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Strategy, Strategy, Strategy


by Mary W Maxwell, LLB

It’s time we got down to brass tacks. There is a huge problem in the world and no one (as far as I know) is working, strategically, to solve it. The problem is not neat and clean, so I’ll give it a messy name: “the problem of bad persons holding great power.”

To some degree, we know the identity of the bad persons because they come right out and state their plan to rule humanity. (To give a name: Klaus Schwab). To some degree, we know the identity of organizations that are doing terrible things. (To give a name, NATO, Pfizer, the DoJ). In some cases, we have no idea who is pulling the strings above the puppets’ heads.

We spend too much effort criticizing the bad persons and researching what led to this bad stuff. Also, too much time goes into moaning that the old methods of correcting the problem no longer work. Not enough time goes into saying “We won’t put up with this!”  Indeed, we hear some well-meaning people counsel us to accept the bad persons power, since it’s inevitable.

For starters, I disagree that our acceptance of bad stuff is the logical way to go.  I think the people who counsel acceptance are over-reading a trend, jumping the gun about its permanence. I need to give this process a name, so for the moment I’ll call it trend-deference. If there’s a trend by which females are losing their femininity, people might think “Yeah, I can see that this trend is increasing, so the next stage must consist of further increase.”

Note: the strongest encouragers of trend-deference may dwell in the mainstream media (MSM), and they may be intentionally conditioning us to trend-deference. But I believe there’s always a natural assumption that any trend we observe is likely to continue. Citizens immediately accepted that gasoline prices will skyrocket, without their having any particular reason to believe that.

Start Modestly — Call This Plan “KKB”

Given that the future that is being advertised is not an attractive one, what can be done? I will start with a modest idea, called “KKB” — Kansas, Kanata, and Bench. The persons who do KKB have faith in the old system. They think in terms of citizens having the power to hold government accountable. They are not expecting any violent clash, except one that will occur when the police knock on the door of the Big Baddies.

K, for Kansas, refers to a citizen initiative in five of the counties of Kansas. People found out that judges were wrongly deciding the fate of kids in custody cases. They set up a Citizen Review Board (See DouglasCountyKS.org). Potential volunteers must apply in writing and be screened. All receive training before they can be sworn in by the Chief Judge. Thes citizens meet monthly to interview families and service providers, and then deliberate in private to make recommendations to the court.

In Australia, where courts and police use the foster care system to traffic children, I don’t think the Kansas system would work.  I made up a slightly more rambunctious plan. In my book, entitled “Reunion,” I concocted a scene: “One day, Protective parents stopped tolerating judicial kidnap. They arranged to have a reunion with their offspring. They gathered in cities and issued ‘chits’ for getting their child back. A coterie of parents would supervise each handover.” So far, no one has actually done this. No doubt they would be jailed.

K, for Kanata, refers to a quiet revolution started by Kevin Annett, partly based on the government of Canada having mistreated indigenous people. I don’t know the particulars, but his “Republic of Kanata” strikes me as familiar since I was taught about the 1776 American Revolution. The Kanata theme is consent of the governed, sovereignty, and refusal to accept ” a train of abuses” from the king. Rev Annett has a citizen board that can make indictments which then justify the arrest of suspects. I find creditable his claim that his International Tribunal  caused Pope Benedict 16th (previously the notorious Cardinal Ratzinger) to “retire.”

B is for Bench. Person who utilize the Bench method, including myself, are, again, placing faith in the standard way of holding government accountable.  We hope to get a win over power by the stroke of a judge’s pen. We are old enough to recall when this was normal. Rule-of-Law meant that everyone in society, including the high and mighty, could be made to obey law.

I have filed four cases against the US government, including two at the appeals level, and served the other side with notice as is required. The other side did not bother to reply, and the judge marked the case Dismissed. They said I lacked standing even though in two of the cases I definitely had standing (such as in seeking a restraining order against mandatory vaccination).

The Bench method does not work, as the US judges are quite willing to skip the rules. Such judges could be impeached by Congress, but Congress is just as bad. I imagine most of our state and federal legislators work for hidden rulers. Or they are under mind control. Or they have picked up Office Culture which says Hey Boys, 1776 went out of style; we have new trends.

Publicity, Art, and Religious Indignation — PAR

Not wanting to waste your time, I will be very brief in listing three other non-violent methods of attacking the problem which I have defined as “the problem of bad persons holding great power.” The solution must have something to do with cancelling that power. In the past, the following methods have often had the desired effect.

P — the first is publicity. In regard to Covid vaccines, much was covered up by the players such as the CDC and the AMA. They did not reveal the dangers, they did not reveal the lack of testing, and they have not come clean about the number of casualties. Ordinary folks, and doctors such as Dr Vernon Coleman, have been diligently making a stink on the Internet. I assume this publicity will convert, or has already converted, many citizens to a position of anger.

A — art has also been a means of causing social and political change. The people of Estonia once revolted against their government by singing (yes, singing) en masse. Occasionally a painting becomes the symbol for opposition, such as Picasso’s Guernica as an anti-war statement. A poem can do it. A novel can do it. I think satire is effective, but satire about the bad persons can also reinforce their reality, and signify acceptance. “Russian jokes” in the Soviet Union were instructive, but may have been mainly a way to get off steam.

R — religion has always got an advantage in confronting the problem of bad persons, as religion’s claim is to know of Someone bigger than the big, bad persons. Arousing people’s moral indignation through reference to God’s wishes has been effective in the past, especially where all members of a society shared the same religion. Today, in the US, the God factor is partially diminished by the plurality of religious commitment and the decline of faith in general.


In my opinion, it won’t do to rely on KKB — Kansas, Kanata and Bench, or on PAR — publicity, art, and religion. Sure, I want all six of those approaches to be used, but we should consider the whole picture. If the problem is that bad persons hold great power, we need to knock down that power as best we can. It won’t do to hope that the holders will tire or falter — though they well may. I imagine we need to do some restructuring.

Consider some ways that made it possible for bad persons to obtain great power. These include: secrecy, pretense to be doing good, the use of mind control and group hypnosis, the reckless advance of science and technology, central control of communication, the destruction of community and of strong families.

If we could alert young people to all these things, they might at least develop an appropriately negative view of them! They should also be reminded of venality, as in “every man has his price.” At the very least we should point out to the next generation that it has been normal for humans to see where things are headed and if it looks undesirable, to inquire how to do something different.

I would tell them that the word “rights” had its place when a lot of people were beginning to translate their complaints into calls for change, but if people at present are not willing to do that, the word “rights” has no meaning. They should be informed that other factors than complaining probably nudged the powerful to grant some rights. If we find out what those things were, we’ll gain hints as to how we might restructure power relationships. (Query: What makes the powerful cave to pressure?)

In my article of January 24, 2023, entitled “Where Do the New Emperors Fit in the Human Community?” I quoted James Rosenau on the aggregating of individuals. He states that there are differing degrees of community formation. There may be just a bunch of isolated individuals who don’t take citizenship seriously, or there may be people who think in terms of the needs of the society.

Clearly today people are more isolated than a century ago. They often do not know the names of even their closest neighbors. Single parenthood is the norm, and stepfamilies have a predictable tension as the loyalty is not strictly based on blood. Entertainment occurs in front of a screen, not in a theatre or circus. There is not as much open space as before for outdoor communing with nature. Oddly, too, the life of the mind has been denigrated; a university degree is advertised as a commodity; thus we are not brought together by shared ideas.

It’s up to you to suggest what a restructure would consist of. I’m only saying that one needs to be aware of community structure.  And as was pointed out by Walter Ong, our literate thinking makes us different from the days before writing was invented. This is a structural factor, insofar as the old person-to-person communication had more prompting by emotion and more direct connection to our biology. Today, those who write may address thousands or millions whom they will never see or get feedback from. They won’t get a look of disagreement, much less a pie in the face.


The word “strategy” is usually associated with military decision-making. It refers to the overall plan — shall we attack by air or sea? — not the smaller issues such as how much training to give the troops.

I think of strategy as basically mathematical and geometric.  I’d need to measure how deep we could invade the enemy territory without good access to food. I’d need to know if the enemy troops’ lack of sophistication would make them gullible to a religious apparition that I could cook up. All their strengths and vulnerabilities need to be measured.

Conversely, I would strategically prevent them from knowing too much about us. (If they are to get info about us, I want it to be disinfo.) One task, then, is to give our side some discipline as to maintaining privacy. Nowadays the Big guys surveille us with technical equipment, but on top of that we freely furnish the secrets of our heart via Facebook and emails. This must stop.

As far as our location goes, each cell phone can be wrapped in a Faraday cage made of cloth. Or better, we can arrange for some Berkely students to learn how we might send a painful impulse to the person who is on the other end of a phishing trip. And you’ve seen the robot soldiers who will attack us?  We need to turn them off. Way back in the Sixties, Dr Jose Delgado stepped into a bullpen in Madrid with a simple device that thwarted the bulls’ planned attack on him.

Generally speaking, we need to get the population to understand that what the Big Guys do to us all the time is war. They war on us financially, mentally, medically, culturally. As such they are not members of our society. They have left the building, so to speak. I think folks will be able to handle this.  They will understand that a nice tradition, such as that every man is entitled to rights, does not apply on the battlefield.

The thing to do on the battlefield is kill your enemy. We’ve been doing that for millennia. It is instinctive. It protects our group. I think US soldiers are capable of deciding who the enemy is.

Not that killing the powerful is always needed. It could be even more propitious to zap their power. An obvious way to do this is by changing the setting, the landscape. Plato once said that if a slave society with a few fancy owners all found themselves in a remote place, with the owners not having the trappings of their authority, the slaves would glance around and recognize their power in an instant. The fancy ones would look around, too, and say “Oh-oh” (Not Plato’s words). I mentioned art, above — a dramatist could make a film with the denouement being the Oh-oh.

Now let’s talk about the fact that the Big Guys are always dependent on henchmen and bodyguards. A small pool of their henchmen may be assigned to murder or “disappear” serious challengers. (Senator Paul Wellstone comes to mind.) But a large pool of henchies has the task of snipping away at upstarts. The penalty may be smearing, financial ruin, or just daily stress.

I can’t think of a way to get around that, except to unite the victims. It was refreshing to read a statement by Karen Wetmore (author of “Surviving Evil”) after she learned how much she had been violated by the CIA.  She said “I made up my mind never to be afraid of the CIA. Imagine 50 Karen Wetmores saying that in unison, maybe to a drumbeat.

Let’s strategize about the wall of protection that is provided to the big guys via their control of the law itself.  It really is fantastic. Our goal is to get rid of “bad persons who hold great power.” Most likely we could get rid of them by taking away their immunity — which is driven by our impunity (i.e., our reluctance to hold them to the law).

This brings me to the strategic matter of “turning” the lawyers who have gone bad. I would first want them to be pilloried. The public needs to see what a blasphemy their work has been. And they need to see it, too! As for bad judges, an angry barrister in Australia, Serene Teffaha makes the case for putting them in jail. It can be done. Sherman Skolnick managed to do it in Illinois in the 1970s, via his Citizen’s Committee To Clean Up the Courts.

Finally, I reiterate some remarks made in Professor Philip Allott’s marvelous book, “Eutopia.” Paraphrasing:

Law is intrinsically malleable; it must often change to suit new needs. Legislated law has a hinterland of customary law. Common law is formed inductively by universalizing the legal principles underlying cases. Law courts are an integral part of the self-creating of society. There can be good law and bad law, good courts and bad courts. Law can be a means of oppression and exploitation The central problem of law in human society is its relation to power. All law is an exercise of power by human beings, in its making, application and enforcement.

Over to you. 



  1. *
    So we are living in a Tavistock driven reality or matrix, all of us.

    Truth, and it has a heartbeat

  2. “Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat” ?

    So how does that bode with your consistently plugging the idea that there’s a “deliberate” government plan afoot ?

    • OK. So you’re still plugging that idea + the notion that said plan is succeeding because no one knows how to put a spanner in the works.

      But the truth is that all sorts of people are doing so 24/7; no conclusion about anything should ever be made at face value. What’s deemed to be a success is entirely individualistic: the belief that everyone has the same aspirations is essentially socialist

      • And the tenor of the entire article is exactly that. There’s nothing more ingratiating than the use of the pronoun “we” and it appears 8 times in the intro – whereas “I” only appears once

  3. “I think US soldiers are capable of deciding who the enemy is.”
    So far evidence is scant !!!
    “In some cases, we have no idea who is pulling the strings above the puppets’ heads.”
    The scamdemic seems well designed to get as many customers into Rockerfellas’ HospitalSystem™ as possible so there’s a clue. Where did Rockerfellas really come from is a question, others like DuPonts haven’t been able to erase their history.

  4. Mary,
    I have just sent you a message that in part, you may wish to log here and respond.
    I await your response to log here.
    In short, do we wish to save lives or navel gaze with an endless parade of theorist and historic navels whilst many innocents are NOW BEEN liquidated?
    Ok AA, be patient and see what comes. ‘Nurse bring please, my funny pills’.

  5. The only reason the “government” (which is a private corporation registered in the US) has claim on peoples’ kids is because the parents, in their ignorance, registered the birth of the said kids with a State (which is really a trading corporation with an ABN, having surrendered it’s claim to any form of sovereignty).
    From that certificate of live birth, being a state provided document and bearing particulars provided by the mother and her signature, she gave it to the said State trading as a corporation.
    That certificate of live birth is ‘given’ to the said State, although the State has no evidence that it was gifted or that the State can claim ownership of it, as the maker of a note is the owner.
    From that certificate of live birth, being an equitable instrument, upon “application” from a parent (the child”s natural trustee), an instrument that is a legal title is derived, and is effective in the legal jurisdiction. The State is the grantor and the same is the beneficiary.
    If parents want their children back, then correct the mistaken presumption that you gave the State, and the Federal “government” the rights to that equitable title.
    The only way I know that works is to correct the mistake made in ignorance of your child’s rights and manifest the private equitable trust where you make the law of that trust and the “government” being holder of your child’s property (by right of inheritance of the certificate of live birth) elects to be the trustee.
    That simple change of dynamics shatters any claim the State or federal “government” has over your child’s corpus.

    • Yes, right now back to all the evidence that the covid stuff is a globalist scam designed to kill you whilst you refer to a birth certificate scam to analyse.
      They now want our death certificates. Perhaps it might be beneficial to expose that? As that is the end game.

    • “The only reason the “government” (which is a private corporation registered in the US) has claim on peoples’ kids is because the parents, in their ignorance, registered the birth of the said kids with a State”

      So why did Mary & Joseph register themselves and their son with the Roman occupiers?

      ‘Now in those days a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that a census should be taken of the whole empire.

      This was the first census to take place whileb Quirinius was governor of Syria.

      And everyone went to his own town to register.

      So Joseph also went up from Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to the city of David called Bethlehem, since he was from the house and line of David.

      He went there to register with Mary, who was pledged to him in marriage and was expecting a child.

      While they were there, the time came for her Child to be born.

      And she gave birth to her firstborn, a Son. She wrapped Him in swaddling cloths and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.”
      LUKE 2: 1 – 7

      • And does it say in the Bible that he fulfilled his intent to comply with the demand to partake in the census ?
        My understanding is that Joseph didn’t because there were no Roman records that they could use to determine that there was the birth.
        Also Roman maps of the time didn’t have a place called Bethlehem.

        • “does it say in the Bible that he fulfilled his intent to comply with the demand to partake in the census ?”

          “Joseph also went up from Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to the city of David called Bethlehem, since he was from the house and line of David.He went there to register with Mary, who was pledged to him in marriage and was expecting a child.”

          And there’s nothing that remotely suggests he changed his mind

          • Unfounded presumption?
            I suggest you actually LOOK at the record.

            The salient truth is that Jesus was largely rejected by His own because their idea of a messiah was someone who’d deliver them from Roman rule

            Which he did in fact do but only for those who had “eyes to see and ears to hear”(Mark 8:18)

          • “The Problematic Census

            Humphreys deals with most of the problems associated with the 5 B.C. dating, including one not strictly astronomical. He says the best-known censuses of Augustus occurred in 28 and 8 B.C., and A.D. 14. These were for Roman citizens only. Josephus and Luke 2:2 refer to another census, at which the Jews of the area would have been taxed. This census was under Quirinius, governor of Syria, but it was later than the probable birth date of Jesus. Humphreys says this problem can be answered by assuming the census was not for taxation but for pledging allegiance to the Caesar, which Josephus (Ant. XVII.ii.4) dates to a year before the death of King Herod. In addition, it is possible to translate the passage of Luke to say it happened before the governor was Quirinius.

            The Date of Jesus’ Birth

            From all these figures, Humphreys deduces that Jesus was born between March 9 and May 4, 5 B.C. This period has the added virtue of including the year’s Passover, a most propitious time for the birth of a Messiah.”

  6. Asymmetric warfare without the bullets and bombs could be the best descriptor of what we are now experiencing – those of us who have done their homework that is – many would also realize that we have been in an information warfare for some decades now.

    We are winning that war as we watch the media failing.

    Rothschilds – ‘Give me economic control of a nations money supply and I will control the government’. – now that is big clue as to how to bring down the globalist/deep state system of control.

    All governments and their agencies are corporations. Corporations are just another form of Nazism/communism – two different sides of the same coin.

    Coming soon – the fall of every stock exchange and the collapse of the Central Banking system that has been controlling much of the world since 1913.

    How will that occur? Asymmetric warfare, ‘Q’, military intelligence and the plan to save the world.

    If you still cannot see that, then settle back and watch the Movie as it all unfolds.

  7. Whilst all the above is historic with a sense of evil, but I do not discern a resolution after thousands of serial words….. divide and control the peasants.
    So I have just started to listen to SGanon report 37 at Bin with a report to discern.
    However he reports that Gates was not at Davos…. Perhaps he did not know that he was here providing Easyman with the instructions to enslave us for the usual control freaks.
    Oh well, I could be watching telalievision.

    • 22 mins, re Australia.
      25 mins, I wondered who bought the 30,000 guillotines from reports years ago. Seems that they are now a bit rusty.
      Ukraine citizens being killed, as the Germans did drafting martyrs at the end in mad desperation
      Bugger, listen to it all yourselves or go get the fluff out of your navels.

      • Well that was an inspiring 50:minutes, now I am JUST called upon to be the tooth fairy for an overnight grandchild.
        I have glass, can fill, can anyone lend me a 2 dollar coin?

  8. Mary,
    Thank you for inspiration. You word it well, comes with practise, like all skills.
    Our children are priority, we have to resist.

    Truth always has been and always will be truth, and if we view the world in the light of scripture we can’t go wrong.
    His Words are refuge from delusion and loss of hope. Have confidence, there are many like us, knowing that much is wrong.

    A technocracy of constant surveillance, CBDC, social credit score, jab mandates, transhumanism and ww111.
    This is happening now.
    Who really wants to be apart from this beast system? A lot more than less, for sure.

    Almighty will step in and 🛑 stop this transhuman agenda before the demonic “enhance” every living thing.
    All we need to do is give Him 100% support with 🙏 prayer. Our Father a good start.
    Chanting His Holy name Isus Krist,
    calming minds and benefiting all hearts.

  9. Our Father, Who art in Heaven,
    Hallowed be Thy Name.
    Thy Kingdom come,
    The Will be done,
    on earth as it is in Heaven.

    Give us this day our daily bread.
    And forgive us our trespasses,
    as we forgive those who trespass against us.
    And lead us not into temptation,
    but deliver us from evil. Amen.

  10. From ozy.com:
    Port-au-Prince Erupts in Protests Over Police Slayings

    At least 10 police officers have been killed by gangs in the Haitian capital in the last week, sparking protests against the government’s apparent lack of action. Tensions rose last October, prompting interim Prime Minister Ariel Henry to call for international help in quelling the violence. Little has been resolved since. Protesters and police supporters descended on Henry’s residence Thursday demanding help. “If they are killing police officers, me as a citizen, what should I do?” one Port-au-Prince resident asked. Rights groups have previously said gangs control around 60% of the capital, including roads in and out of the city. (Sources: CNN, Al Jazeera, BBC)

  11. The Families from the BRHMN discarded principles and competitors a long time ago. They discovered how to control.

    Their descendants know what is coming and have used 50 years of inflation to further increase their wealth. They have replaced their valuable advisers over a decade ago. The great resignation.

    It is easy to address their power: take over direct scrutiny of banks, ignoring the $10,000 limit transactions and concentrating on the very very large ones. Swamping opposing counsel with a million documents is an old Discovery trick.

    Break open the tax havens the Grenada way: invade! The threat is enough. The nature of buying small islands is used against those Families.

    The Glorious Revolution in the UK meant it became a centre for priacy on the high seas, rebellion and theft. They can be left for last.

    These facts and weaknesses are well known. The issue is far bigger than a few million dead for a few billion more. What sparked this lunacy? They know there will be investigations that they cannot control. Using it for some competitor destruction is fine, but the risks are real. What is coming will mean billions die.

    Their use of ‘science’ is fascinating. They lied and used false science. erhaps genuine science and its associated history will now surface? Too many lies in physics….. to justify nuclear weapons but more…. the Families know the opportunities are vast afer the catastrophe. They know what happened twice, even thrice before.

    Let’s face it: if humans can’t see, then they deserve for their DNA to die out. For those who can and have tsaken advantage of it, the DNA will continue, as adjusted by the EMPs etc.

    Just as an example of false science, Neandertal and Cromagnon Sapiens died out? False.

    Mass is not involved in gravity, shown by Galileo at Pisa and NASA movie ‘on the moon’.

    Philosophy of government is the Gordian Knot. We know how Alexander dealt with that! If it cannot be explained in a few sentences, it is a lie, false science.

    If TPTB want to clear the decks of the stupid and cattle like, then I will look on.

    View everything happening now as testing to see who may be invited into shelter. We have 27 years or slightly more. These Families are long term thinkers.

  12. “They have replaced their valuable advisers over a decade ago. The great resignation.”

    Patrick, whom are you referring to? And who is BRHMN?

    When you say Invade, do you mean “Invade the City of London”? Quel fab idea.

    • There was once a world wide civilization. Put in place by others. Latin for others?

      The civilization was self determining according to well known rules: castes. The ‘highest caste the most difficult to enter, require many years of learning, and mastery of sanskrit, ‘holy writing’. Holy only because it was used only by the BRHMN. They could perform magic. They ruled the rulers…. The other castes were not out of line with those of India. Seeing what was coming the BRHMN fled ‘Babylon’ not just Iraq, but also Egypt. Written up as Exodus.

      Yes the Invasion by those who flew a white flag with a red cross on it was of the UK. Long ago. The invasions are to be of the tax havens tracking the wealth that corrupts. Question answered? UK is too large for an invasion. Switzerland is now surrounded by the EU. Tax haven status under grave threat.

      Ashkenazi are Nazis. Yiddish for Aryan Jews from the East, aka Khazars maybe Huns etc etc. The Money Power.

      The old civilization is 1200 years old. History is ‘bunk’.

      Tick Tock …

  13. (Swiss) “Tax haven status under grave threat.” By whom?

    “There was once a world wide civilization.” I disagree. What’s your defintion of civilization?

    • By whom?
      Those who are presently running specific WORLWIDE military operations.
      Ever thought that the swamp is deepest under Lake Geneva?

        • So I hear…….probably connected via the Vatican to Israel.
          Most readers have not been following the ‘world wide’ phenomena of minor ‘earthquakes in straight lines consistently at a depth of about ten kms,
          Seems Fiona knew something about tunnels.
          Rumours are that they are being cleared out by military.
          In cases by flooding……. Notice the world wide weather causing floods.
          The Washington ‘floods’ popping up through ventilators was a DC phenomena a few years ago after Jan 21.
          I am amused that poor Auckland now has some good flooding? Lucky someone escaped?
          Some tunnels were reported as GOLDEN and were easy to clear with modern transport.

  14. Has anybody here noticed increase of “access denied or forbidden”, on sites exposing the BS?
    Especially since Tony Albanese and perpetraitors did their dirty deeds a few weeks ago, as most were on holidays including parliament, by bringing in CCP social credit points CBDC installation with 5G about to be switched on.
    Realise, Serco is on all bases loaded, pedophilia legalised with truth crushed under the jackboots of inequity. People that still think this is a joke are in for far worse promoted on idiot boxes daily.
    They didn’t upgrade and build new prisons all around Oz for no reason, past ten years.
    The tipping point has arrived, with communist nomenklatura entrenched.
    How long before Gumshoe is forbidden?

    “If voting made any difference, they wouldn’t let us do it”.

  15. Expose the Universities -Vice Chancellors play an important role.

    Steve McMurray focused on Sydney Uni along with Fiona Barnett.

    My research has focused on the players at Melbourne.

    Check out The Wyvern Society

    Dr Raynor Carey Johnson a man of particular interest check out his “Statement–for the record”
    Third Master, Queen’s College, 1934–1964
    A Yorkshireman by birth, Dr Johnson (1901-1987) was a physicist and leading research scientist in the field of spectroscopy. In later years Dr Johnson became interested in paranormal phenomena and published many books based on his research into psychical experiences, eastern religions and mysticism. He is shown in this portrait wearing the academic robes of the Doctor of Science conferred on him by the University of London in 1927.
    The Wyvern Society commissioned the portrait to celebrate 25 years of Dr Johnson as Master. It was unveiled at the Annual Dinner on 11 August 1961.
    Further information and comment on Dr Johnson’s life can be found here.


    also linked to topic—ahh our intellectuals many Jeckle and Hydes here–we are aca–demon -ized

    In 1960, Professor Orne’s work took him to the University of Sydney.

    The university was an intellectual spark in an at-times culturally conservative Australia. The psychology department was renowned, particularly for its work on hypnosis.

    In the 1950s, there were five significant hypnosis labs in the world — four in North America and the other at Sydney University, under the guidance of professors John Philip Sutcliffe and Gordon Hammer.

    So Professor Orne came to collaborate with some of Sydney’s esteemed psychologists. His financial backing for the trip, however, came from a source with shady motives.

    An article published in a 1965 edition of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, in which Professor Orne and his colleague Professor Frederick J. Evans record the results of one of their key experiments in Australia, has been referenced by the ABC.

    Listen to the podcast
    New and compelling histories from Australia and around the world.

    Read more
    On the first page, the authors acknowledges the contribution of the Human Ecology Fund, a secretive organisation used by the CIA to provide grants to social scientists and medical researchers investigating questions of interest to the MK-Ultra program.

    “This study was conducted at the University of Sydney, Australia, during a visit by the senior author [Orne], June-August 1960. It was supported in part … by a grant from the Human Ecology Fund,” the paper reads.

    Dr Sheehan, who had studied under Professor Orne, says the researchers at the University were unaware that their work was CIA-linked.

    “That particular experiment was at the University of Sydney, while I was doing my honours year, and I had never learned that was CIA-funded,” he says.

    • “The university was an intellectual spark in an at-times culturally conservative Australia. The psychology department was renowned, particularly for its work on hypnosis.”


  16. Swiss as a race or language doesn’t exist.
    A bit like “esperanto” an ideal.
    The triumvirate there are French German and Italian, still speaking their languages in three regions. None of them dominate, similar to Oz and other 5 eyes, in the underbelly of the beast.

    • They call it German but it’s dialect, there are an amazing amount of dialects existing in the world lumped under the “national language”

      • Dutch comes from the Middle Low German word for ‘German’, ‘Düdesch’, which in Modern High German is ‘Deutsch’, but 2500 years ago was ‘Theudisk’, meaning ‘people’ or ‘nation’.

      • Yes, 150 years ago nations in Europe hardly existed, except for ruling empires at times growing or shrinking. Hamlets and self sufficiency on ancestral lands was common. With city states influencing their regions.

        OWG is total opposite. it’s a blending of all races, forming a melting pot of homeless without tradition nor faith.

    • Raeto-Romanish is spoken by c:a 1% of the Swiss population.

      Around 50% speak Swiss-German, which is relatively close to the Alemanish, spoken in the South-Western corner of Germany – Badish/Alemannisch. (I had to learn both “dialects” to be able to function within the general population during my 11 years in the two areas.)

      In Switzerland, which had become a quadrilingual country by the early nineteenth century, the big issue in the German-speaking areas was henceforth whether use of the Swiss-German (Alemannic) dialects would be appropriate not only in colloquial interpersonal communication but also in more formal situations, such as classroom interaction in the schools (where reading and writing in Hochdeutsch or Schriftdeutsch was to be the core of the curriculum), in preaching, public speaking, and in the military.

      For fun, listen a little to TV 1 (Luzern in Central Switzerland). Even if you happen to speak fluent German you will not understand much – here they are talking about how to prevent Ski accidents.


      • Confederation Helvetika created itself with a view to carrying gold through the mountains to Zurich. Originally the gold from the Vatican and then Venice and also basically everywhere, via Knights Templars, Charlemagne tithing of French kingdom, etc etc.

        • Prior to establishment of nations in Europe there were no global wars.
          Now with OWG we people are the enemy.

          In village of birth, there was an elderly fisherman who kept half a dozen flags in basement, from early 1900’s to ‘50’s and on.
          So he could feed his family.

          In village of one thousand, brother killing brother, ignorant why they were fighting each other, left or right goosestep nothing’s changed.

  17. 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡💁🏼
    Yes, most of us ‘Killers’ here at gumshoenews.com should be whipped to death by Senator Jackie Lamby et.al…….. in the interests of justice …… of course we deserve it.

      Also, it seems at.
      13.54 via Sorcha at ‘rumour mill news reading room’ 27/1.
      Seems that it was not at the instigation of the Australian Broadcasting Corp- Commission, otherwise it would be at the top headline report by our ABC lefties….
      Re lefties, listen to Bongino on that commie Camel, Harris’ take on what equity is, from about 40 minutes💁🏼🤡 I think Bongino has a point, the Camel is Biden’s insurance policy.

  18. ClimateChange now solved.
    Teals Party leader Zali Staggall ( Holmes a’Court Jr. protege ) wants BigBrother to regulate the truth, presumably in the style of NZ hag

    Well donations from coal miners do not need to be disclosed to public in a timely way

    • Both videos about 2 min and of serious import
      Teals party most singular purpose is to split the Blue Party vote and install cuddly, friendly communists to press forward urgently with communist One World Government agenda from WEF Davos.

      • Yes, we have our homegrown Camels here, note Bongino in the video referred to above re CCP (WEF control freaks) leftie’s on social equity.
        Marvelous, why be in business and take risks employing people when the business is required to give to the camel?
        Bugger business, just go for a lifestyle they require as equitable and we all starve……excepting the ABC rummaging for leftovers in the government trough……in due course no one will be around or care to fix the leaking trough. Then it is all fun fun……ask the old from the Eastern European countries who found what was once AUSTRALIA.

      • I don’t speak fluent Legalese so I don’t know what lawyers are talking about half the time but I think Teals Party would be saying “We are not a [registered] PoliticalParty™ so donations from Holmes a’Court et al are not party donations, they are split up into small amounts and distributed to the various [not] party members.
        However please note this universal disclaimer:
        As I am not a registered Lawyer™ I do not speak or write in any form of Legalese, I write in my own private dialect which is not taught anywhere and means exactly what I want it to mean at any given time and NOTHING ELSE.
        Zali is now pushing for the aborigine thing [ covert constitutional change by communist ALP ].
        F* Off Zali therefore “could be interpreted” as simply, Why is summer getting shorter and cooler every year, is that your policies working ?

        • Probably were, with the hidden cameras also supplied by the taxpayers with the room.
          Peter was pretty Able using that old method with his executives of a transport company.

    • The latest situation update ……. The Kraken etc on 27/1 at Bin presented by Mary.
      At least note the Pfizer biff up at the opening From other reports Pfizer has wiped their employee, Walker, company references.
      Matter for all to decide to spend the time or remain uninformed, especially relating to all the banks and insurance companies being swamped by the derivatives.
      Want a dozen eggs? Well the formula feed has been doctored by tractor to reduce laying. Reports of course elsewhere that I have noted.
      Oh well, find a navel and hide from the rest if you will……..

      • Well, there was heaps there to consider.
        Well, the earth is not flat at least…..well, until the globalists attempt to flatten it with the MKUTRA sleepers getting their coded minds to help.
        Dianne, you may be interested that the MK chaps are, hidden, alive, well and waiting. Pity about willing, there is no such thing as a will for them.

  19. Go for a ground-upwards response that is wide based and not reactive to the “issues” laid out in corporate media etc. Here’s one example:

    I’m one of the many going retro thanks to all the reset greatness. Bluetooth was no sacrifice, I’d ditch it even if there were no EMF or privacy issues. Wifi minimisation was trickier, and going corded for telephony proved to be just too hard (so I compromised there with special arrangements). My “Aussie” NBN provider is justly renowned for service, yet their assistance was surprisingly grudging in these matters, so I’m guessing the lack of co-operation is due to general globbo policy. The globsters do NOT want the wired/corded thing going big….which is a reason to send it big.

    Just after I’d sorted most of my demands for retro tech, my ISP suddenly made it impossible to turn off wifi on the router. Really! At first they told me I had no choice but to leave it on permanently. After polite complaints and threats they admitted I could turn off wifi over internet, and they were forced to show me how.

    I’m told that the deviates of the WHO in Switzerland are themselves fully corded. If so, they know something they hope we don’t know. Time to know it and get loud about it. EMFs and privacy are weak points. They need us to be connected wirelessly in perpetuity. What if millions of people get just a tiny bit louder in wanting cords, headphone jacks, more privacy and less radiation? If the Enemy can create a panic over a non-existent (imho) bug, we can politely generate unease over a real and measurable threat. (Or does your dentist skip out of the room during X-rays because he needs the exercise?)

    Rather than fight on the globsters’ terms, let’s prod those weak points over the widest possible base. Then prod some more. We don’t need to discuss the “issues” and cartoon characters presented by the media, we don’t need to put our hope in some controlled alternative or “truther” mouthpiece. We need to pester, in our millions, over the matters WE have raised.

    By the way, I seldom comment because I don’t always have much to say…but thank you for this site.

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