Home 911Truth Lawyers’ Committee For 9/11 Throws Down The Gauntlet

Lawyers’ Committee For 9/11 Throws Down The Gauntlet


by Mary W Maxwell, LLB

In most, probably all, of the 50 states of the US you can petition the foreman of your grand jury to investigate a crime that you have knowledge of. I think someone should take this approach in the three states that suffered a criminal attack on September 11, 2001, namely: New York, Virginia (the location of the Pentagon), and Pennsylvania.

However, a group called the “Lawyers’ Committee For 9/11 Inquiry” has decided to do a similar thing at the federal level. Thus, on April 10, 2018, they presented a petition to the US Department of Justice, asking that a federal grand jury look into the matter of crimes committed on 9/11. They have presented 51 pages of information detailing such things as the occurrence of explosions in the Twin Towers.

Lawyers’ Committee Executive Director Mick Harrison notes that the law offers the U.S. Attorney no discretion in whether to do act on the petition. Furthermore, Harrison said:

“In the event the U.S. Attorney does not bring forth the evidence to a grand jury, the petitioners reserve the option of bringing a mandamus action in federal court. A mandamus action, if successful, would compel the U.S. Attorney to fulfill his legal obligation.”

Clever Ways To Destroy the Rule of Law

The average bully is only in business for himself. Thus, he can hurt only a relatively small number of people.   But if one were in a strong group of bullies, out to perform some sort of sin against the whole community – say by stealing the very land on which they live – the group would work hard at circumventing, or chipping away at, the rule of law.

I reckon they would do the following:

  1. Create an impression that there are many individual criminals around – “Human nature is sinful, you know” – and that there’s NO LONGER A WAY TO DEAL with this. In short, take away people’s expectation that there is any point in relying on law to deter a thief, a rapist, etc.
  1. Create an impression that elected officials are hopelessly corrupt – “They always want a bribe or a guarantee of re-election, you know.” Or maybe it’s the political party that is bad and pressures its members into “blind loyalty.” Either way, effective democracy is a cipher.
  1. The bully group may pull off a stunt that is so shocking the people will immediately get the message that this a force no one can overcome. Although the bully group will publicly deny they did it, they actually want us to realize they are the perpetrators. They hope to “condition” everyone to their formidable power.

What Can We Do in Response?

We would be stupid to give up the legal system when we most need it. Here are two things you can do as a citizen on your own initiative:

  1. You can file a civil action, accusing another citizen, a corporation, or in some cases, a government, of having wronged you, and demand redress. A variation on that is that you can ask a court to prevent someone from going ahead with a threatened wrong against you. (That is, you can seek a restraining order or an injunction).
  1. You can ask that a person or corporation be punished if they have committed a crime. That is, you can conduct a private prosecution. Some say this has stopped being allowed — not true, you can still conduct a private prosecution.

If the Prosecutorial System Is Corrupt

If criminals, acting in combination, have sway over the prosecutor, they are all set – they are protected.  All members of society should have something to fear if they behave harmfully — they should fear prosecution.  But many now feel secure that their name is never going to appear on a list of persons to be charged with crime.

I assume that 9/11 was an inside job – there is massive evidence for that, and yet in the last 17 years none of the miscreants has had to “shake in his boots” about getting caught. Personally I am sure that is going to change.  They have miscalculated people’s common sense and instinct for vengeance.

A Proposed Restoration of  the Judicial System

Normally we should revere the judicial system. A court is sacred, as it represents justice and it also represents society — it is “us” rather than a bunch of “me’s”. A decent court is something we can admire and capitulate to.

In the last few years, I have been advocating a restoration of the judicial system, in my books, for example: Prosecution for Treason (2011), Fraud Upon the Court (2015), and Marathon Bombing (2018).

Ten things recommend themselves immediately to citizens who find unpunished wrongdoing happening on a major scale. They can:

  1. Sue for a restraining order. (You don’t need anyone’s permission to file a court case.)
  1. Seek a local prosecution of judicial officials for the crime of obstruction of justice, regarding the way they have so far dealt with fake terrorism cases. (You will need the agreement of a prosecutor, such as a state or county district attorney.)
  1. Organize a grand jury. This is legal and constitutionally protected. Traditionally, a grand jury is a citizen-led thing; lately government controls it and tries to suppress citizen initiative. Note: a grand jury is the group that considers whether someone should be charged with a crime; it issues indictments.
  1. Ask a legislature or perhaps a city or county board to conduct an investigation, if the wrongdoing is in their district. (A huge number of people asked New York’s Secretary of State Eliot Spitzer to investigate 9/11 – to no avail.) Congress and state legislatures can issue warrants for arrest on matters arising from their investigations.
  1. Use the ancient writs such as the Writ of Error Coram Nobis, which is legal in the US, that asks a court to override a previous decision (such as a decision to acquit a wrongdoer) based on evidence that a member of court, such as a judge or prosecutor, deceived the court.
  1. Invoke the law of outlawry. It says that a person who appears to be outside the law, in the sense of being completely able to escape prosecution, becomes fair game to kill. (Be sure to check if your jurisdiction has repealed this common law provision!)
  1. Use citizen’s arrest to bring a person to police — or to a court if police won’t accept custody.
  1. File a private prosecution which, as I said, is rare and is costly but not impossible.
  1. File a RICO case – per the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization Act – in the form of either a prosecution, or a civil suit in the name of someone who suffered recent economic loss as a result of the criminal’s behaviour.
  1. Try to obtain mandamus. This is what the Lawyers’ Committee For 9/11 Inquiry says it will do if a US Attorney at the Department of Justice will not hand over to a federal grand jury its 51-page enumeration of crimes committed at the World Trade Center on that famous day. That is, it will petition a court for a Writ of Mandamus to make the US Attorney do his duty.

My ordering in this list doesn’t mean that Number 10 has low priority — there is no significance to the order. My favorite is Number 9, good old underused RICO.  Please note that RICO can be done in a state of the US as well as federally. As for Number 8, the prosecution could be for the crime of treason, or for the “Blackstonian” crimes mentioned in Number 2. These are sooo ripe.

For now, please rejoice that someone is doing something – namely, the Lawyers’ Committee For 9/11 Inquiry.  Note: Officially their name is “Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry” but they’ve now gone past the stage of begging a government to investigate 9/11 and are demanding action – thank God.

Have a read of their documentation here, and please publicize it as much as you can.

— Mary W Maxwell has tried the Writ of Error Coram Nobis in three cases unsuccessfully and has not the slightest intention of giving up.



  1. A valuable article that keeps hope alive. Thank you for this public service, Ms. Maxwell. Your penetration is impressive. The Lawyers group could equally well be named Lawyers Committee for 9/11 Iniquity, don’t you think? In any case, Hibernia in aeternam.

    • Mr McNally, I wanted to call the article:

      “Lawyers Committee For 9/11 Goes Boom Boom Boom Boom”,

      but Dee told me this was too much of a family joke (Gumshoe being the family) , and we are trying to reach out to the world with this particular piece.

      Thank you for wishing me Perpetual Peace in Ireland. (Zat what you meant?)

  2. ad abundantiam,

    Preliminary finding of the only ever scientific investigation so far into the collapse of building 7 contradicts the official account of the collapse with..

    “The findings thus far are that fire did not bring down this building. Building failure simulations show that, to match observation, the entire inner core of this building failed nearly simultaneously.”


    • Communist China run by a small elite group of what is known as communists, is capitalist society the same but a different name? controling the masses by financial starvation? and crimes such as 9/11 are all of part the elites plan but fairly insignificant compared with the big picture?

    • Dear Fair, that University of Alaska study is only about Building Seven. I think the Lawyers Committee is only about twin towers.
      But thank you, of course.

      By the way, has anyone got a copy of that Harvard University study that shows the Tsarnaevs didn’t bomb the Marathon?

      No? OK, didn’t think so.

      • Look, there’s a whole swathe of Cliffies in this choir. I’d forgotten about Cliffies. Surely they would do the right thing.

        Hey Cliffies, Tamerlan lived in Cambridge. The FBI done killed him. You want to feel safe on the streets, don’t you?

        Gimme a call. mary.maxwell@alumni.adelaide.edu.au.
        We can work together on this.

        P.S. Cliffies, is there any one among you who thinks the 19 hijackers did the needful? How about any in Harvard Law? Wouldn’t that be a screech.

  3. Update on the baking contest. There wasn’t much action and now the 48 hours are up.
    Actually there weren’t any entrants at all. Just as well, as figuring the half-hour time difference re Adelaide is always a struggle for Gumshoe’s assistant editor. (Not joking.)

    We can have another go later. If you think of a better contest, please send the rules to Her Bossness.


  4. Lawers throw down the gaunltett!
    What a joke.
    Where are some of these lawers and ex lawyers doing so?
    Malcolm Turnbull, Julie Bishop, John Howard, Julia Gillard, Josh Frydenberg, Jonathon Faine and the rest.
    The meaning of throwing down the gaulent is to challenge or a invitation to fight.
    Those mentioned and many others have no fight, they are cowards, for they have not even the intellectual capacity to debate.
    On another facility hereafter (if not censored) I will provide an example of such cowardice by the gutless lying Australian Broadcasting Commission.

  5. Being censored.
    Up yours censor.
    Malcolm, Dump Frydenberg.
    ABC, dump Faine.
    Australia, dump our political aiders and abettors.
    Australia, dump the lying ABC……. sell it to Murderock.

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