Home News The Desperados, Part 1: Proud Human Civilization Getting Unraveled from the Top

The Desperados, Part 1: Proud Human Civilization Getting Unraveled from the Top


Activist group in Columbia County, New YorkActivist group in Columbia County, New York, parks its poster by the road. Photo: DoWeNeedThis.org/Erich Kress 

by Mary W Maxwell, LLB

Dear Children of a Future Generation,

Hi. I am a member of the “Baby Boomer” generation. That name came from the fact that births boomed in the late 1940s when so many young men came home from World War II and got married. Yes, marriage was the standard way of starting a family. And children were protected, guided, and chershed.

We boomers had the best of everything, while growing up. We had secure families and local and national governments that were worthy of respect. We hardly knew the sensation of fear – (“fear of the dentist” being the top dread) or uncertainty about the future. Life was calm.

The seasons changed on schedule; we didn’t dread the loss of property by floods or hurricanes. Property? You ask “What’s that?” There was a conventional system as to who owns what. Granted, our forebears had grabbed land away from the natives, and thoughtlessly killed them. But, later we managed to stay comfortably unaware of that fact. People worked for wages and could buy a house or rent an apartment.

Some females were teachers and nurses, but the majority of women were mothers and homemakers.  A “lady doctor” was rare. In the 1960s, it became unfashionable to talk about separate roles per sex, and soon women held pretty much any job. Both “masculinity” and “femininity” were prized.

Judging by what is happening now, in 2021, I figure you may not even be familiar with some of the things I mentioned – marriage, the cherishing of children, a government that could be trusted, personal property, roles designated as male or female. And a general lack of fear and uncertainty.

Oh, and there was also something known as high culture. Artists, poets, philosophers, and others “did their thing.” They produced works that the public was keen to admire and enjoy. Such works were referred to as proof of human progress and high ideals. “It will keep getting better and better.”

When I said above that life was calm, I didn’t mean we were in a state of lullaby. There were social issues to argue about. But we had reason on our side: just using the old noodle meant any problem could be overcome. Authority about right and wrong was valued and it appealed to the emotions of the typical citizen.

So What Happened?

No sure when you will be opening this little “message-in-a-bottle,” so not sure what History of the 2020 Era you will have been taught. I’ll venture a guess that you’ve been told that humans who lived before your time messed things up.  From what I see around me, the happy way of life we boomers had was deliberately sabotaged by a small group. Yes. They conspired against us.

Sure, we normal folk were partly to blame, but we couldn’t see what was happening at the top. There was a group of people, organized in the 1700s, who discovered they could siphon off much of the society’s wealth by secrecy and deceit. In their view of reality, the masses are dumb and that only they – specimens of a higher humanity – deserve the resources of Mother Earth.

Some call those men The Elite, or The Powers That Be. Personally, I label them “the Desperados.”

Eventually they started to feel, well, desperate.  Although they are possibly unconscious of their own fear, they must know deep down that the things they have done to people are on the big No-no list, and punishment awaits them. And folks are starting to wake up.

Now allow me to outline the Desperados attempts to deal indirectly with their enemy – us – by making  it difficult for us to use morality, reasoning, government, and community. Frankly, I think they deserve a medal for being so insightful as to identify those four points of attack.

To Wreck Morality

Let me pretend to be one of the elite (or one of their secret slaves in the basement) trying to chart what would be needed to wreck the human species.  As you are living in the future, O Reader, indeed a future that has possibly embraced a lot of AI – artificial intelligence – it’s conceivable that you won’t understand me at all. But I think much of your brain will be old-world — antediluvian, my mother would say.

A high priority in the attack would be to take away the cultural acceptance of morality. Since the persons at the top wish to lie, steal and murder, as a privileged elite, they don’t want to be weighed down by scruple. So they need a new morality along the lines of Aleister Crowley’s motto “Do as thou wilt is the whole of the law.”

How’s that for remarkable dismissal of one’s guilt! It works well for the elite, but they can’t really afford to let the masses reject all morality, since obedience will be needed. However, the elite can sow general confusion about morality.  Writing as early 1798, in his book Proofs of a Conspiracy, John Robison said the top men engineered “profligacy.”

Robison had been a respectable member of the Freemasons but quit when he saw that the goal was to abolish Christianity. Concerning the Order of the Illuminati, Robison wrote, 223 years ago:

The aim of the Order is not to enlighten the mind of man…. The more closely we examine the principles and practice of the Illuminati, the more clearly do we perceive that their first and immediate aim is to get the possession of riches, power, and influence, without industry; and, to accomplish this, they want to abolish Christianity. 

And then dissolute manners and universal profligacy will procure them the adherence of all the wicked, and enable them to overturn all the civil governments of Europe; after which they will think of farther conquests and extend their operations to the other quarters of the globe, till they have reduced mankind to the state of one undistinguishable chaotic mass.”


Today, the controlled media entertains us constantly with tales (whether true or false) of people doing monstrous things to one another. Profligacy reigns and human cruelty is limited only by one’s imagination. I saw a headline the other day that said something like: “Woman Cuts Off Grandson’s Toes.” You are no longer supposed to react with “No one would ever do that,” as we are supposed to be living in an anything-goes world. (Smart, huh?)

To Wreck Reasoning

A very telling feature of the Desperados’ desperation is the way they are desperately censoring us. I can recall a time when there was no computer in my life (that is, until 2000). But I got dragged in by peer pressure to use both emails and a cell phone. This allows all my communication to be hacked into and monitored.

George Orwell predicted, in 1949, that Big Brother would surveil us by the Year 1984. We were told (in the US) that his book was really about the Soviet Union, even though it was set in England – aka “Airstrip One.” Just think, the pressure put on the mind merely by having to censor one’s own writings goes a long way toward making you stop reasoning. After all, one usually reasons via argument with your critics.

And who would have thought that the streets of England, by 2020, would be littered with cameras? This adds to the sense that you must conform to the rules.  It also destroys privacy and autonomy.  Psychiatrists and secret agencies have known for a century that invading a person’s space and identity is destructive of “self.”

A humorous moment occurred at the beginning of the Covid lockdown when classrooms became “remote.” One of the teachers was overheard on video saying he did not want this, as the parents would watch from home and might then realize “what we are doing to the kids.”

One thing the schools did, to the generations after the baby boomer generation, was to teach that there is no correct answer to a problem. Everybody’s opinion is equally worthy! Moreover, if you insist that your answer has better proof, you risk “hurting the feelings” of others. This is put forward as consensus building, but it’s actually Groupthink. And academic excellence suddenly means not breaking new ground.

To Wreck Government 

Dear Children of a Future generation, it is natural to want to be guided and it’s natural to adore the guide. That naturalness has to do with the need for every child to pick up the rules of his culture. Mom and Dad are the guides, initially, and later you may have similar natural response to leaders of government.

In my day, we looked up to the local traffic cop, our teachers, a doctor, any court judge, or other person higher than us in the hierarchy — and anyone in religious garb, of course. Nowadays that has more or less collapsed. Again, the media set the pace. The News regales us with the idea that all higher-ups are acting corruptly and without conscience. It is a bit hard to admire such person.

That’s beside the bigger point that government personnel have in fact stopped acting for the good of the people. They commit the generic sin of bureaucracy, which is to act in the interests of their particular branch of government (such as by lobbying for funding), or their “Party.” Or they are corrupted by outsiders.

It is my belief today that hardly any legislator is “his own man.”  The aforementioned Illuminati coterie has put its lackeys into almost every government post – perhaps worldwide. This being so, the citizen seeks in vain to get help from his/her government. They are all “working for someone else.” In the US, many persons sitting in the Hall of Congress are not Congresspersons anyway — they are, for example, “counsel to such-and-such committee.” Those infiltrators draft legislation to suit God-knows-whom.

To Wreck Community

Person wishing to take over a nation can usually do so by setting one subgroup against another in that nation.  Aided by the media, Group A can come to believe anything bad about Group B and vice versa. The guarantee of the success of this trick is that any person in Group B who wants to make nice with A will be very worried that his fellow B’s will hate him for bending to the “enemy.”  Sad, but true.

Perhaps the biggest wrecking of community today comes from a loss of sense of time. We used to be aware of the past, present, and future of our group. Our belongingness to our group relies on repeated reference to where we came from. We also need to call up the heroes of the past.  This is not easy to do if the ethnic makeup of the group is constantly shifting. I believe that the Desperados engineer migrations with this in mind. (The Indonesian word transmigrasi captures this phenomenon; Stalin used it effectively in the USSR to discourage protests.)

Community is also wrecked by the aforementioned trends – loss of morality, loss of respect for each person’s place in society’s division of labor, loss of trust of those in authority, and loss of calm reasoning. One conspicuous consequence of loss of community is loneliness. That is also a result of bigness.  you could have a nice relationship with your local merchant but not with a giant “fulfillment center.”

Don’t the Desperados Need These Things, Too?

The slave in the basement, tasked with devising methods of social control, may do a brilliant job of it, but there are many thousands of members of the elite who don’t live in seclusion.  They have to interact with people in the real world.  For instance, they must send their kids to university. Those of them who are high level military leaders do find themselves in battles with actual gunfire. If the elite has seeded all agricultural land with GMO, even accidentally, that elite will inevitably have to consume that food.

I am happy to think that by now it has likely dawned on the Desperados that destroying society for the Great Unwashed also destroys society for them. For now, they avoid thinking about this, by concentrating on the alleged glorious future in which the human species will be hardly recognized anyway. All manner of DNA tampering will be possible (they say) and we’ll acquire loads of new traits, even from plant and animal species, via the science and technology of transhumanism.

Yeah, right.

— Note: This article is the first of a series on the Desperados. Mary Maxwell’s website is ConstutionAndTruth.com 




  1. “A very telling feature of the Desperados’ desperation is the way they are desperately censoring us”
    Thousands of ‘influencers’ of thinking and truth have been deleted from the Facebook’s, Youtubes etc.
    Not only censorship… but also programming

  2. Mary, what an extraordinary article – this essentially encapsulates Gumshoe’s entire mission.

    For now, a bit of lightheadedness…

    “One thing the schools did, to the generations after the baby boomer generation, was to teach that there is no correct answer to a problem. Everybody’s opinion is equally worthy! Moreover, if you insist that your answer has better proof, you risk “hurting the feelings” of others. This is put forward as consensus building, but it’s actually Groupthink. And academic excellence suddenly means not breaking new ground.”

    • Funny video 2 + 2 = 22

      • Not everybody was fooled.

        In the late 1950s, the architect Buckminster Fuller ridiculed with actual comparative statisitics, the global overpopulation myth, pointing out that the promulgators of that hypothesis were eugenicists. (Incidentally, the current growth rate is 2.4 kids per family).

        In November 1964, I realised that everything I had been taught to believe was a lie, and so I undertook to research the sources of the lies for the next decade. It kinda took longer than that.

        But my point is that, if I had this epiphany then, so too must thousands of others.

        But in identifying the culprits, the first were psychiartrists. More specifically, the US Association of Psychiartrists, which was an offshoot of the Eugenicis Society, Carnegie, Rockefeller, Bill Gate’s dad, Spencer, et al.

        By 2000 I realised that the key to the global takeover came down to a single word: BELIEF.

        Yet, how many people have realised that the key to being manipulated is most people’s BELIEF that it is valid to mix BELIEF with evidence.

        Until everyone realises this, we are defeated.

        • Belief is a kind of stubborn bigotry used by lazy people to avoid thinking or “rocking the boat” and unfortunately the same word was promoted by the church for probably centuries as a virtuous thing, probably the correct state of mind is not belief but the opposite, a sort of explorational open-mindedness

        • Makes me think of Julia Gillard’s classic blooper re “climate change”, quote, “I believe in the science”.
          The fact that she couldn’t figure out that science isn’t some sort of faith-walk remains the perfect summation of Australia’s leadership

  3. Another anecdote …

    transmigrasi … Stalin used it effectively in the USSR to discourage protests.”

    A couple of links in case readers think you are just making this stuff up:

    • Interpreting Stalin’s Wartime Ethnic Deportations – Thijs Korsten


    Ignore the title and the rest of this paper/discussion – just see the content at around 9:23+

    • Diffusion of Gender Norms: Evidence from Stalin’s Ethnic Deportations

    The speaker is Ekaterina Zhuravskaya.

    In a nutshell she is talking about the impact on the gender norms within a local population by an influx of new arrivals (deportees) and how the deportees influence the local culture. In order to conduct such a study she needs indisputable, documented facts in terms of numbers. She then goes on to quite rigorously defends her statistical analysis.

    She is focussing on the impact on gender norms within the local population as a result of the deportees under Stalin’s ethnic cleansing programme. The slide at 9:23 is particularly insightful.

    • 2.16 million people were deported from the Western parts of the USSR to Siberia and Central Asia in 1939-1944

    • The largest four groups of ethnic deportees constituted 84% of all deportees:
    o Germans (over 1M deported)
    o Chechens (over 450K deported)
    o Crimean Tartars (over 185K deported)
    o Meskhetian Turks (over 75K deported)

    • Deportations of these groups were indiscriminate: men, women and children were deported.

    • Julius, I don’t know what you mean by gender norms, but while I have the floor I’d just like to shock Gumshoers by saying that when I lived n Muslim society, from 1988 to 1993, I generally approved of, and admired, the Muslim norm of protection of women. It all makes sense if you experience it in context.

      My spouse had to write a letter of permission for me to get a driver’s license. (UAE) I mean, is that so bad? And we females were escorted to the front of any long queue as it would be dangerous for us to be fraternizing in the queue with the opposite sex

      — or, as I like to call you guys, the opposite species.

  4. Mary writes:

    To Wreck Community

    “Person wishing to take over a nation can usually do so by setting one subgroup against another in that nation. Aided by the media, Group A can come to believe anything bad about Group B and vice versa. The guarantee of the success of this trick is that any person in Group B who wants to make nice with A will be very worried that his fellow B’s will hate him for bending to the “enemy.” Sad, but true.”

    It’s called Marxism – cultural Marxism

    • Cultural Marxism – Social Chaos
    • Cultural Marxism and the social chaos of equality, multiculturalism, diversity, and political correctness
    • John V Asia Teacher


  5. The Qld government is more or less on the same page –

    The Truth of It | The Truth about Daniel Andrews: Australia’s #1 Social Engineer | Ep. 61

  6. Dee and all writers here,
    thank you for the good articles that are always interesting reading.
    Mary your great summation above, among the best.
    All we need to do is tell the truth and everything will get better.

    • “All we need to do is tell the truth and everything will get better.” – You can’t do that in a deceitful society, the truth tellers become the losers. There needs to be punishment, lots of punishment, for the liars. As of now, the liars are rewarded for their lies.

      • You are absolutely correct, TS. Even when the liars are caught out, woolly-minded idealists let them off, saying “surely they have learned their lesson”.

        They never learn.

        • Terry and Tony,
          I pray and swear in the same breath. Still doesn’t give me the strength to take another’s life. Something our oppressor’s have no problem executing. Stupid is strong, trying to fight with guns we don’t have, we’ll be dead before we stand.
          The only way is to hit them with truth, hopefully enough will wake up to tip the scales, that’s all we have now. Win or lose, doesn’t matter, the division is eternal. Our forebears faced it as we do today. So enjoy a glass or two this evening, knowing the spirit in the wine continues even though we pass on.

      • They are not just liars! They are psychopathic megalomaniacs with defective thinking that have done much civil and criminal damage to society that can never ever be repaired. Any punishment for them would not be enough..,and moist likely they will walk free to the end of their lives until the Final Judgement where they will be punished for all of their evil deeds against humanity

  7. Aleister Crowley’s motto “Do as thou wilt is the whole of the law.”

    Interesting that, and true. The key to break the cycle.

    The gumshoe culture has our collective will gaining ever more focus to what maybe natural law. We can see many other micro culture’s doing the same thing. Cultures of life and progress, of integration driven by, though paradoxically enhancing, the individual and their will.

    The elite culture is a cult of death and destruction. The drivers of separation, that mindlessly seek a mono future for all, are dead already. They lack imagination so force history to repeat, the scraps they get from us can only get history to chime. Their idea of high art is Andy Warhol who can only repeat.
    Sure they pretend to invent technology but this is given to them, to get resource for the cult master who also uses them as cover. They demonize everything they can not be, jealous and hateful of the ease love comes to the masses.

    We all here grow at our own speed, all flawed. I’m a barbarian so reconciliation with our brothers and sisters that do harm, with genuine good intentions, is going to take a while.

  8. “………..A Chicago Rabbi recently said:

    “We have been told, long enough: ‘You cannot change Human Nature; but, I say to you Human Nature can be changed; and, what is more Human Nature must be changed.”

    And, how may it be changed? A Danish philosopher has given the formula. He speaks of traditions of caste as undeniable obstacles to the realization of Freedom and Equality, but suggests how these obstacles may be converted into opportunities saying:

    “In the nature of Inequality is a secret. Equality becomes inhuman under forced abolition of inequality; Inequality becomes inhuman when we neglect to promote equality, it is upon inequality as a basis, that equality must be reared. The agony of society arises from this simple thesis being misunderstood on opposite sides.”


    Mother Nature knows nothing of equality – and in fact, … If any and all paths equally lead to successful outcomes, and there is no such thing as a bad decision, the only explanation for success is robbery. Of course, not all cultures are equal, not all paths lead equally to success, and not all decisions are the same. And no two groups of people have equal averages by any metric. But …



    PROTOCOL No. 2

    In all corners of the earth the words “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity,” brought to our ranks, thanks to our blind agents, whole legions who bore our banners with enthusiasm. And all the time these words were canker-worms at work boring into the well-being of the GOYIM, putting an end everywhere to peace, quiet, solidarity and destroying all the foundations of the GOYA States. As you will see later, this helped us to our triumph: it gave us the possibility, among other things, of getting into our hands the master card – the destruction of the privileges, or in other words of the very existence of the aristocracy of the GOYIM, that class which was the only defense peoples and countries had against us. On the ruins of the eternal and genealogical aristocracy of the GOYIM we have set up the aristocracy of our educated class headed by the aristocracy of money. The qualifications for this aristocracy we have established in wealth, which is dependent upon us, and in knowledge, for which our learned elders provide the motive force.

      • So what is the new hat that replaces the Protocols?

        Protocol XI.

        “God has granted to us, His Chosen People, the gift of dispersion, and from this, which appears to all eyes to be our weakness, has come forth all our strength, which has now brought us to the threshold of sovereignty over all the world.”

        In the year 1844, on the eve of the Jewish Revolution of 1848, Benjamin Disraeli, whose real name was Israel, and who was a “damped,” or baptized Jew, published his novel, CONINGSBY, in which occurs this ominous passage:

        “The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.”

        And he went on to show that these personages were all Jews.

        Mr. Henry Ford, in an interview published in the New York WORLD, February 17th, 1921, put the case for Nilus tersely and convincingly thus:

        “The only statement I care to make about the PROTOCOLS is that they fit in with what is going on. They are sixteen years old, and they have fitted the world situation up to this time. THEY FIT IT NOW.”

  9. As I said re the previous post, just as mortality is built into the human genome, every earthly system for dispensing law & order has an expiry date. If you’ve nothing else to fall back on you’re screwed

  10. Modus Operandi in Thailand
    The generals running Thailand (since some years ago when “democracy” was put on hold) don’t seem to have any special allegiance to China or anyone else, perhaps mostly to the US but it’s not very apparent, they seem to want to hold onto Thailand for themselves, like other countries in the region.
    So the flu hysteria is used to shut down markets, traditional centres of free enterprise, the food source for towns and villages, the hub of activity, these markets are being stigmatised and shut down even though nobody in Thailand is dying of flu, unless you consider the occasional half-dead person who has supposedly succumbed, or the very occasional hospital worker.
    Even years before, the street food vendors were being shut down and moved on, the most recent new rule before 2020 was “no trading on Monday”, they were supposed to pack up everything Sunday night and take it “somewhere” until Tuesday, many of these small businesses were so rickety they would fall apart on the journey.
    The next step is to urge people to save the economy by buying Thai manufactures which are not selling overseas as much as they were, for example new cars. Everyone in Asia wants a new car, if the interest rate is low enough they will all buy them, never mind there’s no parking, or that they will be worthless in 10 years or maybe less if they continue with lockdowns. So take away their income and get them in debt, while interest rates are low. When they are all signed up, increase the rates and take everything they have.
    Before you know it they will be begging for a GREAT RESET and faux communism !!!
    The military government is pushing on with the quaxxines, no doubt some external pressure there, even though nobody is dying, they all have natural herd immunity. But a huge part of the Thai tourist economy is hospitals, so they will need to do as directed by BigPharma et al, or risk being cut out of some lucrative deals.
    So it seems rulers of countries understand the program and implement it for their own benefit, only countries with a decent constitution are able to resist. To the extent places like this are infiltrated by banks and multinationals, they will be exploited, but much of it seems to come from within.

  11. One Party State in Western Australia
    Also interesting to watch is the potential Communist takeover in WA; when these ALP people try to retain all their seats at the next election, they will have to pork-barrel half the state. Where will all this money come from, well, I am expecting CCP land acquisitions and leases all over the north west, these will I suppose be called “one-belt-road partnerships” or something insipid like that and we will learn later of huge bunkers, silos, deep water harbours and so forth that can be quickly converted to military infrastructure. After all, isn’t that what the one-belt-road is, a thinly veiled copy of the former British expansionist methods, where advantageous trade was enforced by gunboats.
    And if the one-party-state in WA refuses to deliver for the CCP, well, the economy goes down the drain perhaps, as Queensland’s I think has done, especially around Townsville.
    All this is from the playbook of the European expansions, where you hand out beads to the natives, who think they are treasures, in return for tracts of land which the natives probably thought would be shared or eventually returned.
    The CCP goes as far as allowing its citizens to think that HongKong was stolen and occupied by the British until 1997 when it was under a 99-year lease. So, the brainwashing is in progress, the pieces are all being put in place, next if Canberra goes Red, things might start happening faster than people expect, realise or even notice.

  12. (From the article:) Robison, 223 years ago:

    • “The aim of the Order is not to enlighten the mind of man … they want to abolish Christianity.
    • “… overturn all the civil governments of Europe; … till they have reduced mankind to the state of one undistinguishable chaotic mass.”

    In “Brave New World” the eugenicist Huxley makes several snide references to a thing of the past called “Christianity”:

    • “There was a thing, as I’ve said before, called Christianity.”
    • “The ethics and philosophy of under-consumption …”
    • “Ending is better than mending.”

    • “What you need is a gramme of soma.”
    • “All the advantages of Christianity and alcohol; none of their defects.”

    • And there’s always soma to calm your anger … You can carry at least half your mortality about in a bottle. Christianity without tears–that’s what soma is.”

    • “… about sixty thousand Indians and half-breeds … absolute savages … our inspectors occasionally visit … otherwise, no communication what- ever with the civilized world … still preserve their repulsive habits and customs … marriage, if you know what that is, my dear young lady; families … no conditioning … monstrous superstitions … Christianity and totemism and ancestor worship … extinct languages, such as Zuñi and Spanish and Athapascan … pumas, porcupines and other ferocious animals … infectious diseases … priests … venomous lizards …”

    In “The Secret World Government – or The Hidden Hand” (see link posted below and in the previous thread by Crisscross, with thanks) Cherep- Spiridovich also issues a dire warning about “Satan’s and his sons’ “lust for murder”” and their intention to eradicate Christians and Christianity.

    • “The Talmud is today preached in every synagogue! It teaches: “Thou (Jew) shalt smite the other nations, which the Lord delivers in your (Jewish) hands”. . .”kill the best goyim” (gentiles.)”

    • “History proves, and the Jewish Encyclopaedia confirms it, that the so-called “German, Russian, Polish and Eastern Jews” are Mongols, who accepted the Jewish Talmud, which is not the creed given to Moses. The Talmud seems more like the by-laws of a gang of murderers than a religion, yet it is strictly followed by the so-called “Jews.”

    • “Among others things the Talmud teaches: “The best Gentiles must be destroyed,” and similar commands. However, many politicians have the effrontery to declare that this “religion” ought also to be “respected,” while it ought to be exposed in the Courts, as inciting to murder.”

    • “The wild Bolshevist meetings in New York prove that the same “earthquake” that is destroying Russia, the former Eastern guardian of Christian civilization, is beginning in America.”

    • Out of each 100 gentiles 99 will surely shout :
    • ‘ CHRIST ordered us to love even our worst foes.”
    • Precisely; that is why we are obliged to prevent the Jews from ”doing their lust of murder.” The more we love somebody, the more must we endeavor to cure his criminality.

    Matthew Raphael Johnson takes up this theme:

    • Confronting the Heresy of ‘Christian Pacifism’

    • Make sure to listen to this guy for a t least a few minutes before drawing any conclusions.
      Very worthwhile to look at historical things properly in context and not just take the pre-cooked version that is handed down.
      Personally I always thought the bible had been reheated so many times it has to be read critically and forensically. I have missed out on quite a lot of indoctrination, but indoctrination is a different angle that is no doubt very pervasive in society.

      Always digressing, it makes me think of the bishops crosier or “crook” (def: the hooked staff of a shepherd) and the implied crowd control and reprogramming, I went to look up when this thing was invented and turns out it was very much pre-Christian

  13. the author quotes Aleister Crowley’s motto “Do as thou wilt is the whole of the law.” and like most including the elite you do not know what he ment let me enlighten you, Learn To Think For Yourself, to know who you are, be wary of whats in your head if further understanding you need then its a allegory.

      • Italy Launches Manslaughter Investigation After Death By AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine
        by GGI Staff
        The prosecutor of Biella, Italy has opened a manslaughter investigation following the death of a man a few hours after getting vaccinated and ordered to seize a batch of AstraZeneca Covid-19 jabs. He ordered the preventive seizure of the entire ‘ABV5811’ batch of AstraZeneca vaccines of the country that may affect 400,000 doses of the Anglo-Swedish jab.

        Read more of this post

        The same has happened here in Australia so why not an investigation with appropriate charges?

  14. https://archivist.neocities.org/webb/
    In the DynCorp Harvest series, George incrementally describes a luxury medical tourism resort in Northern Haiti, funded by USAID and built by the Clinton Foundation, whose revenue-earning underpinnings are purported to be a) an illegal organ harvesting market, b) human sex trafficking Dyncorp-Slim ratline and c) microlending loansharking debt slavery by DynCorp–the CIA’s privatized, covert-services contractor.

    The organs are proposed to be either transplanted in Haiti into rich elites skipping the lines with help from organ brokers he believes the Podestas and Braverman-the-doctor to be, or shipped to locations throughout the US to various aristocratic outlets; while women are forced into cellphone-based debt slavery and prostitution; and children are sex-trafficked to Colombia or stowed aboard a medical ship bound for a port in Norfolk Va to be (mkultra-best-use/sex/assassin/politician) trafficked in DC (and abroad). Furthermore, and much like they were in Vietnam, the bodies would then be zipped in DynCorp bodybags, shipped abroad with organs removed and replaced with illegal drugs.

    These activities, in addition to blackmailing police forces, politicians, and industry influencers into compliance and loyal servitude–the so-called Brownstone Operations–are the “natural and necessary” functions of the CIA, because–the company erroneously believes–these activities are needed to fund these selfsame covert operations! Putting it more simply, “We need to commit crimes so we can continue to commit crimes.”

    There. Now you understand the CIA.

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