Home Australia Shopping Mall Terror to Control the West?

Shopping Mall Terror to Control the West?


What a perfect device to control the (American) populace. Threaten their shopping experience.

kenya mallDo you remember the Kenya Mall incident. The Somali terror group Al-Shabaab, an affiliate of al Qaeda, claimed responsibility for the bloody siege at the upscale mall in Nairobi. (Don’t forgetCIA created al Qaeda). Well several sources in the alternative media have reported in detail that Kenya was a beta test for a very serious mall-attack-plan in the US.

And this, it is alleged, is designed to create havoc and fear – and allow for the complete import of Martial Law in America – and justify the breakdown of the constitution, civil liberties and thus the final and complete control of a shadow government over Washington.

Now this sounds fanciful. Does it? (Lets hope Australia is not in the game plan)

Well just this Sunday Former deputy director of the CIA – Mike Morellwarned on CBS “over the long term — two and a half, three years — we need to worry about a 9/11-style attack by ISIS.” His comments noted that ISIS’ resources dwarf those possessed by al-Qaida on Sept. 11, 2001. (Just a correction here – al-Qaida didn’t ‘pull off 9-11). And on 21 August Morell said: I Would Not Be Surprised’ If an ISIS Member Shows Up To US Mall Tomorrow With an AK-47  ….WHAT?

Let’s look at Morell: He became a counselor to Beacon Global Strategies, a consultancy close to Hillary Clinton. And, well it looks like he LIED under oath recently about another terrorist affair – Benghazi. This was where (in 2012) the US ambassador was murdered and a bunch of weapons were shipped off to rebels in Syria. BENGHAZI was really a cover-up of arms transfer to AL-QAEDA (read report here). And the arms probably landed up in the hands of IS.

But it was just over a week ago that ISIL/ISIS/IS was to most westerners a very distant threat – a group of psychopathic killers in a far away dusty desert. It is only when the western media SPLASHED the beheading video images across every single paper and TV station that suddenly IS is now a global threat. Flags on the White House. Attacks in US malls.

Firstly, the video itself was fake – my report here  – and the mainstream media has eventually had to report the ‘stunt’. (Foley though, sadly, most likely had been executed). But the “damage” has been done regardless: The psyche of the western populace has been spooked – and yes – IS could be shopping at a mall near you. (Back in Australia we are just going to throw more money at the problem – so that we can check who is on the “team”, and who should be on the side lines).

Why would Morell sprout the shopping mall soon after the Foley incident?

And secondly, who has been funding IS. Well the US, in its desperation to topple al-Assad (and fabricate evidence about chemical attacks) has been funding Syrian rebel al-Qaida-al-Nursra groups which became ISIS. Trained By U.S. Government; Funded By U.S. Allies?

Now back to Kenya where 67 people were killed. Military personnel had been advised against visiting the Kenyan capital’s high-profile shopping malls, in case they were targeted by terrorists (Guardian reported).   Several intelligence analysts in Nairobi speculated (in a BBC report) that the woman – Samantha Lewthwaite, a Muslim convert who had been married to one of the suicide bombers who struck London in 2005 – was responsible.

That’s a strange connection from mall to the 7/7 London bombings. And London looks like a false flag event – with mock terror drills happening in parallel with the real event.london

Extract from BBC Radio Interview, 7 July 2005:  Peter Power, Managing Director of Visor Consultants, a private firm on contract to the London Metropolitan Police, described in a BBC interview how he had organized and conducted the anti-terror drill, on behalf of an unnamed business client. The fictional scenario was based on simultaneous bombs going off at exactly the same time at the underground stations where the real attacks were occurring:

POWER: At half past nine this morning we were actually running an exercise for a company of over a thousand people in London based on simultaneous bombs going off precisely at the railway stations where it happened this morning, so I still have the hairs on the back of my neck standing up right now.

Now there was another great terror drill happening on the day of the event: 9-11. WAR GAMES simulating exactly hijacked planes flying into skyscrapers. In fact, whistle-blower and Iraq intelligence Asset, Susan Lindauer, had been warned of the attacks months before.

One Australian was affected by the 9-11 attacks – Frank Lowy. The WTC complex buildings 1, 2, and 7 along with Westfield Hotel were ruined in the 9/11 attacks. Silverstein and Lowy signed a ninety-nine-year lease with the board of trustees on July 26, 2001, where Lowy became responsible for 427,000 million square feet of the complex. It was insured and they were paid out allegedly $5.4 billion.

Listen to Silverstein here re: Building 7 (It seems Larry had advance knowledge of the explosives in the building)


Frank Lowy (once a member of  ‘Haganah’ in Israel ) has had some poor luck  with regard to terror attacks: The WTC complex;  2008 – Marriott Hotel in Islamabad, Pakistan, bombing; July 2008 – Marriott Hotel in Jakarta, Indonesia, bombing. And lots and lots of bomb threats. And Westfield is said to have had a stake in the Kenyan Westgate shopping mall too (I don’t know).

And so Morell’s comments must be of some concern to Frank Lowy – as Lowy does own a huge number of malls in America with about 22 malls in California alone. So the odds are – that if there is an attack by IS in the US – they could very well target Westfields.

But fortunately, Peter Lowy (son) and joint Co-Chief Executive Officer of the Westfield Corporation, also serves as Chairman of the Homeland Security Advisory Council for Los Angeles County. (Peter also serves on the RAND Corporation Executive Committee and Board of Trustees, the Executive Committee of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy)

So Lowy is an excellent position to ensure attacks don’t happen in his malls.

But what all this fuss about malls?

This from thecommonsenseshow reported just a month ago on the 27th July: (there’s a link to the radio interview which commences 6 minutes into the recording). Dave Hodges interviewed former CIA operative, Dr. Jim Garrow, about a planned attack upon multiple shopping malls (100) inside of the United States which will be similar in scope to what happened in Nairobi. In fact, Dr. Garrow says that Nairobi was the beta test for what’s coming to shopping malls inside the United States, except for what is going to happen here, will dwarf the Nairobi event.

Garrow’s warning predated the inundation of the fact that ISIS “is everywhere” and ISIS, a CIA creation, is being championed as both the planner and executioner of a series of false flag operations designed to enflame the American public to accept going into Syria (what 9-11 did for Iraq). An American invasion of Syria would accomplish a number of things including the US gaining advantage over Russia and Iran. So is this all about the Federal Reserve’s most precious asset, the dollar – with the BRICS purchasing oil with Gold rather than the Petrodollar?

More about (false flag) terror events and drills. Don’t forget the Boston bombing. What a zillion in one co-incidence that drills unfold into reality. Bomb squad was running “controlled explosion” on the same day as the marathon explosion.


But back to the malls – and the your shopping experience.

The the flood of hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants across the Mexican border provide a point of entry into the US for IS militants – on their way for a mall shopping spree (They might be flown in on planes anyway). Anyway, a multi-mall attack would paralyze America – initiate Martial Law, remove more civil liberties – and could provide an opportunity for complete control of a shadow government over Washington (if that were the case).

It does read like a movie script – but like Susan Lindauer (ex-CIA assett) was warned about 9-11, Garrow (former CIA operative) was warning about this in July, and now Morell (Former deputy director of the CIA ) mentioned mall attacks a few days ago (21 Aug).

So Lowy better make sure Westfield’s insurances are paid up.

And if they are advertising a mall terror drill near you – stay AWAY. it could be the real deal.



  1. Electronic Media Voodoo Ritual

    “psychologically conditioned, the public will accept the stages of the New World Order as if they were self-evident.”~HG Wells

    “The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. …We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons…who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.”

    From ‘Propaganda’ by Edward Bernays



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