Home Awakening Gene Decode Talks to the Australian Boys

Gene Decode Talks to the Australian Boys

The Euphrates River is almost completely dried up!! Revelation 16:12 (pinterest)

Introduction by DM

Today, the last day of 2023, some videos that will stretch any mind. I started listening to Gene Decode in 2020, but he has been interviewed by more and more alternative news influencers in the last year. Whether you consider his views or not does not really matter. Being challenged mentally by the possibilities of a different reality might expand our perception. The video (with David and Riccardo Bosi) starts with Gene’s background and then morphs into his mind-boggling explanations. He talks about the lies we have been told.

“Co Sensei Gene is a 20+ year veteran of the U.S. Navy Submarine Fleet. He is a 40+ year Martial Arts Instructor (Sensei) as well as a lifelong student and practitioner of Naturopathic Medicine. He has dedicated most of his life to the investigation and research of information pertaining to all things spiritual, health (physical, mental, and emotional), social, political, and metaphysical. He was born with skilled remote viewing and psychic abilities that have steered his life.

“In August of 1990, Gene had an epiphany in which he suddenly realized the existence and massive influence of the Satanic Deep State cabal. Gene immediately began massive research to disprove this, however everything he found only made it more obvious. Gene then enlisted several of his martial arts students to disprove his account. Not only could they NOT disprove what he learned, they confirmed it through credible sources. In a Death Experience in August of 1992 (he died for 30 minutes) he met God and after taking a Holy Covenant God allowed him to return to be of service to humanity, the Earth, and God’s creation. Throughout Gene’s life, he has had many events that have changed his life and its course. Looking back Gene now sees this as the hand of God steering his life.

“This series of events led Gene to embark on a continuing path of discovery in his lifelong quest to attain the absolute truth in all things through decoding the lies we’ve all been conditioned to believe.Through the course of many interviews and decodes shared with the world, Gene Co Sensei was given the name “Gene Decode.”

The video:

More from Gene:





  1. Problem
    Comment did not turn up.
    Oh well, see my relevant comment on this discussion in a comment yesterday at 1.27 towards end of the last article here at GS.
    For 24, perhaps some new thoughts might help some cope with exposures clearing out some old cobwebs.

  2. Unfortunately my hearing prevented me from understanding much of what was being said from Gene. However, what I did pick up corresponds with much of my own research. For a lot of people this is ‘too far out’.

    I can tell people about things in objective reality, like the Port Arthur Massacre, that they could easily research to confirm as being true. They balk at even considering the information as it doesn’t correspond with the paradigm that they have been taught. Even bullshit scams like global warming/climate change is in the too hard basket.

    Then to try to discuss metaphysical concepts with those same people is WAY too far. I don’t know what the solution is. Perhaps we all have to go through various experiences to begin ‘waking up’. I’ve had multiple experiences through out my life that have assisted me in my journey. Maybe most people have also had those experiences, but for some reason they weren’t ‘paying attention’. – With events that are coming, they had better start paying attention.

      • “ …….. perhaps we all have to go through various experiences to begin ‘waking up’ …….
        It is amazing that many are so shallow in intellect and arrogant in attitude, that they vilify and derogate the genuine persons who have seen and experienced much, be it ‘abnormal’ ….. even as experienced by the once normal.
        Some people can not be helped and it is a waste of time suggesting that they are stupid because they are too stupid to realise that they are stupid or just ignorant.
        Discovery in science and advances in technology, unless by accident, are usually the products of an abnormal insight.
        Remember: the blood will boil if one travels faster than riding a horse or we will never have aircraft that defeat gravity etc on and on they went.? ……. Some still do. Some are here.
        Where would we be if everyone had believed them?

      • Terry,
        I skimmed your old article and the comments and had a giggle at MM’s comment (and threat?) on her pesky aliens.
        Dunning-Kruger had an idea.

        • I also skimmed that old article – and hit another Mandel Effect. In the original article I refer to ‘White Out’ being replaced with ‘Whit Out’. It remained Whit Out for years. Then about six months ago I noticed on a forum that White Out was now Wite Out (replaced the E and dropped the H). – Then as I read the article I noticed that my original Whit Out had also become Wite Out in the article I wrote.

          Crikey, trying to keep up with this stuff may eventually drive me bonkers.

          After much research, I have determined that the Mandela Effect is a switch to a parallel time line. When you shift to a new time line, that time line has always been that way. Usually, the shift is not too much different, perhaps 2%, but the shift to a time line where the Rock of Gibraltar moved, that may be a more significant shift. Bugger if I know, I’m just along for the ride…

    • Terry – one first needs to be open minded to everything, to be willing to explore the seemingly impossible so as to grasp those nuggets of Truth that one will find on their journey in this world.

      Without having an open mind, learning about things that we all need to know about, will never come easy.

    • Terry, I very much agree with you. I’ve had some very weird experiences, some of which are out-of-body but if I shared with most people they would think I was crazy so I rarely share about them. What I can say is that “there are more things in heaven and earth Horatio than are dreamt of in your philosophy.” – Shakespeare. I have found that to be very true so I don’t discount anything no matter how weird, until I can prove it isn’t true.

      • “I’ve had some very weird experiences,” – After a while, they are no longer ‘weird’. You just learn to accept it and go with it. At first it is confusing, like WTF just happened? – Welcome to the other side of the looking glass…

  3. Thanks Terry— yes so much in old gumshoe articles and comments. Hours and hours on there www. It has been interesting for me as to what gets picked up on Gumshoe and how commenters have come and gone.
    Was going to let it be—but will add a couple of links for those who can connect the dots in a multidimensional way.

    David Black August 25, 2019 at 4:18 pm
    “Annie Jacobsen is a USA based journalist and researcher. I have 3 of her books – Operation Paper Clip, Area 51 and Phenomenon, which details the MlC wrestle with the paranormal, remote viewing especially. Takes a woman with balls to tackle these subjects. l highly recommend all 3. Operation Trojan Horse and Mothman Prophesies by John Keel are essential reading. Hunt for the Skinwalker by Kelleher PhD is also invaluable reading.”

    Nazi Arctic Bases Captured (1945)


    German Antarctic Expedition (1938–1939)

    Weird Antarctica – the truth behind secret Nazi bases and aliens


  4. https://tricycle.org/magazine/hitler-and-himalayas-ss-mission-tibet-1938-39/
    “What brings about this odd juxtaposition of Tibetan lamas and SS officers on the eve of World War II is a strange story of secret societies, occultism, racial pseudo-science, and political intrigue. They were, in fact, on a diplomatic and quasi-scientific mission to establish relations between Nazi Germany and Tibet and to search for lost remnants of an imagined Aryan race hidden somewhere on the Tibetan plateau. As such, they were a far-flung expression of Hitler’s most paranoid and bizarre theories on ethnicity and domination. And while the Tibetans were completely unaware of Hitler’s racist agenda, the 1939 mission to Tibet remains a cautionary tale about how foreign ideas, symbols, and terminology can be horribly misused.
    Hitler and the Himalayas: The SS Mission to Tibet 1938-39
    Of all the exotic images that the West has ever projected onto Tibet, that of the Nazi expedition, and its search for the pure remnants of the Aryan race, remains the most bizarre.
    By Alex McKay”

    “Long before the 1939 mission to Tibet, the Nazis had borrowed Asian symbols and language and used them for their own ends. A number of prominent articles of Nazi rhetoric and symbolism originated in the language and religions of Asia. The term “Aryan”, for example, comes from the Sanskrit word arya, meaning noble. In the Vedas, the most ancient Hindu scriptures, the term describes a race of light-skinned people from Central Asia who conquered and subjugated the darker-skinned (or Dravidian) peoples of the Indian subcontinent. Linguistic evidence does support the multidirectional migration of a central Asian people, now referred to as Indo-Europeans, into much of India and Europe at some point between 2000 and 1500 B.C.E., although it is unclear whether these Indo-Europeans were identical with the Aryans of the Vedas.
    It also aided in fomenting anti-Semitism and xenophobia, as Jews, Gypsies, and other minorities did not share in the Aryan German’s perceived heritage as members of a dominant race.”

    And then there is Pinegap

    “The Famous Silkwood case centered on Karen Silkwood, an employee of the Kerr-McGee Nuclear Corporation who died in 1975. A chemical technician and union activist, Silkwood died when her car was run off the road while on her way to meet with a New York Times reporter. She had told the reporter she would bring evidence of irregularities and safety violations at the plutonium fuel rods plant where she worked. In 1977, Daniel Sheehan was approached by leaders of the National Organization for Women (NOW). Among them was Sara Nelson, NOW’s Labor Committee Chair, who was spearheading a campaign and a broad coalition of progressive groups seeking to bring attention to the death of Karen Silkwood.”

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