Home Society Holocaust Revisionism. Part 1: The Major Claims

Holocaust Revisionism. Part 1: The Major Claims

Ursula Haverbeck, young and old

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB

It’s time to celebrate the 90th birthday of a very intelligent, elegant German lady, Ursula Haverbeck, who has worked hard to restore the good name of her country.  She was born on November 8, 1928, in Breslau, Germany. In her honor we will run a series here about Holocaust Revisionism. Yay!

I have been criticized by one of our GumshoeNews readers for skirting around the subject of Holocaust denialism here and here, rather than presenting the content of the denialists’ theories.

My feeling on the whole subject is that it is a damned waste of time. Whole lives have been taken up – such as that of the amazing Germany/Canadian patriot Ernst Zundel — in fighting courthouse oppression. Let everyone study every aspect of history openly, for God’s sake. How could that possibly cause harm?

There should be no such laws as the one in Germany and various copy-cat EU countries that make it a crime to “defame the dead.”  Let me tell you, if someone lies about my manner of death after I’m gone and a Zundel-type comes along to correct it, I will not feel defamed.  I will be as happy as a lark.

And as for saying that it’s improper or hateful to declare that a smaller number of murders occurred rather than a larger number, one has only to contemplate the absurdity.  “Eighteen people were killed in a car crash yesterday.”’ Next day: “We were wrong, only 12 died.” Should people start crying?

Six Major Claims That Are Called “Holocaust Denial”

The content of the most-written-about theories is roughly as follows (with not every denialist – or holocaust minimizer, or historical Revisionist – saying the same thing).

1 – The figure of 6 million Jewish deaths in the Nazi camps is metaphorical; far fewer died.

2 – The Nazi’s grabbed people from their homes to be used as factory slaves, not to kill them.

3 – The overall Nazi plan for Jews was to move them out of Germany.

4 – Many deaths occurred from disease, rather than from a genocide.

5 – The camp at Auschwitz had no gas chambers.

6 – Starting in the 1960s there was a massive propaganda movement to teach children that the Nazi behaviour at the concentration camps was the absolute worst human behavior in history.

I agree with all six of those statements, as follows:

1 – I agree that the 6 million figure is definitely metaphorical. Even a little research will show you that the figure was published in the 1920s to describe Jewish deaths in the firstWorld War. No one today would claim that 6 million Jewish persons died in that war that lasted from 1914 to 1918. I believe the accepted estimate is 20 million deaths — and that includes soldiers from many countries.

2 – I agree that the value of the POWs in Germany – as is the case in much of history – is to get them to do some work for you. My father-in-law in Scotland had a Polish POW working on his farm in the 1940s. How nice to get free labor! But we also know that the Krupp weapons manufacturers worked people to death. That presumably would have included many Jews.

3 – I agree that there was a plan to “exodus” German Jews from Germany. As to whether there was also a plan to exterminate them, I have not seen evidence of it. But, of course, you can’t prove a negative – I do not claim there WAS NO PLAN to kill Jews, only that we don’t have records of it. (Hearsay does not count.)

4 – I agree that many deaths in the concentration camps were from typhus or other natural causes. But I must add this caveat to that Revisionist claim: even the “natural”-causes deaths could have been murder. It is easy to spread disease, and there are plenty of examples of this happening today, including very slow-acting illnesses. I believe it is sheer genocide, going unnoticed. (And on that one, the attack word is not anti-Semite but conspiracy theorist.)

5 – I agree that the camp at Auschwitz had no gas chambers. This item does not entail the same methodological problems as Number 3 above — the need to prove a negative by saying “there are no records.” Anyone can go to Auschwitz today and extract the relevant evidence in a scientific way from the still-existing building which is used as a museum. Indeed, scientist Fred Leuchter, who was not a Revisionist, did just that. He had believed there were gas chambers but came away empty-handed in regard to evidence.

6 – I agree as to there being a massive propaganda movement. I was in the generation of students who took it as gospel that Hitler’s dictatorship was unprecedented. Nah, he was a dictator. Dictators do what they do. I do believe however that Dr Josef Mengele was uniquely sadistic, especially as he had medical instruments with which to perform exceptionally clever torture. But my country, the US, uses torture today, on a vast scale. Unfortunately, there’s no propaganda movement to spread word of this terrible sin, to make it stop.

That Said

That said, I am not interested in taking the story further down the line with the holocaust deniers.  I do NOT claim that “Jews” created a holocaust myth so that Israel could become a “Jewish homeland.”  While I definitely do think someone created a holocaust myth and I do think someone made a plan to settle European Jews in the Middle East. I just don’t think it was Jews that did that.

I think it was “The Usual Suspects.”

The Usual Suspects are running the world. They run science, culture, weaponry, education, agriculture – really you’ve got to hand it to them. They’re like omnipotent.

Most of the Revisionists irritate me by their focus on “the enemy Jew.’  Come on, grow up. It does not work that way. The powerful men running the show are NOT devoted to a religion and their members are of mixed ethnicity. Oops, I have gone beyond my ability to actually know that.  As with Number 3 above, you can’t prove what you don’t have the evidence for.

OK, I’m only guessing. But it looks so obvious to me that the very existence of a propagandized holocaust-myth is a game to make Stupid Old Us fall into the desired pattern of hostility to some identifiable group (in this case, those awful, awful Jews.)   The human brain is made that way — we absolutely love to hate. The powerful are bound to cash in on that, just as they cash in on many of our other traits.

Ask Ursula

I must write to the Birthday Girl – I have heard she is in prison for Holocaust Denial at the moment. Oh well, Frau Haverbeck, everybody’s got to be someplace on their ninetieth.

Ursula has a broad view of the world and she is scientific-minded, so I’ll shall ask her if she can agree with my point about the mystery ethnicity of the real movers and shakers.

Sure, Bibi Netanyahu is a cheerleader for the whole game of us-versus-them, allowing us to “discover” that Tel Aviv is the center of gravity. Sure, the men who literally beat up two Revisionist scholars in broad daylight – Ernst Zundel in Canada and Robert Faurisson in France – may have had Jewish noses.

I don’t even know if there is a claim that those attackers were Jewish. But if they were card-carrying Jews, that still wouldn’t mean that the attempt to silence Zundel and Faurisson is a Jewish-based enterprise.  I say it’s not, and I will bet my house on it.

The attackers could have been hired.  Who did all the damage at the Boston Marathon?  Hirelings. Who does all the ISIS nonsense in the Middle East?  Hirelings. Granted, in the past, and maybe even in the present and future, it is possible for one group to go for the other’s throat spontaneously. We’ve done plenty of that.

Maybe some high percentage of the plotters and planners stirring up the anti-Revisionist attack are Jews, even in such an unlikely place as Adelaide, Australia.  That’s where Fredrick Toben not only “did time” but got crushed financially in various hilarious court actions.

True to form, I say the guy who caused Toben’s troubles “as a spokesman for the Australian Jewish community” if you please, is a hireling. I attended the court hearing and was not swayed by his authenticity one little bit.

But the female judge in Sydney who ruled that Toben can’t appeal his case — as that would be an abuse of process (he would be “using” the court to flaunt his Revisionist ideas, see?) was more of the Methodist persuasion I believe.   Maybe Presbyterian?

DNA Irrelevant

I’m saying that no Hebraic DNA need be involved – not in the persecution of Ursula or Ernst or Fredrick. “The System” could have done it.

Look how vast the system is. Having cornered a lot of wealth they can pay stooges to do whatever.  Even on a tight budget they can mind-control half the planet.

The System is going at full tilt these days to incite us over the issue of gender, or even something so mundane as Political Party. Our natural bent for in-group-out-group stuff is being manipulated and everybody falls for it every time.

Even “our baseball team” is arouses a strong feeling. Should have seen Boston last week when the Sox won the Series. And look at how they are pitting Dems against Repubs for the Midterms like it was Sonny Liston and Cassius Clay.  It is sooo embarrassing.

How does this benefit the Real Enemy?  It’s obvious – our excited infighting makes us forget to look up and see who THEY really are.

Happy Birthday, Ursula, you are a wonderful person, and beautiful, too.

More will follow in the Holocaust Revisionist series. I’ll try not to be so dismissive.

Guten Tag.

 If you wish to provide a Holocaust article for Gumshoe, please contact me at mary.maxwell @ alumni.adelaide.edu.au. And that goes for “both sides” of the story. Natürlich.



  1. Off Topic.
    Facenbook has taken down a 30-second ad by Trump “Vote Rpublican. Stop the Caravan.”

    Quote “The policy that Facebook said the advertisement violated states that “ads must not contain shocking, sensational, disrespectful or excessively violent content.”
    “This includes dehumanizing or denigrating entire groups of people and using frightening and exaggerated rumors of danger,”

    As I have pointed out at Gumshoe, Facebook is a businesss (so is the Boston Globe, or the SMH) and so does not have any legal obligation to uphold a person’s “right” to yak (as far as I know).

  2. The deceit lies in the term “THE holocaust” and it very obviously goes to the general obfuscation of WW2 and civilian disarmament:

    The sucker and non-sucker ratio within Jewry is no different to any other ethnic group, however, for various historical reasons the corresponding enmity is a lot hotter.

    • Thanks very much, Berry. That video is very helpful. Around 17 minutes I heard them say people will “be treated as tools of the goverment or enemies of the state.”

      Ah, I guess our Dr Pridgeon is now “an enemy of the state.” Actually what seems to be happening in the Fam-court thing is that “good people” are to be “taken out.”

      By the way, Dee has made a fam-court menu item at the top of Gumshoe’s home page.

  3. Mary, I found this article quite enlightening.
    Israeli racial makeup: Despite what some would like you to believe, Jews are NOT a racially homogeneous group of people in the same sense that Chinese or Japanese. There’s no such a thing as a “Jewish race” or Jewish people in the biological sense. Most (90%) of Jewish people in the world today are converts or the descended from converts historically. DNA has proven this point. Also one doesn’t need DNA testing to see that Jews comes from all races, shapes and colours. The only thing one needs is to open their eyes and see that modern Jews cannot be regarded as a race. One CANNOT join a race which means Judaism isn’t a race.

    Israel’s mixed racial character and my sense of lack of true racial brotherhood have had an impact on my decision to move with my wife to Russia. While I am free of all racial hatred toward non-white groups, for me race IS important. It is a part of our Nature and of our identity as human beings in this lifetime. I am originally of European blood (German in this case) and I wish to preserve that identity and stick with those of European descent. I see all the White peoples of Europe – Germanic, Celtic and Slavic – as my brothers and sisters. I see them as a family of people who share the same Aryan origin as I do. At the same time, I love ordinary Jewish people (not the NWO type), they are kind and warm but sadly a lot of their suffering is the result of their intolerant religious consciousness. It is self-inflicted.

    • DDave, at first I though you wrote those 2 paragraphs but now I see you are quoting from Michaael Berg.

      Everybody has his own outlook on which groups are his brothers, and which ones he fears or despises. I don’t see that changing. My argument — FWIW — is that the ones at the top are united by the fact of being at the top.

      Maybe they find their brothers up there disgusting. Ha!

    • These extracts from a 1990 interview of Theodore Haas (who spent 3 years in Dachau) spell out what everyone should really be remembering;

      “I see creeping fascism in America, just as in Germany, a drip at a time; a law here, a law there, all supposedly passed to protect the public. Soon you have total enslavement. Too many Americans have forgotten that tyranny often masquerades as doing good. This is the technique the Liberal politicians/Liberal media alliance are using to enslave America. “
      “It amazes me how Liberal Jews have such short memories that today, they would be so supportive and involved in setting up the mechanics of gun control, so that a Holocaust can happen again. All they’re doing is playing into the hands of the very clever communists who are masters at conning Americans”
      “I feel every Jew should be armed to the teeth, as should every American. I joined JPFO because as a group, we can stand up up Liberal Jewish gun haters and also to Gestapo minded anti-gun police who want total control of the people. “
      REF: http://jpfo.org/filegen-n-z/survive.htm

  4. ddave kinda went off at a tangent, after having stated the genetically proved obvious… sort of.

    I feel obliged to clarify.

    Group one: First, there IS such a thing as ethnic Jews. They have several names, the two best known being Sephardi and Misrahim, and they are of the same genetic stream as other Semites, including the Palestinians. Like Palestinians, they claim to be treated as second class citizens by the Israelis.

    Group two: Ashkenazim. This is 97% of people in the US and Israel who call themselves Jews; and they have no genetic of geographical proximity to the ancient Israelites /. Hebrews / Semites… whatever you want to call them. They are merely religious Jews; that is, they adopted the Jewish religion in the 13th century and by royal decree; en masse. Choice was not an element for most. More accurately they are Kashari / Russian / German / Polish / etc depending upon who they interbred with after they fled west from the Mongol invasions.

    Anyone with an academic bent, who is desirous of a more scholarly slant on this story, should read up on Schlomo Zand, an Israeli Professor, who irritates the hell out of Ziomists and Christians alike as he demolishes their cherished beliefs.

    Finally, taking Mary to task on the global power elite, there is a direct and measurable link of continuity from Mayer Rothschild, Zionists in general, the investment bankers who own the US Federal Reserve, the Rockefellers, the United Nations, AIPAC, the London bankers (City of London), and the creation of Israel.

    Ergo, the Global Cabal is the self-same people who run Wall St, all reserve banks, pretty much all media (including Hollywood), almost all major think tanks, the Bank for International Settlements (Rothschild), the World bank, and the IMF. These are also the owners of almost all major corporations.

    Why do people have trouble accommodating this so easily observable fact?

  5. It occurs to me that some might see me as pedantic, and nick-picking. Not so.

    The reason I am careful about unambiguously identifying the above entities is no different to the fist axiom of Syn Tzu… know your enemy.

    If you do not accurately identify your enemy, in all his costumes, camouflage and alter-egos, he will outflank you and defeat you. That is why “the Cabal” must be identified by names and location.

  6. Some people who attack Christianity are attacking Jesus Christ ……… A Jew?
    Some Jews claim that Israel was given to them by God and support others who do also …………… but claim to be atheists.
    Go figure.

  7. There is no end of reading material –just a couple that I have been collecting so we can share the journey …

    • ‘Tell the Truth & Shame the Devil’ – Gerard Menuhin

    “The Holocaust is the biggest lie in history. Germany is not to blame for the Second World War and Adolf Hitler was the only statesman in the world who could save the world from plutocratic Jewish danger in order to liberate the subjugated planet. “(Gerard Menuhin)

    • The ‘American Pravda’ series on ‘The Unz Review’

    Of course to understand the lies surrounding WWII and the Holocaust ™ you need to drill back much further – even way beyond WWI and the ‘Treaty of Versailles’. In other words –

    • “If you don’t know history, then you don’t know anything. You are a leaf that doesn’t know it is part of a tree.” ― Michael Crichton

    • ‘The Nameless War’ – Captain A.H.M. Ramsay

    • ‘The Rulers of Russia’ – Rev Denis Fahey

    • “There is no end of reading material”

      My choice was reading the trial transcripts from Zundel’s trials. ‘Holocaust survivors’ actually were cross-examined (and shown as frauds).

      The transcripts may be a bit tedious for a non-lawyer to go through, but evidence was tendered and witnesses on both sides were cross-examined. It was a real test of the evidence and the Holocaust story was destroyed.

      No wonder that there was ‘payback’ against Zundel where the Zionists had him deported to Germany where truth is not a defense.

      Funny thing, it wasn’t Zundel that initiated the trial, it was a silly Jewess that had never done the research and actually believed the approved narrative. – It backfired spectacularly.

      Subsequently (now that the cat was out of the bag), the Russians released the captured records from Auschwitz and added even more damning information.

  8. To dear Tony,
    “Finally, taking Mary to task on the global power elite, there is a direct and measurable link of continuity from Mayer Rothschild, Zionists in general, the investment bankers who own the US Federal Reserve, the Rockefellers, the United Nations, AIPAC, the London bankers (City of London), and the creation of Israel.”

    How is that taking me to task? Anyway I ‘m glad we agree that DNA is irrelevant.

    Tony, the late David Rockefeller screwed the whole world — medicine, war, education, and getting everyone into personal debt via Citibank credit cards. What do you think was his motive, and whom did he look up to?

    • Oh it’s much worse than that … according to the “narrative”

      • ‘Jewish Soap’ – by Mark Weber

      “this accusation was “proved” at the main Nuremberg trial of 1945-1946”

      “According to a Polish source quoted in a secret wartime U.S. Army military INTELLIGENCE report, for example, the Germans were operating a “human soap factory” in 1941 at Turek, Poland. “The Germans had brought thousands of Polish teachers, priests and Jews there and after extracting the blood serum from their bodies, had thrown them on large pots and melted off grease to make soap,” the INTELLIGENCE report added.“

      “The “human soap” story demonstrates anew the tremendous impact that a wartime rumor, no matter how fantastic, can have once it has taken hold, particularly when it is disseminated as a propaganda lie by influential individuals and powerful organizations. That so many intelligent and otherwise thoughtful people could ever have seriously believed that the Germans distributed bars of soap brazenly labeled with letters indicating that they were manufactured from Jewish corpses shows how readily even the most absurd Holocaust fables can be — and are — accepted as fact.”

      This needs to be seen in the context of what is called ‘atrocity propaganda’.

      • Atrocity Propaganda and Political Justice-Allied Propaganda During World War II

      “Atrocity propaganda is how we won the war. And we’re only really beginning with it now! We will continue this atrocity propaganda, we will escalate it until nobody will accept even a good word from the Germans, until all the sympathy they may still have abroad will have been destroyed and they themselves will be so confused that they will no longer know what they are doing. Once that has been achieved, once they begin to run down their own country and their own people, not reluctantly but with eagerness to please the victors, only then will our victory be complete. It will never be final.

      Re-education needs careful tending, like an English lawn. Even one moment of negligence, and the weeds crop up again – those indestructible weeds of historical truth.”

      – Delmer, Sefton (1904-1979), former British Chief of `Black propaganda’: (Said after the German surrender, in 1945, in a conversation with the German professor of international law, Dr. Friedrich Grimm.)

  9. Whether you think dying in a gas chamber is worst than gunshot wounds and death taking considerable time to die, many would have endured such deaths through militarism, as such, and the British have a long history of terrorism and the superior technology still producing wounds and death that are not shown on Western media.
    The maxim of survival of the fittest is still with us, you will note in many nursing homes that are all part of a system of death by slow malnutrition and lonliness and the covert activity of those who are left within a confined realm of perverts that have a fairly unobserved realm that can kill individuals.
    The out break of WW2 as a result of the treaty of WW1, that reduced Germany to a impoverished country having no ability to pay debts, and the British elite hating Germany must take some if not all blame for WW2, the mono culture of Britain of a elite having total control over its population and in many ways and also poisoned the minds of many within the context of ruthless control, the deluded elite we now have to live with of what isome considered a superior intelligence that owing to the chance of natural resources and this advantage giving rise to a violence on a grand scale of conquest, reaped its criminal spoils from all over the world, that today many question the title of Great Britain?

  10. Thank you Mary et al both in the presentation and comments over the holocaust big stick.Wheeled out regularly to whack us into submission. I am a revisionist for this subject and many others.
    ‘Government positions’ on questionable lies, handed to us as the facts sicken and insult me . The truth really is a revolutionary act. Questioning the official narrative is death defying.

  11. My own journey into this subject and recent awakening came via General George Patton. Why did he say “we defeated the wrong enemy” and why was he murdered shortly thereafter. Why was he prevented from moving East to take on Bolshevism. Was it because he had so many negative comments to make about Jews?

    General Patton’s Warning – Dr. William L. Pierce 2014 on National Vanguard

    General Patton Discovered The Truth – And Was Killed For It

    –> home page –> Videos for the series “EUROPA – The Last Battle”

    So why the need to criminalise debate and disclosure of the truth?

  12. Mr Berg, I wish you and your family well. Many people around the World move to another country because of conditions in the one that they are leaving are deteriorating. But it must still be a difficult decision to make, especially if going to a country with a different language to which you have been brought up with.

    It is interesting that your story is the opposite, although not surprising, to that which is painted by the MSM. According to them Israel is almost Paradise. This disparity, is probably why so many Jews will not live in Israel, unless they are fugitives in another country.

    Thanks for sharing your story. Hope all your dreams of a better life come to fruition.

  13. This page just drop out of my computer, with the comment “this page has been stopped to save your computer”, or words to that effect. I wonder who made the “decision to save my computer”, from whom?

    This is the second warning I have had within a few days. The previous was an email which was returned, with message that I am not to send emails to that addressee. When I communicated with my server I asked if the AFP or ASIO could have been responsible, I was given the run around as to what may have caused the problem. They told me that they could not tell me if the AFP or ASIO could have been responsible. One of the “possible reasons for the problem” was that I may not have paid up my dues. However they never checked to see if that was the situation. This is the service for which we pay our monthly accounts.

    • “According to The Institut Fuer Zeitgeschicthe in Munich, at least 4,000 Roma people were murdered by gas at Auschwitz-Birkenau.”

      Diane, I went to your reference and found the above. Just to tell you that the crux of the Holocaust Revisionism is that they say it’s an entirely false claim that anyone was gassed (either in a chamber, or in Soviet’s mobile gas vans). After a long court battle in Canada, Ernst Zundel did win on that point.

      Your reference also says there were firing squads and that even non-transported Roma people were “open season.” From what I know of human nature that is entirely possible. But the Revisionists are mad keen to document everything and they have been working hard for 30 years.

      Can any scholar reading this Gumshoe Comment offer anything about Firing squads?

      • The comprehensive written records (the Germans are very good record keepers) from Auschwitz are corroborated by a second, and totally separate, German bureaucracy, the railroads. The documents contain the particulars of the inmates. Such things as identifying marks, physical characteristics, age, place of birth, parents, schooling, trades – all the stuff you would expect including date and reason for death.

        As far as the records of the Jewish inmates, some 56,000+ Jews died from the typhus epidemics. Also, 2,600+ Jews died from ‘old age’, industrial accidents, camp fights, child birth (there were over 3,000 live births in Auschwitz), etc.

        The total of Jews that were EXECUTED at Auschwitz (mostly because of camp infractions) was 117. That figure may be slightly higher as the documents for three months were missing.

        I have forgotten the figures for the Polish, Gypsies, and others as the Jewish 6,000,000 number was at the heart of the Holocaust story.

        The documentation is available on microfiche if someone wants to do the research on the Gypsies.

      • Mary I chose this link for two reasons firstly the racist -eugenics white supremacist thread –the rubbish people at the bottom of the Illuminati pyramid. I have personal lived experience of the Willheim Institute/ Tavistock Clinic Paperclip Mengeles experiments with Rawlings Rees–etc etc–and then Monarch projects MKUltra-programming. etc etc
        secondly there is The Holocaust capital H “reality” and propaganda that distracts from the holocausts of horrendous crimes mass murder and ongoing brainwashing and theft of the soul the psyche.

        Ya Basta

        • Indeed, Diane, the made-up stuff takes away from the real stuff.

          Today I was walking in the rain, under an umbrella, and a guy walking near me did not have a brolly so I invited him to share mine. He said Thank you mother. i said Did you vote? He said No i’m not a citizen. i said Where are you from? He said Rwanda.

          The rest of the walk was in silence as i could not think of anything to say.

          What could one say?

    • I don’t recall. Some of the executions were for events that took place prior to internment at Auschwitz.

      The ages that are recorded at the time of death is very interesting. Part of the myth is that the ‘elderly’ people were shuffled off to the ‘gas chambers’. The records looked like a cross section of a society as there were people in their 80’s that died of, say, heart attack. Plenty of people in their 60s and 70’s.

      It was a work camp and people were put to work. When the typhus epidemics started, the camp Commandant was reprimanded as he couldn’t keep up the quotas of laborers to the surrounding factories. One Commadant’s wife died in the typhus epidemics. That is why they had to stop burying the dead and start cremating the bodies – to try and halt the spread of the typhus. The Zyclon B was a disinfectant to try and kill the lice. Something like 96% of the Zyclon B is accounted for in the de-lousing operations. The rest was likely lost to spillage or theft.

  14. Mary, as the Americans would say:You done good!
    1. Why?
    Because there are individuals who love to call themselves “Holocaust Revisionists”, then refuse to commit themselves to the fundamental element at your Point 5: – and I add to that: No homicidal gas chambers existed wherein Germans [forget the term NAZIS!] exterminated European Jewry, nor anyone at all!
    This allegation is legally reinforced but never as a specific “Holocaust” law, but rather as a watered down version of defamation law where truth is no defence.

    Why not?
    Because under s130 of the 1975 Racial Discrimination Act, which was enacted in 1995 – after Ernst Zundel in Canad defeated the “Holocaust” lobby – it is enough for a litigant to lodge a complaint because of “hurt feelings”.
    Why is truth not a defence?
    Any cross-examination of witnesses becomes irrelevant, and in Germany, if you defend yourself with detailed arguments, etc. as did recently Alfred Schaefer, his sister Monilka, and others, then you will be further charged for having committed another offence..
    The 1984-85 Toronto Zundel “false news” trials decimated eye witness and expert evidence. Raul Hilberg until then had written in his book, “The destruction of European Jewry”, that there were two written Hitler Orders that started the “Holocaust”.
    Later this was jested about among the “Holocaust” Revisionists that the “Holocaust” order was actually a “wink-and-a-nudge”, which all Germans-NAZIS understood – they all knew what to do with the Jews!
    You get defamed by the judge.
    In Schaefer’s case the judge labelled Alfred of having lots of “criminal energy” because all he did was mount a defence. Germar Rudolf, the powerhouse of “Holocaust” Revisionism, received a Munich 3+-years prison sentence only because he did not make any closing remarks, which Alfred did and thereby re-offended in court!
    In my defamation case the matter was beautifully formulated – the judge ruled that I would merely use the court opportunity to spread my message about “Holocaust” and so that would be an abuse of process. The question had come up and my barrister, Clive Evatt, indicated to the judge that if during the course of the defamation proceedings it were necessary to canvass matters “Holocaust”, then of course I would do so. this being part of our free expression argument.

    The High Court upheld that lower court decision – and so Australia’s defamation actions can now be terminated if there is a likelihood that contentious world views will be aired as a defence. Imagine, I was contesting being labelled “Holocaust denier”, “antisemite”, and “fabricator of history” – how can you not then justify talking about the topic and pointing out how these three concepts are used to stifle debate.

    Both David Irving in UK and Robert Faurisson in France have been legally labelled thus! I didn’t even get the chance to be labelled thus – and so I am a “non-person”, i.e. the Australian legal fraternity does not wish to have this topic on its books, much like it resisted the war crimes trials of the early 1990s. Why? Because Australia’s war crimes would be aired in public – at least the recent action has no precedent and can be fiddled with locally, not on the International stage!

    In both instances, in Germany and Australia, the law is there to defame the individual who questions matters “Holocaust”. In Australia and UK, for example, the legal costs are horrendous – mine cost $1.5 million!

    That’s enough for today, Mary – congratulations for having commited yourself, as you did when you made that “Friend of the Court” application in my case, which the appeal judges rejected in even looking at it.

    • The Jews an enigma? Not at all.

      Though some are still trying to find the elusive DNA, they are certainly not a race, but they have snuck into the ethnic category for semantic and legal protection.

      German philosopher Martin Heidegger summed it up well in this sentence, which were only published in 2014, and he died in 1976:
      The Jews, with their marked gift for calculating, live, already for the longest time, according to the principle of race, which is why they are resisting its consistent application with utmost violence.

      Any German who seeks to investigate//ask questions about the guilt-tripping that is the aim of “Holocaust” studies, is quickly silenced.

      By the following shut-up words that are pulled out as soon as anyone seeks to express their displeasure about certain forms of behaviour: Hater – Antisemite – Holocaust denier – Racist – Nazi -Xenophobe,

      That’s about a simple basic battle-of-the-will situation and ritual defamation takes over from there, and if that doesn’t silence and intimidate a Holocaust questioner, then legal force -sophistry will be employed.

      Just remember that when the Soviet Union began to establish itself there were two concepts it criminalized immediately: Revisionism = you were sent to the GuLags; Antisemitism = you were shot.

      If you ask the why-question, then the answer is that easily found – the large number of Jewish Bolsheviks needed legal protection from those who were aware of their major role in killing the Russian soul.

      So, it’s all a repeat today, and that is why I formulated this some years ago: Don’t only blame the Jews, also blame those that bend to their pressure!

      For a philosophical view of things, here ois a clip from 1997 to which I would not now wish to add anything: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9JfwM14k-0

      • Thank you Dr Toben, picking up on one key comment …

        “Just remember that when the Soviet Union began to establish itself there were two concepts it criminalized immediately: Revisionism = you were sent to the Gulags; Antisemitism = you were shot.”

        It is telling that one of the first ‘laws’ enacted by the Bolshevik regime under Lenin was that against ‘antisemitism’.

        A couple of related links …


        “It was at this time that Lenin himself declared capital punishment for any Russian who criticized Jews or identified Jewish leaders with Russian names as Jewish.

        Anti-Semitism was branded as being counterrevolutionary in nature, and persons participating in pogroms or instigating them were outlawed (by a special decree issued by the Council of Commissars in July 1918, signed and personally amended by Lenin to sharpen its tone).”

        And this link should be shared.


        The ‘VIDEOS’ tab takes you to the 10-part series “Europa – The Last Battle” – which refers to such topics and gives a historical background to the world at that time.


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