Home Australia More Dispatches from the ‘Right Side’ of the Rabbit-Proof Fence

More Dispatches from the ‘Right Side’ of the Rabbit-Proof Fence


More Dispatches from the🙅‍♀️💉Zone — From the ‘Right Side’ of the Rabbit-Proof Fence (i.e. WA)

“If you tolerate this, then your children will be next!”…

Greetings Friends, This 👀 ⬇️ [above picture] was the front page of the “West Australian” this Monday past. Not so affectionately known as “The Worst”, this is WA’s resident MSM ‘mouth organ’ for the #NewNormalites and their organ-grinding paymasters #BigPharma, #BillGates, Pfauci et. al.

Like amateur clowns handing out willy-nilly free Chupa-Chups at the Annual Teddy Bears’ picnic, here they are dispensing grief to all those of us for not ‘vaxxing up’ like good little Vegemites. And as we’ve come to expect from them, lying their a**es off in the process.

For what really are we copping grief from these smug miscreants?

For daring to exercise our inalienable right to speak out and up against the blatant abuse and misuse of political power and the rampant abuse and betrayal of the public trust?

For having the temerity to question or challenge their earnest pronouncements as something less than holy writ, that being the Gospel itself of the Great Resetters?

For seeking to protect and preserve our fundamental freedoms under the laws of the land, of thought, opinion, ideas, speech, movement, privacy, informed choice, and free association?

Well, all of the above, and more. There can be little doubt the establishment media is getting desperate. This latest report is simply more grist to that mill. Their narrative is torn and frayed, if not completely shredded. They know that, they know we know that. So in order to prevent the “we” cohort from getting any bigger or more vocal, they’re doubling down.

The denouncements of these ‘sultans of the shill’ are becoming ever more shrill, more irrational, more self-righteous, venomous, and vitriolic. Their lies are becoming more transparent, ludicrous, and divisively, dangerously so. Just like the dodgy old corner ‘shopkeep’ back in the day, you gotta keep a tight grip on your hard-earned and a keen eye on the scale whenever you ‘buy’ your bag of boiled lollies from this rabble.

Now not only do they lie as a matter of course, you can be just as assured they’re leaving something vital out of the story that might enable you to actually think for yourself and make up your own minds. Ever arrogant, they never expected in their wildest, manipulative, toxic imaginings we’d twig to the con, the scam, the vax-hoax. Their very own bespoke conspiracy! Such pushback by the ‘deplorables’ was not in the brochure, never on their radar!

Filled as they are with their presumed God-given hubris and an inflated sense of their own self-importance, perhaps they were distracted. By what might they have been distracted? Their own self-absorption perhaps? In this I suspect most of these cretins have never walked passed a hallway mirror without pausing to admire the view.

But a few of them must now be realising that they perhaps need to move away from the mirror, and take a ‘gander’ out the window in to the real world. Surely, not all of them can be that deluded!? That’s not a rhetorical question by the way. 😱

As for the report below, you don’t need to pollute your minds my friends by actually reading this pig-swill; you already know what they’re banging on about. (Though if you’re just looking for more confirmation of media venality and duplicity, knock🥊yourself out). Suffice to say, in reporting on Perth’s Freedom Rally last Saturday, these ‘presstitutes’ righteously editorialised about our “political irrelevance”, which was for them apparently self-evident to all.

The irony here is that in blithely labeling all protesters as “anti-vaxxers” (in some cases even, wait for it, as  “conspiracy theorists”), the establishment media’s own narrative—along with the manner in which this manufactured crisis has been rolled out and ‘managed’ from go to woe—has done far more I’d aver to turn pro-vaxxers into doubters, and the fence-sitters into anti-vaxxers. But this mob doesn’t really do irony do they?

The “Worst’s” estimate of the attendance? 10,000. I say “Bollocks”! Put simply, this was 🤬🐂💩! The numbers were at least 5 times that amount, with some estimates even higher. I know, I was there; having attended four previous rallies, the difference was astounding. Standing room only in Forrest Place. Literally. Math—like irony—is clearly not the mainstream media’s strong suit.

And yes, I was there with my nearest n’ dearest. One of them, my beautiful 10YO granddaughter asked me what it was all about? I said ‘we’re here to stand up to the bullies and call out the liars’. She got that! At this point it was all she needed to know! She doesn’t like bullies! Or liars! Full stop! It’s a day she’ll remember I expect.

But Saturday’s rally wasn’t so much about attendee numbers, as important as they are. It was about the palpable dismay and ire at what is being done purportedly in the interests of all. About their spirited and committed desire to bring about a change in direction, a reversal of course. You can’t attach a metric to that. I spoke to a few people, for whom the rally happened to be their first. They “will be back” they said, “with friends and ‘rellies'”.

Regardless of what this glorified fish-wrap below masquerading as a newspaper would like the local populace to believe, the movement against this tyranny—this treachery—in Perth, in Australia, and elsewhere is growing, exponentially. In numbers, in spirit, and determination.

All up, the reportage on the Covid thing is simply the most recent, glaring, and abiding exemplar of just how self-serving, corrupt, shallow, hypocritical, smug, vacuous, irresponsible, and manifestly dishonest their denizens are….This has been evident for some time. Each day, they slide further and deeper into their own “political irrelevance”, their sanctimonious grandstanding being now increasingly seen for what it truly represents.

To paraphrase the great poet T.S. Eliot, they are the ‘hollow (wo)men, the stuffed (wo)men, headpieces fill with straw!’ of our body politic. Given the competition, that’s a big call.

A few of these glorified stenographers at “The Worst” are going to scrub up like proper twats when the great awakening fully blooms. And that “awakening” is happening. Make no bones about it my friends. They can fool some of the folks all the time… well, yo’ all know the rest!

Yo’all know what to do too. Yo’all know what you gotta do! Keep this one thing in your mind, “If you tolerate this, then your👶👧👦will be next!” That’s not rhetoric; that be reality! Not might, will! Or as the inimitable and irrepressible Walter Brennan might’ve once intoned, “That be no brag, that be fact!”

Stay strong, remain righteous! Yo’all come back now! To the next rally I mean…and the next one…and…👍🙏😎

Greg Maybury
From the🙅✈️Zone
Perth, WA.
25 November, 2021.



  1. Unfortunately media like http://www.gumshoenews.com does not get the volume of viewers it deserves. If it did the West Australian newspaper would have been on the scrap heap years ago. I don’t know why they even have ONE reader now. Definitely not worth the price, being mainly advertising.

    Anyway I was also at the rally. It would have been hard to get a real estimate of the crowd. After about half an hour some were leaving while others were still coming in. I and friends left about 12.45 and people were still streaming in and there was quite a crowd on Murray Street not even attempting to enter Forrest Place which was definitely to full capacity from where i stood along old Comm Bank Building.

    • I also went and I went to some startup rallies about a year ago but I only find out about them by chance, is it still illegal to advertise public rallies as it was in Victoria a short time ago, or can we look them up somewhere, the organisation seems to be very random

    • AussieMal. I stopped buying the West Australian years ago. Simply not good economics and contents are heavily biased anyway. Of course that meant my dog needed to find a new source for his toilet, as the lack of newsprint meant we had nothing to put down for him, which I found the West to be excellent for. I quickly found a replacement in the Community Newspapers, and the bonus there was they are FREE, and my dog can’t tell the difference either, just happy as.

  2. This email has since been sent to all Premiers and Chief Minister of Northern Territory.

    Minister Greg Hunt this email applies to you also.

    From: Malcolm Hughes
    Sent: Thursday, November 25, 2021 4:59 PM
    To: Premier Mark MCGOWAN
    Cc: Roger COOK
    Subject: Dr Judy Mikovits

    Premier Mark McGowan, Health Minister Roger Cook & Chief Health Officer Dr Andy Robinson,

    All take note of Dr Judy Mikovits message and bring it back to mind as the gallows’ trapdoor falls from your feet.

    You may think that I am a nut case, but I assure you that is not the case. I am not the psychopath. It is not I who is knowingly sending people to an early death by insisting that they are injected with a killer “vaccine”.

    I was intelligent enough to suggest back in May 2020 that the likely cause of the positive readings indicating the “virus that never existed” was possibly caused by previously injected flu vaccines. If you care to read the article posted at Gumshoenews you will see my theory. Thank you Dr Judy Mikovits for proving me correct. Note I have no medical education I just used common sense. But then again I was not employed to put in place a scheme of death on behalf of the psychopathic Cabal members. We all know who make up this group don’t we?



    Another point of interest. A private person has been charged with a minor case of fraud in which she probably saved a life or lives. However you three are involved in one of the largest fraud events in human history, intending to take life. Where are the police with a summons for all three of you?

    It was interesting to hear that Mark McGowan cannot fathom why so many in hospital emergency rooms are those that have been double jabbed. I pointed out to Roger Cook at least a month ago that it was the “vaccine” recipients that were causing ambulance ramping. Then again that was a common sense deduction.

    • Right on Mal, spot on. Someone needs to ask the above “experts” as to why countries that allege to have gained 80% or in some cases, in extent of 100% vaccination with DOUBLE doses of their population, (Portugal/Israel comes to mind) why despite these alleged vaccines have not stopped the spread of the alleged Covid infection rates. It’s clear to a blind person, (no offence meant for blind people) that despite what these “experts” are claiming, the vaccinated sheep are contracting the virus, and even spreading it, also taking up much needed space in hospital. SO, whilst this is going on in the REAL World, our “experts” totally IGNORE the evidence staring them in the face, telling them that once our borders are opened again, we are going to swamped with an avalanch of infected people who have ALLEGEDLY been vaccinated with their double dose. NONE of these “experts” have given any consideration at all to that eventuality.
      Boy O Boy, are these people in for a nasty surprise.

  3. So much for law. From local paper in WA, “360 Police Officers and staff will have their pay stopped and face losing their jobs if they refuse to get Covid by end of month”. This is being enforced by Police Commissioner Chris Dawson. There are two Australian laws about to be broken here by a Police Commissioner. It is illegal to coerce a person to accept a medical procedure. It is also illegal to require a person to prove that they have been vaccinated. It is apparently quite acceptable for Police Commissioners to break the law.

    Good on you Coppers on the beat for standing up for your rights.

    • 360 Cops stood down ???????? L.O.L. yeah right. Wasn’t too long ago the same folks were bitching because the force was under staffed, now they tell us they’re gonna sack 360 of them ? Yeah, I’ll believe that when I see it.
      As for the coppers standing their ground, WOW, support you 100% and your actions are going a LONG way to restore my faith in the creditability of the Police once more.
      NOTE, that does not, in any way, apply to the pussy we call the Comish.

  4. The “Wersta Strayan” spewspaper has been held in high disregard ever since I was a little child. Way back then we had a healthy distrust of politicians and “journalists”; those Pharisees and Scribes were openly ridiculed.

    But now, with a more sophisticated “education” process, the Pharisees (the “in-the-know” with influential contacts, wealth and prestige) have taken over the role of Caesar as the sole arbiter of what’s good and true (ably assisted by their abject sycophants in “education” and “media”, i.e. Scribes) and they’re building up to trying to exterminate anyone who will not “burn incense in honour of Caesar”. These days Caesar is relabelled as “democracy” which pretty much means the same thing; “Look here, Mr God, you piss off! we’re running this show and all right and all wrong is what we say it is and because we say it is”.

    • One in ten are goons and snoops, if the bio weapon is released in the air they get it.
      Vaccination marketing is soo ingenious, no human could have thought of it.
      The tragedy of our times, that people believe the lie, where truth is banned. No choice.
      Serco is boss here, elections mean nothing when selected are all from same team.
      This time, they ask us to bring our pens, guess they want all the graphite they can get, ballot boxes unopened straight to recycling bins no different to any selection before.
      It’s a club for members only. This is a computer virus, ditch tv and iPhone beast has no power.

      George, thankyou for saying what most are feeling right now.

  5. MP Bridget Archer crosses floor for corruption commission
    (2 minute video)
    Note that latest talk is that Scotty wants to recycle Gulag Gladys into Canberra

  6. Greens chief spokesman (electorate Malbourne CBD) wants $30k swung to “lifesaving” gender reassignment doctors.
    Presumably only available to va666inated nonetheless a spectacular growth industry with huge potential.
    Video from 3 days ago (2 minutes)

    • That fwarkn eejut should be given (at “government” expense) a fast track to involuntary assisted suicide via a hangman’s noose for crimes against humanity. Nobody should be required to tolerate this utterly perverse repudiation of reality.

      Well………… p’raps not if we arrogate to ourselves the authority and ability to create a “reality” that’s not connected to …. well, reality.

      There doesn’t seem to be any limit to the hubris of them that aspire to be “smarter than God”.

      • Degenerate satanist globalists do seem to love every type of “transhumanism”, they are so bored with themselves they are screaming for novelty entertainment, it somewhat resembles the Colosseum or a Victorian era freakshow

    • It reminds me of a silly “joke” we had in Primary School: “Commandant comes out: “today, prisoners, we are having an exercise in mind over matter; we don’t mind and you don’t matter””.

    • I’ve said it before, but it is accepted as liberally-worded ranting, but I’m serious… Listen carefully to Gunner, He is barking mad. Absolutely and childishly irrational. The only question in my mind is whether or not he is psychopatic or sociopathic. I have had no access to his earliar behaviour but I would lean towards the latter. But who cares? He is insane and needs to be locked away to reduce the number of jab deaths.

      Being a practical person, I would diagnose him as a mad dog. As a former cattleman, I know how to treat this.

  7. Cops shoving people including old lady and child – a total operational stuffup by a nazi wannabe all filmed by Aussie Cossack (today) (2 mins) Do they have a medal for stoopidity ?

  8. Bosi showing senate produced document start at 5:55
    “Defence and Foreign Affairs from Feb 1980
    The New International Economic Order Implications for Australia
    We have to strip our sovereignty, economy, autonomy and self reliance and hand it to someone else”
    ( Someone in Geneva by the sounds )

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