Home Port Arthur Port Arthur: Enough Is Enough – Announcing a New Gumshoe Book

Port Arthur: Enough Is Enough – Announcing a New Gumshoe Book



Today at Gumshoe we are offering a free  download of our Port Arthur book. It was mainly constructed from Gumshoe articles by Mary W Maxwell and some by myself. Even when I glance back into the book I am amazed at the details of this case. Click to download the book here. ENOUGH-IS-ENOUGH_29mar_low-res

We were set to go to press in February, but heard that Channel 7 would be doing a “surprise special” on March 6. I am glad we waited to find out what Mike Willesee had up his sleeve, as that gave rise to a twenty-page addendum to this book.

Delivering the Petition

Two weeks ago, Cherri Bonney made the trip from Perth to Hobart to deliver the Change.org petition – which asks for “an inquest for Martin Bryant’s sake and all our sakes.” As the sponsor of the petition she was allowed, months ago, to print out the names of all signers. (Luckily she did download them, as Change.org has since cut her access to the signatures!)

Cherri went to the parliamentary office in Hobart and delivered a bound-book of signatures. As of today there are 2,151 signatures and it’s not going to end — the handover was just to warm the premier up.

I was delighted to rendezvous with Cherri at Tullamarine Airport, and gave her an advance copy of Enough is Enough, which she passed on to “the appropriate person” in Tasmania.

Cherri also marched right up to the gate of Government House and was warmly greeted by the staff of Governor Professor Kate Warner — to whom she gave a CD of her song “Wish I Knew How To be Free.”  She also dropped in on Ludeke Publishers who printed Carleen Bryant, My Story. Note: several libraries in Australia have a copy.

However, two days in a row Ms Bonney made unsuccessful attempts to visit the prisoner – first at Risdon and then at the Wilf Lopes Center. At one point a police car trailed her car and she wondered whether they were following her. I once used to be scared of cops when living in South Africa, but got over it after filming in Soweto. I reminded Cherri that the police work for us.

risdon prisonRisdon Prison (taken on the 28/2/16) from the hill opposite, showing the prison recreation “cages”

Please help us spread this book around. It would be nice if Cherri could post it in the Change.org website, but as mentioned, she is in lock-out. At least she’s not in lock-in.



  1. Is anybody up to page 17 yet? It contains this admonition from the judge. Think how it might carry over to the real killers:

    “I have no reason to hope and every reason to fear that he will remain indefinitely as disturbed and insensitive as he was when planning and executing the crimes of which he now stands convicted. The protection of the community, in my opinion, requires that he serve fully [and] should be declared ineligible for parole.”

    Thank you, Justice Cox. Well put.

  2. I sent a copy of the book to some of my mates, perhaps they may forward it to other people.

    I was going to forward a copy to the NSW Bar Association, but I lost faith in that lot a long time ago. Perhaps someone else could forward them a copy. I doubt they would get off their butts to do anything, but it would be good to rub it in their faces – if it didn’t end up in the delete file as soon as they spot it. Although there is always the possibility that the topic could end up being one of the Bar Association’s continuing courses at the Bar…

    Same thing with the Sport Shooting Association of Australia (SSAA). I’ve tried many times before and had a gut full of their attitude, so someone else can contact them, after all they are the ‘gun lobby’, LOL.

    • Terry, as I am a girl, I don’t have a mind for guns. Therefore over the last year when you made various refernces to the shooter clubs I did not follow you. But finally, at your insistence, when I read about Rebecca Peters being sponsored by Geoge Soros I got the point. It was her job to “deal with” the argument that would be put by gunowners that they have a right. I then watched an old TV spot in which she chats with Amy Goodman about the “moral goodness” (or thereby) of gun confiscation.

      Both Amy and Rebecca are patheitc souls, IMHO. Makes ya cry.

      • What is being a girl got to do with guns? Crikey, you should see some of the women shooters I’ve run into, some men can’t handle that kind of competition.

        Peters is to not be pitied, she’s an evil, lying POS that should go to gaol with the rest of the perps. She was one of the major players in Oz when this was all going down.

        • Well, OK, I’ll take your word for it about female shooters.

          I do pity Peters; i’ll betcha she was trained from childhood. George W Bush was trained from childhood. Terry, ya gotta read Wendy Hoffman’s new book, “The Enslaved Queen”. A Jewish girl in the Flatbush section of Brooklyn. Boy what they did to her!

          And now I recall that a friend of mine, ex MK-Ultra, said she had no idea she had shooting skills until some friends took her to a shooting range and she hit bullseye every time. So it was one of her alters that had that skill while other parts of her were anti-gun.

  3. Dear Dee, when I click on the free download i get a book that is scrollable but not tab-able. Have you got one that is more like an ebook so I can go straight to my fave page (which happens to be page 145 “the centrefold”)? Thanks.

  4. I must say AJ this book is brutal.
    Brutally True.
    Brutally confronting.
    Brutally asking What Needs and Must be Asked…!!
    Not only us Australians but Every Country’s Right is to Question the Powers That Be….
    How long Australia will we continue to hang this Man as We Did… “That Woman” …
    Lindy Chamberlain…. STRUTH AUSTRALIA…

  5. Mary and Dee Thank you for all your help and persistence over the last year and more, the book is fabulous and to the point. Its been well worth it…The ‘fight’ is ON! and my god IM NOT backing down!! On ward we go!!
    BT there has been NO word from officials as yet from Tassie, ( was there ever going to be ?)
    Cherri 🙂

    • This is an amazing and brave effort!
      But I am still so confused!

      I have watched very carefully the ‘leaked’ police training video and am now convinced that the child’s hand moved onto the ground is that of a manequin. My own research into rigor mortis is that it takes quite a few hours to reach the fingers and even more in a child.
      Yet the fingers never moved in the hand when it was moved. If it was a child sized manequin then it causes a whole lot more of questions to be asked such as why there was no ambulances near scenes or the father present the entire time as he was there – they would not have been able to force him away from the body.
      Why create a training video of fake people and manequins at the same scene if the people actually were killed?
      Also why so many grave sites cannot be matched to any of the victims names?
      Online searches fail to identify names.
      So I am confused! Were the people actually killed? Who do you believe?

  6. There are so many inconsistencies with regards to Port Arthur. Hardly anyone in the legal profession will tackle it as they know it’s potential ‘career suicide’. A coronial inquiry must be pushed by the people to push the Government to act! We all want answers! The victims want answers, the families want answers. Even if it wasn’t a question of guilt, the whole situation was handled very poorly. The police response to this incident was appalling. The handling of a criminal ‘defense’ lawyer for his client (intellectually challenged) to plead guilty after being held for 6 months is just obscene. The lios told to Bryant by his interrogators that he ‘didn’t need his lawyer present’ has to have been illegal. No DNA, No fingerprints, no formal ID. Many doubt Bryant was even in Port Arthur that day; and that’s what I believe. Let’s get to the truth. It’s 20 years too late!

    • “Hardly anyone in the legal profession will tackle it as they know it’s potential ‘career suicide’.”

      After discussing the case with the vice president of the Bar Association, he said, “I wouldn’t want to get involved with that case”. – and he said it with some concern in his voice, he knew the implications.

      They killed 35 people at Port Arthur, possible 36 with Jim Laycock (he was the witness that said it wasn’t Bryant), what’s a few more…

  7. Well done Mary!! It’s a good book, straight forward and to the point. I hope many read it and something good happens in the case because of it, like Martin being freed.

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