Home Maxwell Four Stages of Critical Thought and How Your Participation Is Needed Today

Four Stages of Critical Thought and How Your Participation Is Needed Today


by Mary W Maxwell, LLB

Historians of technology sometimes identify four stages of human progress: the discovery of agriculture, the mining of metals, the mechanization of labor, and the scientific conquest of matter.  Four stages of critical thought can also be identified.  By “critical thought” I mean the intellectual task of questioning what we are doing. This has become urgent today.

The first stage was the biological evolution of language in our species maybe 100,000 years ago. With language we could tell our neighbors what we were thinking and thus develop a basis for accumulating knowledge, as well as for gossiping and making up imaginative stories. Leaders used the spoken word to give instructions. There was probably not much critical thought in early days, although curiosity and the search for explanations must have always been innate in humans.

The second stage was the invention of writing about five thousand years ago. This made possible the keeping of records, which aided commerce and education. It also paved the way for the writing of law, biography, poetry, and holy scripture. As for critical thought in this stage, Greek philosophers from the 6th century BC openly engaged in questioning our common ideas. “Know thyself,” said Socrates. Aristotle is credited with having discovered rationality and logic.

The third stage was the development of mass communication through printing and then through electronics. Johannes Gutenberg introduced movable type in 1450.  By 1900, a majority of people in the world were literate. Electronic broadcasting of information and entertainment began with radio in the 1920s and TV in the 1950s. By 2000, the personal computer started to replace paper print. In the 1600s, Rene Descartes had opened a field of critical thought — epistemology – that asks how do we know what we know?  Generally, that inquiry was prestigious in academia but now has taken a fall. It’s politically incorrect to question things, as though people should just accept propaganda patriotically (!). Humans also get seduced into cults, wherein independent thinking is a sin.

The fourth stage is mind control that seeks physical control of everyone’s brain. This includes indirect mind control such as by causing social panic or despair such that the population’s rationality is turned off and folks take refuge in a leader’s care. Or it can be direct mind control through hypnotic techniques or drug-induced states. Currently, the effort is to implant chips in the brain or alter the human DNA. “Artificial intelligence” is already carrying out many tasks. That could mean a complete end to critical thought. Luckily, however, many watchful people are rushing to get their criticisms in as fast as possible.

Why the Rush to Artificial Intelligence, Transhumanism, and Globalism?

Along with every one of the 8 billion humans alive today, I am entitled to have a say in the proposed changes to human nature. I think if we exercise some critical thought, we will all be inclined to say “Stop this train!” Here are sone reasons for stopping this train:

1- We are not ready to evaluate any of the suggested changes, as we don’t know enough about what the new look would entail. The sales pitch is that a few brilliant people do know what it looks like, and if they say it will be good, we should trust them. Naturally, we shouldn’t trust individuals who don’t even feel a responsibility to explain what is going on. The ones who do speak openly appear to be mentally unwell. Clearly, two of the sponsors of artificial intelligence, Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab, are clinical cases.

2- The history of scientific efforts to control minds is loaded with murder and torture, for which no perpetrator has yet been held to account. Beginning in 1920 or earlier, Tavistock doctors studied shell-shocked soldiers from World War I, perhaps with an eye to finding out how to create shell shock. By 1940, Allen Dulles (later the first head of the CIA) was practicing mind control techniques on babies, including by breaking the mother-child bond. (Think about it.) As of 1950, Sidney Gottlieb was in charge of the MK-Ultra program that wanted to find out how to wipe out an individual’s memory and ego, using “clever tools” such as terror and humiliation. (Gee, how clever can you get?) ‘Mind control ‘experiments’ are going on in prisons right this minute. It may yet happen to you. You won’t like it.

3- Numerous victims in the US, UK, and Australia report that the mind control they underwent was done in the context of satanism. That is a religion in which the leaders actually support evil as a good. (On a separate note, such persons have started wars, using the combatants as their playthings.) A show of conscience would be considered a breach of etiquette in that social set. The late Justice Antonin Scalia was a child torturer – they don’t wear horns, you know. I take Henry Kissinger, Hillary Clinton, and Tony Blair to be satanists. Have we forgotten that in 2009 the Brits paid a settlement to the Mau Mau of Kenya, whom they castrated? (They used pliers.)

4- A perfectly good reason not to tamper with Mother Nature is that Mother Nature knows best. Every living creature, both plant and animal, is a miracle, and their interactions are fantastic. We can deduce, from the AI guys’ failure to talk about Nature, that they do not even appreciate the wonders of the human body. Furthermore, they don’t even attempt to map out how their proposed changes to the human species could affect the general ecology of the planet. By God, they are thick. Please demote them in any way you can.

5- Not only were the planners of our future not born great, they have not even had greatness thrust upon them. They refuse to step forward and be identified. In the last few years, much has come to light, by whistleblowers and truth seekers, that could land these high mucky mucks in trouble. (We’re talking pliers.) So they have redoubled their efforts to thwart resistance. It is pathetic to watch these 1% rule the roost.  But on the other hand, it is pathetic to watch the 99% — basically all of us – sit in stunned silence.



  1. I saw books and knew this was going to be a Maxwell. Then I was surprised when Mary almost articulated a reason to burn books. I don’t have a problem with this free speech because man does not need the written word and never has. Just ask Stevie Wonder, but not Helen Keller , who I believe played a “mean pinball”.
    Good points 2 thru 5, well “we find these things self evident.”
    Let the philistine’s and bookworms unite

        • I listened to that(details), he kinda of uses driving to “condense” thought. He has driven a lot of miles(like me), I would suspect(and the dead thing). Plus we have this early z80 machine microprocessor, hard yards and he knows that AI is bs but “divide and conquer” is the “Occam’s Razor” most likely foe.

          • AI is ridiculous, AI is not plugged into reality, it is plugged into its own database, it’s like wiring a bunch of cockroach brains together, it goes nowhere. Even human intelligence is falling apart thanks to 21C culture

  2. .
    As everyone knows, the, quote,“ biological evolution of language” is a belief that’s central to the “monkeys-to-man” religion, a pervasive cult that was naturally bound to become the very font of every plague that would destroy the most fundamental precepts of civilization.

  3. Australian soldiers gave their lives in defending Australia. All that is needed now is a “yes” vote to give it away. Lest We Forget.

    • They defended it for the king and now they will hand it over to the UN who has made a deal with the king presumably through the agency of Rotschilds, KC3 is the original Teal. Useless eaters must be culled, as they were throughout history.

        • The “useless eaters must be culled” belief is rooted in a certain mind-set that seems to dominate these pages, namely the idea that a casual disregard for human life is less morally reprehensible than murderous intent; a flagrant arrogation of God’s dominion if ever there was

          • You mean what you perceive to be some sort of consolidated murderous intent
            Due to a failure to grasp the modus operandi of the Great Deceiver.

          • And a reluctance to take a closer look at what “the idea that a casual disregard for human life is less morally reprehensible than murderous intent” is based on

          • Well you don’t need any introspection to figure out which one’s easier to deal with
            Which is, of itself, pretty telling.

    • “Australian soldiers gave their lives in defending Australia”

      And here’s me thinking they merely signed their lives over to one dying empire after another

  4. Obviously, members of the Canadian parliament, by giving a standing ovation to a Ukranian Nazi who fought against Canadian soldiers in WW2, and invited to Canada’s parliament, on the eve of Yom Kippur, for the purpose of being honoured for his Nazi war efforts, haven’t, like Australian politicians, even made stage 1 of the development of human thought.

    • Machzor Rosh Hashanah Ashkenaz

      Annullment of Vows

      The Talmud (Maseches Nedarim) says, “Whoever does not want his vows, made during the year, to remain in force, should declare: “Any vows that I make during the coming year are hereby nullified.” The Tur writes that it has become a widespread custom to recite the “Kol Nidrei” before Yom Kippur for the purpose of nullifying all such vows. He further writes that since ,…………, the diligent come early to perform their religious duties. It is commendable to invalidate one’s vows before Rosh Hashana with the declaration contained in the….., the Annulment of Vows………………


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