Home Corona MEGALOMANIACS ARE IN CONTROL FOR NOW (Gumshoe’s Blue-Ribbon Award)


After  the London “We do not consent” rally, German doctor Heiko Schoning was arrested (YouTube, photoviapop)

by Dee McLachlan

There were three finalists in the Six-word Memoir Contest. Two of those three had minor word-count irregularities. But the large board of judges (Sure!) decided to construct an unannounced Second and Third prize for them. They are, respectively:

Truth Vigilante:

“One World Government, Multi-country prostration”

Rachel Vaughan:

“Utterly unbelievable and unprecedented bull sh*t”

The BLUE RIBBON goes to Arlyn Tombleson who sent numerous entries in to me to post anonymously, as you may recall. His winning 6-word Memoir of the Covid situation is … drumroll…

“Megalomaniacs are in control for now.”

Congratulations, Arlyn.

Also, I am pleased to add Honorable mention to two contestants who brought a positive slant to the otherwise sad story of our horrible plandemic, in six words:


“TAB closed, more money for booze”

Mary Maxwell:

“New ways for singers to unite”

There was another very positive one, that made my/our day. It was the entry by Peter Way:

“No to MSM, yes to Gumshoe”

Thanks to Peter and to all who made the effort.



    • People.
      Terry is not off topic.
      The Bloomberg article is what the ‘meglomaniacs’ are planning under the shadow of starving and controlling the people excused by protecting gullibles from a controlled virus. Oh: take the needle we protect you, but forget hcq etc.
      Sheer evil abounds, wake up.

    • This is an area of the world where large scale agriculture is undertaken. Grains and cattle are, or at least were farmed on vast areas, as in Australia. Now the people do not have affordable bread or meat. Beware Australians, this could happen here. The One World Government can create any disaster overnight, that it wishes. Evil, Evil!

  1. A thought hit me today. For the last 7 months Australia has been under, probably the greatest national security threat ever. Where has ASIO been sleeping?

    Even if they cannot arrest the terrorists, they should have warned all of our governments of the scam. If I was smart enough to work out the scam and who the enemies were in the first week, how come our Intelligence Agencies still appear to be unaware of those threats, with all the tools they have available to them, along with other spooks around the world. Seems they are part of the problem.

    If dangers are that great, that our people must be locked up and our economy brought to a stand still, by businesses being closed, surely that must amount to a national security threat. We all know who created that threat. It is worse than the normal national security threat, because it was caused by supposed allies to the Western World.

    I will name a few of those terrorists. Bill and Melinda Gates, Anthony Fauci, and the management of the World Health Organisation.

    It is not the first time that this group have been involved in terrorism, just ask the peoples of Africa and India.

    • Time for our intelligence agency spooks to earn their budget and expose the real terrorists sabotaging our country.
      Oh, bugger, silly me they have even now Not even woken up to the nutters unscientific official government 911 conspiracy theory that had our country going and killing millions in the ME and sacrificing many of our good soldiers.
      So who is running the country and committing treason?
      Tell us John Winston Howard, Morrison and all but ease.
      You to traitorous msm and shock joke frauds.

      • JFK said he wanted to splinter the CIA into a 1000 pieces and scatter it to the wind – and likely might’ve done it had he evaded the contract killing initiated by the Israeli state.

        So, what’s good for the goose is certainly good for the obsequious gander. ie: ASIO, AFP, and subsidiary Five Eye agencies that are not working for the common good.

        Let’s splinter them into 2000 pieces.

    • That’s really great, Timothy. I’ll copy out a section that appears toward the end:


      In a government document entitled “Options for increasing adherence to social distancing measures” (22nd March 2020) we come across the following:

      a) Perceived threat. “A substantial number of people still do not feel sufficiently personally threatened.” Action to be taken, “The perceived level of personal threat needs to be increased amongst those who are complacent, using hard hitting emotional messaging.”

      b) Also stated in this document it says “Use media to increase sense of personal threat”, “Consider enacting legislation to compel required behaviours.” Consider use of social disapproval for failure to comply.”

      This document strongly suggests that Government ministers, and/or their advisors, have committed an offense under the UK Terrorism Act .

    • Cherry.
      I drafted a lengthy reply and it disappeared.
      Will not repeat, other to opine: bullshit.
      Follow some facts at the x 22 reports, that I have been following for two years.
      Who mentioned a treatment in March 2020 and who in Vic and Qld banned it and how many elderly have been killed because of?
      No not by T. Do some research.
      If you are seeking criminal negligence; look to Vic and Wld and other health bureaucrats here. The pending class actions will not have your T as a defendant…more likely the bullshiters will be Joined as defendants.
      Sorry, do some more research before presenting uninformed crap here.

      • Try the DOJ now investigating why NY sent thousands of elderlies to nursing home from hospitals to die… to expand reported deaths due to Covid.
        Remember NY requiring T to provide thousands of ventilators that were not used now in storage.
        Remember the two hospital ships Requested and provided by T that left empty.
        Remember all the hospitals that charged 39,000 if a patient allegedly died if Covid.
        Remember the directions to doctors to record on ALL death certificates that patients died of Covid and now that is being disclosed as bs.
        Perhaps Cherrie you do not recall all this, then perhaps you were not following the scam.
        But I was. I suggest that you catch up before casting stones.

      • Ned, seeing as you brought up the X22 Report, I read an article on the weekend which had some very interesting things to say about it.

        The article was titled ‘Conspireality: Is It Time For A Serious Conversation?’ and written by the founder (Joe Martino) of Collective Evolution (the latter being a highly regarded site for reliable fact checked information).

        Some interesting passage from that article below :

        ‘Take the X22 report for example. He [Zio-Dave] pulls together a ton of circumstantial evidence, matches it with Q posts and then offers an analysis. Many believe his work clearly shows facts in drawing conclusions, but in reality, it’s mere speculation. This is perfectly fine, but people are getting lost in seeing this as unequivocal fact, as opposed to mere speculation.

        X22 has suggested for example that Julian Assange is safe and sound and his arrest is nothing but ‘part of the plan’ by the Q patriots to save America from the Deep State. In his video, you can follow all of the evidence he proposes, why Assange had a book in his hand, what that book meant, and how it was a code for people to look deeper. This, while those close to Assange, including independent reporters and family, have been saying he is being tortured and suffering deeply in prison.

        So on one hand you have ‘truthers’ saying he’s fine, don’t worry, part of the plan. And then you have those who actually know him and have access to him saying the situation is bad and people need to help do something about it. Those same truthers have then said “don’t worry, those reporters and family are part of the plan too… it’s all optics.” You can see the issue here.

        What I’m getting at is many popular voices in alternative media approach ‘conspiracy theories’ in a way that turns circumstantial evidence into unquestionable truth. Delivered with a sense of certainty or sweeping generalisations. They can often lack critical thinking because they match their circumstantial evidence with the overarching story they have chosen to believe as fact.

        In turn, many viewers of alternative media seem to have begun believing these ideas as pure truth, without applying the same critical thinking rigour to alt narratives as they would have to mainstream narratives.’

        Now Ned, I don’t have access to back channels that can confirm the X22 Report is a psyop and I can’t tell you with 100 % certainty that Dave is a Zio minion.

        But, in relation to the Assange issue, it sticks in my craw how it is clear that Assange IS being tortured (as confirmed by family and friends near to him).

        It is equally clear that the Trump administration has gone out of its way to punish Assange and make an example of him, and YET X22 keeps peddling the nonsense that this ‘surface appearance of punishment’ is all theatre and that the reality is Trump is protecting Assange.

        Well, I can tell you for a fact that THEY ARE EFF’n KILLING ASSANGE IN BELMARSH prison little by little – and Trump will see to it that the job’s completed after extradition to the U.S.

        If Zio-Dave is an honest broker, WHY would he lie about such a thing and peddle the ‘Assange in safe hands’ nonsense ?

        I have a pretty good idea why. What say you Ned ?

  2. If you saw Scott and Joshua, on the evening ‘news’ last night, their performance was clinical and cold just like ice. Stalin Hitler or Mao would not be worthy to shine these gaystapo freaks shoes.
    Repeating, 6 oligarchs control 96% of all worldwide media.

  3. In the Blue Ribbon Stakes, I think Arlyn should have tied for first place — with himself. “Megalomaniacs are in control for now” is great, but so is:

    “Corporations have been masquerading as government.”

    Those bastards have made fools of all of us all these years. Of COURSE there is no government.

  4. Just come my to attention: https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/australian-state-law-empowers-officials-to-forcibly-remove-underwear-to-administer-vaccine

    I answered the sender with this reply: Did you notice that “the text is included in the original 2016 Public
    Health Act”. This in my opinion, proves that the State Government knew
    before Covid-19 was announced (four years before-hand) that this scam was
    planned. This situation is getting scarier by the moment.

    Here we are in W.A. taking pity on our Victorian neighbours when we have
    vicious traitors in our midst. Two of them are in my area, Mark McGowan and
    Roger Cook.

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