Home News Everything Was Planned

Everything Was Planned


Introduction by DM

A selection of videos with the usual bombshells. What more do we need to know?

The first video — Clayton Morris interviews Sasha Latypova about the timeline of the DOD planning the release of Covid. They issued $50 billion and instructed their selected companies to go into action when there were only 11 cases. Thse companies were working with the DOD in 2017. Do you remember the Covid tests bought by countries in 2017 and 2018?

Katie Hopkins on the demise of farmers.

Tucker Carlson was advised he would arrested.

Situation Update: The video opens with a mother addressing a school board. Population 18:00 minute — Gates and a comedian. Tucker Carlson 40:00 minutes. Printing money out of thin air 48:00 minutes.

A question from Sydney’s Eastern suburbs:





  1. Well, we are cooking with gas. Except in Victoria🤷
    Seriously, if anyone wants to really understand that the globalist corporate control freaks control the msm, just pop in each day to Mike Rivero’s website and scroll the headlines at:
    http://www.whatreallyhappened.com – new.
    Besides locating a bottle of carniVor (above) to go with the WEFer’s bugs and cockroaches have a look at how Albanese’s (our paid for, on borrowed money) Abrahams tanks are going to manage in the Ukraine against Vlad’s Lancet kamikaze drones.
    All fun for the warmongers in a ten minute demo video with commentary in second half.
    At whatreallyhappened.com on 1/3 at the O6.32 timeline.
    I think if our pollies want to go to war, then do something useful, go traverse the Ukraine war zone as the crew in a Abrahams.
    At least ours scoutmasters surely could be useful to pick up the remains.

      • To think that in the late 1950’s we had the Jindivick and our traitor politicians took it no further.
        We have been controlled and run by government idiots and fools ever since.
        Look at the ‘Lima declaration’ (1975) signed up by the Labor government with the UN to sacrifice Australian workers, industry and defence. Traitors💁🏼

        • We are wholly reliant on the US and the bloodline Globalists are intent on punishing the USA for 1776 and taking it down, they sure hated that 13th amendment about “No Princes etc.” Between the war of 1812 and the Civil War imagine the amount of infiltration that went on and the USA has never recovered.

  2. Just finished with today’s situation update at beforeit’snews news.com – people powered news. Presented by MARY, NOT MM.
    Oh well, pull out the whiteboard, sit back and work it out for yourselves and find a dot or MANY.


      @TPC4USA’s first interview since being taken in by federal authorities with
      @SteveDeaceShow “All of this is about the suppression of speech and teaching those of us on the Right side of the political spectrum what we can and cannot say and what is allowed.”

  3. Ssshhh, Michelle Rowland MP is listening and there is reported, but not identified, a ex pollie who has been leaking to a Chinaman.
    Beware the knock on the door. … “Hilary and …………does not live here”.

  4. Eyes right at 2:00 passing Clarence House the residence of C & C.
    They are on the red road going toward Buckingham Palace.

    “But the union flag flying instead of the Royal Ensign means he is not home.
    The white horse supposedly represents the King when he is at home.
    Therefore: the usual rule does not apply to this scenario … ?

    As well as a black sheath on the flag there is a black bearskin hat on the saddle.
    Now this theory that they are legally converting to satanism is fascinating.
    I guess this means the next Pope will convert to satanism too.

    • Joe,
      There is a problem with your pope theory, it is a matter of the timeline.
      Look up the Ex Jesuit Malachi Martin interviews….. Satan been there for awhile. My guess is that was when the Rothschild bankers took over the bean counting….late 1800s
      Now what did Pell discover… as reported. Thus poor Pell. As I have previously commented here at GS, an informed, told me at that time, “he had better watch his back”. Well it seems that no one did. Thus poor Pell.

      • Official story:
        “Britain’s Ministry of Defence told Reuters in an emailed statement there was no link between the video and the death of Rothschild.
        “The three horses from the Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment were conducting an administrative move, or as we call it, a ‘make down’,” a ministry spokeswoman said.
        “This occurs when The King has left London and The King’s Life Guard at Horse Guards reverts from being a ‘Long Guard’ to a ‘Short Guard’.”

      • Further,
        Joe do you think Biden is Biden.
        Do you really think that the proffered character is really the Pope.?
        Oh well, wipe out your whiteboard and start afresh.

        • How do you mean Biden is Biden, now they have got his drugs fine tuned and the actors have got their performances down pat, it’s hard to tell unless you get a close-up of their skin. There is no reason why there would be only one Biden, they need someone who is mentally incompetent to cover up all the things they do. At least one backup Biden is essential. As for satanic pope and so forth I don’t claim to know anything about the internal politics, how the cardinals run their elections.
          My guess with KC3 is that the family sold out to Globalists because KC3 clearly has never wanted the whole monarchy deal, he wants to retire from the whole thing and no doubt wishes he was born second. He is a conflicted individual, look at his parents, pulling in different directions. He should get himself an enclave somewhere with a castle on it just like his peers, looks like Princess Kate doesn’t want to be in the plan either. Are you old enough to remember around the turn of the previous century when QV1 died and arrangements started coming apart ? By now all the wheels have fallen off. My question is what will KC3 do every day after he has had his coddled egg. This is really the big question in the future of all of us in a future of owning nothing. The supermarkets have created this problem, selling eggs in boxes of 12 for a cheap price. Look at the trouble they go to to get eggs on Orkney Islands. When the supermarket arrives there, they lose their sense of purpose.

  5. What wine goes with a cockroach?
    Just woke up.
    Any wine goes with a ‘battered’ sliced woke politician or globalist mass media insect, fried in hot vegetable oil, served on jasmine rice with a splattering of soy sauce, green Vegie’s and all, with a sustainable depleted Co2 delicious side salad.
    A DETAILED menu with mandated instructions is available on request at The WEFers offices in Geneva or locally, in your domiciled country, care of the relevant department of Communications OR OUR local parliamentary WEFer agents for truth and public sustainabilities.

    • I would guess the best wine with a cockroach would be a glass of extra dry Shiraz chased down with several nips of Tokay.

  6. From Lara Logan ( previous article )
    Some kind of indigenous UN-WEF interface

    Senior executive Service ( US ) proposed by Eisenhower, delivered by Carter:
    The Senior Executive Service is the men and women charged with leading the continuning [sic] transformation of government. These 7000 leaders possess well honed executive skills …

    Senior executive Service ( Western Australia )

    • Serco – biggest corporation in the world, most have never heard of.
      Oxford head octopus for all BSWL4 franchises worldwide. City of London krown kabal komunizm global. The people of Britain, like Ozzies 2, have absolutely no say in anything, voting with pencils now enhanced with online bs, as slavemasons are loaded on all bases.
      “Meet the new boss same as the old boss….”

  7. That whiteboard has grown one bloody BIG DOT.
    DEWS: bloody obvious, been too many, too effective, too localised and for too many collateral agendas.
    Latest is Texas ,,,, x warned and it has to be obvious with so many food processing plants going up, they want you starving and eating THEIR BUGS.
    Watch latest S U with Mary at beforeitsnews.com people powered news.
    From 20 mins on the driver shooter for two mins then TEXAS for a few.
    It is old news that the driver did it.
    Bloody obvious what DEWS are being used for. In other reports, the ‘lazer’ ? Is seen in the photos.

  8. There is no doubt that the buildings and vehicles were hit with DEWS NWO geo- engineering produced destruction.They set it up for environmental attacks naturally and with acts of arson. Then the pyro terrorists moved in for the kill, torching under cover of DEW triggered firestorms. The obvious evidence of melted cars and ash houses next to completely unburned trees, grass and shrubs is ignored just like Ukraina, Gaza and any place the military industrial sees fit for good business.

    Commandment is “Don’t Kill.”

  9. DEWS – green lasers over Texas.
    Note, I mentioned the lasers above in a comment.
    Comments for next article not working🙀
    Go to beforeitsnews.com people powered news.
    “Insane! Texas devastated by green laser death rays thunderstorm”.
    At least view the first video report. Others follow.
    Suggest: BE QUICK.- FILE.

    • One theory is that it is some broad mapping for …… some reason?
      It appears different than a single beam/concentrated in other reports.
      Can anyone resolve?

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