Home Corona Notice of Liability and Potential Claims (Covid-19) — Concerned Lawyer’s Network

Notice of Liability and Potential Claims (Covid-19) — Concerned Lawyer’s Network


[Editor’s note: We received an email from the Concerned Lawyer’s Network. This is the first part of their action explained. We will do a follow-up article on their actions and evidence.]

TO: Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews,
Victorian Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton,
Prime Minister Scott Morrison,
Federal Chief Health Officer Paul Kelly
AND to others named in the schedule attached.

Signed on behalf of Concerned Lawyers Network:
Maria Rigoli B.A. LLB. (Melbourne University) Acc.Spec (Fam)
Jeff Tran B Science LLB (Melbourne)
Russell Sumner LLM GDipDisRes Post GradDLegal Practice (UK)(LLB) (HONS)
Shemarrah Davis LLB (Monash University)
Tony Nikolic LLB Criminology (Uni. Western Sydney) LLM (College of law)
Liesl Tziolis B.A, LLB, (Hons, Uni of Qld), MBA

Concerned Lawyers Network All “exhibits” referred to are found on: www.concernedlawyersnetwork.net

Re: Notice of Liability & Potential Claims

We, the undersigned on behalf of the Concerned Lawyers Network (on behalf of pending clients, victims, and those with legal standing and this lawyer network) write this open letter to request a review and wind back of measures taken by Victorian and Australian governments which were based on the premise of a Covid19 pandemic existing and/or continuing, leading to declared states of emergency, states of disaster and other related legal measures. We respectfully give you notice of potential liabilities, should there be continued reliance on this premise and subsequent overreach of powers, whilst there is overwhelming evidence against such a premise.


1.  Covid19 (if it can be isolated) may simply be another coronavirus such as the flu or common cold. Patents for Covid19 medical testing kits, however, were manufactured and sold many years ago to many countries including Australia.

  1. The WHO has falsely declared a pandemic in relation to Covid19.

  2. Covid19 death statistics in Australia as well as in other nations have been manipulated.

  3. Covid19 tests are unreliable to test any specific disease.

  4. There are global agendas behind the declaration of Covid19 pandemic, to benefit certain foreign individuals and companies financially and to gain control of populations including in Australia.

  5. There is no pandemic in Australia according to medical evidence-at most a seasonal flu type epidemic, nothing justifying declaring states of emergency or disaster. Covid19 has been found to be a type of flu (coronavirus) with an
    estimated 99.9% survival rate across all age groups with the highest risk groups of over 65 estimated at 99.6%.

  6. Confined steps can be taken to take care of elderly or immune-compromised people more likely to suffer from Covid19 as has been the case in the past with influenza, without restricting the freedoms of masses of healthy people.

  7. There are serious conflicts of interest between some representatives of government, appointed health officials and taskforces, and pharmaceutical corporations and global interests that prioritise their own profits and control,
    instead of the health interests of Australians.

  8. Australians have been exploited through fear, misinformation and obstruction of freedoms as a result of the continuation of the false statement that there is a Covid19 pandemic and the insistence that they must obey disproportional laws, rules and directions that curtail them physically, mentally and financially causing them much harm including in some cases death.

  9. Key decision-makers in Australian governments and the public service have enormous conflicts of interests relating to vaccine com panies and other medical manufacturers and suppliers, influencing their decisions. They are also being influenced by global players and global policy instead of the Australian people who elected them. Covid19 has been used as a cover to bring about police states and financially benefit vaccine companies as well as those who with vested interests in vaccine companies and controlling populations.

  10. All ministers and other persons to whom this letter is addressed are PUT ON NOTICE of Personal Civil And Criminal Liability potentially arising against them for any current or future intentional or reckless continuation of  misrepresentation of information and misuse of power of of fice, causing direct loss and damage to Australians.

  11. All other officeholders to which this letter is copied to, are also put on notice of the evidence and potential civil and criminal liability arising out of future claims that may also possibly affect them arising out of their decision making or carrying out of decisions of their superiors should such actions violate citizens’ human rights.

  12. On behalf of our clients, victims and other interested Victorians and Australians, and the lawyers network, we request an immediate wind back of  lockdowns and other  disproportionate measures made, and a full open up of the economy and society to the way it was prior those measures being put in place and enforced (pre-January 2020).

  13. In addition to potential claims based on future personal liability, we reserve our clients’ rights to take legal action against you with respect to past damage and losses incurred up to this point in time.

  14. We also request your response to specific questions in this letter addressed to you.


As experienced lawyers, we are evidence based.

From expert and other evidence that is publicly available in Australia and worldwide, there appears to be strong evidence that there can no longer be a reliance on the premise that the Covid19 pandemic exists. Further, it appears evident that the state and federal governments have:

  1. failed to properly inform Victorians and Australians of sufficient relevant and independent evidence of a pandemic to justify the declarations  of state of emergency and state of disaster; and

  2. failed to properly inform Victorians and Australians, (or take into account in their decision making relevant and independent evidence), of Covid19 being confirmed as an isolated virus or how effective the testing for it actually is; and

  3. failed to properly inform Victorians and Australians of, or take into account in their decision making, the evidence of effective treatment for Covid19 such as Invermectin and Hydroxychloroquine and any good reasons why such medications were banned all of a sudden. This is especially contradictory, since Hydroxychloroquine has been used for decades safely all around the world both as an oral vaccine and treatment to many diseases including Lupus and Malaria and doctors and evidence worldwide reveals reports of up to 100% cure rate for Covid19 when treated early; and

  4. failed to properly inform Victorians and Australians of, or take into account in their decision making relevant and independent evidence of the serious side effects of vaccines in general including death, and the need for years of successful research before releasing medications in general; and

  5. failed to properly inform Victorians and Australians of, or take into account in their decision making, financial or vested interests (of ministers, health officials and public services and subordinate bodies appointed by them), in vaccine production, and the legal protection granted to the vaccine companies in the event of injury or death from citizens taking vaccines; and

  6. failed to properly inform Victorians and Australians through health policy, on how we are best to increase our health and immune systems to resist infections; and

  7. failed to properly inform Victorians and Australians that Covid19 deaths reported are inaccurate in numbers and specific not random, and include comorbidity deaths. Focus has been instead shifted to fear of the deadliness of the disease, and away  from the facts that most mortality affected the elderly or immune-compromised who are already susceptible due to preexisting conditions or comorbidity; and

  8. failed to properly inform Victorians and Australians of, or take into account in their decision making, the available relevant and independent medicine and science about viruses, exomes and the body’s natural defence systems and instead relied on a select few researchers many of which themselves have vested financial or other interests in foreign, global and transnational companies which are of or related to foreign pharmaceutical and vaccine corporations; and

  9. failed to properly inform Victorians and Australians of, or take into account in their decision making, the true nature of the covid19 tests being used, that they are not reliable, focusing instead on numbers of “positive cases” including false positives and undiagnosed positives when the tests are deemed by the governments own TGA standards not reliable and there has to date not been any credible isolation of Covid19 in any case; and

  10. failed to properly inform Victorians and Australians of, or take into account in their  decision making, the fact that the covid19 tests being used were manufactured and distributed to countries around the world (with Australian purchasing great  quantities) since at least 2017 over 3 years before the surprise outbreak of Covid19 in late 2019, and that patents specifically for the Covid19 test kits were already applied for in 2015 some 5 years ago which gives rise to suspicions of a planned pandemic; and

  11. failed to properly inform Victorians and Australians about, or take into account in their decision making, the ramifications of providing financial incentive to clinicians and hospitals whenever they register a death under Covid19; and

  12. failed to properly inform Victorians and Australians about, or take into account in their decision making, the ramifications of financial incentives and loans the Federal Government receives from the IMF and WHO and other foreign bodies or corporations, in exchange for following the directions on declaring a pandemic and how to manage it and what restrictions to place on business and freedom of movement
    from these global bodies.

Further, most of the mainstream media on television and print, appears to have been influenced by state and federal governments in so far as such media has avoided challenging the government narrative about Covid19, and has therefore also failed to properly inform Victorians and Australians who are entitled to see all relevant unbiased evidence without censorship. In addition, much of the mainstream media has been disparaging of any person questioning the government narrative and science and legalities relied on, even when they are questioned by experienced doctors and lawyers. Many of us wonder if the government has itself
withheld relevant information and facts from the media, or whether the media are in fact complicit with the government in recklessly or intentionally failing to report relevant facts to the public, in an unbiased true journalistic basis.


Regardless of whether one believes the Covid19 virus exists, does not exist, exists organically or exists man  made/manufactured or otherwise, the questions to answer in light of available relevant and independent evidence are:

  1. What is a “pandemic” as opposed to an “epidemic”? Was there or is there still a “pandemic” in the true sense of the word?;

  2. Were the measures that were and some still are taken in response to the alleged pandemic by the Australian and state governments restricting its citizens – justified and proportionate and compatible with international law, human rights laws and the Australian Constitution?

  3. If there is no pandemic or the alleged pandemic has abated, or there was instead a seasonal epidemic or something less, can any of the measures taken by governments still be justified and if so up to what point in time?

  4. If there is no such justification and in light of available independent and relevant evidence, what are the legal liabilities and exposures of Australian decision makers in the chain of command? (taking into account, inter alia, the directly related losses and damages including inter alia suicides, increase in crime and domestic violence, mass mental health deterioration, curtailed freedoms to travel, unlawful arrests, unlawful detainment, unlawful testing, unlawful mass financial losses to businesses, employees, not for profit and other organisations and individuals, closed and bankrupted businesses, interference with landlord and tenant rights, interference with doctor and patient relationships, infringement on property use, mortgage foreclosures,  failure to account for basis of decision making, misleading the people and a crashed economy).

These are not just scientific and medical questions, but questions of law.


According to the World Health Organisation (WHO):
“A pandemic is defined as “an epidemic occurring worldwide, or over a very wide area, crossing international boundaries and usually affecting a large number of people”. The classical definition includes nothing about population immunity, virology or disease severity. By this definition, pandemics can be said to occur annually in each of the temperate southern and northern hemispheres, given that seasonal epidemics cross international boundaries and affect a large number of people. However, seasonal epidemics are not considered pandemics.”

The definition was changed by the WHO in 2020 and now appears to describe what is a regular seasonal epidemic of colds and flu. We do not believe this definition can legally or morally or ethically stand to influence health policy and modelling for nations around the world including Australia.


A case study of the 2009 Swine Flu Pandemic reveals a European Parliamentary Inquiry determined that WHO manipulated information to fraudulently declare a pandemic, activating lucrative ‘sleeping contracts’ with pharmaceutical companies. It is also revealed that the Australian Department of Health misrepresented statistical data to alarm the public about swine flu, although this was alarm was unjustified. The government ordered vaccines prepared before there was any evidence that swine flu was more serious than other strains of flu (in the end, it wasn’t.) see page 120 and 154-159 HARRISON REPORT.

In the past the WHO has been found to have falsely declared a “pandemic” for example the Swine Flu. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2010-06-11/34926 see EXHIBIT RESEARCH REPORTS PANDEMIC

Modelling has been based on the WHO’s shifting goal posts of what a “pandemic” really means. The modelling used for international policy response is based on unpublished, unverified 13 year old code. (Some) Australian modellers have appear to have deep financial ties to pharmaceutical companies and conflicted global power structures such as the Gates Foundation and Gavi (Vaccine Alliance).

For the full document and the evidence please LINK HERE. We will add further sections of their research and case against the government in future articles.



  1. The bottom line-Sars-cov-2 is real and HAS been isolated and sequenced multiple times.It was bioengineered in a lab(multiple labs -China,America,Australia and others)and IMO did not accidentally leak from the Wuhan lab.It is being used as cover for nefarious purposes but it is NOT only just another flu and as continuing research is showing the long term health sequelae from COVID19 are very significant.

    • Sandra appears to insinuate that influenza never has long term effects, hence that Covid 19 is different .

      This is false. Flu has long term effects at times, the difference is that the flu has never been used to bring about a Great Reset, see Klaus Schwab’s WEF speech of June 2020. So those sequelae have never been of media interest.

      Sandra can go back to the media reports of 1957 and 1968 about the then severe flu seasons which had the same IFR of 0.15%, as the current Covid, if the death stats are to be believed (?) . She will not find any concern about long term effects in 1957 and 1968, because what CJ Hopkins calls Globocap had not yet planned the Covid scamdemic.

      • Scotus, haven’t heard from you for a while.

        I thought it might have something to do with the overwhelming evidence coming to the fore that the man-made Global Warming myth is unravelling at the seams as per this article titled ‘Sydney shivers through one of coldest November nights on record’ from a couple of days ago :


        From the article above : “The day temperature of 14C ……is the coldest maximum ever recorded on November 5, smashing the previous record of 15.3C back in 1881”.

        That can’t be right Scotus, can it ? I mean there’s so much Colourless, Odourless, Tasteless and 100 % non-toxic CO2 around (as opposed to the wrongly labelled ‘Dirty Carbon’ terminology that the fanatics use), according to you, surely we should’ve been sweating it out in a hot house environment ?

        Also this article titled ‘Hello Winter My Cold Friend’ from October :


        From that article :

        ” we have reports this week that the Northern Hemisphere snow mass is already 300 gigatons above the 1982-2012 average.”

        Please read that statement above once more Scotus until it sinks in.

        I Gigaton = 1 BILLION tons.

        The article was written in OCTOBER (mid-autumn there) and the Northern Hemisphere snow mass is already hundreds of Gigatons more than that 30 year average.

        Isn’t the bulk of the snowfall in the northern hemisphere supposed to fall in January / February ??

        Am I missing something here Scotus ??

        Can you enlighten Gumshoe readers how this fits in with a ‘warming planet’ thesis ?

        Also from the article :

        “The ongoing cold is OFF THE CHARTS, with an air mass more typical of December or January than late October,” The Washington Post admits. Arctic blast brings minus -29 degree (-33.9) cold to Montana as snow and ice plastered the central U.S., toppling records far and wide.

        Readings plummeted to some 40 degrees F below average for this time of year.”

        Did I read that right ?

        Not plummeted by 0.4 degrees or 4 degrees but FORTY (40) degrees below average for October.

        Let’s put that in context.

        The Global Warming alarmist doomers themselves admit that the average Earth temperature has only increased by around 0.8 – 1.0 degrees Celsius in the last 150 years !!

        More from the article :

        “The arctic is ‘finally’ melting due to warm water that is perhaps sourced with many of the millions of underwater volcanoes. The Gakkel ridge is a gigantic chain of underwater volcanoes snaking 1,800 kilometers (1,100 miles) beneath the Arctic Ocean from Greenland’s northern tip to Siberia. The Gakkel Ridge has in the recent past pulsed massive amounts of heat into the overlying ocean and thereby melted large portions of the ice that floats above the heated ocean column. Increased cosmic rays during grand solar minimums increase volcanic activity because these high energy particles penetrate deep into the Earth.

        But to compensate, Antarctic Sea Ice has expanded to RECORD levels, and even Greenland sees reversals in ice coverage with its biggest glacier growing.”

        Gee, I never heard that about the underwater volcanic activity from the corrupt MSM, which is the REAL cause of some Arctic ice melting.

        Hmmm, I guess it didn’t fit in with the One World Government narrative.

        And this (further confirmation of what Terry Shulze has been warning us) :

        “The U.K.’s worst wheat harvest in about 40 years has prompted fears of higher prices of flour, and subsequently of bread and other flour-based products. We are entering a Grand Solar Minimum [GSM]. Crops are always the first to go. And our modern delicately balanced, chemical-dependent, mono-cropping-ways simply aren’t prepared for a violent shift in the climate. Robert Felix has long been warning, “I fear that we will be fighting in the streets for food long before we’re covered by ice.”

        “We read on August 22 that temperatures were already dropping below freezing in Russia. There was frost in the Moscow region even though it is still summer. In the Kostroma region, frosts in the grass went down to -1 degrees, observed for the third day in a row. At the same time, China had a midsummer blizzard.

        On August 7, the coldest temperature ever recorded in Tasmania was registered. Not just for the date and not just for the particular location, but the coldest for ANY date on record, and the ENTIRE country. ”

        The article contains a hell of a lot more facts and figures which you’ll just have to read for yourself.

        Scotus, it takes a big man to be able to swallow his Neo-Marxist Radical Green indoctrinated pride and admit he was wrong on the ‘alleged’ Anthropogenic Global Warming.

        Are you going to rise above the fray and become that man Scotus or are you fixated on your small minded ‘anti-science’ stance ?

        • In addition to the GSM we have the accelerating Magnetic Excursion and possible Reversal.
          Currently rereading Robert Felix’s excellent book -Not by Fire but by ICE.
          “The next ice age could begin any day!Next week,next month,next year,it’s not a question of if,only when….It’s all part of a dependable,predictable,natural cycle that returns like clockwork every11,500 years.”
          And the current interglacial has lasted 11,500 years!

        • Hey Aspergillus Veggie Mould, still confusing the weather with the climate (hint: the latter is long-term and shows trends ). But your ability at STEM will not suffice for that, I know.

          As you appear to be down to earth sort of chap with a cranial Must Try Harder forehead sticker, try to think of a good cricketer and a bad one: the good one will hit more sixes and fours over the years than a bad one, so the former trends to excellence. But now and again he will be out for a duck. Conversely, the bad one may astonish by scoring a century occasionally.

          But over time, the two performance trends are clear.

          In the old days, even retard John Galt right-wing libertaritards knew the saying, “one swallow does not make a summer”.

          This is a reference to the appearance in the N Hemisphere of swallows at the appropriate time of year, you need more than one to establish the trend.

          Yes, yes” all BMO meteorologists are paid by Soros or Netanyahu to destroy the Aust. economy with their anti-carbonism so that the country csn be remaindered on the Tel Aviv stock exchange”, but still.

        • well I have carried that fear all this time and it is cooling – record cooling every year – due government policy they only tell us the hot days – grand solar minimum. ice age 2030 it was never changing because of greta or anyone else.

          • Here in the West, it has been raining all morning and most of the afternoon. (Monday 9th) Still overcast and gloomy for a November day. Not a lot of wind but breezy. Uncomfortable outdoors. Had two wet nights recently. Unusual for this time of year. Hope the grain crops will not be affected.

          • As I recall perfectly clearly in the 70’s it was about ice-caps melting and sea-levels rising, whether this is true or not, it hasn’t changed (not to say others weren’t putting about the counter argument), I have never bought a house on low-lying land.
            (When I was very young they gave us religious education and the guy was always saying “Do not build ye houses on sand” so I was scared to buy a house on sandy soil for the next 40+ years.)

    • Sandra not correct, it has never been isolated and if it was engineered has not been prove.
      I do not call taking 1/100 of an RNA strand of mixed lung scrapings then using mathematical modelling to predict the remainder as isolation more like they made it up.
      Stop watching videos and start reading CDC documents that lay it all out.

      this article explains it and provides references
      THE IMPLICATIONS:Even the CDC admits that the virus is a computer-generated fraud and not a real entity in people’s bodies – plus, by their own research, it doesn’t infect human tissue.

  2. Bring on the court cases, the more the merrier. With each extra case, there should be more chance of a conviction against governments around the world and the United Nations. Hopefully it could force the abandonment of the United Nations, showing it to be the criminal organisation that it is.

    • As the League of Nations was superseded by the U.N, abandonment of the latter would no doubt preempt the creation something that’s even worse(and that does seem to be where we’re heading)
      But I do agree that “the more court cases there are the merrier”

  3. I agree with what has been said in the article. However, I no longer have any trust in the Australian legal system. Hopefully, the case will run with full disclosure and the Australian people will have the opportunity to see the evidence and the ridiculous ‘legal reasoning’ for the judgement. After that, buckle up people, it could get ugly.

    • Actually every other aspect of the saga has also been a resounding wake-up call.
      Thereby achieving the very reverse of what was intended
      Which, in the grand scheme of things, is all that really matters

    • I think by now the drug trafficking systems are so entrenched that cocaine has become an alternative currency much like bitcoin or gold. Jeb ran Florida for years and has a close interest in Latin America (even a Latina wife) and Arkansaw is known as a distribution centre, HQ for freemasons, Rockerfella and Clinton stronghold. A lot of people keeping busy on golf courses, they are all in business to make money. Stuff like cocaine is not worth trying to distribute to the street when you can do other things, such as rigging football grand finals, by which you then launder your winnings through the betting agency.

      • It’s a shame what Juice news has become. They initially had some good videos, but the ‘progressive’ left, fruit-cake stuff destroyed their credibility.

        I wish I could clue them into something like the Port Arthur Massacre. Perhaps they would then use their platform to get into some depth to really wake people up instead of the shallow establishment bullshit they are now promoting.

        What a waste of talent.

  4. Here is a potent little snippet I picked up from elsewhere that possibly qualifies as res judicata.


    The premise of the lockdowns is that there is an infectious agent known as covid19 which hasn’t been isolated anywhere in the world nor verified to exist, and that is determined by a pcr test that has no merit as a scientific tool when used to test for the same.

    Not only is a massive fraud being perpetrated and unalienable rights being subjugated, but all indications are that there is evil intent at work.

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