Home Australia Senator Anning on the TPP and the Lima Declaration

Senator Anning on the TPP and the Lima Declaration


[Chamber Senate on 15/10/2018 Item BILLS – Customs Amendment (Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership Implementation) Bill 2018, Customs Tariff Amendment (Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership Implementation)  – Second Reading Speaker: Anning, Sen Fraser Transcript and Image from Parliament of Australia Website 2018]

Senator Fraser ANNING (Queensland): I rise today to oppose and condemn the Customs Amendment (Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership Implementation) Bill 2018 and related bills, that enable what is commonly called the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

This agreement is bad for Aussie business and bad for Aussie workers and families. Because of this, I foreshadow that I will be moving a second reading amendment to the bill.

The Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement might be great for Vietnam, the Philippines and other low-wage Third World economies, but it is very bad for Australia. This agreement is but the latest in a long line of deals with foreign countries that give away Aussie jobs and industry to supposedly disadvantaged foreign nations, beginning with Whitlam, who put a wrecking ball through Australian industry with his unilateral tariff cuts.

Subsequent Liberal and Labor governments have all been infatuated with the internationalist vision of trade. In 1975, the Whitlam government signed the United Nations Lima Declaration, through which the Australian government sold out Australian industries and workers by specifically agreeing to transfer manufacturing to Third World countries, supposedly to help them develop.

Almost every move to liberalise trade since that day has led to a net transfer of jobs and industry away from Australia and the current TPP is just the latest outrageous example. Giant transnational corporations love the Lima agreement, of course, since taking jobs away from decently-paid Aussie workers and instead employing Third World semi-slaves made them a fortune. Perhaps that is the reason why both Labor and the Liberals agree on these kinds of trade deals.

The Left think that our national prosperity is something to apologise for and that we have an unending obligation to subsidise foreigners. In practice, if not intent, the capitalist globalists agree with them. Transnational corporations don’t care about the best interests of Australians, only their own profits, and profits are larger if you employ Third Worlders on slave wages than if you employ Aussies on decent award wages.

Like all post-Lima declaration trade deals, the TPP will allow foreign multinationals the right to dictate terms to our government regarding rules and regulations. The TPP will see Australia’s sovereignty further eroded. This agreement will allow cheap foreign goods from countries with historically bad safety regulations to flood the Australian market. The TPP will see food from countries with almost non-existent workplace health and safety standards enter Australia—just like the Asian white spot disease, which was introduced and devastated our prawn sector.

The TPP will see hardworking Australians fighting against workers whose wages would be considered slavery in Australia. Their wages are so low that they struggle to afford food, shelter or clothing. To protect our sovereignty, food security, wages and work, the TPP agreement must be rejected.

Australia was once a nation of doers, hard workers and builders. We tamed the harsh, dry land of the outback. We built massive infrastructure projects, like the Snowy scheme. Australia was the land of the worker and the farmer. Now, ever since the Whitlam era, we have seen a Liberal-Labor consensus in favour of globalism, foreign ownership, exporting jobs and importing cheap foreign labour.

This has resulted in Australia becoming the land of unemployed university graduates and foreign workers. Our major parties have allowed Australia to become a nation without work, with our remaining major industries, mining and hospitality, digging things up and selling them to foreigners, and serving dinner and drinks to our foreign overlords. Our once prosperous economy has been raided and pillaged by multinational corporations. That is exactly what Australia has seen with these global trade agreements.

We have seen the demand for labour drop as factories move overseas, while the major parties allow foreign workers to flood the country. This has caused the devastating problems of wage stagnation and the casualisation of our workforce. Without a proper wage and stable, full-time work, how can Australians provide for their families? Before Whitlam, 70 per cent of the Australian workforce were employed in decent, well-paid jobs in manufacturing. Now there are barely any.

One-sided trade deals since the Lima declaration, like the TPP, have seen almost all of our manufacturing closed down. The Liberal-Labor consensus is happy to see the whitegoods industry gone, the textile industry gone, the glass industry gone, the steel industry gone and, of course, the Aussie motor industry gone. Whatever we have left will be destroyed by the TPP.

The first focus of any Australian government should be the long-term security and prosperity of Australian families and Australia. Families are only strong when there is stable, well-paying, full-time work. A nation is only strong when families are thriving. My amendment goes to the heart of this issue.

My amendment will provide that further consideration of the bill will be postponed until the TPP agreement is renegotiated to exclude countries with low wage levels and countries that provide direct or indirect subsidies for key products.

My amendment will protect the jobs and conditions of Aussie workers. I ask my Senate colleagues to think again about this UN-inspired globalist compact, voting for my amendment or rejecting these bills if my amendment is unsuccessful.




    • If you really believe what you have written concerning this very good Australian – then you are well and truly out of touch with reality.

    • Anning is the first Australian politician to come out and state the obvious, so all Kudos to him.

      The sector who supports free trade has one thing in common… all are the product of universities, which abandoned free speech and scientific objectivity when deregulation placed them in the hands of corporations. Education and free thinking was then replaced with propaganda and indoctrination.

      More specifically, this sector is made up of: doctors, accountants, teachers, lawyers, journalists, academics, scientists, executives, and more blindly by investors.

      We will need to close down universities and start education all over again.

  1. “Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.”
    PROVERBS 29:18

    So maybe there should be a list of every LAW violated by the TPP

  2. “The first focus of any Australian government should be the long-term security and prosperity of Australian families and Australia.”

    You’d almost think that would go without saying.

  3. While most of the blame for the current debacle is placed on Gough Whitlam, there is no mention of the fact that it was Whitlam who improved the working wage and conditions of ordinary workers
    at that time.

    Apart from that, at this time the Australian Labor Party and Australian Liberal Party have proved that there is no difference in their policies, by their actions in parliament in regard both the “Banking Separation Bill” and the “TPP Bill”. We have one political party acting as opponents, but both enjoying backing by big business and reciprocating legislation for the benefit of that big business sector.

    Next election, we the voter, need to strip these two(?) parties of their position of favoured positions and place more smaller party parliamentarians in Canberra. This could frighten the pants off the major parties and then they may start to listen to the people.

    Many people will argue that situation would cause unstable government. I ask, would that be any worse than having these galahs in power giving away all of Australia’s infrastructure and other assets, while making vast financial gains for themselves.

  4. Chose a representative from most professions… a plumber, a dairy farmer (Christopher Brooks), an accountant, a cop, a surfer, a barrister, a barista, a IT person, and so on… only include one professional politician and maybe they’d sort some of the rubbish out.

    • Likely Freemason, chimes in on all the Patriot things like ” contain China, any job here at any cost, our women have to be able to protect themselves from Muslims who are really fundamental terrorists”.

      Unfortunately for him his hansard shows the same b grade theatrics as these familiar passive aggressive psychopaths.Morrison, Gillard, Shorten- working the boards.


      A focused look to this mans views – He says his kind “tamed this dry harsh land”, well true if tamed means extreme environmental degradation causing harsher and dryer conditions but doubling down on GMO and the chemicals they require. (I would suggest he is aware of the condensation issues the jets have been having and has financial desires in this area- caveat I could be stupid and wrong here)
      Says Muslim’s suck, then forgets the first exports from the outback where only possible because of the cameleers.
      Like Joh he will have a long political life helping the workers.

      • What Anning has put forward is nothing but the Truth to those who know how this world has been controlled for thousands of years. You attack what he says as if there really is another alternative to what he exposes in another Trojan horse, called the Trans Pacific Partnership, the first one was the Lima Agreement which literally destroyed the economies of all Western nations. Both are part of the Globalist plan as envisaged by the Masons, just one among many other secret societies that got JFK killed because he was willing to expose them.

        Have you ever read the Qu’ran? Do you honestly believe that Islam is a ‘religion’ of peace, let alone a religion as we in the West recognize religion to mean?

        And those camel drivers being from Afghanistan eventually deserted Islam and became dinky di Aussies, but you have not mentioned the Broken Hill Picnic train massacre of 1915 committed by two Turkish Muslims who took to shooting up the Labor Day Picnic train killing several townsfolk and wounding many.

        The first recorded act of Jihad on Australian soil – and just one of the many thousands committed wherever Islam has taken root.

        And only Islam has the expectation that all Muslim males will carry out the Jihad against the infidel at some point in their life and that what the kufar and infidel believe to be criminal acts, like raping, stealing from and even murder of the infidel, are all condoned against the infidel by Islam which is why the Muslim is over represented per head of population in all our jails.

        Ever wonder why so many criminals submit – and the word Islam means to submit – to Islam while serving time in jail?

        You are very naive Simon.

          • Indeed there is Ned, as your’ve mentioned them yourself, I can not understand your exclamation. You know I could link it up but your comment is a false flag.
            You could briefly review, The USS Maine incident, The RMS Lusitania incident, then The Broken Hill Picnic train massacre of 1915.
            Unidentified false flags lead to false idols.
            Or keep on enjoying the popcorn.

          • Simon, are you able to provide some reasoning for why you believe the Jihadi attack at Broken Hill was a false flag?

          • Of course, I have a method(matrix-algorithm) to identify such events, but you ask for reasoning.
            To convenient, the war was unpopular with the workers and the suffragette movement(both white-anted) and they all had the vote.
            I’ll just quickly go through the wiki facts if you bring them up.
            Home made Ottoman Flag making ice-cream salesman and imam(smell of Lindt).
            Sources identify them as Turkish but Turkey does not exist in those years.
            Persecuted for demonisation purposes and if patsies, used for handling and surveillance(this is reasoning for a false flag not so much to the operatives who may have or not died).
            Setting – 1200 eyewitness workers and the female families. This dynamic would maybe happen twice a year. The invitees are the Oddfellows who though a secretive order, list Winston (Kabbala Hands) Churchhill, on this occasion. The site can be easily controlled.
            20-30 shots @ 30 metres into 1200 people. The picnickers heard the gun shots so I assume a large bore cartridge centre fire bolt action type rifle, like the armies .303 Lee Enfield(have not looked, this detail is most likely findable). Only 2 die, in that heat the few wounded must have had light injuries to survive.
            Marksman does something, if he has a rifle he is as bad a shooter. None of the worker picknicers (hard men) give chase.
            Police called, who then called the Army(I have no idea to the location of their barracks, but they could have been deployed to the area should exports etc be picketed. Billy Hughs later bans any groups who display an interest in democracy and rights.
            Now the the imam and vendor put up a 90 minute gun battle with the Army and militia. The battle won, imam dead and the vendor surrendering. Vendor then killed.
            No bodies recovered.
            I’m guessing they didn’t require passports, but luckily had confessed with even a Allahu Akbar.
            Now the Police get balls and stare down an angry mob of hard men, unfortunately they have confused the Germans involvement with the killing of Ferdinand, that must be avenged because..Anywho burnings, unlawful evictions and incarceration, follow.
            I think Herbert Hoover had been demonising the Italians over in the WA by bringing them in then getting them to break pickets. He loved Chinese workers as much as Italians(East India Company is the common tread in all here).

            wiki quote-

            The Sydney journal The Bulletin published a burlesque of the incident in the style of German propaganda, suggesting the Germans lauded the attack as a victorious military battle between Turkish forces and recruits on a troop train. supposedly the Turkish attackers killed 40 and wounded 70 (ten times the real figures) for the loss of only two dead. The parody was, for some reason, taken seriously by other newspapers, which published it almost verbatim a genuine example of German propaganda. The story was picked up by international papers in the US, the UK and NZ. When clippings from the foreign papers filtered back to Australia in the letters home of serving soldiers, it only reinforced the belief that the story in the Bulletin was true. The ‘fake news’ was revived as an example of German mendacity by Australian papers during the Second World War and even as late as 1951 in Broken Hill’s own Barrier Daily Truth paper.[12]

            This in itself is telling, deja vu

            When I grew up, the Germans and Italians were the Muslims.

          • Simon, that is a rather lengthy response – and thank you.

            There were six killed by the way – I have found wikepedia not a reliable source for info – which is something for you to think about.

            The two Jihadies were in fact Indian Muslim who identified with the Ottoman Empire because they were Muslim and part of the Ummah – which is the Dar al Islam or Islamic world – and that does not include any non-believer who under Islamic law dwells in the world of Dar al harb – the world of war.

            They have since been likened to Turks because the explanation is much easier than delving into their background which the Monthly has taken a shine to in its article – The Battle of Broken Hill.

            To understand the workings of the Islamic mind one needs to study Islam as I have for over two decades – I would suggest that you at least try to look at Islamic history which is whole new ball game for the Westerner.

            Try islammonitor.org I have several articles on that site concerning Islam as do many others who are apostate Muslim and practising Muslim.

            The two Jihadies fought under the Ottoman Flag – which Turkey adopted in 1923 when the country of Turkey was brought into existence under the British rule which divided up much of the middle east and gave us the mess that we now have.

            Australia had already declared war on Germany and its allies in October? 1914 well before this jihadi event – so how would the shooting up of a picnic train fit in with a false flag event and what would be its purpose?

            When I grew up the Germans and Italians were not planning terrorist attacks against the country and its people that they had migrated to.

            Do you realize that there are now over 40 Muslim would be terrorists already locked up in our jails – and that is not counting those Muslims who are in jail for other criminal offences?

  5. Thanks Nemesis,
    You saved me the trouble of responding to Simon.

    Maybe, just maybe, Simon, there is a ray of hope. Don’t give up on that.

  6. Paul Craig Roberts, a lawyer and economist by profession was appointed Secretary to the Treasury by Robert Reagan, lest I think that’s what his title was.
    In a video of his on the TPP I watched about 2 years ago he made these points that have stuck with me ever since.
    Every member of the US congress who voted for the TPP received $160 million in their bank accounts – reelection funds I think I should say.
    Every member of the US congress who voted against the TPP received $60 Million dollars into their ‘reelection’ funds.
    One member of the congress wanted to review the TPP document. To do this they had to go into an underground vault 20 meters below ground, accompanied by a guard. They could only take a pencil and writing paper, no biros, no cameras, no audio recording equipment. They had 30 minutes to “review” the 600 page document.
    Under the TPP if a foreign company set up business operations in Australia they formed the view an Australian law was a restraint on trade in relation to their business, they could request the Australian government rescind or otherwise make requested changes to the law.

    If the Australian Parliament did not do this then the TPP member company could take them to court. The ‘court’ members would be drawn from the big international legal firms who are also members of the TPP. The court had 3 members. One was the judge, one represented the aggrieved company and the other would represent the Australian government.

    The courts decisions were immediate, absolute, final and no explanation for the decision would ever be commented on by any member of the court or by the parties appearing at the court.

    Form this we can easily see that if this TPP is approved. The TPP will become a government above government because no Australian government would every pass any law without first getting permission (the ok) from the TPP first.

    They would do this because consider how embarrassing it would be for, the Commonwealth Parliament for example, if they went ahead and passed and law only to be told to rescind it again, six or twelve months later.

    The TPP will become a corporate ruler of member countries by this single power to unofficially veto any law passed by any TPP member countries did not approve of.

    Veto it in the form of take Australian Government to the TPP court and make them change that law they did not get TPP permission to make.

    Your Australian govt always have your best interests at heart don’t they?

    • Good info there Kevin – we all need to appreciate that if not for the election of one Donald J. Trump, we would now be subject to the further destruction of our country under the TPP.

      Thank God for Trump!

  7. Kevin, security around the TPP legislation detail was more closely guarded than the security for the Manhattan Project. Gaol sentences for leaks.

  8. There yoiu go Phelps: you going to get into this immediattely when you take your seat?
    Fat chance!
    Just another anti-Australian dumb sucker to join the other anti-Australian dumb suckers betraying our soldiers lost, fighting for our sovereignty.

  9. Ye shall know them by their fruits, Matthew was quoted. Who cares what this stooge says. Patronising us with words of wisdom is part of the implementation strategy. It’s controlling the opposition. The TPP is a given. The LNP support it as does Labor and the other mindless minions marching left, right, left in lockstep. Lincoln was wrong: you can fool all of the people all of the time. It’s a cinch when you know how. They have us scared of fresh air, for goodness sake. Yet ask anyone at an exit poll if they are mind controlled and you will likely cop a gob full. Which is why the TPP is a given.

  10. Ned; Australian soldiers don’t fight for our sovereignty, they fight for more territory and resources for the US corporate sector.

    The war on drugs is 30 years old this year and it has consumed $300 Billion Dollars and what has it achieved??

    Who controls the world drug trade?

    A few years ago I read 95% – 98% of all drugs entering Europe entered through Afghanistan.

    (similar % for drugs entering the continental US from centeral America.)

    Who has occupied Afghanistan for the last 17 years?

    Can not the most powerful military force the world has ever seen, afford a few aerial tankers and spray the poppy fields with glysophate 2-3 times a year for 2 or 3 years make the poppy plant extinct.?

    Can not American drug companies like Monsanto breed a GMO bug that is a natural predator of the poppy plant and make it become extinct?

    Now, one more time, who controls the world drug trade?

    When 911 happened GW Bush said any nation that is not with us is against us. It did not take 02 seconds for the aus govt to scream “WE’Re with you!!”

    For the US war is always about resources for its corporate sector. Read the “Report from Iron Mountain.”

    Not all wars are fought with guns.

  11. I know it is complicated: refer to Mike Rivero; ‘all wars are banker’s wars’ at whatreallyhappened.com.
    But our boys dying on the Kokada Track were minded at that time to defend Australia’s sovereingty.
    It is those and their families we should weep for knowing that they are now being betrayed by our poiliticians and mass media with our ABC to the globalist UN corporate fascists.

    • It is complicated, Emperor Hirohito and his family never go to trail.
      He is a multi-order Knight and even gets back the Order of the Garter.
      Onward Christian Soldiers, shame on anyone who thinks ill of it.

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