Home Boston Sandy Hook, Part 17 What Can the Guarantee Clause Guarantee?

Sandy Hook, Part 17 What Can the Guarantee Clause Guarantee?


Painting: George Washington addresses his colleagues in Convention Hall in 1787George Washington addresses his colleagues in Convention Hall in 1787

What could the Framers of the US Constitution have been thinking in that hot summer of 1787 when they offered to protect each state as a republic? They wrote in Article IV:

The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence. [Emphasis added]

Maybe they were thinking of Connecticut in the 21st Century!

What if any state gets taken over by thugs, or by extremists fostering some sort of a cult, or by a subtle band of thieves who are able to nestle inconspicuously into government positions?

I think we can concentrate on the first part of “the guarantee clause,” as it is called — the bit before the semicolon. The nation will protect a state against invasion. If the invaders are heavily armed, and boy are today’s invaders heavily armed, what options are there for concerted action? This chapter looks at both violent and non-violent responses that are eminently legal.

Oops, I just hopped over to Google scholar (source of links to journals), and typed “Guarantee Clause, Article IV.” I am dismayed to read, in a 1993 article by Edward Stelzer, that the US Supreme Court considers cases about this clause to be non-justiciable under its doctrine of “the political question.” But I like Stelzer’s heading: “Bearing the Judicial Mantle: State Enforcement of the Guarantee Clause.” Yipee!

Instead of analyzing the jurisprudence, or lack thereof, regarding Article IV, let’s look more generally at the means available for someone, anyone, to crack down on the depriving of a state of a republican form of government.

Consider Sandy Hook. Imagine that the people, most of whom would like to be freed from the burden of maintaining a great lie, are held in a sort of psychological trap based on fear. Question: Can other states run in and save CT? Can you personally, right now, march in and do something? If armed forces of Connecticut yell “Stay out,” could you invoke Article IV? The answer must be Yes because there it is in black and white. The Framers of the Constitution didn’t put it there for no reason. (I realize the case at hand is a bit crazy, but…)

Legality and Constitutionality of Defying Authority

I believe we are biologically geared up to obey. As Thomas Jefferson wrote in a letter to Edward Carrington in 1788, “The natural progress of things is for liberty to yield and government to gain ground.” Who has the guts to face a man wearing a badge and carrying not only a gun but the respect of most of the people? It’s difficult — but it has been done.

Anyway, you are “wearing a badge” when you act in defense of the Constitution. And the Constitution has higher authority than bad (nullifiable) laws. At the time of the founding of the United States, people took a position on the subject of blind obedience to authority. The proper authority in 1775 was King George III of Britain.

It was decided that he was doing a bad job. Here is an abridged version of “where we told him he could go”:

IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776.

The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,

–That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

…[W]hen a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security…. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world….

Please stick with me through this aricle’s material. If you think it is hard to follow, that’s because it is inherently stacked! We have a subconscious loyalty to our tribe. As Americans the tribe means America. We can join up emotionally whenever someone tells us that X or Y is the enemy, but when we hear compatriots criticize our nation or its leaders, we get defensive.

So, today, when it is a fact that Americans are harming us, we are not well prepared to try to rouse our countrymen against our countrymen! (Note how cleverly Jefferson, penning the Declaration of Independence, construed the king as enemy.) Let me give two historic examples of internal conflict — the Whiskey Rebellion of 1792 and Hurricane Katrina of 2005.

In western Pennsylvania some producers of whiskey disagreed with being taxed. They fought against tax collectors even to the point of tarring and feathering. I quote from history.com:

0000000″On September 11, 1791, excise officer Robert Johnson was riding through his collection route in western Pennsylvania. [They] stripped him naked and then tarred and feathered him before stealing his horse and abandoning him in the forest.”000000000

President George Washington called out the militia, I presume with Congress’s say-so per Article I, section 8, Clause 15, and rode out with 12,000 troops to put down the rebellion. He justified this with the following section of a now-repealed law:

“Whenever the laws of the United States shall be opposed or the execution thereof obstructed in any state by combinations too powerful to be suppressed by the ordinary course of judicial proceedings … it shall be lawful for the President to call forth the militia of such state to suppress such combinations and to cause the laws to be duly executed. And if the militia of a state shall refuse or be insufficient… it shall be lawful for the President, if the legisla-ture of the United States shall not be in session, to call forth and employ such numbers of the militia of any other state or states most convenient thereto as may be necessary.”

I have bolded the phrases most relevant to us today. There is a large combination governing us, sub rosa. You could call it “the Establishment.” It seems to include corporations, part of the military, finance, medicine, and astonishingly Academia. These must be the organizers of the Sandy Hook hoax and many other such hoaxes. They are doing us in. It’s up to any citizen to think of ways to get around their terrific combined power.

My other example is Hurricane Katrina. Very likely this terrible event was geo-engineered. Part of the plan was for a precedent-setting federal takeover, but Louisiana Gov Kathleen Blanco held firm against President Bush’s efforts to nationalize the Louisiana Guard. I mention it because the president did bow to the law!

Getting the Baddies

Trust me when I say it’s all about getting the baddies. I’ll repeat that sentence: [The solution] is all about getting the baddies. How do I know that the solution is not about spreading love, or electing a different Party’s leader, or undergoing some transhumanist alteration? I know because I can see how clearly it is the baddies who “do in” our otherwise good system.

The problem is that we don’t get the baddies. We don’t charge them with crime. We “forgive” them. It is natural to forgive members of an elite group. We subconsciously prefer to do that. After all, it’s natural to be embarrassed about their wrongdoing. We automatically rationalize it. “It’s not there. All is well.”

Wouldn’t you agree that today’s policemen are completely un-motivated to chase after the people who do hoaxes? It is part of their training to keep on chasing after small-time criminals. Where there is a huge crime going on, such as the CIA’s importing of crack cocaine in the 1980s, or Big Pharma’s giving injections of poison, cops are told to send the matter upstirs to specialists in the force. That specialist specializes in cover up. No worries of the coverup includes killing a whistleblower or two. That’s show biz.

Back to the Guarantee Clause in Article IV

The US Constitution can be interpreted not only as black-letter-law but as incorporating — and thereby solidifying — society’s values. Indeed, the US Supreme Court has often made its ruling based on the spirit of the dear parchment. Article IV’s guarantee clause promises that if a state stops being a republic, society will come to the rescue of the people of that state.

The clause can readily be interpreted to mean: “Hey, we, your Founding Fathers were not born yesterday. We’ve seen human nature for what it is. We know it would not take much for a secret group to use its wits to cancel the people’s right. They’d install their own little tyranny — and scare everyone by shows of ruthlessness — just like ol’ Machiavelli said in 1532.”

Therefore, your response to today’s takeover of the US by the globalists can deploy the heartfelt message of Article IV in new ways. In my 2021 book Keep the Republic, Kill the Takeover, I listed methods that are already on the books as to legal ways of reacting. Here are some that most people aren’t aware of.

citizen’s arrest for felonies that have been or are about to be committed

law of outlawry for persons who are beyond the law (it is open season to kill them)

— the ability to hold, without criminal charge, a person who has information we need, per the federal Material Witness Act

— the ability of citizens to form a grand jury to investigate and, if appropriate, indict any criminal

— the duty of cops and soldiers to disobey illegal orders

— the ordinary law of self-defense: If someone is about to kill you or seriously injure you or a person close to you, you may use force, including lethal force, against them.

— your right to start a truth commission or committee

— your state’s right to nullify an unconstitutional law

— your right to file a lawsuit, including a civil RICO suit.

Swearda God, all of these are enshrined in black-letter-law.

Enactments. My Keep book also suggested new legislation:

  1. I suggest a law to demand that any whistleblower death be treated as top priority crime even when proof is unavailable:
  2. I would repeal the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act that exempts vaccine-makers from liability.
  3. I would cancel the odd provision that makes the Federal Communications Commission, FCC, accountable to no one.
  4. I would add to the UCMJ a provision that allows a soldier not to take a vaccination. They get very over-vaccinated.
  5. I’d reinstate the Smith-Mundt Act which got repealed in the 2012 NDAA. We need it as it declares that US government mustn’t propagandize us (as in the Sandy Hook hoax).
  6. I would enact a law that all judge and legislators, must swear as to their status as a member of a secret society.
  7. I would enact a law to criminalize menticide.
  8. I would establish a time limit in which the DoJ must act to enforce the Sherman Anti-trust Act — or else.
  9. I would abolish the tax-haven routine.
  10. I would deal with the dismantling of the National Guard Bureau and its outrageous Partners for Peace program that causes foreign troops to be here on US soil to “get” us.
  11. I would remove us from the World Health Organization (what a joke!), and from the elite’s private military, “NATO.”
  12. I’d impeach many federal judges and SCOTUS justices.
  13. I would refer all living attorneys general to the … AG!


    • Now that’s spooky.
      Just watching Leonard Cohen’s Live in London Concert(2008)and about to post his “Anthem” song.
      Longer rendition with his wonderful backing musicians ,Sharon Robinson and the Webb sisters.
      You can never have enough Leonard Cohen(particularly in these current times).
      So here it is…

  1. Getting the Baddies

    “Trust me when I say it’s all about getting the baddies. I’ll repeat that sentence: [The solution] is all about getting the baddies. How do I know that the solution is not about spreading love, or electing a different Party’s leader, or undergoing some transhumanist alteration? I know because I can see how clearly it is the baddies who “do in” our otherwise good system.”

    Ah Mary weary of the search for the baddies—or the goodies for that matter–thought some might find this amusing– or not

    George Soros BIG Secrets EXPOSED!!!!!!!!

    I tried to find the source of the evil—and expose the whole master plan which is held in my computer programming-polyfragmented mind body and soul. have accepted it is bigger than us we are but pawns in their game

    Am unable to accept –“it is the baddies who “do in” our otherwise good system”–we are fighting a machine–all systems taken over by military mind control frequencies. Whenever I lose hope I turn to Leonard was he a goodie or a baddie. –well he too was mkultra’d and every move/word he made was controlled –he knew the master plan or was it the Master’s Plan his Master’s voice. “His” words still being used.

    Yes Leonard I forgive you.

      • “but I forgive them all”

        Ivan Ilyin muses that if he could ’be God for an instant’ and get into the minds of these antihumans (aka “villains”) he would turn their minds around, make them ‘nice’ and forgive them – only if all else fails would he then resort to force and explode their f*n heads off – but forgiveness is always the first option.

        … but forgiveness is something that has to asked for – do you think Dan (or Gladys, David, Scott, Josh et al) wants to be forgiven? [rhetorical]

    • not sure about LH (“first we take Manhattan and then we take Berlin”) or that Newsbroke dude (“why do his [Soros’] lips taste like cninamon” )

      but I think you will like Caleb Maupin – especially when he shits on Trotsky … one of the fathers of communism (you know – equality for all) – who despised the Russian peasants … Stalin was found to have t all that bad after all when Trotsky ended up with an ice pick in his cranium – that’s what these antihumans do to each other when threatened for the top job.

  2. To get to the source follow the money a bit more about Soros–Twiggy Gina and their foundations charities—institutions–industries–corporations –global connections.

    Gravitas Plus: Does George Soros manipulate the Global Order?

    • From these Soros videos:
      Wants to undermine nationalism (populism too probably) by starting universities
      Supplied Palestinians with money for ? (rockets for false flag attacks )
      Donated $8 million to Hillary Clinton, and “Pegasus” the latest buzzword
      Ganging up on India (because India is a global role model for using IVM to end the bat-flu)
      People should not lose sight of the fact he is “smart”.

    • How about some hardcore proof this event was real. For starters show all us taxpayers a 100% unredacted FBI report, ALL photos of Lanza dead or alive in the school, should have dozens of full body photos. ALL photos of the mother’s body in her home crime scene. This all should be easy to provide to the taxpayers. Go get to work, if you can’t provide all of this , then please don’t waste your time here.

  3. 9 years in and not one person has supplied the public with any photos or videos of Lanza in the school dead or alive. Should be dozens of crime seen photos of the full dead body of a mad man killer. How about the mother, not one photo of her body either, should be dozens.

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