Home News Takeover, Part 2: Big Emotional Words, Democracy and Fascism, Lead to Sloppy...

Takeover, Part 2: Big Emotional Words, Democracy and Fascism, Lead to Sloppy Thinking


(L) Detail from Raphael's "Plato and the School of Athens" (Plato in pink, Aristotle in brown) (R) The already-dead bodies of Benito Mussolini and his lover were hung upside down,   in 1945(L) Detail from Raphael’s “Plato and the School of Athens” (Plato in pink, Aristotle in brown) (R) The already-dead bodies of Benito Mussolini and his lover were hung upside down,   in 1945

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB

We find ourselves in the unprecedented situation of having secret rulers that can combine all sorts of resources — such as control of communication, and food — to reduce us to the position of feeling helpless.  I believe we are not helpless. Recall my half-finished series on Eutopia.  Philip Allott, author of the book Eutopia, points out that every accomplishment of humanity began in someone’s brain. Are there still brains?  Yes. Eight billion of them. Let’s go, Brainsies!

Here in Part 2 of the Takeover series, I am looking at the takeover of nations which occurred in modern times. Consider just one aspect that tells us a lot: large corporations have become hugely powerful, and therefore can squelch governmental power. Indeed, as I have argued in my writings on the judiciary, no such Big Guys are under the law. They evade prosecution. And thus, except for minor matters, we do not have courts anymore. Every judge — EVERY JUDGE — appears impotent.

To put our brains in order, we need to deal with the fact that language is flexible. It has often been noted that the word “liberal” has two almost opposite meanings. That would never be allowed in scientific work. It should not be allowed in any intellectual work — you have to know what you are referring to, when you use a particular word.

“Democracy” — How Emotional Can You Get?

There is also a separate matter. When something is important to us, we love the word for it. We get emotionally attached to the word itself, and may try to make it perform tasks beyond its capacity. I grew up believing that the word “democracy” meant a lot of good things such as justice and respect for individuals. No, it does not mean that. The word “democracy” only connotes majority rule — Aristotle didn’t think it was such a hot idea.

It would be nice to think that where a majority can determine a law, even by a tight 51%, that things like justice and reasonableness will prevail. Granted, a huge number of people — the 51% — is unlikely to create a law that is widely hurtful.   But the word democracy does not cover that. The word only means that when a decision is to be made, the vote will be taken on the basis of one man, one vote, and a Yes on the issue at hand will depend on 51% saying Yes.

So I am pleading for accuracy. I am also specifically pleading against emotionality in discussions about our current globalised world. If you say you want the human race to be democratic, and you invoke emotions (“We are good, they are bad”), this won’t be helpful to anyone.  The group you designate as bad won’t be the least bit persuaded to your view.

And how can your mission to reform the world by democracy succeed, if you are betting more on democracy (majority rule) than it can handle? Go ask yourself what it is you really want.

Capitalism and Communism

I grew up assuming that capitalism in my country, the US, meant that a person could start a business and be unhampered by limitations upon profit-making. I thought communism meant that no one is permitted do that. So if you lived in the Soviet Union, and had an entrepreneurial type disposition, you would have to make do with being a wage earner. Heck, communism might even make you work in an industry that you hate, all based on a plan to divide chores up equally among everyone.

All I got, as a kid, was textbook stuff, in regard to both capitalism and communism. Thus I didn’t truly know if the above description of those two things was accurate. It was just “common knowledge.”  By the time I was in graduate school (1988), I had read up on sociobiology. I saw that human emotions interfere with intelligence when a person is thinking about any matters of an inter-group nature. We are suitably irrational when we need to act for our tribe.

My PhD thesis is published as “Morality among Nations: an Evolutionary View.” It’s based on sociobiology, social instincts. I claim there can’t be a moral code as between two separate tribes. It’s important that we realize this. The human brain is very prejudiced. Unless we make a clear effort to acknowledge and overcome this, we will not have useful exchanges, internationally.

Consider how we talked during The Cold War (never mind that the Cold War was faked — that’s another story). We talked, and militarily armed ourselves, for a confrontation that was allegedly between countries that would protect freedom (the West) and countries that would imprison their citizens at the drop of a hat (the Commies).

Wasn’t Vietnam about that? Weren’t we afraid that Red China, and North Vietnam, would win South Vietnam and start a domino effect of other Asian nations going Commie?

Note: It was a bit of a puzzle to me, in high school, that the nuns, who were about as Jesus-appreciating as anyone could be, never said “Hmm. Jesus preached poverty and equality. Isn’t the communist system really Christian?” Ah, but the USSR closed all its churches, so that proves its sinful nature.

Economics Is Not Government

At some point, I noticed that my country was mudding the dichotomy of economic styles with a comparison of governmental styles. Communism tells us something about the economy, but the USSR had an authoritarian grip, which is a different matter. (Please excuse my autobiographical remarks in these accounts, but the story has to be based on a particular time and place. My college days were in the height of the Cold War, the late ’60s, in the US.)

Later in life, I totally divorced “economics” from “control.”  Maybe one determines the other in specific circumstances, but if the thing we hope to avoid is a bad government, we should be comparing governments as such.  This would mean knowing how power is actually controlled and how it could theoretically be controlled.

Power involves a biological instinct for climbing the hierarchy, and the natural trait of leadership that some people have.  But power is also influenced by other instincts, for example: kindness, meanness, greed, problem-solving, competitiveness, peace-making, bossiness, vanity, obedience, and a penchant to teach.

A determining factor of the tribe’s governing style, besides instincts, is its contemporary culture. A cultural valuing of, say, materialism could underwrite a control system that allows for competition in obtaining goods. A culture with a tradition of adoring its royal family may encourage a control system of fawning obedience. A “wild west” culture will justify every-man-for-himself behavior.

Each choice of such-and-such style makes it likely that the style will intensify over the years. God knows, humans are supporters of the status quo. As Thomas Jefferson wrote, in the Declaration of Independence in 1776:

“All experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.”

What about Authoritarianism, Totalitarianism

Here in “Takeover, Part 2,” about the defining of emotional words, I propose that it’s safe to use the words authoritarian and totalitarian. They are not emotional, they are mathematical. It would be possible to rate any society’s control system on the basis of its authoritarianism.  Does it allow deviance?  Does it allow protest?  Has the culture started to hate citizens who criticize government?  A One Party state is an indicator of authoritarianism; challengers are excluded.

As for totalitarianism, the main feature is the government’s invasion of the individual’s personal life, as a means of controlling him. The boss wants to know what that citizen is thinking, and wants to deter her from thought crime, i.e., a thought that challenges his rule and the philosophy of life that he publishes as truth.

Censorship is essential to this. It is also important to have spies, and to place a cultural value on the act of spying. Internal passports and control of everyone’s bank account (including knowledge of one’s expenditures) is required. Cruel acts committed on dissenters can be publicized; this will intimidate others.

The best presentation of a totalitarian society is George Orwell’s 1984. It involved a Ministry of Truth which erased from the history books any mention of an event or an idea from the past that fails to accord with the currently received truth.

The Global Takeover

Conquerors are a familiar subject in human history. Overseas conquests began only in the 16th century, when oceangoing vessels were invented. But subduing a neighboring nation was commonplace since ancient times. Everybody knows of the Persian empire, the Greek, the Roman, the Chinese, the Mayan. Today we have the all-out planetary empire — or almost.

It appears that it’s predominantly a group of bankers who are pushing for unity of governments. They say national sovereignty should be ditched, as it gets in the way of a smoothly run world economy. Note the trade treaty, NAFTA that broke some of the barriers between the three North American states of Canada, US, and Mexico. The European Union grew out of a 1951 “coal and steel community” between France and West Germany, eventually gaining 27 members by last year, and having its own parliament.

I think the plan for a global union is so silly as to not deserve arguing against.  Nevertheless, one does have to argue against it, as it is well along toward fruition. (So sayeth the ever-pleased Klaus Schwab.) In particular, one needs to argue against the claim that international trade makes this new Frankenstein government inevitable.

Consider my logic: if a Frankenstein government is a worse thing than a “lack of global trade” (which we have somehow managed to survive for all of human history), let’s vote for a lack of global trade.  Lookie — Britain quit the EU by voting Brexit, didn’t it?

Anyway, it is inherent in huge industries, especially if they are monopolies, that law will suffer. A year ago, Twitter made the decision to turn off the chit-chat coming to the public from Donald Trump who at the time President of the United States. People seemed to accept —

foolishly — that a because the Twitter owners were able to do it, that was that. “Let it be done.”

Might is right.  What nonsense! What if the next thing a big corporation wants to do is sell filet mignon made from human meat — is that OK?

Note: corporations exist because legislation granted them the right to exist, in the first place.  It was seen by transoceanic traders that no individual had enough capital to build a boat and man it for a risky voyage. The government granted early corporations a charter. It was a contract between the capitalist adventurer and society. The adventurer would get some privileges, in exchange for which they must do something beneficial to society.

The US has a law dating to 1890, that forbids monopolies. May I quote 18 UC 15?  Here ‘t’is:

“No person engaged in commerce …  shall acquire the whole or any part of the assets of another person engaged also in commerce or in any activity affecting commerce, where … the effect of such acquisition may be substantially to lessen competition, or to tend to create a monopoly.”

You may wonder why the US government does not lower the boom on mergers. I think it’s because, as claimed in Part 1 of this series, our apparent government officials obey the directions of “whomever.”

Note: the real coup was the Covid closure of small businesses.  What a stroke of genius for Amazon, Apple, and others!

In short, for purposes of today’s promotion of precise language in lieu of sloppy words, we should state precisely that a monopoly is a monopoly, and that in saner times we knew to recognize monopolies as undesirable.

Fascism — What Is It? Is It Just an Epithet?

In order to put up any fight against the coming of a bad system, we need to both see what the bad system is and have a better plan to recommend in its place. Some scholars are ducking out of their duty to offer a better plan, by trafficking in vague language. “Fascism” is a way to call up emotions by referencing some bad stuff from the early 20th century.

I recommend we place a taboo on that word. If what you mean is “dictatorship,” just say “dictatorship”, OK?  If what you mean is Aryan racism just say Aryan racism. If what you mean is ultra-conservatism, say that; d/on’t bring in the word fascism. If you mean a swift kick with a jackboot, you could say “police brutality.” Any word — like fascism or liberalism — that has several meanings is bad for the brain. The rational brain needs clarity of language.

The etymology of the word is from the Latin fasces, an axe surrounded by a bunch of sticks, carried in a procession as a sign of power. Etymonline says “the sticks symbolized punishment by whipping, the axe-head execution by beheading. Hence in Latin it also meant, figuratively, “high office, supreme power.”

In Italy, Benito Mussolini, in 1922, proudly named his party The Nationalist Fascist Party. The rough idea was taken up in Germany in 1933 by the “nazis” — the National Socialist German Workers Party in 1933. Notice the words socialist and workers in that title — an example of the confusion that can surround fascism. I think the main claim to people’s allegiance in a fascist system boils down to “We are way better than somebody else.”  Pure emotionalism, based on something all humans need — a sense of belonging to their group.

Anyone wanting to see what transpired at that time in Italy and Germany can study the historical facts, but they won’t be studying “fascism.” There is no such thing.  Oh, one more point: the word fascism is sometimes used to indicate businesses bossing government. I suggest we refer to that as “businesses bossing government.”

And thus we could debate: Do we approve a plan for business to boss our government?



  1. Harare.
    Go hack yourself and your robotic psychos mates.
    And take our lemming politicians and mass media, that you have already hacked, with you.
    Try hacking our spirit or soul.
    You lot are just pretend humans in a tin can ready for recycling on another planet.

    • You cheated Ned – you peaked at some of the comments …
      • “If they think us “non-elites” will lay down and let us this happen, they are very much mistaken.”
      • “Thanks my eternal enemy for showing yourself. It makes it easier for us and the Boss, to hunt you see you next Tuesday’s down.”
      • “Someone with the skills and the will, please, please, please @#$% these people off. Do you need funding? Let the people fund.”

      • Fish,
        Everyone can entertain all the theories till the cows come home, but all is simple.
        There is a material existence for a Cook’s tour on this planet for the experience for what we are and to learn, as a spiritual being.
        Those who do not acknowledge or experience their innate being, cannot envisage such a existence, thus we have the Harare’s with a material control freak agenda trying to supplant the spirit.
        So it is simple, we who acknowledge our spiritual existence over ions have the materialists by the balls. Their existence ends in a blink of the cosmos eye. Poor bastards, the spirit lasts and they ultimately cease to exist in the whisper of a fairy’s fart.

  2. The most honourable I could do is exercise my democratic right to abstain.
    Maybe just a couple of thoughts …

    I was trying to condense Oswald Mosley’s chapter from “My Life” titled “17 – The Ideology of Fascism: Science and Caesarism”

    Too much so just a couple of passages to indicate the nature and tone of his treatise …

    “The superficial question may be raised whether the idea really had any relation to this kind of action, since not one in a hundred of Communist Party members understands Marxism, and not one in a million in the countries adhering to that creed has ever read Marx. Why then should this abstruse and far from popular doctrine have anything to do with the achievement at all? It is a superficial question, but it is difficult to answer without a psychological treatise which delves to the roots of human nature. In short reply, no movement of the human mind and spirit goes far unless it is inspired by an idea which, for better or worse, is a reality. It may be as obscure and contorted as Marxian economic theory or as clear and simple as the Christian doctrine of love, but it must be a reality in the sense that it appeals to some deep feeling in human nature. When thought is obscure it must be translated into feeling to be effective. It is understood by an elite, and if it is a real and powerful idea it develops in them a certain attitude to life. This attitude is communicated to others who may not be familiar with the detail of the thinking, and it then becomes the feeling of the mass. A decisive idea thus transmuted into mass feeling can cause the birth of a new civilisation. Without such an idea, action is in the void, and without action the idea also rests in the void.”


    “Time was too short for fascism to burgeon into a new culture which would later come to flower in a new civilisation. Indeed, the organic nature of fascism precluded a new culture in the sense of any sharp break with the past, because in essence it preserved and restored classic European values.”


    “The vilely libelled mass of our members were the very flower of the English people. They were men and women with the vision to see the doom coming to the values and position of their country and with the will and courage to resist it. Most of them were certainly men of feeling and of action rather than of the study, the type of the soldier rather than of the scholar, giving precedence to sword over gown, but it is such men who, in union with creative thinkers, build all movements of reality.”

    As a ‘fascist’ (wrong definition Mary – IMHO), Mosley was acutely focussed on the domestic unemployment problem and was vehemently opposed to imperialism and war.

    He mentions this guy and his book …

    • Raven Thomson Alexander – The Coming Corporate State


  3. Worth repeating and bring forward …

    ‘1. “DEMOCRACY: it is controlled by capitalist ownership and control of the media, grants from tax-free foundations and favoured press coverage for favoured political candidates. Wide franchise to vote is given to the people to make them easier to control by making them think that “the people” are responsible for the inevitable distortions and negative consequences of the policies the super-rich mattoids impose in order to serve their selfish interests. Democracy separates authority from responsibility, this making it virtually impossible for the voters to reform the system. Those in authority (the mattoids) have no responsibility. Those responsible (the politicians) have no authority except that which is lent to them by their controllers.“
    W. A. Carto. May 20, 2003 in “Populism vs Plutocracy: The Universal Struggle” and cited in ”Publisher’s Note” in “The Third Rome: Holy Russia, Tsarism and Orthodoxy” by Matthew Raphael Johnson (first published 2003 – Third Edition 2010)

    ‘2. The great falsehood of our time (Lie of Democracy) Konstantin Pobedonostev

    ‘3. Nikolai Berdyaev -About democracy

    • Democracy
      ‘4. “I went to the Parliament whenever I had any time to spare and watched the spectacle silently but attentively. I listened to the debates, as far as they could be understood, and I studied the more or less intelligent features of those ‘elect’ representatives of the various nationalities which composed that motley State. Gradually I formed my own ideas about what I saw.
      “A year of such quiet observation was sufficient to transform or completely destroy my former convictions as to the character of this parliamentary institution.
      “Democracy, as practised in Western Europe today, is the forerunner of Marxism. In fact, the latter would not be conceivable without the former. Democracy is the breeding ground in which the bacilli of the Marxist world pest can grow and spread.
      “The parliament passes some acts or decree which may have the most devastating consequences, yet nobody bears the responsibility for it.
      “This institution is primarily responsible for the crowded inrush of mediocre people into the field of politics. […] Thus the situation will appeal to small minds and will attract them accordingly.”
      … from Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler

      • What my article hath wrought! Jeepers!

        “Democracy is the breeding ground in which the bacilli of the Marxist world pest can grow and spread…”

        Paging George Soros, paging George Soros. Please pick up the white courtesy pnone…

      • Yes, Julius, the depth of intelligent true political, socioeconomic ideas presented in Mein Kampf makes it required serious reading for those who want to be disabused of the jewish mind-control programming manipulation.

        It is not a question of eschewing words like ‘fascism’ or ‘democracy’ in political discourse but an intelligent appraisal of these words to foster political astuteness which is thoroughly deficient amongst even supposed ‘intelligentsia’.

        Why would anyone intelligent ever desire democracy? We are all well aware of the dumb masses, and democracy is mob-rule, an inevitable precursor to nation wrecking communism, a horrific jewish subversive ideology for non-jews. They rather have zionism which is a political monstrosity for jewish despotic world government based on their exclusive race dominance. Could you all not see how international jewry hate every race-based movement and would do everything possible to destroy this essential solid sound basis for nations to survive? This parasitic race cannot infiltrate and destroy such countries as easily. They have been subverting whole nations and civilizations throughout all of mankind’s history. Hence multiracialism multiculturalism is a favorite jewish weapon.

        National Socialism is the answer to mankind’s political problems and those genuinely interested in what really works for a progressive healthy nation must study what Adolf Hitler revealed in his writings.

  4. Thank you so much, Herr Skoolafish. You’ve been most cooperaive. I wrote you a haiku yesterday and forgot to post it.

    Three sneaky bastards.
    They self-cernsored their bad thoughts.
    My gratitude, Boys.

  5. “The Ukrainian people, regardless of what ethnic group they may belong to, are merely the latest unwitting hostages of the supranational totalitarian regime that brought the national economies of the entire world to their knees through the Covid deception, after publicly theorising about the need to decimate the world population and transform the survivors into chronically I’ll patients who have irreparably compromised their immune systems.

    Let the Ukrainian people look at what has happened to the nations of the European Union:……What were once prosperous and independent nations, diverse in their respective ethnic, linguistic, cultural and religious specificities, have now been transformed into a shapeless mass of people without ideals, without hopes, without faith, without even the strength to react against the abuses and crimes of those who govern them. A mass of corporate customers, slaves of the system of detailed control imposed by the pandemic farce, even in the face of evidence of the fraud. A mass of persons without individual identity, marked with QR codes like animals on an intensive farm, like products of a huge shopping centre. If this has been the result of the renunciation of national sovereignty for all the nations – every single one, without exception – that have entrusted themselves to the colossal scam of the European Union, why would Ukraine be any different?

    If there is a positive aspect that each of us can recognise in this crisis, it is that it has revealed the horror of the global tyranny, its ruthless cynicism, its capacity to destroy and annihilate everything it touches…..

    To be clear: the New Order is not an inescapable destiny, and it can be subverted and denounced, if only the peoples of the world realise that they have been deceived and swindled by an oligarchy of clearly identifiable criminals, who one day will have to answer for those sanctions and those blocks of funds that today they apply with impunity to anyone who does not bend the knee before them.

    ‘Loose the bands of wickedness, undo the bundles that oppress, let those who are broken go free, and break asunder every burden. Share your bread with the hungry, welcome into your house the afflicted and homeless; when you see a naked man, clothe him, and do not turn your back on your own flesh. Then your light will rise like the dawn, and your wound will quickly be healed. Your justice shall go before you, the glory of the Lord will closely follow you.
    (Isaiah 58:6-8).’

    The United States of America and the European nations should not marginalise Russia, but rather form an alliance with her, not only for the restoration of trade for the prosperity of all, but in view of the reconstruction of a Christian Civilization, which alone can save the world from the globalist techno-health transhuman monster.”

    Carlo Maria Vigano, Archbishop

  6. We’re all in this together, so they say. Then what happened to the Common wealth of Australia? Are’nt we supposed to be sharing the nations wealth in common? How come the wealth of the nation is now all privatised and Australia now cannot afford to easily put the sufferers of a natural disaster back on their feet?

    • And I will raise your CNN with a BBC (cough – cough – gag)

      • Is Putin a puppet? Interview with Mikhail Khodorkovsky – BBC Newsnight

      And lead with Inessa S – a segment from a ?four hour documentary I can share

      • The Oligarchs who destroyed Russia

      Starts at 1:47 after embedded sponsor promotion

  7. Surely MSM will bury this one:

    Russia tells the US “We have found your biological weapons.” (How do you get bold letters?)

    Maria Zarakova with English voice overlay:


    A comment:
    DeplorableRose, 4 hours ago
    “Omg, never in my life would I have thought I’d believe a Russian communist from the KGB more than my own government. It’s just stunning”.


    Nuland/US is nervous: “The Russians must not get to our Ukrainian Bio Labs”


  8. Democracy(look monkeys), lol. Russia is democratic right, its got the swinging doors.
    I’ll fight to the death for democracy as long as it is my flag. I will be steadfast and continue to supply help to women and childen(except my neighbor), one day, god willing. I have democratic bipartisan ethics, so I don’t worry that our success leads to more to help that I will supply till uneducated partisans that are hellbend on killing themselves are saved. Don’t even need to think about with my education. This is why protests and assembly for speech is unnecessary, makes me so mad I just want to enforce democracy by any means and take their children.

    The brain has left and right so two things can be held to be true, till discernment reconciles that differential. Outside the brain is a circuit break should the first two remain split. The cult is a fake circuit breaker. Some sidelined(Suspended animation) because left, right can not resole and if the outside is hijacked, those will act under the hijackers doctrine.(Stockholm syndrome).

    The freedoms are a way to deprogram from the group, if the group actiity is not acting for the group.(micro and macro).

    I had the same education, and like Mary hae aligned the 3 states of will. Allowing for correct function. Once there, one can start the personal deprogramming. and then engage with the group in a meaningful way. I left the nation group and neer thought I would return. I am hopeless at it but can be bothered now. I am strong in awareness and across the financial groups though disengaged in that, at the same time, wanting to help my group not hurt.

    Few things before read the comments. The wiki with propaganda is useful with the logic’s connected to the aligned and natural human state.

    “The human brain is very prejudiced.”not natural, trained, aim for discernment)

    “emotions interfere with intelligence” (a essential warning system that can be hijacked and used if unaware)

    “Conquerors are a familiar subject in human history. Overseas conquests began only in the 16th century, when oceangoing vessels were invented.”
    1600’s is John East West Company. Maori where NZ circa 1200 and Cooks escapades show this. My group by spirit on who’s land I stand knew the invaders, had repelled the Maori because up till 1770 had repelled slavers that form later to plantationists) Could go wayyyyy back, but 900ad shows the pattern. No study, but I break with those that compound with no interest. The spirit is that connection, and if I have a debt, I’m paying it down. I don’t care about odds or anything because that’s my group.Can’t help Uke currently and the group that is running the shop would use it to make matters worse. I have the defenders flying over me now offering blankets.

    • Simon, just to clarify. When I said “the brain is very prejudiced” i mean it is the brain’s job to incline us to do this or that. Inclines a 16 year old girl to flirt with boys. Inclines a person to lie to evade blame — whatever is needed for survival.

      Inclines one to be loyal to one’s clan or nation. “My country wrong or wrong.”

      • Sloppy words(prejudiced) and context. The social psychological context I took as unjustified or incorrect attitude, which is neither here nor there (nebulous)in an individual with median tools(power) to use.
        I’m hell prejudiced but that is a flowing check to my perception of just and fair. Discourse is important to a healthy group and individual. Drones watch out, your view is considered, for fair, but slot me I don’t care, I won’t hold back because you might be triggered or cry, because you heard a story/history. This applies to my own clan, too.(and it has).

        “Father, I Can Not Tell a Lie: I Cut the Tree,”
        If Law is your group, and you can move your perception because you are self-prejudiced, over a lie of the group that clings to a story that meters out a lot of unjustified results.

        Well your my kind of group now. Fact check – functional

  9. “The adventurer would get some privileges, in exchange for which they must do something beneficial to society.”

    Yo Ho Ho haul together. Pirates 322.

    No stone left un-Coombed,

    This is a jolly lie, but a jolly roger for you.

    This is worth the work, but you won’t get the tender

  10. Mis-informed consent – deadly deceit was act of war

    The Pfizer docs are damning.

    It is not surprising that the criminals at Pfizer and their political partners did not want the public to see them.

    They evince egregious and murderous fraud in which trials that showed their vaccines to be deadly were ignored and hidden from the public and the booby-trapped product inflicted on that public in full knowledge of the fact that it would injure and kill consumers in large numbers.

    There are no words to describe the enormity of the crime perpetrated against the citizens of nations whose government promoted the fake pandemic and then equally cynically promoted the boobytrapped vaccines as a “solution” to it.

    Read on –


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