Home Australia Global Warming Hoax

Global Warming Hoax


J.G.Olsen / Financial Expositor

By now most people with a grain of sense have worked out that Global Warming powered by Carbon Dioxide was a hoax and that the weather was much the same or generally cooler in the intervening period of a decade or so. The narrative has been given an extra lease on life with Climate Change (featuring weather events), which is actually a product of internet-enabled video built into personal telephones and aboard privately operated drones.

One reason for whipping up fear and paranoia is to help create an economic down-cycle, since a natural up-cycle is always created by new technology, and shrewd investors profit hugely from this, there has to be a downcycle, and this can also be harvested. Assets sold at a premium become worthless and thanks to simple financial instruments, such as futures options, can be dumped on pension funds when they are at their most reduced value, having been pre-sold at their top value. Pension fund shareholders don’t notice anything because their expectations are so low to begin with.

Another reason for the fear and paranoia is to end the cycle of endless consumer expansion.

The oligarchs who by now own most of everything have a slightly different view of environmentalism compared to the mainstream, and that is, the middle and lower classes are the enemy of nature, even though it’s the products of the oligarch classes’ headlong race to increase their own wealth that have caused most of the problems.

Nonetheless, the general public has little value to oligarchs and is by and large incapable of coming up with anything new, since they cannot even differentiate between television and reality by now. Their culture and innovation have reached a dead end. It’s more practical to just be rid of most of them before some actual emergency arises.

Climate as anyone knows is defined by ice-ages and warm periods and these are caused by solar cycles, the shortest and perhaps best-defined solar cycle being eleven years from peak to peak. Here’s a list of sunspot cycles where 0 days indicates the hottest and 365 days would indicate the coolest.

2022 total: 1 day (<1%)

2021 total: 64 days (18%)

2020 total: 208 days (57%)

2019 total: 281 days (77%)

2018 total: 221 days (61%)

2017 total: 104 days (28%)

2016 total: 32 days (9%)

2015 total: 0 days (0%)

2014 total: 1 day (<1%)

2013 total: 0 days (0%)

2012 total: 0 days (0%)

2011 total: 2 days (<1%)

2010 total: 51 days (14%)

2009 total: 260 days (71%)

2008 total: 268 days (73%)

2007 total: 152 days (42%)

2006 total: 70 days (19%)

As you can see we are a long way from an ice-age, the coolest year in terms of sunspots was 2019 with 77% days of reduced activity. Bear in mind the sunspots (solar flares) can be any size and any aspect towards the earth, so in the arctic winter or at night your locality would be unaffected. Likewise, for example the sunspots might occur just beyond the visible rim of the sun and so not be of so much influence. For example two could be almost combined and might send off most of their energy laterally, instead of towards the Earth.

As anyone knows, the normal earth seasons, in European terms anyway, are defined as spring (rainy), summer (hot), autumn (dry) and winter (cold). These seasons relate to the aspect of the continent in question to the sun, but will be enhanced by the solar cycle, so that in a cooler solar cycle, during spring, there will be more rain than usual, and in a warmer solar cycle, during autumn, there will be more likelihood of drought. On the other hand if the earth cycles are at odds with the solar cycles they will tend to cancel each other out and produce milder weather. These simple concepts seem to be unprofitable for the Bureau of Meteorology who prefer to study effects rather than their causes, so we are dazzled by “El Nino” etc., without ever being clued as to what is driving this effect.

Yet more photogenic effects are produced daily to persuade us how the planet is being destroyed by Carbon Dioxide emissions, in some places the ice is thicker, in others thinner, the latter is newsworthy while the former is ignored. The lag period for glaciers can be many years, as the speed of flow from the top of the mountain range (snowfall) to the bottom (sea-level) takes literally that long, so a glacier may appear to be thinner years after the warm solar cycle has ended, still glacial thinning is touted as a reason to panic, even while it’s raining and cold outside. Somewhere in the world it’s too hot, somewhere else it’s too cold, and there is video to prove it, with well-groomed anchor-persons ramming it home.

We hear about 1-in-100 year flooding events as if they were expected to be 1-in-never. The simple statistical fact is that out of any 100 floodable places you might expect an event in one place per year. As for record flooding it is often a matter of record mismanagement in terms of drainage and opportunistic real estate developers combined with optimistic home builders and local councils with limited liability. In other words, common sense has long departed and fast bucks is the order of the day. Not long ago the entire urban street furniture of the Brisbane River was swept out to sea and this should be no surprise. Towns in old times tended to scorn rivers, turned their backs on them and used them as sewers.

March 2021, Australia

Look now at 1-in-100 year flooding events in terms of actual rivers. Australia has hundreds of rivers. “According to the Geographical Names Board of New South Wales, Australia has 439 rivers.” “The Australian coastline extends approximately 34 000 kilometres (excluding all small offshore islands) and includes more than 1000 estuaries.” (internet)

Some of these rivers, such as the LaTrobe, are capable of flooding a number of large towns, others such as the Darling carry phenomenal flows at peak periods, something more than an ordinary swimming pool per second. The average length of Australia’s ten longest rivers is about 1000km, so we might expect a 1-in-100 year event to affect the full length of any one of these rivers every decade, this is considering only the ten longest rivers.

Ice age periods seem to transition reasonably slowly, the worst example in modern history was the 1300’s when there were multiple major famines in Europe and colonies such as Greenland were abandoned. It was cold again around the 1800’s and there are many pitiful stories of individuals perishing in the snow from that era. However we have enjoyed a mild and warm period throughout our short lives and this will most likely continue without much change.

The oligarchs behind the Climate Change fear and paranoia are  now painfully visible, with the Teals Party being funded by Simon Holmes a’Court, son of Australia’s first billionaire. These Teals will not cause embarrassment like Jackie Lambie who took the funding and the colour yellow and privatised it from Clive Palmer in Queensland to herself in Tasmania. The Teals will have to perform if they want any more funding, and their covert party agenda is clearly to put the conservative parties out of government, at a time when wall-to-wall Labour government suits the Globalist International Communist agenda.

There is no demonstrable threat of global warming or cooling or Climate Change on the horizon and in particular any effect at all caused by a slight, insignificant increase in Carbon Dioxide, which in any case would simply be consumed and balanced by increased sea-algae and plant growth. Because of all these media hyped anomalies and confections it is clear the motivation for climate fear mongering lies elsewhere, such as combining with the medical and financial disruptions of recent years to bring an end to this extraordinary economic cycle.

We have seen multiple countries joining the major communist nations of the BRICS to avoid US petro-dollar influence over their states so the post-war era is being brought to a close and these activities seem to all be coordinated with a focus on this decade. Some say the realignment is imminent, within a matter of days, but the usual modus operandi is almost imperceptible slowness, so the public has lost interest long before the new paradigm comes about. All I can say is, we live in interesting times.



  1. There is no shortage of stoopid people. Fortunately, the same people that bought into the ‘Global Warming/Climate change’ bulldust are the same type of people that bought into the ‘vax’ hysteria.

    The result from this willingness to roll up their sleeves and get ‘vaxxed’ is that there will be less of these morons in the future. – They culled themselves from the gene pool. Sometimes you just have to look on the bright side of life.

    • By hook or crook they are reducing or forcing energy use down.
      Reduce population by deadly jabs, ramp up energy costs, reduce food supply and push up food costs. Get all the mugs into huge debt via low interest rates and then push them up and keep them up to squeeze them out!
      All by design and still the sheeple do nothing.

    • Like I said on the previous page, the “climate change” agenda is essentially a religion THE ATTRACTION HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH INTELLECT PER SE

      Interesting to note that, just like Darwinism, it took root in the late 1800s.
      Both are about playing God,and as such both are socially, physically and spiritually destructive. Like every religious cult that’s ever been, both use a few drops of truth to sell a lake of poison: both are averse to the general well-being and betterment of mankind

  2. We are made in God’s image therefore our sovereignty comes from Him only, not from government.
    No government has the right to steal our lives and properties with bioweapons that are murdering innocent children.
    The BSL4 (csiro) labs must be shut down.
    We have two choices, one of peace or one of oppression. It is now up to us decide, our children’s future hanging in the balance.

  3. I understand that estimates of the age of the earth is about
    Been loads of climatic changes since, plus a few continents drifting around.
    It must be stopped somehow, otherwise we will all be ‘rooned’; said Hanrahan…. Chewing on a piece of bark?

  4. According to news reports and the expressed-online personal experiences of many people:

    Many banks (& Central Banks) and MasterCard — and more entities are coming — have implemented policies & actions self-permitting them to WARN YOU & CUT OFF YOUR PURCHASES & your access to YOUR OWN MONEY for your alleged “ANTI-CLIMATE PURCHASES”.

    Couple those actions with the coming CBDC (CENTRAL BANK DIGITAL CURRENCY) being put into place by the WEF & UN & Biden Administration (& it already exists in China) with the intended alleged other actions ALREADY BEING PUT INTO PLACE — by these entities and more (for example, by the EU, and Saudi Arabia with “The Line”) — and you can see where this “CLIMATE THING” is heading.

    Already the Netherlands has, in effect, OUTLAWED FARMS, and the EU & the Biden Administration — not to also mention Bill Gates who reportedly is now the biggest (or 2nd biggest) owner of U.S. FARMLAND — reportedly with the rationale that FARM ANIMALS’ FARTS AFFECT THE PLANET’S CLIMATE — are intent on carrying this further.

    Yet statistics show the CO2 makes up 0.04% (or is it 0.004%?) of the atmosphere and that CO2 is VITAL for PLANTS TO SURVIVE.

    You realize, don’t you, that “plants” include FOOD-PLANTS and the whole genus is responsible for CONVERTING CO2 INTO OXYGEN?

    Couple what’s coming re policies re “CLIMATE CHANGE” with the UN’s plan for 2030 — and with the WEF’s (and the usual actors) — with what what Schwab and his right-hand man Harari — and now also Elon is hinting with his proposal that everybody should be BRAIN-CHIPPED — do you think that 8-BILLION PEOPLE WILL SOMEHOW ESCAPE — WITH THEIR LIVES — FROM BEING ACCUSED & CONTROLLED (and maybe DEMISED?) FROM THEIR CONTRIBUTING TO THE “CLIMATE-DESTRUCTION, whether by their voluntary actions OR involuntarily “expelling methane”?

    According to my research, many observers are projecting much of the above as to how these “CLIMATE CHANGE” policies, that they say are NOW BEING IMPLEMENTED, will play out — AND WILL NEGATIVELY AFFECT US ALL (WHILE ENRICHING THOSE WHO ARE BEHIND THIS “CLIMATE THING”) — IF these “entities” have their way.

    • It is starting in Brazil with the stolen election there and the convicted corrupt actor in charge claiming he will stop the Amazon forest from being reduced by farmers, probably not much chance of that promise being fulfilled but it’s a great excuse to bring in communism and state control of everything. The corrupt new government will ensure any profits go to themselves, that is always what communism is always ultimately about ( did I mention always ? )

  5. Lifesisenews.com? Sourced from rumormillnewsreadimgroom
    Urgent news from Canada.
    Those polar bears are now increasing in numbers and no doubt will be planning to eat us.
    Calling on volunteers for population control to donate a body to keep a polar bear at bay to save humanity.
    Perhaps Australia should contribute a few Green Teals.

    • Lifesitenews 🐻‍❄️🐻‍❄️🐻‍❄️🐻‍❄️🐻‍❄️🐻‍❄️🐻‍❄️🐻‍❄️🐻‍❄️🐻‍❄️🐻‍❄️🐻‍❄️🐻‍❄️🐻‍❄️🐻‍❄️🐻‍❄️🐻‍❄️🐻‍❄️🐻‍❄️
      Anyone at the ABC WANT TO VOLUNTEER?

  6. “CO2 is making Earth greener—for now



    “A quarter to half of Earth’s vegetated lands has shown significant greening over the last 35 years largely due to rising levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide, according to a new study published in the journal Nature Climate Change on April 25.

    “An international team of 32 authors from 24 institutions in eight countries led the effort, which involved using satellite data from NASA’s Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer instruments to help determine the leaf area index, or amount of leaf cover, over the planet’s vegetated regions. The greening represents an increase in leaves on plants and trees equivalent in area to two times the continental United States.

    “Results showed that carbon dioxide fertilization explains 70 percent of the greening effect, said co-author Ranga Myneni, a professor in the Department of Earth and Environment at Boston University. “The second most important driver is nitrogen, at 9 percent. So we see what an outsized role CO2 plays in this process.”



    • FOOD!
      They do not want food for us💁🏼💀💀💀💀
      Not in their plan…… and get your BOOSTER AND FROP DEAD YOU PISS-ANTS.

    • That’s why the greenies really need to be called the “brownies” as they would reverse this increase in the greening index.

    • CO2 is much heavier than air so when air is still, like in a forest or valley, the CO2 drops down to the floor where plants can ingest it. In the case of the sea, the algae takes up most of the CO2, more than the Amazon forest etc. The algae is eaten by krill and such creatures, so by reducing CO2 you will eventually cause baleen whales to go on a diet, then big sharks will have nothing to eat, and they will come to the beaches and eat the surfers.

  7. I normally do not refer to the X22report.com episodes A that are mainly financial/fiscal reports.
    But episode 2965A is relevant in part to this topic. Also note the fiscal aspects…. Interest going up.

    However episode 2965B is also a lot of fun today with Twitter exposed and Trump’s brilliant tactic by supporting McCarthy for speaker, just to expose him🤡🤡

  8. Carbon Dioxide Not a Well Mixed Gas and Can’t Cause Global Warming
    By: John O’Sullivan
    One of the least challenged claims of global warming science is that carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is a “well-mixed gas.” A new scientific analysis not only debunks this assertion but also shows that standard climatology calculations, applicable only to temperature changes of the minor gas, carbon dioxide were fraudulently applied to the entire atmosphere to inflate alleged global temperature rises.
    Acceptance of the “well-mixed gas” concept is a key requirement for those who choose to believe in the so-called greenhouse gas effect. A rising group of skeptic scientists have put the “well-mixed gas” hypothesis under the microscope and shown it contradicts not only satellite data but also measurements obtained in standard laboratory experiments.
    Canadian climate scientist, Dr Tim Ball is a veteran critic of the “junk science” of the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and no stranger to controversy.
    Ball is prominent among the “Slayers” group of skeptics and has been forthright in denouncing the IPCC claims; “I think a major false assumption is that CO2 is evenly distributed regardless of its function.“
    School Children Prove Carbon Dioxide is Heavier than Air
    Dr. Ball and his colleagues appear to be winning converts with their hard-nosed re-examination of the standard myths of climate science and this latest issue is probably one of the easiest for non-scientists to comprehend.
    Indeed, even high school children are taught the basic fact that gravity causes objects heavier than air to fall to the ground. And that is precisely what CO2 is – this miniscule trace gas (just a very tiny 0.04% of atmosphere) is heavy and is soon down and out as shown by a simple school lab experiment.
    Or, we can look at it another way to make these technical Physics relationships easy. This is because scientists refer to ratios based on common standards. Rather than refer to unit volumes and masses, scientists use the concept of Specific Gravity (SG). Giving standard air a value of 1.0 then the measured SG of CO2 is 1.5 (considerably heavier). [1.]
    Read on –
    “…………………Any instantaneous snapshot of the earth’s atmosphere does not reveal an even distribution of well mixed gases. Specific to this article: the amount of CO2 is averagely higher in the Northern than in the Southern Hemisphere as a result of the combustion of coal, oil, and natural gas. Again, within either hemisphere, the CO2 is averagely higher within specific zones of latitude.

    The people who update the Keeling curve know this. From what I read on the web, the majority of Keeling curve detractors are strangers to the concept of uneven distribution.
    Read on –

  9. “The Science is settled?” – from “CO2 Spin on that”

    “Proponents of Anthropogenic Global Warming and sceptics alike virtually all have one thing in common. They all claim that no one questions the basic science behind the “Greenhouse Effect”.

    The commonly accepted position on both sides of the debate is that the science behind the “Greenhouse Effect” is well established 150 year old physics. This sounds all well and good until you remember that the “Greenhouse Effect” is still only a hypothesis. A scientific hypothesis is NOT established science. In fact in the field of science, you cannot be further away from established scientific fact than a hypothesis.

    The picture becomes even clearer when you consider the fact that the “Greenhouse Effect” hypothesis has remained a scientific hypothesis for more than 180 years, since Joeseph Forier first proposed it in the 1820’s.

    The next character to attempt to wrap some meat around this hypothesis was John Tyndall when he was professor of physics at the Royal Institution of Great Britain in the 1850’s.

    In order to single out certain atmospheric gases and demonise them as the culprits responsible for atmospheric warming, it was necessary to attribute certain characteristics to the so called “Greenhouse Gases” with regard to radiant heat which would set them apart from the two most abundant atmospheric gases, Oxygen and Nitrogen.

    In his memoirs entitled “Contributions to Molecular Physics in the Domain of Radiant Heat”, detailing a series of experiments conducted at the Royal Institution, Tyndall fallaciously states with regard to Oxygen and Nitrogen that they are both quote:

    “practically transparent to radiant heat.”

    Thus laying the foundations of AGW fraud.

    This statement by John Tyndall is the origin of such claims as “the science is settled” and the “greenhouse effect is 150 year old established physics.” In terms of radiant heat it is the only factor that would differentiate between the various atmospheric gases.

    After all, Oxygen and Nitrogen constitute 99% of the atmosphere. If these two gases are shown to absorb and re-emit infrared radiation, what would make so called “Greenhouse Gases” like CO2, such a threat to the environment at only 0.0385% of the atmosphere?

    So the basis for the “Greenhouse Effect” is that incoming and out going IR is not absorbed by Oxygen and Nitrogen which instead passes straight through these gases. According to this unsubstantiated hypothesis, only those gases which are termed “Greenhouse Gases” posses the capability to absorb and re-emit infrared radiation.

    The problem for the hypothesis of the “Greenhouse Effect” and of course AGW itself is that the basic premise on which the hypothesis is based is false.

    Firstly, Oxygen and Nitrogen both have higher specific heat capacities than CO2.

    For verification see here:

    Specific heat capacity of Gases

    Secondly and above all, Oxygen and Nitrogen, of course do indeed absorb infrared radiation:

    Infrared absorption bands for OXYGEN

    A close-up of an infrared absorption band for NITROGEN

    As can be seen in figure 1 below, Nitrogen is clearly absorbing infrared radiation at between 3.8 and 5 micrometers.

    If we then examine this wavelength on the electromagnetic spectrum chart in figure 2, it is clear that this wavelength falls inside the infrared portion of the electromagnetic spectrum.

    Figure 1…………………..

    ………………………The evidence I have presented here conclusively shows that Oxygen and Nitrogen which constitute 99% of the Earths atmosphere, as one would expect, do in-fact absorb infrared radiation.

    The claim that these two gases are transparent to IR is completely fallacious. Which goes along way to explain why the “Greenhouse Effect” hypothesis is one of the longest standing unsubstantiated hypothesis in the history of science.

    The so called “Greenhouse Effect” will always remain an hypothesis for the simple reason that it is based on pseudo science.”
    “CO2 Spin on that” is no longer on the internet

  10. Go figure, north WA a tropical rainforest, Perth temps above 35 all December, past three days 40 degrees. On the east coast, coldest December in memory, Sydney last few days, max temp as cool as Tassie.
    Chemtrails? No way!

  11. Funny thing, a few years back, whilst talking to my Bushwalking friends during lunch on a bushwalk, we were discussing the drought in Queensland’s out back. I contributed my bit by advising everyone, that I predict FLOODING when the drought broke. I got weird disbelief looks. Only one person out of 18 asked me how I arrived at that idea. I explained to them, during my 70 years on this planet, I have observed much of what happens in our surrounding lands. As a Train Driver for 30 of those years, I had the opportunity to observe far reaching areas. Those observations clearly displayed a lack of concern by Local Councils everywhere, including the Railway owners as well. Every culvert, drainage ditch whatever, managed to be completely blocked by plant debris, and when the rains eventually arrived, it was not hard to predict the flooding that would occur. Many claimed this flooding was caused by “Global Warming” ect, ect, yet when a visit was paid to the sites, it was quiet bloody obvious what caused the flooding, all the debris accumilated during the drought, had blocked up all the drainage infrastructure which caused the flooding. IF, this infrastructure had been kept maintained and clear, the flooding would never have occured. Sadly, no one really wants to see this, as it eliminates the Global Warming agenda. IMHO, most floods are caused by the stupidity of humans who seem to be totally unable, with all the claimed inteligence of humans, to ensure floods are minimised by ensuring adequate infrastructure. Also the FACT, that greedy Councils allow the building of infrastructure/housing/shopping centers on land they KNOW is not suitable for such.

    • Beauty and The Beast 0:00
      Joe The Lion 3:36
      Heroes 6:44
      Sons of The Silent Age 12:54
      Blackout 16:14
      V-2 Schneider 20:04
      Sense of Doubt 23:16
      Moss Gardens 27:15
      Neuköln 32:15
      The Secret Life of Arabia 36:52

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