Home News James Perloff Asks: Will Kamala Be Another Gerald Ford?

James Perloff Asks: Will Kamala Be Another Gerald Ford?


(L) US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger with Nelson Rockefeller (R) Squeaky Fromme who shot at President Gerald Ford in 1975

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB

James Perloff is the author of Truth Is a Lonely Warrior, and a new book on Covid-19. At his blog, James Perloff.com, he poses the knockout question: Would the Deep State Use a Biden Presidency to “Pull a Nelson Rockefeller”?

Perloff does not say that Biden is sure to win, as there are still legal challenges on foot — but if Biden does win, and is mentally unwell, he may not last long in the White House. Thanks to the 25th Amendment, Ms Harris, as VP, would automatically become president.

Note: there is not yet a “VP-elect” until at least the date that the Electoral College meets, December 14, 2020 (or perhaps January 6, the day the electoral ballots are counted n Congress).  But as soon as there be a VP elect, he or she would rise to the presidency-elect if the president elect dies.  So says the 20th Amendment, ratified in 1933:

“If, at the time fixed for the beginning of the term of the President [January 20, 2021], the President elect shall have died, the Vice President elect shall become President.”

Now let us look at what happens if Kamala Harris becomes president. She is entitled to name a VP.  According to the 25th Amendment, ratified in 1967, she would be entitled to nominate a new VP:

Section 2: “Whenever there is a vacancy in the office of the Vice President, the President shall nominate a Vice President who shall take office upon confirmation by a majority of both Houses of Congress.”

The Scent of Watergate

James Perloff smells something in the air. He takes us back to the Nixon era to see how a similar situation played out:

“In 1972, President Richard Nixon and his Vice President Spiro Agnew were reelected by a landslide, winning 49 of 50 states. However, things then quickly unraveled. It was alleged that, years earlier, Agnew had taken payoffs while a public official in Maryland. Agnew asserted his innocence, but resigned the Vice Presidency under pressure in 1973.

“Richard Nixon then named Congressman Gerald Ford as Agnew’s successor, making Ford an unelected Vice President. Nixon didn’t last much longer than Agnew, forced to resign over the Watergate scandal in 1974….

“After Nixon’s resignation, the Presidency passed to Gerald Ford who appointed, as his Vice President, billionaire Nelson Rockefeller, governor of New York from 1959 to 1973. It is noteworthy that in 1979, Kissinger dedicated his memoir White House Years to Rockefeller, and in the book called him ‘the most influential person in my life.’ (page 4)

“In 1975, Gerald Ford survived two assassination attempts with handguns — one by Lynette Alice ‘Squeaky’ Fromme, the other by Sara Jane Moore. Had either attempt succeeded, Nelson Rockefeller—brother of David Rockefeller, then chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations — would have become President….” [Emphasis added]

Author James Perloff has been at the game of analyzing politics for decades. The back cover of his 2013 book, Truth Is a Lonely Warrior, says that he has been a contributing editor to The New American magazine for three decades, and has been a guest on over 100 radio and TV shows.

At a Boston for 9-11 Truth meeting I have seen his 2-hour documentary on False Flags, and it is a must-see (if still on YouTube!). Note: Amazon has deleted his book Covid-19 and the Agenda To Come, but he publishes it elsewhere.  I also proclaim the value of his critique of vaccination science.

What Might a Biden Win Lead To, for Us?

Let me now continue to quote Perloff’s current item on the possibility of a “Nelsonesque” move. Perloff wrote, on November 12, 2020:

“The Deep State knows, of course, that Biden cannot mentally survive four years in office. That means they have already chosen the person who would become Kamala Harris’s Vice President; she would dutifully name whoever she was told to.

“Who might Harris announce? If the Deep State intends to bring America rapidly into a totalitarian Bolshevik-like state, they’d want someone with a ruthless, pit-bull mentality. Just as Gerald Ford picked New York billionaire Nelson Rockefeller, Harris might pick someone such as New York billionaire Mike Bloomberg. Like Rockefeller, he made a failed bid for the White House (remember those around-the-clock commercials?) and Harris, being a Californian, could claim that having someone from the East Coast would “unite the country.”

“Since America has over 70 million gun-owners, Bolshevizing the country would require strict gun control, which Bloomberg is particularly notorious for, having financed the campaigns of Virginia legislators who passed gun measures in that state, leading to the famous January protest in Richmond.

“Perhaps an old scandal might even be used to dislodge Harris from office (as happened with Spiro Agnew), turning her Vice President into the nation’s unelected commander-in-chief, who would then start overriding the Constitution with brutal executive orders.” [Emphasis added]

I disagree that a president can run the US with executive orders. As I am fond of pointing out, there is a rarely referred-to clause in the Constitution that clarifies the fact that only Congress is the lawmaker. Article I, Section 8, clause 18:

“The Congress shall have Power to … make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof.”

By the way, Perloff anticipates that things won’t go lawfully either way – if “Bloomberg” wins, as sketched above, or if Trump wins.  He notes, at his blog (JamesPerloff.com):

“If the charges of vote fraud are validated in court, and Joe Biden’s victory overturned, we can expect massive domestic violence originating with Antifa and Black Lives Matter, almost undoubtedly sponsored by George Soros.”

(By the way, I met a 40-year-old African-American librarian last week who was nearly crying when he said to me “They’re using my people. George Soros is using my people for Black Lives Matter. The kids don’t understand.”)

An Additional Point about Watergate

A while ago, child-traffic whistleblower Fiona Barnett said that retired NYPD officer Jim Rothstein told her that the real reason for the Watergate break-in was the need for someone to get ahold of DNC’s files on the pedophile habits of Republican politicians.

That does not seem plausible to me. I am no expert on this, but I think Watergate was “set up to fail.” I note some interesting insights by Perloff on this matter. He says:

“In retrospect, the furor against Nixon — over things like 18 and ½ minutes missing from Oval Office tapes subpoenaed by Congress — seem rather tame compared to more recent examples of official misbehavior, such as Hillary Clinton’s deletion of over 30,000 emails. It was repeatedly argued that Nixon had to go because he had “lied,” but how many Presidents have lied us into wars, with no consequences?

“Interestingly, the man considered most powerful in the White House — National Security Adviser Henry Kissinger — went unscathed by Watergate.”

Perloff quotes an amazing tip from Gary Allen’s 1976 book, Kissinger: The Secret Side of the Secretary of State (page 112-14):

“[John] Ehrlichman has been one of the most bitter victims of Watergate. Sentenced to twenty months to five years in a federal penitentiary for his part in the break-in of the office of Daniel Ellsberg’s psychiatrist, Ehrlichman said: “It’s tough when we go to jail for the Ellsberg break-in and the son-of-a-bitch who ordered it gets the Nobel Prize for Peace.”  The S.O.B. referred to was, of course, Henry Kissinger. . . .

“The inspiration for Watergate, it was later revealed, grew out of a secret inner White House group known officially as the Special White House Investigating Unit; but called simply, ‘the Plumbers.’ The Plumbers were created by—would you believe—Henry Kissinger to stop leaks on his staff”.

How they must be laughing at us, that we (thanks to the newspapers of the day), fell so easily for whatever was offered as “investigation” of the Watergate break-in. As I wrote in an article at GumshoeNews on September  9, 2015:

“Robert Merritt reveals, in his book Watergate Exposed, that a switchboard operator overheard the initial plan for the Watergate break-in and so had to be gotten rid of. She was a drag queen, so to cover their tracks the hit men killed five other drag queens. That made her death ‘blend in’.”

The Importance of Perloff’s Biden-Harris-Bloomberg Scenario

As of today, November 13, 2020, there’s been some excellent coverage – on blogs – of the nature of the recent fraudulent elections. Jon Rappoport is doing a particularly brilliant job and Paul Craig Roberts must be credited for his tenacity.

Being law-oriented, I am interested in seeing what court orders may come about.  But I don’t want the next president to emerge in the form of one side having landed a technical victory. All of us Americans have already lost this election – we never got to choose someone whom we really wanted.

Even last week on Election Day, I heard people saying things like “Why am I going to the polls?  I can’t stand ether of them.”  Or “OK, I’ll just hold my nose and vote.”

Personally, I am a Republican and I voted for Trump, but in what way is he a Republican?  In what way was President George W Bush a Republican? Why can’t we Republicans get the ballot to list people we can be proud of?  The answer to that is: The Media.

The mainstream media control not only what we know about a given candidate, they control our “analysis.” The new, spot-on analysis by Perloff, which I call “the Biden-Harris-Bloomberg scenario,” needs to be disseminated far and wide.

Are All Presidents Rockefellers?

They say Nelson Rockefeller started to compose the 25th Amendment as early as 1945 (when Truman, who ascended to FDR’s job, had no vice-president.) If true, it took poor old Nelson almost 3 decades to reap the rewards. What if Squeaky Fromme had been a better shot? We would have had – God help us – Nelson as president. (Read Gerald Colby’s Thy Will Be Done, to get a load of what Nelson did to Latin America.)

(L) Winthrop Aldrich Rockefeller Photo: nndb.com (C) Madelyn Payne Dunham, Photo: abcnews.go.com (L) George Soros, Photo: FoxNews.com

Perhaps some Rockefellers have already been president. Bill Clinton, former governor of Arkansas, seems to be the son of Winthrop Rockefeller, former governor of Arkansas. (Why does an Eastern Establishment man like Winthrop move to a heartland state?)

I speculate that Obama is a Rockefeller through the line of Henry Payne of Standard Oil of Ohio. Incidentally, Obama’s maternal grandmother Madelyn (Payne) Dunham died on November 2, 2008, just as Obama was about to win the 2008 race. Nothing was made of this by mainstream media. Nothing.

Conspiracy Theory

The Powers That Be appear to me to be redoubling their efforts to mock “conspiracy theorists.” I am a conspiracy theorist and don’t see how any intellectual American could fail to be one.

Granted I don’t buy, holus-bolus, every so-called conspiracy theory that comes down the pike. (And I hate woo-woo stuff.)  But how can anyone not see that powerful people conspire amongst themselves to keep us in a state of idiocy?

Search the Internet today for “election fraud” and you will mostly get stories that mock President Trump’s efforts to determine how many people voted for him. Think about this: if there’s a rumor of election fraud, wouldn’t it be the most normal thing for media persons to get into it?  Isn’t that their bread and butter – a declaration by a president that the other side sent in phony ballots?

What we need is for as many members of the public as possible to side not with Biden or with Trump but with “us.” James Perloff’s story about Kamala Harris makes sense. She would never have won the primary – she had to drop out early, remember? Biden shouldn’t have won either – surely that was a fix-up; he is pathetic. The smarties at the very top arranged the whole thing — as is their wont.

Let’s all be conspiracy theorists.

Let’s vote for us.

Mary Maxwell’s website is ConstitutionAndTruth.com. See her recent articles “Arrest the Media Traitors,” “The Committee of 23” (a call for citizen-led Grand Juries), “How about Amy Barrett for President?”, and “Oppose the Great Reset with All Your Might.”



  1. This is about Vote fraud. You will want to read it:


    Also, Sidney Powell claims there is a huge number of ballots (450,000?) in which only the Biden option was ticked. When I was handed a ballot paper at the polling booth on Nov 3, I ticked boxes for president, governor, my state’s US Senator, my district’s Rep, and a county sheriff. Although a few people may vote for only one of those, it would be unusual.

    Yet if you google now for “Sidney Powell” you do not get her stunning news.

    • Will Kamala be another Ford ? Answer, Kamala who ? Seems unlikely.
      But this story of yours has real currency, and if Bill is an illegitimate Rockerfella then so is Chelsea !!! She’s on the media board of directors for some TV network I heard but checking the Wikipedia apparently she is just a children’s books author and works as a do-gooder for the Clinton Foundation (endowment $300m). If Obama is really her relative then the father he only saw once and the mother who suddenly died all just goes to further inflate the very strange tale of the life of Obama.

  2. “The mainstream media control not only what we know about a given candidate, they control our “analysis.””

    Crikey – and I just read this …

    “By far the most effective branch of political education, which in this connection is best expressed by the word ‘propaganda’, is carried on by the Press. The Press is the chief means employed in the process of political ‘enlightenment’. It represents a kind of school for adults. This educational activity, however, is not in the hands of the State but in the clutches of powers which are partly of a very inferior character. … At first I was quite surprised when I realized how little time was necessary for this dangerous Great Power within the State to produce a certain belief among the public; and in doing so the genuine will and convictions of the public were often completely misconstrued.


    When these cuttlefishes gathered together in large shoals at meetings and congresses they would give out a lot of slimy talk about a special kind of honour which they called the professional honour of the journalist. Then the assembled species would bow their respects to one another.

    These are the kind of beings that fabricate more than two-thirds of what is called public opinion … “

    Astute observations indeed – and nothing has changed in almost 100 years ago !!

    Let’s continue… “what we know about a given candidate”

    “They would poke their noses into the most intimate family affairs and would not rest until they had sniffed out some petty item which could be used to destroy the reputation of their victim. But if the result of all this sniffing should be that nothing derogatory was discovered in the private or public life of the victim, they continued to hurl abuse at him, in the belief that some of their animadversions would stick even though refuted a thousand times. In most cases it finally turned out impossible for the victim to continue his defence, because the accuser worked together with so many accomplices that his slanders were re−echoed interminably.


    The scoundrel who defamed his contemporaries in this villainous way would crown himself with a halo of heroic probity fashioned of unctuous phraseology and twaddle about his ‘duties as a journalist’ and other mouldy nonsense of that kind.“

      • Thank you – great looking article – downloaded. I often grab items from academia.edu and they have just recently introduced a new ”Related” feature so you go down as many rabbit holes as you desire.

        Not completely off topic, but just today I grabbed this:

        “The Libya Conspiracy – An in-depth analysis of the Lies of the Libya ‘Intervention’” – Jamahiri Green


        Back to the EMF/EMP question, they’ve got that covered too – such an invisible weapon could come from anyway – in fact wherever they decide to tell is – even the DPRK, for example …

        “The North Korea EMP Missile Threat”

        such is the scaremongering and projection of some of these ‘preppers’.

        Be very afraid …

        Moranbong Band – Tansume (or “Without a Break”)

      • psyops

        Well that is the motto but evidence shows that they are unfortunately….
        Australia joined the Communist UN in 1948 with no referendum
        The Australia Act, the Unidroit Treaty, the Lima treaty and a host of other things
        also you have evil freemason politicians in the parliament who have been acting out sedition and treason for decades with impunity. Australians have been way to slow to grasp the consequences let alone understand what has been happening for decades….
        So respectfully you need to get a grasp of reality compared to fiction. We all know what should be but it aint!

        The UN’s Infiltration of Australia

        The UN takeover of Australian society


        The lawyers who we trusted did this. No one spoke out shame on them!

        Rome controls the new order : UNIDROIT the legal deception

        Lima Declaration: How the UN ended Australian sovereignty

        Ever wondered why a private citizen cannot win a trick in an Australian court?

        New Bill to Allow Foreign Forces and Troops to be Used on Australian Soil

        UNIDROIT – the Uniform Commercial Code is governed by an international treaty

        It is an unconstitutional to use the Treaty making power inside America or Canada, or any country.
        It is unconstitutional to apply the Uniform Commercial Code internally, and the UCC is controlled and regulated by UNIDROIT. UNIDROIT also controls and governs insurance, franchising, motor vehicles, and a host of other things in America.
        They can ONLY use the Treaty making power externally.
        This is all coming from the bankster owned and operated United Nations.

        Causal Links to Treason and Misprision of Treason

        a) The Australia Act 1986 Section-6. Manner and Form “means Referendums” In this particular activity the Referendum had a statutory and mandatory Constitutional requirement that was omitted, formulating and enacting a concealed fraudulent Grant of Power upon the people of South Australia and the Commonwealth of Australia.

        b) The Australia Act 1986 Section-13. Amendment of Constitution of Queensland.
        Subsection (1) The Constitution Act 1867-1978 of the State of Queensland is in this section referred to as the Principal Act. In this particular activity the Referendum had a statutory and mandatory Constitutional requirement that was omitted, formulating and enacting a concealed fraudulent Grant of Power upon the people of South Australia and the Commonwealth of Australia.

        c) The Australia Act 1986 Section-14. Amendment of Constitution Act of Western Australia.
        Subsection (1) The Constitution Act 1889 in the State of Western Australia is in this section referred to as the Principle Act. In this particular activity the Referendum had a statutory and mandatory Constitutional requirement that was omitted, formulating and enacting a concealed fraudulent Grant of Power upon the people of South Australia and the Commonwealth of Australia.

        d) The Commonwealth Constitution Section-128. In this particular activity the Referendum had a statutory and mandatory Constitutional requirement that was omitted, formulating and enacting a concealed fraudulent Grant of Power upon the people of South Australia and the Commonwealth of Australia.

        e) The State of South Australia Constitution-Section-34. In this particular activity the Referendum had a statutory and mandatory Constitutional requirement that was omitted, formulating and enacting a concealed fraudulent Grant of Power upon the people of South Australia and the Commonwealth of Australia.

        f) The South Australia Australia Act (Request) Acts 1985 No. 95 – Section 51. In this particular activity the Referendum had a statutory and mandatory Constitutional requirement that was omitted, formulating and enacting a concealed fraudulent Grant of Power upon the people of South Australia and the Commonwealth of Australia.

        g) The 1999 6th November Referendum 63% said No. The Criminal Offence of Fraud. Working Against the instructions of the Australian people in that Referendum and the operation of your Fraudulent Grant of Power.

        h) Acts Amendment and Repeal (Courts and Legal Practice) Act 2003, Enacted 1st January 2004.

        Part 8 Amendments about the Crown. (61 Amendments)

        Crown x 42, Her Majesty x 7 Our Sovereign Lady Queen Elizabeth the Second, Her Heirs and Successors x 5, Council for the Crown x 4, Queen x 1, Subjects x 1. Royal Arms x 1 (Changing the Royal Arms is an act of war on the people of the Commonwealth of Australia)


        By deleting “Crown” and inserting instead “State or the Commonwealth” at sections 121(4), and,123(5) and (6b) and (7). In this particular activity the Referendum had a statutory and mandatory Constitutional requirement that was omitted, formulating and enacting a concealed fraudulent Grant of Power upon the people of South Australia and the Commonwealth of Australia.

        i) The Election Writs, Senate and House of representatives, spread this Criminal Activity throughout Australia. Criminal Offence of Fraud. Referendums omitted – operating your fraudulent Grant of Power.

        j) Allegedly, the Swearing of a Foreign Oath to Freemasonry. “Conceal and Never Reveal.” The Warrant for Freemasonry came out from the United Kingdom, “Sue v Hill” Illegally declared the United Kingdom a Foreign Power, but, in so doing actually declared that the Masonic Warrant to form Masonic Lodges within Australia did make this particular Warrant, the Warrant of a Foreign Power, it breaches PART IV – Both Houses of the Parliament, Section 44 Disqualification, subsection 1 of the Commonwealth Constitution in relation to Commonwealth politicians. This Offence is to be Discovered by either a Jury trial or Grand Jury trial.

  3. *“There has never been, and there will never be, another campaign season like the [redacted] presidential election cycle.

    That factoid alone ought to give many people good reason to pause and ask: Why, really, did the American people recently experience the wildest and wackiest election in U.S. history?”*

    And you thought this was about 2020 … 😊

    Staged U.S. Presidential Selection of 2016: Who did it and why?


    uncanny, aye !!

    • Diane, in relation to the question you posed below : ‘How Close Was Donald Trump To The Mob?’, you were right on track with Roy Cohn.

      Cohn was the NY attorney that represented the mob (ie: the REAL Mafia – the Meyer Lansky Crime Syndicate).

      All the other ‘mobs’ with Sicilian and and Italian front men were subservient and answerable to Meyer Lansky – this is well documented.

      So, seeing as Roy Cohn and Trump were involved in an intimate and ongoing relationship that stretched well over a decade, it is only natural that Cohn would introduce Trump to all the Mob luminaries – it’s the least he could do for his unscrupulous-willing-to-do-anything-for-fame-and-fortune toy boy.

  4. Ah Julius. Couple of links from the above.

    Trump’s association and business dealings with known mafia figures was not limited to his Atlantic City projects. In New York City, several of his buildings were built by S&A Concrete Co., a concern partly owned by Anthony “Fat Tony” Salerno, the boss of the Genovese crime family. In addition to this business relationship, Trump and Salerno were both represented by high-power attorney Roy Cohn. In his book, Barrett cites an anonymous source who confirms that on at least one occasion Trump and Salerno had a sit-down in Cohn’s apartment. Trump has denied this claim in the past.
    How can the candidate who promises to secure the border and bring good jobs back to America explain having farmed out good-paying jobs to a bunch of illegal immigrants?

    Is it reasonable to assume that Trump had no idea that S&A was run by Salerno’s Genovese borgata when Trump’s own attorney was so closely linked to that organization? After all, if Trump (who likes to point out that he has “one of the highest IQs”) is as smart as he would have everyone believe, how could he have been so naive?

    Another issue that needs to be addressed in Trump’s New York operations is the use of undocumented Polish workers to demolish the Bonwit Teller building, which made way for the Trump Tower. Only a handful of union workers from Housewreckers Local 95 were employed on the site, the vast majority were illegal Polish alien workers, toiling under inhumane conditions, and wildly underpaid. Trump and his associates were found guilty in 1991 of conspiring to avoid paying pension and welfare fund contributions.”

    How Close Was Donald Trump To The Mob? Again I post re
    Tony Gambino interview. Mentored by Bert Rossi–The Firm- Londinium

      • This interview clearly comes after Trump decided he’d better pull his head in and toe the line. In an older interview he blabbers “planes could not do that, it was bombs”. His instinct is to talk but he walks back from things which don’t make business sense. He is apparently not a martyr as some fanatics would wish him to be.
        They call politics “the art of the possible”, in other words, it is business, there is little point in idealism without agency. Things move on and nothing gets done. I’m quite happy myself being outside the tent and I am happy to piss in for years or decades but if you want to get things done you need to get inside the tent and stay there.
        As for the “Zionist plot” to do 7 wars in 5 years, I don’t think you have to look past Bush/Rockerfellas in terms of muscling in on Rotschilds turf (the Judea hinterland) and all the oil in there which Rockerfellas probably think is rightfully theirs.
        Rockerfellas have apparently used this age-old meme of Jew-bashing to disguise their activities, just as Bushs used muslims to cover their plans. Bombing the pentagon and controlled demolition of 3 WTC towers was an inside job. It is totally implausible that this would be allowed as an outside job.

        • The Rabbi, still flogging a dead horse with his Bushes/Rockefeller’s are the head–of-the-snake nonsense.

          J.D Rockefeller, even at his peak (said to be worth 2% of U.S GDP at the time – compared to conservative estimates for the Rothschilds net worth of 200 %, 300 % or more of U.S GDP), was still only a lowly minion of the Rothschild dynasty – albeit the wealthiest of the lowly minions at that time carrying out the Zio-agenda.

          A hundred years later, the Rockefeller’s (ie: all branches of it in aggregate), have dissipated much of their wealth and are a shadow of what they were.

          Still useful for obfuscation purposes – a Rothschild will front up at a Bilderberg meeting or at the CFR so as to keep the masses believing that they’re integral to the One World Government agenda.

          Meanwhile, the collective net worth of the Bushes isn’t even comparable to the interest earned by the Usury Banking Cartel in an HOUR on any given day.

          Simply put, the Bushes are a nothing entity – with negligible financial resources and infinitesimal political clout.

          • It depends on how the wealth is managed over the decades and centuries and this is a well kept secret and totally unknown to you so stop imagining that you know everything when you have proven many times and many ways you are deficient in aptitude – wake up veggie

  5. Here we get two sides of the same coin. In real time, it is the Liebore party and the agenda global communism. We are living under OWG. The theatricks of politicks, believable as the latest netfilx holly blockbuster,. The players come and go, the hidden hands never revealed.
    But times are changing, with our stupefication complete, the oligarchs of philantrophy are enforcing ‘no jab no play’ dystopian hell. To think is illegal and pedophelia legal as the new normal.
    Tragically, there is absolutely nothing normal about any of these perverted/inverted plandemic events. Bloodsuckers rule, to think otherwise is not to think at all.

      • W3,
        I used to think that honed skills were enough to get food on the table. Although it was never easy it was something. These days, sidelined idle hands are beginning to believe sights of sore eyes. There’s a saying in my tribe – if the hands were as scared as the eyes nothing would ever get done.
        To answer you’re question, from the experience of blood sweat and tears passed, the ride has not been gifted.

  6. All I see is the rise of the 4th Reich. Bill Gates named his global power ALLIANCE, much like the Natzis were called. If Kam a la, is to be anything, she’s the biggest loser for partaking in this intentional destruction of America.. I cant say i have much respect for any of them. Between Pelosi with her Meyer LANSKY lineage, her Guido talking nephew Gavin letting everything burn in California, the Cuomo brothers BOTH being FREDO, Hilary Clinton acting like she needs a 5150 with strait jacket, the entire MURDOCH news media sporting news like a cheap Mexican soap opera with the over dramatic facial expressions while the talk Trump 24-7 like Alex in Fatal Attraction. Add on Biden’s mask , dead look in his eyes, its all an embarrassment of what we were. The world looked to the U.S. to the be the beacon of hope in the night. Why? Is their that many people so anxious to sell us out? Gerald Ford wasn’t a good person either. What’s up with that? The Church Committee should’ve BROKEN that damn CIA apart. But Rockefeller sat as the chair. Don’t police know how to do arrests? Or are we giving away immunity? Think so. Ka ma las dad OWNS prison systems in Jamaica. His grand daddy was a flaming white cruel slave owner. I can’t stop crying. 2 days ago EU did another lockdown. Zucchero went into the center of Venice where it was empty, and you could hear the ocean. He pulled out his guitar and sang another song of loss, and the emptiness that Italy never has been. After the song, a commercial for Johnson and Johnson microchip insertion gun with animated graphics displaying the ease in which the chip would be launched. Ugh. I could care less about Ka ma la. Between taking my child out of retribution, going through JTRIG by LAWFIRMS that will pay GCHQ in Austin to terrorize, and destroy ones life. Then this Bill Dahmer Gates constant threat through Fauci. Has eviscerated any hope for the future. I hate them all James. This is what my long lost daughter is being given. I’ve only got a middle finger for them all.

  7. I’m looking forward to the Trump evidence this week and they seem pretty confident and why not with all the preparation they have done for exactly this contingency. After Florida and picking up a big swing of black and latino voters, it should have been easy to see he would get the rust belt states. Nobody cares if Joe was in Pennsylvania as a small child.
    Assuming Trump is sworn in again we need to examine the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration, which hides somewhere in Canberra, various locations I guess, nameless public servants, answering I presume to Greg Hunt who I have not seen pop his head up for a while.
    Who told Greg Hunt to ban HCQ and other medicines, who told him to put enormous penalties on the use of HCQ etc., and who told him to take away doctors discretion in treating patients with HCQ etc., forcing them to compromise whatever relationship they have with the Hippocratic Oath (from original H.O.: “… Into whatsoever houses I enter, I will enter to help the sick, and I will abstain from all intentional wrong-doing and harm…”).
    Because the minister may be told what to do but the minister has discretion, do they not, to do whatever they swore to do when they took the job (from aph.gov.au : “I, [Minister’s full name], do swear that I will well and truly serve the people of Australia in the office of … “).
    Therefore Greg Hunt must be personally responsible for everything, including extra deaths, bankruptcies and the half-trillion dollars this nonsense is estimated to have cost, by controversially allowing HCQ and any other ordinary medicines to be banned.

  8. If the vote is held up until the deadline and consequently congress votes state by state then Trump wins, and Kamala Who goes back to throwing poor blacks in the work-house.
    So how can this NOT be delayed for many months, I can’t see it, what a shambles, my guess is this could go on for several years, they will just give up after January, it’s a waste of effort.

    Refer video previously posted by XX767

    • The Rabbi says this ‘could go on for several years’.

      TRANSLATION from the Rabbi’s Double-Speak : You can pretty much take it to the bank that Trump will have conceded and departed the White House by Christmas or shortly thereafter.

  9. Purdoo has painted a target on BigPharma the size of thalidomide, everyone in the US knows about it now, you can take shots at it and when the smoke clears you can see Rockerfellas took the hit too. Purdoo must be the dumbest oligarchs in the US ever, mind you, there are probably a few stories in that

    • Here’s another one who decided to “follow the money” and instead of ending up in Arkansaw, ended up in the City of London. I agree Trump is probably part of an army coup but why would Trump seek favour from the Zionists as he is well understood to have done if he was going to take down Rotschilds. Trump is getting a better deal from the Jews than anyone would get from Rockerfellas. None of these people seem to know anything about Arkansaw.
      It’s hiding in plain sight.

        • At least I know how to put up a decent contribution instead of you saving every cent for your car payment, why don’t you put up $1000 how I told you and get me the remittance, I will match you without hesitation, otherwise, you are full of it, nothing you say is worth reading, you make out you want to save underprivileged children and when I offer to double your money you crawl away like a whipped dog.

          • Rabbi you’re such a tight arse, you wouldn’t even match the $ 100 contribution I made last week.

            It’s evident to all of us that your claims of making ‘larger donations’ are as fraudulent as you are.

            I’m surprised you showed up this week after your embarrassing series of hissy fits last week.

            You’re such a clown with your ‘offer to double’ any contribution I make.

            We all know we won’t be able to extract a brass razoo out of you.
            Keep your illicitly obtained money – let’s hope you choke on it.

          • Trash Veggie
            You are like a toilet, only good for one thing. You add a new dimension to the word stupid. Normally “blindingly dim” would be a contradiction but it suits you perfectly well.
            I won’t do anything you suggest but if you put down $1000 I will match it so until then you’re rubbish, keep right away from me with yor irellevant, peddantic speling leson.

          • I wouldn’t be bragging about $100 if I was you, that’s just like a big bag of donuts, I am really looking forward to matching your
            $1000 or $2000 or $3000 when I get your remittance so hurry up and PAY PAY PAY

          • I think Veggie is gumshoe’s foremost problem but I don’t know if he is Jewish or not, could be one full of self-loathing or maybe he’s a psy-op from mossad

          • The $ 100 contribution I made is just the entree.

            If you matched it, or better still doubled it (you DID say you would double any donation I made), I’d then be trailing you so I’d have to raise the ante in return.

            Hopefully, between us, we can get the funds raised up to $ 1000 .

            The ball is in your court.

            Are you going to keep carrying on about remittances, statutory declarations and insistence on polygraph tests or is Dee’s word sufficient for you ?
            I know I can trust Dee but you keep looking for a way to wriggle out of your pledge.

          • Stop trying to conflate and mislead, I put $1000 on the table and it’s nothing to do with your bag of donuts money you contributed god knows when for your advertorials.
            You are a compulsive liar who loves nothing better than to try to put words in my mouth and try to create rumours. You make me sick, lying grub.
            Put down $1000 or shut up.

          • If indeed all I can afford (for now) is a ‘bag of donuts’ equivalent donation (seeing as I’m on Jobstart according to you), then I should be commended for at least contributing that portion of my welfare dependent income.

            That’s not to say I can’t build up to a larger contribution over time – perhaps not $ 1K but something significant.

            Meanwhile, you who is awash in the largesse of the proceeds of income illicitly derived from your association with the Usury Cartel of Bankers (perhaps you were also a long time employee of those sack-of-sh!t Sackler family that precipitated the opioid crisis ?), seeing as you’re so cashed up, why can’t you at least match my $ 100 contribution for starters ?

            Then, we can indulge in a bit of an ‘arms race’ (or more aoorioriately an ‘Alms Race’), for the benefit of Dee’s fighting fund.

            What do you say ?

            Let’s put any petty squabbles aside for the sake of this important cause.

      • ATM all we can do is live in hope. I would not count on it for Australia unless here is a deep concerted Resistance in which they like to call it “push back”

      • Mal, what’s the good news you’re anticipating in the New Year ?

        Certainly, for Australia, as long as our P.M slavishly follows the script handed to him from his U.S masters and continues aggravating our largest trading partner, (with all the repercussions that will entail), things are looking decidedly gloomy.

        • It is not only the US that is involved in this Trans-Global Technocratic Corporate Communist Surveillance Medical Lock-down Regime Mechanism Hostile Takeover. There are many others involved in this corrupt criminal “Full Spectrum Dominance” with their sinister and nefarious Agenda 21/2030 in addition to the military weapon of 5G and for the fraudulent banksters for banking surveillance and increased civilian surveillance. We know that WHO is also involved with the evil Eugenist Bil Gates and others as well as the Communist United Nations which is not united.

          Don’t bother to click on it as Youtube shut down 4 years of George Webb’s investigative research of evidence however you can find him on Twitter.

          NATO’s Dark Blueprint For Virus/Vaccine Warfare

          We should never forget that with all of this happening there is a Roman Catholic Inquisition going on as well. George Webb briefly mentions the RC. They have been behind every war. He mentions Templar swords given out at 2:30m He mention they have a Holy War ideology meaning “It’s ok to kill people because upline told me its ok”…He mentions the Jesuits at 5:13m so he is aware. I have studied this for decades and for sure they are definitely behind this CV19 crisis. At 5:29 he mentions a Knight of Malta passport. The spy school is in Malta and that is where hey are coming from because of their passports. Its NATO’s bio-weapon as he said . At 15:40m again stanch Catholic and Knights of Malta and went to a Jesuit school

          • It’s not as though you were permitted to read analyses that weren’t first vetted and approved by your Mossad handlers anyway.

          • I’m surprised your handlers at the psych ward let you on the internet useless dribbler, when are you going to pay, go to the bank and get the money, PAY PAY PAY hypocritical lying weasel, all you wanted to do was put $1 in the pot and say you were saving underprivileged children, now when push has come to shove you weasel out, I never saw such a weak lying weasel as you, go to the bank, get $1000 and PAY PAY PAY

          • One of us has contributed and the other won’t part with a single dollar.

            It is obvious to the Gumshoe readers who the weasel is.

            You’re an absolute disgrace.

    • I get it, playing it back. Stirring but Turks or was that Ottoman’s or Germans that got stooged, as much as The Prince of Wales pillars himself.

      Same, Radalaide kicking above its weight. Just glad that outpost was foundered with freemen and not convicts.
      Stirring (I not touch A.Jones).


      Is Redgums only 19. The whole band history shows they even front run us. So what, a couple of historical errors, it’s hard to nail eels in real time if you have tried.

  10. The Virus is Communism; COVID is the Excuse

    “We usually think of the New World Order as something coming in the future. In fact, a veiled Masonic Jewish (Communist) banker dictatorship has existed for some time and is now proclaiming itself.

    “We live in a totalitarian society dying to take off its mask in a way that makes tyranny appear normal, natural, and necessary, so the masses will accept increased degradation and servitude.”

    I wrote this in 2009. It is happening now. …………….”


  11. This is for the Christians that are here

    Invisible Enemy:COVID-19 & Popery. Forced Inoculation:
    Vaccine & Common Good. Arouse & Resist the Foe

  12. Chairman of Federal Election Commission declares election illegitimate due to fraud! PLUS watch PROOF of Trump votes electronically stolen right before your eyes…


    William Penn: If men will not be governed by God, they will be ruled by tyrants.

  13. Remember all roads lead to Rome

    The Department of Homeland Security created and controlled by the Jesuits [video]

    The Jesuit Department of Homeland Security –
    NWO Vatican Jesuits created control and run the DHS

    Jesuit Vatican Department of Homeland Security

    Published on Jan 28, 2014
    The so called “Alternative media” loves to talk about how the DHS is storing up billions of rounds of ammunition for the American people, but what they fail to tell you is the OBVIOUS fact that the Jesuits created, control and run the Department of Homeland Security. This video is distinct and unequivocal PROOF that the Jesuits are behind the unpatriotic and Orwellian DHS.

    John C. Gannon and Randy Beardsworth who were crucial in the creation of the DHS agency, were both Jesuit trained. Virtually all the top positions since its inception have been filled by Jesuit trained individuals and or Papal knights.

    Over and over again, we see individuals educated at Jesuit institutions most notably, Georgetown University, the Jesuit fortress of the USA. Other universities such as The College of the Holy Cross and Santa Clara also feature. The organisation is run entirely by Vatican NWO Jesuits of Rome.

    Again, ALL roads ALWAYS lead to Rome. All the info in this video is factual and with a little research can easily be found.

    video from MeditzNet

    The Vatican & Jesuits do appear to run the show

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