Home Australia Open Letter to Health Minister About Ivermectin — “One Dose is Normally...

Open Letter to Health Minister About Ivermectin — “One Dose is Normally Sufficient for Recovery”


[Editor’s note: This letter was sent to the minister by one of Gumshoe’s readers, RWA, and is published in part below. The references are at the bottom of the letter.]

The Hon. Greg Hunt, MP, Minister for Health

Dear Minister


I am a very healthy 74yo Australian male. I take great care with my diet which includes very few vitamins and mineral supplements. This ensures that I maintain my health, correct bodyweight & a strong immune system.

I am so healthy that I haven’t had a common cold for over 40 years and I haven’t needed to visit a doctor for some 5 years. This suddenly changed recently when I needed a prescription for two packs of Stromectol, the brand name for Ivermectin in Australia.


Stromectol is available as a pack of 4 tablets, each of which contains 3mg of Ivermectin. A Standard Single Dose of Stromectol consists of 1×3mg tablet per 15-20kg of patient body weight.

Currently, Stromectol is only available in Australia on prescription. The prescription system provides an important means to control those medications which are an asset to society but which could also be a hazard due to their characteristics and potentially adverse effects on the human body, especially if it is misused or abused.

The prescription system becomes a curse when it unnecessarily controls the availability of any benign medication which has a wide range of capabilities, some of which have yet to be discovered. Ivermectin is one such benign medication, and especially in the recently discovered ability of Ivermectin to control the novel Coronavirus.

I recently became aware of the efficacious capabilities of Ivermectin with COVID-19 which had been discovered through “off-label” experimentation by various doctors and medical experts throughout the world — especially in the USA. (“Off-label” is defined as medication that has yet to receive official approval from the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), the FDA (USA) or any similar sovereign authority for use regarding any particular disease.)

I have conducted a considerable amount of research and reading on numerous medical and pharmaceutical internet sites regarding Ivermectin. I have taken care to use websites that present only high-level information and which are not influenced by fake propaganda.

I am now very well versed in the capabilities of Ivermectin in association with COVID-19. Regardless of this knowledge, I am obliged to visit a doctor just to obtain a prescription for two packs of what is a benign medication.

In this instance, my doctor’s appointment has proven to be a futile and relatively expensive exercise.

The GP involved refused to issue a prescription for Ivermectin on the basis that it was not listed by the TGA on the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG) as being approved or appropriate for the control of COVID-19. It was apparent that this document was now imposing an unnecessary limitation on the availability of Ivermectin. It also proved to be the limit of this GP’s knowledge of Ivermectin in association with COVID-19. My more extensive knowledge in this regard was inconsequential in convincing this GP to provide me with a prescription for Ivermectin.

This is a ludicrous and unnecessarily dangerous situation especially when I know that Ivermectin is not only a benign medication, but am also absolutely certain about its ability to safely and successfully control the novel Coronavirus. If indeed there is any risk to my well-being by my use of Ivermectin, I am willing to take that risk. With my extensive knowledge of Ivermectin, I assess the risk to be far less than the risk of catching COVID-19, and far less than the danger to my health, my long-term well-being and my life that is posed by being infected with the Coronavirus.

There is an immediate need to alleviate this situation by re-registering Ivermectin as an over-the-counter (OTC) (non-prescription) medicine. This is discussed in more detail further below.

Further to the numerous medical and pharmaceutical internet sites that demonstrate the efficacy of Ivermectin in controlling COVID-19, the following off-label example is provided.

Dr Lauren Mickey — OFF-LABEL Example

I am personally familiar with one series of impressive results from phone conversations and emails exchanged with a Dr. Lauren Mickey.

Dr. Mickey of Louisiana, USA has successfully treated COVID-19 patients in off-label applications of Ivermectin. She has experienced 100% success rate, sometimes with patients who were so badly affected that they were about to call an ambulance.

Dr Mickey administers one Standard Single Dose of Ivermectin as soon as the patient has been diagnosed as being COVID-19 infected by a simple test (Covid lgG and/or IgM antibodies finger prick blood test).

One dose is normally sufficient for recovery. If it is not, another dose one week later will invariably cure the patient. A colleague of Dr Mickey’s has had similar success with an identical application of Ivermectin.

To date, Dr Mickey has experienced two patients whose breathing was so badly affected by COVID-19 when they approached her, that they were immediately provided with a Standard Single Dose of Ivermectin and admitted to hospital. There, they were provided with supplementary oxygen plus dose(s) of inhaled and/or oral corticosteroids. They recovered so quickly that they were discharged after only three days and shortly after were back at work!

Dr Mickey has stated that the only side-effect that she has observed was an occasional 12-24hr period of fever & sweating which was probably associated with the body and Ivermectin expelling the virus.

There are many more recent off-label reports in addition to those of Dr. Mickey which demonstrate the efficacy of Ivermectin in controlling COVID-19. These are available on the internet while some are identified below in the section titled References.

These recent additional reports contain details that are more general & less personal than those of Dr. Mickey. Nonetheless, they are very impressive regarding the success of Ivermectin in its off-label use against COVID-19 infection of hundreds, if not thousands of patients.


In this era of the deadly Coronavirus pandemic, the lack of immediately available Ivermectin is a potential death sentence, especially for the elderly. Immediate availability of Ivermectin in Australian Aged Care Homes would almost certainly have reduced the alarming death toll in the recent past or have totally eliminated it! (See Reference **8).

Considering my personal situation, I need Ivermectin on hand in the same way as I already have a bottle of over-the-counter disinfectant in my medicine cabinet. The disinfectant is to use immediately in case I accidentally cut myself. The Ivermectin is to use immediately in case I develop any COVID-19 symptoms, or if a test confirms that I am infected.

The chances are extremely high that I would become severely ill or even die if I was to drink the bottle of over-the-counter disinfectant. But the chances that I will become severely ill or die if I was to consume the one pack or even the two packs simultaneously of the prescription-only Ivermectin are absolutely NIL!

Overdose — No Consequence

Official records show that even a clinically-controlled 10x “overdose” was of no consequence. There have never been any reported deaths with its use or even its abuse.

The possibilities are also reasonably high that I will become severely ill or even die if I DON’T take a Standard Single Dose of Ivermectin in a timely fashion, especially given my age of 74 years.

In support of my earlier suggestion (above) to re-register Ivermectin as an OTC (non-prescription) medicine, I recommend that as a health precaution, Ivermectin should be on hand for every resident of Australia who is 5 years of age or older & who weighs 15kg or more. These limitations have been copied from the Stromectol (Ivermectin) Product Information Sheet.

…Once an individual is infected, it is certain that the earlier that one Standard Single Dose is taken, the better the results and the shorter the time for recovery. Ivermectin is beneficial, even if it is taken when an individual has become so sick with the virus that he/she needs to be admitted into the hospital and placed on a ventilator and/or supplemental oxygen.

If an individual who has incorrectly assumed that his/her symptoms are suggesting that infection by COVID-19 has just occurred and there is no test available to quickly confirm this, there is no drawback from taking a Standard Single Dose of Ivermectin at that moment — i.e., it is not detrimental to take Ivermectin even when it has no disease to fight. It is no different from taking an aspirin when there is no headache.

There is absolutely NO DOUBT that Ivermectin is extremely successful in supporting recovery from COVID-19 infection!

[Editor’s note: RWA then provided the minister with a detailed plan as to how to identify clusters, and suggestions on Ivermectin distribution etc., that address issues outside the efficacy of Ivermectin. To continue…]


I strongly recommend that The Minister IMMEDIATELY completes the following actions:

• Re-register Ivermectin as an OTC (non-prescription) medicine.

[Editor’s note: The author then outlines practical distribution and cautionary steps. To continue…]

• Determines how the Recommendations above are to be promoted to the Australian public eg advertising via the media: TV, radio, social media, billboards, newspapers, etc.

• Considers the possibility of compensation from the Australian Government to the developer(s) of the COVID-19 vaccination(s). The developers would probably be financially disadvantaged by the availability and success of Ivermectin, due to a potentially decreased demand for their product… This would probably be cheaper than the cost in making the numerous and expensive payments such as JobSeeker, JobKeeper and others associated with the current lockdown procedures.

[This is an interesting suggestion (re compensation) especially as it appears we are in the midst of a campaign to silence therapeutics in favour of vaccines. To continue…)

Hon. Minister Greg Hunt

Incompetence or Corruption

With so much evidence provided above as to the relatively simple solution to the current COVID-19 crisis, any procrastination in not adopting the suggested procedures is likely to be interpreted by the Australian voting public as follows:

• A lack of competence in the Australian Government in that it is incapable of immediately initiating the Recommendations (above) that will rapidly improve the current devastating lockdown situation.


• The possible existence of corruption or vested interests and/or a conflict of interest within the Australian Government — in that certain Government officials are unreasonably restricting the use of Ivermectin. This restriction could result in an eventual financial advantage to the company/companies that are developing any COVID-19 vaccination or any associated organisation or similar entity. This could be a possible benefit to the Government as a whole or to certain Government officials who have been providing Government protection to the subject company/companies by enforcing non utilization of Ivermectin, and who has or will be rewarded by the subject company/companies with gifts, financial support of the Liberal-National Coalition, etc.

Yours faithfully


[Name and contact details provided]


Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG) | Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA)

**2 https://www.trialsitenews.com/ivermectin-breaking-into-american-news-as-doctors-come-forward-share-treatments-for-covid-19/

Rajter, Juliana Cepelowicz et al. ICON (Ivermectin in COvid Nineteen) Study: Use of Ivermectin Is Associated with Lower Mortality in Hospitalized Patients with COVID-19 (6/16/2020). Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3631261

Scheim, David, Antimalarials for COVID-19 Treatment: Rapid Reversal of Oxygen Status Decline with the Nobel Prize-Honored Macrocyclic Lactone Ivermectin (June 3, 2020). Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3617911 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3617911

Scheim, David, Ivermectin for COVID-19 Treatment: Clinical Response at Quasi-Threshold Doses Via Hypothesized Alleviation of CD147-Mediated Vascular Occlusion (June 26, 2020). Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3636557

**6 & **2: (in Spanish): https://megalabs.global/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/IVERMECTINA-COMO-PRIMERA-ACCIÓN-TERAPÉUTICA-PARA-COVID-19-02.05.20e-Gustavo-Aguirre-Chang.pdf

Phone calls & emails between Author and Dr Mickey of 20 Aug 2020 et seq.

August 30, 2020



          • C’mon Berry, please.

            Just because Andrews signed Victoria on to the BRI, one should not conflate that with being a lap dog of the CCP.

            Let’s face it, the Covid conspiracy was engineered by that entity, and that entity ALONE, which CONTROLS politicians, academia, key bureaucrats and the entirety of the western media and major publishing houses that have brain-washed the masses into believing that Covid is an existential crisis.

            And it is PATENTLY OBVIOUS that the CCP does not control ANY of these entities, let alone ALL of them.

            As opposed to one other entity which we’re all aware of – the same entity that has the financial wherewithal to have perpetrated the 9/11 False Flag, murdered JFK in broad daylight in front of thousands of witnesses and gotten away with it.

          • There you go Berry – you just proved my point.

            If known mouthpieces for the CIA (like the Sydney Morning Herald and The Age) are saying that China is ramping up its influence in Victoria, then you can take it to the bank that the exact OPPOSITE is true.

            The defence rests.

          • As a Christian I’m ever mindful of the fact that nothing I hear via a pulpit is ever going to be flawless and that valuable words can also be gleaned in a pub. As all humans are flawed they can only ever a proxy truth via discernment. Judgement is the exclusive province of the Almighty because no mere mortal is ever actually au fait with the complete picture.

            “Judge not, that ye be not judged.”
            MATHEW 7:1

            For anyone who’s interested, the CCP infiltration of Aus on the Sky report starts at 4 ;18

          • “For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known. “
            1 CORINTHIANS 13:12

          • “The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media.” — former CIA Director William Colby.

            Berry, I suggest you read the following article by Paul Craig Roberts to ascertain whether you should believe anything written in The Age or Sydney Morning Herald :


            The article speaks of the revelations from the editor of one of Germany’s leading newspapers – Udo Ulfkotte who wrote books like ‘Bought Journalism’ and ‘Presstitutes Embedded in the Pay of the CIA’.

            One important section from the article reads :

            “Ulfkotte’s book destroys the illusion/delusion that there is ANYWHERE in the Western world an independent press. Ulfkotte describes in detail the cognitive appropriation of journalists by elites.

            Journalists serve as propagandists and public relations agents for intelligence agencies, businesses, lobbying organizations, politicians, and US foreign policy.

            The function of journalism is to deliver to the people the explanations that serve the interests of elites and Washington’s foreign policy.”

            Scroll down a little in the article and watch the interview Ulfkotte did on RT.

            Health-wise, he doesn’t look particularly close to being on death’s door, does he ?

            Yet, not that long after the interview he allegedly drops dead from a heart attack.

            The cabal don’t like it when journos break ranks and show remorse by telling the truth.

            So they killed him.

            Now Berry, I’m not saying that the MSM never publishes/broadcasts stories that are true, but one must be wary of anything they put out.

            On the other hand, when it comes to something sourced from Prof Michel Chossudovsky’s website (www.GlobalResearch.ca), or something from Ron Paul, Dr Kevin Barrett, James Corbett or ex-CIA white hats Ray McGovern and Phillip Giraldi (to name just a few), you can pretty much take it to the bank – such is their track record for accuracy and integrity.

          • It’s not a matter of belief it’s a matter of DISCERNMENT

            So just supposing all the shots are being called by your beloved “Zio-cabal”, your failure to grasp the difference means that, one way or another, you’re their ultimate bunny

          • Matters like 9/11 or the JFK assassination, if you’re still mulling whether or not there was Zio-involvement in these events tells me a great deal about you Berry.

            You’ve obviously done either :

            A) Next to no research on these events OR …
            B) You’ve sourced information on these events from the MSM and / or other sources of disinformation.

            Before you criticise others for making a call as to the likely perpetrators (all of which I can back up with an avalanche of evidence), make sure you have a plausible alternative perpetrator (backed up by evidence) .

            Best you keep a low profile and not risk further embarrassing yourself by expressing doubt on matters you’re ignorant about.

            As for your, ‘I am their ultimate bunny’ comment, can you not see the irony of that coming from someone (you) that displayed an extreme lack of discernment by swallowing the story printed in the Age newspaper ?

            Too funny.

          • Actually the record clearly attests that you attacked me not vice versa. A simple question is all it took for you to launch into one of your, now infamous, arrogant/patronising/undisciplined diatribes. If you’d really been convinced that the question was stupid or irrelevant you wouldn’t have taken it as being a threat to anything

    • A quick check of Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt’s bio on wiki tells us all we need to know about him…”Beginning in 1994, Hunt served as a senior adviser to Alexander Downer, during both his periods as Leader of the Opposition (1994 to 1995) and Minister for Foreign Affairs (1995 to 1998). He then worked for McKinsey & Company from 1999 to 2001, and was also Director of Strategy at the World Economic Forum in Geneva from 2000 to 2001.”

      He’s one of the Davos crowd.Globalist. New World Order gang. Traitor. Needs a noose. (after a fair trial, of course) Along with many others I can think of…

  1. I am reposting this video by Professor Michel Chossudovsky:

    COVID-Gate, The Political Virus

    “it’s fraud – it’s corruption – it’s a lie”

    “When the lie becomes the truth there is no moving backwards … “

    Comment: Every ‘countermeasure’ to a lie is itself invalid and irrelevant – OR malicious. I would call such ‘countermeasures’ absurd, but knowing that this is no mistake, I would call them criminal acts of malicious intent of the most despicable form. Recipients of such letters need to be reminded that they are either cowards or they are complicit and subject to all appropriate rightful justice which ensures.

    Here is another template that just arrived on a notification from “Clive de Carle” https://clivedecarle.com/?v=79cba1185463– it is North American-specific but a great general template



    Re: coronavirus protocols

    I am writing to you regarding my son/daughter, NAME who is due to return to year X ON DATE
    NAME has been very happy at SCHOOL NAME and is looking forward to returning to see his friends. However, both he and I have some serious concerns that we would like to address in writing before term commences. In the interests of being succinct I will list these as follows:

    *1. I do not consent to NAME using hand sanitiser. Hand sanitisers contain powerful chemicals that permeate the skin and enter the bloodstream, as well as being implicated in causing dermatitis and destroying vital beneficial bacteria on the skin – essential for maintaining a strong immune system. I only consent to him washing his hands with conventional soap and water. I also do not consent to him using antibacterial chemicals to clean his desk and equipment for the same reason.

    *2. I do not give our consent to participating in the NHS track and trace scheme, and do not want our contact details passed over to the NHS or any other agency for the purposes of tracking and tracing. Any agency having or using our data without our consent is in breach of the GDPR and therefore illegal.

    *3. I do not know what the school’s policy will be on mask-wearing but I wish to make clear the legal position on masks, which is that those suffering hidden disabilities are exempt, and under the Equalities Act 2010 and Disabilities Discrimination Act, it is illegal to ask someone if they have a hidden disability or what it is. Therefore, were the school to mandate masks, it would be illegal for them to ask any pupil why they were not wearing one. It would also be incumbent on the school to instruct all pupils and staff on the law regarding masks and exemptions, to ensure anyone without a mask is not discriminated against.

    *4. I do not feel that schools are the place for medical processes to take place, and I only allow trusted healthcare professionals to conduct medical procedures on my son. Therefore, I do not consent to NAME receiving any coronavirus testing or any other medical procedure at school. If he develops symptoms of illness, I will keep him at home as I would with any other illness, and arrange any treatment myself.

    *5. I do not consent to any detainment of NAME on school premises or elsewhere for any reason. I expect him to return home at the usual time every day unless I have given my express permission otherwise.

    Finally I would like to address the use of Vanoquat. I’m sure you are aware that this contains the chemical Dimethyl Benzyl Ammonium Chloride as its active ingredient. This is a quaternary ammonium compound that causes lung damage, the development of asthma and can and does cause skin rashes. Animal studies have also shown that it produces poor sperm count, impaired fertility, and birth defects.

    Although I am aware that this will not be applied until the end of the day and only in empty classrooms, quartenary ammonium compounds do not dissipate from a surface. They remain on hard surfaces, creating opportunities for exposure many times until the substance is actively removed. However this product won’t be actively removed and instead will be layered continuously, multiple times and, due to the nature of the fogger, will literally contaminate everything.

    This, in tandem with the frankly OCD use of sanitizers and toxic cleaning products is hugely concerning to me.

    Firstly a bio hazardous poison is literally being sprayed all over the childrens environment. The second reason is that in wiping out all bacteria and all microbes we are actually depriving our bodies of the complex interactive environment that we require in order to thrive. Human beings possess and require more bacteria in our bodies than the number of cells we have, and when we strip our environment of the microbial complexity that humans need in order to support the diversity and the balance of our microbiome we become extremely vulnerable to illness. If we sterilise our environment we will be sterilising our own microbiome with serious repercussions for the health and wellbeing of the children. Not even mentioning the psychological ramifications of this.

    I understand very well that you are between a rock and a hard place, but the evidence is very clear that children are not at risk from COVID and all epidemiological studies to date show they are not transmitting the virus either to adults or the wider community.

    Therefore could you also please furnish me with the risk analysis that was carried out before these protocols were devised and let me know who is liable for any potential long term adverse health effects as a result?

    As yet, I have never received a response to any emails I have sent to the school on the odd occasion, but I will need an acknowledgment that you have received this.

    ‘This kind of insanity has no logical or scientific basis and therefore to indulge in these ‘known to be health damaging protocols’ is surely pandering to the lowest common denominator in terms of common sense‘

    Kindest regards “

    • You know Fish, I just skimmed through the Prof Chossudovsky video soon after you posted it in the earlier hours of this morning.

      I finally got around to watching it in its entirety a few moments ago.

      I’ve run out of superlatives that I can apply to describe this man – simply outstanding.

    • Thanks Berry:

      Let me quote from the article:

      “Emergency medical physician Dr. Peter H. Hibberd, M.D., of Palm Beach County, Florida, told Newsmax Friday evening in an exclusive interview that he’s optimistic the drug will prove to be an important therapeutic advance, although he expects more trials will be needed before it wins FDA approval for use as a COVID-19 medication.

      He noted it has impressed doctors in clinical trials on multiple continents.

      “There’s a common denominator here,” said Hibberd. “This drug is salvaging people from their death bed.”


      “This drug is salvaging people from their death bed.”

    • The listed side effects make me laugh. I mean, there’s any number of other systematically prescribed drugs that listed as having the very same potential

  2. I call,
    Who is Adam.
    The recent conspiracy “chatter”, had additional anticomedication, HCQ high dose no additional comedication style.
    To be fair does anyone here know of Doctor Mickey, call

    Disclaimer: Notice JS has dropped homework(again). Goodby to an hour of time

    • That’s not funny Simon. If you write in such a way that the reader does not know what you mean, why write and take up our time? JS? homework? Maybe I am out of the loop.

    • Thanks Fish, spoke a lot of common sense for a professor.
      Sorry Adam, and on the positive side I imagine getting some for your sensible medical cabinet(for pets) would be possible.
      The Honorable Minister Hunt will be of no help, and forget him taking personal liability for any reprobate mandates on his watch

  3. If Minister Hunt refuses to reauthorise Ivermectin we will finally have proof of government corruption that will alarm most parents and elderly ccitizens.

    I wil be sending this site’s URL to everyone I can.

    • Such a refusal suggests that our politicians are being influenced by the NWO plans to depopulate vast numbers of humanity and destroy the middle independent middle class businesses.
      Simples; ‘ONE KNOWS THEM BY THEIR DEEDS’ ( including OMISSIONS!)

  4. Thank you, Julius, for the above letter to a school. I went to the Clive link but dd not find it. I don’t think he is American as he refers to NHS which I take to mean National Health Service. Maybe Canadian? UK?

    The following is my understanding of off-label. The FDA can approve a drug, as in judging its quality. That makes a doctor able to order it for any patient via his prescribing it. Maybe it is normally given for athlete’s foot, but if the doctor prescribes it as a sedative, the “FDA” can’t stop him.

    Note that I am not an MD and I may be wrong. But f I am wrong there is no point having the term “off-label,” is there?

    Everybody, please copy out that school letter in case it disappears. Also I’d like to know who wrote it.

    • https://www.nps.org.au/australian-prescriber/articles/off-label-prescribing

      Hi Mary,
      Your understanding of off-label & its association with the FDA is probably correct, but I’m not sure. I am not in the medical business & I certainly don’t claim to be an expert in medications or medical terminologies or the like. However, I have gained considerable knowledge almost totally from CAREFUL use of the internet, mainly because of my interest in maintaining or improving my health.
      I have just conducted a quick search of the inet using “off-label” as a keyword. The very first URL it produced is given above. It’s worth noting that it’s an Australian site, confirmed by the “.au” in the URL address.
      It certainly looks like it’s a reliable site, so I’ll trust it for this somewhat casual matter without investigating any further to confirm the validity & reliability of the site.
      It contains the following information:
      (a) Off-label prescribing means that the (Australian) Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) has not approved the indication (the disease), …. it does not mean that the TGA has rejected the indication. Commonly, the TGA has not been asked to evaluate the indication.
      (b) Prescribing off label is unavoidable and very common.
      (c) …. ibuprofen is available over the counter (OTC), illustrating the confusion if product information alone is relied upon.
      I’ll accept these quotes as fact because they appear extremely reasonable & it’s not worth investigating them any further.
      Anyway, these quotes/facts support my ideas even more than I first imagined when I was preparing this letter/article. According to the quotes, if an individual wishes to use a certain medication for a purpose that is not quoted on the “product information” sheet, then two different situations exist, depending on whether the medication has been established by the authorities (TGA in Oz, FDA in USA) as a prescription medicine or an OTC one.
      If the medicine is prescription, the individual would need to initiate a procedure that I imagine would be long & tedious, & would probably involve the Oz Government, the medicine producers, clinically controlled testing, etc, etc. All this to have the TGA eventually approve Ivermectin for use regarding the indication (the disease), in this case COVID-19.
      If the medicine is OTC, the individual simply buys the Stromectol in the chemist shop or possibly even in a supermarket without a script. He/she then simply takes the medicine for the “non approved” disease (COVID-19) as soon as the symptoms appear or a test confirms infection. The victim then suffers the possible consequences associated with the risk that the medicine has not been clinically tested. For Ivermectin, & as I have said in my letter/article, that risk is virtually nil, or certainly is insignificant, established by Ivermectin’s many years of very safe use The fact that its use was as an anti-parasitic & not as an antiviral is, I believe, inconsequential. The quite extensive off-label use of Ivermectin to date, certainly supports that it’s a safe & efficacious medication to combat a COVID-19 infection.
      Let’s now look at this support from a reverse perspective. The reports of off-label use of Ivermectin, and especially its non use, plus numerous news reports of deaths with victims who were NOT lucky enough to be attended by doctors who were rational & open-minded enough to use Ivermectin, certainly supports the supposition that it is dangerous NOT to use Ivermectin. This is especially true for those individuals who are above about 60 years of age, the age group which has the greatest number of deaths from COVID-19.
      I am 74yo, so the logic above is why I believe I should have Ivermectin on hand to take as soon as I suspect or know that I have caught COVID-19. I certainly don’t need to be arguing with some narrow-minded GP when I’m sick & suffering, that I need, in fact demand two packs of Ivermectin to save my life! I imagine his response and/or thoughts would be: “You’re delusional, exaggerating & irrational, probably because you’re feverish. Besides, I couldn’t possibly risk my career by issuing you with a script for Ivermectin in an off-label application. Goodbye & good luck. Just in case there’s not much good luck available, don’t forget to pay your bill before you die!”
      I also believe that all Ozzies should enjoy the right to have Ivermectin on hand. Not only might it save everyone’s life, but it might also prevent them suffering from some of the severe after-effects that COVID-19 leaves behind.
      In an unpublished section of my letter to
      the Government, & once it converts Ivermectin to an OTC medicine (hopefully immediately, if not sooner), I recommended that it immediately provides Ivermectin free of charge to all/most Ozzies, then mandates the need for anyone who is infected to immediately self-medicate and to immediately self-isolate.
      If these mandates are followed correctly by the public (a big “if”), or even approximately correctly (a more likely “if”), then the devastating lockdown procedures that currently exist could be lifted & the public could return to work. The sooner this happens, the more likely there will be jobs for the Ozzies to return to. All these fabulous consequences resulting from the relatively simple procedure of the Government converting Ivermectin to an OTC medication.
      A pipedream? Perhaps, but its initiation hinges mainly or in part on the Government having a progressive attitude, and not being corrupted into non action by the Big Pharma developers of a vaccination. That’s why we must put pressure on the pollies. Australia’s future depends on it!
      My apologies Mary, for such a lengthy response to what was really a simple query. I hope I haven’t offended you by appearing to show you how to suck eggs. I’m actually putting the thoughts that are bouncing around in my tiny brain, down on paper before I forget them & before my brain becomes tinier! One of the hazards of being an antique and of suffering from KRAFT disease (Kant Remember a F***ing Thing).
      Best regards, & remember: LONG LIVE IVERMECTIN FOR LONG LIFE!

      • Yes, Dr. Day in his address for the NWO in March 1969, as reported on by Mary here at Gs ( NWO exposed by insider) said that new diseases would be invented and further, at 75 years, we get the ‘demise pill’ and Die. then we are no longer useless eaters using up resources.
        You think I am joking?
        NO! I am not, look him up here at GS.

      • BTW.
        The mainstream media are too stupid to know of the new world order plans or are part of it. (Of course they want us dead at 75, otherwise the msm would not be hiding/censoring Dr. Day’s address in March 1969, as reported by Dr. Dunegan in the late 1980’s.)
        Oh well, at least we will not have over 75 year olds telling us on tv what to expect the next day.
        Bugger, I will not be able to enjoy the weather tv report delights😆😆😆😆
        Nurse; you have any hydroxy…. or that Borody elixer….. to give me a few more days to my 75th? Ta, you are so kind!

    • Cannot get the Australian press linked.
      I do not subscribe to UN NWO Murderock.
      However , I like the titlle.
      Any parent that does not arrange/ENSURE proper available medical assistance to a child is normaly brought up on relevant charges by the police before the courts.
      So our politicians and msm jokes better be aware that there may be also a charged for conspiring to aid and abett such similar crimes.
      I heard today that the ABC debunked hydroxychloroqine by relying upon false debunking (Lancelot report) of that treatment…… that Trump used. Allso the Lancelet article was debunked and withdrawn…. did the ABC tell we, who finance it to a billion per year, plus interest?
      If this report is accurate, then the ABC producers of the report are subject to: aiding and abetting a conspiracy to deny Australians of a available treatment for covid 19 in some cases occasioning death………. time the police commissioners started re-allocating presently wasted resources by investigating what appears to be a abominable crime being committed by; some politicians, health advisors and complicit journalists and shock jokes.


        While all the public attention was on lockdowns, last week the state of Victoria took three significant and deliberate steps towards the prosecution of members of its cabinet for industrial manslaughter – a crime that carries a maximum penalty of $16.5m and/or 25 years in jail.

        The industrial manslaughter Victorian legislation was designed by Premier Daniel Andrews and the current government with the aim of jailing and heavily fining the chairman, chief executive, chief financial officer and directors of any large corporation where there was a death on or associated with their workplace. It was vicious legislation casting a wide net but it did not pass the parliament until late November. Seven weeks later COVID-19 hit Victoria,

        Not in their wildest dreams did the Victorian cabinet ever consider that their personal freedoms and finances might be the first to be put on the line as the new and powerful legislation was tested.

        While each of the three steps are significant there are many other steps before any industrial manslaughter action is taken against the Premier and members of his cabinet.

        I also want to emphasise that I have no wish to see a Victorian Premier in jail but the ALP Victorian government in their thirst for corporate blood passed legislation that arguably is very unfair to people at the top.

        Last week’s first step in moving towards industrial manslaughter charges was the dramatic announcement by the new WorkSafe chief executive Colin Radford that WorkSafe would be in investigating the Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions for possible breaches of workplace safety.

        I am fully satisfied that the decision of Radford to investigate was made independently of my comments and those of others on this matter.

        That’s good news for the integrity of the investigation.

        Secondly while Radford and WorkSafe investigates, the public investigation is showing Victorians just how crazy the administration of the quarantine became. There is no suggestion that WorkSafe will be nobbled by the government in its investigations. But theoretically, if it were, then the public would be in a unique position to realise what had happened. The position of Radford and his board would be untenable.

        Finally Attorney-General Jill Hennessy confirmed that the ministers of the Crown are subject to penalties for breaches of workplace safety including charges of industrial manslaughter. Similar assurances were made in the parliament when the bill was being debated.

        Accordingly ministerial liability is locked in. What has not been made clear is whether any ministers charged would have to pay their own legal fees, given it’s a criminal matter.

        For anyone, including ministers, to be potentially liable under the industrial manslaughter act their organisation has to be first convicted of an offence under the Occupational Health and Safety regulations (OHS).

        Accordingly the first step in any OHS conviction is an investigation by WorkSafe. That’s why Radford’s announcement was so important.

        In addition members of the public can ask WorkSafe to prosecute and CEO Radford must either recommend prosecution or explain in detail why he’s not proceeding with the prosecution.

        If Radford decides not to prosecute then again individuals can ask the Director of Public Prosecutions, Kerri Judd, QC, whether she will be prosecuting. And again if there is no prosecution then Judd must set out the full reasons and those reasons can be compared with the material in the public inquiry.

        Imagine the public outcry against Radford and Judd (the first woman to be Director of Public Prosecutions) if there was a major chemical fire that killed hundreds of people and made parts the city unliveable and it was clear to the public there had been negligence. In the case of COVID-19 it is possible to trace the virus strains so that the number of Victorian deaths, including those in aged care facilities, that were caused by the quarantine fiasco can be calculated. The chief health officer has speculated that all the aged care deaths may have been related to the quarantine bungle.

        In the parliamentary debate on the industrial manslaughter legislation, the opposition tried to add employee responsibility but it was rejected by the government. And so in the hotel quarantine affair employees infected vast numbers of people but will not be prosecuted for industrial manslaughter. Instead it’s the tall poppies, the directors of the companies involved and the cabinet who may have to face the music.

        The nearest situation that I can recall to the Victorian and political legal issue was when in 1929, “ Red Ted” Theodore resigned as federal treasurer after a Queensland royal commission declared he was guilty of “fraud and dishonesty”. Members of the Victorian cabinet will be aware of the Theodore precedent. No Theodore prosecution was undertaken so he resumed his role as Treasurer in the ill-fated Scullin government.

        And for the record, under the guidance of a top Australian OHS lawyer, the executive director of Self-Employed Australia, Ken Phillips, has written a letter to WorkSafe Victoria alleging breaches of the act by various Victorian Government organisations and agencies managed or controlled by the Victorian Government.

        While Radford announced an investigation the actual letter will need to be resent because Radford believes there is a timing issue which the Australian OHS lawyer recognised was possible. The law takes time in situations like this.

  5. In short
    Andrews govt made a tough new law then fell foul of it two months later with quarantine debacle
    (Story by Gottliebsen)
    Not sure of the legality of such a cut and paste, any issues someone should maybe delete it

  6. Thankyou DSW.
    Bit too complictaed for me to digest at the moment…… be retired, be a bit lazy with other interests.
    Nonetheless, I repeat my comment above.
    If, to deny available effective medical treatment by bureacartic direction resulting in avoidable death/s, does not amount to a consideration of a charge of manslaughter or causing a death by criminal negligence, does not justify a gaol term, upon conviction is beyond me.
    Leaving aside the economic damage and draconian directions, causing such personal and public loss.

    • This is a different case, this is Gottliebsen saying they are going to hoist him on his own petard, I thought it was really funny, assuming he falls victim to his own draconian legislation.

    • True medicine can never be administered by false teachers.
      Here in lies, the problem, with their solutions.
      The middle class, that was the majority, has been decimated by the debt/usury monopoly.
      Inflated housing value only benefits the lender. Thinking that bricks and mortar (sorry, sticks and gyprock) is the only way to wealth is added fuel for the hunger virus. With a flooded real estate market, deflation of assets will be biblical. The virus is a diversion (opiate) as families, along with all economies, are crushed by the military goose stepping boots of all jackboots. Communism via crown kabala, unless derailed, will destroy all living.

      • In suburbia, dwelling values are down 33% so far this year, what will they be by new year?
        Hard to know, since all news other than virus does not exist anymore.

  7. Victoria is a colony of CCP one belt.
    Economic collapse unseen previously, making way for the systematic takeover by the new communist elite, educated here so the reset transition is smooth effortless and ‘normal’ as planned. Welcome not, to cyber surveillance hell in Oz, where pharma medical martial law has full spectrum domination (damnation).

    Someone please prove this is not so. I need confidence restored.

    • Opposing views on China

      There are topics such as this where I haven’t really held an opinion but then start seeing extremely opposing views.

      Even one’s own family members will express a strong opinion and they have only heard what is on the ‘mainstream’ television, which itself makes me want to delve deeper..

      The anti-China rhetoric seems to be very insistent and aggressive with appropriate theatrical dark background music

      • CHINA’S RE-EDUCATION CAMPS – Xinjiang Muslims – My thoughts – “Prime China”

      The pro-China seems to be quite well informed – people have taken the time to learn the Chinese language and history (soft propaganda perhaps?)

      • XINJIANG, China – Nathan Rich

      Let’s keep airing both and see where it leads …

  8. The latest article from Jon Rappoport is titled : ‘The Killing Fields of New York; Putting Cuomo And Trump on Notice; Memo To Dr. Scott Atlas’ ,
    and in it he draws a link between the opioid problem in America and alleged deaths from Covid.

    A few key passages from said article :

    “In the U.S., a whopping 44 people die each and every day as a result of respiratory arrest brought on by prescription opioid overdose. The opioids depress your breathing, bring on heavy sedation and make it impossible to wake up.

    And hypoxia can be alleviated with oxygen delivered through means other than ventilators.

    Of course, the governor of New York, Cuomo, has opted to order tens of thousands of ventilators for his State, in order to “save lives”.

    Trump, too, has taken emergency action to produce and provide more ventilators for America. Make death great again.”

    Trump the saviour ordered more ventilators – that’s how much he cares about the lives of Americans :


    That’s right readers, it wasn’t enough that the regular manufacturers work overtime to build more ventilators, so Trump ordered General Motors, an automobile manufacturer, to stop it’s production line and instead mass produce ‘Warp Speed’ quantities of ventilators so that there would be Warp Speed numbers of fatalities in America.

    I don’t suppose Zio-Dave cared to mention that in any X22 Reports or that Qanon relayed that in any of his dung drops ?

    Hmmm, I didn’t think so.

    Don’t cavalierly dismiss George Carlin’s and Terry Shulze’s warnings.

    They (Trump included), don’t care whether you live or die.
    In fact, their intent IS to kill a significant proportion of you.

  9. Not entirely off topic (since Libertarian candidate Jo Jorgensen suggests a far better response to the alleged Covid crisis) :

    This woman, who’s on the ballot in all 50 states for the Presidential elections, is faaaaaar superior to the One Party tyranny that is on offer from the GOP and Dems (YES, in case you hadn’t already figured it out, the two major parties are in fact the SAME party, accountable to the same Endless-Wars-for-Israel cabal).

    So, those of you reading this who are eligible to vote in the U.S or know people who are (you may be able to sway them), go with your conscience and vote for someone who not only has sensible policies but someone who’s not an embarrassment on the world stage.

    • https://youtu.be/P0y6M-N8wOE?t=128

      From 02:08 to 2:25

      “Now is a great time to discount people that speak of this new information with a well thought out emotionally charged comment rebutting something they didn’t say like

      “Oh, so you’re saying you don’t even care about the people that did die of COVID? – You’re glad they’re dead? You just want sick people to die?”

      A perfect illustration of emotionally charged victimhood mentality exacerbated by a delusional fiction.

      Why are you so mean, Mary?

  10. Off topic,
    Here in Sydney, the off-shore winds are decreasing, typical change going into spring.
    The chemtrails are back. Last night was a heavy spray, with light on-shore breeze.
    I thought tptb had backed off, with reduced air travel, seems they were just conserving the poisons.

  11. The bigger picture.
    The stupid mob reliably believes what they are told, again and again.
    Boom, bust, depression, war was always rigged it seems.
    1. The boom arises from new technology, leveraged by ponzi banking system.
    2. Followed by affluence and laziness, the mob becomes arrogant, ponzi system has a bust built-in.
    3. Smarties cash in, depression mass psychology leads to looking for some victim to blame.
    4. Next mob is culled, most gullible first, they even send their own kids to die (not for smarties).
    Don’t simplistically expect this formula to play out with exact precision every time, it’s an appraisal of mob psychology, apparently used for rough projections.
    After Bismark (“2nd Reich”), Germans took on the GBP (Great Britain Pound) / oil hegemony, 1914.
    The resultant economic destruction by stupid policy was blamed on Jews by Nazi 1.0
    Lessons were learned from the stupidity of the idiot-in-chief Hitler who wrecked the country.
    Large numbers of smart Nazis got the hell out, America welcomed their expertise in rockets, aerospace, military, manufacturing, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, etc.
    Who knows how many Nazis poured in to the US starting with Operation Paperclip.
    The grand plan of Nazi 2.0 seems to be blame the muslims then 2.1 blame the virus then 2.2 blame the Chinese (as with “Zio”-banks, original engagements were by agreement of both parties).
    Nazi 2.0 is as stupid as 1.0 and I think ultimately doomed to failure for the same reason, biting off more than they can chew (hubris).

    Who is paying Denial Andrews for his important role as global high profile TV liar ?
    In the future, a few will ask, as they ask, how did Tony Blair come by $50 million ?
    Note “former” Rotschilds’ employee Macron has all the schoolkids wearing the face-mask all day now, scared teachers could cower behind plexiglass but no such option is offered.
    Some think it is all a very simple plot by a single entity, I suggest it’s more like a giant tug of war with multiple ropes pulling on a large herd of sheep. Those sheep which break out get the treatment, as with Julian Assange, Stanley Kubrick, Teresa Teng, to name a few.
    The natural direction the herd of sheep follows is roughly as outlined above.
    We have observed the culls over the centuries, Napoleon and his stupid ideas, all the mass death, it’s ongoing in places like the Congo, this is our human tradition and inheritance.
    The only solutions that were ever offered were religion and nucular bombs.
    I guess “they” are think-tanking various work-around scenarios.

    • Dear DSW, you are by no means obliged to furnish solutions here, but if you care to, please do.

      I, too, think “they” will wipe us out, soonish, by war. That is the only way they could get rid of large numbers of bodies without putrefaction being a problem.

      Also they have to get all sides at once, and quickly.

      • Wow, that was Comment #66 in this thread.

        Now from Cairns, but there is a pay wall:

        Fatal crash memorial an eerie reminder 34 years on

        Seating and fuselage fragments from a light plane that plummeted into the side of Mount William in 1986 serves as an eerie reminder of an aviation disaster almost forgotten by popular memory.

      • Today, I was followed by the cops for a few blocks, that’s how long it takes for them to id me, after which they abandoned their pursuit, I was a person of no interest, and they could not come up with some obscure new law to acquaint me with (at my expense of course). I flatter myself but it’s possible I am a higher rank than “person of no interest”, maybe I am deemed some sort of essential worker since I am not one of these unskilled, or worse yet, “overqualified”.
        Therefore, I will resist the opportunity to commit the thought-crime of “incitement”, things were already Orwellian in “Victoria the place to be” before this scamdemic.
        So my advice is tailored to suit:
        If you can’t cope with your inevitable demise, which is inevitable from any angle, and wish to procrastinate for as long as possible, maybe consider converting to Judaism.
        Otherwise you could consider the others such as Catholic, I’m not sure what “56” recommends. Could we have an impartial article on the relative merits of each? Since we are all anticipating the worst. I am interested in Jehovah’s Witness. They said they didn’t use a cross because Jesus was nailed to a pole. This has the ring of feasibility to my ear.
        Of course if there was no such thought-crime as “incitement” I could provide other ideas.
        Maybe Trump will procrastinate it all for a decade or two, as he would say, “who knows”.

        • Did a lengthy reply that disappeared.
          In short , do not worry, just some plods running up some overtime.
          After 50 years in law, some in family law being briefed by plod ex spouses, we learn a lot about how their ex plods scam the taxpayers. Eg; putting a mattress in the cell to pretend that they are on overtime duty in a small town.
          The best is state police interchange scams where they have to attend as a witness in a set up, just to watch the first over. That was a classic in my early years. A triple verbal chucked out by the Nagistrate.
          Pollies have a similar modus operandi……… then they are promoted to the big money!

        • ‘dsw’, seeing as you’re a Rabbi, can you assist with your recommendation of conversion to Judaism (for those Gumshoe readers who are interested) ?

          Can you conduct the ceremony yourself and charge ‘mates rates’ for the Gumshoe subscribers ?

          Meanwhile ‘dsw’, are you really surprised that the cops that followed you left you alone ?

          After all, the NSW Police data base is probably outsourced to an Israeli high tech company and when your vehicle registration was run through the system out popped the response :

          ‘ Cease and desist further surveillance.
          Vehicle owned by fellow sayanim – confirmed One World Government operative’.

          • I will call you Bobby from now on.

            You’ve been a good sport and weathered my provocations well my friend.

            (Mind you, that doesn’t mean I’ll go easy on you when you spread disinformation so don’t expect any favours there).

  12. Re what this article is about.
    Has there been any acknowledgement from OUR Minister Hunt, let alone a informed reply?
    If not, why not Minister Hunt?
    Who pays you?

  13. This is a very current interview with Thomas Goodrich at al. It even touches on the latest humiliation ritual of masks (Victoria test case) and of course media censorship – all intimately related.

    HELLSTORM With Thomas Goodrich, Paul English & David Gahary

  14. Msm , you have now demonstrated that you are fake phoney and false And part of the NWO plan to sabotage Australia.
    Now Minister Hunt, Dan the man et.al.,
    And treasonous Gutless journalists who will not ask traitors in press propaganda Conferences some simple questions on available treatment for COVID.
    How Many more elderly do you Propose to euthanise as a result of the msm lies, concerning available lifesaving treatment.
    Hunt, one day you will be in a nursing home perhaps, when they come to let you die do not whimper.

    • Be happy, the devil may be welcoming. and you may be with many, many loyal friends and have the paid services of personal assistants who with devotion shred-annoying letters from your constituents per administrative convenience..

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