Home Media The Disinformation Industry

The Disinformation Industry


Comment by DM,

Gumshoe was subject to advertising ‘disinformation’.



  1. Amongst other things, Climate Change Denial listed for Big Brother censorship.
    Well the climate change deniers should stop spreading lies about CO2 and Bill Gates “solutions to climate change”.
    Let’s all acknowledge “the existential threat of climate change” as factual, we could go into an ice age or a Jurassic era warm period AT ANY TIME !!! Let’s all buy a warm jumper and an extra air conditioner in case the climate changes. Let’s stop the climate change deniers burying data and force them to admit that there have been mini ice-ages throughout recent history as well as ancient history. Who knows what is going on inside the sun but the climate change deniers believe the world began around 1900 AD and the sun burns with an absolutely constant heat and no variations exist in any part of the world, solar system or even galaxy, it all runs like a clockwork machine. GOVERNMENT INITIATED CLIMATE CHANGE DENIAL IS POLITICAL ONLY DESIGNED TO INSTALL THE TEALS PARTY TO DELIVER POWER TO THE COMMUNISTS. Climate change is real, it is an existential threat and it doesn’t appear to be happening at all right now, despite the lies and hysteria over video of large puddles.

  2. “professional troublemaker” James Lindsay highlighting why Unherd has been listed as a “disinformation” broadcaster:

    • good to be reminded that “left” & “right” are actually two wings of the same critter
      which of course means that immobilisation would simply be a matter of one of them ceasing to flap

      but I still think that unwarranted abuse was hurled at Kathleen Stock and that penalising Unherd for allowing her to speak just proves that those concerned are well out of their reckoning

  3. The history of disinformation has now been upended with information.
    Bye MICHELLE ROWLANDS MP. Minister for truth, propagating present and serial historic BULL TITS.
    Bye bye MSM. We are 99.99% you lot are the rump.

  4. As many have discerned I just scroll over Mary’s report at situation update at before its news.com. People powered news.
    I try and spike some interest for the brave to consider.
    WELL JUST GO TO ABOUT 23 mins plus a few.
    This is my entry.
    Welcome ladies and gentleman, I proceed firstly, to lot 666 due to so much expressed interest .
    We have before you a very alive subject in the crib. Please be free to see the monitors.
    Heart healthy and beating soundly… it is being played for you live through your monitors.
    Item is merely a day old and from the medical support agents. Item is Caucasian from a distinguished pedigree and birth parent. Certificates of authenticity are attached to a toe.
    Bids are open for the whole item, refer to the brochure, bids are open as for the whole item or parts thereof. Limbs or items within the body.
    Do I have an opening bid… now there is a reserve on the whole or parts.
    Thank you sir, $200,000 for the whole body.
    No more!?
    Next item, just birthed, an item of no known origin ….
    YOU THINK I AM F’N joking!!!?

      • The vid:

        • I often look at alternative views to get a broader understanding of what is going on in this world. I could only get through a little over an hour of that video before I shut it down. All the platitudes about ‘democracy’, evil KGB, climate change, yadda, yadda, overloaded my circuits. If anybody watched the above video all the way through, could you give me a synopsis of where all that bullshit was going.

    • NO NO NO.
      Wrong VIDEO.
      The video I referenced was at about the 23 mins at situation update at beforeitsnews.com – people powered news reported by Mary.
      It refers to the dissection of foetus/ baby parts for sale.
      ARE YOU ABLE TO CONCEIVE THOSE PSYCHOS WHO THINK THAT WE who are not chosen, ARE goyim cattle.

      • How can anyone not appreciate that we are now in the ‘error’ of a Anti-Christ agenda?
        That simply means: they do not have any idea.
        Treat your neighbour as you would that you would treat yourself..
        How f’n simple is that?
        How many think and act otherwise?
        Those who do NOT, are sick authoritarian political and mass media psychos.
        For all the bible people, give me a break. Do not confuse the gullibles with theoretical historical intricacies
        DO NOT TREAT OTHERS as thy
        would NOT treat one’s self.
        For the bible people. If you cannot recite Christ’s message in a few lines, get lost.
        Try, those who abuse children (and their abettors) should have a millstone strung around their necks and cast into the sea.

        • You can see they were doing body parts in all the Arab wars since Bush War 1, the young Arabs don’t drink alcohol, very healthy kidneys, we need lots of kidneys, the UN goes in there to “help …” what they mean is “help themselves” to a few organs, fly them out to Tel Aviv or Europe, even Australia, we need stem cells the lot. We need more kidneys because the crooked MedicalSystem doesn’t tell people how to unblock their livers, it’s so easy !!! They will never tell.
          All you need is Epsom salt, olive oil and grapefruit juice, look it up yourself on nexus magazine or try searching “gallstones”, if you can’t be bothered the MedicalSystem will get you a new kidney from some young warrior ( or victim ).

  5. Politicians misinforming and disinforming

    Political misinformation

    Port Arthur to Christ Church Part 1

    Watching how the elitists work, planning over decades, centuries ahead, and joining the dots. 1996 Port Arthur Massacre is widely known now to have been a government sponsored black psychological trauma “event” as a prelude to disarming the law-abiding populace painlessly. Not a lone gunman despite patsy and mk ultra victim Bryant sitting in jail for 35 consecutive life sentences while very few stand up for him. A retired Victorian policeman told me in 2001 (even before sept 11) that T.H.E.Y (the hierarchy enslaving you) were disarming the developed world nations in preparation for martial law takeover of the people by 2015-2016. I thought he was mad way back then, but as they practiced martial law on the people of Boston after the bombing hoax in 2013, I remembered his prophecy. Now I see they took NZ in less than two weeks-I don’t know what’s coming but it’s not good – as many as possible need to pull out, stop supporting the system where you can, pull away, do things differently, free yourselves and start new real community connections. Thanks 153news for at least a place to share whats going on


    • Crooked minion premier Roger Cook of WA has already announced in the daily rag a couple of weeks ago he will turn WA into “an island within an island” for the next scamdemic, he will put soldiers on all the borders, which is to say use the army against Australia citizens who have the right of free travel according to the constitution, they aim to WAIVE ALL RIGHTS via their emergency legislation.
      You WILL be locked up and you WILL be injected and you WILL die according to the schedule, blood clots all round, except politicians et al, they are exempt.

    • Monster drink—Unleash the beast… (very interesting discussion about Monster drink) Don’t buy into the mainstream addictive products

  6. Low latitude auroras
    Magnetic Pole Shift acceleration
    Of all the current global concerns this should be top of the list but there is no media coverage.No surprise there.

    • Chan Thomas’ book was banned by the CIA for years and later released in redacted form. My money is still on the Mayans and their system of complex calendars (bookmakers don’t take wagers on potential extinction events, simply because there will be no one around to collect their winnings).

  7. Your Berth certificate in all Capital letters is your Docket Sig nifying that you are a Corp oration. From the time you are born you have a Sig-nature not an autograph. Sig in Hebrew means away from. You are away from nature.

  8. CIA Admits to Congress the Agency Uses Mainstream Media to Distribute Disinformation

    This article, first published on GR in August 2015, tells us the trail of media disinformation by US government apparatuses.

    It has been verified by a source who claims she was there that then-CIA Director William Casey did in fact say the controversial and often-disputed line “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false,” reportedly in 1981.

    Despite Casey being under investigation by Congress for being involved in a major disinformation plot involving the overthrow of Libya’s Qaddafi in 1981, and despite Casey arguing on the record that the CIA should have a legal right to spread disinformation via the mainstream news that same year, this quote continues to be argued by people who weren’t there and apparently cannot believe a CIA Director would ever say such a thing.

    But spreading disinfo is precisely what the CIA would — and did — do.

    “The CIA was in fact the brainchild of Wall Street and designed by
    Wall Street from its inception to be the tool of the financial mandarins
    for the complete subversion of the Constitution and the US Government, and the destabilization and looting of the rest of the world.”


    h ttp://www.serendipity.li/cia/cia_oz/cia_oz1.htm

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