Home Awakening Reason – Smothered by Magick

Reason – Smothered by Magick


“Space is an organ which God uses to perceive things” – Newton (1643-1727 AD)

J.G.Olsen / Financial Expositor

Now we have “space-time”, formerly known as “the ether”, it seems Newton may not have been too far off track. Space-time itself is defined by the existence of 4D properties in physics, x, y and z co-ordinates plus time. “Space-time isn’t made of anything, it just is”, bending gravity, light and so forth.

According to one source, Newton was not the father of modern science but the last of the occultists at the dawn of “The Age of Reason”. Up to his era huge rational structures based on alchemy and quackery, horoscopes and cosmology, and traditional and religion-based theories, all failed to unify into a functional and cohesive whole, until modern refinements with atoms and such particles came along and deposed the occult.

Human history has always included magick, in fact, human thinking is formed on a foundation of magick, which is partly based on the fact that things don’t need to make sense to be accepted by human minds, they just have to work, or even simply to seem to work. Whether tarot cards, horoscopes, herbs, reiki, homeopathy etc. work or not is to some extent a subjective matter, since the function can be desublimated by simple denial. Hence we have the scientific method aiming to prove some premise definitively, uniformly, permanently, under all conditions, and without exception – another doomed-to-fail endeavour.

The financial magicians are today out in force, explaining why the latest interest rate hike is our fault and not the financial engineer’s fault. Led by a chorus of politicians and television presenters, we can be in no doubt that their tale is completely fabricated.

With logic based on bogus statistics and fudging, we are told “they” are fighting inflation, paradoxically by creating it at the same time. Their lies are stratospheric.

The head of the Globalist Bank of International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland, the famously rotund Augustin Carstens, reportedly said some weeks ago that interest rates needed to go up. This proves that local conditions are barely relevant.

Over a year ago we heard about the inverted yield curve, which means the graph of the interest paid on government bonds goes lower instead of higher as the duration of the bond increases, so with an inverted yield curve, the government is paying more for shorter-term bonds than for longer. This means no investor would want to buy longer-term bonds. This article from last year (link below) shows the graphs, but the included narrative about the Ukraine war is best ignored. We are supposed to forget about the Nord Stream 2 bombing, as we are supposed to forget about the yield curve inversion. Look at the red line, for April 1, 2022.


We hear the central banks are buying back their 30-year bonds, ostensibly because the interest rate on them is too high, but possibly this is another contrivance, and the longer-term truth may be that the central banks are working to close down the current financial system, buying back long term bonds starting with the longest and continuing to buy until we reach a point where only short term bonds exist, the presumed target is the year 2030.


We are supposed to learn to forget about history before 1776, American independence, or 1788, the settling of New South Wales. Soldiers marching through mud, kings having their heads chopped off, famines and plagues, all buried in a mixture of historical fiction and pure fantasy.

The dark ages were dark for two reasons, firstly because of the little ice-age and secondly perennial; because we aren’t supposed to remember, our forgetfulness is being engineered.

Other historical periods have also “disappeared” and many are disappearing by being reconfigured in our own lifetimes. History now has disappeared up the fundament of the video game era where ancient myths, real battles and empires have been superseded by contrived fantasy.

The dark ages properly go back to the start of the little ice age in the 1300’s but the period between the supposed fall of Rome and 1300 AD was anything but dark.

As documented in previous essays Venice and Charlemagne were going gangbusters, with the direct involvement of the Vatican as an adversary of Venice and as an ally of Charlemagne. North Italian cities like Genoa, Turin and Firenze were at the cutting edge of technology, exploration, finance and culture, while the Teutonic tribes of the north were still praying to spirits and old gods, wearing animal skins and clubbing each other with pole-axes.

Graph by By Leland McInnes, Wikipedia

The Renaissance 1450-1650 AD can be seen in the leveling off and upswing.

Graph by “Conscious”, using data from Solanki et al, showing extreme variability

The warring of the north Italian city states is known in English as feuding and the broad term for this civil structure is feudalism. We are supposed to forget key events, for example, that western Genoa was a fierce rival to eastern Venice until they became allies and swarmed north towards the Swiss Alps. 

In more recent times Japan became an ally of the USA and to this day has been used as a launching pad to infiltrate the other Asian finance systems as a source of credit. They are seen as more stable, with a better credit rating, so they launder the USD credit to their neighbours via engineering projects etc. for a small margin.

Further back in time we are supposed to forget that Cleopatra was the supposed end of a Macedonian line of red-haired Pharaohs. Cleopatra is always represented with black hair. There was a precedent to this Egyptian foreign rule too, there was a Persian line, from the legendary Darius from around 520 BC to 480 BC.

In fact, empires came and went which most people have never ever heard of.

Some scholars have suggested Mudraya was the Persian version of the Akkadian Misir or Musur, a.k.a. Egypt. Interestingly, the Hebrew word for Egypt in the Bible was Mitzrayim, and Misr is now the Arabic word for Egypt.

The words miser and miserable come from the Latin root for pitiful, wretched.

Roman history has treated the Egyptians as complete losers.

It seems the Ptolemaic strategy of moving the capital down the river from Memphis (protected by the Nile river delta) to Alexandria (on the sea coast) was an irresistible target for the Roman military. All we hear is “the library of Alexandria was burned”, with not even the whereabouts of the contents questioned.

A list of the disappeared, most interesting is Alexander Helios, the heir to the Ptolemys, who potentially emigrated to Venice; in Australia, Wouter Loos, who seems to have been the individual who taught agriculture to a particular tribe of aborigines; James Derham, “The first African American to formally practise medicine in the United States who disappeared after 1802 (aged mid-40s)”; William Morgan, a critic of Freemasonry; Boston Corbett, who shot John Wilkes Booth; Louis le Prince, who invented motion pictures; and links to many more inconvenient personages, now gone and forgotten.


History taught in schools these days is deliberately boring, and has succeeded in reducing numbers of university level history students down to a minimum. School is deliberately designed to produce mediocre drones, by attrition, by defeating the human spirit. There are more examples of forgotten history, of which the disappearance of cuneiform script is one of the most intriguing. Of course the extinct empires took cuneiform with them. But notice how we are still using Roman script, which has carried on throughout more than two thousand years (and we are increasingly using logos, as a mutated form of the Egyptian royal script, the hieroglyphics, Greek for “sacred carving”).

“1177 B.C.: The Year Civilization Collapsed focuses on Eric H. Cline’s hypothesis for the Late Bronze Age collapse of civilization, a transition period that affected the Egyptians, Hittites, Canaanites, Cypriots, Minoans, Mycenaeans, Assyrians and Babylonians; varied heterogeneous cultures populating eight powerful and flourishing states intermingling via trade, commerce, exchange and “cultural piggybacking,” despite “all the difficulties of travel and time.”  He presents evidence to support a “perfect storm” of “multiple interconnected failures,” meaning that more than one natural and man-made cataclysm caused the disintegration and demise of an ancient civilization that incorporated “empires and globalised peoples.” This ended the Bronze Age, and ended the Mycenaean, Minoan, Trojan, Hittite, and Babylonian cultures. Before this book, the leading hypothesis during previous decades attributed the civilizations’ collapse mostly to Sea Peoples of unknown origin”. Notice that the “sea peoples” include the Philistines, originally Cretans. Invaders or refugees, or both, the natives to what is now Israel, have made their names highly pejorative. 

1177 BC full length video with optional intro about 4 minutes:



Australia signed on to the new defence treaty AUKUS, an update of ANZUS, with a minimum of fuss, amid heightened concerns about China in the Pacific. The CCP has been provoking these concerns with well-known shipping activities, some would say unnecessarily. The AUKUS bait and switch manoeuvre brought a commitment which came about just in time for an expanded Australian role, geopolitically, globally, surrounding the middle east. Concurrently, our rocketry programs have started up again in recent years, after a lapse of decades. Other treaties of various types have been worked on in recent times with limited success, notably “Quad”. The buildup continues, the old equipment is exported and consumed, while the best and most advanced weaponry is held in reserve. The top commanders of armies wear the octagon star as they have for centuries. Since the 20th century, the US armies have been used against the interests of the American people, though many still do not understand this. In the USA we see a nation hijacked by the parasite, Washington DC. In Australia, as in Canada, we have an echo; the process of infiltration was much simpler here. In Switzerland we see the weakness of federated states, with one canton used for this and another canton used for that, until the entire country is proudly stitched up by Globalist interests, and defended by the Swiss citizen, who does compulsory military training to ensure “national independence”, a huge jest, equal to “the land of the free” and “Britons will never never never be slaves”.

Always marching towards freedom

A picture of the “battleground of the mind” is essential, running parallel with the military activities of Europe, basically since Rome. It runs on multiple levels. At the deep end, there is James Giordano, MK Ultra, Mass Psychosis, false memories, basically whole fields of endeavour. At the most obvious level, everyone knows bread and circuses held the Roman empire together. Before those times the Greeks had elite mass-spectacle, the Olympic Games, named after the old gods. The ancient Olympics celebrated the triumph of individual effort, in every case:


Nowadays, sport has been re-cultivated to represent a team effort. Even the term “team player” has been reconfigured to mean “conformist”. We are told Association Football (soccer) is the “World Game”, brought to us by FIFA, headquartered in Zurich, and now it is heavily promoted as a girls’ game, a seamless switch from the traditional arrangements. 

Australia is living high on the hog and nobody need to concern themselves with creating productive work. We are on a different journey now. We can pour our energies into paper shuffling exercises and on the weekend, identify with one or another brightly coloured sports team. Via institutionalisation and media events, our identities are crafted and imposed upon us. Our minds have been harnessed and we now respond to the pull of reins, left or right. Everything is too much trouble to go against. Natural tribal instincts, the forming of small groups against perceived opposition, are used to divide and manipulate us. The controlling principle is most clear in solo sports such as Aikido and Judo and also in Spanish bullfighting where the opponent’s energy is used against them.

We can see the intensive effort put into controlling minds lately by the relentless advertising of “Climate Change” since the partial failure and collapse of the “Covid” narratives. Nobody is ever allowed to show historical climate graphs on television, and the new climate graphs show an imaginary extrapolated line going up and up, out of control.

The fact is that small increases in carbon dioxide will be taken up by sea-algae then plankton and these organisms will be eaten by filter-feeding whales. Nonetheless, climate is used to terrorize the masses, and for what purpose? Green initiatives have been advancing for years without the excess of hysteria we see now. Perhaps the electric car market needs to be pushed as hard as possible, in order to have us switch to controllable cars. Any “driverless” car is potentially a controllable car.

It appears however they are trying to make the effect of a future cold period worse, for example people are buying aircon and decommissioning gas heaters. Herding the lemmings towards the cliff.

The battleground of the mind has in so many ways already been won, using televised lies as the principal weapons. Television itself started out as magic, with origins hundreds of years ago.

“Magic lanterns were the precursor to modern-day projectors and a direct influence on moving motion pictures, developed in the 17th century. Images would be painted, or in later usage printed, onto glass slides and a bright light shone through. This would project the image on the wall”.

Now science has been re-moulded into magick with costumed sorcerors and enforcement goons.

A big segment of the population is primed and ready to accept pure nonsense, exemplified by the willingness, even desperation, to be injected with just about anything.

“Gaslighting” was the word of the year according to Webster’s Dictionary.

From where does this well-coordinated effort come, does it have a source?

Christopher Lee on black magic (1975) – satanic ceremonies are going on every night:



  1. Yes, Magick is all over.

    Many protective parents consider all the children’s courts under a BLACK MAGIC spell

    I was stunned listening to Christopher Lee chatter on about the satanic rituals… excellent find.

    We are living in a low frequency to magically destroy and control our lives….

  2. “According to one source, Newton was not…” Which source, please.

    It’s amazing. I am not unwilling to buy it, but I like to know who I am trusting.

  3. Our youth are playing video games where kills gain points, no ball games to be seen.
    Demonic loaded, bitten 🍏 on every gadget. What a waste, they should be learning music, how to be tradesmen and farmers. These days computer games only jobs available, as services taken by new stock.
    Yesterday is gone, although history is important so we don’t repeat mistakes, let’s focus on saving the children on all sides brainwashed.

  4. Its worth entertaining the possibility that the earth is larger than we know and that the sun only lights up a section of it as the magnetic north moves in trajectory eventually (every cycle taking around 25,000 yrs ) our known area will go dark and this is the real climate change cycle…. video below explains its better than I can.

    plasma moon & map of earth

    the stars above

      • Want a better series?
        Go to beforeit’snews.com people powered news and see the report:
        ‘This is going to be the truth for you’ at the top of the list.
        I had heard of the theories, but had never seen it on tv.
        Well if you want the relevant part of ‘The Simpsons’ series go for it.
        It beats the wicker man.
        Or just sit in your little safe box and not be DISTURBED. You might end up as the wicker man.

          • Want dirt?
            Real ‘dirt’ on government murder/s by the CIA et al.
            Then set aside about a hour and a half to hear from a Mr Files who says he shot President Kennedy in the head with 0.21 (not 22) AMMUNITION’ containing mercury and that section sealed with wax.
            AND THAT IS NOT ALL……bloody amazing…..it was FiILES’ “EASIEST JOB”.
            AT beforeit’snews.com – people powered news.
            It all fits.
            One rider: another shooter hidden in the drain claimed by another report that I have heard personally.
            But that does not detract from the report, as a practice, one would not be surprised that the killing players were compartmentalised and a back up might not be known by Files.
            There you are Joe, your homework for the weekend ….. if the video has not been dumped.

            NEMISIS ……WATCH IT. Consider, the same mob have been running the world ever since. F’n EVIL….and they are our government’s ‘colleagues’!!!

          • The other report was by e-mail and the shooters were named . It was way back and I have forgotten the shooters named. No, I could not be bothered to look it up. Do not know if Files was included.

          • Well, Seinfeld did JFK but the Simpsons cartoon of the DEWs not affecting blue things suggests the blue things is just a prank and a combination of probably DEWs and arsonists was used at Lahaina, with the arsonists instructed not to touch blue things or else plant new blue things.

          • As for blue things? Do you have any knowledge as to how the DEW works?
            How about plastics in the microwave?
            We look forward to you scientific explanations explaining.

          • DEW is a very broad term
            I see RFK is out there saying the JFK shooting was a right-wing plot, funny how it installed LBJ who was a democrat and did the Vietnam ramp-up. So RFK is out there spreading mis-dis information even though he was dumped by the Democrats, well well, this is nearly as bad as Trump telling everyone “get injected, I did”.

          • JB.
            From your last comment, I take it that the answer is NO.
            BTW T TOOK HCL. Ever heard of Dr. Zelenko?
            S0 RFK says the assignation was a right wing plot and he is spreading misinformation… what is the CIA?
            Who do you say murdered President Kennedy?

          • What strange assumptions you seem to make, as if I came down in the last shower. As for Kennedy, I would say that George Washington’s freemasonry was a somewhat different creature to some of the stuff around these days, perhaps a more local emphasis and less hierarchical.

          • I wouldn’t know if he was for real or just a trainspotter, so the question is, why did he wait until now to come out of the closet, nearly 20 years after E. Howard Hunt died

          • I had it going for one hour, it was the most boring thing I ever heard, then I had to go out. All I can remember is the usual stuff about Zapfruder and various people at the grassy knoll and also he had a single shot rifle which he gave details of. Do I really have to listen to the second hour ? These Deep State hitmen probably don’t even know or think much about who’s at the top of the pyramid. The war for the New World didn’t start or end in 1963. What happened, effectively, in 1963 was NOTHING. It was just the end of a televised fairytale.

          • Yeah “the curse” killed them every 20 years then it
            ( ( mysteriously ) ) stopped working for W Bush

          • No, it stopped with Reagan. There was an attempt to kill both him and Bush but neither succeeded.
            That sort of thing purportedly gets weaker with time

          • I don’t remember any Bush hand-grenade story from the actual time, do you remember it from the actual time ?
            There was only two shoes thrown at him.

          • “The following is the concluding remarks made by Tecumseh, a powerful Indian leader from the Shawnee tribe at Greenville in April of 1807. The president of the United States had sent an Indian agent, Captain Wells, to ask the Indians to move further from where they had settled. Tecumseh’s speech was reportedly delivered with great vehemence and deep indignation.This is what he’s reported to have said:

            'These lands are ours. No one has a right to remove us because we were the first owners. The great spirit above has appointed this place for us on which to light our fires and here we will remain. As to boundaries, the great spirit above knows no boundaries nor will his red people acknowledge any.'

            It was his brother that pronounced the curse on the White House, who was the medicine man, the witch doctor.
            Now, as I say, I’m very little informed about American history. I wish I were better informed. But the little I know leads me to believe that historically over the generations the way the white people have treated the Indians makes them legally liable to a curse. Friends of mine who are well informed say that all that the whites have done to the blacks is absolutely insignificant by comparison with what they’ve done to the American Indian.

            There’s one curse that we read this morning that I want to read again. It’s in Deuteronomy 27:17:

            Cursed is he who moves his neighbor’s boundary mark.

            I would say that probably that’s been done by the whites to the Indians more times than most of us could count. Treaties have been made and broken again and again. They’ve been given boundaries and the boundaries have been taken from them.”

        • J B,
          Readers will be very grateful for you putting up the link.
          It is the best and most informative 1 hour 53 minutes in their lives for a normie.
          Not only that, it makes Jimmie Bond appear as mere pussy cat.
          Oh, and it exposes our governments as criminal aiders and abettors to a most cowardly crime and the usurping of a ‘allied’ nation and government.
          Let us not forget: conspiracy “theorists 10 – lying government O, lying fake msm -10.
          Wake a normie up, send the link to a decent human being.

          • Lest any normie cannot comprehend such evil, then get some consistency froM the interviews with Kay Griggs. She reported that her husband was the head hunter and controller of government KILLERS AND MURDERERS.
            Wakey up normies…….they manipulate the wold for their hidden psychotic controller’s plans for ………. !
            And the simple minded politicians have not the guts to care….. together with the ABC, SBS and the controlled lying fake mass media.

  5. AUKUS

    Australian Constitution & High Treason. 3.

    “…………..Section 44 of the Constitution forbids anyone who bears allegiance to a foreign nation from sitting in Parliament, otherwise, it is considered treason. We believe that any political parties or politicians who seek to destroy the country through third world immigration, the destruction of manufacturing, industry, and farming etc have COMMITTED TREASON under Section 44 of the Constitution.
    What is Section 44?

    Section 44 of the Constitution sets out restrictions on who can be a candidate for Federal parliament. In full it reads:

    Any person who –

    (i.) Is under any acknowledgment of allegiance, obedience, or adherence to a foreign power, or is a subject or a citizen or entitled to the rights or privileges of a subject or citizen of a foreign power: or

    (ii.) Is attainted of treason, or has been convicted and is under sentence, or subject to be sentenced, for any offense punishable under the law of the Commonwealth or of a State by imprisonment for one year or longer: or

    (iii.) Is an undischarged bankrupt or insolvent: or

    (iv.) Holds any office of profit under the Crown, or any pension payable during the pleasure of the Crown out of any of the revenues of the Commonwealth: or

    (v.) Has any direct or indirect pecuniary interest in any agreement with the Public Service of the Commonwealth otherwise than as a member and in common with the other members of an incorporated company consisting of more than twenty-five persons: shall be incapable of being chosen or of sitting as a senator or a member of the House of Representatives.

    But sub-section iv. does not apply to the office of any of the Queen’s Ministers of State for the Commonwealth, or of any of the Queen’s Ministers for a State, or to the receipt of pay, half pay, or a pension, by any person as an officer or member of the Queen’s navy or army, or to the receipt of pay as an officer or member of the naval or military forces of the Commonwealth by any person whose services are not wholly employed by the Commonwealth. [Ref: Section 44 of the Constitution E-Brief: Online Only issued March 2004; Ian Holland]

    Electoral Backgrounder: Parliamentary report on Section 44 of the Constitution
    The unfortunate fact is that due to lack of education on this topic in schools (equates to dumbing down of the population – treason again?), few Australians know much about their constitution and do not know they have no Bill of Rights, which means Australians really have no rights. Over the many years Australians have been building the nation, fighting in wars, there has been no organizational legal entity built to represent them and right for Bill of Rights………………”


    • Not one politician is eligible to sit in parliament under section 44 of the constitution given that politicians past sold the governments bank – the Commonwealth Bank of Australia which is now the RBA to foreign entities, thus giving foreign ownership to the issue and control of this nations money?

      It should be of interest also to know that Australia ratified the full text of the United Nations Charter as a treaty in 1945. Communist “Doc”Evatt and dupe, P.M. Ford signed on behalf of Australia.


  6. JB
    Want to go real dirty?
    Listen to the report on the fake US Indian.
    ‘Watch before Senator Elizabeth deletes this. This is the third attempt uploading video’
    About 37 mins. Usual site💁🤪
    Do we have similar ‘Indians’ in Australia?

    • Phew half an hour on pocahontas, have to pass on that
      Looks like they are promoting Elon Musk off the back of it, Elon walks one side of the street and talks the other side

  7. Everyone is under mortgage stress because of Elbow “let it rip” Gump, cannot fix the economy, hostage to the banks.
    and follow-up is as bad, “2.5m people now work for the government, that would be more than 10% of the workforce, well everything is looking great, if you’re a communist that is. So who pays for this 15% or so, why, the non-government taxpayers of course. There is a solution, surround Canberra with a big beautiful wall and do not let anything out or in.

    • Hocus Pocus: early 17th century: from hax pax max Deus adimax, a pseudo-Latin phrase used as a magic formula by conjurors.

  8. so was Sir Isaac a Freemason, I would say so. It was only his reasoning that got smothered as he sat under an apple tree. Yo G Washington, u suck at the story telling as well.
    I’ll pass on the “bill of rights” because they are a given(I take them as a given)

  9. People think a magician is a fellow on a stage pulling rabbits out of a hat when in fact a magician is a news reader broad-casting spells over the ether.
    We associate rabbits, at Easter anyway, with procreation ie. life force. Could it be something is redirecting our life force to its benefit. Humanity’s original sin was doing and/or coveting that spunk seen in the botanical gardens munching on an apple.
    Is Mystery Babylon really evil (live, inverted) or is it paying humanity a service through lessons. We can’t know but we can ask. Jesus (add ‘I’ and we get Je suis) is quoted as saying – seek and you shall find.
    The thing about the occult is it’s interesting. It is exploration and discovery. New lands, within. Expanding a floppy disk sized physical memory to a cloud server of infinite scope.
    The orthodox is limiting, by design. Sadly, the floppy disk sized mind gets a fancy certificate to put on their wall. With that they think they’re smart, so develop a strut. It’s an illusion, a few exceptions aside.
    Some say satanism is an Intelligence project. It is written Mr 007 John Dee used his crystal balls against the Spanish Armada, very successfully.
    John Dee was a friend of a Shakespeare, Francis Bacon. Franky was big time into gematria. The Vatican archives run for 85 (numerology of 33 when the ace is wild which is acceptable treatment to some occultists) kilometres under that city state. The ordinal gematria of Alexandria is 89 – 17 – 8 the number of infinity. Another spook favourite.

    • I like this comment ( transl. from French )
      … bond prices do indeed vary in the opposite direction of their yields.
      But this problem can be approached in another way: the Fed raises the prime rate, which causes all other rates to rise. Therefore, prices mathematically fall!
      And this is what has been happening since March 16, 2022, causing losses of about… 30% on average on the value of these American Treasury bills. The problem is that the market for these bills is about… 18,000 billion dollars!”.

      According to stories and rumours Mein Trumpf put the Fed under the US Treasury and put Larry Fink (WEF etc) in charge …

      • Nobody should need pension funds anyway, that’s what the boosters are for, and soon you won’t be able to access your pension funds without getting your booster so it all adds up to NOTHING, your beneficiaries will end up OWNING NOTHING if all you got is superannuation (US: 401k)
        Paul Keating: “It’s a great system”, yes indeed it is, who needs wrinklies everywhere dying in expensive old-age motels, better they drop dead on the kitchen floor and get it over with

        • “Nobody should need pension funds anyway,” – I do like them at my age, however, if someone would have bought some precious metals back when they were dirt cheap, they wouldn’t need the government pension system.

          • US government bought all the gold compulsorily at $20/ounce then turned the printing presses up to max and the new price was $35

          • Yeah, but some people kept their gold and then went to Mexico and exchanged it for dollars. Nice profit for the awake people.

  10. “We are living in a low frequency to magically destroy and control our lives…. ”
    yes Dee–you might find this interview, Jean Nolan with Frank Jacob relevant to your research, experience and knowledge. Nothing is what it seems.

    Great article JG


    11:11 – Signs From The Universe Or Synthetic Synchronicity (AI)? | Frank Jacob Interview Is The Newest Video * All Categories Below
    Are you receiving signs from the Universe? Confirmation you’re on the right path? Could some of these signs actually by synthetic, created by AI? Could AI insert thoughts into your mind and/or read it? Frank Jacob has the answers!

    Jim Willie – patriot underground interview at.
    Beforeit’snews.com – people powered news.
    ACTUALLY, it is essential to listen from about 40 mins.
    It is for your mental health and will enable you to give support for normies who cannot cope with reality.
    If you have ever been in/around the emotional battle field, then the realisation of the present/future planned desentivizing program will put you ahead in the game.
    You will understand the psychology …… perhaps life saving.🙈🙏👍
    Many May panic if a ship’s crew is sacrificed …… like what was attempted with the USS Liberty in 1967 with the Israeli false flag murder of about 34 crewmen over a TWO HOUR ATTACK BY ISRAEL.
    Israel apologists were even lying about that attack even castigating Malcolm Fraser, ex PM of Australia when he told the ABC Jonathon Faine on radio that it was a DELIBERATE ATTACK BY ISRAEL. [about late 2013]
    Note the mention by Willie of the ‘undermanned’ aircraft carrier and other ships. TARGETS TO BRING ON A WAR?
    We have been suckered over and over by our warmongers too many times …… then they have the hide and arrogance to ATTEND and make speeches on ANZAC DAYS……laughing at our sacrifices.


    • BTW.
      Need I explain Pearl Harbour?
      The aircraft carriers went to sea and the battle ship crews were trapped in their redundant battle ship coffins tied to the wharfs.
      Technology moves forward💁🏼 whilst politics remains constant.

      • Jim Willie talking of Paris Airshow and missile testing about 45:00
        Says the US missiles could not get within about 20m of a stationary target, this is from a few years ago. But in 2001 they could hit the Pentagon exactly where they wanted, and they could hit the towers with drones at the right level, and level is more difficult because you have to elevate the entire mass, not just shift it left or right.

        • Jim Willie says he predicted the demise of Credit Suisse Bank 2 months ahead of time because of Ukraina money laundering, then says the official story was a shock from United Arab Emirates, the official story I heard probably from some rubbish outlet like ABC-TV was that they were in high risk stuff along with Silicon Valley Bank. Now we hear Swiss National Bank also lost 200b swiss francs (CHF=Euro near enough) due to bond investments, if you believe “Q” then Larry Fink has turned on the WEF and ripped off the Swiss.
          Well if the infiltrated rebel colonies of the USA can beat off the Globalist establishment it will be good for them, maybe the Globalist will send in the robot soldiers against us instead, we will be sitting ducks and there will be nowhere to duckduckgo

  12. To think there are creatures who want everyone on the planet enslaved by a system of total, under skin surveillance is way beyond insanity. They have made the planet with our blood sweat and tears, for themselves only, their fortunes all built on deception robbery lies and mass murder. A digital prison, everyone plugged in, trapped into CBDC for survival, judged worthy or not like rats in a cage.

    We are witnessing deliberate incompetence of all leaders, abolition of nations, the blending into one race of slaves, giving in to one world disorder supremacy.

    Lacking Jesus within, they do the opposite, thinking they will never face the Almighty, constructing smart 15 minute cities, destroying taking land or buying it for peanuts. This is war, if you can, leave as fast as you’re able to the country, or some place unknown.

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