Home False Flags More Dissection of the Christchurch Massacre

More Dissection of the Christchurch Massacre

The case of the missing casing (screengrab)

by Dee McLachlan

I listened to Waleed Aly for a few minutes on a Sunday radio show. He had arrived in Christchurch — obviously to report on the aftermath of this disaster. As he and others try dissect the motives and solutions of this and other similar past events, they never mention the elephant in the room. No one mentions 9-11. And they have probably never heard of the “destroy seven countries in fives years” Pentagon memo.

This is a memo that describes how we’re going to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran.” Ret General Wesley Clark

What happens when you kill a couple of million people, invade and destroy countries, start mass refugee migrations? That would be a good starting point to understanding this trajectory of chaos. And what about an honest discussion on the 7/7 London bombings. 

There’s always a drill: there were many drills in New York in 2001, and what of those bomb drills in London (listen to Peter Power here). So what is happening in New Zealand? Another drill, and another gun grab like Port Arthur?

Or is it a Sandy Hook type plant? The Sandy Hook no-one-died-conspiracy scenario was used to discredit, and they managed to remove one of the most popular Alt-media sites off nearly all platforms (e.g., Alex Jones’s Infowars).

So why was the so-called New Zealand shooter’s video allowed to initially propagate on the net? There were over a million copies at one time, but were then being deleted. Was it being deleted because it was offensive? Was it exposing something fake? Or was it deliberately “allowed” to inspire a hoax theory?

So is the Christchurch video a “hoax trap” — to lead Alt-media to the wrong conclusions?

The “Hoax Trap”

On the Public intelligence Blog, there’s an article, “Jim Fetzer — New Zealand False Flag – No One Died? UPDATE 9: 4 Proofs of CGI Fake.” He lists that there were fake weapons, close-up shots with no entry wounds and a photo of director with crew, and that,

“It is still not known if people actually died but it is known that the official narrative is a complete fabrication. This is a Zionist false flag intended to demonize white nationalists and set the stage for a pair of Muslim patsies to do another false flag, in the USA this time, to set the stage for US joining Israel in a war on Syria and Iran…

“Preliminary findings are illustrated by the film clip of disappearing bullet casings from special effects, and discussed in the below audio. This appears to be a totally manufactured event and the censorship is part of a panicked realization that the world is going to pick this thing apart in a heartbeat.”

The article then quotes Robert Steele:

“I have watched the two videos here and find credence with the theory that there were no dead, this was all staged.”

I forwarded the video to one of Gumshoe’s contributors I trust (and who has experienced much). He wrote:

“…the killing in the Mosque is real. However, there have been bits added, which I figure is to allow ‘disinformation’ to be spread about the video (it’s all fake, it’s a hoax). People have referred to no blood spray. However, you can see bodies with blood on them. The fellow at the front of the Mosque has ‘bled’ out…

“The killer is shooting into the mass of people. The entrance hole of a .223 is very small… very little blood that flows from the entrance wound of a .223.

“When I first saw the video, I couldn’t figure out why he was just shooting down an empty street – it didn’t make sense (no targets). However, it appears that was put into the video with the CGI. Those are the sequences where the spent brass simply disappears. I figure that is the disinformation sequences. It will be real easy to compare the video to the later police video and pictures to confirm that it is the same place with the same bodies. I expect by the time the police photographers arrived, there was a fair bit of blood that had bled out from the bodies (think of the Port Arthur video).”

I received this another view from another reliable source (but had not viewed the video):

“Nothing much except earth tremors ever happen in Christchurch. It will put New Zealand on the map, and make the fairy princess a super star. When the drill is on you feed nonsense into the MSM news cycle — and off it runs.”

I had viewed this video explaining the CGI (computer graphics) of shell casing disappearing into thin air. Fake. The question: were we meant to find it?

So what happened?

Along comes a former Mossad agent with another version. On Friday 22nd March, this article, “Former Mossad Agent Dissects the New Zealand Mosque Mass Shooting: New Zealand Terror: Real Story of the Christchurch Attacks Evidence Provided,”  emerged. It is written by Marc Delantre, Belgian Intelligence Agent, and exfiltrated and protected agent by Mossad (2009-2012). As he had been a Gladio agent, he writes that this is a Gladio-style operation:

“…I was writing already in this pre-report, that I saw something very wrong in the video of this attack. And indeed, it is because of this video that I had to spend almost one week, to understand everything… This video gives a very different reality and points to the truth.

“GLADIO, is a secret emanation of NATO/CIA. Born in 1956, their first “official” function was to protect Europe against Russia. The less official mission, was to avoid any dangerous extremism in Europe able to provoke a new world war. However, when the Berlin Wall collapsed, Gladio decided to run terror operations within Europe to manipulate the population and the European gov’s to go to the right and to take their distance with the left, the Communism…

“Gladio has been dissolved on paper, but not in the reality. They used this official dissolution to cover their operations within Europe and in all NATO countries. Their main speciality is the mass manipulation and the False Flag operations around the world. They realize on command, and on command only, operations, and most often terror operations, with the purpose to put the cause of these events on something else.

Delantre writes about his connection to his forced role for Gladio, and how their strategy is connected to events in his life (strange!), then moves back onto the New Zealand attack:

“About the massacre video: The attack was 100% real, but I felt immediately that this video was a production of Gladio… So, I began to analyze it, and I understood that this video was totally staged, not real, even if it has been released at the same time of the real attack itself.”

He provides many examples. These are a few:

“00:08m:57s:02/25frames (25 frames per second, normal), the killer shoots… You see the shells ejected from his gun. The problem is all of these shells disappear in the mid-air. The scene ended at 00:09m:11s:06f. He shot more than 35 bullets with a magazine which can contain only 30 bullets… there is not one shell visible on the ground…

“00:12m:49s:19f …He is in his car, with a shogun… He targeted a person entering in her car (not necessarily Muslim), he shot, through his front window. The front window of his car has no impact. The person doesn’t move even with the noise. There is smoke in the car. He repeated that 3 times.

“00:06m:53s:23f, he was walking, apparently firing on everything inside the mosque. It was not true, he used a light which flashed constantly, to simulate a constant firing.

“I confirm it, that there was a real attack, but absolutely not the one in the video. This one is totally fake, with multiple FX/game effects and images overlays… About the alleged victims in this video, I guess that they have been filmed on a green screen and put on the movie after, by overlays…  to be released during the attack.

“But the most important, is why this video exists? I think there is several reasons and I know the Intelligence that use Gladio, when they decide to do something:

– The most obvious, is to provoke the truth seeker, experts and other smart people, to find what is wrong with this video…

– This video has been prepared long time before the attack… This video has been produced by an Intelligence organization with a very important motive…

– Gladio likes to provoke, to shock.

“And what would be the goal of such real attack covered by a fake video? …Gladio will not do such video, if there is no another important reason: Maybe to hide the real attack… the New Zealand authorities seem very surprised by this video. Maybe, they did not expect it and this video is terrible, not only about the attack represented there, but because they have the best place to know that this video is fake.

“A fake video for a real attack, and released during this attack could of course generate many interrogations all over the world… So why, on one side, they confirmed a fake video as true and on the second side, they want to delete this video everywhere?”


Then he concludes with mind control:

“There is another common point to all these killers; they are mind controlled by Gladio… Gladio has the control on their mind through nano-implants. No need any surgery. …This technology has been created in Spain, when they wanted to increase the aggressiveness of bulls in the run games (corrida). This technology has been immediately taken by the US army to develop it in secret.

“These nano/smart dusts are like virus. They know, where they have to go in our body, the brain. After, they assemble themselves, and they create a very small soft implant. It cannot be easily detected through normal X-Ray, but they could be detected by their electromagnetic radiation. The implant connects itself on our nerve system, and because of this, it can access to our vision, audition, voice, muscle, behaviors. In 2018, there were multiple examples of events due to the mind control.

“Brenton Tarrant has probably been used in a huge state terror operation to reduce the weapons in New Zealand. But Brenton Tarrant has also been used in a global terror operation, to begin to create a global conflict with Islam.

“I can tell you that a new operation will probably begin, when this email will be sent, and much more when their book will be finished. I don’t have choice, else I die, and if someone wants to stop me, I think that Gladio will start the WW3. Why, everything around me? That’s a 50 years long story. The actual head of Gladio and me grew up in the same village. He wanted to be Zorro, the vigilante.”

Delantre’s full article can be read here.

A comment. There is something very odd about the missing casings.

In viewing the video I did notice that the only two people seen through the windscreen before the shooting, were two people walking past wearing RED clothes. It was like I was watching a Derren Brown special (e.g., How to create an assassin) where he uses colours or sounds as triggers. Is that a message on the back of those red overalls?

Two images from the video before the shooting


  1. So! Where are our free democratic mass media reports on this.
    Wherev are our politicians? Either traitors or just stupid controlled cowards.
    Just as with all false flag events like 911 etc. Lying fakes defrauding our democracies and freedoms………. as usual.

    • Dee
      People like Waleed Aly are never investigative journalists to report all of the facts. What do you think would happen if he and others starting talking about the real truth of a number of false flag attacks and wars? He would not have a job. The are all just puppets or parrots as It is all about opinion and entertainment, not about informing the public as they should with the “Fourth Estate” as the last bastion in revealing the lies, disinformation and misinformation to the public to deceive them for their own geo-political purposes. There is a sinister agenda as we all know with dealing with information, evidence and facts.

      RENDEZVIEW: Waleed Aly’s chat with Scott Morrison was a classic case of trying to smear by association, writes Peta Credlin. It was typical tabloid television; loaded with inference and interruption and peddling old untruths. https://myaccount.news.com.au/sites/dailytelegraph/subscribe.html?sourceCode=DTWEB_WRE170_a&mode=premium&dest=https://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/rendezview/waleed-aly-is-a-propagandist-not-a-journalist/news-story/045490ba91f15f6715c71845ca8d4c3b?memtype=anonymous

      Waleed Aly Biography
      Waleed Aly is Sunni Islam

      The Sunni-Shia divide: Where they live, what they believe and how they view each other
      The ongoing and intensifying conflict in Iraq has fallen – at least in part – along sectarian lines, with the Sunni Muslim militant group ISIS (the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria) advancing against the Shia Muslim-led Iraqi government and Shia militias. Sectarian affiliation has played a role in the politics of the region for hundreds of years.

      “and he is a lecturer in politics at Monash University and there he works in their Global Terrorism Research Centre.” Monash University is not going to allow any lecturer to speak about the truths of these state-sponsored terrorist attacks as the Australian Government has a policy to lie for the US Fascist Empire as we are “allies”. We saw how they doctored images in 9/11 and the Port Arthur massacre.

      I take my hat off to you and Mary for fulfilling that very important and vital role to the public. You have been the guardians of ‘real news’ and to create a place for discussion and dialogue. I hate debates or debating as we need far more dialogue in this world of ours.

      Many of these so-called ‘journalists’ are part of the insidious Council on Foreign Relations aka CFR or sympathetic to them besides the CIA Mockingbird control of approximately 90% of the world’s media and press. Then we can factor in the Zionist Murdoch consortium. Many of the journalists will not actually join the CFR but are sympathetic to them for whatever reason.

      CIA’s Mockingbirds and “Ruling Class Journalists”

      The CFR and the Media

      CFR’s inaugural Local Journalists Workshop

      The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and The New World Order

      Council on Foreign Relations members

      Australia Council on Foreign Relations

      CFR – Council of Financial Regulators – Council of …
      Search domain http://www.cfr.gov.auhttps://www.cfr.gov.au
      The CFR is the coordinating body for Australia’s main financial regulatory agencies. There are four members: the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA), the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC), the Australian Treasury and the Reserve Bank of Australia, which chairs the Council.

      • The Internet Has Its Own Shadowy Deep Statehttps://thecommonsenseshow.com/conspiracy/internet-has-its-own-shadowy-deep-state

        It talks about The New Zealand false flag and cutting off of the Mike Adams link to the video shown. Mike Adams the Health Ranger is ex military.

        • New Zealand atrocity: Uncomfortable truths

          A very common sense explanation by a female in the UK with great foresight and vision. She speaks of a two-tired legal system just like we have here in Australia. It is always about appeasement appeasement appeasement for the Muslims to be tolerate but they certainly are not tolerate one little bit concerning Christians. They have hate speech in our cities and don’t ever seem to be arrested or fined. She makes some comparisons on how they get away with child marriage, beatings, stoning, beheadings, arms cut off and forcing the halal meat on everyone wearing the hijab in support of the Muslims which is a sign or appeasement and surrendering the secular values to religious values for their sake not ours.

          The sinister Political Correctness or forced Cultural Relativism is enforced publicly and if we dare to criticise anything about Muslims all hell breaks loose! It is to further silence rhetoric concerning genuine criticism of this flawed ideology and religion. It is censorship as I have always said will happen and free speech will be severely curtailed against the wishes of the population in their respective countries.

          This is all part and parcel of the globalisation and Islamisation of countries. Even the evil organisation the Roman Catholic Church-State hierarchy of priests with their sordid history of pedophilia and massacres all through down time including WWII and Vietnam is saying this is so.

          Cardinal Robert Sarah Warns That “Islam Will Invade The World”

      • Massacre was Masonic Gun Grab, says NZ Manhttps://www.henrymakow.com/2019/04/christchurch-massacre-gun-grab.html?fbclid=IwAR0KxtPJYcxXxIgB1N_umAGK_FvgY9IZ6rrb-nDkQ1LzWKMIx6w5B71U180

    • Every female should watch this short clip and pass it on to others! This suppressive Political Correctness and Cultural Relativism is allowing crimes to be played down or ignored by the prostitute media and press. This is not just these two white females there are many more in this clip. Interesting females are encouraging the open border policy and Muslim immigration and they end up decapitated.

      #morocco (It is not graphic)
      Cultural relativism .. 2 Scandinavian girls beheaded in Moroccohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SrUaPLL50Hg

      The other priority in the New Zealand Massacre besides seizing guns from law abiding citizens is to become sympathetic to the Muslims.
      Out of all the different races, cultures, and nationalities the Muslims have created the most amount of trouble. They want to behead unbelievers of their faith and they want Sharia law imposed. No other nationality coming to reside in this country has done that.

  2. I want to see the police video done of the scene of the crime. It will quickly confirm or deny that the video is in the same place with the same bodies. I prefer objective evidence, not speculation. We saw that in another thread where it was stated that the killer had not shot through the front windscreen, however a photo of the killer’s car clearly showed the three holes shot through the windscreen.

    There never was an inquiry about the 1996 Port Arthur Massacre. It took until 2004 before someone let the Cafe’ video from Port Arthur leak out, that’s when we spotted the ‘tray’ with the physical evidence that was available for the true identity of the killer. Then it took until 2016 before we got to see some of the ‘non-existent’ videos of Bryant’s record of interview where we found out that the record of interview was a cut-and-paste job.

    There’s been some discussion about having an inquiry in NZ. Damn well right there should be an inquiry. If the laws are rammed down the throats of Kiwis and then later it’s decided that an inquiry ‘isn’t necessary as it will just further traumatize the victims families’ – then you know the NZ Prime Minister has done a ‘John Howard’ regarding full disclosure.

  3. I’ve had some more emails about this psy-op. Crikey, and I thought that Port Arthur was a ‘fustercluck’. LOL, this one is so bad that they have been banning information and trying to send people to goal for openly discussing it.

    Kiwis DESERVE everything they get for believing in this psy-op narrative.

    • Trying again, last comment hit a wall. Server could not be found. Lol.
      Reports are that NZ is to have RC.
      Right, they will need to deal with ALL the anomalies in the video Adhern censored/banned under threat of ten years on mutton.
      General rule. No RC unless the conclusion/finding is preconceived. They have a serious challenge and are probably drafting the findings.
      Well at least the Kiwis have a great Rugby lot to distract their sheep for this winter.

      • Yeah Ned, like the Chelmsford Royal Commission really dealt with what was going on LOL. I shouldn’t joke about that, I ran a case for one of the victims, her story was horrific.

        This will be interesting to see how they side-step any of the anomalies in this psy-op. Like Sandra said, there was a list of the 50 victims in NZ and the local community should pick up any inconsistencies. Now whether the truth will surface is another issue.

  4. Vigil at Hagley Park Christchurch in last few days and list of 50 victims names in NZ paper STUFF.Surely the local muslim community would recognise any inconsistencies with this list.Proof that 50 people did in fact die in this black psyop but probably not at the hands of patsy Brenton Tarrant(NZ’s Martin Bryant).

    • Sandra, there may be a bit of difference in the ‘patsy’ in NZ. In Oz, Bryant was totally innocent. However, Tarrant may have actually done the massacre, but was set up as a disposable patsy to be eliminated at the second mosque. Let’s see how the evidence enfolds…

      Hey Jacinda, looking forward to your alleged Royal Commission.

  5. Sandra. Clearly a sad list of innocent victims published.
    Now for all the reports of another 40 funerals and attendees.
    A early report refers to about ten funerals within the muslim timeline to intern their lost ones.

  6. Patsies.
    Bryant was a patsy who was not onsite. Port Arthur 1996.
    Jahar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev were patsies who were probably not onsite. Boston 2013.
    Man Haran Monis was onsite but was most likely a patsy. Sydney 2014.
    Adam Lanza was probably not onsite. Sandy Hook, 2014 (?)
    Thomas Hamilton only came onto the site as a corpse (I believe), in Dunblane. 1996.

    Of the above, Martin has been in the slammer for 23 years next month and Jahar 6 years next month.
    Lanza, Monis, Hamilton are deceased as is Tamerlan Tsarnaev.

    Patsies are not treated well!

    • Mary
      Don’t forget about the Sydney Hilton bombing as well by blaming the Ananda Marga sect with Tim Anderson.https://www.prisonlegalnews.org/news/1991/oct/15/tim-anderson-free/

      Sue Neill-Fraser case: Woman charged with perverting the course of justicehttps://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-08-10/sue-neill-fraser-case-karen-patricia-nancy-keefe-charged/8792274 This is the Bob Chappell murder on his yacht.

      If you have been watching the documentary and FourCorners how the Tasmania Attorney General, The DPP and the police have treated the two who have been investigating this for several years. Deplorable police down there! Nothing has changed!

  7. The latest msm news report from Ardhern, NZ PM is that they will look into how their intelligence agencies failed to pick it.
    Right, the fix is in: No way will the Ardhern RC examine who did it and the BS video anomalies.
    Keep trying Ardhern: the world is watching.
    Wonder if Ardhern is old enough to have considered this:

    Note the comment by some idiot saying that 911 was a failure of IMAGINATION at the 2.29 mark.
    Hey NZ and Ardhern the world has woken up.
    We have been there….for the last 18 years and millions murdered as we invaded and killed millions in the Middle East all based on directed lies and hate for the fraudulent purpose on invasions and thieving.
    Right: conclusion by the proposed Ardhen RC, “A failure of Imagination”. Really, how stupid does NZ think we Aussies are?
    NZ save your taxpayers’ money. You are going to get the same BS as with the 911 Commission.
    Go the Wallabies!!

  8. “they will look into how their intelligence agencies failed to pick it.”

    What a f–king joke. That would be a total insult to the intelligence of the Kiwis.

    • Expensive lot those intelligence trough feeders,

      How much does ‘Aus’ pay for a similar lot? “We Keep You Safe Pty Ltd”.
      What a franchise deal!?

  9. Correction: it was Dec 2012 for Sandy Hook, 5 months prior to Boston Marathon.

    Here is another similarity. On his way [NOT] to do the Broad Arrow killings, Bryant popped in to Seascape cottage to kill an elderly couple.

    On his way to Sandy Hook, Adam Lanza popped in to kill his Mom.

    Also, on his way to do the Bourke St rampage, Jimmy Gargasoulas stabbed his brother.

    I thin these things are part of the script ,so if a neighbor says “Heck, he was always a good boy,” we will know better, he is a killer.

    I feel certain that Monis did not play a part in the killing of his ex-wife (“in a stairwell”), but that was used to show us what a baddy he was.

    Anybody here old enuf to remember Charles Whitman shooting people from the Texas Tower? He too had popped in to kill his Mom if I recall. He was the first spree killer – before it became “popular.” That is, before he CIA got the routine down pat.

  10. It looks like another false flag psychop like port Arthur etc. cnn first reported multiple shooters , then dropped it to one soon after. What about the others arrested ? Who were they and why no mention now ? Also police just happen to be doing an exercise at same time um!!

    • We know that the criminal and illegitimate way of seizing and confiscating guns from law abiding citizens by state-sponsored terrorist false flags of your own government is sinister and nefarious. The politicians and NGO’s involved are seditious and traitors to the country’s respective constitutions.

      If they were genuine they would not murder their own citizens for a start with the aiding and abetting of the prostitute media and press, government officials and their so-called intelligence operatives.

      If they were concerned about life in which they are not ,as they have no conscience and they work for a foreign power/s ie the Communist UN and foreign intelligence agency/s.

      Medicine is the third largest killer in the US and in Western countries where it is ‘practiced. Why not reform the medical and pharmaceutical criminal consortiums? Too many bribes to the compulsive lying politicians called “donations”and their constant conniving to undermine freedom of choice, freedom of conscience and the rule of law instead of obsessive secrecy to conceal their criminal activities and mistakes under the guise of “National Security.

      The same goes for motor vehicle accidents which need to be cleaned up on the roads of Australia with better roads and better attitudes of drivers with more driving experience before licences are handed out wily nily far too often to inexperienced drivers with not enough real time driving in many different circumstances on the roads.

      The agenda is to seize and confiscate guns and to advance the censorship and political correctness agenda with the flawed ideology of cultural relativism.

      When governments overstep the line from taking the country from Fascism into further tyranny the country must act for the benefit and protection of the nation. If we don’t act we surrender. In law silence implies agreement or consent unless it is rebutted or refuted.

  11. Not really fair to say kiwis deserve this, our governments have been making us work longer hours over the last 40 years or so, so we are too busy too look at the bigger picture.
    I was only 8 or 9 and I felt even then that our parents had somehow sold us out. But of course we also didn’t have an interwebs backs then.
    Funnily enough, Jim Fetzer’s video mentioned http://www.crowdsondemand.com, which I looked at shortly after posting such website must be quite busy these days =8D

    The plaincothes cop signalling Tarrant the all-clear before he goes in to shoot

    Tarrant takes one or two guns out of the car boot, and then fails to shut the boot, leaving one of his guns very exposed.

    The elderly couple at the gate to the carpark of the mosque just stands there as a guy with body armour and ‘an assault rifle’ walks through the gate

    The first ‘victim’ who say ‘hello brother’ to the shooter (nah, you’re not going to shoot me)

    The guy off to the side room who hears shots but waits for Tarrant to walk up the hallway and to starting looking at him before he runs away despite being able to see one victim in front of him in the hallway

    Shooting at ‘bodies’ lying on the ground but not seeing any bloodspatter going on to the walls,

    Shooting at a guy who just stands there despite all those shots in his direction

    Outside Tarrant shooting at no one down the car park at the side of the mosque

    Gets in his car, drives over the body in the gutter he shot in the head twice (but no blood came from the head) obviously a dummy as he has absolutely no problem driving over it

    After driving for a bit, pulls over and uses a shotgun to shoot through the front windshield but it doesn’t shatter the way windscreens do. The person he shot at gets in his car and just casually pulls away from the kerb. same with the car parked behind.

    Neither gun makes any more noise than a peashooter.

    No doubt this list could be added to.

    As Jim said, the only crime committed in the video was the shooter speeding.

    This is a good story to test how honest your news sites are.

    • We’d be interested to know where you are coming from, Justin. Your analysis sounds interesting. Could you chart a few of the other shootings and look for the kind of “Hey Brother” moment you describe above?

      Use Gumshoe’s search engine to see what Dee wrote about the Hebdo incident. By the way do you think anyone died at the Hebdo office?

        • New Zealand Mosque Shooting – Hillary’s Pedophile Island
          VIDEO: NZ Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern: Another Corrupt Freemason


          New Zealander, Vinny Eastwood exposes PM Jacinda Ardern as a tool of Free Masons.
          UPDATES 4/8/2019

          Media Blackout As US Agrees To ‘Full Implementation’ of United Nations Gun Control Pact
          Door-to-door gun confiscations begin in New Zealand: one gun owner already dead, thousands targeted by armed government thugs. – If you want to know what tyranny looks like in a “democracy,” turn your gaze towards New Zealand, where liberal tolerance and acceptance has been replaced by anti-gun zealotry following government staged Mosque shootings.
          ROBERT DAVID STEEL: New Zealand False Flag Event — Zionist Provocation to Disarm US White Nationalists and Start World War III? — We need Muslim and US white nationalist investigators on the ground to determine if anyone actually died, all indications are that no one died, this appears to have been a completely staged event managed by the Mossad in complicity with corrupt New Zealand police and national authorities, and corrupt Freemasons.Boomberg: 4/1/2019: New Zealand’s Ardern Visits China as Countries Look to Reset Relations

          VIDEO 4/7/2019: Jacinda Ardern: Bankers Choice For NZ Pedophile Island
          3/31/2008 – Jacinda Ardern to lead IUSY (International Union of Socialist Youth) .
          VIDEO: 6/15/2017 – “Comrade” Jacinda Ardern Speeks at IUSY Festival. Wiki IUSY
          VIDEO: Comrade Jacinda Ardern Speaks at IUSY
          9/25/2017: NZ Ruling Party Ahead But Kingmaker in No Rush to Decide
          Ardern’s Wardrobe Issue or Something Else?
          4/2/2019 VIDEO: NZ Mosque Shooting – Ole and Cody and what is going on! (Cabin Talk)
          Election of Trump Caused New Zealand and Other Nations to Swing to Socialists Including Jacinda Ardern
          2017 has been a year of seismic change. It started with Donald Trump’s inauguration. It carried over into the French and British elections. And now it looks like it’s coming to New Zealand. — For the first time in nine years, the right-wing National government that’s led New Zealand for the better part of this decade looks close to being removed from power. What’s more, the government that could replace it is a left-wing coalition led by a young, charismatic, female leader, apparently smashing the moribund status quo of the last nine years. This is certainly the prevailing narrative sold by the New Zealand media: young versus old; change versus status quo.

      • Where I’m coming from is something that could be answered in so many ways.
        In this case it is the Islamic element that must be discussed in all this.

        Islam does not mean peace, it means ‘Submission (before God)’ Thus all muslims are, in fact, slaves. ‘Salam’ means peace.

        Islam is a cult. You cannot leave Islam, it is called ‘apostasy’ and Islamic countries usually have the death penalty for this crime.

        Islam permeates everything in society. There is no separation of Church & State.

        If you happen to be christian, you may live, so long you pay the Jizya tax.

        A muslim may marry a girl of 6 years of age.

        Female Genital Mutilation, so females do not feel pleasure. When a female reaches the age right for FGM, she is told she is going on a girls’ day out. Then 3 or 4 older FEMALES restrain her and perform the operation, usually without anaesthetic. Rates are very high, as high as over 90% in many muslim countries.

        In case of rape, you need 4 men to testify that this is the case. Or 8 women.

        If the female becomes pregnant, she must marry the rapist, lest she go to jail.

        You may not blaspheme against Islam.

        Unbelievers must be slain.

        Muslims must not take unbelievers as friends.

        Terror is justified under Islam beecause a terrorized enemy does not fight as well. This preserves Islamic life.

        Taqiyya: Saying something that isn’t true as it relates to muslim identity

        Kitman: Lying by omission

        Tawriya: Intentionally creating a false impression

        Muruna: ‘Blending in’ by setting aside some practices of Islam in order to advance others.

      • https://153news.net/watch_video.php?v=DGWO29DXGY6D

        This is the video, by Jim Fetzer, from where I posted the information above. Muchly paraphrased, and not everything is listed for sake of brevity.

        Very hard to hear the first victim say ” welcome” but “brother” is more easily heard, but still difficult.

        I cannot say much about the Hebdo shootings. Drawing of the prophet Mohummad is forbidden in Islam though.

        I didn’t really look into possibilities of False Flags until I looked at the Westminster Bridge attack in London on 22/3/17. Here I found some interesting things:

        American the date is 3/22, the occult number for ‘Skull & Bones’ society in Yale University.

        The London Attack of 22 March 2017 appears to be an ‘Operation Gladio’ attack (claimed by this website at http://aanirfan.blogspot.com/2017/03/london-attack-false-flag.html ). I only found this now, to post this message.

        I believe they tried to pass off the attacker as someone other than Islamic.

        The pictures that were published of this attack were by a Royal Photographer pity I forget the name, He photographed one person who apparently jumped from the bridge to the landing platform of the stairs leading up to the bridge. It looks like his leg is broken, BUT NO BLOOD.

        There was another photographer there that was almost as professional as the one above.

        Later he takes another picture of a woman lying behind the back wheel of a bus. No blood. legs seem awfully long. He then turns around to take a picture of a policeman walking his way. The policeman seems to be in a jolly mood. At what point did the photographer help, or call for help for the poor woman? How did the woman (apparently unsquashed) end up behind the wheel in the first place?

        Empty ambulances. Really, nothing is inside some of these ambulances.

        Paramedics and doctors standing around whilst a member of parliament is trying to resuscitate a ‘victim’

        The red helicopter parked in front of westminster abbey has the freemason logo on it, the text ‘London Freemasons’ and ‘Advanced Trauma Team’

        A video shows one stretcher being wheeled into a hotel at the end of the bridge (The Harriot I believe?)

        Another video purports to show people fleeing the scene. They are actually patiently waiting (for the lights to turn green?) and then when they do, they all look like they suddenly remember they are supposed to be running away from something.

        And the kicker:

        The only video of the attack itself is one that seems like it was taken from like one kilometre away. No other video seems to exist because apparently the cameras around westminster were turned off To Save Money!

        Lack of video makes this one harder to say more on.

        First try to post this resulted in a 400? hopefully I don’t end up with a dupe comment. Dee, please delete one if this ends up duplicated.

      • I was also going to post a good video explaining problems with the Charlottesville Dodge Challenger narative, but the channel I would have linked to (Sonofnewo) has had all the videos taken off. This may be because he has become part of the court proceedings surrounding this case.

  12. 2 x 14 on the weapon: “Conservative commentator Ann Coulter sent out a cryptic tweet Thursday morning that some are saying is an endorsement of white supremacy. Some have guessed that it’s a nod to the upcoming inauguration on Jan. 20. But that’s in 15 days. Not 14. Even the GOP agrees. A quick Google search indicates it may be a biblical reference, implying virtue. But others have quickly pointed out that 14 is a popular reference for white nationalists. That’s because the most popular slogan for white supremacists happens to be 14 words: “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.” The phrase is widely referred to as “14 Words” or “Fourteen Words” or just “14.”

    • Leena, remember the picture of John Podeska that has a ‘fish’ and ’14’ on his palms? Yep, the fish and 14 showed up on the NZ weapons. Oh yeah, Podeska was in NZ 5 days before the massacre – probably just a coincidence.

      Jacinda, looking forward to your Royal Commission where you gather up all the evidence.

  13. from Wikipedia:

    The term “Industry 4.0”, sometimes shortened to I4.0 or simply I4, originates from a project in the high-tech strategy of the German government, which promotes the computerization of manufacturing.[6]

    Industry 4.0

    Industry 4.0, Industrie 4.0 or the fourth industrial revolution, is a collective term embracing a number of contemporary automation, data exchange and manufacturing technologies. It had been defined as ‘a collective term for technologies and concepts of value chain organization’ which draws together Cyber-Physical Systems, the Internet of Things and the Internet of Services.

    Industry 4.0 fosters what has been called a “smart factory”. Within modular structured smart factories, cyber-physical systems monitor physical processes, create a virtual copy of the physical world and make decentralized decisions. Over the Internet of Things, cyber-physical systems communicate and cooperate with each other and with humans in real-time both internally and across organizational services offered and used by participants of the value chain.[1]

    Baruch Hashem

    “The term “Industry 4.0″, sometimes shortened to I4.0 or simply I4?”

  14. “The great masses of the people in the very bottom of their hearts tend to be corrupted rather than purposely or consciously evil … therefore… they more easily fall a victim to a big lie than to a little one, since they themselves lie in little things, but would be ashamed of lies that were too big.” —Adolph Hitler

  15. Christchurch is my home town. I know people who were directly involved at the scene, at the hospital and in the Police force. There oral evidence to me is entirely consistent. One man, Tarrant, went into the mosque and shot a large number of people, 40 or so dead in the central mosque and another 7 at Linwood. Another 40 or so were admitted to hospital. Autopsies were performed as required by law in such cases. Burials have taken place with real dead bodies interred.
    One can speculate til Kingdom come whether Tarrant was a patsy, programmed, or part of an operation Gladio set up. It does not alter the fact that a lot of innocent people are dead and you do them and their families a grave disservice by fostering whacky and half baked theories before all the evidence has been collated.
    Ardern has ordered a Royal Commission. It is nonsense to say that the report is written before the evidence is heard. It will be an open hearing and it will be impossible to explain away the testimony of eye witnesses and family members, just like the RC into child sexual abuse here in Australia.
    NZ is very different to Australia. Don’t project the manifold faults of this country onto NZ.

    • Good to hear James, maybe we might get a real RC and actually find out what was really going on. Wow!, what a concept in today’s world of deception.

    • James,
      Notwithstanding all the deaths been demonstrated, I want to see how the shooter’s 30 or so exiting shell casings just disappeared into thin air or into a wall as depicted in the scene in the video as the weapon was being fired.
      Surely, you would want to ask someone some questions about that during a RC and expect a honest answer fully explaining the miracle,
      It is encouraging that the NZ RC will be different as you foreshadow.

      • James, on reflection.
        We are lawyers. So is Terry…… once a lawyer, it sticks!
        In refer to above.
        The miracle disapearing shell casings surely would invite some examination. Do you not think?
        Now. The NZ RC will have to explain how the video was created, when, by whom and for what purpose?
        It is a curious aspect of evidence/PRESENTATION/S in this matter,
        related to the whole event and the video, now banned, ( really! Why) presentation.
        As you would know, the terms of reference in any RC restricts examination within the terms commissioned. (eg. The Gillard RC was restrected to ‘institutions’)
        My understanding of reports is that the RC will refer to failures by authorities to detect and explain failures. (‘Of imagination’ , ref. to 911 and the citation logged above, ‘911 a conspiracy theory’)
        Would that result in restricting any examination of the relevant video and/or its content and/or of its origin/production, from any examination by a RC? ( No Mr ONeil, that question is rejected it is not within the parameters of the terms of this Commission)
        My confidence in your endorsement of things being different in NZ with RCs is not held.
        When youn are next in Sydney, I will bet a schooner that any NZ RC did/does not address the obvious anomalies; in the video, its producers, technical support and origin.
        The miracle disappearing shell casings is merely one aspect that a transparent NZ RC should address.
        As I have opined, which you infer is incorrect: there is no RC called unless the conclusion is drafted, the parameters restricted or the evidence doctored.
        Do you not remember the Commissions into the Kennedy murder or the 911 commission? All BS.
        I respect your belief and loyalty to NZ… but it may be that things are bigger now, than your ‘past’ NZ!
        Ps. Screenn Photo filed of most of this comment.

        • The video resolution is very low, video compression can quite easily hide the bullets as they get further away in the picture. Although I thought I could see one not very far from his right shoe. I have yet to confirm!

          • I had another quick look: where I can “possibly” see spent shells on the ground is when the shooter exits the mosque the first time, goes to the entrance gate, and turns right to fire down the sidewalk.

            Here you can see shells ejecting from the rifle. Yes they seem to dissapear in mid-air, but the video is not a huge framerate so that is probably not surprising.

            But if you look at the ground where the gates bolt down when the gates are closed (a little to the upper left), you can see fuzzy dots which seem to increase as he fires. It looks like this is where the shells land, but because of video compression artifacting, it becomes a blurry, almost unintelligible mess.

            This is the only place I have bothered to look, because inside the mosque there is probably not enough light to show up the spent shells.

            This is where I am leaving it, as I now believe this video is a red herring. Thanks to James O’Neill for his input above, and literally a chance click on Ole Dammegard’s video linked below, who also mentions that he received information that there were genuine wounded and killed.

      • Ok,
        My comment was To long to respond to.. etc.
        Well People lucky I took a screen shot of most of the comment.(battery on i phone failed before last picture.
        We shall see if there is any censorship.
        Suggest that everyone take a screen shot before entering submit!
        I await.

    • I’m only going by what I saw on the video, and offering observations based on it.

      Maybe if he was shooting perpendicular to everyone then there might not be spatter? A .223″ round is still 5mm in size. I am not a gun expert by any means but a 5mm hole can let out alot of blood.

      How about alot of the shots were being shot at an oblique angle such that at least one would have grazed someone and splattered some blood on the walls?

      We know the goverment lied about JFK, the Zapruder film shows the limousine travelling at a constant speed when JFK was fatally shot. The Grassy Knoll film shows the limousine coming to almost a complete halt. This means frames were dropped from the Zapruder film.

      9/11 shows the twin towers falling like a controlled demolition. You didn’t see them topple over, you didn’t see the stories above where the plane hit crunch down on the floors below to cause them to fall. And what plane hit the third building (WT7) to cause it to fall?

      And a 3 frame video of a plane plowing into the Pentagon? did they turn off the cameras there too to save some money?

      All western governments will lie. We forget that the british government and the aristocracy consider the general public to be cattle, and Australia & New Zealand are colonies of that mindset.

  16. “Wittingly or unwittingly, the Jewish Councils were tools of the Nazis. Jewish leadership made the destruction of the Jewish people easier…” Hannah Arendt, “Eichmann In Jerusalem”

  17. The World will not be safe until ALL Intelligence Agencies are put out of business. Since their inception, wars have been continuous and in recent times, false flag events have taken nearly as many lives, on the spot and during the wars that have followed these false flag events.

    With some luck, Donald Trump’s presidency will see the end of the Rothchilds’ , Rockefeller’s reign and the City of London banksters, along with the need of Intelligence Agencies.

    I know the above sounds like Utopia but we can but hope.

  18. Apparently the entry wound on a body when a .223 is used is only small and this small size prevents a lot of blood being spilt immediately. But what about later on both the dead and the living? I’d also like to know how big the EXIT wound of a .223 is.

    • The entry wound is not only small, but the skin has been pushed inward with the ‘spitzer’ point on the bullet. The skin then springs back after the bullet passes. That is why early military cartridges generally used a .30 caliber bullet, or larger, as the entry would would tend to bleed out. A ‘flat point’ or dumb-dumb round will ‘cookie cut’ a nice hole in the skin to bleed out and also provide a hard hitting projectile that will instantly provide a transfer of energy to the target – which brings us to another issue.

      Way too many people watch Hollywood movies and think that is the reality. They think when a person gets hit that there should be a big splash of blood squirting from the hit. Hell, they think that a when someone shoots a pistol round at a person on a horse that it ‘blows’ the person off the horse. – Meanwhile the person holding the pistol doesn’t even move.

      The ‘exit’ wound on a .223 can be fairly large. It is a result of the shock wave through the flesh. The bullet has to be above 2,400 fps to generate this shock wave. That is why ‘meat hunters’ tend to use rounds that do not exceed 2,400 fps – they want to preserve as much meat as possible. A .223 is generally around 3,200 fps.

      The shock wave through a body can do a lot more damage than the projectile. I’ve seen a kangaroo where the hit to the chest caused one of the legs to fully hemorrhage with blood loss when it wasn’t even close to the point of the hit.

  19. James, i would like your professional opinion as a impartial colleague, considering that you have viewed intently the disappearing shell casings and other video anomalies, your opinion on the alleged shooter’s video and how, if you be counsel assisting the RC, what material you would be requring.

  20. Here Ole Dammegard explains how each ‘terrorist attack’ is linked. He has apparently predicted 15 of them.
    He reasons with this attack in NZ, that the video streamed by Mr Tarrant is not of the actual attack that has resulted in the bodies that James O’Neil mentioned above.

    In other words: this video is a red herring!

    Ole also briefly mentions Gladios too! 3 days ago I never even heard of the name, now I have seen 3 entirely unrelated articles mentioning them.

  21. Ned, I cannot give a professional opinion on the video because i do not have the expertise to do so. Clearly there are anomalies but whether that is because of the poor quality of the camera or some other factors I have an open mind. Most of the above comments about blood spatter are wrong. I do not have the terms of reference yet for the RC, but it would be immediately subject to informed criticism if it was ridiculously narrow. Comparisons with the JFK and 9/11 commissions are not helpful. They were rigged. What is interesting about them however is that their manifest flaws were exposed very quickly. In the JFK case long before there was an internet. Mark Lane’s first book on JFK wa called Rush to Judgment. That is exactly what is happening in the Tarrant case. Every half baked theory that is given an airing only serves to discredit more serious questions that get overwhelmed by the BS, crackpots and deliberate disinformation that we know is put out by the usual suspects.

    • Well stated James, let’s see some real evidence. – I remember another bit of disinformation from one of the on-line sleuths. He stated the fellow that rushed Tarrant and got shot kept moving his legs. So, the guy was wounded. Just because you’re shot doesn’t mean you automatically die. That fellow was eventually taken to the hospital where he did die.

        • Sorry about the grammer….was hurried😡
          Now if anyone is of the view that the now banned (why?),video is concocted etc., are they, (including the R”) prepared to ask; when, how, by whom and what was the purpose
          Simple questions for the full resources of a Royal Commission and essential to consider….. if the RC is to be a fair dinkum show.
          So the terms of reference for the RC should contain that aspect.
          My bet: No way, because it may expose the real perpetrators.
          NZ people; your politician’s credibility (and ours, your cousins) and administration of a transparent judicial/political system is on the line.
          DO NOT FAIL, the world has a chance to reallly follow your lead.
          End all the government’s terrorist control system murdering us, wasting taxpayer’s money and creating control by promoting distrust and bigotry.
          Be a real, ‘All Black Rugby Team’.

          • Well, the message trying to be sent from this attack is ‘It can happen ANYWHERE. Nowhere is now safe.”

    • The disinformation seems to be coming from the likes of James and Terry who insist people (crisis actors ) can be killed by blanks.

      Have you looked at the fake footage ? still on Bitchute.

  22. Thank you for this
    Everyone needs to watch this. Need to understand Psy Ops– psychological warfare -planned with military precision– MKULTRA -mind controlled masses.–covers “everything” links to big picture. False flags triggers -colour codes for different events–signs symbols–weoponised words–Christ Church–tetonic warfare.-wow

  23. RE Jacinda Ardern:

    After a period of time volunteering at a soup kitchen in New York City, Ardern moved to London to work as a senior policy adviser in an 80-person policy unit of then-British prime minister Tony Blair
    (She never met Blair in London, but did question him about the invasion of Iraq at an event in New Zealand in 2011.)

    In 2008, Jacinda was voted President of the International Union of Socialist Youth. a role which saw her spend time in several countries, including Jordan, Israel, Algeria and China.

    Jacinda has called capitalism a “blatant failure” due to the extent of homelessness in New Zealand. She advocates a lower rate of immigration, suggesting a drop of around 20,000–30,000. Calling it an “infrastructure issue”, she argues, “there hasn’t been enough planning about population growth, we haven’t necessarily targeted our skill shortages properly”. However, she wants to increase the intake of refugees.

    So what is such ‘an esteemed individual’ doing heading up a little country of New Zealand?

    I think maybe New Zealand has alot of homelessness because of bad government policies of all western nations over the last 30+ years. But let’s have more refugees, who cost more than the native homeless to look after.

    I also pick up form somewhere that Jacinda had also worked for Bank of America.
    I cannot find a reference right now.

      • Jenny, thanks. I had to look up who Sam Hyde was, apparently he is a comedian. He’s probably not going to appreciate the humor in this stunt.

          • There’s Nothing like british humour. And that’s what is wrong with the left. They lack humour.

          • The ‘Sam Hyde’ meme is a hoot. Every mass shooting is a result of ‘Sam Hyde’. It appears that a lot of people have twigged to the BS of these mass shootings (looks like Sam Hyde is up to no good again).

            They’re ‘taking the Mickey’ out of a ridiculous societal construct, like Ned’s post of Dave Allen’s taking the Mickey out of religion – sometimes you just have to laugh at the absurdity.

        • Maybe humour is the way to go to help wake people up to the utter bullshit that is fed to the masses through mainstream media. I’m sure the news scripters are laughing their heads off at the way people swallow their outrageous stories without question..

  24. Another analysis that seems quite good. It does appear that the spent brass disappearing in mid-air may just be an artifact of the filming equipment as it appears that there is brass coming to a halt on the ground (difficult to see, but it does look like it). It’s the best analysis I’ve seen, and he sticks it to the ‘fake video’ crowd.

    He proposes that the killer wearing a webcam wasn’t suppose to happen, that it was something Tarrant thought up by himself. The video caught the planners by surprise and exposed some of the mind control triggers.

  25. Thank you, Terry.
    Guess I can’t call it a fake anymore. Low resolution really kills the detail.
    Max Igan is supposed to be debating Jim Fetzer ‘next week’ so that will be interesting.

    The only thing I question is the person standing in the middle of the main room of the mosque that just stands there, being shot at, which he did not mention (47min into Jim Fetzer’s video)
    That and probably that Brenton Tarrant seems to drive over the woman lying in the gutter too easily when he drives away from the mosque.

    Really worth watching.

    • I hope he does debate Jim Fetzer, I considered Fetzer’s work as total BS.

      “seems to drive over the woman lying in the gutter too easily” – well, if you fill in a gutter with a body, then the car won’t dip so much, so it should be a smoother transition on to the road. I think that was the woman that her husband found outside the mosque.

      If this is going to be a REAL Royal Commission, then we are going to see a heap of revelations.

  26. Max Igan’s video is interesting, I didn’t realise there was a woman in the mosque. I always thought women were’nt meant to mingle with the men in mosques, especially at the Friday prayers .

  27. The Mossad film crew always blur the film to hide the details when doing CGI segments, eg. Charlottesville, and the recent Flinders St Melbourne staged event where channel 9 YouTube footage albeit blurry shows all the victims getting up immediately after being hit.

    Don’t take my word for it, check it out.

  28. Elissa, I have no idea where you get your experience to determine ‘yet to see a kill that looks and sounds real’. Myself, I have a lot of real combat experience, up close and personal, been there and done it, seen more dead and wounded than people should ever have to deal with – it looks real from my experience.

    Here’s a further video that Max uses to explain why he pulled his previous video (which didn’t help as he still got banned). This was a pay-op with real dead people. The ‘fake video with fake deaths’ meme is being pushed to demonize the alternative media. There is another independent journalist on the ground there interviewing people and they confirm multiple shooters. The video indicates multiple people being involved (just like the early media reports). The gun laws were already written, raids have already started on innocent gun owners. Censorship of alternative media looks to be one of the big pushes of this psy-op. Jacinda has set up a ‘hot line’ to dob in people.

    The Kiwis are being conditioned to not talk about this psy-op unless they use the approved narrative. People are going to gaol for discussing what really happened.


  29. Freemasons are a ‘Jesuit front’ so we have the suggestion from article and websites that Freemasons (who are luciferians) behind the New Zealand massacre according to many unofficial reports from a number of websites, articles and personal testimony. Just like the insidious Central Intelligence Agency aka the Catholic Intelligence Agency with many many fronts so do the Jesuits. We are talking $billions upon billions of dollars behind these evil organisations that subjugate democracy, assassinate people world-wide, overthrow duly elected governments and install dictators and hide behind these facades or fronts in past massacres by the Latin Roman Catholic-Church State. This evil hierarchy has a long history of massacres from the start of the middle ages or the dark ages to the present in their counter-reformation under the guise of wars.

    This is not simply a world of chaos in geo-political terms, it is a religious war by the Jesuits against Protestants world-wide agenda of their continuous counter-reformation that is ongoing. It has not stopped!
    Nelson Mandela was a 33 degree Freemason

    The Communist and Masonic Infiltration of America and the Catholic Church by Dr. James Wardner(Final Edition)—This video shows what Communism really is and how modern day “Catholics” endorse communist and Freemasonic ideas and philosophies which are opposed to Catholic teaching


    Nelson Mandela was a 33 degree Freemason
    Thar’s correct Nelson Mandela is a Knight of Malta and has brought destruction to the white protestants living in South Africa , There have been killed at least 20.000 white protestant Boers by the South African blacks all triggered by an evil wicked racial hate agenda all orchistrated by the Jesuits

  30. Jesuits & Freemasonry: What You Need To Know from reliable sources


    Secret Societies

    The Jesuit Vatican New World Order

    The Jesuits are the Illuminati

    The Jesuits have infiltrated and took control of Freemasonry and Zionism.

  31. So do people still regard this video as fake? I am leaning towards that it is not, as Max Igan pointed out some very good observations in his presentation. I do see blood spatter on the walls inside the mosque, and many anomalies generally are explained by the sheer low resolution, and compression, of the video in question.

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