law in the control of public power.” Both are crucial to the task of re-imagining and remaking the place of law now, and also in regard to international law.

10.30 “Is human freedom prior to law, such that law is a limitation to freedom? Or is human freedom determined by law, so that freedom is that which is left free by law?” 10:33 Rule of Law asserts the authority of law over all public power.

10.44  “A society is a massive structure of artificial order and artificial necessity.” The resulting social reality has a network of legal relations that bind the society to human beings and human beings to one another. “Law is an expression of a society’s collective will to become what it chooses to be.”

10.45 “A society’s highest common interest is its survival and flourishing” and that of its members.  [Cicero: Salus populi suprema lex esto: The welfare of the people is the highest law.]

10:48 “Values are the basis of judgements that we make, individually and collectively…. The human imagination plays a big part in forming our values, in the way that we imagine ourselves and our societies…our potentialities and our obligations, our freedom and our necessity….”

10.58 “… the gradual and painful emergence of the …idea of the Rule of Law was directly connected with profound changes in some societies in the fourteenth century. The sudden development of those societies was primarily economic. Their collective wealth increased rapidly and the center of gravity… moved in favor of newly empowered social classes.”

10.65 “It would take centuries of evolutionary constitutionalism to find the basis for the authority of a society’s law within the authority of that society as a whole…. On many occasions the struggle led to civil war.”  10.66:  “Self-constitutionalising societies watched each other and learned from each other.”

The Trudeau Question

So, Dear Reader, how are you doing so far on finding an answer to the question “Can Trudeau legally set about to handle the truckers violently, such as by forcing them at gunpoint to leave Ottawa?” This article is definitely about the crisis in Canada, not about philosophy for philosophy’s sake.

A few days ago, I posted an article — which also used Allott’s work — entitled “What Should the Canadian Police Do about the Convoy?” I described the 1932 tent city of US veterans, and their demand to get help from Congress (specifically an accelerated payment of their WWI bonus). That’s similar to the truckers’ demand for Parliament in Ottawa to lift the mandates.

(Note: Prime Minister Trudeau is the head of Parliament which is not like a US president being head of the Executive branch.)

I encouraged the average RCMP cop to disobey illegal orders.  That was easy for me to do because it is LEGAL to disobey illegal orders. But now, starting February 6, 2022, the Canadian government has said it does plan to attack the convoy if the truckers refuse to leave.

I still say that an order like that, to attack non-criminals, is illegal and shouldn’t be obeyed. But where I was addressing the cops in that earlier article, I am addressing the truckers now. What should they do?

The excepts above, from Allott’s book Eutopia, are all from Chapter 10, which is entitled “New Law: Human Flourishing through Self-Ordering.” His in-depth message is that we humans make the law. We pull it together from past customs, from high values, from borrowing. It changes over the generations in reaction to new circumstances.

Today the typical citizen does not realize that.  She thinks she must find out what the law is, on paper — known as black-letter law — and decide what is legal for her to do. Not that there’s anything wrong with that approach — I highly recommend it.  But when a crazy or horrific situation arises, it may well be that the black-letter law does not offer a reasonable way out of the crisis.

The Crisis

When there is a crisis, you have at least got to acknowledge that there is a crisis.  There are tens of thousands of people in Canada protesting the mandates right now.  The most visible ones are the truckers with their huge vehicles. Those are also the noisiest, honking their horns more or less continuously.

Until yesterday, Ottawa was not a scene of hardship, other than for its freezing temperature, as community spirit was at an all-time high. People were thrilled by their new-found solidarity and willingness to tell the politicians off.  Love was in bloom on Parliament Hill.

But then, an announcement was made that the government would seize the money — and did seize the money — that people had donated, via GoFundMe.com, to help pay the truckers for their lost wages and travel costs. (Ten million Canadian dollars; 800,000 USD.)

I imagine this was done to sow anger in the crowd, and to actually provoke some truckers to lash out and spoil the serenity. Then the government did an Eisenhower (or a McArthur) and told the convoy to de-camp. The de rigueur troublemaker shot at a trucker, and another person caused a crash. Hence, media can now do its usual, personifying the protestors as violent or seditious.

Allott says, at 2.4: “The purpose of this book is to help human beings to know themselves better [Socrates: “Know thyself’] by offering a coherent model of what it is to be human.” Thank you, Professor!

I have already mentioned, in Part 1, that Eutopia has not got much nitty-gritty material in its 368 pages.  Allott does not tell you to sue the FDA, or circulate articles of impeachment, or devolve from a federal governing system to a state or provincial one. No, he has a bigger plan for you to carry out. He says, at 2.2: “Our response [to the 21st century crisis] will determine the future of the human species and even its survival.”

You need to do whatever needs to be done. Is that too big a burden?  Well, in my opinion. you caused the problem. Yu (and I) have let terrible stuff keep on happening for decades, never calling the wicked ones to account. Do pardon me for bringing up this old joke:

Customer goes to his Greek tailor with ripped trousers.  He puts them on the counter.  He says to the tailor “Eumenides?”  The tailor asks “Euripides?” The man nods. The tailor pushes the trousers back to the customer with a disdainful look and says “Euripides, Eumenides.”

What Is the Reality of Today’s Pandemic?

To report that a truckers’ convoy has come to Ottawa to force the government to lift the mandates, and that the prime minister is refusing, would be like painting only a detail of a large painting. There is so much more going on than a clash on the street.

What is going on, as citizens can see if they spend a half hour reading about it, is that some powerful people created a disease (real or imaginary) with a long-planned goal of mandating a vaccine passport. The injection itself is meant to kill and injure millions of people, and the passport is scheduled to become a digitalization of your activities.

This is a change to human living that outdoes any previous change in history. It reduces the huma being to an idiot. I hope this sort of information about the harmful vaccine — which hundreds of doctors have now shared on the Internet — can become the focus of the Canadian and Australian protests.

Don’t be shy to say that it an extreme event. You should not try to fit it into normal procedure of citizen versus politician. You should try to interpret the next move (if Ottawa really does get violent) as a small detail in the large painting.  The media will be ready to oppose you if you go the small-detail route.  If you go big painting, they will not have replies ready.

In Philip Allott’s words, from Paragraph 2.46 of Eutopia:

“We have grounds for grave concern and grounds for great hope. The human race has an unprecedented power to deal with unprecedented challenges — challenges of its own making.”

In my words:

Don’t lose this precious moment. Yesterday in Australia, Canberra police (or ADF soldiers, I’m not sure which), pepper-sprayed, close up, little children at the Parliament House peaceful protest.  This does not mean it was a one-off overreach, and the issue will settle down.

Surely it means that the Public Power has lost all sense of its limitations and that much worse things are bound to happen soon. Perhaps some B-52s will appear in the sky over Sydney, and actual bombs will drop on your home.  Perhaps the 5G towers will be adapted to radiate you to death.

Nothing should be ruled out. This is war. Talk to your friends about Allott’s fantastic insight into what we’ve been doing all these centuries and what we must do now. Go creative!

Euripides. Eumenides.



  1. To digress slightly to the Children’s courts — the courts that facilitate the “trafficking” of children from many good parents…

    10.1: “Law is the anatomy and physiology of a society.” The Children’s courts leave society in a degraded, toxic and malevolent society.

    10.2: Law is made in the mind and imposed on the world. (In the Children’s court the law doesn’t function… think star chamber)

    10:18: It is based on customs, conventions, social demands and expectations. (If we base our conventions and social expectations on a children’s / youth court — we exist in a pedo-run society, Where breaking the sacred mother-child bond is the desired outcome.

    Not a world I want any part of.

    • Dee! Dee! “Not a world I want any part of” is the whole point!

      Replace the Children’s Courts with love.

      Get the sacred mother-child bond back on board.

      You can do it, Dee. You’ve been slave-laboring at it for 4 years straight. This is Allott’s message: go with imagination.


  2. “If any man have an ear, let him hear.

    He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity: he that killeth with the sword must be killed with the sword. Here is the patience and the faith of the saints.”
    REVELATION 13: 9 – 10

  3. https://cairnsnews.org/2022/01/28/two-little-girls-dead-after-jab-on-gold-coast/?replytocom=182480#respond

    From: A GP wishing to remain anonymous

    Attention: To the People of Australia

    Do you know anyone who has had a significant post Covid vaccination injury or suspicious death?

    A legal team is looking for Covid Vaccine Injured Patients who are:

    Willing to share their medical details publicly
    Willing to make a Statement as an Affidavit
    Willing to appear, if called upon, in a Supreme Court matter on a ZOOM call to confirm their affidavit and present their story

    If so, please contact me on


    as soon as possible with your complete contact details which will be forwarded to the legal team who will then touch base with you.

    Please share this around to enable as many injured people come forward.
    Thank you

  4. United Nations 1994 Global Depopulation Agreement by 160 Countries to Kill Off 7 Billion by 2030. Rockefeller Calls for Depopulation Dec 8, 2008. Genocide, in their Own Words
    by mothman777


    Quotes added below by mothman777 to reiterate just who is behind this immensely sick, vindictive, sadistic and hate-filled agenda which is very obviously nothing whatsoever about actually saving resources of the world for any future generations, this is purely and simply a military plan by the Dalek-like Jews who have one constantly resounding theme in their demonic and defective brains; Exterminate! Exterminate!

    “The chief mission of all other races and peoples, great and small, is to perish in the revolutionary holocaust”. (Karl Marx; Die Neue Rheinische Zeitung NZR January 1849)

    To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly. Libbre David 37

    Happy will be the lost of Israel, whom the Holy One, blessed be He, has chosen from amongst the Goyim, of whom the Scriptures say: “Their work is but vanity, it is an illusion at which we must laugh; they will all perish when God visits them in His wrath.” At the moment when the Holy One, blessed be He, will exterminate all the Goyim of the world, Israel alone will subsist, even as it is written: “The Lord alone will appear great on that day!… Zohar, Vayshlah 177b


  5. Yes cc I noted the above re 1994.
    Clearly, if not reported by the msm, we know who they are with
    the running dog politicians who do not ask a simple question in our parliaments.
    They are Ignorant gutless compromised traitors they, appear obvious.
    In due course their fate is in our hands.

  6. “The Greeks the Romans will conquer.”

    Look at the sign-holding lady in the photo. Does she mean she wants froodom from mandates or she wants to mandate freedom?

    And is her dog wearing an RCMP red serge jacket? I wonder if there’s a statute about that.

    • If I can’t do the maffs right, I shouldna have opened my mouf.

      Thank you, Ben. The website xe.com says 10 million CAD is fetching 7, 848, 880 today.

      and for the record, one aussie dollar is worth .707 on the greenback.
      Not bad. Remember 49 cents under Hawke?

      Not that money will matter anymore, soon….

  7. Taking the jab is the mark of beast. Time for sitting on the fence well and truly past, with demons on all bases loaded. Planes landing every five minutes, bringing the privileged and the slave stock from the poorest regions globally to deliver home take away on pushbikes. The division is spiritual, with only one of two paths to choose. Clearly now, more so than before, freemasons are in all governments, pharmaceuticals, msm and all associated positions enforcing this kleptocracy. One doesn’t even have to read between the lines anymore, the goons and snoops are instantly visible, for those with eyes that can still see a bit. Our mass frightens the hell out of them, that’s why their final solution is mandatory here under the triumvirate of krown kabal komunizm.
    With AI their power is the exponential enslavement of all, repeating, do not take their ‘mark’.

    • Ant, we are counting on you to keep us informed re incoming flights. So don’t make jokes about it, OK? Is is Qantas, Emirates or who? Is it military? Surely they would land at military bases, not at Kingsford?

      • Mary,
        There are many Gumshoe readers in Sydney, maybe they agree, disagree, or stay silent cause their pay depends on it.
        Last night around midnight, every 5 minutes they were landing. Think of the sleep deprived residents around Marrickville and neighbouring suburbs, where many workers are up for five am starts.

  8. Turnbull denounces the Prime Minister as a lying liar

    “Oh, he’s lied to me on many occasions. Scott has always had a reputation for telling lies. When a prime minister behaves disingenuously or dissembles or is dishonest, it will reflect on his or her credibility, it will reflect on the credibility of their party and the government. But when you do that as leader of the nation, internationally, it reflects on us all.”


      • The more scuttlebutt I hear about Scotty, the more I think he is trying to operate within the politically possible. In his position of limited influence you can’t just come out with the blunt truth, the hypnotised stoopids ( dumbest 50% ) can’t handle the truth.

    • The last one is the funniest:

      Forcing trivial demands
      Develops habit of compliance
      Enforcement of ‘rules’

      You must wear your mask to enter these premises.

  9. The Suppressed History Of How Pandemics Are Created
    February 6, 2022

    When American journalist Celia Farber courageously published, in Harper’s Magazine (March 2006) the article “Out of control—AIDS and the corruption of medical science,” some readers probably attempted to reassure themselves that this “corruption” was an isolated case. This is very far from the truth. It is only the tip of the iceberg. Corruption of research is a widespread phenomenon currently found in many major, supposedly contagious health problems.
    Read on –

  10. It’s a pity Barnaby did not know –

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  11. The first part is for context, my comment is short at the end. Preceeded by *********,

    Funny Statues are marker. A modern work done in the Greek/Roman style is a flag for me.
    Laws Truganini, without arms, erotic, flags the artist and the sponser. Truganini knew, and they could not even allow, even her dying wish to be left alone.
    Having formed beachheads around Australia, bio weapons needed, before a coordinated push that can easily be seen by timeline The “squatters” are used to hold “refoulment” and survey. The whalers and sealers were used on the coasts prior the beachheads. Sheep point to earlier incursions than the authorised parties. Fear used to keep parties apart, and they knew how to wield that stick and mind control through brutality explaining the native police used a little later as well.
    Squatters find gold lots of gold. They have rights(not voting) and could hold and not declare, sell to outside markets, therefore potentially threaten the applecart.
    Operaton Eureka Stockade. Dysentry always turns up at these inflection points. Read the wiki and if that is not myths and BS, jab me its safe. The flag used even today, people rally under flags because of the myths. The Aboriginal flag is that too, to unify and control outcomes.

    Eureka Rebelion has all the false flag elements and may have never even existed. Or patsy’s used, we can never know because the stockade is never seen again.
    On paper a huge win for the people, the Labour Party, Crown taxes changed to a equitable amount with representation, suffrage the carrot, used for 150 years.
    First champion Peter Lalor kicks this off. The resouces now identified, can be plucked by Crown insiders. Sons of Gwalia is foundered by Peter and Chris Lalor who also apparantly with another brother fought on both sides of the US Civil War Timelines because of the stories/myths in the making can be distorted. This is past to Herbert Clark Hoover who capitalisind on a recent depression soon owns half of WA’s mines. Next stop the Boxer Rebellion. Goes UK as “consultant”. Look at his wiki, amazing Poseidon next to Gwalia shows in the 1970’s that money is made through other means and can be a setup for “disruption” and price fixing, modus.

    The Crown tax tripling is used to ignite a plan and the papers direct the talking points of unfairness to feed beyond readers. This is modus and is seen in ” Independence” of the US.
    Think Boston Tea Party and people still rally to that false flag. Stirring up the Stamp Tax Issue,
    but the people are producing locally to get around it. Facts don’t matter just the perception driven by false groups like Son’s of Liberty.
    Perception like philanthropist’s have created between source and target is mind control. The more things get worse on the “cause”, the more people will double down to help. They fund all the nightmares and by design.

    ****** The courts cases pending will be used to evolve the system. That may involve a world solution to a world problem. You know the vax ID is not really needed, so makes for a great false flag. The people are joining together with different vax views, the vaxxed pushed back by the thought of the endless boosters. The Governments retaining power with more oversight of the body that will form. This body that can override can progress the agenda with the world people doing or allowing the work. Its hard enough being a contrarian in a small country.
    Things change but the architecture remains the same******

  12. State of the Nation | February 5, 2022
    We, the Truckers Of America, declare that whereas:

    The “killer virus” is a mild flu

    The Covid “vaccine” is a gene-modification treatment, harmful, often deadly, and damaging to the immune system

    The Covid “vaccine” is unnecessary because cheap, effective remedies exist; administering these dangerous experimental jabs to children is especially evil and violates the Nuremberg code of 1947

    The PCR test is totally fraudulent and can’t differentiate between COVID-19 and the seasonal flu, as the CDC and WHO now admit after two years; The tests mostly give false positives and were rigged to do so

    The PCR swabs are invasive, potentially damaging to the olfactory nerve, and contain toxic substances

    The case data generated is meaningless junk, as the authorities now admit

    The masks are totally useless, increase the risks of disease, and can damage children’s brains by cutting off the supply of oxygen

    The vaccine mandates are illegal, unconstitutional, and violate our fundamental human rights and the Nuremberg code of 1947

    The vaccine “passports” are illegal, unconstitutional, discriminatory, go against science, and violate the Nuremberg code

    The news media is the PR agency of Big Pharma, purveying disinformation and lies about this plandemic 24/7

    The “Fact Checkers” are the paid mouthpieces of Big Pharma, disseminating untruths and misinformation

    WE HEREBY DECLARE that we are not leaving this city until our demands are met, as follows:

    No more mandates
    No more gene-based “vaccines”
    No more bogus diagnostic tests
    No more masks
    No more health passports
    No more censorship by the lying News Media and Social Media—All the scientific findings by truth-telling doctors and researchers must be fully presented to the public.
    Full compensation by the vaccine manufacturers and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to every person injured by the COVID-19 “vaccines” or their bereaved families.

    Our demonstration is totally peaceful and lawful. If any disturbance occurs it is the result of FBI dirty-tricks as occurred at the so-called “Capitol riot” of January 6, 2021.


    Submitted by a Concerned Citizen in solidarity with America’s Truckers and Truckers Worldwide.

  13. In reference to the pepper spraying incident at Canberra, this happened at a camp on public land by the national library. The protest itself on Feb. 6 was huge and peaceful and the police were good. Parents with kids should not hesitate to come. The camp at Epic is safe and legal and the atmosphere is great.

    • From w3’s linked article:

      “Earlier in the afternoon, the Ottawa Police Service announced they would be cracking down on those providing “material aid,” such as fuel, to protesters. “Anyone attempting to bring material supports (gas, etc.) to the demonstrators could be subject to arrest. Enforcement is underway,” wrote the Ottawa Police Service in a tweet.

      The Ottawa Justice Centre — which is representing the Freedom Convoy — said the police service would be breaking the law if they attempted to enforce this measure. “People who bring food, water, gasoline or other supplies to peacefully protesting truckers are not breaking any law. There is no basis for this police threat, that was issued by Twitter this morning,” said Justice Centre lawyer Nicholas Wansbutter. “

      Could this situation apply to Canberra as well??

      • The Ottawa Justice Centre – wow, so many flags. One is enough for me and this weird t
        The founder recently returned to the Centre and cleaned shop. He was using a private detective to find Manitoba Chief Justice at home, where a teenage boy rang the bell.
        Think the GoFundMe issue that we all know of , is the reason or excuse.

    • Perfect for world attention. a clash, real or staged. Longer it plays out will show.
      Thing I don’t want to see(dead people) is a Tiananmen. All forces poised when a single UN truck.

  14. In my opinion, they should stop honking the horns. Some one is seeking an injunction now against the honking.

    (By the way today’s article, above, by me has had 2500 views on Rumormillnews.com. Possibly my Olympic record.)

  15. Tucker Carlson says the hit & run on Canada truckers is not being treated by the cops as domestic terrorism, rips the establishment and elite media operations.

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