Home Conspiracy Ian Colvin Interprets the Higher Masonic Orders

Ian Colvin Interprets the Higher Masonic Orders


(L) Pope Clement V, Source: Mary Evans Picture Library (C) King Philip IV of France, Photo: History.com (R) Emblem, Photo: mymasonry.com(L) Pope Clement V, Source: Mary Evans Picture Library (C) King Philip IV of France, Photo: History.com (R) Emblem, Photo: mymasonry.com

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB

Nesta Webster is famous for her 1919 book, “The French Revolution,” in which she credits (or blames) Freemasons for the 1789 event in which The House of Bourbon fell. In this article, I review a 1920 book, “The Cause of World Unrest.” In the edition I bought, there is no author listed! From the style, I figured it was Ms Webster. But I have now learned that the author is Ian Colvin, a London journalist of the ‘Teens and ‘Twenties.

Writing in 1920, Colvin was thus a witness to two “recent” events: the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 in Russia, and the Peace Conference of 1920 in Paris. The explanation for the “World Unrest” in the title? It refers to the way nations were in flux. Recall that the Turkish Ottoman Empire got split up after World War I, as did the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The Irish Republic was about to break out of Britain’s grip. Poland’s fate was up for grabs. The 1919 Treaty of Versailles had given the Brits a mandate to run Palestine.

Still, “the cause” of world unrest is what the author Colvin (endorsed by Nesta Webster in an Appendix) sees as a planned move toward ‘revolution everywhere.’ Today we hear plenty of this, thanks to the World Economic Forum, the WEF. Scholars are now speaking of One World Government as a fait accompli. But it will pay to see how contemporaries of The Great War saw it. (‘Great’ war — 20 million died.)

That said, my concern here is with Colvin’s history of Freemasonry. I’ll handle it chronologically. This book starts by discussing the Templars — a religious order begun in 1199 and outlawed by 1307. We were taught in school that the job of these men, knights, was to guard the Holy Land to make it safe for pilgrims.

Right there you might be a bit skeptical as to whether that was their real purpose. The supposed enemy was Islam. Following Mohammed’s death in 632 in Medina, his Arab followers spread far and wide. Notably, the Moors entered Spain in 711 and ruled till the 1400s.

(As an aside, I mention that Muslims held the lead in architecture, astronomy, and medicine, prior to The Elizabethan Age. Cities such as Cordoba, Toledo, and Cadiz were rich in art. Clergy of the three Abrahamic Religions — Judaism, Christianity, and Islam — lived side by side peaceably.)

The halting of the Templars was by a decision of Philip IV of France, perhaps with an eye to grabbing some of the land held by the Templars. It was agreed to “reluctantly” by Pope Clement V, supposedly on the basis of heresy. Many Templars were burned at the stake. This included, in 1314, their leader Jacques de Molai.

A Few Shockers

Colvin’s book has shocks galore. I will now name but three:

  1. A major goal of Masonry is the destruction of religion.
    2. Masons in upper ranks (say, above the 12th degree) are conditioned to focus on revenge.
  2. The Carbonari as well as the Illumined grew out of Masonry.

I apologize in advance to any Masons of the lower ranks who are of the opinion that the purpose of Masonry is semi-religious (sort of non-denominational Christianity). That is indeed what they are taught. But anyone who reaches the third degree becomes a Master and has to adjust to the new idea, presented to him at ritual of initiation to masterhood, that they seek to avenge the death of a Founder. (p 28)

At the Ninth degree, as written in Albert Pike’s book, the candidate and eight Knights enter a dark room where a fake man is on a couch. The candidate is told to strike the man with a dagger; he obeys. “The Master of Ceremonies, having separated the bleeding head from the trunk, gives it to the candidate.” From this point on, the emphasis is not only on the idea that Masons are interested in benevolence but should destroy Ignorance, Tyranny, and Fanaticism. (p 29)

The knights of the 15th degree must answer questions as follows: and they become Knights of the East, Sword, or Eagle (p 30):

“ Q .: Of what are the ruins of the walls of the city and the Holy House an emblem?

“A.: Of a country that has lost its liberties, and an Order ruined and proscribed.

“Q.: To what do the seventy lights of the Lodge allude?

“A.: To the seventy years of Hebrew captivity.

“Q.: Of what are the chains of the captives, with their triangular links, an emblem?

“A.: Of the three powers that have in all ages fettered the human intellect and chained the limbs of the people: the Kings, Priests, and Nobles — of Tyranny, Superstition, and Privilege.

By the 18th degree, he has learned more. This quote is from Abbe Barruel’s 1797 book, “Memoirs of Jacobinism.”

“As soon as the candidate has proved that he understands the Masonic meaning of the inscription inri (Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews), the Master [of Cere- monies] exclaims, My dear Brethren,…He whose death was the consummation and the grand mystery of the Christian Religion was no more than a common Jew crucified for his crimes. … It is on the Gospel and on the Son of Man that the adept is to avenge the brethren, the Pontiffs of Jehovah.”

Now we go to the 27th degree, known as Templars. Ian Colvin writes (p 32):

“Step by step are the initiates into the deeper secrets led to abandon belief, not only in Christianity, but in all revealed religion, and by making them out and out materialists the ground is prepared for the seeds of the Jacobinical code of Revolution. When at length the candidate is admitted into the 30th grade, and, after going through terrifying ordeals to test his obedience and secrecy, becomes a Knight Kadosch, he learns that it is no longer Adoniram or Hiram whose death cries for vengeance. The grade of Kadosch commemorates, he is informed, the suppression of the Order of Templars by Pope Clement V. and Philip le Bel, together with the murder of the Grand Commander, Jacques de Molai, who was burned alive by Philip’s orders on March 11, 1314.”

So the man who has passed through all these stages is now “grown up” enough to see what his his future will be. Barruel says it is

“Liberty and Equality, to be established by the total overthrow of the altar and the throne.”

Colvin reports, in 1920, that he is unable to tell us anything about the degrees from 31 to 33. He concludes with the 30th degree, known as the Knights Kadosch:

“My Brother [the Candidate) … (p 34)

Do you fully understand that this degree is not, like much of so-called Masonry, a sham that means nothing and amounts to nothing; . . . that what you are now engaged in is real, will require the performance of duty, will exact sacrifice, will expose you to danger; and that this Order means to deal with the affairs of nations and be once more a Power in the world?” [Emphasis added]

Surely some of the initiates must have been taken aback to learn that they had been subjected earlier to a “sham.” But at this point of “realpolitik” they would have little ability to object. Every man likes to “grow up.”

I will stop there. The above is not scholarship on Freemasonry — it was the information available to Colvin in 1920, taken partly, as mentioned, from the writings of Abbe Barruel in 1798 and Albert Pike in 1871. Pike had been elected, in 1859, Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite‘s Southern Jurisdiction.

Ian Colvin, a serious journalist, was looking for a connection between Masonic ideas and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and from there to the Russian revolution. He believed the cause of world unrest at the time of writing was Bolshevik-based — including the Irish Revolution. His book, “The Cause of World Unrest,” can be ordered from Abebooks.com. Since it is over a hundred years old, it’s out of copyright, and is being reprinted at $12.00. The pdf is free at Archive.org.

Colvin is also the 1951 author of a fascinating book, “Master Spy,” about Admiral Canaris who was in the German Navy in both world wars and who may have acted as a spy for Britain.



  1. I don’t know squat about the Masons. My grandfather was one (I don’t know what degree he was) and he was a very kind, hard wording man with strong morals.

    As far as the 33rd degree, allegedly it reveals itself as Satanism. Doe it? Bugger if I know. Here is a very long (5 hour) video that allegedly lays it all out. I watched it all and there does seem to be some support for Satanism in Masonry. The last chapter of the video can be skipped in my opinion, but it is a matter for you.

    • “The Hebrew word “satan” translates to “adversary” and comes from a Hebrew verb meaning “to oppose.” Satan is a title, not a name. So I’m a writer but that is not my name. A dentist is a title given to someone who fixes teeth, but that is not their name. Satan means adversary”
      Are all religions Satan’s religion? – Quora
      Answer (1 of 8): No. The Hebrew word “satan” translates to “adversary” and comes from a Hebrew verb meaning “to oppose.” Satan is a title, not a name. So I’m a writer but that is not my name. A dentist is a title given to someone who fixes teeth, but that is not their name. Satan means adversary

      Kinda puts a damper on the witches-dancing -round-a -cauldron image

  2. Secret societies spread lies, as they protect the secrets.

    Controlling men is a just purpose of all government.

    You will find that there are different paths, according to the beliefs of the aspirant. Control is paramount. Only those who can handle the truth are allowed into the secrets. They can never be sure that they have learned them all. Men are tested at every stage and further progress is easily denied and directed to pointlessness but still control.

    The BRHMN told Babylon’s rulers about what was going to happen. They were not believed and forbidden to leave. Thus Exodus. The need to control the uneducated was thereafter evident.

    Popes also wanted to control and direct.

    As you know, lawyers detest Perpetuities. The Christians were amassing vast estates and were exempt from taxes for most of their time. Given their ability to inculcate guilt, and attend those about to die, it was inevitable that France in particular, would end up with no revenues or land for the sovereign. How does one eat a whale? One mouthful at a time…. Eventually, Christianity became split, with imitators not privy to Vatican secrets.

    Those who established Lodges always are willing to educate as far as those who aspire will learn. None is turned away with Catholic Lodges etc and women’s Lodges as well.

    Does the Vatican have more secrets than the Lodges? Who knows?

    • It’s worth noting that there are many sources for all the creative lies that float around.
      Also btw, according to a more than 20 years old reading of Nostradamus I seem to recall Rome was going to be nuked at some point, my guess would be in a few decades from now. Such a waste of old buildings, pizza and coffee outlets etc. I guess some of those people had it coming for a while.

    • As espoused in the “Is Rome the great Harlot” vid below,if the glove only fits a couple of fingers it’s obviously not the right size

  3. Thanks, Terry. Yes at the lower levels it is probably excellent men who join.

    I can’t countenance a 5 hour stint. And even if a 33 degree person could clarify the satan item, we could not trust him to be telling the truh.

  4. Albert Pike was one of the formulators for pushing three world wars in order to destroy, by sheer chaos, the then religious, financial and political system, to usher in the ‘light of Lucifer’.

    That fact alone should alert the reader to Masonry’s real purpose.

    President Kennedy’s speech to the American Press Club during 1962 on ‘secret societies’ should also alert the astute as to why Kennedy was later murdered by the CIA.

    Anyone with authority within all Western institutions, has to be a high level Mason as part of their positional requirement.

    If that fact does not alert the average punter to the real purpose of Masonry, then what will?

    And anyone who wishes to understand how Islam is part of the Masonic plan for world domination, I would suggest you look up Islammonitor.org, which is on display at the Australian National Library’s website as a recognized historical reference source.

  5. Since 911, Oz has been tranceformed from a prosperous nation into a “economically crippled, multiracial police state”.
    What was once a fair common wealth, now a melting pot competing for scraps, in a nation dominated by krown kabal billionaires.
    Locals now a minority living in AI gulag cubicles glued to gadgets, closely monitored by crown agents, mossad, udba and ccp.

    Aussies that object to progress and robberies, can be in chains for hate crimes, for simply stating their replacement and destruction. This the blueprint for masonry here, a huge bum fight.
    A nice place to visit, but don’t stay too long and become shackled to inequity. Masonic halls in every town and suburb. Who’s your daddy, nomenklatura enforcing the beast system bs.

    • freemasoninformation.com/2016/10/ordo-ab-chao-symbols-and-symbolism/


      “Freemasonry is a Jewish establishment, whose history, grades, official appointments, passwords, and explanations are Jewish from beginning to end” – Rabbi Isaac Wise (of B’nai B’rith, quoted in Israelite of America, Aug 3, 1866)

      Freemasonry is based on Judaism. What is left of the Freemasonic rituals, when eliminating Judaism doctrines? – The Jewish Tribune. New York, 29. okt. 1925.

      The Noahide Laws Part 2 – The New World Order

      Government Leaders Encourage Adherence to the Seven Jewish Noahide Laws

      …………………..Major General Michael Jeffery, Governor General of Australia, lamenting family breakdowns and drug and alcohol abuse in modern society in a 2008 letter wrote that he believed that observing the fundamental values of the Noahide BEHEADING Laws can be an antidote to such ills of society.


      • According to convention it appears Freemasonry is based on Knights Templars which is based on Crusaders which is based on Christianity which is based on Judaism, but the Egyptian Pharaohs are in there too, I know from going in the Freemason Lodge and seeing a pyramid on the side of the kings chair, it had little doors in the sides, they said if I joined up I could learn their secrets so I didn’t ask what was in the pyramid, probably an old key or some tedious trick like that.

  6. Quote MM…………“As soon as the candidate has proved that he understands the Masonic meaning of the inscription inri (Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews), ………….

    “……..INRI (for Christians, Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum, i.e. Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews) means for Masons Igne Natura Renovatur Integra, i.e. by fire nature is renewed entirely, referring to the sacred fire’s (i.e. truth and love) regeneration of mankind just as the sun regenerates nature in the spring.

    The rituals are also inimical to Catholicism. During the initiation rite, the candidate expresses a desire to seek “light,” and he is assured that he will receive the light of spiritual instruction that he could not receive in another Church. Moreover, he will gain eternal rest in the “celestial lodge” if he lives and dies according to Masonic principles. Note also that since Masonry involves non-Christians, the use of the name of Jesus is forbidden within the lodge. For Catholics, (and hopefully all sincere Christians), Christ alone is the light who entered this world to dispel sin and darkness……………..”


    • Self-deception is an important element in deception. I reckon (on no particular research) that the majority of deceivers in the government field are believers in what they say. Yet it is necessary that the top planners be aware, or how else would they know to take so many steps toward covering their guilt?

      • “Planners” ?

        All it takes to become a medium for some diabolical scheme or other is to give way to one or more of the pitfalls listed in Galations 5 (Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings)

        In 1973 a heard a group of peers recounting what they’d witnessed at a Led Zeppelin concert. Some young bloke had apparently “tripped out” on LSD to the extent of turning into a violent madman propelled by supernatural strength – to the extent that 4 other guys in their prime couldn’t fully restrain him.

        If you’re genuinely intent on cracking the system of the Age the 1st step is to acknowledge that the kingpins are mere vehicles

        • “And when he was come to the other side into the country of the Gergesenes, there met him two possessed with devils, coming out of the tombs, exceeding fierce, so that no man might pass by that way.
          And, behold, they cried out, saying, What have we to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of God? art thou come hither to torment us before the time?
          And there was a good way off from them an herd of many swine feeding.
          So the devils besought him, saying, If thou cast us out, suffer us to go away into the herd of swine.
          And he said unto them, Go. And when they were come out, they went into the herd of swine: and, behold, the whole herd of swine ran violently down a steep place into the sea, and perished in the waters.
          And they that kept them fled, and went their ways into the city, and told every thing, and what was befallen to the possessed of the devils.
          And, behold, the whole city came out to meet Jesus: and when they saw him, they besought him that he would depart out of their coasts”
          MATTHEW 8: 28 – 34

        • “Leave these men(Freemasons) alone!
          Let them go!
          For if their purpose or activity is of human origin( issuing out of any of the above proclivities), it will fail.”
          (ACTS 5:38):

    • So,
      No matter which political party is in power, a problem of over representation exists in Macquarie street, Canberra, academia, media, “private sector” and investment firms controlling Oz. The bankster masons control the private reserve bank and all other banks since 1913.
      Whenever and wherever a nation goes communist, the connected are all in the highest positions of power.
      Next elections local, state and federal, see and realise you are ruled by them at all levels.

  7. In the video I posted above the presenter says that the later levels above the 33rd degree the Masons engage in MAGIC. This, apparently, is the secret of the Masons. It is why Bob Dylan referred to making a deal with a higher force that is not part of material reality. Supposedly, they conjure up spirits/demons to be able to achieve more success on the material plane.

    Here is link to a video on Magic that I used in my article on the ‘Mandela Effect’. It mentions this communication with demons in order to achieve various abilities.

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