By Mary W Maxwell, LLB
The unashamed purpose of this article is to boast that the editor of GumshoeNews, Dee McLachlan, and contributing barrister James O’Neill, and others, correctly smelled a rat as soon as the MH17 plane crash was announced — and they haven’t let go since.
Yesterday we heard that a newly released documentary directed by Yana Yerlashova and independent Dutch investigator Max van der Werff proves beyond a doubt that Ukraine and its Western partners did all that they could to cover up the true cause of MH17’s crash — with the loss of much life — in 2014.
Their video appears at the end of this article.
I am not saying their claims are final proof, but who needs proof when you have what Gumshoe had, very early on — a letter from Canberra saying our dear country would not tell the truth no mattered what. Gumshoe contributor Christopher Brooks, the dairy farmer who likes to play role model to young staffers in Parliament, got unexpectedly lucky when, in communication with a government office to fuss abut MH17, he was mistakenly — very mistakenly — handed a hot letter.
As I said, I am here to claim credit for Gumshoe. Tens of articles were provided from this one Australian press, whilst the others rehashed the Mueller report — oops I mean churned up the usual distracting talk about “new finds” at the crash site.
We wrote many articles about the downing of MH17, to name just 6 of the MH17 articles by Dee and James O’Neill:
MH17 – A Waiting Game Of Deception and Secrets,
Consensus a Compromise for Secret MH17 Investigation,
Will the MH17 Investigation be Compromised?,
A Classified Murder Investigation – MH17,
Comparison of Gulf of Tonkin and MH17 Ruse.
To quote James O’Neill:
“The stage was set however, for a demonization of Russia in general as the alleged supplier of the missile, and President Vladimir Putin in particular. The relentless propaganda enforcing this view has continued unabated to this day, although the evidential foundation for the allegations remains at best remote.”
And here is a typical quote from McLachlan:
“Again this morning on the front page of the Herald Sun, we are reminded that Russian separatists are definitively GUILTY. Well Political Editor, Ellen Whinnett is guilty of not researching MH17 adequately; and guilty of spinning a false narrative. This presstitute reportage demonstrates the state of subjugation with which the mainstream media (MSM) and Canberra follow Washington’s script.”
The Brooks Treasure Trove
Here once again is the letter mistakenly shared with Christopher Brooks.
On 26 August, 2014 McLachlan wrote :
“I wrote and spoke to DFAT (early on Monday morning) requesting some answers on the details and validity of the ‘non-disclosure’ agreement rumored to have been signed (between Holland, Belgium, Australia & Ukraine). For two days they have remained mum. And to be honest, I am not surprised. They are caught in a terrible dilemma.
“My questions: Has Australia signed an agreement that prevents it from disclosing the results of the MH17 investigation? Does the agreement provide the ability for one country to veto disclosure of the findings – and is this binding on the other signatories?
“[They] have now signed a non disclosure agreement that possibly gives Kiev the power to suppress any of the damning evidence. Damning on whom: Kiev (and the Ukrainian fighter jet/s that mistakenly – or deliberately – shot down MH17 – and in so doing, murdered 37 Australians. And now the Abbott government is caught up in trying to manage a dastardly situation. They have signed and given consent (veto) powers to the possible perpetrator.
“I would be very very angry if I had lost a family member on board – and I do not envy the poor DFAT employees when the families hear about this. (Note: It was eventually reported that parts of the beheading video was staged/fake).”
The New Video Documentary
Here is an excerpt from an article by Andrew Korybko at Globalresearch.ca:
“The entire world is already aware of the two competing theories about MH17’s downing half a decade ago, with the West insisting that a supposedly Russian-supplied BUK surface-to-air missile accidentally destroyed the passenger aircraft while Moscow has always maintained its innocence and claimed that it’s being framed as part of a politically motivated cover-up.
“Most people have already made up their minds about what they think really happened on that dreadful day, but those who doubt that an actual conspiracy took place might finally reconsider their views after the newly released documentary by Yana Yerlashova together with Dutch investigator Max van der Werff.
“….active efforts involving a broad array of countries were undertaken from the get-go to paint Moscow as the culprit despite there being no facts whatsoever to back up that provocative claim.
“MH17 – Call For Justice” sheds light on the dark truth of what happened immediately after the plane’s downing. The video powerfully includes a brief interview with Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir, who had earlier spoken out about the cover-up and reaffirms that Russia was blamed for what happened even before any information was conclusively known about the incident.

“The Prime Minister of Malaysia Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad also revealed that the West tried to prevent his country’s meaningful involvement in the investigation, which is extremely scandalous…. The Malaysians weren’t going to be deterred in their quest for justice, however, as the documentary includes a testimony from Colonel Mohamad Sakri, the head of the Malaysian team, disclosing that he secretly took a small team to Donetsk to gather evidence from the site after Poroshenko’s officials originally blocked them from doing so.
“Malaysia’s possession of the black boxes ensured that the country would know the truth about what really occurred, which explains why Colonel Sakri also said that both the FBI and the Ukrainian government desperately tried to convince him to hand this evidence over to them immediately afterwards. He rightly refused….
“[This fact] would make more people across the world question why they weren’t made aware of any of this in the first place — in today’s populist-driven environment [this may] produce more anti-elite outrage than ever before. Few independent investigators have done as much to reveal the truth about MH17 as Yana Yerlashova and Max Van den Werff, who have done the entire world an enormous service with their latest documentary….”
Not wanting to change the subject, but the yellow vest situation at the moment is that 40 French police have committed suicide in 2019 so far.
Right off the bat that made me think the whole yellow vest business could have been arranged so as to prove the hopelessness of “the people” asserting themselves over a Macron-type government.
But why leave it as is? Why don’t the cops simply refuse to stop bashing their countrymen? This could end very peacefully, couldn’t it? Could be a beautiful moment, better than the storming of the
Oops. Back to Australia. Why are we putting up with the non-investigation of the deaths of 28 Australians in the Mh17 crash?
Humans live in groups, inevitably. How about some loyalty to one’s people? The 28 Aussies were Malaysian Aussies I think. Probably they don’t expect support from us. Huh? Why not.
Paris, Paris, Paris. A famous civilization there that all could cling to. I say the gendarmerie should retire their batons.
And while they’re at it, let the cops stage a big protest over the way they were mocked during the Charlie Hebdo “show,” and stand up for the deceased police chief. I forget his name. Dee, what was his name?
Helric Fredou, the Police Commissioner charged with preparing a report on the family background of Charlie Hebdo, was found dead with a bullet in the head just hours after the attack. The official story claims he committed suicide. Case closed.
When mother of Helric Fredou asked for the autopsy report, she was told, “Vous ne l’aurez pas.”
When a few countries put their heads together and sign an agreement to not release evidence of the incident, we know there is criminality going on. In particular, to not let Malaysia, the home country of the aircraft, not to be involved with the investigation, immediately sends a message that the inquiry is going to give a false answer.
This has “Globalists” stamped all over it. Russia had nothing to do with the event. Just as Martin Bryant had no part of the killings at Port Arthur.
Latest news on this issue from Malaysia tells us Australian troops were sent to Ukraine after the crash. WHY were Australian troops sent into a NATO war ground ??????
Well done Eddy! A very good question that needs to be answered without the typical government response of no comment its a “National security” issue. The other question among many other questions is why did Angas Houston use the Australia air force and navy on a wild goose chase….?
Mary, when did Australian politicians last stand up for Australians or foreign nationals living in Australia?
It was well before the Bali Bombing event, the Indonesian Embassy bombing, the Hilton Hotel bombing, Port Arthur death of 35 people or the three deaths at the Lindt Café. May be the last time a politician stood up for Australians was when Jim Cairns got involved with the anti-Vietnam war movement. He at the time was labelled as “a nut case”.
I distinctly recall one Australian politician stand up for Australians, when he abolished conscription and brought the troops home from a war we had no business of being in. Sadly, that was the last time we had a REAL Politician in Australia.
So Eddy, you’d be referring to PM Billy McMahon then?
On what planet ????? McMahon actually saw us off TO Vietnam. I’m referring to Gough Whitlam. Pains me I had to point that out.
When speaking of investigations where authorities state, that it is imperative that before you give details to anyone else that you contact our investigators to provide the first account, there seems to be a controlling element at work…this sounds very much like the explanation stated in the letter which you have copied and pasted above – ie: “a non-disclosure agreement which requires consensus between the parties before information regarding the investigation will be released”. IMO
Here’s how one conspiracy/lie DID begin, which we have been given light upon:
8 And they departed quickly from the sepulchre with fear and great joy; and did run to bring his disciples word.
9 And as they went to tell his disciples, behold, Jesus met them, saying, All hail. And they came and held him by the feet, and worshipped him.
10 Then said Jesus unto them, Be not afraid: go tell my brethren that they go into Galilee, and there shall they see me.
11 Now when they were going, behold, some of the watch came into the city, and shewed unto the chief priests all the things that were done.
12 And when they were assembled with the elders, and had taken counsel, they gave large money unto the soldiers,
13 Saying, Say ye, His disciples came by night, and stole him away while we slept.
14 And if this come to the governor’s ears, we will persuade him, and secure you.
15 So they took the money, and did as they were taught: and this saying is commonly reported among the Jews until this day. The KJV Bible
Conspiracy/conspire means “a planning and acting together secretly, esp. for an unlawful or harmful purpose, such as murder or treason”/”to breathe together, agree, unite”. Webster’s New World Dictionary
“If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.” Adolf Hitler
At 16:25+ Dr Elmar Guemulla (Honorary Professor of Aviation Law):
You know the saying “The person who lies once lies always”.
That feeling you get when you are given a jigsaw puzzle and told it is a tropical jungle scene but when you start joining blocks of pieces you see a polar bear emerging. You don’t have the complete puzzle solved but you KNOW it is not a tropical jungle. (analogy courtesy of Mike King – tomatobubble)
I further refer readers to the following article from Russia Insider, and particularly to the comments by reader “AM Hants” who has compiled an exhaustive dossier on the MH17 ‘saga’ (as well as the Skripal affair etc).
• “Holland Announces Arrest Warrants Against Russians in Bogus MH17 Investigation” by John Helmer
Some of the questions AM Hants poses:
• Why was there no autopsy report on the pilots of the MH17?
• Why was there no forensic report, on the shrapnel fragments in the entry and exit holes, which would have proved the DNA of the missile/missiles. Including whether ground to air, air to air or a mixture of both.
• Why did Ukraine allow civilian planes to enter a war zone, despite repeated concerns, even addressed a couple of days before 17 July 2014?
• Why is the Prime Minister of Malaysia, concerned that Russia is being blamed, without evidence or checking all facts? When it could easily have been Ukraine, in his own words?
• Why did Kolomoisky, who was the oligarch in charge of aviation and air traffic control, and also gave the Vice President of America’s son a position in one of his energy companies, apologise, for taking down the wrong plane?
• Who were they expecting, with similar colouring, similar radar image and returning from a successful BRICS summit? Remember, Prime Minister Modi, coming back from the same summit, was just behind the MH17?
• Why did they alter flight paths?
• Why did they ignore the witness, who stated three Su25s took off from an Ukraine military base, one laden with air to air missiles. The latter jet returned, the other two were taken out, without the missiles. The pilot, who has since committed suicide, stated he took down the wrong plane?
• Why did the female air traffic control officer, who was responsible for the MH17, go on holiday, the following day, never to return and never questioned by the investigation committees?
And so many more questions (see the article) … but this is certainly not a tropical jungle scene.
… imagine the eternal curses that Ms Julie Bishop (et al) will have to live with, with every breath they take – “The person who lies once lies always”.
Dear Fish, thank you for the “definitive” list. I don’t understand his one: “Who were they expecting, with similar colouring, similar radar image and returning from a successful BRICS summit? Remember, Prime Minister Modi, coming back from the same summit, was just behind the MH17?”
Well that would have been President Putin of course, however … I just reproduce that as quoted as a mere sample of the many unanswered questions and direct readers to the article cited for further reading. I am not sure how significant or relevant that particular item is as I have read elsewhere that Putin’s flight was at least “1000 km away” (I am not sure of the time frames) so I don’t give much weight to the prospect of a deliberate assassination attempt that was bungled by a mistaken identity.
The quoted question immediately above that referring to “Kolomoisky, who was the oligarch in charge of aviation and air traffic control, and also gave the Vice President of America’s son a position in one of his energy companies.” Well that would have been Hunter Biden who benefitted fantastically from the Ukrainian coup – I mean spending $5 Billion “bringing democracy to Ukraine” – the son of the now Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden.
See Bruce Grant’s “The Concluding episode: “To whose benefit?””
For those interested in the subject of MH 17, two more suggested sites to visit.
and this playlist –
The Elderberry bush is very pretty at a certain time of year …
Thank you Bruce Grant.
So any of you future “false flag” instigators make sure you know your local flora and fauna before you use false video as evidence.
We are all chooks in the Serco barn . Like freemasonry their hidden hands are stationed in all positions of control . They are the world disorder gaystapo force . Forget afp asio mi6 cia etc , they all take a back seat to the new kid on the block . The fact is they’re not new , they’ve always been hidden . They are the terrorist mercenaries of the black nobility that now has the whole world on a plate . Their tentacles are everywhere , problem reaction solution every time . Strange days when the murderers have become the wardens .
This comment is a little long so just peruse or ignore at your leisure, but please bear in mind the recent Gumshoe article on Bernays (“US Polls, Manipulation and Group Psychology” by G5), and how people like Edward Bernays, Kurt Lewin (see Tavistock) et al are celebrated.
CAPITALISED PHRASES in quoted passages below are for added emphasis.
It has been quite a week for anniversaries – the ritualistic murder of the entire last Romanov family, the alleged moon landing, and if course the diabolical shooting down of the MH17 featured here.
Earlier Ally posted “If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed. Adolf Hitler”.
I guess that’s why we have anniversaries – see Sefton Delmer quote at end – “Re-education needs careful tending, like an English lawn. Even one moment of negligence, and the weeds crop up again – THOSE INDESTRUCTIBLE WEEDS OF HISTORICAL TRUTH.”
However, I respectfully take Ally to task for that (mis?)quote but appreciate its significance and thank Ally for it. In fact one could almost regard it as a ‘perpetual tautology’ by its very repetition on such an anniversary.
Indeed “if you tell a big enough lie” is more often attributed to Joseph Goebbels, or even … Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov
So I have been searching high and low for its source
here …
• Hitler Adolf – Collection of speeches 1922-1945
and here …
• Propaganda by Joseph Goebbels 1933-1945
In the latter I could only find these, for example:
• “The truth is always stronger than the lie.”
• “We would never make propaganda so far from the truth.”
• “This is a struggle between light and dark, between truth and falsehood, between true humanity and inhuman barbarism.”
• “The truth cannot be stopped by lies or force. It will get through.”
• “a truth is no less valid because it is expressed daily.”
JG also said:
• “Good propaganda does not need to lie, indeed it may not lie. It has no reason to fear the truth. It is a mistake to believe that people cannot take the truth. They can. It is only a matter of presenting the truth to people in a way that they will be able to understand. A propaganda that lies proves that it has a bad cause. It cannot be successful in the long run.”
Source: Goebbels at Nuremberg Rally, 1934 (see Calvin link above)
Also from Goebbels:
• “It is not only a matter of doing the right thing; the people must understand that the right thing is the right thing. Propaganda includes everything that helps the people to realize this.”
Referring to WWI:
• “While the enemy states produced unprecedented ATROCITY PROPAGANDA aimed at Germany throughout the whole world, we did nothing and were completely defenseless against it. Only when enemy foreign propaganda had nearly won over the greater part even of the neutral states did the German government begin to sense the enormous power of propaganda. It was too late. Just as we were militarily and economically unprepared for the war, so also with propaganda. We lost the war in this area more than in any other [see Delmer].”
I even went here
• Mein Kampf – Adolf Hitler
[I am actually copy-pasting from another translation. He is talking about WWI here … you can skip the text and read for yourself]
• “In watching the course of political events I was always struck by the active part which propaganda played in them. I saw that it was an instrument, which the Marxist Socialists knew how to handle in a masterly way and how to put it to practical uses. Thus I soon came to realize that the right use of propaganda was an art in itself and that this art was practically unknown to our bourgeois parties.
• We were fighting for the freedom and independence of our country, for the security of our future welfare and the honour of the nation. Despite all views to the contrary, this honour does actually exist, or rather it will have to exist; for a nation without honour will sooner or later lose its freedom and independence.
• The yoke of slavery is and always will remain the most unpleasant experience that mankind can endure.
• Since these ideas of what is beautiful and humane have no place in warfare, they are not to be used as standards of war propaganda.
• The second question of decisive importance is this: To whom should propaganda be made to appeal? To the educated intellectual classes? Or to the less intellectual?
• PROPAGANDA MUST ALWAYS ADDRESS ITSELF TO THE BROAD MASSES OF THE PEOPLE. For the intellectual classes, or what are called the intellectual classes to-day, propaganda is not suited, but only scientific exposition. Propaganda has as little to do with science as an advertisement poster has to do with art, as far as concerns the form in which it presents its message. The art of the advertisement poster consists in the ability of the designer to attract the attention of the crowd through the form and colours he chooses.
• Here the art of propaganda consists in putting a matter so clearly and forcibly before the minds of the people as to create a general conviction regarding the reality of a certain fact, the necessity of certain things and the JUST CHARACTER [emphasis added] of something that is essential.
• All propaganda must be presented in a popular form and must fix its intellectual level so as not to be above the heads of the least intellectual of those to whom it is directed.
• The art of propaganda consists precisely in being able to awaken the imagination of the public through an appeal to their feelings, in finding the appropriate psychological form that will arrest the attention and appeal to the hearts of the national masses.
• […]
• The receptive powers of the masses are very restricted, and their understanding is feeble. On the other hand, they quickly forget. Such being the case, all effective propaganda must be confined to a few bare essentials and those must be expressed as far as possible in stereotyped formulas. These slogans should be persistently repeated until the very last individual has come to grasp the idea that has been put forward.
• On the other hand, BRITISH AND AMERICAN WAR PROPAGANDA WAS PSYCHOLOGICALLY EFFICIENT. BY PICTURING THE GERMANS TO THEIR OWN PEOPLE AS BARBARIANS AND HUNS, they were preparing their soldiers for the horrors of war and safeguarding them against illusions.
• Proof of how brilliantly they understood that the feeling of the masses is something primitive was shown in their policy of publishing tales of horror and outrages [ATROCITY PROPAGANDA in another translation – that theme again] which fitted in with the real horrors of the time, thereby cleverly and ruthlessly preparing the ground for moral solidarity at the front, even in times of great defeats [GALLIPOLI anyone?]. Further, the way in which they pilloried the German enemy as solely responsible for the war – which was A BRUTAL AND ABSOLUTE FALSEHOOD – and the way in which they proclaimed his guilt was excellently calculated to reach the masses, realizing that these are always extremist in their feelings. AND THUS IT WAS THAT THIS ATROCIOUS LIE WAS POSITIVELY BELIEVED.
[I have copied enough – please see Chapter VI at your leisure]
… so it is quite apparent that Hitler was talking ABOUT propaganda and in particular how ATROCITY PROPAGANDA was used by the British and Americans (in WWI – recall the Bayonets and Babies article here on Gumshoe).
Compare this to the gloating Sefton Delmer following WWII
• “ATROCITY PROPAGANDA is how we won the war [WWII]. And we’re only really beginning with it now! WE WILL CONTINUE THIS ATROCITY PROPAGANDA, WE WILL ESCALATE IT until nobody will accept even a good word from the Germans, until all the sympathy they may still have abroad will have been destroyed and they themselves will be so confused that they will no longer know what they are doing. Once that has been achieved, once they begin to run down their own country and their own people, not reluctantly but with eagerness to please the victors, only then will our victory be complete. IT WILL NEVER BE FINAL.
• Re-education needs careful tending, like an English lawn. Even one moment of negligence, and the weeds crop up again – THOSE INDESTRUCTIBLE WEEDS OF HISTORICAL TRUTH.”
Sefton Delmer (1904-1979), former Jewish British Chief of `Black Propaganda’ to Dr. Friedrich Grimm, Professor of International Law,.)
Thank you Dee and Mary (et al) for nurturing THOSE INDESTRUCTIBLE WEEDS OF HISTORICAL TRUTH.
Back on topic, I will let Abraham Lincoln have the last say …
Government so-called is nothing more than a vast criminal consortium or syndicate that uses taxpayer money to continue their unfettered agenda combined with obsessive secrecy to conceal their evil practices and deeds.
Who gave the authority for Anga Houston to lie, deny and to utilised Australia’s airforce and navy to create a wild goose chase that was unquestioned by the prostitute media and press?
Why are the small amount of Australian politicians lying and denying to the public with foreknowledge that is untrue?
Conspiracies have been happening right in from of our noses for decades particularly since 9/11 and all you can do is either mock or deny their existence. The Australian Government lies about all of this for their Fascist Americans. Australia has lost much of its sovereignty as is simply a docile and subservient client state. It has been infiltrated decades ago so it has not even had the opportunity to surrender. The political parties are both the same both lie and deny is their Standard Operating Procedure.
The Vietnam lie and all the conspiracies connected with the CIA drug trade
Sydney Hilton bombing by ASIO and a Australian army bomb technician
Port Arthur Massacre with the SOG, ASIO, the prostitute media and press with the corrupt Bar system with the Murdoch Zionist consortium
Bali bombing by the CIA -Mossad with a small nuke used
MH17 & MH370 with Angas Houston sending the Australian Airforce on a wild goose chase and lying. I have already sent you all the material from the above. Field McConnell from Abel Danger and his team knew where the plane was on the first day. The Malaysian Government invited him to show his evidence and it was accepted. I am in touch with him.
SERCO involvements in their octopus corporations
A number of Boeing 737 Max being brought down by a computer chip to murder people who are going to testify about the Clinton Foundation the child sex slave trade and pedophilia
This is simply more evidence mounting that is distinguishable that Australia has been supporting with the aiding and abetting of foreign governments and foreign agencies in a number of state sponsored terrorists activities which is sedition and High Treason. The collusion and suppression of evidence and total misinformation and disinformation to the public is criminal.
18+ Horrific details of the MH17. The plane that never crashed. This is the MH370!
Narrator in possession of over 5000 pictures from Mh17 crash site point out numerous strange anomalies associated with the victims from MH-17.
1) Glowing fluorescent dye near 1st body
2) Strong smell of formaldehyde in air 3) Absence of blood on and around corpses
4) Bloated damp corpses
5) Victims not European looking- she states that most looked Asian
6) Strange dead birds, including a blue and yellow Macaw that is, ironically, the same color as the Ukrainian flag at the 3:10 mark. This is a tropical bird which makes one wonder why it was flying on a plane from Amsterdam to Southeast Asia. Normally, one would expect that such an occurrence may take place the other way round.
7) She states that the cell phone data had no 2014 photos, only photos from 2013.
8) Bluish/black lips on victims
9) She states the passports were all brand new.
Read more at https://www.liveleak.com/view?i=fbf_1429163375#CRW2M5eiOIz6RfdT.99
Marine Links MH/QZ Blue Air Crimes To Black Hand Ship Jumper Dave Five Eyes’ Dirty Serco Bank
Plum City – (AbelDanger.net): United States Marine Field McConnell has linked the waypoint crimes which diverted Malaysia Airlines (MH) and Air Asia (QZ) planes into poorly-observed “Blue-Air” space to the Black-Hand cover ups where ship-jumper David Cameron outsourced Five Eyes’ tracking and telemetry functions to Serco’s dirty banker HSBC.
“The “Five Eyes”, often abbreviated as “FVEY”, refer to an intelligence alliance comprising Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States. These countries are bound by the multilateral UK-USA Agreement, a treaty for joint cooperation in signals intelligence.[1][2][3] The origins of the FVEY can be traced back to World War II, when the Atlantic Charter was issued by the Allies to lay out their goals for a post-war world. During the course of the Cold War, the ECHELON surveillance system was initially developed by the FVEY to monitor the communications of the former Soviet Union and the Eastern Bloc, although it allegedly was later used to monitor billions of private communications worldwide.[4][5]
Can A Trump Qui Tam Stop Serco 8 Liquidations And Solve A MH Boeing Set-Aside Crash?
Abel Danger (AD) has explained how President-elect Donald Trump can use a Qui tam lawsuit to stop Serco shareholders from the ongoing extortion of 8(a) companies through the Office of SBIC Liquidation and help solve set-aside crimes by the 8(a) protégés who allegedly hacked Serco-supplied C4I technology to crash the Boeing 777-ER aircraft of Malaysian Airways (MH) Flights 370 and 17 and coordinate the removal of evidence of 8(a) murder-for-hire.
AD claims that in November 2000, Kristine “Con Air” Marcy allowed Serco shareholders to take control of the Office of Liquidation with Goldman Sachs, Credit Suisse and JPMorgan as underwriters and BNY Mellon as trustee for liquidations involving the use of patented, weaponized devices in murder-for-hire.
10-26-2017 Serco’s MH Macau Death Pool Spot Fixed Paddock’s Ho
Please accept Brief 121 from Field McConnell – the United States Marine Corps whistle-blower and Global Operations Director of Abel Danger (AD) – on Serco’s apparent use of NPL timing signals to support junket death-pool promoters in the MGM Mandalay Bay Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas and MGM Macau and the alleged “digital fires” attacks launched in 2014 on the Boeing 777 ER aircraft of MH Flights 370 and 17.
McConnell believes that Serco, formerly RCA GB 1929, used Demon face-recognition software to force investors in the CAI Private Equity Group, founded by the late General Alexander Haig, former MGM director and 7th Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR), and N M Rothschild & Sons, formerly led by Serco’s investment banker Wilbur Ross, to guarantee loans needed by DOD 8(a) companies for the 9/11 “digital fires” attacks on Boeing aircraft in electronic hijacks , fraudulently attributed by Haig to the Bin Laden Group.
The Downing of MH17 – Is Israel Involved?
Why does the Netherlands have a law called the “Dutch Kingdom Act”? Do you know what’s so funny about this law? As a Dutchman I never knew it existed, I had to experience it from a foreign website called nsnbc-international, which was run by a German.
Christof Lehmann
Dr. Christof Lehmann, born 1958 in West Germany, was Advisor for Research in Psycho-traumatology to Yassir Arafat and Survivor of the Sabra Shatila Massace in 1982, Doctoral Degree in Clinical Psychology in 1986, Advisor to Joshua Nkomo on the Impact of Torture and Psychological Trauma on Conflict Solution and Reconsiliation in Zimbabwe´s Politics in 1986-1990, Advisor to Nelson Mandela on Social Politics, Public Mental Health and the Effect of Psychological Trauma on Peace and Reconsiliation in 1994-1997. Dr. Lehmann is a Practicing Clinical Psychologist and has been actively advocating Palestinians Right to Statehood and Self Determination. In 2011 he began writing articles to contribute to breaking what he perceives as “The Embargo on Truth” by founding and running an independent webmedia: http://nsnbc.wordpress.com.
I wrote with James O’Neill about it, and he also knew this “Dutch Kingdom Act” existed. He advised me to contact Pieter Omtzigt, a Dutch politician for the Christian Democratic Party, but Pieter Omtzigt was “kaltgesteltt” at that time. As a politician, Pieter Omtzigt asked too many questions, and as we all know, as a politician your not allowed to ask too many questions. So, I decided to contact all 150 members of the Dutch second chamber, who controle our ‘democracy’, and I didn’t get an answer, not one.
I even filled a contactform to the DSB, but when I pushed the button “send”, I got an error massage that “My message had too many errors in it, and could not be send.” This is NO joke!
Maybe you ask yourself the question why I come up with an article from Global Research? Well, this is simple, the page on the Dutch Safety Board site doesn’t exist anymore.